Tamagotchi emulator

From Rosetta Code
Tamagotchi emulator is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

If you don't know what Tamagotchi is, take a look at the Wikipedia page about it.

This task is about creating a Tamagotchi emulator, a virtual pet that you must take care of.

Your virtual pet must, like real pets, at least: get hungry, get bored, age and poop!
Against hunger, you must create a way to feed it. Against boredom, you must play with or pet it. The poop must be cleaned, otherwise the pet might get sick and if it is not cured, it might die from its disease. Finally, the pet should grow older and eventually die.

On screen, your program must display the virtual pet status data - age, hunger and happiness levels, when the pet poops, its poop must also be displayed.

What else? Well, use your creativity…
Every pet need a name. What kind of games, or ‘mini games’ one can play with his pet? And so on!

But, above of all, have fun!