15 puzzle solver: Difference between revisions

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(complete rewrite)
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{{incorrect|Phix|The task calls for a solution in the fewest moves which is 52 not 58}}
Brute force width-first search, probably not quite optimal, since the scoring algorithm may trim some better paths from the search space.<br>
Shows first solution found. No multi-tile moves.
<lang Phix>--
<lang Phix>--
-- demo\rosetta\Solve15puzzle.exw
-- demo\rosetta\Solve15puzzle.exw
-- ==============================
constant udlr = {"up", "down", "left", "right"}
constant STM = 0 -- single-tile metrics.
constant MTM = 0 -- multi-tile metrics.
sequence board = tagset(15)&0
if STM and MTM then ?9/0 end if -- both prohibited
integer pos = 16
-- 0 0 -- fastest, but non-optimal
-- 1 0 -- optimal in STM
-- 0 1 -- optimal in MTM (slowest by far)

--Note: The fast method uses an inadmissible heuristic - see "not STM" in iddfs().
integer collected = 0
-- It explores mtm-style using the higher stm heuristic and may therefore
sequence lines = repeat("",5)
-- fail badly in some cases.

constant SIZE = 4
procedure print_board(integer last)

integer k = 2
constant goal = { 1, 2, 3, 4,
for i=1 to length(board) do
string this = iff(i=pos?" ":sprintf("%3d",{board[i]}))
5, 6, 7, 8,
lines[k] &= this
if mod(i,4)=0 then k+=1 end if
13,14,15, 0}

-- multi-tile-metric walking distance heuristic lookup (mmwd).
-- ==========================================================
-- Uses patterns of counts of tiles in/from row/col, eg the solved state
-- (ie goal above) could be represented by the following:
-- {{4,0,0,0},
-- {0,4,0,0},
-- {0,0,4,0},
-- {0,0,0,3}}
-- ie row/col 1 contains 4 tiles from col/row 1, etc. In this case
-- both are identical, but you can count row/col or col/row, and then
-- add them together. There are up to 24964 possible patterns. The
-- blank space is not counted. Note that a vertical move cannot change
-- a vertical pattern, ditto horizontal, and basic symmetry means that
-- row/col and col/row patterns will match (at least, that is, if they
-- are calculated sympathetically), halving the setup cost.
-- The data is just the number of moves made before this pattern was
-- first encountered, in a breadth-first search, backwards from the
-- goal state, until all patterns have been enumerated.
-- (The same ideas/vars are now also used for stm metrics when STM=1)
sequence wdkey -- once such 4x4 pattern
constant mmwd = new_dict() -- lookup table, data is walking distance.

-- We use two to-do lists: todo is the current list, and everything
-- of walkingdistance+1 ends up on tdnx. Once todo is exhausted, we
-- swap the dictionary-ids, so tdnx automatically becomes empty.
-- Key is an mmwd pattern as above, and data is {distance,space_idx}.
integer todo = new_dict()
integer tdnx = new_dict()


enum UP = 1, DOWN = -1

procedure explore(integer space_idx, walking_distance, direction)
-- Given a space index, explore all the possible moves in direction,
-- setting the distance and extending the tdnx table.
integer tile_idx = space_idx+direction
for group=1 to SIZE do
if wdkey[tile_idx][group] then
-- ie: check row tile_idx for tiles belonging to rows 1..4
-- Swap one of those tiles with the space
wdkey[tile_idx][group] -= 1
wdkey[space_idx][group] += 1

if getd_index(wdkey,mmwd)=0 then
-- save the walking distance value
-- and add to the todo next list:
if getd_index(wdkey,tdnx)!=0 then ?9/0 end if
end if

if MTM then
if tile_idx>1 and tile_idx<SIZE then
-- mtm: same direction means same distance:
explore(tile_idx, walking_distance, direction)
end if
end if

-- Revert the swap so we can look at the next candidate.
wdkey[tile_idx][group] += 1
wdkey[space_idx][group] -= 1
end if
end for
end for
collected += 1
if collected=6 or last then
lines = repeat("",5)
collected = 0
for i=2 to 5 do
lines[i] &= " "
end for
end if
end procedure
end procedure

procedure generate_mmwd()
function move(integer d)
-- Perform a breadth-first search begining with the solved puzzle state
integer valid = 0
-- and exploring from there until no more new patterns emerge.
integer stick = 0
integer walking_distance = 0, space = 4
for k=1 to 8 by 2 do

if board[k]!=k then exit end if
wdkey = {{4,0,0,0}, -- \
if board[k+1]!=k+1 then exit end if
{0,4,0,0}, -- } 4 tiles in correct row positions
stick = k+1
{0,0,4,0}, -- /
{0,0,0,3}} -- 3 tiles in correct row position
while 1 do
if space<4 then explore(space, walking_distance, UP) end if
if space>1 then explore(space, walking_distance, DOWN) end if
if dict_size(todo)=0 then
if dict_size(tdnx)=0 then exit end if
{todo,tdnx} = {tdnx,todo}
end if
wdkey = getd_partial_key(0,todo)
{walking_distance,space} = getd(wdkey,todo)
end while
end procedure

function walking_distance(sequence puzzle)
sequence rkey = repeat(repeat(0,SIZE),SIZE),
ckey = repeat(repeat(0,SIZE),SIZE)
integer k = 1
for i=1 to SIZE do -- rows
for j=1 to SIZE do -- columns
integer tile = puzzle[k]
if tile!=0 then
integer row = floor((tile-1)/4)+1,
col = mod(tile-1,4)+1
rkey[i][row] += 1
ckey[j][col] += 1
end if
k += 1
end for
end for
end for
if getd_index(rkey,mmwd)=0
integer new_pos = pos+{+4,-4,+1,-1}[d]
or getd_index(ckey,mmwd)=0 then
if new_pos>=1 and new_pos<=16
?9/0 -- sanity check
and (mod(pos,4)=mod(new_pos,4) -- same col, or row:
or floor((pos-1)/4)=floor((new_pos-1)/4)) then
{board[pos],board[new_pos]} = {board[new_pos],0}
valid = pos>stick and new_pos>stick
pos = new_pos
end if
end if
integer rwd = getd(rkey,mmwd),
return {valid,stick}
cwd = getd(ckey,mmwd)
return rwd+cwd
end function
end function

sequence puzzle
constant posns = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,13,10,14,11,12,15}
string res = ""
atom t0 = time(),
t1 = time()+1
atom tries = 0

constant ok = {{0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1}, -- left
function score(sequence board)
{0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}, -- up
integer res = 0, pos, act_pos
{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0}, -- down
for i=1 to 15 do
{1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0}} -- right
pos = posns[i]

act_pos = find(pos,board)
function iddfs(integer step, lim, space, prevmv)
res += (abs(mod(pos,4)-mod(act_pos,4))+
if time()>t1 then
printf(1,"working... (depth=%d, tries=%d, time=%3ds)\r",{lim,tries,time()-t0})
t1 = time()+1
end if
tries += 1
integer d = iff(step==lim?0:walking_distance(puzzle))
if d=0 then

return (puzzle==goal)

elsif step+d<=lim then

for mv=1 to 4 do -- l/u/d/r
if prevmv!=(5-mv) -- not l after r or vice versa, ditto u/d
and ok[mv][space] then
integer nspace = space+{-1,-4,+4,+1}[mv]
integer tile = puzzle[nspace]
if puzzle[space]!=0 then ?9/0 end if -- sanity check
puzzle[space] = tile
puzzle[nspace] = 0
if iddfs(step+iff(MTM or not STM?(prevmv!=mv):1),lim,nspace,mv) then
res &= "ludr"[mv]
return true
end if
puzzle[nspace] = tile
puzzle[space] = 0
end if
end for
end if
return false
end function

function pack(string s)
integer n = length(s), n0 = n
for i=1 to 4 do
integer ch = "lrud"[i], k
while 1 do
k = match(repeat(ch,3),s)
if k=0 then exit end if
s[k+1..k+2] = "3"
n -= 2
end while
while 1 do
k = match(repeat(ch,2),s)
if k=0 then exit end if
s[k+1] = '2'
n -= 1
end while
end for
end for
return {n,iff(MTM?sprintf("%d",n):sprintf("%d(%d)",{n,n0})),s}
return res
end function
end function

procedure apply_moves(string moves, integer space)
if 0 then
integer move, ch, nspace
for i=1 to 5555555 do {}=move(rand(4)) end for -- (25% are likely invalid)
puzzle[space] = 0
board = {15,14, 1, 6,
for i=1 to length(moves) do
9,11, 4,12,
ch = moves[i]
0,10, 7, 3,
if ch>'3' then
13, 8, 5, 2}
move = find(ch,"ulrd")
pos = find(0,board)
end if
-- (hint: "r" -> the 'r' does 1
end if
-- "r2" -> the 'r' does 1, the '2' does 1
atom t0 = time()
-- "r3" -> the 'r' does 1, the '3' does 2!)
integer pos0 = pos, s, valid, stick
for j=1 to 1+(ch='3') do
sequence board0 = board, boards = {{0,score(board),{},board,pos}}, new_boards, moves
nspace = space+{-4,-1,+1,4}[move]
integer visited = new_dict()
puzzle[space] = puzzle[nspace]
while 1 do
new_boards = {}
space = nspace
puzzle[nspace] = 0
for i=1 to length(boards) do
for c=1 to 4 do
{?,?,moves,board,pos} = boards[i]
{valid,stick} = move(c)
if valid and getd_index(board,visited)=0 then
moves &= c
s = score(board)
if s=0 then exit end if
new_boards = append(new_boards,{8-stick,s,moves,board,pos})
end if
end for
end for
if s=0 then exit end if
end for
end for
end procedure
if s=0 then exit end if

if length(new_boards)>16384 then
function solvable(sequence board)
boards = sort(new_boards)[1..16384]
integer dsv = dict_size(visited)
integer n = length(board)
sequence positions = repeat(0,n)
{?,s,{},board,pos} = boards[1]
-- prepare the mapping from each tile to its position
lines[1] = sprintf("thinking... %d boards visited, best score: %d (0=solved):",{dsv,s})
board[find(0,board)] = n
for i=1 to n do
positions[board[i]] = i
end for
-- check whether this is an even or odd state
integer row = floor((positions[16]-1)/4),
col = (positions[16]-1)-row*4
bool even_state = (positions[16]==16) or (mod(row,2)==mod(col,2))
-- count the even cycles
integer even_count = 0
sequence visited = repeat(false,16)
for i=1 to n do
if not visited[i] then
-- a new cycle starts at i. Count its length..
integer cycle_length = 0,
next_tile = i
while not visited[next_tile] do
cycle_length +=1
visited[next_tile] = true
next_tile = positions[next_tile]
end while
even_count += (mod(cycle_length,2)==0)
end if
end for
return even_state == (mod(even_count,2)==0)
end function

procedure main()

puzzle = {15,14, 1, 6,
9,11, 4,12,
0,10, 7, 3,
13, 8, 5, 2}

if not solvable(puzzle) then
printf(1,"puzzle is not solveable\n")
boards = new_boards
end if
end while

pos = pos0
board = board0
lines[1] = "solved!!: "
for i=1 to length(moves) do
integer mi = moves[i]
string m = udlr[mi]
string this = sprintf("move %d, %s:",{i,m})
lines[1] &= sprintf("%-18s",{this})
moves[i] = upper(m[1])
{} = move(mi)
end for
printf(1,"solved in %d moves (%d boards visited, %s)\n",{length(moves),dict_size(visited),elapsed(time()-t0)})
printf(1,"moves: %s\n",{moves})
{} = wait_key()</lang>
thinking... 39204 boards visited, best score: 1910 (0=solved):
15 1 6
8 14 11 4
9 10 3 12
13 5 7 2

sequence original = puzzle
thinking... 71666 boards visited, best score: 1760 (0=solved):
integer space = find(0,puzzle)
15 1 6
8 14 11 4
9 10 3 12
13 5 7 2

for lim=walking_distance(puzzle) to iff(MTM?43:80) do
thinking... 103082 boards visited, best score: 1840 (0=solved):
if iddfs(0, lim, space, '-') then exit end if
15 1 6
8 14 11 4
end for
9 10 3 12
13 5 7 2

{integer n, string ns, string ans} = pack(reverse(res))
solved in 58 moves (1330046 boards visited, 49.59s)

atom t = time()-t0
printf(1,"\n%soptimal solution of %s moves found in %s: %s\n\nresult: ",
puzzle = original
end if
end procedure
non-optimal solution of 35(60) moves found in 2.42s: u2r2d3ru2ld2ru3ld3l2u3r2d2l2dru2ldru2rd3lulur3dl2ur2d2
stm-optimal solution of 38(52) moves found in 1 minute and 54s: r3uldlu2ldrurd3lu2lur3dld2ruldlu2rd2lulur2uldr2d2
mtm-optimal solution of 31(60) moves found in 2 hours, 38 minutes and 28s: u2r2d3ru2ld2ru3ld3l2u3r2d2l2dru3rd3l2u2r3dl3dru2r2d2

Partial extra credit:
puzzle is not solveable
No luck on the other one, a non-optimal 60(98) moves was the best it could manage.

Revision as of 04:55, 24 October 2017

15 puzzle solver
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Your task is to write a program that finds a solution in the fewest moves possible to a random Fifteen Puzzle Game.
For this task you will be using the following puzzle:

15 14  1  6
 9 11  4 12
 0 10  7  3
13  8  5  2


 1  2  3  4
 5  6  7  8
 9 10 11 12
13 14 15  0

The output must show the moves' directions, like so: left, left, left, down, right... and so on.
There are 2 solutions with 52 moves:
finding either one, or both is an acceptable result.

Extra credit.

Solve the following problems:

 2  1  3  4
 5  6  7  8
 9 10 11 12
13 14 15  0


  0 12  9 13
 15 11 10 14
  3  7  2  5
  4  8  6  1

Related Task


Staying Functional (as possible in C++)

The Solver

Translation of: FSharp

<lang cpp> // Solve Random 15 Puzzles : Nigel Galloway - October 11th., 2017 const int Nr[]{3,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3}, Nc[]{3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2}; using N = std::tuple<int,int,unsigned long,std::string,int>; void fN(const N,const int); const N fI(const N n){

 int           g = (11-std::get<1>(n)-std::get<0>(n)*4)*4;
 unsigned long a = std::get<2>(n)&((unsigned long)15<<g);
 return N (std::get<0>(n)+1,std::get<1>(n),std::get<2>(n)-a+(a<<16),std::get<3>(n)+"d",(Nr[a>>g]<=std::get<0>(n))?std::get<4>(n):std::get<4>(n)+1);

} const N fG(const N n){

 int           g = (19-std::get<1>(n)-std::get<0>(n)*4)*4;
 unsigned long a = std::get<2>(n)&((unsigned long)15<<g);
 return N (std::get<0>(n)-1,std::get<1>(n),std::get<2>(n)-a+(a>>16),std::get<3>(n)+"u",(Nr[a>>g]>=std::get<0>(n))?std::get<4>(n):std::get<4>(n)+1);

} const N fE(const N n){

 int           g = (14-std::get<1>(n)-std::get<0>(n)*4)*4;
 unsigned long a = std::get<2>(n)&((unsigned long)15<<g);
 return N (std::get<0>(n),std::get<1>(n)+1,std::get<2>(n)-a+(a<<4),std::get<3>(n)+"r",(Nc[a>>g]<=std::get<1>(n))?std::get<4>(n):std::get<4>(n)+1);

} const N fL(const N n){

 int           g = (16-std::get<1>(n)-std::get<0>(n)*4)*4;
 unsigned long a = std::get<2>(n)&((unsigned long)15<<g);
 return N (std::get<0>(n),std::get<1>(n)-1,std::get<2>(n)-a+(a>>4),std::get<3>(n)+"l",(Nc[a>>g]>=std::get<1>(n))?std::get<4>(n):std::get<4>(n)+1);

} void fZ(const N n, const int g){

 if (std::get<2>(n)==0x123456789abcdef0){
   int g{};for (char a: std::get<3>(n)) ++g;
   std::cout<<"Solution found with "<<g<<" moves: "<<std::get<3>(n)<<std::endl; exit(0);}
 if (std::get<4>(n) <= g) fN(n,g);

} void fN(const N n, const int g){

 const int i{std::get<0>(n)}, e{std::get<1>(n)}, l{std::get<3>(n).back()};
 switch(i){case  0: switch(e){case  0: switch(l){case 'l': fZ(fI(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'u': fZ(fE(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); return;}
                              case  3: switch(l){case 'r': fZ(fI(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'u': fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); return;}
                              default: switch(l){case 'l': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'r': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'u': fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); return;}}
           case  3: switch(e){case  0: switch(l){case 'l': fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'd': fZ(fE(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;}
                              case  3: switch(l){case 'r': fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'd': fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;}
                              default: switch(l){case 'l': fZ(fG(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'r': fZ(fG(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'd': fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); return;}}
           default: switch(e){case  0: switch(l){case 'l': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'u': fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'd': fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;}
                              case  3: switch(l){case 'd': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'u': fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'r': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;}
                              default: switch(l){case 'd': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'l': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'r': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'u': fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;}}}

} void Solve(N n){for(int g{};;++g) fN(n,g);} </lang>

The Task

<lang cpp> int main (){

 N start(2,0,0xfe169b4c0a73d852,"",0);

} </lang>

Solution found with 52 moves: rrrulddluuuldrurdddrullulurrrddldluurddlulurruldrdrd

real    0m2.897s
user    0m2.887s
sys     0m0.008s

Time to get Imperative

see for an analysis of 20 randomly generated 15 puzzles solved with this solver.

The Solver

<lang cpp> // Solve Random 15 Puzzles : Nigel Galloway - October 18th., 2017 class fifteenSolver{

 const int Nr[16]{3,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3}, Nc[16]{3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2}, i{1}, g{8}, e{2}, l{4};
 int n{},_n{}, N0[85]{},N1[85]{},N3[85]{},N4[85];
 unsigned long N2[85]{};
 bool fU(){
   if (N2[n]==0x123456789abcdef0) return true; 
   if (N4[n]<=_n) return fN();
   return false;
 bool fZ(const int w){
   int a = n;
   if ((w&i)>0){fI(); if (fU()) return true; n=a;}
   if ((w&g)>0){fG(); if (fU()) return true; n=a;}
   if ((w&e)>0){fE(); if (fU()) return true; n=a;}
   if ((w&l)>0){fL(); return fU();}
   return false;
 bool fN(){
   switch(N0[n]){case  0: switch(N1[n]){case  0: switch(N3[n]){case 'l': return fZ(i);
                                                               case 'u': return fZ(e);
                                                               default : return fZ(i+e);}
                                        case  3: switch(N3[n]){case 'r': return fZ(i);
                                                               case 'u': return fZ(l);
                                                               default : return fZ(i+l);}
                                        default: switch(N3[n]){case 'l': return fZ(i+l);
                                                               case 'r': return fZ(i+e);
                                                               case 'u': return fZ(e+l);
                                                               default : return fZ(i+e+l);}}
                 case  3: switch(N1[n]){case  0: switch(N3[n]){case 'l': return fZ(g);
                                                               case 'd': return fZ(e);
                                                               default : return fZ(e+g);}
                                        case  3: switch(N3[n]){case 'r': return fZ(g);
                                                               case 'd': return fZ(l);
                                                               default : return fZ(g+l);}
                                        default: switch(N3[n]){case 'l': return fZ(g+l);
                                                               case 'r': return fZ(e+g);
                                                               case 'd': return fZ(e+l);
                                                               default : return fZ(g+e+l);}}
                 default: switch(N1[n]){case  0: switch(N3[n]){case 'l': return fZ(i+g);
                                                               case 'u': return fZ(g+e);
                                                               case 'd': return fZ(i+e);
                                                               default : return fZ(i+g+e);}
                                        case  3: switch(N3[n]){case 'd': return fZ(i+l);
                                                               case 'u': return fZ(g+l);
                                                               case 'r': return fZ(i+g);
                                                               default : return fZ(i+g+l);}
                                        default: switch(N3[n]){case 'd': return fZ(i+e+l);
                                                               case 'l': return fZ(i+g+l);
                                                               case 'r': return fZ(i+g+e);
                                                               case 'u': return fZ(g+e+l);
                                                               default : return fZ(i+g+e+l);}}}
 void fI(){
   int           g = (11-N1[n]-N0[n]*4)*4;
   unsigned long a = N2[n]&((unsigned long)15<<g);
   N0[n+1]=N0[n]+1; N1[n+1]=N1[n]; N2[n+1]=N2[n]-a+(a<<16); N3[n+1]='d'; N4[n+1]=N4[n]+(Nr[a>>g]<=N0[n++]?0:1);
 void fG(){
   int           g = (19-N1[n]-N0[n]*4)*4;
   unsigned long a = N2[n]&((unsigned long)15<<g);
   N0[n+1]=N0[n]-1; N1[n+1]=N1[n]; N2[n+1]=N2[n]-a+(a>>16); N3[n+1]='u'; N4[n+1]=N4[n]+(Nr[a>>g]>=N0[n++]?0:1);
 void fE(){
   int           g = (14-N1[n]-N0[n]*4)*4;
   unsigned long a = N2[n]&((unsigned long)15<<g);
   N0[n+1]=N0[n]; N1[n+1]=N1[n]+1; N2[n+1]=N2[n]-a+(a<<4); N3[n+1]='r'; N4[n+1]=N4[n]+(Nc[a>>g]<=N1[n++]?0:1);
 void fL(){
   int           g = (16-N1[n]-N0[n]*4)*4;
   unsigned long a = N2[n]&((unsigned long)15<<g);
   N0[n+1]=N0[n]; N1[n+1]=N1[n]-1; N2[n+1]=N2[n]-a+(a>>4); N3[n+1]='l'; N4[n+1]=N4[n]+(Nc[a>>g]>=N1[n++]?0:1);


 fifteenSolver(int n, int i, unsigned long g){N0[0]=n; N1[0]=i; N2[0]=g; N4[0]=0;}
 void Solve(){
   while (not fN()){n=0;++_n;}
   std::cout<<"Solution found in "<<n<<" moves: "; for (int g{1};g<=n;++g) std::cout<<(char)N3[g]; std::cout<<std::endl;

}; </lang>

The Task

<lang cpp> int main (){

 fifteenSolver start(2,0,0xfe169b4c0a73d852);

} </lang>

Solution found in 52 moves: rrrulddluuuldrurdddrullulurrrddldluurddlulurruldrdrd

real    0m0.795s
user    0m0.794s
sys     0m0.000s


<lang fsharp> // A Naive 15 puzzle solver using no memory. Nigel Galloway: October 6th., 2017 let Nr = [|3;0;0;0;0;1;1;1;1;2;2;2;2;3;3;3|] let Nc = [|3;0;1;2;3;0;1;2;3;0;1;2;3;0;1;2|] let rec Solve n =

 let rec fN (i,g,e,l,_) = seq {
   let   fI = let n = (11-g-i*4)*4
              let a = (e&&&(15UL<<<n))
              (i+1,g,e-a+(a<<<16),'d'::l,Nr.[(int (a>>>n))] <= i)
   let   fG = let n = (19-g-i*4)*4
              let a = (e&&&(15UL<<<n))
              (i-1,g,e-a+(a>>>16),'u'::l,Nr.[(int (a>>>n))] >= i)
   let   fE = let n = (14-g-i*4)*4
              let a = (e&&&(15UL<<<n))
              (i,g+1,e-a+(a<<<4), 'r'::l,Nc.[(int (a>>>n))] <= g)
   let   fL = let n = (16-g-i*4)*4
              let a = (e&&&(15UL<<<n))
              (i,g-1,e-a+(a>>>4), 'l'::l,Nc.[(int (a>>>n))] >= g)
   let   fZ (n,i,g,e,l) = seq{yield (n,i,g,e,l); if l then yield! fN (n,i,g,e,l)}
   match (i,g,l) with
     |(0,0,'l'::_) -> yield! fZ fI
     |(0,0,'u'::_) -> yield! fZ fE
     |(0,0,_)      -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE
     |(0,3,'r'::_) -> yield! fZ fI
     |(0,3,'u'::_) -> yield! fZ fL
     |(0,3,_)      -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fL
     |(3,0,'l'::_) -> yield! fZ fG
     |(3,0,'d'::_) -> yield! fZ fE
     |(3,0,_)      -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG
     |(3,3,'r'::_) -> yield! fZ fG
     |(3,3,'d'::_) -> yield! fZ fL
     |(3,3,_)      -> yield! fZ fG; yield! fZ fL
     |(0,_,'l'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fL
     |(0,_,'r'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE
     |(0,_,'u'::_) -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fL
     |(0,_,_)      -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fL
     |(_,0,'l'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fG
     |(_,0,'u'::_) -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG
     |(_,0,'d'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE
     |(_,0,_)      -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG
     |(3,_,'l'::_) -> yield! fZ fG; yield! fZ fL
     |(3,_,'r'::_) -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG
     |(3,_,'d'::_) -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fL
     |(3,_,_)      -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG; yield! fZ fL
     |(_,3,'d'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fL
     |(_,3,'u'::_) -> yield! fZ fL; yield! fZ fG
     |(_,3,'r'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fG
     |(_,3,_)      -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fL; yield! fZ fG
     |(_,_,'d'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fL
     |(_,_,'l'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fG; yield! fZ fL
     |(_,_,'r'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG
     |(_,_,'u'::_) -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG; yield! fZ fL
     |_            -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG; yield! fZ fL
 let n = Seq.collect fN n
 match (Seq.tryFind(fun(_,_,n,_,_)->n=0x123456789abcdef0UL)) n with
 |Some(_,_,_,n,_) -> printf "Solution found with %d moves: " (List.length n); List.iter (string >> printf "%s") (List.rev n); printfn ""
 |_               -> Solve (Seq.filter(fun (_,_,_,_,n)->not n) n)

Solve [(2,0,0xfe169b4c0a73d852UL,[],false)] </lang>

Solution found with 52 moves: rrrulddluuuldrurdddrullulurrrddldluurddlulurruldrdrd

see: Pretty Print of Optimal Soltion


<lang Phix>-- -- demo\rosetta\Solve15puzzle.exw -- constant STM = 0 -- single-tile metrics. constant MTM = 0 -- multi-tile metrics. if STM and MTM then ?9/0 end if -- both prohibited -- 0 0 -- fastest, but non-optimal -- 1 0 -- optimal in STM -- 0 1 -- optimal in MTM (slowest by far)

--Note: The fast method uses an inadmissible heuristic - see "not STM" in iddfs(). -- It explores mtm-style using the higher stm heuristic and may therefore -- fail badly in some cases.

constant SIZE = 4

constant goal = { 1, 2, 3, 4,

                 5, 6, 7, 8,
                13,14,15, 0}

-- -- multi-tile-metric walking distance heuristic lookup (mmwd). -- ========================================================== -- Uses patterns of counts of tiles in/from row/col, eg the solved state -- (ie goal above) could be represented by the following: -- {{4,0,0,0}, -- {0,4,0,0}, -- {0,0,4,0}, -- {0,0,0,3}} -- ie row/col 1 contains 4 tiles from col/row 1, etc. In this case -- both are identical, but you can count row/col or col/row, and then -- add them together. There are up to 24964 possible patterns. The -- blank space is not counted. Note that a vertical move cannot change -- a vertical pattern, ditto horizontal, and basic symmetry means that -- row/col and col/row patterns will match (at least, that is, if they -- are calculated sympathetically), halving the setup cost. -- The data is just the number of moves made before this pattern was -- first encountered, in a breadth-first search, backwards from the -- goal state, until all patterns have been enumerated. -- (The same ideas/vars are now also used for stm metrics when STM=1) -- sequence wdkey -- once such 4x4 pattern constant mmwd = new_dict() -- lookup table, data is walking distance.

-- -- We use two to-do lists: todo is the current list, and everything -- of walkingdistance+1 ends up on tdnx. Once todo is exhausted, we -- swap the dictionary-ids, so tdnx automatically becomes empty. -- Key is an mmwd pattern as above, and data is {distance,space_idx}. -- integer todo = new_dict() integer tdnx = new_dict()


enum UP = 1, DOWN = -1

procedure explore(integer space_idx, walking_distance, direction) -- -- Given a space index, explore all the possible moves in direction, -- setting the distance and extending the tdnx table. -- integer tile_idx = space_idx+direction

   for group=1 to SIZE do
       if wdkey[tile_idx][group] then
           -- ie: check row tile_idx for tiles belonging to rows 1..4
           -- Swap one of those tiles with the space
           wdkey[tile_idx][group] -= 1
           wdkey[space_idx][group] += 1
           if getd_index(wdkey,mmwd)=0 then
               -- save the walking distance value
               -- and add to the todo next list:
               if getd_index(wdkey,tdnx)!=0 then ?9/0 end if
           end if

if MTM then

           if tile_idx>1 and tile_idx<SIZE then
               -- mtm: same direction means same distance:
               explore(tile_idx, walking_distance, direction)
           end if

end if

           -- Revert the swap so we can look at the next candidate.
           wdkey[tile_idx][group] += 1
           wdkey[space_idx][group] -= 1
       end if
   end for

end procedure

procedure generate_mmwd() -- Perform a breadth-first search begining with the solved puzzle state -- and exploring from there until no more new patterns emerge. integer walking_distance = 0, space = 4

   wdkey = {{4,0,0,0}, -- \
            {0,4,0,0}, --  } 4 tiles in correct row positions
            {0,0,4,0}, -- /
            {0,0,0,3}} --    3 tiles in correct row position
   while 1 do
       if space<4 then explore(space, walking_distance, UP)    end if
       if space>1 then explore(space, walking_distance, DOWN) end if
       if dict_size(todo)=0 then
           if dict_size(tdnx)=0 then exit end if
           {todo,tdnx} = {tdnx,todo}
       end if
       wdkey = getd_partial_key(0,todo)
       {walking_distance,space} = getd(wdkey,todo)
   end while

end procedure

function walking_distance(sequence puzzle) sequence rkey = repeat(repeat(0,SIZE),SIZE),

        ckey = repeat(repeat(0,SIZE),SIZE)
   integer k = 1
   for i=1 to SIZE do  -- rows
       for j=1 to SIZE do  -- columns
           integer tile = puzzle[k]
           if tile!=0 then
               integer row = floor((tile-1)/4)+1,
                       col = mod(tile-1,4)+1
               rkey[i][row] += 1
               ckey[j][col] += 1
           end if
           k += 1
       end for
   end for
   if getd_index(rkey,mmwd)=0
   or getd_index(ckey,mmwd)=0 then
       ?9/0 -- sanity check
   end if
   integer rwd = getd(rkey,mmwd),
           cwd = getd(ckey,mmwd)
   return rwd+cwd

end function

sequence puzzle string res = "" atom t0 = time(),

    t1 = time()+1

atom tries = 0

constant ok = {{0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1}, -- left

              {0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1},   -- up
              {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0},   -- down
              {1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0}}   -- right

function iddfs(integer step, lim, space, prevmv)

   if time()>t1 then
       printf(1,"working... (depth=%d, tries=%d, time=%3ds)\r",{lim,tries,time()-t0})
       t1 = time()+1
   end if
   tries += 1
   integer d = iff(step==lim?0:walking_distance(puzzle))
   if d=0 then
       return (puzzle==goal)
   elsif step+d<=lim then
       for mv=1 to 4 do -- l/u/d/r
           if prevmv!=(5-mv) -- not l after r or vice versa, ditto u/d
           and ok[mv][space] then
               integer nspace = space+{-1,-4,+4,+1}[mv]
               integer tile = puzzle[nspace]
               if puzzle[space]!=0 then ?9/0 end if    -- sanity check     
               puzzle[space] = tile
               puzzle[nspace] = 0
               if iddfs(step+iff(MTM or not STM?(prevmv!=mv):1),lim,nspace,mv) then
                   res &= "ludr"[mv]
                   return true
               end if
               puzzle[nspace] = tile
               puzzle[space] = 0
           end if
       end for
   end if
   return false

end function

function pack(string s) integer n = length(s), n0 = n

   for i=1 to 4 do
       integer ch = "lrud"[i], k
       while 1 do
           k = match(repeat(ch,3),s)
           if k=0 then exit end if
           s[k+1..k+2] = "3"
           n -= 2
       end while
       while 1 do
           k = match(repeat(ch,2),s)
           if k=0 then exit end if
           s[k+1] = '2'
           n -= 1
       end while
   end for
   return {n,iff(MTM?sprintf("%d",n):sprintf("%d(%d)",{n,n0})),s}

end function

procedure apply_moves(string moves, integer space) integer move, ch, nspace

   puzzle[space] = 0
   for i=1 to length(moves) do
       ch = moves[i]
       if ch>'3' then
           move = find(ch,"ulrd")
       end if
       -- (hint: "r" -> the 'r' does 1
       --        "r2" -> the 'r' does 1, the '2' does 1
       --        "r3" -> the 'r' does 1, the '3' does 2!)
       for j=1 to 1+(ch='3') do
           nspace = space+{-4,-1,+1,4}[move]
           puzzle[space] = puzzle[nspace]
           space = nspace
           puzzle[nspace] = 0
       end for
   end for

end procedure

function solvable(sequence board) integer n = length(board) sequence positions = repeat(0,n)

   -- prepare the mapping from each tile to its position
   board[find(0,board)] = n
   for i=1 to n do
       positions[board[i]] = i
   end for
   -- check whether this is an even or odd state
   integer row = floor((positions[16]-1)/4),
           col = (positions[16]-1)-row*4
   bool even_state = (positions[16]==16) or (mod(row,2)==mod(col,2))
   -- count the even cycles
   integer even_count = 0
   sequence visited = repeat(false,16)
   for i=1 to n do
       if not visited[i] then
           -- a new cycle starts at i. Count its length..
           integer cycle_length = 0,
                   next_tile = i
           while not visited[next_tile] do
               cycle_length +=1
               visited[next_tile] = true
               next_tile = positions[next_tile]
           end while
           even_count += (mod(cycle_length,2)==0)
       end if
   end for
   return even_state == (mod(even_count,2)==0)

end function

procedure main()

   puzzle = {15,14, 1, 6, 
              9,11, 4,12,
              0,10, 7, 3, 
             13, 8, 5, 2}
   if not solvable(puzzle) then
       printf(1,"puzzle is not solveable\n")
       sequence original = puzzle
       integer space = find(0,puzzle)
       for lim=walking_distance(puzzle) to iff(MTM?43:80) do
           if iddfs(0, lim, space, '-') then exit end if
       end for
       {integer n, string ns, string ans} = pack(reverse(res))
       atom t = time()-t0
       printf(1,"\n%soptimal solution of %s moves found in %s: %s\n\nresult: ",
       puzzle = original
   end if

end procedure main()</lang>

non-optimal solution of 35(60) moves found in 2.42s: u2r2d3ru2ld2ru3ld3l2u3r2d2l2dru2ldru2rd3lulur3dl2ur2d2
stm-optimal solution of 38(52) moves found in 1 minute and 54s: r3uldlu2ldrurd3lu2lur3dld2ruldlu2rd2lulur2uldr2d2
mtm-optimal solution of 31(60) moves found in 2 hours, 38 minutes and 28s: u2r2d3ru2ld2ru3ld3l2u3r2d2l2dru3rd3l2u2r3dl3dru2r2d2

Partial extra credit:

puzzle is not solveable

No luck on the other one, a non-optimal 60(98) moves was the best it could manage.