15 puzzle solver: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|Wren}}: Minor tidy)
(Added Uiua solution)
Line 10,556: Line 10,556:
Total time: 117.666 seconds
Total time: 117.666 seconds

{{Works with |Uiua|0.12.0-dev.1}} Uses experimental `◹` and `astar`.
This works but it is very, very slow for complex states.
<syntaxhighlight lang="uiua">
# Solve a 15 puzzle
# Experimental!
T ← ↯4_4 ↻1⇡16
# Return shuffled copy of the input.
Shuffle ← ⊏⊸(⍏[⍥⚂]⧻)
# Positions of the numbers (not 0)
Pos ← ≡(⊢⊚⌕)↘1⇡16¤
# Only keep numbers in this row/col which should be in this row/col,
# (a b) -> check a against b.
InRightRank ← □▽≡∊⊙¤,
# For each pair in the wrong order, add two (to a max of six).
InWrongOrder ← ↧6×2/+◹/+⊞<.▽⊸≠0°□

Distance ← /+/+⌵-∩Pos
Penalties ← +∩(/+≡InWrongOrder≡InRightRank) ∩⍉,,
# Heuristic distance to goal = sum(manhattan distances) + Penalties
# (Target Current) -> n
Heuristic ← +⊃(Penalties|Distance) T

# Four possible neighbours
Nfour ← [[1 0] [¯1 0] [0 1] [0 ¯1]]
# Actual neighbours at a point.
ValidN ← ≡(⊂)⊙¤:⟜(▽⊸(≥0≡/↧)▽⊸(<4≡/↥)+Nfour)¤
# Precalculate them.
ValidNs ← ⊞(□ ValidN⊟)⇡4 ⇡4

# Get the valid (from to) moves from this cell.
Moves ← °□⊡:ValidNs⊢⊚⌕0
# Swap the values at the indexes [0 1] [a b 2 3] -> [b a 2 3]
Swap ← ⍜(⊡|∘◌) ⊃(⇌⊙∘|⊡)
# List the possible next positions for a position
Next ← ⊙◌≡(Swap ⊙.)⊙¤⊸Moves

# Set up initial puzzle state.
# ⍥(Swap⊡⊸(⌊×⚂⧻)⊸Moves)90 T # Random shuffle.
# [[9 1 2 4] [13 6 5 7] [3 11 14 15] [10 0 8 12]] # 34 steps
[[15 14 1 6] [9 11 4 12] [0 10 7 3] [13 8 5 2]] # Main
# [[0 12 9 13] [15 11 10 14] [3 7 2 5] [4 8 6 1]] # Extra Credit

&p$"_ seconds"
# Track the movement of the 0 between adjacent steps.
# Map to directions
/⊂⇌≡⍣("d" °¯1_0|"u" °1_0|"r" °0_¯1|"l" °0_1|∘)
⊙⊙(&p$"_ seconds"- N now)
╷ 15 14 1 6
9 11 4 12
0 10 7 3
13 8 5 2
7531.316534996033 seconds