Talk:McNaughton-Yamada-Thompson algorithm
inadequate task description
Thankfully it is not particularly difficult to translate other entries, however there are problems with task descriptions such as
"As the workings of the algorithm are clearly described in the linked article they will not be repeated here."
I'm not saying the link isn't useful, but it is precisely the kind of link that is almost guaranteed to stop working - this site has issues with Wikipedia links, ffs. So however tedious it may be, the algorithm details should be properly replicated in the task description, or at least summarised as best you can (somewhat optimistically in as little as 10-15 lines).
For instance, here is the given JSON example for a|b.c* from that page with slightly nicer formatting:
{"automaton": [{"id": "s1", "isInitial": false, "isFinal": false, "transitionsOut": [{"nextState": "s2", "terminal": "a"}]}, {"id": "s2", "isInitial": false, "isFinal": false, "transitionsOut": [{"nextState": "s9", "terminal": "E"}]}, {"id": "s3", "isInitial": false, "isFinal": false, "transitionsOut": [{"nextState": "s4", "terminal": "b"}]}, {"id": "s4", "isInitial": false, "isFinal": false, "transitionsOut": [{"nextState": "s7", "terminal": "E"}, {"nextState": "s5", "terminal": "E"}]}, {"id": "s5", "isInitial": false, "isFinal": false, "transitionsOut": [{"nextState": "s6", "terminal": "c"}]}, {"id": "s6", "isInitial": false, "isFinal": false, "transitionsOut": [{"nextState": "s5", "terminal": "E"}, {"nextState": "s7", "terminal": "E"}]}, {"id": "s7", "isInitial": false, "isFinal": false, "transitionsOut": [{"nextState": "s9", "terminal": "E"}]}, {"id": "s8", "isInitial": true, "isFinal": false, "transitionsOut": [{"nextState": "s1", "terminal": "E"}, {"nextState": "s3", "terminal": "E"}]}, {"id": "s9", "isInitial": false, "isFinal": true, "transitionsOut": []}], "error": "null"}

and the corresponding NFA for that, which starts in s8 and succeeds if it finishes in s9, or more accurately anything that can get to s9 via an epsilon transition, which would be {2,4,6,7} (cmiiw).
--Petelomax (talk) 17:19, 22 November 2024 (UTC)