15 puzzle solver: Difference between revisions

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{{trans|C++}} Decoding actually...
<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Puzzle_15 is

type Direction is (Up, Down, Left, Right);
type Row_Type is range 0 .. 3;
type Col_Type is range 0 .. 3;
type Tile_Type is range 0 .. 15;

To_Col : constant array (Tile_Type) of Col_Type :=
(3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2);
To_Row : constant array (Tile_Type) of Row_Type :=
(3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3);

type Board_Type is array (Row_Type, Col_Type) of Tile_Type;

Solved_Board : constant Board_Type :=
((1, 2, 3, 4),
(5, 6, 7, 8),
(9, 10, 11, 12),
(13, 14, 15, 0));

type Try_Type is
Board : Board_Type;
Move : Direction;
Cost : Integer;
Row : Row_Type;
Col : Col_Type;
end record;

Stack : array (0 .. 100) of Try_Type;
Top : Natural := 0;
Iteration_Count : Natural := 0;

procedure Move_Down is
Board : Board_Type := Stack (Top).Board;
Row : constant Row_Type := Stack (Top).Row;
Col : constant Col_Type := Stack (Top).Col;
Tile : constant Tile_Type := Board (Row + 1, Col);
Penalty : constant Integer :=
(if To_Row (Tile) <= Row then 0 else 1);
Board (Row, Col) := Tile;
Board (Row + 1, Col) := 0;
Stack (Top + 1) := (Board => Board,
Move => Down,
Row => Row + 1,
Col => Col,
Cost => Stack (Top).Cost + Penalty);
end Move_Down;

procedure Move_Up is
Board : Board_Type := Stack (Top).Board;
Row : constant Row_Type := Stack (Top).Row;
Col : constant Col_Type := Stack (Top).Col;
Tile : constant Tile_Type := Board (Row - 1, Col);
Penalty : constant Integer :=
(if To_Row (Tile) >= Row then 0 else 1);
Board (Row, Col) := Tile;
Board (Row - 1, Col) := 0;
Stack (Top + 1) := (Board => Board,
Move => Up,
Row => Row - 1,
Col => Col,
Cost => Stack (Top).Cost + Penalty);
end Move_Up;

procedure Move_Left is
Board : Board_Type := Stack (Top).Board;
Row : constant Row_Type := Stack (Top).Row;
Col : constant Col_Type := Stack (Top).Col;
Tile : constant Tile_Type := Board (Row, Col - 1);
Penalty : constant Integer :=
(if To_Col (Tile) >= Col then 0 else 1);
Board (Row, Col) := Tile;
Board (Row, Col - 1) := 0;
Stack (Top + 1) := (Board => Board,
Move => Left,
Row => Row,
Col => Col - 1,
Cost => Stack (Top).Cost + Penalty);
end Move_Left;

procedure Move_Right is
Board : Board_Type := Stack (Top).Board;
Row : constant Row_Type := Stack (Top).Row;
Col : constant Col_Type := Stack (Top).Col;
Tile : constant Tile_Type := Board (Row, Col + 1);
Penalty : constant Integer :=
(if To_Col (Tile) <= Col then 0 else 1);
Board (Row, Col) := Tile;
Board (Row, Col + 1) := 0;
Stack (Top + 1) := (Board => Board,
Move => Right,
Row => Row,
Col => Col + 1,
Cost => Stack (Top).Cost + Penalty);
end Move_Right;

function Is_Solution return Boolean;

function Test_Moves return Boolean is
Stack (Top).Move /= Down and then
Stack (Top).Row /= Row_Type'First
Top := Top + 1;
if Is_Solution then return True; end if;
Top := Top - 1;
end if;

Stack (Top).Move /= Up and then
Stack (Top).Row /= Row_Type'Last
Top := Top + 1;
if Is_Solution then return True; end if;
Top := Top - 1;
end if;

Stack (Top).Move /= Right and then
Stack (Top).Col /= Col_Type'First
Top := Top + 1;
if Is_Solution then return True; end if;
Top := Top - 1;
end if;

Stack (Top).Move /= Left and then
Stack (Top).Col /= Col_Type'Last
Top := Top + 1;
if Is_Solution then return True; end if;
Top := Top - 1;
end if;

return False;
end Test_Moves;

function Is_Solution return Boolean is
use Ada.Text_IO;
if Stack (Top).Board = Solved_Board then
Put ("Solved in " & Top'Image & " moves: ");
for R in 1 .. Top loop
Put (String'(Stack (R).Move'Image) (1));
end loop;
return True;
end if;
if Stack (Top).Cost <= Iteration_Count then
return Test_Moves;
end if;
return False;
end Is_Solution;

procedure Solve (Row : in Row_Type;
Col : in Col_Type;
Board : in Board_Type) is
pragma Assert (Board (Row, Col) = 0);
Top := 0;
Iteration_Count := 0;
Stack (Top) := (Board => Board,
Row => Row,
Col => Col,
Move => Down,
Cost => 0);
while not Is_Solution loop
Iteration_Count := Iteration_Count + 1;
end loop;
end Solve;

Solve (Row => 2,
Col => 0,
Board => ((15, 14, 1, 6),
(9, 11, 4, 12),
(0, 10, 7, 3),
(13, 8, 5, 2)));
end Puzzle_15;</lang>

=={{header|ARM Assembly}}==
=={{header|ARM Assembly}}==
{{works with|as|Raspberry Pi}}
{{works with|as|Raspberry Pi}}