21 game: Difference between revisions

3,307 bytes added ,  3 years ago
m (→‎{{header|Phix}}: added personal tag)
Line 5,399:
println!("player: {} win: {}", players[0].get_name(), players[0].wins);
println!("player: {} win: {}", players[1].get_name(), players[1].wins);
<lang Scala>
object Game21 {
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.util.Random
val N = 21 // the same game would also work for N other than 21...
val RND = new Random() // singular random number generator; add a seed number, if you want reproducibility
/** tuple: name and a play function: (rest: remaining number, last: value of opponent's last move) => new move
type Player = (String, (Int,Int) => Int)
// indeed, the following could also be written using a class and instances, I've choosen a
// more functional and math way (using tuples)...
val playerRandom:Player = ("RandomRobot", { (rest, last) =>
if (rest <= 3) rest
else 1 + RND.nextInt(3)
val playerBest:Player = ("BestRobot", { (rest, last) =>
val i = rest % 4
if (i > 0) i else 1 + RND.nextInt(3)
val playerHuman:Player = ("YOU", { (rest, last) =>
println("Rest: "+rest)
println("Last: "+last)
var in = ""
while (in!="1" && in!="2" && in!="3") {
in = scala.io.StdIn.readLine("Your move (1,2,3,q)> ").trim
if ("q" == in)
throw new Exception("q => quit")
/** Execute a whole game. NOTE that we're counting DOWN from N to 0!
* @param players
* @return list of all moves
def play(players:Seq[Player]):Seq[Int] = {
require(players.size == 2)
var last = -1
var rest = N
var p = 0 // player 0 always starts
val l = ListBuffer[Int]() // list of all moves
while (rest > 0) {
last = players(p)._2(rest,last)
require(1<=last && last<=3,"Player must always play 1,2,3: "+last)
l += last
rest -= last
p = 1 - p // other player's turn
/** Evaluate a whole game.
* @param game list of moves of one game
* @param rest mainly for recursion
* @return evaluation, for each move a tuple: (rest, what was played, whether this player won in the end)
def evaluate(game:Seq[Int],rest:Int=N):Seq[(Int,Int,Boolean)] = {
if (game.size == 0) Seq()
else Seq((rest,game.head,game.size%2 == 1)) ++ evaluate(game.tail,rest - game.head)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// here you can put whatever player combination you like
val players = Seq(playerRandom,playerRandom) // random robot vs random robot
//val players = Seq(playerRandom,playerBest) // random robot vs best robot
//val players = Seq(playerHuman,playerBest) // You vs best robot
var p0won = 0
val n = 1000 // number of games to play
var m = 0 // games actually played (a human player might quit before n)
try {
(1 to n).foreach { i =>
val g = play(players)
require(g.sum == N) // some validity checks
val e = evaluate(g)
require(e.size == g.size && e.last._3 && e(0)._3 != e(1)._3) // some validity checks
if (e(0)._3) p0won += 1
m += 1
println(i + ": " + players(0)._1 + " " + (if (e(0)._3) "won" else "lost") + " against " + players(1)._1 + ". " + g + " => " + e)
} catch {
case t:Throwable => println(t.getMessage)
println("Player0: "+players(0)._1)
println("Player1: "+players(1)._1)
println(f"Player0 won ${p0won} times out of ${m}, or ${p0won * 100.0 / m}%%")
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