2048: Difference between revisions

7,323 bytes added ,  8 years ago
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Faithful desktop gui (windows only) reproduction of https://gabrielecirulli.github.io/2048/
Now I just got figure out how to win...
<lang Phix>include ..\arwen\arwen.ew
include ..\arwen\axtra.ew
constant main = create(Window, "2048", 0, 0, 20, 20, 520, 540, 0),
mainDC = getPrivateDC(main),
viewDC = c_func(xCreateCompatibleDC, {NULL})
constant TA_CENTER = 6
{} = c_func(xSetTextAlign,{viewDC,TA_CENTER})
constant hFont40 = createFontForDC(viewDC, "Calibri", 40, Bold)
constant hFont32 = createFontForDC(viewDC, "Calibri", 32, Bold)
constant tile_colours = {#B4C0CC, -- blank
#DAE4EE, -- 2
#C8E0ED, -- 4
#79B1F2, -- 8
#6395F5, -- 16
#5F7CF6, -- 32
#3B5EF6, -- 64
#72CFED, -- 128
#61CCED, -- 256
#50C8ED, -- 512
#3FC5ED, -- 1024
#2EC2ED} -- 2048
-- the 4x4 board.
-- note that values are [1..12] for [blank,2,4,8,..2048].
-- (merging two eights is not 8+8->16 but 4+1->5, internally)
sequence board
integer newgame = 1
procedure add_rand(integer count)
-- (nb infinite loop if board is full)
integer x, y
while count do
x = rand(4)
y = rand(4)
if board[y][x]=1 then -- blank
board[y][x] = 2+(rand(10)=10)
count -= 1
end if
end while
end procedure
integer valid = 0
integer prev, nxt, bxy
procedure move_x(integer x, integer y, integer d)
bxy = board[x][y]
if bxy!=1 then
if bxy=prev then
board[x][y] = 1
bxy += 1
board[x][nxt] = bxy
nxt += d
prev = 13
valid = 1
if prev=1
or y!=nxt then
if prev!=1
and prev!=13 then
nxt += d
end if
if y!=nxt then
board[x][y] = 1
board[x][nxt] = bxy
valid = 1
end if
end if
prev = bxy
end if
end if
end procedure
procedure move_y(integer x, integer y, integer d)
bxy = board[x][y]
if bxy!=1 then
if bxy=prev then
board[x][y] = 1
bxy += 1
board[nxt][y] = bxy
nxt += d
prev = 13
valid = 1
if prev=1
or x!=nxt then
if prev!=1
and prev!=13 then
nxt += d
end if
if x!=nxt then
board[x][y] = 1
board[nxt][y] = bxy
valid = 1
end if
end if
prev = bxy
end if
end if
end procedure
function move(integer key)
-- a non-zero result means it changed something.
valid = 0
if key=VK_LEFT then
for x=1 to 4 do
prev = 13
nxt = 1
for y=1 to 4 do
end for
end for
elsif key=VK_DOWN then
for y=1 to 4 do
prev = 13
nxt = 4
for x=4 to 1 by -1 do
end for
end for
elsif key=VK_RIGHT then
for x=1 to 4 do
prev = 13
nxt = 4
for y=4 to 1 by -1 do
end for
end for
elsif key=VK_UP then
for y=1 to 4 do
prev = 13
nxt = 1
for x=1 to 4 do
end for
end for
end if
return valid
end function
function game_won()
for i=1 to length(board) do
if find(12,board[i]) then return 1 end if
end for
return 0
end function
constant valid_keys = {VK_LEFT,VK_DOWN,VK_RIGHT,VK_UP}
function no_valid_moves()
sequence saved_board = board
for i=1 to length(valid_keys) do
if move(valid_keys[i]) then
board = saved_board
return 0 -- OK
end if
end for
return 1 -- game over...
end function
integer dw = 0, dh = 0 -- client area width and height
atom bmView
integer vwX = 0, vwY = 0 -- actual size of the view bitmap
integer ox,oy, -- top tight coords
os,ts, -- overall and tile size
ts2 -- half tile, for number positioning
function mainHandler(integer id, integer msg, atom wParam, object lParam)
integer tx, ty, bxy
if msg=WM_SIZE then
{{},{},dw,dh} = getClientRect(main)
if dw>vwX or dh>vwY then
-- we need a bigger bitmap
bmView = c_func(xCreateCompatibleBitmap, {mainDC, dw, dh})
{} = deleteObject(selectObject(viewDC,bmView))
{vwX,vwY} = {dw,dh}
end if
if dw>=dh then
ox = floor((dw-dh)/2)
oy = 0
os = dh
ox = 0
oy = floor((dh-dw)/2)
os = dw
end if
ts = floor((os-10)/4-7)
ts2 = floor(ts/2+5)-10
elsif msg=WM_PAINT then
if newgame then
board = repeat(repeat(1,4),4)
newgame = 0
end if
drawRectangleh(viewDC, True, 0, 0, dw, dh)
drawRoundRecth(viewDC, True, ox+5, oy+5, ox+os-5, oy+os-5, 10, 10)
tx = ox+15
for y=1 to 4 do
ty = oy+15
for x=1 to 4 do
bxy = board[x][y]
drawRoundRecth(viewDC, True, tx, ty, tx+ts-10, ty+ts-10, 5, 5)
if bxy>1 then
{} = selectObject(viewDC,iff(bxy>10?hFont32:hFont40))
wPuts2(viewDC, tx+ts2, ty+ts2-25-iff(bxy<11?7:0), power(2,bxy-1))
end if
ty += ts+5
end for
tx += ts+5
end for
void = c_func(xBitBlt,{mainDC,0,0,dw,dh,viewDC,0,0,SRCCOPY})
elsif msg=WM_CHAR then
if wParam=VK_ESCAPE then
if id or object(lParam) then end if -- suppress warnings
end if
elsif msg=WM_KEYDOWN then
if move(wParam) then
msg = ""
if game_won() then
msg = "!!!YOU WON!!!\n\nAnother Go?"
if no_valid_moves() then
msg = "You Lost.\n\nAnother Go?"
end if
end if
if length(msg) then
if messageBox("Game Over",msg,MB_YESNO)=IDYES then
end if
end if
end if
elsif msg=WM_GETMINMAXINFO then
end if
return 0
end function
WinMain(main, SW_NORMAL)</lang>
