15 puzzle solver: Difference between revisions

Neater C++ solution
(Realize in Pascal)
(Neater C++ solution)
Line 38:
===Staying Functional (as possible in C++)===
====The Solver====
<lang cpp>
// Solve Random 15 Puzzles : Nigel Galloway - October 11th., 2017
const int Nr[]{3,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3}, Nc[]{3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2};
using N = std::tuple<int,int,unsigned long,std::string,int>;
void fN(const N,const int);
const N fI(const N n){
int g = (11-std::get<1>(n)-std::get<0>(n)*4)*4;
unsigned long a = std::get<2>(n)&((unsigned long)15<<g);
return N (std::get<0>(n)+1,std::get<1>(n),std::get<2>(n)-a+(a<<16),std::get<3>(n)+"d",(Nr[a>>g]<=std::get<0>(n))?std::get<4>(n):std::get<4>(n)+1);
const N fG(const N n){
int g = (19-std::get<1>(n)-std::get<0>(n)*4)*4;
unsigned long a = std::get<2>(n)&((unsigned long)15<<g);
return N (std::get<0>(n)-1,std::get<1>(n),std::get<2>(n)-a+(a>>16),std::get<3>(n)+"u",(Nr[a>>g]>=std::get<0>(n))?std::get<4>(n):std::get<4>(n)+1);
const N fE(const N n){
int g = (14-std::get<1>(n)-std::get<0>(n)*4)*4;
unsigned long a = std::get<2>(n)&((unsigned long)15<<g);
return N (std::get<0>(n),std::get<1>(n)+1,std::get<2>(n)-a+(a<<4),std::get<3>(n)+"r",(Nc[a>>g]<=std::get<1>(n))?std::get<4>(n):std::get<4>(n)+1);
const N fL(const N n){
int g = (16-std::get<1>(n)-std::get<0>(n)*4)*4;
unsigned long a = std::get<2>(n)&((unsigned long)15<<g);
return N (std::get<0>(n),std::get<1>(n)-1,std::get<2>(n)-a+(a>>4),std::get<3>(n)+"l",(Nc[a>>g]>=std::get<1>(n))?std::get<4>(n):std::get<4>(n)+1);
void fZ(const N n, const int g){
if (std::get<2>(n)==0x123456789abcdef0){
int g{};for (char a: std::get<3>(n)) ++g;
std::cout<<"Solution found with "<<g<<" moves: "<<std::get<3>(n)<<std::endl; exit(0);}
if (std::get<4>(n) <= g) fN(n,g);
void fN(const N n, const int g){
const int i{std::get<0>(n)}, e{std::get<1>(n)}, l{std::get<3>(n).back()};
switch(i){case 0: switch(e){case 0: switch(l){case 'l': fZ(fI(n),g); return;
case 'u': fZ(fE(n),g); return;
default : fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); return;}
case 3: switch(l){case 'r': fZ(fI(n),g); return;
case 'u': fZ(fL(n),g); return;
default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); return;}
default: switch(l){case 'l': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); return;
case 'r': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); return;
case 'u': fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); return;
default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); return;}}
case 3: switch(e){case 0: switch(l){case 'l': fZ(fG(n),g); return;
case 'd': fZ(fE(n),g); return;
default : fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;}
case 3: switch(l){case 'r': fZ(fG(n),g); return;
case 'd': fZ(fL(n),g); return;
default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;}
default: switch(l){case 'l': fZ(fG(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); return;
case 'r': fZ(fG(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); return;
case 'd': fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); return;
default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); return;}}
default: switch(e){case 0: switch(l){case 'l': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
case 'u': fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
case 'd': fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); return;
default : fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;}
case 3: switch(l){case 'd': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); return;
case 'u': fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
case 'r': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;}
default: switch(l){case 'd': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); return;
case 'l': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
case 'r': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
case 'u': fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;}}}
void Solve(N n){for(int g{};;++g) fN(n,g);}
====The Task====
<lang cpp>
int main (){
N start(2,0,0xfe169b4c0a73d852,"",0);
Solution found with 52 moves: rrrulddluuuldrurdddrullulurrrddldluurddlulurruldrdrd
real 0m2.897s
user 0m2.887s
sys 0m0.008s
===Time to get Imperative===
[http://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/15_puzzle_solver/20_Random see] for an analysis of 20 randomly generated 15 puzzles solved with this solver.
====The Solver====
Line 132 ⟶ 43:
// Solve Random 15 Puzzles : Nigel Galloway - October 18th., 2017
class fifteenSolver{
const int Nr[16]{3,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3}, Nc[16]{3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2}, i{1}, g{8}, e{2}, l{4};
int n{},_n{}, N0[85100]{},N3[85100]{},N4[85100]{};
unsigned long N2[85100]{};
const bool fY(){
if (N2[n]==0x123456789abcdef0) {std::cout<<"Solution found in "<<n<<" moves :"; for (int g{1};g<=n;++g) std::cout<<(char)N3[g]; std::cout<<std::endl; return true; };
if (N4[n]<=_n) return fN();
return false;
const bool fZ(const int w fN(){
if ((wN3[n]!='u' &i)>0& N0[n]/4<3){fI(); ++n; if (fY()) return true; --n;}
if ((wN3[n]!='d' &g)& N0[n]/4>0){fG(); ++n; if (fY()) return true; --n;}
if ((wN3[n]!='l' &e)>0& N0[n]%4<3){fE(); ++n; if (fY()) return true; --n;}
if ((wN3[n]!='r' &l)& N0[n]%4>0){fL(); ++n; if (fY()) return true; --n;}
return false;
const bool fN(){
switch(N0[n]){case 0: switch(N3[n]){case 'l': return fZ(i);
case 'u': return fZ(e);
default : return fZ(i+e);}
case 3: switch(N3[n]){case 'r': return fZ(i);
case 'u': return fZ(l);
default : return fZ(i+l);}
case 1: case 2: switch(N3[n]){case 'l': return fZ(i+l);
case 'r': return fZ(i+e);
case 'u': return fZ(e+l);
default : return fZ(l+e+i);}
case 12: switch(N3[n]){case 'l': return fZ(g);
case 'd': return fZ(e);
default : return fZ(e+g);}
case 15: switch(N3[n]){case 'r': return fZ(g);
case 'd': return fZ(l);
default : return fZ(g+l);}
case 13: case 14: switch(N3[n]){case 'l': return fZ(g+l);
case 'r': return fZ(e+g);
case 'd': return fZ(e+l);
default : return fZ(g+e+l);}
case 4: case 8: switch(N3[n]){case 'l': return fZ(i+g);
case 'u': return fZ(g+e);
case 'd': return fZ(i+e);
default : return fZ(i+g+e);}
case 7: case 11: switch(N3[n]){case 'd': return fZ(i+l);
case 'u': return fZ(g+l);
case 'r': return fZ(i+g);
default : return fZ(i+g+l);}
default: switch(N3[n]){case 'd': return fZ(i+e+l);
case 'l': return fZ(i+g+l);
case 'r': return fZ(i+g+e);
case 'u': return fZ(g+e+l);
default : return fZ(i+g+e+l);}}
void fI(){
const int g = (11-N0[n])*4;
const unsigned long a = N2[n]&((unsigned long)15<<g);
N0[n+1]=N0[n]+4; N2[n+1]=N2[n]-a+(a<<16); N3[n+1]='d'; N4[n+1]=N4[n]+(Nr[a>>g]<=N0[n++]/4?0:1);
void fG(){
const int g = (19-N0[n])*4;
const unsigned long a = N2[n]&((unsigned long)15<<g);
N0[n+1]=N0[n]-4; N2[n+1]=N2[n]-a+(a>>16); N3[n+1]='u'; N4[n+1]=N4[n]+(Nr[a>>g]>=N0[n++]/4?0:1);
void fE(){
const int g = (14-N0[n])*4;
const unsigned long a = N2[n]&((unsigned long)15<<g);
N0[n+1]=N0[n]+1; N2[n+1]=N2[n]-a+(a<<4); N3[n+1]='r'; N4[n+1]=N4[n]+(Nc[a>>g]<=N0[n++]%4?0:1);
void fL(){
const int g = (16-N0[n])*4;
const unsigned long a = N2[n]&((unsigned long)15<<g);
N0[n+1]=N0[n]-1; N2[n+1]=N2[n]-a+(a>>4); N3[n+1]='l'; N4[n+1]=N4[n]+(Nc[a>>g]>=N0[n++]%4?0:1);
fifteenSolver(int n, unsigned long g){N0[0]=n; N2[0]=g; N4[0]=0;}
void Solve(){for(;not fY();++_n);}
if (fN()) {std::cout<<"Solution found in "<<n<<" moves: "; for (int g{1};g<=n;++g) std::cout<<(char)N3[g]; std::cout<<std::endl;}
else {n=0; ++_n; Solve();}
Line 225 ⟶ 98:
sys 0m0.000s
====Extra Credit====
I have updated the 20 random examples, which showed n the number of moves to include _n. As seen when _n is less than 10 the puzzle is solved quickly. This suggests a multi-threading strategy. I have 8 cores available. Modifying solve so that it starts a thread for _n=0 to _n=9, 1 for _n=10, 1 for _n=11, 1 for _n=12, and 1 for _n=13 tests that the fan is still working and turns the computer into a hair-dryer. It also finds the following solution to the extra credit task:
Solution found in 80 moves: dddrurdruuulllddrulddrrruuullddruulldddrrurulldrruulldlddrurullddrrruullulddrdrr
in 29m19.973s.<br>
It also solves the 5th. example which requires 29.3s single threaded in 7s.
===The Function===
