Verify distribution uniformity/Chi-squared test

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Verify distribution uniformity/Chi-squared test
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

In this task, write a function to verify that a given distribution of values is uniform by using the test to see if the distribution has a likelihood of happening of at least the significance level (conventionally 5%). The function should return a boolean that is true if the distribution is one that a uniform distribution (with appropriate number of degrees of freedom) may be expected to produce.


Works with: Tcl version 8.5
Library: tcllib

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5 package require math::statistics

proc isUniform {distribution {significance 0.05}} {

   set count [tcl::mathop::+ {*}[dict values $distribution]]
   set expected [expr {double($count) / [dict size $distribution]}]
   set X2 0.0
   foreach value [dict values $distribution] {

set X2 [expr {$X2 + ($value - $expected)**2 / $expected}]

   set degreesOfFreedom [expr {[dict size $distribution] - 1}]
   set likelihoodOfRandom [::math::statistics::incompleteGamma \

[expr {$degreesOfFreedom / 2.0}] [expr {$X2 / 2.0}]]

   expr {$likelihoodOfRandom > $significance}

}</lang> Testing: <lang tcl>proc makeDistribution {operation {count 1000000}} {

   for {set i 0} {$i<$count} {incr i} {incr distribution([uplevel 1 $operation])}
   return [array get distribution]


set distFair [makeDistribution {expr int(rand()*5)}] puts "distribution \"$distFair\" assessed as [expr [isUniform $distFair]?{fair}:{unfair}]" set distUnfair [makeDistribution {expr int(rand()*rand()*5)}] puts "distribution \"$distUnfair\" assessed as [expr [isUniform $distUnfair]?{fair}:{unfair}]"</lang> Output:

distribution "0 199809 4 199649 1 200665 2 199607 3 200270" assessed as fair
distribution "4 21461 0 522573 1 244456 2 139979 3 71531" assessed as unfair