Rosetta Code:Add a Task

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Revision as of 17:36, 20 September 2010 by MikeMol (talk | contribs) (Draft page.)
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Draft vs non-draft

Task focus inclusion

Generally speaking, the goal is to address a problem a programmer may face or want to think about. This could be a practical problem, a demonstrative one, or even one of entertainment. However, the common theme across all tasks needs to be increasing competence and understanding of the tools in question, by example or by annotated counterexample if necessary.

Task focus exclusion

As languages are the richest resource of comparison on Rosetta Code, a task should not be so specific as to invoke a particular language as being the only one allowed to solve a task. A task should also not be so specific with its other requirements that there is only one language capable of solving it. Best-effort solutions ("this isn't exactly possible in Ayrch, but something practical solving the language's idiomatic analog would be") are often fine, so a task writer may find that styles "use technique X to solve problem" and "solve problem using technique X" may need to be interchanged to make a useful number of solutions possible.

Basic information

  • A simple description of the problem
  • Inline references to specifically-related information
  • Sample input

Example code

  • At least one example implementation.

Additional information

Sample output

  • Matching sample input

Semantic annotations

  • Identify problem concepts that the task invokes.