User:GarveyPatrickD/HoPL/Next 10

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 17:38, 11 February 2021 by GarveyPatrickD (talk | contribs) (Added SARG)
HoPL - Internet Archive - Rosetta Code correspondence
HoPL IA Rosetta Code
(ID:180/cor010) CORC (CORnell Compiler)
(ID:181/cpl001) CPL (Combined Programming Language)
(ID:182/for041) FORTH (FOuRTH-generation language)
(ID:183/for071) FORTRAN VI (FORmula TRANslation) version 6
(ID:184/opa001) OPAL CEIR data processing language
(ID:185/pli001) PL/I Programming Language One
(ID:186/rec006) RECOL REtrieval COmmand Language
(ID:187/red007) REDUCE Symbolic math, ALGOL-like syntax, written in LISP, originally to evaluate Feynman diagrams in quantum physics
(ID:188/ret002) Retrieve English query language from Tymeshare
(ID:189/sar001) SARG Used on the Uvivac 1004 in the 1960's by the US Army Material Command.
HoPL IA Rosetta Code