15 puzzle solver: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎Iterative Depth A*: Fixed formatting)
(My solution in Common Lisp)
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* [[A* search algorithm]]
* [[A* search algorithm]]

=={{Common Lisp}}==


Using an A* search algorithm which is good enough for the first task. I increased SBCL's dynamic memory to 2GB for the code to run smoothly.

<lang lisp>;;; Using a priority queue for the A* search
(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
(ql:quickload "pileup"))

;; * The package definition
(defpackage :15-solver
(:use :common-lisp :pileup)
(:export "15-puzzle-solver" "*initial-state*" "*goal-state*"))
(in-package :15-solver)

;; * Data types
(defstruct (posn (:constructor posn))
"A posn is a pair struct containing two integer for the row/col indices."
(row 0 :type fixnum)
(col 0 :type fixnum))

(defstruct (state (:constructor state))
"A state contains a vector and a posn describing the position of the empty slot."
(matrix '#(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0) :type simple-vector)
(empty-slot (posn :row 3 :col 3) :type posn))
(defparameter directions '(up down left right)
"The possible directions shifting the empty slot.")
(defstruct (node (:constructor node))
"A node contains a state, a reference to the previous node, a g value (actual
costs until this node, and a f value (g value + heuristics)."
(state (state) :type state)
(prev nil)
(cost 0 :type fixnum)
(f-value 0 :type fixnum))

;; * Some constants
(defparameter *side-size* 4 "The size of the puzzle.")

(defvar *initial-state*
(state :matrix #(15 14 1 6
9 11 4 12
0 10 7 3
13 8 5 2)
:empty-slot (posn :row 2 :col 0)))

(defvar *initial-state-2*
(state :matrix #( 0 12 9 13
15 11 10 14
3 7 2 5
4 8 6 1)
:empty-slot (posn :row 0 :col 0)))

(defvar *goal-state*
(state :matrix #( 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 0)
:empty-slot (posn :row 3 :col 3)))

;; * The functions

;; ** Accessing the elements of the puzzle
(defun matrix-ref (matrix row col)
"Matrices are simple vectors, abstracted by following functions."
(svref matrix (+ (* row *side-size*) col)))

(defun (setf matrix-ref) (val matrix row col)
(setf (svref matrix (+ (* row *side-size*) col)) val))

;; ** The final predicate
(defun target-state-p (state goal-state)
"Returns T if STATE is the goal state."
(equalp state goal-state))

(defun valid-movement-p (direction empty-slot)
"Returns T if direction is allowed for the current empty slot position."
(case direction
(up (< (posn-row empty-slot) (1- *side-size*)))
(down (> (posn-row empty-slot) 0))
(left (< (posn-col empty-slot) (1- *side-size*)))
(right (> (posn-col empty-slot) 0))))

;; ** Pretty print the state
(defun print-state (state)
"Helper function to pretty-print a state."
(format t " ====================~%")
with matrix = (state-matrix state)
for i from 0 below *side-size*
for j from 0 below *side-size*
do (format t "| ~2,D " (matrix-ref matrix i j)))
(format t " |~%"))
(format t " ====================~%"))

;; ** Move the empty slot
(defun move (state direction)
"Returns a new state after moving STATE's empty-slot in DIRECTION assuming a
valid direction."
(let* ((matrix (copy-seq (state-matrix state)))
(empty-slot (state-empty-slot state))
(r (posn-row empty-slot))
(c (posn-col empty-slot))
(ccase direction
(up (setf (matrix-ref matrix r c) (matrix-ref matrix (1+ r) c)
(matrix-ref matrix (1+ r) c) 0)
(posn :row (1+ r) :col c))
(down (setf (matrix-ref matrix r c) (matrix-ref matrix (1- r) c)
(matrix-ref matrix (1- r) c) 0)
(posn :row (1- r) :col c))
(left (setf (matrix-ref matrix r c) (matrix-ref matrix r (1+ c))
(matrix-ref matrix r (1+ c)) 0)
(posn :row r :col (1+ c)))
(right (setf (matrix-ref matrix r c) (matrix-ref matrix r (1- c))
(matrix-ref matrix r (1- c)) 0)
(posn :row r :col (1- c))))))
(state :matrix matrix :empty-slot new-empty-slot)))

;; ** The heuristics
(defun l1-distance (posn0 posn1)
"Returns the L1 distance between two positions."
(+ (abs (- (posn-row posn0) (posn-row posn1)))
(abs (- (posn-col posn0) (posn-col posn1)))))

(defun element-cost (val current-posn)
"Returns the L1 distance between the current position and the goal-position
for VAL."
(if (zerop val)
(l1-distance current-posn (posn :row 3 :col 3))
(multiple-value-bind (target-row target-col)
(floor (1- val) *side-size*)
(l1-distance current-posn (posn :row target-row :col target-col)))))

(defun distance-to-goal (state)
"Returns the L1 distance from STATE to the goal state."
with matrix = (state-matrix state)
with sum = 0
for i below *side-size*
do (loop
for j below *side-size*
for val = (matrix-ref matrix i j)
for cost = (element-cost val (posn :row i :col j))
unless (zerop val)
do (incf sum cost))
finally (return sum)))

(defun out-of-order-values (list)
"Returns the number of values out of order."
(flet ((count-values (list)
with a = (first list)
with rest = (rest list)
for b in rest
when (> b a)
count b)))
for candidates = list then (rest candidates)
while candidates
summing (count-values candidates) into result
finally (return (* 2 result)))))

(defun row-conflicts (row state0 state1)
"Returns the number of conflicts in the given row, i.e. value in the right row
but in the wrong order. For each conflicted pair add 2 to the value, but a
maximum of 6 to avoid over-estimation."
(let* ((goal-row (loop
with matrix1 = (state-matrix state1)
for j below *side-size*
collect (matrix-ref matrix1 row j)))
(in-goal-row (loop
with matrix0 = (state-matrix state0)
for j below *side-size*
for val = (matrix-ref matrix0 row j)
when (member val goal-row)
collect val)))
(min 6 (out-of-order-values
;; 0 does not lead to a linear conflict
(remove 0 (nreverse in-goal-row))))))

(defun col-conflicts (col state0 state1)
"Returns the number of conflicts in the given column, i.e. value in the right
row but in the wrong order. For each conflicted pair add 2 to the value, but a
maximum of 6 to avoid over-estimation."
(let* ((goal-col (loop
with matrix1 = (state-matrix state1)
for i below *side-size*
collect (matrix-ref matrix1 i col)))
(in-goal-col (loop
with matrix0 = (state-matrix state0)
for i below *side-size*
for val = (matrix-ref matrix0 i col)
when (member val goal-col)
collect val)))
(min 6 (out-of-order-values
;; 0 does not lead to a linear conflict
(remove 0 (nreverse in-goal-col))))))

(defun linear-conflicts (state0 state1)
"Returns the linear conflicts for state1 with respect to state0."
for i below *side-size*
for row-conflicts = (row-conflicts i state0 state1)
for col-conflicts = (col-conflicts i state0 state1)
summing row-conflicts into all-row-conflicts
summing col-conflicts into all-col-conflicts
finally (return (+ all-row-conflicts all-col-conflicts))))

(defun state-heuristics (state)
"Using the L1 distance and the number of linear conflicts as heuristics."
(+ (distance-to-goal state)
(linear-conflicts state *goal-state*)))

;; ** Generate the next possible states.
(defun next-state-dir-pairs (current-node)
"Returns a list of pairs containing the next states and the direction for the
movement of the empty slot."
(let* ((state (node-state current-node))
(empty-slot (state-empty-slot state))
(valid-movements (remove-if-not (lambda (dir) (valid-movement-p dir empty-slot))
(map 'list (lambda (dir) (cons (move state dir) dir)) valid-movements)))

;; ** Searching the shortest paths and reconstructing the movements
(defun reconstruct-movements (leaf-node)
"Traverse all nodes until the initial state and return a list of symbols
describing the path."
(labels ((posn-diff (p0 p1)
;; Compute a pair describing the last move
(posn :row (- (posn-row p1) (posn-row p0))
:col (- (posn-col p1) (posn-col p0))))
(find-movement (prev-state state)
;; Describe the last movement of the empty slot with R, L, U or D.
(let* ((prev-empty-slot (state-empty-slot prev-state))
(this-empty-slot (state-empty-slot state))
(delta (posn-diff prev-empty-slot this-empty-slot)))
(cond ((equalp delta (posn :row 1 :col 0)) 'u)
((equalp delta (posn :row -1 :col 0)) 'd)
((equalp delta (posn :row 0 :col 1)) 'l)
((equalp delta (posn :row 0 :col -1)) 'r))))
(iter (node path)
(if (or (not node) (not (node-prev node)))
(iter (node-prev node)
(cons (find-movement (node-state node)
(node-state (node-prev node)))
(iter leaf-node '())))

(defun A* (initial-state
&key (goal-state *goal-state*) (heuristics #'state-heuristics)
(information 0))
"An A* search for the shortest path to *GOAL-STATE*"
(let ((visited (make-hash-table :test #'equalp))) ; All states visited so far
;; Some internal helper functions
(flet ((pick-next-node (queue)
;; Get the next node from the queue
(heap-pop queue))
(expand-node (node queue)
;; Expand the next possible nodes from node and add them to the
;; queue if not already visited.
with costs = (node-cost node)
with successors = (next-state-dir-pairs node)
for (state . dir) in successors
for succ-cost = (1+ costs)
for f-value = (+ succ-cost (funcall heuristics state))
;; Check if this state was already looked at
unless (gethash state visited)
;; Insert the next node into the queue
(node :state state :prev node :cost succ-cost
:f-value f-value)
;; The actual A* search
;; The priority queue
with queue = (make-heap #'<= :name "queue" :size 1000 :key #'node-f-value)
with initial-state-cost = (funcall heuristics initial-state)
initially (heap-insert (node :state initial-state :prev nil :cost 0
:f-value initial-state-cost)
for counter from 1
for current-node = (pick-next-node queue)
for current-state = (node-state current-node)
;; Output some information each counter or nothing if information
;; equals 0.
when (and (not (zerop information))
(zerop (mod counter information)))
do (format t "~Dth State, heap size: ~D, current costs: ~D~%"
counter (heap-count queue)
(node-cost current-node))
;; If the target is not reached continue
until (target-state-p current-state goal-state)
;; Add the current state to the hash of visited states
(setf (gethash current-state visited) t)
;; Expand the current node and continue
(expand-node current-node queue)
finally (return (values (reconstruct-movements current-node) counter))))))

;; ** Pretty print the path
(defun print-path (path)
"Prints the directions of PATH and its length."
(format t "~{~A~} ~D moves~%" path (length path)))

;; ** Get some timing information
(defmacro timing (&body forms)
"Return both how much real time was spend in body and its result"
(let ((start (gensym))
(end (gensym))
(result (gensym)))
`(let* ((,start (get-internal-real-time))
(,result (progn ,@forms))
(,end (get-internal-real-time)))
(values ,result (/ (- ,end ,start) internal-time-units-per-second)))))

;; ** The main function
(defun 15-puzzle-solver (initial-state &key (goal-state *goal-state*))
"Solves a given and valid 15 puzzle and returns the shortest path to reach the
goal state."
(print-state initial-state)
(multiple-value-bind (result time)
(timing (multiple-value-bind (path steps)
(a* initial-state :goal-state goal-state)
(print-path path)
(format t "Found the shortest path in ~D steps and ~3,2F seconds~%" result time))
(print-state goal-state))

<pre>15-SOLVER> (15-puzzle-solver *initial-state*)
| 15 | 14 | 1 | 6 |
| 9 | 11 | 4 | 12 |
| 0 | 10 | 7 | 3 |
| 13 | 8 | 5 | 2 |
Found the shortest path in 1130063 steps and 17.61 seconds
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
| 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
| 13 | 14 | 15 | 0 |
