99 Bottles of Beer/Shell: Difference between revisions

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m (Fixed syntax highlighting and duplicate headers.)
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<!-- =Task in Shell(s)= -->
{{collection|99 Bottles of Beer}} [[implementation of task::99 Bottles of Beer| ]]
[[implementation of task::99 Bottles of Beer| ]]
[[99 Bottles of Beer]] done in any of the Shell-languages.
<syntaxhighlight lang="autoHotkey">; RC: 99 bottles of beer
b = 99
Loop, %b% {
s .= b . " bottles of beer on the wall,`n"
. b . " bottles of beer.`nTake one down, pass it around,`n"
. b-1 . " bottles of beer on the wall.`n`n"
Gui, Add, Edit, w200 h200, %s%
Gui, Show, , 99 bottles of beer
Return ; end of auto-execute section
Delayed Sing along
<syntaxhighlight lang="autoHotkey">n=99
Gui, Font, s20 cMaroon, Comic Sans MS
Gui, Add, Text, w500 vLyrics, %n% bottles of beer on the wall...
Gui, Show
Loop {
Sleep, 2000
GuiControl,,Lyrics,% n!=1 ? n " bottles of beer.":n " bottle of beer."
Sleep, 2000
GuiControl,,Lyrics,% n ? "Take one down, pass it around...":"Go to the store, buy some more..."
Sleep, 2000
n := n ? --n:99
GuiControl,,Lyrics,% n!=1 ? n " bottles of beer on the wall.":n " bottle of beer on the wall."
Sleep, 2000
GuiControl,,Lyrics,% n!=1 ? n " bottles of beer on the wall...":n " bottle of beer on the wall..."
Fast and Short:
<syntaxhighlight lang="autoHotkey">b=99
Loop, %b% {
s := b " bottles of beer on the wall, " b " bottles of beer, Take one down, pass it around " b-1 " bottles of beer on the wall"
sleep, 40
With a GUI and slight grammatical variation:
<syntaxhighlight lang="autoHotkey">N=o more
L:=Z M:=(B:=" bottle")"s"
Loop 99
V.=L (W:=(O:=" of beer")" on the wall")",`n"L O ",`nTake one down and pass it around,`n"(L:=(--Z ? Z:"N"N)(Z=1 ? B:M))W ".`n`n"
Gui,Add,Edit,w600 h250,% V L W ", n"N M O ".`nGo to the store and buy some more, 99"M W "."
Recursive with slight grammatical variation:
<syntaxhighlight lang="autoHotkey">99bottles()
99bottles(x=99) {
ToolTip, % Format("{1:} {2:} of beer on the wall, {1:L} {2:} of beer.{4:}{3:} {2:} of beer on the wall!"
,(x?x:"No more")
,(x=1?"no more":x=0?99:x-1)
,(x?"`nYou take one down pass it around, ":"`nGo to the store and buy some more, ")),500,300
sleep 99
<syntaxhighlight lang="autoit">local $bottleNo=99
local $lyrics=" "
While $bottleNo<>0
If $bottleNo=1 Then
$lyrics&=$bottleNo & " bottles of beer on the wall" & @CRLF
$lyrics&=$bottleNo & " bottles of beer" & @CRLF
$lyrics&="Take one down, pass it around" & @CRLF
$lyrics&=$bottleNo & " bottles of beer on the wall" & @CRLF
$lyrics&=$bottleNo & " bottles of beer" & @CRLF
$lyrics&="Take one down, pass it around" & @CRLF
If $bottleNo=1 Then
$lyrics&=$bottleNo-1 & " bottle of beer" & @CRLF
$lyrics&=$bottleNo-1 & " bottles of beer" & @CRLF
Easier to read output to Console:
<syntaxhighlight lang="autoit">
$bottles = 99
$lyrics1 = " bottles of beer on the wall. "
$lyrics2 = " bottles of beer. Take one down and pass it around. "
For $i = $bottles To 1 Step -1
If $i = 1 Then
$lyrics1 = " bottle of beer on the wall. "
$lyrics2 = " bottle of beer. Take one down and pass it around. "
$lyrics3 = " Go to the store and get some more! No bottles of beer on the wall!"
ConsoleWrite($bottles & $lyrics1 & $bottles & $lyrics2 & $lyrics3 & @CRLF)
ConsoleWrite($bottles & $lyrics1 & $bottles & $lyrics2 & $bottles - 1 & $lyrics1 & @CRLF)
$bottles -= 1
===Batch File===
<syntaxhighlight lang="dos">@echo off
for /L %%i in (99,-1,1) do (
call :verse %%i
echo no bottles of beer on the wall
echo no bottles of beer
echo go to the store and buy some more
echo 99 bottles of beer on the wall
set /p q="Keep drinking? "
if %q% == y goto main
if %q% == Y goto main
goto :eof
call :plural %1 res
echo %res% of beer on the wall
echo %res% of beer
call :oneit %1 res
echo take %res% down and pass it round
set /a c=%1-1
call :plural %c% res
echo %res% of beer on the wall
goto :eof
if %1 gtr 1 goto :gtr
if %1 equ 1 goto :equ
set %2=no bottles
goto :eof
set %2=%1 bottles
goto :eof
set %2=1 bottle
goto :eof
if %1 equ 1 (
set %2=it
) else (
set %2=one
goto :eof</syntaxhighlight>
===friendly interactive shell===
<syntaxhighlight lang="fishshell">set i 99
# Assign s to variable $s
set s s
while test $i != 'No more'
echo $i bottle$s of beer on the wall,
echo $i bottle$s of beer.
echo Take one down, pass it around,
set i (math $i - 1)
if test $i -eq 1
set s ""
else if test $i -eq 0
set i 'No more'
echo $i bottle$s of beer on the wall.
if test $i != 'No more'
====A standard impementation using a For loop====
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell">for($n=99; $n -gt 0; $n--) {
"$n bottles of beer on the wall"
"$n bottles of beer"
"Take one down, pass it around"
[string]($n-1) + " bottles of beer on the wall"
====My standard implementation using for loop====
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell">[int]$i = 99;
for($i=99; $i -gt 0; $i--) {
write-host $i " bottles of beer on the wall";
write-host $i " bottles of beer";
write-host "Take one down, pass it around"
write-host ($i-1) " bottles of beer on the wall"
write-host ""
====Consolidating the static text and using a Do...while loop====
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell">$n=99
do {
"{0} bottles of beer on the wall`n{0} bottles of beer`nTake one down, pass it around`n{1} bottles of beer on the wall`n" -f $n, --$n
} while ($n -gt 0)</syntaxhighlight>
====Consolidating the static text and using a Do...until loop====
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell">$n=99
do {
"{0} bottles of beer on the wall`n{0} bottles of beer`nTake one down, pass it around`n{1} bottles of beer on the wall`n" -f $n, --$n
} until ($n -eq 0)</syntaxhighlight>
====Consolidating the static text even more====
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell">$s = "{0} bottles of beer on the wall`n{0} bottles of beer`nTake one down, pass it around`n{1} bottles of beer on the wall`n"
do { $s -f $n, --$n } while ($n -gt 0)</syntaxhighlight>
====Using the Pipeline====
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell">99..1 | ForEach-Object {
$s=$( if( $_ -ne 1 ) { 's' } else { '' } )
$s2=$( if( $_ -ne 2 ) { 's' } else { '' } )
"$_ bottle$s of beer on the wall`n$_ bottle$s of beer`nTake one down`npass it around`n$( $_ - 1 ) bottle$s2 of beer on the wall`n"}</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="prodos">editvar /newvar /value=a=99
printline -a- bottles of beer on the wall
printline -a- bottles of beer
printline Take one down, pass it round
editvar /newvar /value=a=-a-1
if -a- /hasvalue 1 goto :1
printline -a- bottles of beer on the wall.
goto :a
printline 1 bottle of beer on the wall
printline 1 bottle of beer
printline take it down, pass it round
printline no bottles of beer on the wall.
editvar /newvar /value=b /userinput=1 /title=Keep drinking?
if -b- /hasvalue yes goto :a else exitprogram</syntaxhighlight>
===UNIX Shell===
{{works with|Bourne Shell}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">#!/bin/sh
i=99 s=s
while [ $i -gt 0 ]; do
echo "$i bottle$s of beer on the wall"
echo "$i bottle$s of beer
Take one down, pass it around"
# POSIX allows for $(( i - 1 )) but some older Unices didn't have that
i=`expr $i - 1`
[ $i -eq 1 ] && s=
echo "$i bottle$s of beer on the wall
{{works with|Bash}}
{{works with|ksh93}}
{{works with|zsh}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">bottles() {
(( beer > 0 )) && printf '%d' $beer || printf "No more"
printf " bottle"
((beer != 1 )) && printf "s"
printf " of beer"
for ((i=99;i>=0;i--)); do
printf '%s on the wall\n' "$(bottles $remaining)"
printf '%s\n' "$(bottles $remaining)"
if (( remaining == 0 )); then
printf 'Go to the store and buy some more\n'
printf 'Take one down, pass it around\n'
printf '%s on the wall\n\n' "$(bottles $remaining)"
====C Shell====
<syntaxhighlight lang="csh">@ i=99
set s=s
while ($i > 0)
echo "$i bottle$s of beer on the wall"
echo "$i bottle$s of beer"
echo "Take one down, pass it around"
@ i = $i - 1
if ($i == 1) then
set s=
set s=s
echo "$i bottle$s of beer on the wall"
echo ""
es - extensible shell
<syntaxhighlight lang="es">i = 99
s = s
while {test $i -gt 0} {
echo $i bottle$s of beer on the wall
echo $i bottle$s of beer
echo Take one down, pass it around
i = `{expr $i - 1}
if {test $i -eq 1} {s = ''} {s = s}
echo $i bottle$s of beer on the wall
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash"># Unix Pipes, avoiding all the turing complete sub programs like sed, awk, dc etc.
mkdir 99 || exit 1
trap "rm -rf 99" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(cd 99
mkfifo p.b1 p.b2 p.verse1 p.wall p.take
yes "on the wall" > p.wall &
yes "Take one down and pass it around, " > p.take &
(yes "bottles of beer" | nl -s\ | head -n 99 | tac | head -n 98 ;
echo "One bottle of beer";
echo "No more bottles of beer") | tee p.b1 p.b2 |
paste -d"\ " - p.wall p.b1 p.take | head -n 99 > p.verse1 &
cat p.b2 | tail -99 | paste -d"\ " p.verse1 - p.wall | head -n 99
rm -rf 99</syntaxhighlight>
