LZW compression

From Rosetta Code
LZW compression
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) algorithm provides lossless data compression. You can read a complete description of it in the Wikipedia article on the subject. It was patented, but it fell in the public domain in 2004.


Works with: GNU Forth version 0.6.2
256 value next-symbol

\ current string fragment

create w 256 allot     \ counted string

: w=c ( c -- )       w 1+ c!        1 w c! ;
: w+c ( c -- )  w count + c!  w c@ 1+ w c! ;
\ Compression

\ dictionary of strings to symbols
0 value dict

: init-dict  table to dict  256 to next-symbol  dict set-current ;

: free-dict                           forth-wordlist set-current ;

: in-dict? ( key len -- ? )		\ can assume len > 1
  dict search-wordlist dup if nip then ;

: lookup-dict ( key len -- symbol )
  dup 1 = if drop c@ exit then
  dict search-wordlist if >body @ else abort" bad-dict!" then ;

: put-dict ( data key len -- )
  nextname create , ;

\ output buffer of symbols
\  in real life, these symbols would be packed into octets
variable out-size
create out 256 cells allot

: output ( symbol -- )
  dup out out-size @ cells + !  1 out-size +!
  dup 256 < if emit space else . then ;

: compress ( addr len -- )
  init-dict  0 out-size !
  over c@ w=c  1 /string
  bounds do
    i c@ w+c
    w count in-dict? 0= if
      w count 1- lookup-dict output
      next-symbol dup w count put-dict
      1+ to next-symbol
      i c@ w=c
  w count bounds do i c@ output loop
  free-dict ;
\ Decompression

\ array of symbols to strings (in real code this would need to be growable)
\  next-symbol is reused for the size of this table
create symtab 256 cells allot
0 value start

: init-symtab  256 to next-symbol  here to start ;

: free-symtab  start here - allot ;

: get-symbol ( symbol -- addr len )
  dup 256 < if pad c! pad 1 exit then
  256 - cells symtab + @ count ;

: add-symbol ( addr len -- )
  here symtab next-symbol 256 - cells + !
  next-symbol 1+ to next-symbol ;

create entry 256 allot

: decompress ( addr len -- )
  over @ dup emit w=c
  cells bounds cell+ do
    i @ next-symbol < if
      i @ get-symbol entry place
    else i @ next-symbol = if
      w 1+ c@ w count + c!  w count 1+ entry place
      abort" bad symbol!"
    then then
    entry count type	\ output
    entry 1+ c@ w+c
    w count add-symbol
    entry count w place
  1 cells +loop
  free-symtab ;
\ Testing

\ T O B E O R N O T 256 258 260 265 259 261 O T

out out-size @ decompress cr


<ocaml>#directory "+site-lib/extlib/"

  1. load "extLib.cma"

open ExtString

(** compress a string to a list of output symbols *) let compress ~uncompressed =

 (* build the dictionary *)
 let dict_size = 256 in
 let dictionary = Hashtbl.create 397 in
 for i=0 to 255 do
   let str = String.make 1 (char_of_int i) in
   Hashtbl.add dictionary str i

 let f = (fun (w, dict_size, result) c ->
   let c = String.make 1 c in
   let wc = w ^ c in
   if Hashtbl.mem dictionary wc then
     (wc, dict_size, result)
       (* add wc to the dictionary *)
       Hashtbl.add dictionary wc dict_size;
       let this = Hashtbl.find dictionary w in
       (c, dict_size + 1, this::result)
 ) in
 let w, _, result =
   String.fold_left f ("", dict_size, []) uncompressed
 (* output the code for w *)
 let result =
   if w = ""
   then result
   else (Hashtbl.find dictionary w) :: result
 (List.rev result)

exception ValueError of string

(** decompress a list of output symbols to a string *) let decompress ~compressed =

 (* build the dictionary *)
 let dict_size = 256 in
 let dictionary = Hashtbl.create 397 in
 for i=0 to pred dict_size do
   let str = String.make 1 (char_of_int i) in
   Hashtbl.add dictionary i str
 let w, compressed =
   match compressed with
   | hd::tl -> (String.make 1 (char_of_int hd)), tl
   | [] -> failwith "empty input"

 let result = w::[] in
 let result, _, _ =
   List.fold_left (fun (result, w, dict_size) k ->
     let entry =
       if Hashtbl.mem dictionary k then
         Hashtbl.find dictionary k
       else if k = Hashtbl.length dictionary then
         w ^ (String.make 1 w.[0])
         raise(ValueError(Printf.sprintf "Bad compressed k: %d" k))
     let result = entry :: result in
     (* add (w ^ entry.[0]) to the dictionary *)
     Hashtbl.add dictionary dict_size (w ^ (String.make 1 entry.[0]));
     (result, entry, dict_size + 1)
   ) (result, w, dict_size) compressed
 (List.rev result)

here is the interface: <ocaml>val compress : uncompressed:string -> int list val decompress : compressed:int list -> string list</ocaml>

How to use:
The compressed datas are a list of symbols (of type int) that will require more than 8 bits to be saved. So to know how many bits are required, you need to know how many bits are required for the greatest symbol in the list.

<ocaml>let greatest = List.fold_left (fun m x -> max m x) 0 ;;

(** number of bits needed to encode the integer m *) let n_bits m =

 let m = float m in
 let rec aux n =
   let max = (2. ** n) -. 1. in
   if max >= m then int_of_float n
   else aux (n +. 1.0)
 aux 1.0

let write_compressed ~filename ~compressed =

 let nbits = n_bits(greatest compressed) in
 let oc = open_out filename in
 output_byte oc nbits;
 let ob = IO.output_bits(IO.output_channel oc) in
 List.iter (fun code ->
     IO.write_bits ob nbits code
   ) compressed;
 IO.flush_bits ob;
 close_out oc;

let read_compressed ~filename =

 let ic = open_in filename in
 let nbits = input_byte ic in
 let ib = IO.input_bits(IO.input_channel ic) in
 let rec loop acc =
     let code = IO.read_bits ib nbits in
     loop (code::acc)
   with _ -> List.rev acc
 let compressed = loop [] in
 let result = decompress ~compressed in
 let buf = Buffer.create 2048 in
 List.iter (Buffer.add_string buf) result;
 (Buffer.contents buf)


<python> from collections import deque

def compress(uncompressed):

   """Compress a string to a list of output symbols."""
   # Build the dictionary.
   dict_size = 256
   dictionary = dict((chr(i), chr(i)) for i in xrange(dict_size))
   w = ""
   result = deque()
   for c in uncompressed:
       wc = w + c
       if wc in dictionary:
           w = wc
           # Add wc to the dictionary.
           dictionary[wc] = dict_size
           dict_size += 1
           w = c
   # Output the code for w.
   if w:
   return result

def decompress(compressed):

   """Decompress a list of output ks to a string."""
   # Build the dictionary.
   dict_size = 256
   dictionary = dict((chr(i), chr(i)) for i in xrange(dict_size))
   w = result = compressed.popleft()
   for k in compressed:
       if k in dictionary:
           entry = dictionary[k]
       elif k == len(dictionary):
           entry = w + w[0]
           raise ValueError, 'Bad compressed k: %s' % k
       result += entry
       # Add w+entry[0] to the dictionary.
       dictionary[dict_size] = w + entry[0]
       dict_size += 1
       w = entry
   return result

  1. How to use:

compressed = compress('TOBEORNOTTOBEORTOBEORNOT') print compressed decompressed = decompress(compressed) print decompressed </python>

Output: <python> ['T', 'O', 'B', 'E', 'O', 'R', 'N', 'O', 'T', 256, 258, 260, 265, 259, 261, 'O', 'T'] TOBEORNOTTOBEORTOBEORNOT </python>