2048: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|AutoHotkey}}: New solved task)
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G:-reset();SP("Score/Lose",caption,"Click an Arrow to begin.");
G:-reset();SP("Score/Lose",caption,"Click an Arrow to begin.");

<lang nim>import random, strutils, terminal

BoardLength = 4
BoardSize = BoardLength * BoardLength
Target = 2048

Operation = enum

Board = object
len: Natural
largestNumber: Natural
score: Natural
rows: array[BoardLength, array[BoardLength, Natural]]

func handleKey(c: char): Operation =
case c
of 'w', 'W': opUp
of 'a', 'A': opLeft
of 's', 'S': opDown
of 'd', 'D': opRight
of 'q', 'Q': opQuit
of 'r', 'R': opRestart
else: opInvalid

proc getKey(): Operation =
var c = getch()
if c == '\e':
c = getch()
if c == '[':
c = getch()
case c
of 'A': opUp
of 'D': opLeft
of 'B': opDown
of 'C': opRight
else: opInvalid
else: handleKey c
else: handleKey c

proc spawnRandom(b: var Board) =
if b.len < BoardSize:
x = rand 0..<BoardLength
y = rand 0..<BoardLength
while b.rows[y][x] != 0:
x = rand 0..<BoardLength
y = rand 0..<BoardLength
b.rows[y][x] = if rand(1.0) < 0.9: 2 else: 4
inc b.len
b.largestNumber = max(b.rows[y][x], b.largestNumber)

proc initBoard(): Board =
spawnRandom result

func `$`(b: Board): string =
result = "┌────┬────┬────┬────┐\n"
for idx, val in b.rows:
for v in val:
result.add "│"
result.add center(if v != 0: $v else: "", 4)
result.add "│\n"
if idx < high(b.rows):
result.add "├────┼────┼────┼────┤\n"
result.add "└────┴────┴────┴────┘"

func shift(b: var Board; o: Operation; merge = true): bool =
const BoardRange = 0..<BoardLength
x = 0
y = 0
vecX: range[-1..1] = 0
vecY: range[-1..1] = 0
case o
of opUp:
vecY = 1
of opDown:
vecY = -1
y = BoardLength - 1
of opLeft: vecX = 1
of opRight:
vecX = -1
x = BoardLength - 1
else: return

startX = x
startY = y
while x in BoardRange and y in BoardRange:
while b.len < BoardSize and x in BoardRange and y in BoardRange:
nextX = x + vecX
nextY = y + vecY
prevX = x - vecX
prevY = y - vecY
if b.rows[y][x] == 0:
if nextX in BoardRange and nextY in BoardRange and
b.rows[nextY][nextX] != 0:
result = true
swap b.rows[y][x], b.rows[nextY][nextX]
if prevX in BoardRange and prevY in BoardRange:
x = prevX
y = prevY
x = nextX
y = nextY

if merge:
x = if vecX != 0: startX else: x
y = if vecY != 0: startY else: y
while x in BoardRange and y in BoardRange:
nextX = x + vecX
nextY = y + vecY
if b.rows[y][x] != 0:
if nextX in BoardRange and nextY in BoardRange and
b.rows[nextY][nextX] == b.rows[y][x]:
result = true
b.rows[y][x] *= 2
b.largestNumber = max(b.rows[y][x], b.largestNumber)
b.score += b.rows[y][x]
b.rows[nextY][nextX] = 0
dec b.len
x = nextX
y = nextY

if vecX == 0:
inc x
y = startY
elif vecY == 0:
inc y
x = startX
if merge and result: discard b.shift(o, false)

func shiftable(b: Board): bool =
for row in 0..<BoardLength:
for col in 0..<BoardLength:
result = result or b.rows[row][col] == 0
if result: break
if row < BoardLength - 1:
result = result or b.rows[row][col] == b.rows[row + 1][col]
if col < BoardLength - 1:
result = result or b.rows[row][col] == b.rows[row][col + 1]

when isMainModule:
board = initBoard()
highscore = 0
block gameLoop:
while true:
let gameover = not board.shiftable or board.largestNumber >= Target
echo board
highscore = max(highscore, board.score)
echo "Score = ", board.score, " Highscore = ", highscore
if not gameover:
echo "Press arrow keys or WASD to move, R to Restart, Q to Quit"
elif board.largestNumber >= Target:
echo "You win! Press R to Restart, Q to Quit"
echo "Game over! Press R to Restart, Q to Quit"
while true:
let op = getKey()
case op
of opRestart:
board = initBoard()
of opQuit: break gameLoop
of opInvalid: continue
elif gameover: continue
if board.shift op:
for i in 1..BoardLength + 7:

=={{header|Perl 6}}==
=={{header|Perl 6}}==