Help talk:Request a new programming language

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 21:25, 21 March 2007 by (talk)

Hello, I would like to see Prolog as a language of rosettacode so if it goes in, i'll give some example such as making a hash with two arrays (it's in swi-prolog, for sicstus include list module)

% this one with side effect hash table creation

-dynamic hash/2.

make_hash([],[]). make_hash([H|Q],[H1|Q1]):- assert(hash(H,H1)), make_hash(Q,Q1).


% this one without side effects

make_hash_pure([],[],[]). make_hash_pure([H|Q],[H1|Q1],[hash(H,H1)|R]):- make_hash_pure(Q,Q1,R).
