
From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 10:05, 29 October 2013 by rosettacode>Bearophile (Updated second D entry)
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Demonstrate how to find a solution to a given Sokoban level. For the purpose of this task (formally, a PSPACE-complete problem) any method may be used. However a move-optimal or push-optimal (or any other -optimal) solutions is preferred.

Sokoban levels are usually stored as a character array where

  • space is an empty square
  • # is a wall
  • @ is the player
  • $ is a box
  • . is a goal
  • + is the player on a goal
  • * is a box on a goal

Sokoban solutions are usually stored in the LURD format, where lowercase l, u, r and d represent a move in that (left, up, right, down) direction and capital LURD represents a push.

Please state if you use some other format for either the input or output, and why.

For more information, see the Sokoban wiki.


Long, long, long C99 code (plus GNU C nested functions). Doesn't output the movement keys, instead it animates the sequence for you. Solution is move optimized. For an even longer solution, see Sokoban/C. <lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <string.h>
  3. include <unistd.h>
  4. include <stdint.h>
  5. include <assert.h>
  6. include <stdbool.h>

int w, h, n_boxes; uint8_t *board, *goals, *live;

typedef uint16_t cidx_t; typedef uint32_t hash_t;

/* board configuration is represented by an array of cell indices

  of player and boxes */

typedef struct state_t state_t;

struct state_t { // variable length hash_t h; state_t *prev, *next, *qnext; cidx_t c[]; };

size_t state_size, block_size = 32; state_t *block_root, *block_head;

inline state_t* newstate(state_t *parent) { inline state_t* next_of(state_t *s) { return (void*)((uint8_t*)s + state_size); }

state_t *ptr; if (!block_head) { block_size *= 2; state_t *p = malloc(block_size * state_size); assert(p); p->next = block_root; block_root = p; ptr = (void*)((uint8_t*)p + state_size * block_size); p = block_head = next_of(p); state_t *q; for (q = next_of(p); q < ptr; p = q, q = next_of(q)) p->next = q; p->next = NULL; }

ptr = block_head; block_head = block_head->next;

ptr->prev = parent; ptr->h = 0; return ptr; }

inline void unnewstate(state_t *p) { p->next = block_head; block_head = p; }

enum { space, wall, player, box };

  1. define E "\033["

const char * const glyph1[] = { " ", "#", E"31m@"E"m", E"33m$"E"m"}; const char * const glyph2[] = { E"32m."E"m", "#", E"32m@"E"m", E"32m$"E"m"};

  1. undef E

// mark up positions where a box definitely should not be void mark_live(const int c) { const int y = c / w, x = c % w; if (live[c]) return;

live[c] = 1; if (y > 1 && board[c - w] != wall && board[c - w * 2] != wall) mark_live(c - w); if (y < h - 2 && board[c + w] != wall && board[c + w * 2] != wall) mark_live(c + w); if (x > 1 && board[c - 1] != wall && board[c - 2] != wall) mark_live(c - 1); if (x < w - 2 && board[c + 1] != wall && board[c + 2] != wall) mark_live(c + 1); }

state_t *parse_board(const int y, const int x, const char *s) { w = x, h = y; board = calloc(w * h, sizeof(uint8_t)); assert(board); goals = calloc(w * h, sizeof(uint8_t)); assert(goals); live = calloc(w * h, sizeof(uint8_t)); assert(live);

n_boxes = 0; for (int i = 0; s[i]; i++) { switch(s[i]) { case '#': board[i] = wall; continue;

case '.': // fallthrough case '+': goals[i] = 1; // fallthrough case '@': continue;

case '*': goals[i] = 1; // fallthrough case '$': n_boxes++; continue; default: continue; } }

const int is = sizeof(int); state_size = (sizeof(state_t) + (1 + n_boxes) * sizeof(cidx_t) + is - 1) / is * is;

state_t *state = newstate(NULL);

for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < w * h; i++) { if (goals[i]) mark_live(i); if (s[i] == '$' || s[i] == '*') state->c[++j] = i; else if (s[i] == '@' || s[i] == '+') state->c[0] = i; }

return state; }

void show_board(const state_t *s) { unsigned char b[w * h]; memcpy(b, board, w * h);

b[ s->c[0] ] = player; for (int i = 1; i <= n_boxes; i++) b[ s->c[i] ] = box;

for (int i = 0; i < w * h; i++) { printf((goals[i] ? glyph2 : glyph1)[ b[i] ]); if (! ((1 + i) % w)) putchar('\n'); } }

// K&R hash function inline void hash(state_t *s) { if (!s->h) { register hash_t ha = 0; cidx_t *p = s->c; for (int i = 0; i <= n_boxes; i++) ha = p[i] + 31 * ha; s->h = ha; } }

state_t **buckets; hash_t hash_size, fill_limit, filled;

void extend_table() { int old_size = hash_size;

if (!old_size) { hash_size = 1024; filled = 0; fill_limit = hash_size * 3 / 4; // 0.75 load factor } else { hash_size *= 2; fill_limit *= 2; }

buckets = realloc(buckets, sizeof(state_t*) * hash_size); assert(buckets);

// rehash memset(buckets + old_size, 0, sizeof(state_t*) * (hash_size - old_size));

const hash_t bits = hash_size - 1; for (int i = 0; i < old_size; i++) { state_t *head = buckets[i]; buckets[i] = NULL; while (head) { state_t *next = head->next; const int j = head->h & bits; head->next = buckets[j]; buckets[j] = head; head = next; } } }

state_t *lookup(state_t *s) { hash(s); state_t *f = buckets[s->h & (hash_size - 1)]; for (; f; f = f->next) { if (//(f->h == s->h) && !memcmp(s->c, f->c, sizeof(cidx_t) * (1 + n_boxes))) break; }

return f; }

bool add_to_table(state_t *s) { if (lookup(s)) { unnewstate(s); return false; }

if (filled++ >= fill_limit) extend_table();

hash_t i = s->h & (hash_size - 1);

s->next = buckets[i]; buckets[i] = s; return true; }

bool success(const state_t *s) { for (int i = 1; i <= n_boxes; i++) if (!goals[s->c[i]]) return false; return true; }

state_t *move_me(state_t *s, const int dy, const int dx) { const int y = s->c[0] / w; const int x = s->c[0] % w; const int y1 = y + dy; const int x1 = x + dx; const int c1 = y1 * w + x1;

if (y1 < 0 || y1 > h || x1 < 0 || x1 > w || board[c1] == wall) return NULL;

int at_box = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n_boxes; i++) { if (s->c[i] == c1) { at_box = i; break; } }

int c2; if (at_box) { c2 = c1 + dy * w + dx; if (board[c2] == wall || !live[c2]) return NULL; for (int i = 1; i <= n_boxes; i++) if (s->c[i] == c2) return NULL; }

state_t *n = newstate(s); memcpy(n->c + 1, s->c + 1, sizeof(cidx_t) * n_boxes);

cidx_t *p = n->c; p[0] = c1;

if (at_box) p[at_box] = c2;

// leet bubble sort for (int i = n_boxes; --i; ) { cidx_t t = 0; for (int j = 1; j < i; j++) { if (p[j] > p[j + 1]) t = p[j], p[j] = p[j+1], p[j+1] = t; } if (!t) break; }

return n; }

state_t *next_level, *done;

bool queue_move(state_t *s) { if (!s || !add_to_table(s)) return false;

if (success(s)) { puts("\nSuccess!"); done = s; return true; }

s->qnext = next_level; next_level = s; return false; }

bool do_move(state_t *s) { return queue_move(move_me(s, 1, 0)) || queue_move(move_me(s, -1, 0)) || queue_move(move_me(s, 0, 1)) || queue_move(move_me(s, 0, -1)); }

void show_moves(const state_t *s) { if (s->prev) show_moves(s->prev); usleep(200000); printf("\033[H"); show_board(s); }

int main() { state_t *s = parse_board(

  1. define BIG 0
  1. if BIG == 0

8, 7, "#######" "# #" "# #" "#. # #" "#. $$ #" "#.$$ #" "#.# @#" "#######"

  1. elif BIG == 1

5, 13, "#############" "# # #" "# $$$$$$$ @#" "#....... #" "#############"

  1. elif BIG == 2

5, 13, "#############" "#... # #" "#.$$$$$$$ @#" "#... #" "#############"

  1. else

11, 19, " ##### " " # # " " # # " " ### #$## " " # # " "### #$## # ######" "# # ## ##### .#" "# $ $ ..#" "##### ### #@## .#" " # #########" " ####### "

  1. endif


show_board(s); extend_table(); queue_move(s); for (int i = 0; !done; i++) { printf("depth %d\r", i); fflush(stdout);

state_t *head = next_level; for (next_level = NULL; head && !done; head = head->qnext) do_move(head);

if (!next_level) { puts("no solution?"); return 1; } }

printf("press any key to see moves\n"); getchar(), puts("\033[H\033[J"); show_moves(done);

  1. if 0

free(buckets); free(board); free(goals); free(live);

while (block_root) { void *tmp = block_root->next; free(block_root); block_root = tmp; }

  1. endif

return 0; }</lang>


Set-based Version

Works with: C++11

This heavily abuses the STL, including some of the newer features like regex and tuples.

This performs a breadth-first search by moves, so the results should be a move-optimal solution. <lang cpp>#include <iostream>

  1. include <string>
  2. include <vector>
  3. include <queue>
  4. include <regex>
  5. include <tuple>
  6. include <set>
  7. include <array>

using namespace std;

class Board { public:

 vector<vector<char>> sData, dData;
 int px, py;
 Board(string b)
   regex pattern("([^\\n]+)\\n?");
   sregex_iterator end, iter(b.begin(), b.end(), pattern);
   int w = 0;
   vector<string> data;
   for(; iter != end; ++iter)
     w = max(w, (*iter)[1].length());
   for(int v = 0; v < data.size(); ++v)
     vector<char> sTemp, dTemp;
     for(int u = 0; u < w; ++u)
       if(u > data[v].size())
         sTemp.push_back(' ');
         dTemp.push_back(' ');
         char s = ' ', d = ' ', c = data[v][u];
         if(c == '#')
           s = '#';
         else if(c == '.' || c == '*' || c == '+')
           s = '.';
         if(c == '@' || c == '+')
           d = '@';
           px = u;
           py = v;
         else if(c == '$' || c == '*')
           d = '*';
 bool move(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, vector<vector<char>> &data)
   if(sData[y+dy][x+dx] == '#' || data[y+dy][x+dx] != ' ') 
     return false;
   data[y][x] = ' ';
   data[y+dy][x+dx] = '@';
   return true;
 bool push(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, vector<vector<char>> &data)
   if(sData[y+2*dy][x+2*dx] == '#' || data[y+2*dy][x+2*dx] != ' ')
     return false;
   data[y][x] = ' ';
   data[y+dy][x+dx] = '@';
   data[y+2*dy][x+2*dx] = '*';
   return true;
 bool isSolved(const vector<vector<char>> &data)
   for(int v = 0; v < data.size(); ++v)
     for(int u = 0; u < data[v].size(); ++u)
       if((sData[v][u] == '.') ^ (data[v][u] == '*'))
         return false;
   return true;
 string solve()
   set<vector<vector<char>>> visited;
   queue<tuple<vector<vector<char>>, string, int, int>> open;
   open.push(make_tuple(dData, "", px, py));
   array<tuple<int, int, char, char>, 4> dirs;
   dirs[0] = make_tuple(0, -1, 'u', 'U');
   dirs[1] = make_tuple(1, 0, 'r', 'R');
   dirs[2] = make_tuple(0, 1, 'd', 'D');
   dirs[3] = make_tuple(-1, 0, 'l', 'L');
   while(open.size() > 0)
     vector<vector<char>> temp, cur = get<0>(open.front());
     string cSol = get<1>(open.front());
     int x = get<2>(open.front());
     int y = get<3>(open.front());
     for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
       temp = cur;
       int dx = get<0>(dirs[i]);
       int dy = get<1>(dirs[i]);
       if(temp[y+dy][x+dx] == '*')
         if(push(x, y, dx, dy, temp) && (visited.find(temp) == visited.end()))
             return cSol + get<3>(dirs[i]);
           open.push(make_tuple(temp, cSol + get<3>(dirs[i]), x+dx, y+dy));
       else if(move(x, y, dx, dy, temp) && (visited.find(temp) == visited.end()))
           return cSol + get<2>(dirs[i]);
         open.push(make_tuple(temp, cSol + get<2>(dirs[i]), x+dx, y+dy));
   return "No solution";


int main() {

 string level =
   "#     #\n"
   "#     #\n"
   "#. #  #\n"
   "#. $$ #\n"
   "#.$$  #\n"
   "#.#  @#\n"
 Board b(level);
 cout << level << endl << endl << b.solve() << endl;
 return 0;



#     #
#     #
#. #  #
#. $$ #
#.$$  #
#.#  @#


Unordered Set-based Version

Works with: C++11
Works with: Boost
Works with: GCC 4.6

Alternative version, about twice faster (about 2.1 seconds runtime), same output. <lang cpp>#include <iostream>

  1. include <string>
  2. include <vector>
  3. include <queue>
  4. include <tuple>
  5. include <array>
  6. include <map>
  7. include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
  8. include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>

using namespace std;

typedef vector<char> TableRow; typedef vector<TableRow> Table;

struct Board {

 Table sData, dData;
 int px, py;
 Board(string b) {
   vector<string> data;
   boost::split(data, b, boost::is_any_of("\n"));
   size_t width = 0;
   for (auto &row: data)
     width = max(width, row.size());
   map<char,char> maps = {{' ',' '}, {'.','.'}, {'@',' '},
                          {'#','#'}, {'$',' '}},
                  mapd = {{' ',' '}, {'.',' '}, {'@','@'},
                          {'#',' '}, {'$','*'}};
   for (size_t r = 0; r < data.size(); r++) {
     TableRow sTemp, dTemp;
     for (size_t c = 0; c < width; c++) {
       char ch = c < data[r].size() ? data[r][c] : ' ';
       if (ch == '@') {
         px = c;
         py = r;
 bool move(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, Table &data) {
   if (sData[y+dy][x+dx] == '#' || data[y+dy][x+dx] != ' ')
     return false;
   data[y][x] = ' ';
   data[y+dy][x+dx] = '@';
   return true;
 bool push(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, Table &data) {
   if (sData[y+2*dy][x+2*dx] == '#' || data[y+2*dy][x+2*dx] != ' ')
     return false;
   data[y][x] = ' ';
   data[y+dy][x+dx] = '@';
   data[y+2*dy][x+2*dx] = '*';
   return true;
 bool isSolved(const Table &data) {
   for (size_t r = 0; r < data.size(); r++)
     for (size_t c = 0; c < data[r].size(); c++)
       if ((sData[r][c] == '.') != (data[r][c] == '*'))
         return false;
   return true;
 string solve() {

boost::unordered_set<Table, boost::hash

> visited; visited.insert(dData); queue<tuple<Table, string, int, int>> open; open.push(make_tuple(dData, "", px, py)); vector<tuple<int, int, char, char>> dirs = { make_tuple( 0, -1, 'u', 'U'), make_tuple( 1, 0, 'r', 'R'), make_tuple( 0, 1, 'd', 'D'), make_tuple(-1, 0, 'l', 'L') }; while (open.size() > 0) { Table temp, cur = get<0>(open.front()); string cSol = get<1>(open.front()); int x = get<2>(open.front()); int y = get<3>(open.front()); open.pop(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { temp = cur; int dx = get<0>(dirs[i]); int dy = get<1>(dirs[i]); if (temp[y+dy][x+dx] == '*') { if (push(x, y, dx, dy, temp) && visited.find(temp) == visited.end()) { if (isSolved(temp)) return cSol + get<3>(dirs[i]); open.push(make_tuple(temp, cSol + get<3>(dirs[i]), x+dx, y+dy)); visited.insert(temp); } } else if (move(x, y, dx, dy, temp) && visited.find(temp) == visited.end()) { if (isSolved(temp)) return cSol + get<2>(dirs[i]); open.push(make_tuple(temp, cSol + get<2>(dirs[i]), x+dx, y+dy)); visited.insert(temp); } } } return "No solution"; } }; int main() { string level = "#######\n" "# #\n" "# #\n" "#. # #\n" "#. $$ #\n" "#.$$ #\n" "#.# @#\n" "#######"; cout << level << endl << endl; Board board(level); cout << board.solve() << endl; return 0; }</lang>


Shorter Version

Translation of: C++

This version uses the queue defined in the Queue/Usage task. <lang d>import std.string, std.typecons, std.exception, std.algorithm; import queue_usage2; // No queue in Phobos 2.064.

const struct Board {

   private enum El { floor = ' ', wall = '#', goal = '.',
                     box = '$', player = '@', boxOnGoal='*' }
   private alias CTable = string;
   private immutable size_t ncols;
   private immutable CTable sData, dData;
   private immutable int playerx, playery;
   this(in string[] board) pure nothrow const
   in {
       foreach (const row; board) {
           assert(row.length == board[0].length,
                  "Unequal board rows.");
           foreach (immutable c; row)
               assert(c.inPattern(" #.$@*"), "Not valid input");
   } body {
       immutable sMap = [' ':' ', '.':'.', '@':' ', '#':'#', '$':' '];
       immutable dMap = [' ':' ', '.':' ', '@':'@', '#':' ', '$':'*'];
       ncols = board[0].length;
       int plx = 0, ply = 0;
       CTable sDataBuild, dDataBuild;
       foreach (immutable r, const row; board)
           foreach (immutable c, const ch; row) {
               sDataBuild ~= sMap[ch];
               dDataBuild ~= dMap[ch];
               if (ch == El.player) {
                   plx = c;
                   ply = r;
       this.sData = sDataBuild;
       this.dData = dDataBuild;
       this.playerx = plx;
       this.playery = ply;
   private bool move(in int x, in int y, in int dx,
                     in int dy, ref CTable data)
   const pure /*nothrow*/ {
       if (sData[(y+dy) * ncols + x + dx] == El.wall ||
           data[(y+dy) * ncols + x + dx] != El.floor)
           return false;
       auto data2 = data.dup; // Not nothrow.
       data2[y * ncols + x] = El.floor;
       data2[(y + dy) * ncols + x + dx] = El.player;
       data = data2.assumeUnique; // Not enforced.
       return true;
   private bool push(in int x, in int y, in int dx,
                     in int dy, ref CTable data)
   const pure /*nothrow*/ {
       if (sData[(y + 2*dy) * ncols + x+2*dx] == El.wall ||
           data[(y + 2*dy) * ncols + x+2*dx] != El.floor)
           return false;
       auto data2 = data.dup; // Not nothrow.
       data2[y * ncols + x] = El.floor;
       data2[(y + dy) * ncols + x + dx] = El.player;
       data2[(y + 2*dy) * ncols + x + 2*dx] = El.boxOnGoal;
       data = data2.assumeUnique; // Not enforced.
       return true;
   private bool isSolved(in CTable data) const pure nothrow {
       foreach (immutable i, immutable d; data)
           if ((sData[i] == El.goal) != (d == El.boxOnGoal))
               return false;
       return true;
   string solve() pure {
       bool[immutable CTable] visitedSet = [dData: true];
       alias Four = Tuple!(CTable, string, int, int);
       GrowableCircularQueue!Four open;
       open.push(Four(dData, "", playerx, playery));
       immutable dirs = [tuple( 0, -1, 'u', 'U'),
                         tuple( 1,  0, 'r', 'R'),
                         tuple( 0,  1, 'd', 'D'),
                         tuple(-1,  0, 'l', 'L')];
       while (open.length) {
           //immutable (cur, cSol, x, y) = open.pop;
           immutable item = open.pop;
           immutable cur = item[0];
           immutable cSol = item[1];
           immutable x = item[2];
           immutable y = item[3];
           foreach (immutable di; dirs) {
               CTable temp = cur;
               //immutable (dx, dy) = di[0 .. 2];
               immutable dx = di[0];
               immutable dy = di[1];
               if (temp[(y + dy) * ncols + x + dx] == El.boxOnGoal) {
                   if (push(x, y, dx, dy, temp) && temp !in visitedSet) {
                       if (isSolved(temp))
                           return cSol ~ di[3];
                       open.push(Four(temp, cSol ~ di[3], x+dx, y+dy));
                       visitedSet[temp] = true;
               } else if (move(x, y, dx, dy, temp) &&
                          temp !in visitedSet) {
                   if (isSolved(temp))
                       return cSol ~ di[2];
                   open.push(Four(temp, cSol ~ di[2], x+dx, y+dy));
                   visitedSet[temp] = true;
       return "No solution";


void main() {

   import std.stdio, core.memory;
   GC.disable; // Uses about twice the memory
   immutable level =


  1. #
  2. #
  3. . # #
  4. . $$ #
  5. .$$ #
  6. .# @#
              1. ";
   const b = const(Board)(level.splitLines);
   writeln(level, "\n\n", b.solve);


#     #
#     #
#. #  #
#. $$ #
#.$$  #
#.#  @#


Run-time about 0.58 seconds with DMD compiler, 0.49 with LDC2 compiler.

Faster Version

Translation of: C

This code is not idiomatic D, it retains most of the style of the C version. <lang d>import core.stdc.stdio: printf, puts, fflush, stdout, putchar; import core.stdc.stdlib: malloc, calloc, realloc, free, alloca, exit;

enum Cell : ubyte { space, wall, player, box }

alias CellIndex = ushort,

     hash_t = uint;

/// Board configuration is represented by an array of cell /// indices of player and boxes. struct State { // Variable length struct.

   hash_t h;
   State* prev, next, qNext;
   CellIndex[0] c_;
   ref CellIndex idx(in size_t i) pure nothrow inout {
       return (cast(CellIndex*)&c_)[i];
   CellIndex[] slice(in size_t i, in size_t j) pure nothrow {
       return (cast(CellIndex*)&c_)[i .. j];


__gshared Cell[] board; __gshared bool[] goals, live; __gshared size_t w, h, nBoxes, stateSize, blockSize = 32; __gshared State* blockRoot, blockHead, nextLevel, done; __gshared State*[] buckets; __gshared hash_t hashSize, fillLimit, filled;

State* newState(State* parent) nothrow {

   static State* nextOf(State *s) nothrow {
       return cast(State*)(cast(ubyte*)s + stateSize);
   State* ptr;
   if (!blockHead) {
       blockSize *= 2;
       auto p = cast(State*)malloc(blockSize * stateSize);
       if (p == null)
           exit(1); = blockRoot;
       blockRoot = p;
       ptr = cast(State*)(cast(ubyte*)p + stateSize * blockSize);
       p = blockHead = nextOf(p);
       for (auto q = nextOf(p); q < ptr; p = q, q = nextOf(q))
  = q; = null;
   ptr = blockHead;
   blockHead =;
   ptr.prev = parent;
   ptr.h = 0;
   return ptr;


void unNewState(State* p) nothrow { = blockHead;
   blockHead = p;


/// Mark up positions where a box definitely should not be. void markLive(in size_t c) nothrow {

   immutable y = c / w;
   immutable x = c % w;
   if (live[c])
   live[c] = true;
   if (y > 1 && board[c - w] != Cell.wall &&
       board[c - w * 2] != Cell.wall)
       markLive(c - w);
   if (y < h - 2 && board[c + w] != Cell.wall &&
       board[c + w * 2] != Cell.wall)
       markLive(c + w);
   if (x > 1 && board[c - 1] != Cell.wall &&
       board[c - 2] != Cell.wall)
       markLive(c - 1);
   if (x < w - 2 && board[c + 1] != Cell.wall &&
       board[c + 2] != Cell.wall)
       markLive(c + 1);


State* parseBoard(in size_t y, in size_t x, in char* s) nothrow {

   static T[] myCalloc(T)(in size_t n) nothrow {
       auto ptr = cast(T*)calloc(n, T.sizeof);
       if (ptr == null)
       return ptr[0 .. n];
   w = x, h = y;
   board = myCalloc!Cell(w * h);
   goals = myCalloc!bool(w * h);
   live = myCalloc!bool(w * h);
   nBoxes = 0;
   for (int i = 0; s[i]; i++) {
       switch(s[i]) {
           case '#':
               board[i] = Cell.wall;
           case '.', '+':
               goals[i] = true;
               goto case;
           case '@':
           case '*':
               goals[i] = true;
               goto case;
           case '$':
   enum int intSize = int.sizeof;
   stateSize = (State.sizeof +
                 (1 + nBoxes) * CellIndex.sizeof +
                 intSize - 1)
                / intSize * intSize;
   auto state = null.newState;
   for (CellIndex i = 0, j = 0; i < w * h; i++) {
       if (goals[i])
       if (s[i] == '$' || s[i] == '*')
           state.idx(++j) = i;
       else if (s[i] == '@' || s[i] == '+')
           state.idx(0) = i;
   return state;


/// K&R hash function. void hash(State* s, in size_t nBoxes) pure nothrow {

   if (!s.h) {
       hash_t ha = 0;
       foreach (immutable i; 0 .. nBoxes + 1)
           ha = s.idx(i) + 31 * ha;
       s.h = ha;


void extendTable() nothrow {

   int oldSize = hashSize;
   if (!oldSize) {
       hashSize = 1024;
       filled = 0;
       fillLimit = hashSize * 3 / 4; // 0.75 load factor.
   } else {
       hashSize *= 2;
       fillLimit *= 2;
   auto ptr = cast(State**)realloc(buckets.ptr,
                                   (State*).sizeof * hashSize);
   if (ptr == null)
   buckets = ptr[0 .. hashSize];
   buckets[oldSize .. hashSize] = null;
   immutable hash_t bits = hashSize - 1;
   foreach (immutable i; 0 .. oldSize) {
       auto head = buckets[i];
       buckets[i] = null;
       while (head) {
           auto next =;
           immutable j = head.h & bits;
  = buckets[j];
           buckets[j] = head;
           head = next;


State* lookup(State *s) nothrow {

   auto f = buckets[s.h & (hashSize - 1)];
   for (; f; f = {
       if (s.slice(0, nBoxes + 1) == f.slice(0, nBoxes + 1))
   return f;


bool addToTable(State* s) nothrow {

   if (s.lookup) {
       return false;
   if (filled++ >= fillLimit)
   immutable hash_t i = s.h & (hashSize - 1); = buckets[i];
   buckets[i] = s;
   return true;


bool success(in State* s) nothrow {

   foreach (immutable i; 1 .. nBoxes + 1)
       if (!goals[s.idx(i)])
           return false;
   return true;


State* moveMe(State* s, in int dy, in int dx) nothrow {

   immutable int y = s.idx(0) / w;
   immutable int x = s.idx(0) % w;
   immutable int y1 = y + dy;
   immutable int x1 = x + dx;
   immutable int c1 = y1 * w + x1;
   if (y1 < 0 || y1 > h || x1 < 0 || x1 > w || board[c1] == Cell.wall)
       return null;
   int atBox = 0;
   foreach (immutable i; 1 .. nBoxes + 1)
       if (s.idx(i) == c1) {
           atBox = i;
   int c2;
   if (atBox) {
       c2 = c1 + dy * w + dx;
       if (board[c2] == Cell.wall || !live[c2])
           return null;
       foreach (immutable i; 1 .. nBoxes + 1)
           if (s.idx(i) == c2)
               return null;
   auto n = s.newState;
   n.slice(1, nBoxes + 1)[] = s.slice(1, nBoxes + 1);
   n.idx(0) = cast(CellIndex)c1;
   if (atBox)
       n.idx(atBox) = cast(CellIndex)c2;
   // Bubble sort.
   for (size_t i = nBoxes; --i; ) {
       CellIndex t = 0;
       foreach (immutable j; 1 .. i) {
           if (n.idx(j) > n.idx(j + 1)) {
               t = n.idx(j);
               n.idx(j) = n.idx(j + 1);
               n.idx(j + 1) = t;
       if (!t)
   return n;


bool queueMove(State *s) nothrow {

   if (!s || !s.addToTable)
       return false;
   if (s.success) {
       done = s;
       return true;
   s.qNext = nextLevel;
   nextLevel = s;
   return false;


bool doMove(State* s) nothrow {

   return s.moveMe( 1,  0).queueMove ||
          s.moveMe(-1,  0).queueMove ||
          s.moveMe( 0,  1).queueMove ||
          s.moveMe( 0, -1).queueMove;


void showBoard(in State* s) nothrow {

   static immutable glyphs1 = " #@$", glyphs2 = ".#@$";
   auto ptr = cast(ubyte*)alloca(w * h * ubyte.sizeof);
   if (ptr == null)
   auto b = ptr[0 .. w * h];
   b[] = cast(typeof(b))board[];
   b[s.idx(0)] = Cell.player;
   foreach (immutable i; 1 .. nBoxes + 1)
       b[s.idx(i)] =;
   foreach (immutable i, immutable bi; b) {
       putchar((goals[i] ? glyphs2 : glyphs1)[bi]);
       if (!((1 + i) % w))


void showMoves(in State* s) nothrow {

   if (s.prev)


int main() nothrow {

   enum uint problem = 0;
   static if (problem == 0) {
       auto s = parseBoard(8, 7,
       "#     #"~
       "#     #"~
       "#. #  #"~
       "#. $$ #"~
       "#.$$  #"~
       "#.#  @#"~
   } else static if (problem == 1) {
       auto s = parseBoard(5, 13,
       "#  #        #"~
       "# $$$$$$$  @#"~
       "#.......    #"
   } else static if (problem == 2) {
       auto s = parseBoard(11, 19,
       "    #####          "~
       "    #   #          "~
       "    #   #          "~
       "  ### #$##         "~
       "  #      #         "~
       "### #$## #   ######"~
       "#   # ## #####   .#"~
       "# $   $         ..#"~
       "##### ### #@##   .#"~
       "    #     #########"~
       "    #######        ");
   } else {
       asset(0, "Not present problem.");
   for (int i = 0; !done; i++) {
       printf("depth %d\r", i);
       auto head = nextLevel;
       for (nextLevel = null; head && !done; head = head.qNext)
       if (!nextLevel) {
           "No solution?".puts;
           return 1;
   version (none) { // Free all allocated memory.;;;;
       while (blockRoot) {
           auto tmp =;
           blockRoot = tmp;
   return 0;



Translation of: C++

Well, it started as a C++ translation, but turned out different. It's still the breadth-first set-based algorithm, but I dropped the sdata/ddata optimization and just maintained a single string as the board representation. Also dropped the code to handle non-rectangular boards, and probably some other stuff too. <lang go>package main

import (



func main() {

   level := `
  1. #
  2. #
  3. . # #
  4. . $$ #
  5. .$$ #
  6. .# @#
              1. `
   fmt.Printf("level:%s\n", level)
   fmt.Printf("solution:\n%s\n", solve(level))


func solve(board string) string {

   buffer = make([]byte, len(board))
   width := strings.Index(board[1:], "\n") + 1
   dirs := []struct {
       move, push string 
       dPos       int
       {"u", "U", -width},
       {"r", "R", 1},
       {"d", "D", width},
       {"l", "L", -1},
   visited := map[string]bool{board: true}
   open := []state{state{board, "", strings.Index(board, "@")}}
   for len(open) > 0 {
       s1 := &open[0]
       open = open[1:]
       for _, dir := range dirs {
           var newBoard, newSol string
           newPos := s1.pos + dir.dPos
           switch s1.board[newPos] {
           case '$', '*':
               newBoard = s1.push(dir.dPos)
               if newBoard == "" || visited[newBoard] {
               newSol = s1.cSol + dir.push
               if strings.IndexAny(newBoard, ".+") < 0 {
                   return newSol
           case ' ', '.':
               newBoard = s1.move(dir.dPos)
               if visited[newBoard] {
               newSol = s1.cSol + dir.move
           open = append(open, state{newBoard, newSol, newPos})
           visited[newBoard] = true
   return "No solution"


type state struct {

   board string
   cSol  string
   pos   int


var buffer []byte

func (s *state) move(dPos int) string {

   copy(buffer, s.board)
   if buffer[s.pos] == '@' {
       buffer[s.pos] = ' '
   } else {
       buffer[s.pos] = '.'
   newPos := s.pos + dPos
   if buffer[newPos] == ' ' {
       buffer[newPos] = '@'
   } else {
       buffer[newPos] = '+'
   return string(buffer)


func (s *state) push(dPos int) string {

   newPos := s.pos + dPos
   boxPos := newPos + dPos
   switch s.board[boxPos] {
   case ' ', '.':
       return ""
   copy(buffer, s.board)
   if buffer[s.pos] == '@' {
       buffer[s.pos] = ' '
   } else {
       buffer[s.pos] = '.'
   if buffer[newPos] == '$' {
       buffer[newPos] = '@'
   } else {
       buffer[newPos] = '+'
   if buffer[boxPos] == ' ' {
       buffer[boxPos] = '$'
   } else {
       buffer[boxPos] = '*'
   return string(buffer)


#     #
#     #
#. #  #
#. $$ #
#.$$  #
#.#  @#


Translation of: Python

This uses a breadth-first move search, so will find a move-optimal solution. <lang OCaml>type dir = U | D | L | R type move_t = Move of dir | Push of dir

let letter = function

  | Push(U) -> 'U' | Push(D) -> 'D' | Push(L) -> 'L' | Push(R) -> 'R'
  | Move(U) -> 'u' | Move(D) -> 'd' | Move(L) -> 'l' | Move(R) -> 'r'

let cols = ref 0 let delta = function U -> -(!cols) | D -> !cols | L -> -1 | R -> 1

let store = Hashtbl.create 251 let mark t = Hashtbl.add store t true let marked t = Hashtbl.mem store t

let show ml =

  List.iter (fun c -> print_char (letter c)) (List.rev ml); print_newline()

let gen_moves (x,boxes) bd =

  let empty i = bd.(i) = ' ' && not (List.mem i boxes) in
  let check l dir =
     let dx = delta dir in
     let x1 = x+dx in
     if List.mem x1 boxes then (
        if empty (x1+dx) then Push(dir) :: l else l
     ) else (
        if bd.(x1) = ' ' then Move(dir) :: l else l
     ) in
  (List.fold_left check [] [U; L; R; D])

let do_move (x,boxes) = function

  | Push(d) -> let dx = delta d in
     let x1 = x+dx in let x2 = x1+dx in
     let rec shift = function
        | [] -> failwith "shift"
        | h :: t -> if h = x1 then x2 :: t else h :: shift t in
     x1, List.fast_sort compare (shift boxes)
  | Move(d) -> (x+(delta d)), boxes

let init_pos bd =

  let p = ref 0 in
  let q = ref [] in 
  let check i c =
     if c = '$' || c = '*' then q := i::!q
     else if c = '@' then p := i in (
  Array.iteri check bd;
  (!p, List.fast_sort compare !q);

let final_box bd =

  let check (i,l) c = if c = '.' || c = '*' then (i+1,i::l) else (i+1,l) in
  List.fast_sort compare (snd (Array.fold_left check (0,[]) bd))

let array_of_input inp =

  let r = List.length inp and c = String.length (List.hd inp) in
  let a = Array.create (r*c) ' ' in (
  for i = 0 to pred r do
     let s = List.nth inp i in
     for j = 0 to pred c do a.(i*c+j) <- s.[j] done
  cols := c; a)

let solve b =

  let board = array_of_input b in
  let targets = final_box board in
  let solved pos = targets = snd pos in
  let clear = (function '#' -> '#' | _ -> ' ') in
  let bdc = clear board in
  let q = Queue.create () in
  let pos1 = init_pos board in
     mark pos1;
     Queue.add (pos1, []) q;
     while not (Queue.is_empty q) do
        let curr, mhist = Queue.pop q in
        let moves = gen_moves curr bdc in
        let check m =
           let next = do_move curr m in
           if not (marked next) then
           if solved next then (show (m::mhist); exit 0)
           else (mark next; Queue.add (next,m::mhist) q) in
        List.iter check moves
     print_endline "No solution"

let level = ["#######";

            "#     #";
            "#     #";
            "#. #  #";
            "#. $$ #";
            "#.$$  #";
            "#.#  @#";
            "#######"] in

solve level</lang> Output:



This searches for a solution, without trying for the push-optimal one. The player moves between the pushes, however, are minimized. <lang PicoLisp>(load "@lib/simul.l")

  1. Display board

(de display ()

  (disp *Board NIL
           (if2 (== This *Pos) (memq This *Goals)
              "+"                   # Player on goal
              "@"                   # Player elsewhere
              (if (: val) "*" ".")  # On gloal
              (or (: val) " ") )    # Elsewhere
           " " ) ) ) )
  1. Initialize

(de main (Lst)

     '((B L)
           '((This C)
              (case C
                 (" ")
                 ("." (push '*Goals This))
                 ("@" (setq *Pos This))
                 ("$" (=: val C) (push '*Boxes This))
                 (T (=: val C)) ) )
              B L ) )
     (setq *Board (grid (length (car Lst)) (length Lst)))
     (apply mapcar (flip (mapcar chop Lst)) list) )
  (display) )
  1. Generate possible push-moves

(de pushes ()

     (for Box *Boxes
        (unless (or (; (west Box) val) (; (east Box) val))
           (when (moves (east Box))
              (link (cons (cons Box (west Box)) *Pos "L" @)) )
           (when (moves (west Box))
              (link (cons (cons Box (east Box)) *Pos "R" @)) ) )
        (unless (or (; (south Box) val) (; (north Box) val))
           (when (moves (north Box))
              (link (cons (cons Box (south Box)) *Pos "D" @)) )
           (when (moves (south Box))
              (link (cons (cons Box (north Box)) *Pos "U" @)) ) ) ) ) )
  1. Moves of player to destination

(de moves (Dst Hist)

     (== Dst *Pos)
     (mini length
              (with ((car Dir) Dst)
                    ((== This *Pos) (cons (cdr Dir)))
                    ((: val))
                    ((memq This Hist))
                    ((moves This (cons Dst Hist))
                       (cons (cdr Dir) @) ) ) ) )
           '((west . "r") (east . "l") (south . "u") (north . "d")) ) ) ) )
  1. Find solution

(de go (Res)

  (unless (idx '*Hist (sort (copy *Boxes)) T)  # No repeated state
     (if (find '((This) (<> "$" (: val))) *Goals)
              (setq  # Move
                 *Pos (caar Psh)
                 *Boxes (cons (cdar Psh) (delq *Pos *Boxes)) )
              (put *Pos 'val NIL)
              (put (cdar Psh) 'val "$")
              (prog1 (go (append (cddr Psh) Res))
                 (setq  # Undo move
                    *Pos (cadr Psh)
                    *Boxes (cons (caar Psh) (delq (cdar Psh) *Boxes)) )
                 (put (cdar Psh) 'val NIL)
                 (put (caar Psh) 'val "$") ) )
           (pushes) )
        (display)  # Display solution
        (pack (flip Res)) ) ) )</lang>

Test: <lang PicoLisp>(main

     "#     #"
     "#     #"
     "#. #  #"
     "#. $$ #"
     "#.$$  #"
     "#.#  @#"
     "#######" ) )

(prinl) (go)</lang> Output:

 8 # # # # # # #
 7 #           #
 6 #           #
 5 # .   #     #
 4 # .   $ $   #
 3 # . $ $     #
 2 # . #     @ #
 1 # # # # # # #
   a b c d e f g

 8 # # # # # # #
 7 #           #
 6 # @         #
 5 # *   #     #
 4 # *         #
 3 # *         #
 2 # * #       #
 1 # # # # # # #
   a b c d e f g
-> "uuulDLLulDDurrrrddlUruLLLrrddlUruLdLUUdrruulLulD"


Translation of: D
Works with: Psyco
Works with: Python 2.6

<lang python>from array import array from collections import deque import psyco

data = [] nrows = 0 px = py = 0 sdata = "" ddata = ""

def init(board):

   global data, nrows, sdata, ddata, px, py
   data = filter(None, board.splitlines())
   nrows = max(len(r) for r in data)
   maps = {' ':' ', '.': '.', '@':' ', '#':'#', '$':' '}
   mapd = {' ':' ', '.': ' ', '@':'@', '#':' ', '$':'*'}
   for r, row in enumerate(data):
       for c, ch in enumerate(row):
           sdata += maps[ch]
           ddata += mapd[ch]
           if ch == '@':
               px = c
               py = r

def push(x, y, dx, dy, data):

   if sdata[(y+2*dy) * nrows + x+2*dx] == '#' or \
      data[(y+2*dy) * nrows + x+2*dx] != ' ':
       return None
   data2 = array("c", data)
   data2[y * nrows + x] = ' '
   data2[(y+dy) * nrows + x+dx] = '@'
   data2[(y+2*dy) * nrows + x+2*dx] = '*'
   return data2.tostring()

def is_solved(data):

   for i in xrange(len(data)):
       if (sdata[i] == '.') != (data[i] == '*'):
           return False
   return True

def solve():

   open = deque([(ddata, "", px, py)])
   visited = set([ddata])
   dirs = ((0, -1, 'u', 'U'), ( 1, 0, 'r', 'R'),
           (0,  1, 'd', 'D'), (-1, 0, 'l', 'L'))
   lnrows = nrows
   while open:
       cur, csol, x, y = open.popleft()
       for di in dirs:
           temp = cur
           dx, dy = di[0], di[1]
           if temp[(y+dy) * lnrows + x+dx] == '*':
               temp = push(x, y, dx, dy, temp)
               if temp and temp not in visited:
                   if is_solved(temp):
                       return csol + di[3]
                   open.append((temp, csol + di[3], x+dx, y+dy))
               if sdata[(y+dy) * lnrows + x+dx] == '#' or \
                  temp[(y+dy) * lnrows + x+dx] != ' ':
               data2 = array("c", temp)
               data2[y * lnrows + x] = ' '
               data2[(y+dy) * lnrows + x+dx] = '@'
               temp = data2.tostring()
               if temp not in visited:
                   if is_solved(temp):
                       return csol + di[2]
                   open.append((temp, csol + di[2], x+dx, y+dy))
   return "No solution"

level = """\

  1. #
  2. #
  3. . # #
  4. . $$ #
  5. .$$ #
  6. .# @#
              1. """

psyco.full() init(level) print level, "\n\n", solve()</lang> Output:

#     #
#     #
#. #  #
#. $$ #
#.$$  #
#.#  @#


Runtime: about 0.90 seconds.


This was originally inspired by PicoLisp's solution. Modified to use a priority queue as mentioned on the Sokoban wiki for the main breadth first search on pushes but just a plain queue for the move bfs. This uses personal libraries. Vector2 isn't strictly needed but the math/array library is not currently optimized for untyped Racket. push! is comparable to lisp's, awhen is anaphoric when, ret uses the bound value as the result of its expression, and tstruct is short for struct with the #:transparent option.

<lang Racket>

  1. lang racket

(require data/heap

 "../lib/vector2.rkt" "../lib/queue.rkt" (only-in "../lib/util.rkt" push! tstruct ret awhen))

(define level (list "#######"

                   "#     #"
                   "#     #"
                   "#. #  #"
                   "#. $$ #"
                   "#.$$  #"
                   "#.#  @#"

(define (strings->vec2 l) (lists->vec2 (map string->list l)))

turn everything except walls into distance from goals

(define (clear-level l)

 (ret ([l (vec2-copy l)])
   (define dots (vec2-atsq l #\.))
   (define q (list->q (map (λ (p) (cons p 0)) dots)))
   (let bfs () ;this search has implicit history in the mutated vector2
     (unless (nilq? q)
       (match-define (cons p n) (deq! q))
       (define x (vec2@ l p))
       ;stop if position is either a wall or a previously filled number
       (cond [(or (eq? x #\#) (number? x)) (bfs)]
             [else (vec2! l p n)
                   (for-adj l x [p p] #f (enq! (cons p (add1 n)) q))
corresponds to PicoLisp's move table in "moves", while also adding a push direction mapping

(tstruct move (f d)) (define-values (mu md ml mr LURD)

 (let ()
   (define t (map (λ (x) (cons (car x) (apply pos (cdr x))))
                  '([#\u -1 0] [#\d 1 0] [#\l 0 -1] [#\r 0 1])))
   (define (mv d)
     (define x (assoc d t))
     (move (λ (p) (pos+ p (cdr x))) (car x)))
   (values (mv #\u) (mv #\d) (mv #\l) (mv #\r)
           (λ (d) (char-upcase (car (findf (λ (x) (equal? d (cdr x))) t)))))))
state = player pos * box poses

(tstruct st (p b)) (define (st= s1 s2) (andmap (λ (b) (member b (st-b s2))) (st-b s1))) (define (box? p s) (member p (st-b s)))

calculates value of a state for insertion into priority queue
value is sum of box distances from goals

(define (value s l) (apply + (map (λ (p) (vec2@ l p)) (st-b s))))

init state for a level

(define (st0 l) (st (vec2-atq l #\@) (vec2-atsq l #\$))) (define (make-solution-checker l)

 (define dots (vec2-atsq l #\.))
 (λ (s) (andmap (λ (b) (member b dots)) (st-b s))))
state after push * lurd history

(tstruct push (st h)) (define (pushes s l)

 (ret ([pushes '()])
   (for ([b (in-list (st-b s))])
     (for-adj l a [p b] #f
       (define d (pos- p b)) ;direction of push
       (define op (pos- b d)) ;where player stands to push
       (define o (vec2@ l op))
       ;make sure push pos and push dest are clear
       (when (and (number? a) (number? o)
                  (not (box? p s)) (not (box? op s)))
         (awhen [@ (moves s op l)]
           (define new-st (st b (cons p (remove b (st-b s)))))
           (push! (push new-st (cons (LURD d) @)) pushes)))))))
state * goal pos * level -> lurd string

(define (moves s g l)

 (define h '())
 (define q (list->q (list (list (st-p s)))))
 (let bfs ()
   (if (nilq? q)
       (match-let ([(cons p lurd) (deq! q)])
         (cond [(equal? p g) lurd]
               [(or (char=? (vec2@ l p) #\#) (box? p s) (member p h)) (bfs)]
               [else (push! p h)
                     (for-each (λ (m)
                                 (match-define (move f s) m)
                                 (enq! (cons (f p) (cons s lurd)) q))
                               (list mu md ml mr))

(define (sokoban l)

 (define-values (clear s0 solved?)
   (let ([l (strings->vec2 l)])
     (values (clear-level l) (st0 l) (make-solution-checker l))))
 (define h '())
 (tstruct q-elem (s lurd v)) ;priority queue stores state, lurd hist, and value
 (define (elem<= s1 s2) (<= (q-elem-v s1) (q-elem-v s2))) ;compare wrapped values
 ;queue stores a single element at the beginning consisting of:
 ;1. starting state, 2. empty lurd history, 3. value of starting state
 (define q (vector->heap elem<= (vector (q-elem s0 '() (value s0 clear)))))
 (let bfs ()
   (match-define (q-elem s lurd _) (heap-min q))
   (heap-remove-min! q)
   (cond [(solved? s) (list->string (reverse lurd))]
         [(memf (λ (s1) (st= s s1)) h) (bfs)]
         [else (push! s h)
               (for-each (λ (p)
                           (define s (push-st p))
                           (heap-add! q (q-elem s (append (push-h p) lurd) (value s clear))))
                         (pushes s clear))



Times shown are milliseconds.

> (time (sokoban level))
cpu time: 88 real time: 83 gc time: 0


This code does a breadth-first search so it finds a solution with a minimum number of moves.

Translation of: OCaml

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5

proc solveSokoban b {

   set cols [string length [lindex $b 0]]
   set dxes [list [expr {-$cols}] $cols -1 1]
   set i 0
   foreach c [split [join $b ""] ""] {

switch $c { " " {lappend bdc " "} "#" {lappend bdc "#"} "@" {lappend bdc " ";set startplayer $i } "$" {lappend bdc " ";lappend startbox $i} "." {lappend bdc " "; lappend targets $i} "+" {lappend bdc " ";set startplayer $i; lappend targets $i} "*" {lappend bdc " ";lappend startbox $i;lappend targets $i} } incr i

   set q [list [list $startplayer $startbox] {}]
   set store([lindex $q 0]) {}
   for {set idx 0} {$idx < [llength $q]} {incr idx 2} {

lassign [lindex $q $idx] x boxes foreach dir {U D L R} dx $dxes { if {[set x1 [expr {$x + $dx}]] in $boxes} { if {[lindex $bdc [incr x1 $dx]] ne " " || $x1 in $boxes} { continue } set tmpboxes $boxes set x1 [expr {$x + $dx}] for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $boxes]} {incr i} { if {[lindex $boxes $i] == $x1} { lset tmpboxes $i [expr {$x1 + $dx}] break } } if {$dx == 1 || $dx == -1} { set next [list $x1 $tmpboxes] } else { set next [list $x1 [lsort -integer $tmpboxes]] } if {![info exists store($next)]} { if {$targets eq [lindex $next 1]} { foreach c [lindex $q [expr {$idx + 1}]] { lassign $c ispush olddir if {$ispush} { append solution $olddir } else { append solution [string tolower $olddir] } } return [append solution $dir] } set store($next) {} set nm [lindex $q [expr {$idx + 1}]] lappend q $next lappend q [lappend nm [list 1 $dir]] } } elseif {[lindex $bdc $x1] eq " "} { set next [list [expr {$x + $dx}] $boxes] if {![info exists store($next)]} { set store($next) {} set nm [lindex $q [expr {$idx + 1}]] lappend q $next lappend q [lappend nm [list 0 $dir]] } } }

   error "no solution"

}</lang> Demonstration code: <lang tcl>set level {

   "#     #"
   "#     #"
   "#. #  #"
   "#. $$ #"
   "#.$$  #"
   "#.#  @#"

} puts [solveSokoban $level]</lang>


Runtime with stock Tcl 8.5 installation: ≅2.2 seconds