15 puzzle solver: Difference between revisions

Line 202:
fifteenSolver(int n, unsigned long g){N0[0]=n; N2[0]=g; N4[0]=0;}
void Solve(){
if (fN()) {std::cout<<"Solution found in "<<n<<" moves: "; for (int g{1};g<=n;++g) std::cout<<(char)N3[g]; std::cout<<std::endl;}
while (not fN()){n=0;++_n;}
else {n=0; ++_n; Solve();}
std::cout<<"Solution found in "<<n<<" moves: "; for (int g{1};g<=n;++g) std::cout<<(char)N3[g]; std::cout<<std::endl;
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sys 0m0.000s
====Extra Credit====
I have updated the 20 random examples, which showed n the number of moves to include _n. As seen when _n is less than 10 the puzzle is solved quickly. This suggests a multi-threading strategy. I have 8 cores available. Modifying solve so that it starts a thread for _n=0 to _n=9, 1 for _n=10, 1 for _n=11, 1 for _n=12, and 1 for _n=13 tests that the fan is still working and turns the computer into a hair-dryer. It also finds the following solution to the extra credit task:
Solution found in 80 moves: dddrurdruuulllddrulddrrruuullddruulldddrrurulldrruulldlddrurullddrrruullulddrdrr
in 29m19.973s.
