
From Rosetta Code
<lang autohotkey>/*

WinSock2.ahk // a rewrite by derRaphael (w) Sep, 9 2008

based on the WinLIRC Script from Chris 

and on the WinLIRC Rewrite by ZedGecko 

__WSA_GetHostByName - Parts based upon scripts from DarviK and Tasman. Not much left of the origin source, but it was their achievement by doing the neccessary research.

  • /
WS2 Connect - This establishes a connection to a named resource
The parameter is to be passed in an URI
Port manner.
Returns the socket upon successfull connection, otherwise it
returns -1. In the latter case more Information is in the global
variable __WSA_ErrMsg
= WS2_Connect("")
See the Doc for more Information.

WS2_Connect(lpszUrl) {

   ; split our targetURI 
   __WinINet_InternetCrackURL("info://" lpszUrl,"__WSA") 
   ; name our port 
   WS2_Port := __WSA_nPort 
   ; Init the Winsock connection 
   if (     !( __WSA_ScriptInit()           )         ; Init the Scriptvariables 
         || !( __WSA_Startup()              ) ) {     ; Fire up the WSA 
       WS2_CleanUp()         ; Do a premature cleanup 
       return -1             ; and return an error indication 
   ; check the URI if it's valid 
   if (RegExMatch(__WSA_lpszHostName,"[^\d.]+")) ; Must be different than IP 
       WS2_IPAddress := __WSA_GetHostByName(__WSA_lpszHostName) 
   } else {     ; Let's check if the IP is valid 
       StringSplit,__WSA_tmpIPFragment, __WSA_lpszHostName,. 
           If (    ( __WSA_tmpIPFragment%A_Index%<0   ) 
                || ( __WSA_tmpIPFragment%A_Index%>255 ) 
                || ( __WSA_tmpIPFragment0!=4          ) ) { 
               __WSA_IPerror = 1 
       If (__WSA_IPerror=1) 
           __WSA_ErrMsg .= "No valid IP Supplied" 
           WS2_IPAddress := __WSA_lpszHostName 
   ; The htons function returns the value in TCP/IP network byte order. 
   __WSA_Port                := DllCall("Ws2_32\htons", "UShort", WS2_Port) 
   ; The inet_addr function converts a string containing an IPv4 dotted-decimal 
   ; address into a proper address for the IN_ADDR structure. 
   ; inet_addr: 
   ; IN_ADDR: 
   __WSA_InetAddr           := DllCall("Ws2_32\inet_addr", "Str", WS2_IPAddress) 
   If (     ( __WSA_Socket:=__WSA_Socket() ) 
         && ( __WSA_Connect()              )   ) 
       return __WSA_Socket   ; All went OK, return the SocketID 
   Else { 
       WS2_CleanUp()         ; Do a premature cleanup 
       return -1             ; and return an error indication 


WS2 OnMessage - This function defines, whatever should happen when
a Message is received on the socket.
Expected Parameter
Ws2_Socket => Socket returned from WS2_Connect() Call
UDF => An UserDefinedFunction to which the received
Data will be passed to
Optional Parameter
WindowMessage => A number indicating upon which WM_Message to react
Returns -1 on error, 0 on success

WS2_AsyncSelect(Ws2_Socket,UDF,WindowMessage="") {

   Global __WSA_ErrMsg 
   If (    ( StrLen(Ws2_Socket)=0 ) 
        || ( StrLen(UDF)=0        ) ) { 
       res := -1 
   } else { 
       If (    (StrLen(WindowMessage)=0) 
            || (WindowMessage+0=0)      ) 
           WindowMessage := 0x5000 
       res := __WSA_AsyncSelect(Ws2_Socket, UDF, WindowMessage) 
   return res 


WS2_SendData(WS2_Socket,DataToSend) {

   Global __WSA_ErrMsg 
   If (__WSA_send(WS2_Socket, DataToSend)=-1) { 
       MsgBox, 16, %A_ScriptName%: Send-Error, % __WSA_ErrMsg 


WS2 Cleanup - This needs to be called whenever Your Script exits
Usually this is invoked by some OnExit, Label subroutines.

WS2_CleanUp() {



WS2_Disconnect(WS2_Socket) {

   Global __WSA_ErrMsg 
   if (res := __WSA_CloseSocket(WS2_Socket)) 
       MsgBox, 16, %A_ScriptName%: CloseSocket-Error, % __WSA_ErrMsg 


WS2 ScriptInit - for internal use only
Initializes neccessary variables for this Script.

__WSA_ScriptInit() {

   ; We're working with version 2 of Winsock 
   Local VersionRequested    := 2 
   ; from 
   Local AF_INET             := 2 
   Local SOCK_STREAM         := 1 
   Local IPPROTO_TCP         := 6 
   Local FD_READ             := 0x1 
   Local FD_CLOSE            := 0x20 
   __AI_PASSIVE              := 1 
   __WSA_WSVersion           := VersionRequested 
   __WSA_SocketType          := SOCK_STREAM 
   __WSA_SocketProtocol      := IPPROTO_TCP 
   __WSA_SocketAF            := AF_INET 
   __WSA_lEvent              := FD_READ|FD_CLOSE 
   __WSA_WOULDBLOCK          := 10035  ; 
   __WSA_CONNRESET           := 10054  ; 
   return 1 


WS2 Startup - for internal use only
Initializes the Winsock 2 Adapter

__WSA_Startup() {

   Global WSAData, __WSA_ErrMsg, __WSA_WSVersion 
   ; It's a good idea, to have a __WSA_ErrMsg Container, so any Error Msgs 
   ; may be catched by the script. 
   __WSA_ErrMsg := "" 
   ; Generate Structure for the lpWSAData 
   ; as stated on 
   ; More on WSADATA (structure) to be found here: 
   VarSetCapacity(WSAData, 32) 
   result := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAStartup", "UShort", __WSA_WSVersion, "UInt", &WSAData) 
   if (ErrorLevel) 
       __WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\WSAStartup could not be called due to error " ErrorLevel "`n" 
                     . "Winsock 2.0 or higher is required.`n" 
   if (result!=0) 
       __WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\WSAStartup " __WSA_GetLastError() 
   If (StrLen(__WSA_ErrMsg)>0) 
       Return -1 
       Return 1 


WS2 Socket Descriptor - for internal use only
Sets type and neccessary structures for a successfull connection

__WSA_Socket() {

   Global __WSA_ErrMsg, __WSA_SocketProtocol, __WSA_SocketType, __WSA_SocketAF 
   ; Supposed to return a descriptor referencing the new socket 
   __WSA_Socket := DllCall("Ws2_32\socket" 
                           , "Int", __WSA_SocketAF 
                           , "Int", __WSA_SocketType 
                           , "Int", __WSA_SocketProtocol) 
   if (socket = -1) 
       __WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\socket " __WSA_GetLastError() 
   If (StrLen(__WSA_ErrMsg)>0) 
       Return -1 
       Return __WSA_Socket 


WS2 Connection call - for internal use only
Establishes a connection to a foreign IP at the specified port

__WSA_Connect() {

   Global __WSA_ErrMsg, __WSA_Port, __WSA_Socket, __WSA_InetAddr, __WSA_SocketAF 
   ; Generate socketaddr structure for the connect() 
   __WSA_SockAddrNameLen  := 16 
   VarSetCapacity(__WSA_SockAddr, __WSA_SockAddrNameLen) 
   NumPut(__WSA_SocketAF, __WSA_SockAddr, 0, "UShort") 
   NumPut(__WSA_Port,     __WSA_SockAddr, 2, "UShort") 
   NumPut(__WSA_InetAddr, __WSA_SockAddr, 4) 
   ; The connect function establishes a connection to a specified socket. 
   result := DllCall("Ws2_32\connect" 
                       , "UInt", __WSA_Socket 
                       , "UInt", &__WSA_SockAddr 
                       , "Int" , __WSA_SockAddrNameLen) 
   if (result) 
       __WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\connect " __WSA_GetLastError() 
   If (StrLen(__WSA_ErrMsg)>0) 
       Return -1 
       Return 1 



This code based originally upon an example by DarviK 
and on the modifcations by Tasman 
  • /
Resolves canonical domainname to IP

__WSA_GetHostByName(url) {

   Global __WSA_ErrMsg 
   ; gethostbyname returns information about a domainname into a Hostent Structure 
   IP := "" 
   if ((PtrHostent:=DllCall("Ws2_32\gethostbyname","str",url)) != 0) { 
       Loop, 1 ; 3 is max No of retrieved addresses 
           If (PtrTmpIP := NumGet(NumGet(PtrHostent+12)+(offset:=(A_Index-1)*4),offset)) { 
               IP := (IP) ? IP "|" : "" 
               Loop, 4 ; Read our IP address 
                   IP .= NumGet(PtrTmpIP+offset,(A_Index-1 ),"UChar") "." 
               IP := SubStr(IP,1,-1) 
           } else ; No more IPs left 
       result := IP 
   } else { 
       __WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\gethostbyname failed`n " 
       result := -1 
   return result 


Return the last Error with a lil bit o' text if neccessary
the txt variable is set to 0 when checking for received content

__WSA_GetLastError(txt=1) {

   Err       := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAGetLastError") 
   ExtraInfo := __WSA_ErrLookUp(RegExReplace(Err,"[^\d]")) 
   If ((InStr(ExtraInfo,"Sorry, no")) || (txt!=1)) 
       ExtraInfo := "" 
   Return ( txt ? "indicated Winsock error " : "") 
          . Err 
          . ( txt ? "`n" ExtraInfo : "") 


WS2 AsyncSelect - for internal use only
Sets up an Notification Handler for Receiving Messages
Expected Parameters
Socket from Initialisation
NotificationMsg - default 0x5000
WSA_DataReiceiver - an different Name to standard
wm_* processor function.
default __WSA_ReceiveData
Returns -1 on Error, 0 on success

__WSA_AsyncSelect(__WSA_Socket, UDF, __WSA_NotificationMsg=0x5000



   __WSA_UDF := UDF 
   OnMessage(__WSA_NotificationMsg, __WSA_DataReceiver) 
   ; The WSAAsyncSelect function requests Windows message-based notification 
   ; of network events for a socket. 
   Result := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAAsyncSelect" 
               , "UInt", __WSA_Socket 
               , "UInt", __WSA_GetThisScriptHandle() 
               , "UInt", __WSA_NotificationMsg 
               , "Int",  __WSA_lEvent) 
   if (Result) { 
       __WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\WSAAsyncSelect() " . __WSA_GetLastError() 
       Result := -1 
   Return Result 


WS2 Receive - for internal use only
Triggers upon Notification Handler when Receiving Messages

__WSA_recv(wParam, lParam) {

   Global __WSA_UDF, __WSA_ErrMsg 
   ; __WSA_UDF containes the name of the UserDefinedFunction to call when the event 
   ; has been triggered and text may be processed (allthough the reveived text might 
   ; be inclomplete, especially when receiving large chunks of data, like in eMail- 
   ; attachments or sometimes in IRC). The UDF needs to accept two parameter: socket 
   ; and the received buffer 
   __WSA_Socket := wParam 
   __WSA_BufferSize = 4096 
       VarSetCapacity(__WSA_Buffer, __WSA_BufferSize, 0) 
       __WSA_BufferLength := DllCall("Ws2_32\recv" 
                                       , "UInt", __WSA_Socket 
                                       , "Str",  __WSA_Buffer 
                                       , "Int",  __WSA_BufferSize 
                                       , "Int",  0 ) 
       if (__WSA_BufferLength = 0) 
       if (__WSA_BufferLength = -1) 
           __WSA_Err := __WSA_GetLastError(0) 
           ; __WSA_WOULDBLOCK (from 
           ; The socket is marked as non-blocking (non-blocking operation mode), and 
           ; the requested operation is not complete at this time. The operation is 
           ; underway, but as yet incomplete. 
           if (__WSA_Err = __WSA_WOULDBLOCK ) 
               return 1 
           ; __WSA_CONNRESET: (from 
           ; A connection was forcibly closed by a peer. This normally results from 
           ; a loss of the connection on the remote socket due to a timeout or a reboot. 
           if (__WSA_Err != __WSA_CONNRESET) 
               __WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\recv indicated Winsock error " __WSA_Err "`n" 
       if (StrLen(__WSA_UDF)!=0) ; If set, call UserDefinedFunction and pass Buffer to it 
   return 1 


WSA Send - for internal use only
Users are encouraged to use the WS2_SendData() Function

__WSA_send(__WSA_Socket, __WSA_Data) {

   Global __WSA_ErrMsg 
   Result := DllCall("Ws2_32\send" 
                      , "UInt", __WSA_Socket 
                      , "Str",  __WSA_Data 
                      , "Int", StrLen(__WSA_Data) 
                      , "Int", 0) 
  If (Result = -1) 
     __WSA_ErrMsg .=  "Ws2_32\send " __WSA_GetLastError() 
  Return Result 


Closes Open Socket - for internal use only
Returns 0 on success

__WSA_CloseSocket(__WSA_Socket) {

   Global __WSA_ErrMsg 
   Result := DllCall("Ws2_32\closesocket" 
                      , "UInt", __WSA_Socket) 
   If (Result != 0) 
     __WSA_ErrMsg .=  "Ws2_32\closesocket " __WSA_GetLastError() 
   Return result 


GetThisScriptHandle - for internal use only
Returns the handle of the executing script

__WSA_GetThisScriptHandle() {

   HiddenWindowsSave := A_DetectHiddenWindows 
   DetectHiddenWindows On 
   ScriptMainWindowId := WinExist("ahk_class AutoHotkey ahk_pid " DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")) 
   DetectHiddenWindows %HiddenWindowsSave% 
   Return ScriptMainWindowId 


Lookup Winsock ErrCode - for internal use only
This list is form

__WSA_ErrLookUp(sNumber) { WSA_ErrorList = (LTrim Join`n

   10004 - Interrupted system call 
   10009 - Bad file number 
   10013 - Permission denied 
   10014 - Bad address 
   10022 - Invalid argument 
   10024 - Too many open files 
   10035 - Operation would block 
   10036 - Operation now in progress 
   10037 - Operation already in progress 
   10038 - Socket operation on non-socket 
   10039 - D   estination address required 
   10040 - Message too long 
   10041 - Protocol wrong type for socket 
   10042 - Bad protocol option 
   10043 - Protocol not supported 
   10044 - Socket type not supported 
   10045 - Operation not supported on socket 
   10046 - Protocol family not supported 
   10047 - Address family not supported by protocol family 
   10048 - Address already in use 
   10049 - Can't assign requested address 
   10050 - Network is down 
   10051 - Network is unreachable 
   10052 - Net dropped connection or reset 
   10053 - Software caused connection abort 
   10054 - Connection reset by peer 
   10055 - No buffer space available 
   10056 - Socket is already connected 
   10057 - Socket is not connected 
   10058 - Can't send after socket shutdown 
   10059 - Too many references, can't splice 
   10060 - Connection timed out 
   10061 - Connection refused 
   10062 - Too many levels of symbolic links 
   10063 - File name too long 
   10064 - Host is down 
   10065 - No Route to Host 
   10066 - Directory not empty 
   10067 - Too many processes 
   10068 - Too many users 
   10069 - Disc Quota Exceeded 
   10070 - Stale NFS file handle 
   10091 - Network SubSystem is unavailable 
   10092 - WINSOCK DLL Version out of range 
   10093 - Successful WSASTARTUP not yet performed 
   10071 - Too many levels of remote in path 
   11001 - Host not found 
   11002 - Non-Authoritative Host not found 
   11003 - Non-Recoverable errors: FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP 
   11004 - Valid name, no data record of requested type 
   11004 - No address, look for MX record 

) ExNr := 0, ExErr := "Sorry, but no definition available." Loop,Parse,WSA_ErrorList,`n {

   RegExMatch(A_LoopField,"(?P<Nr>\d+) - (?P<Err>.*)",Ex) 
   if (sNumber = ExNr) 

} Return ExNr " means " ExErr "`n" }

WinINet InternetCrackURL - for internal use only
v 0.1 / (w) 25.07.2008 by derRaphael / zLib-Style release
This routine was originally posted here

__WinINet_InternetCrackURL(lpszUrl,arrayName="URL") {

   local hModule, offset_name_length 
   hModule := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "WinINet.Dll") 
   ; SetUpStructures for URL_COMPONENTS / needed for InternetCrackURL 
   offset_name_length:= "4-lpszScheme-255|16-lpszHostName-1024|28-lpszUserName-1024|" 
                      . "36-lpszPassword-1024|44-lpszUrlPath-1024|52-lpszExtrainfo-1024" 
   ; Struc Size               ; Scheme Size                  ; Max Port Number 
   NumPut(60,URL_COMPONENTS,0), NumPut(255,URL_COMPONENTS,12), NumPut(0xffff,URL_COMPONENTS,24) 
   ; Split the given URL; extract scheme, user, pass, authotity (host), port, path, and query (extrainfo) 
   ; Update variables to retrieve results 
       %arrayName%_%iCU_Name% := % %iCU_Name% 
   DllCall("FreeLibrary", "UInt", hModule)                    ; unload the library 