21 game: Difference between revisions

3,918 bytes added ,  9 months ago
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print "Bad luck. The computer wins."
end if</syntaxhighlight>
A fairly simple game, but this FutureBasic code builds a full, stand-alone, interactive app for it in about 100 LOC. It includes three levels of play, selectable via a menu:
Min level has the computer play at random, choosing the optimal play only 1/3 of the time. Good for learning, or for kids.
Mid level gives the computer its optimal play 2/3 of the time, making for more varied and interesting play.
Max level always chooses the optimal play, meaning when the computer starts, it can't lose, which seems less fun.
<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">
begin globals
begin enum 1
_human = 0
end enum
str15 cr : cr = chr$(13)
str255 string(1) : short who = _human
byte best(3), sum, num, skill = 1 //Medium skill
poke int @best(0), 33751297 //Initialize computer responses
end globals
local fn buildWindow
subclass window 1, @"21 Game in FutureBasic" , ( 0, 0,640,200 )
popupbutton _popup,, 1, @"Minimum;Medium;Maximum" , ( 80, 17,100, 32 )
textlabel _msg , @"Original code: J. Reeve", ( 20,160,600, 32 )
textlabel _skill , @"Skill level:", ( 20, 12, 75, 32 )
textfield _sum ,, @"0",( 530,85,90,60 )
button _btn1 ,, , @"1",( 245,20,50,50 ),,NSBezelStyleRegularSquare
button _btn2 ,, , @"2",( 295,20,50,50 ),,NSBezelStyleRegularSquare
button _btn3 ,, , @"3",( 345,20,50,50 ),,NSBezelStyleRegularSquare
ControlSetAlignment( _msg, NSTextAlignmentCenter )
ControlSetAlignment( _sum, NSTextAlignmentCenter )
TextFieldSetEditable( _sum, no )
ControlSetFontWithName( _msg, @"Menlo", 15.0 )
ControlSetFontWithName( _btn1, @"Menlo", 20.0 )
ControlSetFontWithName( _btn2, @"Menlo", 20.0 )
ControlSetFontWithName( _btn3, @"Menlo", 20.0 )
ControlSetFontWithName( _sum, @"Menlo", 32.0 )
text @"menlo", 15.0
end fn
local fn show( add as byte )
CFStringRef msg
if (sum + add) > 21 then beep : exit fn
button 1, who : button 2, who : button 3, who
sum += add : cls
ControlSetIntegerValue( _sum, sum )
string( who ) += "+" + chr$( add or 48 ) + " "
print cr;cr;cr;string( _human );cr;cr;string( _robot )))
if sum < 21
if who == _robot then msg = @"Your turn..." else msg = @"My turn..."
if who == _robot
msg = @"Too bad. I win. Press any key to play again."
msg = @"Congratulations! YOU WIN! Press any key to play again."
end if
end if
if peek( @string( who ) ) > 20 then textlabel _msg, msg
who = who xor _robot
end fn
local fn play( add as byte )
if sum + add > 21 then beep : exit fn
fn show( add ) //Show human's play
if sum < 21
if (skill + maybe) > 0 then num = best(sum mod 4) else num = rnd(3)
if sum + num > 21 then num = 21 - sum
timerbegin 1.0, NO //wait a sec before playing
fn show( num ) //Show computer's play
end if
end fn
local fn start
sum = 0 : cls
string( _human ) = " You: " : string( _robot ) = " Computer: "
string( 1-who ) += " "
if who == _robot
if skill == 2 then num = 1 else num = rnd( 3 )
textlabel _msg, fn StringWithFormat( @"I'll start with %i.", num )
fn show( num )
ControlSetIntegerValue( _sum, sum )
textlabel _msg, @"You start. Type or click 1, 2, or 3."
end if
end fn
local fn DoDialog( evt as long, tag as long)
byte key
select ( evt )
case _windowKeyUp
if sum == 21 then fn start : exit fn
if who == _robot then exit fn
key = intval( fn EventCharacters )
if key > 0 && key < 4 then fn play( key )
case _btnClick
if tag < _popup then beep : fn play( tag ) : exit fn
skill = popupbutton( _popup )
case _windowWillClose : end
end select
end fn
fn buildWindow
fn start
on dialog fn doDialog
[[File:FutureBasic screenshot for 21 Game.png]]
