2048: Difference between revisions

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m (Group both C entries together as separate version under a single header)
(→‎{{header|AutoHotkey}}: New solved task)
Line 40: Line 40:
* Lose condition.
* Lose condition.

{{works with|GNAT}}
<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with System.Random_Numbers;
procedure Play_2048 is
-- ----- Keyboard management
type t_Keystroke is (Up, Down, Right, Left, Quit, Restart, Invalid);
-- Redefining this standard procedure as function to allow Get_Keystroke as an expression function
function Get_Immediate return Character is
return Answer : Character do Ada.Text_IO.Get_Immediate(Answer);
end return;
end Get_Immediate;
Arrow_Prefix : constant Character := Character'Val(224); -- works for windows
function Get_Keystroke return t_Keystroke is
(case Get_Immediate is
when 'Q' | 'q' => Quit,
when 'R' | 'r' => Restart,
when 'W' | 'w' => Left,
when 'A' | 'a' => Up,
when 'S' | 's' => Down,
when 'D' | 'd' => Right,
-- Windows terminal
when Arrow_Prefix => (case Character'Pos(Get_Immediate) is
when 72 => Up,
when 75 => Left,
when 77 => Right,
when 80 => Down,
when others => Invalid),
-- Unix escape sequences
when ASCII.ESC => (case Get_Immediate is
when '[' => (case Get_Immediate is
when 'A' => Up,
when 'B' => Down,
when 'C' => Right,
when 'D' => Left,
when others => Invalid),
when others => Invalid),
when others => Invalid);

-- ----- Game data
function Random_Int is new System.Random_Numbers.Random_Discrete(Integer);
type t_List is array (Positive range <>) of Natural;
subtype t_Row is t_List (1..4);
type t_Board is array (1..4) of t_Row;
Board : t_Board;
New_Board : t_Board;
Blanks : Natural;
Score : Natural;
Generator : System.Random_Numbers.Generator;

-- ----- Displaying the board
procedure Display_Board is
Horizontal_Rule : constant String := "+----+----+----+----+";
function Center (Value : in String) return String is
((1..(2-(Value'Length-1)/2) => ' ') & -- Add leading spaces
Value(Value'First+1..Value'Last) & -- Trim the leading space of the raw number image
(1..(2-Value'Length/2) => ' ')); -- Add trailing spaces
Put_Line (Horizontal_Rule);
for Row of Board loop
for Cell of Row loop
Put('|' & (if Cell = 0 then " " else Center(Cell'Img)));
end loop;
Put_Line (Horizontal_Rule);
end loop;
Put_Line("Score =" & Score'Img);
end Display_Board;

-- ----- Game mechanics
procedure Add_Block is
Block_Offset : Positive := Random_Int(Generator, 1, Blanks);
Blanks := Blanks-1;
for Row of Board loop
for Cell of Row loop
if Cell = 0 then
if Block_Offset = 1 then
Cell := (if Random_Int(Generator,1,10) = 1 then 4 else 2);
Block_Offset := Block_Offset-1;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
end Add_Block;

procedure Reset_Game is
Board := (others => (others => 0));
Blanks := 16;
Score := 0;
end Reset_Game;

-- Moving and merging will always be performed leftward, hence the following transforms
function HFlip (What : in t_Row) return t_Row is
function VFlip (What : in t_Board) return t_Board is
function Transpose (What : in t_Board) return t_Board is
return Answer : t_Board do
for Row in t_Board'Range loop
for Column in t_Row'Range loop
Answer(Column)(Row) := What(Row)(Column);
end loop;
end loop;
end return;
end Transpose;

-- For moving/merging, recursive expression functions will be used, but they
-- can't contain statements, hence the following sub-function used by Merge
function Add_Blank (Delta_Score : in Natural) return t_List is
Blanks := Blanks+1;
Score := Score+Delta_Score;
return (1 => 0);
end Add_Blank;

function Move_Row (What : in t_List) return t_List is
(if What'Length = 1 then What
elsif What(What'First) = 0
then Move_Row(What(What'First+1..What'Last)) & (1 => 0)
else (1 => What(What'First)) & Move_Row(What(What'First+1..What'Last)));

function Merge (What : in t_List) return t_List is
(if What'Length <= 1 or else What(What'First) = 0 then What
elsif What(What'First) = What(What'First+1)
then (1 => 2*What(What'First)) & Merge(What(What'First+2..What'Last)) & Add_Blank(What(What'First))
else (1 => What(What'First)) & Merge(What(What'First+1..What'Last)));

function Move (What : in t_Board) return t_Board is

Main_Game_Loop: loop
case Get_Keystroke is
when Restart => Reset_Game;
when Quit => exit Main_Game_Loop;
when Left => New_Board := Move(Board);
when Right => New_Board := VFlip(Move(VFlip(Board)));
when Up => New_Board := Transpose(Move(Transpose(Board)));
when Down => New_Board := Transpose(VFlip(Move(VFlip(Transpose(Board)))));
when others => null;
end case;

if New_Board = Board then
Put_Line ("Invalid move...");
elsif (for some Row of New_Board => (for some Cell of Row => Cell = 2048)) then
Put_Line ("Win !");
exit Main_Game_Loop;
Board := New_Board;
Add_Block; -- OK since the board has changed
if Blanks = 0
and then (for all Row in 1..4 =>
(for all Column in 1..3 =>
(Board(Row)(Column) /= Board(Row)(Column+1))))
and then (for all Row in 1..3 =>
(for all Column in 1..4 =>
(Board(Row)(Column) /= Board(Row+1)(Column)))) then
Put_Line ("Lost !");
exit Main_Game_Loop;
end if;
end if;
end loop Main_Game_Loop;
end Play_2048;</lang>
| 2 | 16 | 2 | 2 |
| 64 | | | |
| 4 | | | |
| | | | |
Score = 184</pre>
