Linux CPU utilization

From Rosetta Code
Linux CPU utilization is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Display the current CPU utilization, as a percentage, calculated from /proc/stat.


Most Linux kernels provide a virtual   /proc   filesystem, providing an interface to various internal data structures.  

One of these internal structures (/proc/stat) includes information on the amount of time (in USER_HZ) spent in various states.   From this information, we can, with a little effort, determine the current level of CPU utilization, as a percent of time spent in any states other than idle.

To do this:

  1.   read the first line of   /proc/stat
  2.   discard the first word of that first line   (it's always cpu)
  3.   sum all of the times found on that first line to get the total time
  4.   divide the fourth column ("idle") by the total time, to get the fraction of time spent being idle
  5.   subtract the previous fraction from 1.0 to get the time spent being   not   idle
  6.   multiple by   100   to get a percentage

The times in /proc/stat are monotonically increasing, and begin at some point during the kernel's initialization (ie during boot up).   So the steps above will give the total CPU utilization since boot, which may or may not be useful to some.   To get a more real-time utilization, we simply repeat the steps above with some small sleep interval in between, and instead of using the absolute total and idle times, we use use the total time delta and the idle time delta to compute the utilization.

This project is based on   this blog post   by Paul Colby,   and the   Bash   version comes from there.


<lang cpp>#include <fstream>

  1. include <iostream>
  2. include <numeric>
  3. include <unistd.h>
  4. include <vector>

std::vector<size_t> get_cpu_times() {

   std::ifstream proc_stat("/proc/stat");
   proc_stat.ignore(5, ' '); // Skip the 'cpu' prefix.
   std::vector<size_t> times;
   for (size_t time; proc_stat >> time; times.push_back(time));
   return times;


bool get_cpu_times(size_t &idle_time, size_t &total_time) {

   const std::vector<size_t> cpu_times = get_cpu_times();
   if (cpu_times.size() < 4)
       return false;
   idle_time = cpu_times[3];
   total_time = std::accumulate(cpu_times.begin(), cpu_times.end(), 0);
   return true;


int main(int, char *[]) {

   size_t previous_idle_time=0, previous_total_time=0;
   for (size_t idle_time, total_time; get_cpu_times(idle_time, total_time); sleep(1)) {
       const float idle_time_delta = idle_time - previous_idle_time;
       const float total_time_delta = total_time - previous_total_time;
       const float utilization = 100.0 * (1.0 - idle_time_delta / total_time_delta);
       std::cout << utilization << '%' << std::endl;
       previous_idle_time = idle_time;
       previous_total_time = total_time;




<lang fortran> Program CPUusage

   implicit none
   integer :: ios, i
   integer :: oldidle, oldsum, sumtimes = 0
   real :: percent = 0.
   character(len = 4) lineID ! 'cpu '
   integer, dimension(9) :: times = 0
   write(*, *) 'CPU Usage'
   write(*, *) 'Press Ctrl<C> to end'
   do while (.true.)
       open(unit = 7, file = '/proc/stat', status = 'old', action = 'read', iostat = ios)
       if (ios /= 0) then
           print *, 'Error opening /proc/stat'
           read(unit = 7, fmt = *, iostat = ios) lineID, (times(i), i = 1, 9)
           if (lineID /= 'cpu ') then
               print *, 'Error reading /proc/stat'
           end if
           sumtimes = sum(times)
           percent = (1. - real((times(4) - oldidle)) / real((sumtimes - oldsum))) * 100.
           write(*, fmt = '(F6.2,A2)') percent, '%'
           oldidle = times(4)
           oldsum = sumtimes
           call sleep(1)
       end if
   end do

end program CPUusage </lang>

CPU Usage
 Press Ctrl<C> to end
  7.51 %
 18.23 %
  4.60 %
  4.53 %
  3.53 %
  2.53 %


<lang Haskell>import Data.List ( (!!) )

splitString :: Char -> String -> [String] splitString c [] = [] splitString c s = let ( item , rest ) = break ( == c ) s

                     ( _ , next ) = break ( /= c ) rest

in item : splitString c next

computeUsage :: String -> Double computeUsage s = (1.0 - ((lineElements !! 3 ) / sum times)) * 100

     lineElements = map (fromInteger . read ) $ tail $ splitString ' ' s
     times = tail lineElements

main :: IO ( ) main = do

  theTimes <- fmap lines $ readFile "/proc/stat" 
  putStr $ show $ computeUsage $ head theTimes
  putStrLn " %"</lang>
1.6090321637810434 %


<lang j>cputpct=:3 :0

 if. 0>nc<'PREVCPUTPCT' do. PREVCPUTPCT=:0 end.
 PREVCPUTPCT=:0 { 0.1,~0&".;._2 fread '/proc/stat'
 100*1-(4&{ % +/) PREVCPUTPCT - old


Example use:

<lang j> cputpct 1.76237</lang>

Notes: this gives the average non-idle time since the last time this verb was used. If for some reason /proc/stat were not updated between calls, the result would be 100 (percent), which seems appropriate.

Perl 6

<lang perl6>my $last-total = 0; my $last-idle = 0;

loop {

   my $Δ-total = (my $this-total = [+] my @cpu = "/proc/stat".IO.lines[0].words[1..*]) - $last-total;
   my $Δ-idle  = (my $this-idle  = @cpu[3]) - $last-idle;
   $last-total = $this-total;
   $last-idle  = $this-idle;
   print "\b" x 40, (100 * (1 - $Δ-idle / $Δ-total)).fmt("Utilization: %0.1f%% ");



<lang python>from __future__ import print_function from time import sleep

last_idle = last_total = 0 while True:

   with open('/proc/stat') as f:
       fields = [float(column) for column in f.readline().strip().split()[1:]]
   idle, total = fields[3], sum(fields)
   idle_delta, total_delta = idle - last_idle, total - last_total
   last_idle, last_total = idle, total
   utilisation = 100.0 * (1.0 - idle_delta / total_delta)
   print('%5.1f%%' % utilisation, end='\r')

Lines end in \r which causes old values to be overwritten by new when \r is supported otherwise successive figures appear on separate lines.



<lang racket>#lang racket/base

(require racket/string)

(define (get-stats) ; returns total and idle times as two values

 (define line (call-with-input-file* "/proc/stat" read-line))
 (define numbers (map string->number (cdr (string-split line))))
 (values (apply + numbers) (list-ref numbers 3)))

(define prev-stats #f)

(define (report-cpu-utilization)

 ;; lazy: fixed string instead of keeping the last time
 (define prompt (if prev-stats "last second" "since boot"))
 (define-values [cur-total cur-idle] (get-stats))
 (define prev (or prev-stats '(0 0)))
 (set! prev-stats (list cur-total cur-idle))
 (define total (- cur-total (car prev)))
 (define idle (- cur-idle (cadr prev)))
 (printf "Utilization (~a): ~a%\n" prompt
         (/ (round (* 10000 (- 1 (/ idle total)))) 100.0)))

(let loop ()

 (sleep 1)



This is coded a little bit awkwardly in order to correspond neatly to the task description.

proc stat fulfills the task description in two ways:

  • if called normally, it returns aggregate CPU utilization since boot
  • if called within a coroutine, it prints on stdout and repeats every 1s until the coroutine is terminated

A more reusable implementation might take a command as an argument to stat, and allow that command to interrupt the loop with return false or even break.

<lang Tcl># forgive the pun! proc stat {} {

   set fd [open /proc/stat r]
   set prevtotal 0
   set previdle 0
   while {1} {
       # read the first line of /proc/stat
       set line [gets $fd]
       seek $fd 0
       # discard the first word of that first line (it's always cpu)
       set line [lrange $line 1 end]
       # sum all of the times found on that first line to get the total time
       set total [::tcl::mathop::+ {*}$line]
       # parse each field out of line (we only need $idle)
       lassign $line user nice system idle iowait irq softirq steal guest guest_nice
       # update against previous measurement
       incr idle -$previdle
       incr total -$prevtotal
       incr previdle $idle
       incr prevtotal $total
       # divide the fourth column ("idle") by the total time, to get the fraction of time spent being idle
       set frac [expr {$idle * 1.0 / $total}]
       # subtract the previous fraction from 1.0 to get the time spent being not idle
       set frac [expr {1 - $frac}]
       # multiply by 100 to get a percentage 
       set frac [expr {round($frac*100)}]
       if {[info coroutine] eq ""} {
           return $frac ;# if we're called outside a coroutine, return a number
       } else {
           puts [format CPU:%3d%% $frac]  ;# else print output
           yieldto after 1000 [info coroutine]


coroutine watchstat stat</lang>

CPU: 10%
CPU:  3%
CPU:  1%

UNIX Shell

Works with: bash

Example taken, verbatim, from Github. <lang bash>#!/bin/bash

  1. by Paul Colby (, no rights reserved ;)


while true; do

 # Get the total CPU statistics, discarding the 'cpu ' prefix.
 CPU=(`sed -n 's/^cpu\s//p' /proc/stat`)
 IDLE=${CPU[3]} # Just the idle CPU time.
 # Calculate the total CPU time.
 for VALUE in "${CPU[@]}"; do
 # Calculate the CPU usage since we last checked.
 echo -en "\rCPU: $DIFF_USAGE%  \b\b"
 # Remember the total and idle CPU times for the next check.
 # Wait before checking again.
 sleep 1



Each successive output overwrites the previous output, so there is only ever one line, but that line keeps updating in-place.

CPU: 1%


<lang ursa>#

  1. linux cpu utilization
  1. define variables to hold last idle and last total

decl int last_idle last_total

  1. loop indefintely

while true # read the first line from /proc/stat decl string line decl file f "/proc/stat" set line (in string f)

# get the data from the first line decl int i decl int<> fields fields.clear for (set i 2) (< i (size (split (trim line) " "))) (inc i) append (int (split (trim line) " ")) fields end for

# get idle stat and total decl int idle total set idle fields<3> set total (int (+ fields))

# set idle_delta and total_delta decl int idle_delta total_delta set idle_delta (int (- idle last_idle)) set total_delta (int (- total last_total))

# set last_idle and last_total set last_idle idle set last_total total

# set percentage utilization decl double utilization set utilization (* 100 (- 1 (/ idle_delta total_delta)))

# output percentage out utilization "%\r" console

# close f, it will be reopened at the top of the loop f.close

# sleep 2.5 seconds sleep 2500

# clear the line of output for (set i 0) (< i (+ (size (string utilization)) 1.0)) (inc i) out "\b" console end for for (set i 0) (< i (+ (size (string utilization)) 1.0)) (inc i) out " " console end for out "\r" console end while</lang>


Translation of: Python

<lang zkl>last_idle,last_total:=0,0; while(True){

  f:=File("/proc/stat");  // open each time to get fresh data
  idle, total := fields[3].toFloat(),fields.sum(0.0);
  idle_delta, total_delta := idle - last_idle, total - last_total;
  last_idle, last_total = idle, total;
  utilisation := 100.0 * (1.0 - idle_delta / total_delta);
  print("%5.1f%%\r".fmt(utilisation)); // stay on this line, overwrite old value



Shown on multiple lines, in xterm output stays on one line, overwriting itself.

^CCntl C noted