24 game/Solve: Difference between revisions

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(clarify a descriptive sentence.)
(added ocaml)
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*<code>Permutations[Array[v, n]]</code> returns <math>n!</math> permutations.
*<code>Permutations[Array[v, n]]</code> returns <math>n!</math> permutations.
Therefore, the size of the working set is <math>64 \cdot n!\, C_{n-1} = 64 \cdot (n-1)!!!! = 64 \frac{(2n-2)!}{(n-1)!}</math>, where <math>n!!!!</math> is the [[wp:quadruple factorial|quadruple factorial]]. It goes without saying that this number increases very fast. For this game, the total is 7680 elements. For higher numbers of inputs, it is {7 680, 107 520, 1 935 360, 42 577 920, 1 107 025 920, ...}.
Therefore, the size of the working set is <math>64 \cdot n!\, C_{n-1} = 64 \cdot (n-1)!!!! = 64 \frac{(2n-2)!}{(n-1)!}</math>, where <math>n!!!!</math> is the [[wp:quadruple factorial|quadruple factorial]]. It goes without saying that this number increases very fast. For this game, the total is 7680 elements. For higher numbers of inputs, it is {7 680, 107 520, 1 935 360, 42 577 920, 1 107 025 920, ...}.


<lang ocaml>type expression =
| Const of float
| Sum of expression * expression (* e1 + e2 *)
| Diff of expression * expression (* e1 - e2 *)
| Prod of expression * expression (* e1 * e2 *)
| Quot of expression * expression (* e1 / e2 *)
let rec eval = function
| Const c -> c
| Sum (f, g) -> eval f +. eval g
| Diff(f, g) -> eval f -. eval g
| Prod(f, g) -> eval f *. eval g
| Quot(f, g) -> eval f /. eval g

let print_expr expr =
let open_paren prec op_prec =
if prec > op_prec then print_string "(" in
let close_paren prec op_prec =
if prec > op_prec then print_string ")" in
let rec print prec expr = (* prec is the current precedence *)
match expr with
| Const c -> Printf.printf "%g" c
| Sum(f, g) ->
open_paren prec 0;
print 0 f; print_string " + "; print 0 g;
close_paren prec 0
| Diff(f, g) ->
open_paren prec 0;
print 0 f; print_string " - "; print 1 g;
close_paren prec 0
| Prod(f, g) ->
open_paren prec 2;
print 2 f; print_string " * "; print 2 g;
close_paren prec 2
| Quot(f, g) ->
open_paren prec 2;
print 2 f; print_string " / "; print 3 g;
close_paren prec 2
print 0 expr

let rec insert v li = match li with
| [] -> [[v]]
| x::xs -> (v::li) :: (List.map (fun y -> x::y) (insert v xs))
let rec permutations li = match li with
| x::xs -> List.flatten (List.map (insert x) (permutations xs))
| _ -> [li]

let rec comp expr = function
| x::xs ->
comp (Sum (expr, x)) xs;
comp (Diff(expr, x)) xs;
comp (Prod(expr, x)) xs;
comp (Quot(expr, x)) xs;
| [] ->
if (eval expr) = 24.0
then (print_expr expr; print_newline())

let () =
let digits = Array.init 4 (fun _ -> 1 + Random.int 9) in
Array.iter (Printf.printf " %d") digits; print_newline();
let digits = Array.to_list(Array.map float_of_int digits) in
let digits = List.map (fun v -> Const v) digits in
let all = permutations digits in
List.iter (fun this ->
match this with
| x::xs -> comp x xs
| _ -> assert false
) all</lang>
