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Talk:Singly-linked list/Element insertion

From Rosetta Code

Why has the task been split into two tasks?

Why has the task of using linked list been split into two tasks, Singly-Linked List (element) and Singly-Linked List (element insertion)? This makes it more difficult to follow what is going on and to test the examples. Those two can not be considered as separate independent tasks. --PauliKL 12:24, 19 November 2008 (UTC)

Agree. Feel free to merge these tasks and Singly-Linked List (traversal) into a Singly-linked list task. In my opinion, the same could go for Doubly-linked list and Arrays. --IanOsgood 21:39, 19 November 2008 (UTC)
We already knew about this (Rosetta Code:TODO), but no one got around to it.--Mwn3d 23:55, 19 November 2008 (UTC)
The separation of the linked list tasks was my attempt to break what would have been a set of larger tasks into several smaller ones. It was unnecessary; They should be merged. --Short Circuit 02:33, 21 November 2008 (UTC)

There should be a link on this page to singly-linked list removal

Right now only definition, insertion, traversal are linked to. I noticed there are barely any entries for removal, and I'm guessing part of the reason is that the removal page isn't linked to from any of the others.

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