Set of real numbers

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All real numbers form the uncountable set ℝ. Among its subsets, relatively simple are the convex sets, each expressed as a range between two real numbers a and b where ab. There are actually four cases for the meaning of "between", depending on open or closed boundary:

  • [a, b]: {x | ax and xb }
  • (a, b): {x | a < x and x < b }
  • [a, b): {x | ax and x < b }
  • (a, b]: {x | a < x and xb }

Note that if a = b, of the four only [a, a] would be non-empty.


  • Create a datatype that can represent any set of real numbers, for the definition of 'any' in the implementation notes below.
  • Provide methods for these common set opertions (x is a real number; A and B are sets):
  • xA: determine if x is an element of A
example: 1 is in [1, 2), while 2, 3, ... are not.
  • AB: union of A and B, i.e. {x | xA or xB}
example: [0, 2) ∪ (1, 3) = [0, 3); [0, 1) ∪ (2, 3] = well, [0, 1) ∪ (2, 3]
  • AB: intersection of A and B, i.e. {x | xA and xB}
example: [0, 2) ∩ (1, 3) = (1, 2); [0, 1) ∩ (2, 3] = empty set
  • A \ B: difference between A and B, also written as AB, i.e. {x | xA and xB}
example: [0, 2) − (1, 3) = [0, 1]
  • Test your implementation by checking if numbers 0, 1, and 2 are in any of the following sets:
  • (0, 1] ∪ [0, 2)
  • [0, 2) ∩ (1, 2]
  • [0, 3) − (0, 1)
  • [0, 3) − [0, 1]

Implementation notes

  • 'Any' real set means 'sets that can be expressed as the union of a finite number of convex real sets'. Cantor's set needs not apply.
  • Infinities should be handled gracefully; indeterminate numbers (NaN) can be ignored.
  • You can use your machine's native real number representation, which is probably IEEE floating point, and assume it's good enough (it usually is).

Optional work

Define A = {x | 0 < x < 10 and |sin(π x²)| > 1/2 }, B = {x | 0 < x < 10 and |sin(π x)| > 1/2}, calculate the length of the real axis covered by the set A - B.