4-rings or 4-squares puzzle: Difference between revisions

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Dinosaur (talk | contribs)
Dinosaur (talk | contribs)
Line 726:
EQUIVALENCE (V(1),A),(V(2),B),(V(3),C), !Yes,
1 (V(4),D),(V(5),E),(V(6),F),(V(7),G) !We're all individuals.
WRITE (6,1) FIRST,LAST !Announce: first part.
1 FORMAT (/,"The Four Rings puzzle, over ",I0," to ",I0,".",$) !$: An addendum follows.
IF (UNIQUE) WRITE (6,*) "Distinct values only." !Save on the THEN ... ELSE ... END IF blather.
IF (.NOT.UNIQUE) WRITE (6,*) "Repeated values allowed." !Perhaps the compiler will be smarter.
Line 765:
END </lang>
Output: not in a neat order because the first variable is not determined first.