24 game: Difference between revisions

4,821 bytes added ,  22 days ago
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(4 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 5,837:
alldigits=array[1 to 9]
<syntaxhighlight lang="frink">ops = ["+", "-", "*", "/"]
chosen = new array
for n = 0 to 3
chosen@n = random[alldigits]
chosen = new array[[4], {|x| random[1,9]}]
ops = ["+", "-", "*", "/"]
for d = chosen.lexicographicPermute[]
multifor o = [ops, ops, ops]
str = "((" + d@0 + o@0 + d@1 + ")" + o@1 + d@2 + ")" + o@2 + d@3
if eval[str] == 24
str = "(" + d@0 + o@0 + d@1 + ")" + o@1 + "(" + d@2 + + o@2 + d@3 + ")"
if eval[str] == 24
Line 5,855:
[49, 38, 17, 4]
Line 6,917 ⟶ 6,915:
'''Works with jq, the C implementation of jq'''
'''Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq'''
Note that the RPN evaluator used here allows expressions such as "1 2 3 + +".
Note also that in RPN expressions:
* If a and b are numeric, then "a b -" is evaluated to the arithmetic expression `a - b`.
* If a and b are numeric, then "a b /" is evaluated as a/b, which need not be an integer.
For the "24 Game":
* Spaces may be omitted in RPN input.
* When comparing a result to 24, `round` is used.
The [[:Category:Jq/MRG32k3a.jq | MRG32k3a]] module is used for generating pseudo-random numbers.
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">
### The MRG32k3a combined recursive PRNG - see above
import "MRG32k3a" as MRG {search: "."};
### Generic utilities
def sum(stream): reduce stream as $x (0; .+$x);
# like while/2 but emit the final term rather than the first one
def whilst(cond; update):
def _whilst:
if cond then update | (., _whilst) else empty end;
### Reverse Polish Notation
# An array of the allowed operators
def operators: "+-*/" | split("");
# If $a and $b are numbers and $c an operator, then "$a $b $c" is evaluated as an RPN expression.
# Output: {emit, result} with .emit == null if there is a valid result.
def applyOperator($a; $b; $c):
if ([$a,$b] | map(type) | unique) == ["number"]
if $c == "+" then {result: ($a + $b)}
elif $c == "-" then {result: ($a - $b)}
elif $c == "*" then {result: ($a * $b)}
elif ($c == "/") then {result: ($b / $a)}
else {emit: "unrecognized operator: \($c)"}
else {emit: "invalid number"}
# Input: an array representing an RPN expression.
# Output: {emit, result} as per applyOperator/3
# Example: [1,2,3,"+","+"] | evaluate #=> 6
def evaluate:
if length == 1
then if .[0]|type == "number" then {result: .[0]}
else {emit: "invalid RPN expression"}
elif length < 3 then {emit: "invalid RPN expression: \(. | join(" "))"}
else . as $in
| (first( range(0; length) as $i | select(any( operators[]; . == $in[$i]) ) | $i) // null) as $ix
| if $ix == null then {emit: "invalid RPN expression"}
else applyOperator(.[$ix-2]; .[$ix-1]; .[$ix]) as $result
| if $result.result then .[:$ix-2] + [$result.result] + .[$ix+1:] | evaluate
else $result
### The "24 Game"
# . is the putative RPN string to be checked.
# $four is the string of the four expected digits, in order.
# Output: {emit, result} with .emit set to "Correct!" if .result == 24
def check($four):
if (gsub("[^1-9]";"") | explode | sort | implode) != $four
then {emit: "You must use each of the four digits \($four | split("") | join(" ")) exactly once:"}
else . as $in
| {s: [], emit: null}
| [$in | split("")[] | select(. != " ")
| . as $in | explode[0] | if . >= 48 and . <= 57 then . - 48 else $in end]
| evaluate
| if .result
then if .result|round == 24 then .emit = "Correct!"
else .emit = "Value \(.result) is not 24."
else .emit += "\nTry again, or enter . to start again, or q to quit."
end ;
def run:
# Populate .digits with four non-negative digits selected at random, with replacement:
{digits: (9 | MRG::prn(4) | map(. + 1))}
| (.digits | sort | join("")) as $four
| "At the prompt, enter an RPN string (e.g. 64*1+1-), or . for a new set of four digits, or q to quit.",
"Make 24 using these digits, once each, in any order: \(.digits):",
( whilst( .stop | not;
.emit = null
| . as $state
| try input catch halt
| if IN( "q", "quit") then halt
elif . == "." then $state | .stop = true
else check($four)
| if .result then .stop = true end
end )
| select(.emit).emit ),
# rerun
The following is an illustrative transcript.
$ jq -nRr -f 24-game.jq
At the prompt, enter an RPN string (e.g. 64*1+1-), or . for a new set of four digits, or q to quit.
Make 24 using these digits, once each, in any order: [7,7,6,8]:
Value 28 is not 24.
At the prompt, enter an RPN string (e.g. 64*1+1-), or . for a new set of four digits, or q to quit.
Make 24 using these digits, once each, in any order: [7,8,6,8]:
At the prompt, enter an RPN string (e.g. 64*1+1-), or . for a new set of four digits, or q to quit.
Make 24 using these digits, once each, in any order: [7,2,1,8]:
At the prompt, enter an RPN string (e.g. 64*1+1-), or . for a new set of four digits, or q to quit.
Make 24 using these digits, once each, in any order: [6,4,2,6]:
Line 12,134 ⟶ 12,262:
=={{header|V (Vlang)}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="v (vlang)">import os
import rand
import rand.seed