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Play the RacketScript fork online here: http://rapture.twistedplane.com:8080/#example/2048-game
<lang Racket>
;; LICENSE: See License file LICENSE (MIT license)
;; Repository: https://github.com/danprager/2048
;; Copyright 2014: Daniel Prager
;; daniel.a.prager@gmail.com
;; This is a largely clean-room, functional implementation in Racket
;; of the game 2048 by Gabriele Cirulli, based on 1024 by Veewo Studio,
;; and conceptually similar to Threes by Asher Vollmer.
;; * Use your arrow keys to slide the tiles.
;; * When two tiles with the same number touch, they merge into one!
;; * Press <space> to rotate the board.
#lang racket
(require rackunit
(rename-in 2htdp/universe
[left left-arrow]
[right right-arrow]
[up up-arrow]
[down down-arrow]))
(define *side* 4) ; Side-length of the grid
(define *time-limit* #f) ; Use #f for no time limit, or number of seconds
(define *amber-alert* 60) ; Time indicator goes orange when less than this number of seconds remaining
(define *red-alert* 10) ; Time indicator goes red when less than this number of seconds remaining
(define *tile-that-wins* 2048) ; You win when you get a tile = this number
(define *magnification* 2) ; Scales the game board
(define (set-side! n)
(set! *side* n))
;; Numbers can be displayed with substiture text. Just edit this table...
(define *text*
'((0 "")
(2 "2")))
;; Color scheme
;; From https://github.com/gabrielecirulli/2048/blob/master/style/main.css
(define *grid-color* (color #xbb #xad #xa0))
(define *default-tile-bg-color* (color #x3c #x3a #x32))
(define *default-tile-fg-color* 'white)
(define *tile-bg-colors*
(map (lambda (x)
(match-define (list n r g b) x)
(list n (color r g b)))
'((0 #xcc #xc0 #xb3)
(2 #xee #xe4 #xda)
(4 #xed #xe0 #xc8)
(8 #xf2 #xb1 #x79)
(16 #xf5 #x95 #x63)
(32 #xf6 #x7c #x5f)
(64 #xf6 #x5e #x3b)
(128 #xed #xcf #x72)
(256 #xed #xcc #x61)
(512 #xed #xc8 #x50)
(1024 #xed #xc5 #x3f)
(2048 #xed #xc2 #x2e))))
(define *tile-fg-colors*
'((0 dimgray)
(2 dimgray)
(4 dimgray)
(8 white)
(16 white)
(32 white)
(64 white)
(128 white)
(256 white)
(512 white)
(1024 white)
(2048 white)))
;; Rows may be represented as lists, with 0s representing empty spots.
(define (nonzero? x) (not (zero? x)))
;; Append padding to lst to make it n items long
(define (pad-right lst padding n)
(append lst (make-list (- n (length lst)) padding)))
;; Slide items towards the head of the list, doubling adjacent pairs
;; when no item is a 0.
;; E.g. (combine '(2 2 2 4 4)) -> '(4 2 8)
(define (combine lst)
(cond [(<= (length lst) 1) lst]
[(= (first lst) (second lst))
(cons (* 2 (first lst)) (combine (drop lst 2)))]
[else (cons (first lst) (combine (rest lst)))]))
;; Total of new elements introduced by combining.
;; E.g. (combine-total '(2 2 2 4 4)) -> 4 + 8 = 12
(define (combine-total lst)
(cond [(<= (length lst) 1) 0]
[(= (first lst) (second lst))
(+ (* 2 (first lst)) (combine-total (drop lst 2)))]
[else (combine-total (rest lst))]))
;; Slide towards the head of the list, doubling pairs, 0 are
;; allowed (and slid through), and length is preserved by
;; padding with 0s.
;; E.g. (slide-left '(2 2 2 0 4 4)) -> '(4 2 8 0 0 0)
(define (slide-left row)
(pad-right (combine (filter nonzero? row)) 0 (length row)))
;; Slide towards the tail of the list:
;; E.g. (slide-right '(2 2 0 0 4 4)) -> '(0 0 0 0 0 4 8)
(define (slide-right row) (reverse (slide-left (reverse row))))
;; We use a sparse representation for transitions in a row.
;; Moves take the form '(value initial-position final-position)
(define (moves-row-left row [last #f] [i 0] [j -1])
(if (null? row)
(let ([head (first row)])
(cond [(zero? head) (moves-row-left (rest row) last (add1 i) j)]
[(equal? last head)
(cons (list head i j)
(moves-row-left (rest row) #f (add1 i) j))]
[else (cons (list head i (add1 j))
(moves-row-left (rest row) head (add1 i) (add1 j)))]))))
;; Convert a row into the sparse representaiton without any sliding.
;; E.g. (moves-row-none '(0 2 0 4)) -> '((2 1 1) (4 3 3))
(define (moves-row-none row)
(for/list ([value row]
[i (in-naturals)]
#:when (nonzero? value))
(list value i i)))
;; Reverse all moves so that:
;; '(value initial final) -> '(value (- n initial 1) (- n final 1)
(define (reverse-moves moves n)
(define (flip i) (- n i 1))
(map (λ (m)
(match-define (list a b c) m)
(list a (flip b) (flip c)))
(define (transpose-moves moves)
(for/list ([m moves])
(match-define (list v (list a b) (list c d)) m)
(list v (list b a) (list d c))))
(define (moves-row-right row [n *side*])
(reverse-moves (moves-row-left (reverse row)) n))
;; Lift the sparse representation for transitions
;; up to two dimensions...
;; '(value initial final) -> '(value (x initial) (x final))
(define (add-row-coord i rows)
(for/list ([r rows])
(match-define (list a b c) r)
(list a (list i b) (list i c))))
(define (transpose lsts)
(apply map list lsts))
;; Slide the entire grid in the specified direction
(define (left grid)
(map slide-left grid))
(define (right grid)
(map slide-right grid))
(define (up grid)
((compose transpose left transpose) grid))
(define (down grid)
((compose transpose right transpose) grid))
;; Calculate the change to score from sliding the grid left or right.
(define (score-increment grid)
(apply + (map (λ (row)
(combine-total (filter nonzero? row)))
;; Slide the grid in the specified direction and
;; determine the transitions of the tiles.
;; We'll use these operations to animate the sliding of the tiles.
(define (moves-grid-action grid action)
(let ([n (length (first grid))])
(apply append
(for/list ([row grid]
[i (in-range n)])
(add-row-coord i (action row))))))
(define (moves-grid-left grid)
(moves-grid-action grid moves-row-left))
(define (moves-grid-right grid)
(moves-grid-action grid moves-row-right))
(define (moves-grid-up grid)
((compose transpose-moves moves-grid-left transpose) grid))
(define (moves-grid-down grid)
((compose transpose-moves moves-grid-right transpose) grid))
;; Rotating the entire grid doesn't involve sliding.
;; It's a convenience to allow the player to view the grid from a different
;; orientation.
(define (moves-grid-rotate grid)
(let ([n (length (first grid))])
(for/list ([item (moves-grid-action grid moves-row-none)])
(match-define (list v (list i j) _) item)
(list v (list i j) (list j (- n i 1))))))
;; Chop a list into a list of sub-lists of length n. Used to move from
;; a flat representation of the grid into a list of rows.
(define (chop lst [n *side*])
(if (<= (length lst) n)
(list lst)
(cons (take lst n) (chop (drop lst n) n))))
;; The next few functions are used to determine where to place a new
;; number in the grid...
;; How many zeros in the current state?
(define (count-zeros state)
(length (filter zero? state)))
;; What is the absolute index of the nth zero in lst?
;; E.g. (index-of-nth-zero '(0 2 0 4) 1 2)) 1) -> 2
(define (index-of-nth-zero lst n)
(cond [(null? lst) #f]
[(zero? (first lst))
(if (zero? n)
(add1 (index-of-nth-zero (rest lst) (sub1 n))))]
[else (add1 (index-of-nth-zero (rest lst) n))]))
;; Place the nth zero in the lst with val.
;; E.g. (replace-nth-zero '(0 2 0 4) 1 2)) -> '(0 2 2 4)
(define (replace-nth-zero lst n val)
(let ([i (index-of-nth-zero lst n)])
(append (take lst i) (cons val (drop lst (add1 i))))))
;; There's a 90% chance that a new tile will be a two; 10% a four.
(define (new-tile)
(if (> (random) 0.9) 4 2))
;; Create a random initial game-board with two non-zeros (2 or 4)
;; and the rest 0s.
;; E.g. '(0 0 0 0
;; 0 2 0 0
;; 2 0 0 0
;; 0 0 0 0)
(define (initial-state [side *side*])
(shuffle (append (list (new-tile) (new-tile))
(make-list (- (sqr side) 2) 0))))
;; The game finishes when no matter which way you slide, the board doesn't
;; change.
(define (finished? state [n *side*])
(let ([grid (chop state n)])
(for/and ([op (list left right up down)])
(equal? grid (op grid)))))
;; Graphics
(define *text-size* 30)
(define *max-text-width* 40)
(define *tile-side* 50)
(define *grid-spacing* 5)
(define *grid-side* (+ (* *side* *tile-side*)
(* (add1 *side*) *grid-spacing*)))
;; Memoization - caching images takes the strain off the gc
(define-syntax define-memoized
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ (f args ...) bodies ...)
(define f
(let ([results (make-hash)])
(lambda (args ...)
((λ vals
(when (not (hash-has-key? results vals))
(hash-set! results vals (begin bodies ...)))
(hash-ref results vals))
args ...))))]))
;; Look-up the (i,j)th element in the flat representation.
(define (square/ij state i j)
(list-ref state (+ (* *side* i) j)))
;; Linear interpolation between a and b:
;; (interpolate 0.0 a b) -> a
;; (interpolate 1.0 a b) -> b
(define (interpolate k a b)
(+ (* (- 1 k) a)
(* k b)))
;; Key value lookup with default return - is there an out-of-the-box function
;; for this?
(define (lookup key lst default)
(let ([value (assoc key lst)])
(if value (second value) default)))
;; Make a tile without a number on it in the appropriate color.
(define (plain-tile n)
(square *tile-side*
(lookup n *tile-bg-colors* *default-tile-bg-color*)))
;; Make text for a tile
(define (tile-text n)
(let* ([t (text (lookup n *text* (number->string n))
(lookup n *tile-fg-colors* *default-tile-fg-color*))]
[side (max (image-width t) (image-height t))])
(scale (if (> side *max-text-width*) (/ *max-text-width* side) 1) t)))
(define-memoized (make-tile n)
(tile-text n)
(plain-tile n)))
;; Place a tile on an image of the grid at (i,j)
(define (place-tile/ij tile i j grid-image)
(define (pos k)
(+ (* (add1 k) *grid-spacing*)
(* k *tile-side*)))
(underlay/xy grid-image (pos j) (pos i) tile))
;; Make an image of the grid from the flat representation
(define *last-state* null) ; Cache the previous grid to avoid
(define *last-grid* null) ; senseless regeneration
(define (state->image state)
(unless (equal? state *last-state*)
(set! *last-grid*
(for*/fold ([im (square *grid-side* 'solid *grid-color*)])
([i (in-range *side*)]
[j (in-range *side*)])
(place-tile/ij (make-tile (square/ij state i j))
i j
(set! *last-state* state))
(define *empty-grid-image*
(state->image (make-list (sqr *side*) 0)))
;; Convert the sparse representation of moves into a single frame in an
;; animation at time k, where k is between 0.0 (start state) and 1.0
;; (final state).
(define (moves->frame moves k)
(for*/fold ([grid *empty-grid-image*])
([m moves])
(match-define (list value (list i1 j1) (list i2 j2)) m)
(place-tile/ij (make-tile value)
(interpolate k i1 i2) (interpolate k j1 j2)
;; Animation of simultaneously moving tiles.
(define (animate-moving-tiles state op)
(let ([grid (chop state)])
(build-list 9 (λ (i)
(λ ()
(moves->frame (op grid)
(* 0.1 (add1 i))))))))
;; Animation of a tile appearing in a previously blank square.
(define (animate-appearing-tile state value index)
(let ([start (state->image state)]
[tile (make-tile value)]
[i (quotient index *side*)]
[j (remainder index *side*)])
(build-list 4 (λ (m)
(λ ()
(place-tile/ij (overlay
(scale (* 0.2 (add1 m)) tile)
(plain-tile 0))
i j
;; The Game
;; an image-procedure is a procedure of no arguments that produces an image
;; a world contains:
;; state is a ?
;; score is a number
;; winning-total is #f or a number, representing the final score <-- is this
;; necessary?
;; frames is a (list-of image-procedure)
;; start-time is a number, in seconds
(define-struct world (state score winning-total frames start-time) #:transparent)
;; The game is over when any animations have been finished and
;; no more moves are possible.
;; note that winning the game does *not* end the game.
(define (game-over? w)
(match-define (world state score wt frames start-time) w)
(and (null? frames) ; Finish animations to reach final state and show the banner
(or (finished? state)
(out-of-time? (world-start-time w)))))
;; Is the player out of time?
(define (out-of-time? start-time)
(and *time-limit* (< (+ start-time *time-limit*) (current-seconds))))
;; Given an arrow key return the operations to change the state and
;; produce the sliding animation.
(define (key->ops a-key)
[(key=? a-key "left") (list left moves-grid-left)]
[(key=? a-key "right") (list right moves-grid-right)]
[(key=? a-key "up") (list up moves-grid-up)]
[(key=? a-key "down") (list down moves-grid-down)]
[else (list #f #f)]))
;; Respond to a key-press
(define (change w a-key)
(match-let ([(list op moves-op) (key->ops a-key)]
[(world st score wt frames start-time) w])
(cond [(out-of-time? start-time) w] ; Stop accepting key-presses
(let* ([grid (chop st)]
[slide-state (flatten (op grid))])
(if (equal? slide-state st)
w ; sliding had no effect
(let* ([replace (random (count-zeros slide-state))]
[index (index-of-nth-zero slide-state replace)]
[value (new-tile)]
[new-state (replace-nth-zero slide-state replace value)]
[horizontal? (member a-key (list "left" "right"))])
(make-world new-state
(+ score (score-increment
(if horizontal? grid (transpose grid))))
(cond [wt wt]
[(won-game? new-state)
(apply + (flatten new-state))]
[else #f])
(append frames
(animate-moving-tiles st moves-op)
(animate-appearing-tile slide-state value index))
[(key=? a-key " ") ; rotate the board
(make-world ((compose flatten transpose reverse) (chop st))
score wt
(append frames
(animate-moving-tiles st moves-grid-rotate))
[else w]))) ; unrecognised key - no effect
;; Are we there yet?
(define (won-game? state)
(= (apply max state) *tile-that-wins*))
;; Banner overlay text: e.g. You won! / Game Over, etc.
(define (banner txt state [color 'black])
(let ([b-text (text txt 30 color)])
(rectangle (* 1.2 (image-width b-text))
(* 1.4 (image-height b-text))
'solid 'white)
(state->image state))))
;; Convert number of seconds to "h:mm:ss" or "m:ss" format
(define (number->time-string s)
(define hrs (quotient s 3600))
(define mins (quotient (remainder s 3600) 60))
(define secs (remainder s 60))
(define (xx n)
(cond [(<= n 0) "00"]
[(<= n 9) (format "0~a" n)]
[else (remainder n 60)]))
(if (>= s 3600)
(format "~a:~a:~a" hrs (xx mins) (xx secs))
(format "~a:~a" mins (xx secs))))
(define (time-remaining start)
(+ *time-limit* start (- (current-seconds))))
(define (time-elapsed start)
(- (current-seconds) start))
;; Display the grid with score below.
;; If there are frames, show the next one. Otherwise show the steady state.
(define (show-world w)
(match-define (world state score wt frames start-time) w)
(let* ([board (if (null? frames)
(cond [(finished? state) (banner "Game over" state)]
[(out-of-time? start-time) (banner "Out of Time" state 'red)]
;; Q: Why wt (i.e. winning-total) rather than won-game?
;; A: wt allows the keen player to continue playing...
[(equal? (apply + (flatten state)) wt) (banner "You won!" state)]
[else (state->image state)])
((first frames)))]
[score-text (text (format "Score: ~a" score) 16 'dimgray)]
[seconds ((if *time-limit* time-remaining time-elapsed) start-time)]
[time-text (text (format "Time: ~a"
(number->time-string seconds))
(cond [(or (> seconds *amber-alert*) (not *time-limit*)) 'gray]
[(> seconds *red-alert*) 'orange]
[else 'red]))])
(scale *magnification*
(rectangle 0 5 'solid 'white)
(rectangle (- (image-width board)
(image-width score-text)
(image-width time-text)) 0 'solid 'white)
;; Move to the next frame in the animation.
(define (advance-frame w)
(match-define (world state score wt frames start-time) w)
(if (null? frames)
(make-world state score wt (rest frames) start-time)))
;; Use this state to preview the appearance of all the tiles
(define (all-tiles-state)
(let ([all-tiles '(0 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096)])
(append all-tiles (make-list (- (sqr *side*) (length all-tiles)) 0))))
;; The event loop
(define (start)
(big-bang (make-world (initial-state)
0 #f null (current-seconds))
(to-draw show-world)
(on-key change)
(on-tick advance-frame 0.01)
(stop-when game-over? show-world)
(name "2048 - Racket edition")))
(module+ test
(set-side! 4)
(check-equal? (slide-left '(0 0 0 0)) '(0 0 0 0))
(check-equal? (slide-left '(1 2 3 4)) '(1 2 3 4))
(check-equal? (slide-left '(2 0 4 0)) '(2 4 0 0))
(check-equal? (slide-left '(0 0 2 4)) '(2 4 0 0))
(check-equal? (slide-left '(2 0 2 0)) '(4 0 0 0))
(check-equal? (slide-left '(0 8 8 0)) '(16 0 0 0))
(check-equal? (slide-left '(4 4 8 8)) '(8 16 0 0))
(check-equal? (slide-right '(4 4 8 8)) '(0 0 8 16))
(check-equal? (slide-right '(4 4 4 0)) '(0 0 4 8))
(check-equal? (moves-row-left '(0 0 0 0)) '())
(check-equal? (moves-row-left '(1 2 3 4))
'((1 0 0)
(2 1 1)
(3 2 2)
(4 3 3)))
(check-equal? (moves-row-left '(2 0 4 0)) '((2 0 0)
(4 2 1)))
(check-equal? (moves-row-right '(2 0 4 0)) '((4 2 3)
(2 0 2)))
(check-equal? (moves-row-left '(0 0 2 4)) '((2 2 0)
(4 3 1)))
(check-equal? (moves-row-left '(2 0 2 0)) '((2 0 0)
(2 2 0)))
(check-equal? (moves-row-left '(2 2 2 0)) '((2 0 0)
(2 1 0)
(2 2 1)))
(check-equal? (moves-row-right '(2 2 2 0)) '((2 2 3)
(2 1 3)
(2 0 2)))
(check-equal? (moves-row-left '(2 2 4 4)) '((2 0 0)
(2 1 0)
(4 2 1)
(4 3 1)))
(check-equal? (moves-row-right '(2 2 4 4)) '((4 3 3)
(4 2 3)
(2 1 2)
(2 0 2)))
(check-equal? (add-row-coord 7 '((2 0 0)
(2 1 0)
(4 2 1)))
'((2 (7 0) (7 0))
(2 (7 1) (7 0))
(4 (7 2) (7 1))))
(check-equal? (left '(( 0 8 8 0)
(16 0 0 0)
( 2 2 4 4)
( 0 2 2 2)))
'((16 0 0 0)
(16 0 0 0)
( 4 8 0 0)
( 4 2 0 0)))
(check-equal? (right '(( 0 8 8 0)
(16 0 0 0)
( 2 2 4 4)
( 0 2 2 2)))
'((0 0 0 16)
(0 0 0 16)
(0 0 4 8)
(0 0 2 4)))
(check-equal? (up '((0 16 2 0)
(8 0 2 2)
(8 0 4 2)
(0 0 4 2)))
'((16 16 4 4)
(0 0 8 2)
(0 0 0 0)
(0 0 0 0)))
(check-equal? (down '((0 16 2 0)
(8 0 2 2)
(8 0 4 2)
(0 0 4 2)))
'((0 0 0 0)
(0 0 0 0)
(0 0 4 2)
(16 16 8 4)))
(check-equal? (left '(( 0 8 8 0)
(16 0 0 0)
( 2 2 4 4)
( 0 2 2 2)))
'((16 0 0 0)
(16 0 0 0)
( 4 8 0 0)
( 4 2 0 0)))
(check-equal? (moves-grid-left '(( 0 8 8 0)
(16 0 0 0)
( 2 2 4 4)
( 0 2 2 2)))
'((8 (0 1) (0 0))
(8 (0 2) (0 0))
(16 (1 0) (1 0))
(2 (2 0) (2 0))
(2 (2 1) (2 0))
(4 (2 2) (2 1))
(4 (2 3) (2 1))
(2 (3 1) (3 0))
(2 (3 2) (3 0))
(2 (3 3) (3 1))))
(check-equal? (moves-grid-right '(( 0 8 8 0)
(16 0 0 0)
( 2 2 4 4)
( 0 2 2 2)))
'((8 (0 2) (0 3))
(8 (0 1) (0 3))
(16 (1 0) (1 3))
(4 (2 3) (2 3))
(4 (2 2) (2 3))
(2 (2 1) (2 2))
(2 (2 0) (2 2))
(2 (3 3) (3 3))
(2 (3 2) (3 3))
(2 (3 1) (3 2))))
(check-equal? (moves-grid-up '(( 0 8 8 0)
(16 0 0 0)
( 2 2 4 4)
( 0 2 2 2)))
'((16 (1 0) (0 0))
(2 (2 0) (1 0))
(8 (0 1) (0 1))
(2 (2 1) (1 1))
(2 (3 1) (1 1))
(8 (0 2) (0 2))
(4 (2 2) (1 2))
(2 (3 2) (2 2))
(4 (2 3) (0 3))
(2 (3 3) (1 3))))
(check-equal? (moves-grid-down '(( 0 8 8 0)
(16 0 0 0)
( 2 2 4 4)
( 0 2 2 2)))
'((2 (2 0) (3 0))
(16 (1 0) (2 0))
(2 (3 1) (3 1))
(2 (2 1) (3 1))
(8 (0 1) (2 1))
(2 (3 2) (3 2))
(4 (2 2) (2 2))
(8 (0 2) (1 2))
(2 (3 3) (3 3))
(4 (2 3) (2 3))))
(check-equal? (chop '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) 4)
'((1 2 3 4) (5 6 7 8)))
(check-equal? (length (initial-state 5)) 25)
(let* ([initial (initial-state)]
[initial-sum (apply + initial)]
[largest-3 (take (sort initial >) 3)])
(check-equal? (length initial) 16)
(check-true (or (= initial-sum 4)
(= initial-sum 6)
(= initial-sum 8)))
(check-true (or (equal? largest-3 '(2 2 0))
(equal? largest-3 '(4 2 0))
(equal? largest-3 '(4 4 0)))))
(check-equal? (count-zeros '(1 0 1 0 0 0 1)) 4)
(check-equal? (count-zeros '(1 1)) 0)
(check-equal? (replace-nth-zero '(0 0 0 1 2 0) 2 5)
'(0 0 5 1 2 0))
(check-true (finished? '(1 2 3 4) 2))
(check-false (finished? '(2 2 3 4) 2)))
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