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Strip block comments

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 11:40, 23 November 2024 by KenS (talk | contribs) (Initial Strip block comments FutureBasic solution.)
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Strip block comments
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

A block comment begins with a   beginning delimiter   and ends with a   ending delimiter,   including the delimiters.   These delimiters are often multi-character sequences.


Strip block comments from program text (of a programming language much like classic C).

Your demos should at least handle simple, non-nested and multi-line block comment delimiters.

The block comment delimiters are the two-character sequences:

  •     /*     (beginning delimiter)
  •     */     (ending delimiter)

Sample text for stripping:

   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo 
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {
Extra credit

Ensure that the stripping code is not hard-coded to the particular delimiters described above, but instead allows the caller to specify them.   (If your language supports them,   optional parameters   may be useful for this.)

Other tasks related to string operations:
Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases


F strip_comments(s, b_delim = ‘/*’, e_delim = ‘*/’)
   V r = ‘’
   V i = 0
      V? p = s.find(b_delim, i)
      I p == N
      r ‘’= s[i .< p]
      V? e = s.find(e_delim, p + b_delim.len)
      assert(e != N)
      i = e + e_delim.len
   r ‘’= s[i..]
   R r

V text = ‘
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo 
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {


   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {

AArch64 Assembly

Works with: as version Raspberry Pi 3B version Buster 64 bits
or android 64 bits with application Termux
/* ARM assembly AARCH64 Raspberry PI 3B */
/*  program Strip block comments   */

/* Constantes                              */
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly*/
.include "../includeConstantesARM64.inc"
.equ BUFFERSIZE,    200

/* macros                             */
//.include "../../ficmacros64.inc"            // for developper debugging

/* Initialized data              */
szMessDebutPgm:       .asciz "Program 64 bits start. \n"
szCarriageReturn:     .asciz "\n"
szMessFinOK:          .asciz "Program normal end. \n"
szMessBufferError:    .asciz "Error : Buffer too small !!\n"

szStartComm:          .asciz "/*"
szEndComm:            .asciz "*/"
szString1:            .asciz "/**
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo 
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {

szString2:            .asciz "/* toto */tutu/*truc*/etc"
.align 4 
/* UnInitialized data            */
sBuffer:          .skip BUFFERSIZE
.align 4

/*  code section                 */
.global main 
    ldr x0,qAdrszMessDebutPgm
    bl affichageMess            // start message 
    ldr x0,qAdrszString1
    ldr x1,qAdrszStartComm
    ldr x2,qAdrszEndComm
    ldr x3,qAdrsBuffer
    mov x4,#BUFFERSIZE
    bl suppComment
    ldr x0,qAdrsBuffer
    bl affichageMess 
    ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn
    bl affichageMess
    ldr x0,qAdrszMessFinOK
    bl affichageMess       

   mov x8,EXIT 
    svc #0                      // system call
qAdrszMessDebutPgm:          .quad szMessDebutPgm
qAdrszMessFinOK:             .quad szMessFinOK
qAdrszCarriageReturn:        .quad szCarriageReturn
qAdrszMessBufferError:       .quad szMessBufferError
qAdrszString1:               .quad szString1
qAdrszString2:               .quad szString2
qAdrszStartComm:             .quad szStartComm
qAdrszEndComm:               .quad szEndComm
qAdrsBuffer:                 .quad sBuffer
/*            test execution                                        */ 
/* x0 contains string address  */
/* x1 contains start comment address */
/* x2 contains end comment address */
/* x3 contains buffer address */
/* x4 contains buffer length */
    stp x5,lr,[sp,-16]!
    stp x6,x7,[sp,-16]!
    stp x8,x9,[sp,-16]!
    stp x10,x11,[sp,-16]!
    mov x5,#0              // indice string
    mov x6,#0              // indice start comment
    mov x7,#0              // comment
    mov x8,#0              // indice write buffer
    ldrb w9,[x1,x6]        // load first byte of comment start
    ldrb w10,[x0,x5]       // load byte string
    cmp x10,#0             // end string ?
    beq 20f
    cmp x7,#1              // comment
    beq 6f
    cmp x10,x9             // compare first byte and byte string
    bne 5f
    add x6,x6,#1
    ldrb w9,[x1,x6]        // load oher byte of comment start
    cmp x9,#0 
    beq 4f                 // end comment ?
    strb w10,[x3,x8]       // store byte in buffer
    add x8,x8,#1
    cmp x8,x4              // error size buffer ?
    bge 99f
    add x5,x5,#1           // load byte string
    ldrb w10,[x0,x5]    
    cmp x10,#0             // end string ?
    beq 20f
    cmp x10,x9             // compare byte 
    beq 3b                 // loop other char start comment
    strb w10,[x3,x8]       // else store char string
    add x8,x8,#1
    cmp x8,x4              // end buffer ?
    bge 99f
    add x5,x5,#1          // increment indice string
    mov x6,#0             // raz indice start comment
    b 1b
4:                        // start comment found  
    sub x6,x6,#1
    sub x8,x8,x6          // supp write byte buffer 
    mov x7,#1             // comment
    add x5,x5,#1          // increment indice string
    b 2b                  // and loop
5:                        // bytes inequals 
    strb w10,[x3,x8]      // store char string
    add x8,x8,#1
    cmp x8,x4             // end buffer ?
    bge 99f
    add x5,x5,#1          // increment indice string
    b 2b                  // and loop
6:                        // is comment
    mov x6,#0
    ldrb w9,[x2,x6]       // load end comment first char
    cmp x10,x9            // equal byte string ?
    bne 10f
    add x5,x5,#1
    ldrb w10,[x0,x5]      // load other byte
    cmp x10,#0            // end string
    beq 20f
    add x6,x6,#1
    ldrb w9,[x2,x6]       // load other byte end comment
    cmp x9,#0             // end end comment ?
    bne 9b                // no -> loop
                          // comment end
    mov x7,#0             // raz comment
    mov x6,#0             // raz indice start comment
    b 1b
10:                       // comment not end
    add x5,x5,#1
    b 2b
    mov x10,#0            // final zero
    strb w10,[x3,x8]      // store char string
    b 100f 
99:                        // error
    ldr x0,qAdrszMessBufferError
    bl affichageMess
    mov x0,#-1  
    ldp x10,x11,[sp],16
    ldp x8,x9,[sp],16
    ldp x6,x7,[sp],16
    ldp x5,lr,[sp],16

/*      ROUTINES INCLUDE                 */
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly*/
.include "../includeARM64.inc"
Program 64 bits start.

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {
Program normal end.



with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Command_Line;

procedure Strip is
   use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
   procedure Print_Usage is
      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Usage:");
      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("   strip <file> [<opening> [<closing>]]");
      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("      file: file to strip");
      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("      opening: string for opening comment");
      Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("      closing: string for closing comment");
   end Print_Usage;

   Opening_Pattern : Unbounded_String := To_Unbounded_String ("/*");
   Closing_Pattern : Unbounded_String := To_Unbounded_String ("*/");
   Inside_Comment  : Boolean          := False;

   function Strip_Comments (From : String) return String is
      use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
      Opening_Index : Natural;
      Closing_Index : Natural;
      Start_Index   : Natural := From'First;
      if Inside_Comment then
         Start_Index :=
            Index (Source => From, Pattern => To_String (Closing_Pattern));
         if Start_Index < From'First then
            return "";
         end if;
         Inside_Comment := False;
         Start_Index    := Start_Index + Length (Closing_Pattern);
      end if;
      Opening_Index :=
           (Source  => From,
            Pattern => To_String (Opening_Pattern),
            From    => Start_Index);
      if Opening_Index < From'First then
         return From (Start_Index .. From'Last);
         Closing_Index :=
              (Source  => From,
               Pattern => To_String (Closing_Pattern),
               From    => Opening_Index + Length (Opening_Pattern));
         if Closing_Index > 0 then
            return From (Start_Index .. Opening_Index - 1) &
                      (From (
               Closing_Index + Length (Closing_Pattern) .. From'Last));
            Inside_Comment := True;
            return From (Start_Index .. Opening_Index - 1);
         end if;
      end if;
   end Strip_Comments;

   File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;
   if Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count < 1
     or else Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count > 3
   end if;
   if Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count > 1 then
      Opening_Pattern := To_Unbounded_String (Ada.Command_Line.Argument (2));
      if Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count > 2 then
         Closing_Pattern :=
            To_Unbounded_String (Ada.Command_Line.Argument (3));
         Closing_Pattern := Opening_Pattern;
      end if;
   end if;
     (File => File,
      Mode => Ada.Text_IO.In_File,
      Name => Ada.Command_Line.Argument (1));
   while not Ada.Text_IO.End_Of_File (File => File) loop
         Line : constant String := Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line (File);
         Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Strip_Comments (Line));
   end loop;
   Ada.Text_IO.Close (File => File);
end Strip;



   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;


    function something() {


Handles non-nested block comments, the start and end delimiters are specified as parameters. Comments inside string-literals are retained. The string quote and escape characters are specified as parameters.

    % strips block comments from a source                                     %
    % the source is read from standard input and the result written to        %
    % standard output, The comment start text is in cStart and the ending     %
    % is in cEnd.                                                             %
    % As strings are fixed length in Algol W, the first space in cStart/cEnd  %
    % is assumed to terminate the delimiter, i.e. the comment start/end       %
    % delimiters cannot contain spaces.                                       %
    % If non-blank, quote1 and quote2 are the string quote characters.        %
    % If escape is non-blank it indicates that quotes can be embedded in      %
    % string literals by preceding them with escape (as in C, java, etc.).    %
    procedure stripBlockComments( string(32) value cStart, cEnd
                                ; string(1)  value quote1, quote2, escape
                                ) ;
        integer     columnNumber, lineWidth;
        string(256) line;
        string(1)   currChar;
        string(1)   newlineChar;
        % gets the next source character                                      %
        procedure nextChar ;
            if      columnNumber = lineWidth then begin
                currChar     := newlineChar;
                columnNumber := columnNumber + 1
            else if columnNumber > lineWidth then begin
                readcard( line );
                lineWidth := 256;
                while lineWidth > 0 and line( lineWidth - 1 // 1 ) = " " do lineWidth := lineWidth - 1;
                columnNumber := 1;
                currChar     := line( 0 // 1 )
            else begin
                currChar     := line( columnNumber // 1 );
                columnNumber := columnNumber + 1
        end nextChar ;
        % copy the current character and get the next                         %
        procedure copyAndNext ;
            if currChar = newlineChar then write()
                                      else writeon( currChar );
        end copyAndNext ;
        % skips the current character and gets the next                       %
        procedure skipAndNext ;
            if currChar not = newlineChar then currChar := " ";
        end skipAndNext ;
        % handle a string literal                                             %
        procedure stringLiteral( string(1) value quote, escape ) ;
            while currChar not = quote and not XCPNOTED(ENDFILE) do begin
                if escape <> " " and currChar = escape then copyAndNext;
                if not XCPNOTED(ENDFILE) then copyAndNext
            end while_have_more_string ;
            if currChar = quote then copyAndNext
        end stringLiteral ;
        % returns true if the line continues with the specified text          %
        %         false if not.                                               %
        logical procedure remainingLineStartsWith ( string(32) value text ) ;
            logical   haveText;
            integer   lPos, wPos;
            haveText := currChar = text( 0 // 1 );
            lPos     := columnNumber;
            wPos     := 1;
            while haveText and wPos <= 32 and text( wPos // 1 ) not = " " do begin
                if lPos >= lineWidth then begin
                    % past the end of the line                                %
                    haveText := false
                else begin
                    % still have text on the line                             %
                    haveText := line( lPos // 1 ) = text( wPos // 1 );
                    wPos     := wPos + 1;
                    lPos     := lPos + 1;
                end if_past_end_of_line_
            end while_have_text_and_more_text ;
        end remainingLineStartsWith ;
        % skips the number of leading non-blank characters in the delimiter   %
        procedure skipDelimiter( string(32) value delimiter ) ;
            integer dPos;
            dPos := 0;
            while dPos < 32 and not XCPNOTED(ENDFILE) and delimiter( dPos // 1 ) not = " " do begin
               dPos := dPos + 1;
           end while_not_at_end_of_delimiter
        end skipDelimiter ;
        newlineChar  := code( 10 );
        lineWidth    := 0;
        columnNumber := lineWidth + 1;
        currChar     := " ";
        % allow the program to continue after reaching end-of-file %
        ENDFILE      := EXCEPTION( false, 1, 0, false, "EOF" );
        % get the first source character                                      %
        % strip the comments                                                  %
        while not XCPNOTED(ENDFILE) do begin
            if      currChar = " "    then copyAndNext
            else if remainingLineStartsWith( cStart ) then begin
                % have a comment                                              %
                skipDelimiter( cStart );
                while not remainingLineStartsWith( cEnd ) and not XCPNOTED(ENDFILE) do skipAndNext;
                skipDelimiter( cEnd )
            else if currChar = quote1 then stringLiteral( quote1, escape )
            else if currChar = quote2 then stringLiteral( quote2, escape )
            else                           copyAndNext
        end while_not_at_eof
    end stripBlockComments ;
    % text stripBlockComments for C-style source                              %
    stripBlockComments( "/*", "*/", """", "'", "\" )
   function subroutine() {
    a =                      b + c ;
    function something() {

ARM Assembly

Works with: as version Raspberry Pi
or android 32 bits with application Termux
/* ARM assembly Raspberry PI  */
/*  program Strip block comments   */
/* REMARK 1 : this program use routines in a include file 
   see task Include a file language arm assembly 
   for the routine affichageMess conversion10 
   see at end of this program the instruction include */

/* Constantes                              */
.include "../constantes.inc"
.equ BUFFERSIZE,    200

/* macros                             */
//.include "../../ficmacros32.inc"            @ for developper debugging

/* Initialized data              */
szMessDebutPgm:       .asciz "Program 32 bits start. \n"
szCarriageReturn:     .asciz "\n"
szMessFinOK:          .asciz "Program normal end. \n"
szMessBufferError:    .asciz "Error : Buffer too small !!\n"

szStartComm:          .asciz "/*"
szEndComm:            .asciz "*/"
szString1:            .asciz "/**
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo 
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {

szString2:            .asciz "/* toto */tutu/*truc*/etc"
.align 4 
/* UnInitialized data            */
sBuffer:          .skip BUFFERSIZE
.align 4

/*  code section                 */
.global main 
    ldr r0,iAdrszMessDebutPgm
    bl affichageMess            @ start message 
    ldr r0,iAdrszString1
    ldr r1,iAdrszStartComm
    ldr r2,iAdrszEndComm
    ldr r3,iAdrsBuffer
    mov r4,#BUFFERSIZE
    bl suppComment
    ldr r0,iAdrsBuffer
    bl affichageMess 
    ldr r0,iAdrszCarriageReturn
    bl affichageMess
    ldr r0,iAdrszMessFinOK
    bl affichageMess       

    mov r7,#EXIT                @ program end
    svc #0                      @ system call
iAdrszMessDebutPgm:          .int szMessDebutPgm
iAdrszMessFinOK:             .int szMessFinOK
iAdrszCarriageReturn:        .int szCarriageReturn
iAdrszMessBufferError:       .int szMessBufferError
iAdrszString1:               .int szString1
iAdrszString2:               .int szString2
iAdrszStartComm:             .int szStartComm
iAdrszEndComm:               .int szEndComm
iAdrsBuffer:                 .int sBuffer
/*            test execution                                        */ 
/* r0 contains string address  */
/* r1 contains start comment address */
/* r2 contains end comment address */
/* r3 contains buffer address */
/* r4 contains buffer length */
    push {r1-r10,lr}        @ save registers
    mov r5,#0              @ indice string
    mov r6,#0              @ indice start comment
    mov r7,#0              @ comment
    mov r8,#0              @ indice write buffer
    ldrb r9,[r1,r6]        @ load first byte of comment start
    ldrb r10,[r0,r5]       @ load byte string
    cmp r10,#0             @ end string ?
    beq 20f
    cmp r7,#1              @ comment
    beq 6f
    cmp r10,r9             @ compare first byte and byte string
    bne 5f
    add r6,r6,#1
    ldrb r9,[r1,r6]        @ load oher byte of comment start
    cmp r9,#0 
    beq 4f                 @ end comment ?
    strb r10,[r3,r8]       @ store byte in buffer
    add r8,r8,#1
    cmp r8,r4              @ error size buffer ?
    bge 99f
    add r5,r5,#1           @ load byte string
    ldrb r10,[r0,r5]    
    cmp r10,#0             @ end string ?
    beq 20f
    cmp r10,r9             @ compare byte 
    beq 3b                 @ loop other char start comment
    strb r10,[r3,r8]       @ else store char string
    add r8,r8,#1
    cmp r8,r4              @ end buffer ?
    bge 99f
    add r5,r5,#1          @ increment indice string
    mov r6,#0             @ raz indice start comment
    b 1b
4:                        @ start comment found  
    sub r6,r6,#1
    sub r8,r8,r6          @ supp write byte buffer 
    mov r7,#1             @ comment
    add r5,r5,#1          @ increment indice string
    b 2b                  @ and loop
5:                        @ bytes inequals 
    strb r10,[r3,r8]      @ store char string
    add r8,r8,#1
    cmp r8,r4             @ end buffer ?
    bge 99f
    add r5,r5,#1          @ increment indice string
    b 2b                  @ and loop
6:                        @ is comment
    mov r6,#0
    ldrb r9,[r2,r6]       @ load end comment first char
    cmp r10,r9            @ equal byte string ?
    bne 10f
    add r5,r5,#1
    ldrb r10,[r0,r5]      @ load other byte
    cmp r10,#0            @ end string
    beq 20f
    add r6,r6,#1
    ldrb r9,[r2,r6]       @ load other byte end comment
    cmp r9,#0             @ end end comment ?
    bne 9b                @ no -> loop
                          @ comment end
    mov r7,#0             @ raz comment
    mov r6,#0             @ raz indice start comment
    b 1b
10:                       @ comment not end
    add r5,r5,#1
    b 2b
    mov r10,#0            @ final zero
    strb r10,[r3,r8]      @ store char string
    b 100f 
99:                        @ error
    ldr r0,iAdrszMessBufferError
    bl affichageMess
    mov r0,#-1  
    pop {r1-r10,pc}  

/*      ROUTINES INCLUDE                 */
.include "../affichage.inc"
Program 32 bits start.

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {
Program normal end.


code =
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo 
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {
;Open-Close Comment delimiters
;Make it "Regex-Safe"
;Display final result
	MsgBox % sCode := RegExReplace(code,"s)(" . openC . ").*?(" . closeC . ")")

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


# syntax: GAWK -f STRIP_BLOCK_COMMENTS.AWK filename
# source: https://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/gawk.html#Plain-Getline
# Remove text between /* and */, inclusive
{   while ((start = index($0,"/*")) != 0) {
      out = substr($0,1,start-1) # leading part of the string
      rest = substr($0,start+2) # ... */ ...
      while ((end = index(rest,"*/")) == 0) { # is */ in trailing part?
        if (getline <= 0) { # get more text
          printf("unexpected EOF or error: %s\n",ERRNO) >"/dev/stderr"
        rest = rest $0 # build up the line using string concatenation
      rest = substr(rest,end+2) # remove comment
      $0 = out rest # build up the output line using string concatenation

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


      infile$ = "C:\sample.c"
      outfile$ = "C:\stripped.c"
      PROCstripblockcomments(infile$, outfile$, "/*", "*/")
      DEF PROCstripblockcomments(infile$, outfile$, start$, finish$)
      LOCAL infile%, outfile%, comment%, test%, A$
      infile% = OPENIN(infile$)
      IF infile%=0 ERROR 100, "Could not open input file"
      outfile% = OPENOUT(outfile$)
      IF outfile%=0 ERROR 100, "Could not open output file"
      WHILE NOT EOF#infile%
        A$ = GET$#infile% TO 10
          IF comment% THEN
            test% = INSTR(A$, finish$)
            IF test% THEN
              A$ = MID$(A$, test% + LEN(finish$))
              comment% = FALSE
            test% = INSTR(A$, start$)
            IF test% THEN
              BPUT#outfile%, LEFT$(A$, test%-1);
              A$ = MID$(A$, test% + LEN(start$))
              comment% = TRUE
        UNTIL test%=0
        IF NOT comment% BPUT#outfile%, A$
      CLOSE #infile%
      CLOSE #outfile%

Output file:

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

const char *ca = "/*", *cb = "*/";
int al = 2, bl = 2;

char *loadfile(const char *fn) {
    FILE *f = fopen(fn, "rb");
    int l;
    char *s;

    if (f != NULL) {
	fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
	l = ftell(f);
	s = malloc(l+1);
	if (s)
	    fread(s, 1, l, f);
    return s;

void stripcomments(char *s) {
    char *a, *b;
    int len = strlen(s) + 1;

    while ((a = strstr(s, ca)) != NULL) {
	b = strstr(a+al, cb);
	if (b == NULL)
	b += bl;
	memmove(a, b, len-(b-a));

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    const char *fn = "input.txt";
    char *s;

    if (argc >= 2)
	fn = argv[1];
    s = loadfile(fn);
    if (argc == 4) {
	al = strlen(ca = argv[2]);
	bl = strlen(cb = argv[3]);
    return 0;

Specify an input file via the first command line argument, and optionally specify comment opening and closing delimiters with the next two args, or defaults of /* and */ are assumed.


   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


using System;

    class Program
        private static string BlockCommentStrip(string commentStart, string commentEnd, string sampleText)
            while (sampleText.IndexOf(commentStart) > -1 && sampleText.IndexOf(commentEnd, sampleText.IndexOf(commentStart) + commentStart.Length) > -1)
                int start = sampleText.IndexOf(commentStart);
                int end = sampleText.IndexOf(commentEnd, start + commentStart.Length);
                sampleText = sampleText.Remove(
                    (end + commentEnd.Length) - start
            return sampleText;


#include <string>
#include <iostream> 
#include <iterator>
#include <fstream>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>

int main( ) {
    std::ifstream codeFile( "samplecode.txt" ) ;
    if ( codeFile ) {
       boost::regex commentre( "/\\*.*?\\*/" ) ;//comment start and end, and as few characters in between as possible
       std::string my_erase( "" ) ;             //erase them
       std::string stripped ;
       std::string code( (std::istreambuf_iterator<char>( codeFile ) ) ,
	     std::istreambuf_iterator<char>( ) ) ;
       codeFile.close( ) ;
       stripped = boost::regex_replace( code , commentre , my_erase ) ;
       std::cout << "Code unstripped:\n" << stripped << std::endl ;
       return 0 ;
    else {
       std::cout << "Could not find code file!" << std::endl ;
       return 1 ;


Code unstripped:

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


(defn comment-strip [txt & args]
  (let [args (conj {:delim ["/*" "*/"]} (apply hash-map args)) ; This is the standard way of doing keyword/optional arguments in Clojure
	[opener closer] (:delim args)]
    (loop [out "", txt txt, delim-count 0] ; delim-count is needed to handle nested comments
      (let [[hdtxt resttxt] (split-at (count opener) txt)] ; This splits "/* blah blah */" into hdtxt="/*" and restxt="blah blah */"	
	(printf "hdtxt=%8s resttxt=%8s out=%8s txt=%16s delim-count=%s\n" (apply str hdtxt) (apply str resttxt) out (apply str txt) delim-count)
	 (empty? hdtxt)    (str out (apply str txt))
	 (= (apply str hdtxt) opener) (recur out resttxt (inc delim-count))
	 (= (apply str hdtxt) closer) (recur out resttxt (dec delim-count))
	 (= delim-count 0)(recur (str out (first txt)) (rest txt) delim-count)
	 true             (recur out (rest txt) delim-count))))))
user> (comment-strip "This /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text")
hdtxt=      Th resttxt=is /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=         txt=This /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      hi resttxt=s /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=       T txt=his /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      is resttxt= /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=      Th txt=is /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      s  resttxt=/* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=     Thi txt=s /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=       / resttxt=* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=    This txt= /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      /* resttxt= is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=   This  txt=/* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=       i resttxt=s */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=   This  txt= is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=      is resttxt= */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=   This  txt=is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=      s  resttxt=*/ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=   This  txt=s */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=       * resttxt=/ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=   This  txt= */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=      */ resttxt= some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=   This  txt=*/ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=       s resttxt=ome /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=   This  txt= some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      so resttxt=me /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=  This   txt=some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      om resttxt=e /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out= This  s txt=ome /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      me resttxt= /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=This  so txt=me /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      e  resttxt=/* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=This  som txt=e /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=       / resttxt=* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=This  some txt= /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      /* resttxt= /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=This  some  txt=/* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=       / resttxt=* /* */ funny */ */ text out=This  some  txt= /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=      /* resttxt= /* */ funny */ */ text out=This  some  txt=/* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=       / resttxt=* */ funny */ */ text out=This  some  txt= /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=      /* resttxt= */ funny */ */ text out=This  some  txt=/* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=       * resttxt=/ funny */ */ text out=This  some  txt= */ funny */ */ text delim-count=3
hdtxt=      */ resttxt= funny */ */ text out=This  some  txt=*/ funny */ */ text delim-count=3
hdtxt=       f resttxt=unny */ */ text out=This  some  txt= funny */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=      fu resttxt=nny */ */ text out=This  some  txt=funny */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=      un resttxt=ny */ */ text out=This  some  txt= unny */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=      nn resttxt=y */ */ text out=This  some  txt=  nny */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=      ny resttxt= */ */ text out=This  some  txt=   ny */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=      y  resttxt=*/ */ text out=This  some  txt=    y */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=       * resttxt=/ */ text out=This  some  txt=      */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=      */ resttxt= */ text out=This  some  txt=      */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=       * resttxt=  / text out=This  some  txt=         */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=      */ resttxt=    text out=This  some  txt=         */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=       t resttxt=     ext out=This  some  txt=            text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      te resttxt=      xt out=This  some   txt=            text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      ex resttxt=       t out=This  some  t txt=             ext delim-count=0
hdtxt=      xt resttxt=         out=This  some  te txt=              xt delim-count=0
hdtxt=       t resttxt=         out=This  some  tex txt=               t delim-count=0
hdtxt=         resttxt=         out=This  some  text txt=                 delim-count=0
"This  some  text"


import std.algorithm, std.regex;

string[2] separateComments(in string txt,
                           in string cpat0, in string cpat1) {
    int[2] plen; // to handle /*/
    int i, j; // cursors
    bool inside; // is inside comment?

    // pre-compute regex here if desired
    //auto r0 = regex(cpat0);
    //auto r1 = regex(cpat1);
    //enum rct = ctRegex!(r"\n|\r");

    bool advCursor() {
        auto mo = match(txt[i .. $], inside ? cpat1 : cpat0);
        if (mo.empty)
            return false;
        plen[inside] = max(0, plen[inside], mo.front[0].length);
        j = i + mo.pre.length; // got comment head
        if (inside)
            j += mo.front[0].length; // or comment tail

        // special adjust for \n\r
        if (!match(mo.front[0], r"\n|\r").empty)
        return true;

    string[2] result;
    while (true) {
        if (!advCursor())
        result[inside] ~= txt[i .. j]; // save slice of result

        // handle /*/ pattern
        if (inside && (j - i < plen[0] + plen[1])) {
            i = j;
            if (!advCursor())
            result[inside] ~= txt[i .. j]; // save result again

        i = j; // advance cursor
        inside = !inside; // toggle search type

    if (inside)
        throw new Exception("Mismatched Comment");
    result[inside] ~= txt[i .. $]; // save rest(non-comment)
    return result;

void main() {
    import std.stdio;

    static void showResults(in string e, in string[2] pair) {
        writeln("===Original text:\n", e);
        writeln("\n\n===Text without comments:\n", pair[0]);
        writeln("\n\n===The stripped comments:\n", pair[1]);

    // First example ------------------------------
    immutable ex1 = `  /**
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {

    showResults(ex1, separateComments(ex1, `/\*`, `\*/`));

    // Second example ------------------------------
    immutable ex2 = "apples, pears # and bananas
apples, pears; and bananas ";  // test for line comment

    showResults(ex2, separateComments(ex2, `#|;`, `[\n\r]|$`));
===Original text:
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {

===Text without comments:
   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {

===The stripped comments:
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo
   *//* inline comment *//*/ <-- tricky comments *//**
    * Another comment.

===Original text:
apples, pears # and bananas
apples, pears; and bananas 

===Text without comments:
apples, pears 
apples, pears

===The stripped comments:
# and bananas; and bananas 


Translation of: C#
program Strip_block_comments;



function BlockCommentStrip(commentStart, commentEnd, sampleText: string): string;
  while ((sampleText.IndexOf(commentStart) > -1) and (sampleText.IndexOf(commentEnd,
    sampleText.IndexOf(commentStart) + commentStart.Length) > -1)) do
    var start := sampleText.IndexOf(commentStart);
    var _end := sampleText.IndexOf(commentEnd, start + commentStart.Length);
    sampleText := sampleText.Remove(start, (_end + commentEnd.Length) - start);
  Result := sampleText;

  test = '/**' + #10 + '* Some comments' + #10 +
    '* longer comments here that we can parse.' + #10 + '*' + #10 + '* Rahoo ' +
    #10 + '*/' + #10 + 'function subroutine() {' + #10 +
    'a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;' + #10 + '}' + #10 +
    '/*/ <-- tricky comments */' + #10 + '' + #10 + '/**' + #10 +
    '* Another comment.' + #10 + '*/' + #10 + 'function something() {' + #10 + '}';


  writeln(BlockCommentStrip('/*', '*/', test));
function subroutine() {
a =  b + c ;

function something() {


subr process
   i = 1
   while i <= len s$
      if inc = 0 and substr s$ i 2 = "/*"
         inc = 1
         i += 1
      elif inc = 1 and substr s$ i 2 = "*/"
         inc = 0
         i += 1
      elif inc = 0
         write substr s$ i 1
      i += 1
   if inc = 0
      print ""
   s$ = input
   until error = 1
 * Some comments
 * longer comments here that we can parse.
 * Rahoo 
 function subroutine() {
  a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
 /*/ <-- tricky comments */

  * Another comment.
  function something() {


See output for the edgecase this code doesn't handle—the regex is somewhat simplistic and breaks on / in it.

# by Artyom Bologov
# Join all the lines to make multi-line comments searchable
# A nice separator
# Remove blocks comments
# (faulty heuristic, searches for non-/ chars)
$ ed -s block-comments.in < block-comments.ed 
Newline appended
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo 
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {
   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */
    function something() {


Using .NET's regex counter feature to match nested comments. If comments here are nested, they have to be correctly balanced.

open System
open System.Text.RegularExpressions

let balancedComments opening closing =
    new Regex(
{0}                       # An outer opening delimiter
    (?>                   # efficiency: no backtracking here
        {0} (?<LEVEL>)    # An opening delimiter, one level down
        {1} (?<-LEVEL>)   # A closing delimiter, one level up
        (?! {0} | {1} ) . # With negative lookahead: Anything but delimiters
    )*                    # As many times as we see these
    (?(LEVEL)(?!))        # Fail, unless on level 0 here
{1}                       # Outer closing delimiter
""", Regex.Escape(opening), Regex.Escape(closing)),
        RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace ||| RegexOptions.Singleline)

let main args =
    let sample = """
    * Some comments
    * longer comments here that we can parse.
    * Rahoo 
    function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
    /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    * /* nested balanced
    */ */
    function something() {
    let balancedC = balancedComments "/*" "*/"
    printfn "%s" (balancedC.Replace(sample, ""))


    function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


Regexp implementation

: strip-block-comments ( string -- string )
  R/ /\*.*?\*\// "" re-replace ;

Manual implementation

USING: kernel io accessors strings math sequences locals
       io.streams.string multiline prettyprint ;

IN: strip-block-comments

TUPLE: comment-state
       { is-in-comment initial: f }
       { delim-start string initial: "/*" }
       { delim-end string initial: "*/" }
       { chars-matched integer initial: 0 } ;

: set-delims ( cmnt-st start end -- cmnt-st )
  [ >>delim-start ] dip
  >>delim-end ;

: target-delim ( cmnt-st -- string )
  dup is-in-comment>>
  [ delim-end>> ]
  [ delim-start>> ] if ;

: target-char ( cmnt-st -- ch )
  dup chars-matched>> swap ! ( cmnt-st -- n cmnt-st )
  target-delim nth ;

: got-delim? ( cmnt-st -- ? )
  [ target-delim length ] keep
  chars-matched>> <= ;

: update-is-in-comment ( cmnt-st -- cmnt-st )
  dup got-delim?
  [ [ not ] change-is-in-comment 0 >>chars-matched ]
  when ;

: matched-chars ( cmnt-st -- string )
  [ target-delim ] [ chars-matched>> ] bi
  0 swap rot <slice> ;

:: process-char ( cmnt-st ch -- cmnt-st )
  cmnt-st update-is-in-comment
  target-char ch =
     cmnt-st [ 1 + ] change-chars-matched
    cmnt-st is-in-comment>>
    [ cmnt-st matched-chars >string write ch write1 ] unless
  ] if ;

: process-string ( cmnt-st string -- cmnt-st )
  [ process-char ] each ;

: strip-block-comments ( string -- string )
  [ comment-state new swap process-string drop ]
  with-string-writer ;

: strip-block-comments-with-delims ( string start end -- string )
  [ comment-state new -rot set-delims swap process-string drop ] with-string-writer ;

CONSTANT: sample-text [[
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo 
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {

: test-strip-block-comments ( -- )
  sample-text strip-block-comments write
  "foo(bar)" "(" ")" strip-block-comments-with-delims "foo" assert= ;

MAIN: test-strip-block-comments


As ever, there arises the question "How long is a piece of string?" as having once abandoned decks of cards, there is no longer a definite upper bound for the length of a record. So, as ever, the classic response of "surely big enough", here 6666 characters. F90 enables the creation of a protocol for varying-length strings, and F2000 formalises this, but, there is no provision for reading a record of input into a variable that is made large enough for the record just being read, as is almost the case for pl/1 - where the receiving variable would be declared ACARD CHARACTER(6666) VARYING and the READ statement sets the length according to what has been read - but only up to the pre-specified upper limit.

So, a reversion to F77 style (which introduced CHARACTER variables) and so, not employing the MODULE protocol of F90 to share information - COMMON statements instead. Though not purely F77 as there is the PARAMETER statement, and the usage of I0 format. The Q format code was a common extension to F77, and reports on the number of characters as yet unread in the input record. This allows the receiving variable to be sized to fit, as in ACARD(1:LC) except that to prevent overflow, LC appears via MIN(LC,LOTS). If this was not done, then the receiving variable would be padded to the end with spaces at a cost in cpu time to supply, and then to scan backwards to find the last non-blank. This would also trim off any trailing spaces that were in the input record.

If the text delimiters were single characters only, similar to text literals, it would be easy: scan the text character by character and change state accordingly, though there would be complications if say two quote characters in a row were to signify a single internal quote. A DO-loop would do for the scan. But with multi-character delimiters the scan would have to lurch over a match, and fiddling the index variable of a DO-loop is frowned upon. So instead, slog it out. And be annoyed afresh by the indeterminacy of boolean expression evaluation of the form (A and B) or (A or B) in the context where the test is (safe and test) because the test might provoke an out-of-bounds fault if not safely within bounds. Like, THIS is being tested against the text in ACARD, but it must not compare beyond the end of the text in ACARD.

The removal of delimited text is taken literally: an incoming card's content might be entirely within a block comment and so be entirely rejected; if so, a null line results in ALINE, and it is not written to the output file. In other words, lines of block comment are not preserved as blank lines, nor as null lines, they are not there. Only if a line contains text outside of a block comment will it survive. Outside delimited block comments, spaces are just as valid as any other symbol, and are preserved. So, for example, it is a = b + c ; not a = b + c ; - two spaces after the = sign. Similarly, trailing spaces on a line survive - though I have UltraEdit set to trim trailing spaces and it is not clear whether the example source is to be regarded as containing them or not.

The presence of the delimiters is determined without context, for instance irrespective of whether or not they are inside quoted strings. They cannot be split across lines and recognised, even though in Fortran itself such splitting is permissible. If this process is applied to its own source file, then the only change is to produce CALL UNBLOCK(""), which could be avoided if the statement were to be CALL UNBLOCK("/"//"*","*/") so that the starting delimiter would not be self-identifying. The ending delimiter could be treated in the same way if there was fear that a block comment might have been started earlier in the source file.

A feature of Fortran's character comparison is that trailing spaces are ignored, so that "x " and "x " and "x" are all deemed equal. Unfortunate choices of starting and ending delimiter texts can be made if they contain characters in common.

      SUBROUTINE UNBLOCK(THIS,THAT)	!Removes block comments bounded by THIS and THAT.
Copies from file INF to file OUT, record by record, except skipping null output records.
       CHARACTER*(*) THIS,THAT	!Starting and ending markers.
       INTEGER LOTS			!How long is a piece of string?
       PARAMETER (LOTS = 6666)		!This should do.
       CHARACTER*(LOTS) ACARD,ALINE	!Scratchpads.
       INTEGER LC,LL,L		!Lengths.
       INTEGER L1,L2		!Scan fingers.
       INTEGER NC,NL		!Might as well count records read and written.
       LOGICAL BLAH		!A state: in or out of a block comment.
       INTEGER MSG,KBD,INF,OUT		!I/O unit numbers.
        NC = 0		!No cards read in.
        NL = 0		!No lines written out.
        BLAH = .FALSE.	!And we're not within a comment.
Chug through the input.
   10   READ(INF,11,END = 100) LC,ACARD(1:MIN(LC,LOTS))	!Yum.
   11   FORMAT (Q,A)		!Sez: how much remains (Q), then, characters (A).
        NC = NC + 1		!A card has been read.
        IF (LC.GT.LOTS) THEN	!Paranoia.
          WRITE (MSG,12) NC,LC,LOTS	!Scream.
   12     FORMAT ("Record ",I0," has length ",I0,"! My limit is ",I0)
          LC = LOTS			!Stay calm, and carry on.
        END IF			!None of this should happen.
Chew through ACARD according to mood.
        LL = 0		!No output yet.
        L2 = 0		!Syncopation. Where the previous sniff ended.
   20   L1 = L2 + 1	!The start of what we're looking at.
        IF (L1.LE.LC) THEN	!Anything left?
          L2 = L1		!Yes. This is the probe.
          IF (BLAH) THEN	!So, what's our mood?
   21       IF (L2 + LEN(THAT) - 1 .LE. LC) THEN	!We're skipping stuff.
              IF (ACARD(L2:L2 + LEN(THAT) - 1).EQ.THAT) THEN	!An ender yet?
                BLAH = .FALSE.		!Yes!
                L2 = L2 + LEN(THAT) - 1	!Finger its final character.
                GO TO 20		!And start a new advance.
              END IF		!But if that wasn't an ender,
              L2 = L2 + 1	!Advance one.
              GO TO 21		!And try again.
            END IF	!By here, insufficient text remains to match THAT, so we're finished with ACARD.
           ELSE		!Otherwise, if we're not in a comment, we're looking at grist.
   22       IF (L2 + LEN(THIS) - 1 .LE. LC) THEN	!Enough text to match a comment starter?
              IF (ACARD(L2:L2 + LEN(THIS) - 1).EQ.THIS) THEN	!Yes. Does it?
                BLAH = .TRUE.		!Yes!
                L = L2 - L1		!Recalling where this state started.
                ALINE(LL + 1:LL + L) = ACARD(L1:L2 - 1)	!Copy the non-BLAH text.
                LL = LL + L		!L2 fingers the first of THIS.
                L2 = L2 + LEN(THIS) - 1	!Finger the last matching THIS.
                GO TO 20		!And resume.
              END IF		!But if that wasn't a comment starter,
              L2 = L2 + 1	!Advance one.
              GO TO 22		!And try again.
            END IF	!But if there remains insufficient to match THIS
            L = LC - L1 + 1	!Then the remainder of the line is grist.
            ALINE(LL + 1:LL + L) = ACARD(L1:LC)	!So grab it.
            LL = LL + L		!And count it in.
          END IF	!By here, we're finished witrh ACARD.
        END IF	!So much for ACARD.
Cast forth some output.
        IF (LL.GT.0) THEN	!If there is any.
          WRITE (OUT,23) ALINE(1:LL)	!There is.
   23     FORMAT (">",A,"<") 		!Just text, but with added bounds.
          NL = NL + 1			!Count a line.
        END IF        		!So much for output.
        GO TO 10	!Perhaps there is some more input.
  100   WRITE (MSG,101) NC,NL	!Be polite.
  101   FORMAT (I0," read, ",I0," written.")
      END       !No attention to context, such as quoted strings.

      KBD = 5
      MSG = 6
      INF = 10
      OUT = 11

      CALL UNBLOCK("/*","*/")

      END	!All open files are closed on exit..

Output: the report is "16 read, 8 written." And in the output file appears...

>  <
>   function subroutine() {<
>    a =  b + c ;<
>   }<
>   <
>   <
>    function something() {<
>    }<

Where for expository purposes the > ... < mark the bounds of the surviving text, thus showing surviving spaces.

Once one has an axe in one's hands, everything looks like a tree. A slight variation produces the following stump:

>      <
>     !No attention to context, such as quoted strings.<
>      KBD = 5<
>      MSG = 6<
>      INF = 10<
>      OUT = 11<
>      OPEN (INF,FILE="Laconic.for",STATUS="OLD",ACTION="READ")<
>      CALL UNBLOCK("")<
>      END	!All open files are closed on exit..<

Where the source statement is CALL UNBLOCK("SUBROUTINE","END ") Note that if the ending delimiter were to be "END" there would be trouble. While "end" in the commentary would be missed because I use capitals for Fortran source but normal for commentary, there are plenty of other "END" sequences. Using "END " still would not work because of END IF, but "END " does work - once I added a comment on the line so that the line doesn't end with "END", and, used spaces rather than a tab after the END.

F90 allows the syntax END SUBROUTINE UNBLOCK (and insists on it within a MODULE) but F77 does not, otherwise the statement could have been CALL UNBLOCK("SUBROUTINE","END SUBROUTINE") which would be rather more structured.


Translation of: Liberty BASIC
Const CRLF = Chr(13) + Chr(10)

Function stripBlocks(text As String, first As String, last As String) As String
    Dim As String temp = ""
    For i As Integer = 1 To Len(text) - Len(first)
        If Mid(text, i, Len(first)) = first Then
            i += Len(first)
                If Mid(text, i, 2) = CRLF Then temp &= CRLF
                i += 1
            Loop Until (Mid(text, i, Len(last)) = last) Or (i = Len(text) - Len(last))
            i += Len(last) -1
            temp &= Mid(text, i, 1)
        End If
    Next i
    Return temp
End Function

Dim As String source
source = "  /**" + CRLF + _
         "   * Some comments" + CRLF + _
         "   * longer comments here that we can parse." + CRLF + _
         "   *" + CRLF + _
         "   * Rahoo " + CRLF + _
         "   */" + CRLF + _
         "   function subroutine() {" + CRLF + _
         "    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;" + CRLF + _
         "   }" + CRLF + _
         "   /*/ <-- tricky comments */" + CRLF + _
         "" + CRLF + _
         "   /**" + CRLF + _
         "    * Another comment." + CRLF + _
         "    */" + CRLF + _
         "    function something() {" + CRLF + _
         "    }" + CRLF

Print stripBlocks(source, "/*", "*/")
Igual que la entrada de Liberty BASIC.


include "NSLog.incl"

local fn StripBlockComments( string as CFStringRef, openStr as CFStringRef, closeStr as CFStringRef ) as CFStringRef
  if ( len( openStr ) == 0 || len( closeStr ) == 0 ) then return string
  CFMutableStringRef ret = fn MutableStringWithString( string )
  CFRange range
  while ( YES )
    range = fn StringRangeOfString( ret, openStr )
    if ( range.location == NSNotFound ) then exit while
    CFRange endRange = fn StringRangeOfStringWithOptionsInRange( ret, closeStr, NULL, fn CFRangeMake( range.location + range.length, len(ret) - (range.location + range.length ) ) )
    if ( endRange.location == NSNotFound )
    end if
    CFRange fullRange = fn CFRangeMake( range.location, endRange.location + endRange.length - range.location )
    MutableStringDeleteCharacters( ret, fullRange )
end fn = ret

CFStringRef test = @"/**\n¬
* Some comments\n¬
* longer comments here that we can parse.\n¬
* Rahoo \n¬
local fn Subroutine( b as int, c as int ) as int\n¬
  int a = /* inline comment */ b + c \n¬
end fn = a\n¬
/*/ <-- tricky comments */\n¬
* Another comment.\n¬
local fn DoSomething\n¬
end fn\n¬
NSLog( @"%@", fn StripBlockComments( test, @"/*", @"*/" ) )
local fn Subroutine( b as int, c as int ) as int
int a =  b + c 
end fn = a

local fn DoSomething
end fn


For the extra credit: No optional parameters in Go, but documented below is an efficient technique for letting the caller specify the delimiters.

package main

import (

// idiomatic to name a function newX that allocates an object, initializes it,
// and returns it ready to use.  the object in this case is a closure.
func newStripper(start, end string) func(string) string {
    // default to c-style block comments
    if start == "" || end == "" {
        start, end = "/*", "*/"
    // closes on variables start, end.
    return func(source string) string {
        for {
            cs := strings.Index(source, start)
            if cs < 0 {
            ce := strings.Index(source[cs+2:], end)
            if ce < 0 {
            source = source[:cs] + source[cs+ce+4:]
        return source

func main() {
    // idiomatic is that zero values indicate to use meaningful defaults
    stripC := newStripper("", "")

    // strip function now defined and can be called any number of times
    // without respecifying delimiters
    fmt.Println(stripC(`  /**
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {


def code = """
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {

println ((code =~ "(?:/\\*(?:[^*]|(?:\\*+[^*/]))*\\*+/)|(?://.*)").replaceAll(''))


THE FOLLOWING SOLUTION IS WRONG, as it does not take string literals into account. For example:

test = "This {- is not the beginning of a block comment" -- Do your homework properly -}

Comment delimiters can be changed by calling stripComments with different start and end parameters.

import Data.List

stripComments :: String -> String -> String -> String
stripComments start end = notComment
    where notComment :: String -> String
          notComment "" = ""
          notComment xs
            | start `isPrefixOf` xs = inComment $ drop (length start) xs
            | otherwise             = head xs:(notComment $ tail xs)
          inComment :: String -> String
          inComment "" = ""
          inComment xs
            | end `isPrefixOf` xs = notComment $ drop (length end) xs
            | otherwise           = inComment $ tail xs

main = interact (stripComments "/*" "*/")


   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {

Icon and Unicon

If one is willing to concede that the program file will fit in memory, then the following code works:

procedure main()
   every (unstripped := "") ||:= !&input || "\n"   # Load file as one string

procedure stripBlockComment(s1,s2,s3)  #: strip comments between s2-s3 from s1
   result := ""
   s1 ? {
      while result ||:= tab(find(s2)) do {
         tab(find(s3)|0)   # or end of string 
      return result || tab(0)

Otherwise, the following handles an arbitrary length input:

procedure main()
   every writes(stripBlockComment(!&input,"/*","*/"))
procedure stripBlockComment(s,s2,s3)
    static inC          # non-null when inside comment
    (s||"\n") ?  while not pos(0) do {
            if /inC then 
                if inC := 1(tab(find(s2))\1, move(*s2)) then suspend inC
                else return tab(0)
            else if (tab(find(s3))\1,move(*s3)) then inC := &null
            else fail


strip=:#~1 0 _1*./@:(|."0 1)2>4{"1(5;(0,"0~".;._2]0 :0);'/*'i.a.)&;:
  1 0 0
  0 2 0
  2 3 2
  0 2 2

Example data:

example=: 0 :0
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo 
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {

Example use:

   strip example
   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {

Here is a version which allows the delimiters to be passed as an optional left argument as a pair of strings:

stripp=:3 :0
  ('/*';'*/') stripp y
  'open close'=. x
  marks=. (+./(-i._1+#open,close)|."0 1 open E. y) - close E.&.|. y
  y #~  -. (+._1&|.) (1 <. 0 >. +)/\.&.|. marks


import java.io.*;

public class StripBlockComments{
    public static String readFile(String filename) {
	BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
	try {
	    StringBuilder fileContents = new StringBuilder();
	    char[] buffer = new char[4096];
	    while (reader.read(buffer, 0, 4096) > 0) {
	    return fileContents.toString();
	} finally {

    public static String stripComments(String beginToken, String endToken,
				       String input) {
	StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
	while (true) {
	    int begin = input.indexOf(beginToken);
	    int end = input.indexOf(endToken, begin+beginToken.length());
	    if (begin == -1 || end == -1) {
		return output.toString();
	    output.append(input.substring(0, begin));
	    input = input.substring(end + endToken.length());

    public static void main(String[] args) {
	if (args.length < 3) {
	    System.out.println("Usage: BeginToken EndToken FileToProcess");

	String begin = args[0];
	String end = args[1];
	String input = args[2];

	try {
	    System.out.println(stripComments(begin, end, readFile(input)));
	} catch (Exception e) {


Note: A version of jq with gsub/3 is required to compile the function defined in this section.

The filter strip_block_comments/2 as defined here does not attempt to recognize comments-within-comments.

def strip_block_comments(open; close):
  def deregex:
    reduce ("\\\\", "\\*", "\\^", "\\?", "\\+", "\\.", 
            "\\!", "\\{", "\\}", "\\[", "\\]", "\\$", "\\|" ) as $c
      (.; gsub($c; $c));
  # "?" => reluctant, "m" => multiline
  gsub( (open|deregex) + ".*?" + (close|deregex); ""; "m") ;

strip_block_comments("/*"; "*/")


$ jq -s -R -r -f Strip_block_comments.jq sample_text_for_stripping.txt


Works with: Julia version 0.6
Translation of: Python
function _stripcomments(txt::AbstractString, dlm::Tuple{String,String})
    "Strips first nest of block comments"

    dlml, dlmr = dlm
    indx = searchindex(txt, dlml)
    if indx > 0
        out = IOBuffer()
        write(out, txt[1:indx-1])
        txt = txt[indx+length(dlml):end]
        txt = _stripcomments(txt, dlm)
        indx = searchindex(txt, dlmr)
        @assert(indx > 0, "cannot find a closer delimiter \"$dlmr\" in $txt")
        write(out, txt[indx+length(dlmr):end])
        out = txt
    return String(out)

function stripcomments(txt::AbstractString, dlm::Tuple{String,String}=("/*", "*/"))
    "Strips nests of block comments"

    dlml, dlmr = dlm
    while contains(txt, dlml)
        txt = _stripcomments(txt, dlm)

    return txt

function main()
    smpl = """
* Some comments
* longer comments here that we can parse.
* Rahoo
function subroutine() {
a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
/*/ <-- tricky comments */

* Another comment.
function something() {

    smpl = """
* Some comments
* longer comments here that we can parse.
* Rahoo
function subroutine() {
a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
/*/ <-- tricky comments */
* Another comment.
function something() {


function subroutine() {
a =  b + c ;

function something() {


function something() {


// version 1.1.4-3

val sample = """
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo 
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {

val sample2 = """
   ` Some comments
   ` longer comments here that we can parse.
   ` Rahoo 
   function subroutine2() {
    d = ``{ inline comment ``} e + f ;
   ``{ / <-- tricky comments ``}

    ` Another comment.
    function something2() {

fun stripBlockComments(text: String, del1: String = "/*", del2: String = "*/"): String {
    val d1 = Regex.escape(del1)
    val d2 = Regex.escape(del2)
    val r = Regex("""(?s)$d1.*?$d2""") 
    return text.replace(r, "")

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    println(stripBlockComments(sample2, "``{", "``}"))

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {

   function subroutine2() {
    d =  e + f ;

    function something2() {



# Strip block comments

#	# Variables:

 * Some comments
 * longer comments here that we can parse.
 * Rahoo 
 function subroutine() {
 a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
 /*/ <-- tricky comments */
 * Another comment.
 function something() {

# main #

while [[ -n ${.sh.match} ]]; do		# .sh.match stores the most recent match
	if [[ -n ${testcase} ]]; then

echo "${testcase}"

function subroutine() {
a =  b + c ;

function something() {

Liberty BASIC

global CRLF$
CRLF$ =chr$( 13) +chr$( 10)

sample$ ="  /**"+CRLF$+_
"   * Some comments"+CRLF$+_
"   * longer comments here that we can parse."+CRLF$+_
"   *"+CRLF$+_
"   * Rahoo "+CRLF$+_
"   */"+CRLF$+_
"   function subroutine() {"+CRLF$+_
"    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;"+CRLF$+_
"   }"+CRLF$+_
"   /*/ <-- tricky comments */"+CRLF$+_
"   /**"+CRLF$+_
"    * Another comment."+CRLF$+_
"    */"+CRLF$+_
"    function something() {"+CRLF$+_
"    }"+CRLF$

startDelim$  ="/*"
finishDelim$ ="*/"

print "________________________________"
print sample$
print "________________________________"
print blockStripped$( sample$, startDelim$, finishDelim$)
print "________________________________"


function blockStripped$( in$, s$, f$)
    for i =1 to len( in$) -len( s$)
        if mid$( in$, i, len( s$)) =s$ then
            i =i +len( s$)
                if mid$( in$, i, 2) =CRLF$ then blockStripped$ =blockStripped$ +CRLF$
                i =i +1
            loop until ( mid$( in$, i, len( f$)) =f$) or ( i =len( in$) -len( f$))
            i =i +len( f$) -1
            blockStripped$ =blockStripped$ +mid$( in$, i, 1)
        end if
    next i
end function

function subroutine() {
a = b + c ;

function something() {



It is assumed, that the code is in the file "Text1.txt".

filename = "Text1.txt"

fp = io.open( filename, "r" )
str = fp:read( "*all" )

stripped = string.gsub( str, "/%*.-%*/", "" )
print( stripped )

Mathematica /Wolfram Language

StringReplace[a,"/*"~~Shortest[___]~~"*/" -> ""]

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {

MATLAB / Octave

function str = stripblockcomment(str,startmarker,endmarker) 
      ix1 = strfind(str, startmarker);
      if isempty(ix1) return; end;
      ix2 = strfind(str(ix1+length(startmarker):end),endmarker);
      if isempty(ix2) 
         str = str(1:ix1(1)-1);
         str = [str(1:ix1(1)-1),str(ix1(1)+ix2(1)+length(endmarker)+1:end)];


>>t = '  /**\n   * Some comments\n   * longer comments here that we can parse.\n   *\n   * Rahoo \n   */\n   function subroutine() {\n    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;\n   }\n   /*/ <-- tricky comments */\n\n   /**\n    * Another comment.\n    */\n    function something() {\n    }\n'
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo 
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {
   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


Translation of: Python
import strutils

proc commentStripper(txt: string; delim: tuple[l, r: string] = ("/*", "*/")): string =
  let i = txt.find(delim.l)
  if i < 0: return txt

  result = if i > 0: txt[0 ..< i] else: ""
  let tmp = commentStripper(txt[i+delim.l.len .. txt.high], delim)
  let j = tmp.find(delim.r)
  assert j >= 0
  result &= tmp[j+delim.r.len .. tmp.high]

echo commentStripper("""/**
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo 
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */
    * Another comment.
    function something() {

echo commentStripper("""  /**
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo 
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */
    * Another comment.
    function something() {

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;
    function something() {

    function something() {


  var s := '''
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo 
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */
    * Another comment.
    function something() {

 function subroutine() {
  a =  b + c ;
  function something() {


#!/usr/bin/perl -w 
use strict ;
use warnings ;

open( FH , "<" , "samplecode.txt" ) or die "Can't open file!$!\n" ;
my $code = "" ;
   local $/ ;
   $code = <FH> ; #slurp mode
close FH ;
$code =~ s,/\*.*?\*/,,sg ;
print $code . "\n" ;


function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


Note that Phix itself supports nested block comments, which this simple approach will not handle properly - see ptok.e/SkipBlockComment() and/or pwa/src/p2js_tok.e/block_comment(), which both use a slightly more convoluted and recursive but also more precise character-by-character method.

with javascript_semantics
constant test = """
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo 
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */
    * Another comment.
    function something() {
function strip_comments(string text, startc="/*", endc="*/")
    while true do
        integer startp = match(startc,text), endp
        if startp=0 then exit end if
        endp = match(endc,text,startp+length(startc))
        text[startp..endp+length(endc)-1] = ""
    end while
    return text
end function

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


function strip_block_comments( $test_string ) {
	$pattern = "/^.*?(\K\/\*.*?\*\/)|^.*?(\K\/\*.*?^.*\*\/)$/mXus";
	return preg_replace( $pattern, '', $test_string );

echo "Result: '" . strip_block_comments( "
 * Some comments
 * longer comments here that we can parse.
 * Rahoo 
 function subroutine() {
  a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
 /*/ <-- tricky comments */

  * Another comment.
  function something() {
" ) . "'";
Result: '

 function subroutine() {
  a =  b + c ;

  function something() {


(in "sample.txt"
   (while (echo "/*")
      (out "/dev/null" (echo "*/")) ) )


   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


/* A program to remove comments from text. */
strip: procedure options (main);                   /* 8/1/2011 */
   declare text character (80) varying;
   declare (j, k) fixed binary;

   on endfile (sysin) stop;

   do forever;
      get edit (text) (L);
      do until (k = 0);
         k = index(text, '/*');
         if k > 0 then /* we have a start of comment. */
               /* Look for end of comment. */
               j = index(text, '*/', k+2);
               if j > 0 then
                     text = substr(text, 1, k-1) ||
                            substr(text, j+2, length(text)-(j+2)+1);
                  do; /* The comment continues onto the next line. */
                     put skip list ( substr(text, 1, k-1) );
more:                get edit (text) (L);
                     j = index(text, '*/');
                     if j = 0 then do; put skip; go to more; end;
                     text = substr(text, j+2, length(text) - (j+2) + 1);
      put skip list (text);

end strip;


Prolog enables grammar rules via the DCG that are ideally suited for this task .

:- system:set_prolog_flag(double_quotes,codes) .

strip_block_comments(INPUTz,OUTPUTz) ,
system:format("```~n",[OUTPUTz]) ,
system:format("~s~n",[OUTPUTz]) ,


block([]) --> \+ [_] , ! .
block([CODE|OUTPUTz]) --> \+ comment , ! , [CODE] , block(OUTPUTz) .
block(OUTPUTz) --> comment , ! , block(OUTPUTz) .

comment --> comment_entr , zero_or_more(comment_each) , comment_exit .
comment_entr --> "/*" .
comment_each --> comment , ! .
comment_each --> \+ comment_exit , ! , [_] .
comment_exit --> "*/" .

zero_or_more(CALLABLE) --> call(CALLABLE) , ! , zero_or_more(CALLABLE) .
zero_or_more(_) --> ! .
?- strip_block_comments(
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {

true .


?- strip_block_comments("abc/*p/*q*/r*/def") .
true .

?- strip_block_comments("abcdef") .
true .


Solution using regular expressions. A procedure to stripBlocks() procedure is defined that will strip comments between any two delimeters.

Procedure.s escapeChars(text.s)
  Static specialChars.s = "[\^$.|?*+()"
  Protected output.s, nextChar.s, i, countChar = Len(text)
  For i = 1 To countChar
    nextChar = Mid(text, i, 1)
    If FindString(specialChars, nextChar, 1)
      output + "\" + nextChar
      output + nextChar
  ProcedureReturn output

Procedure.s stripBlocks(text.s, first.s, last.s)
  Protected delimter_1.s = escapeChars(first), delimter_2.s = escapeChars(last)
  Protected expNum = CreateRegularExpression(#PB_Any, delimter_1 + ".*?" + delimter_2, #PB_RegularExpression_DotAll)
  Protected output.s = ReplaceRegularExpression(expNum, text, "")
  ProcedureReturn output

Define source.s
source.s = "  /**" + #CRLF$
source.s + "   * Some comments" + #CRLF$
source.s + "   * longer comments here that we can parse." + #CRLF$
source.s + "   *" + #CRLF$
source.s + "   * Rahoo " + #CRLF$
source.s + "   */" + #CRLF$
source.s + "   function subroutine() {" + #CRLF$
source.s + "    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;" + #CRLF$
source.s + "   }" + #CRLF$
source.s + "   /*/ <-- tricky comments */" + #CRLF$
source.s + "" + #CRLF$
source.s + "   /**" + #CRLF$
source.s + "    * Another comment." + #CRLF$
source.s + "    */" + #CRLF$
source.s + "    function something() {" + #CRLF$
source.s + "    }" + #CRLF$

If OpenConsole()
  PrintN("--- source ---")
  PrintN("--- source with block comments between '/*' and '*/' removed ---")
  PrintN(stripBlocks(source, "/*", "*/"))
  PrintN("--- source with block comments between '*' and '*' removed ---")
  PrintN(stripBlocks(source, "*", "*"))
  Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit"): Input()

Sample output:

--- source ---
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {

--- source with block comments between '/*' and '*/' removed ---

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {

--- source with block comments between '*' and '*' removed ---
    longer comments here that we can parse.
    inline comment / <-- tricky comments  Another comment.
    function something() {


The code has comment delimeters as an argument and will also strip nested block comments.

def _commentstripper(txt, delim):
    'Strips first nest of block comments'
    deliml, delimr = delim
    out = ''
    if deliml in txt:
        indx = txt.index(deliml)
        out += txt[:indx]
        txt = txt[indx+len(deliml):]
        txt = _commentstripper(txt, delim)
        assert delimr in txt, 'Cannot find closing comment delimiter in ' + txt
        indx = txt.index(delimr)
        out += txt[(indx+len(delimr)):]
        out = txt
    return out

def commentstripper(txt, delim=('/*', '*/')):
    'Strips nests of block comments'
    deliml, delimr = delim
    while deliml in txt:
        txt = _commentstripper(txt, delim)
    return txt
Tests and sample output
def test():
    sample = '''  /**
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo 
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {

    sample = '''  /**
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo 
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */
    * Another comment.
    function something() {
if __name__ == '__main__':
   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {

    function something() {


#lang at-exp racket

;; default delimiters (strings -- not regexps)
(define comment-start-str "/*")
(define comment-end-str "*/")

(define (strip-comments text [rx1 comment-start-str] [rx2 comment-end-str])
  (regexp-replace* (~a (regexp-quote rx1) ".*?" (regexp-quote rx2))
                   text ""))

((compose1 displayln strip-comments)
      * Some comments
      * longer comments here that we can parse.
      * Rahoo
      function subroutine() {
       a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
      /*/ <-- tricky comments */

       * Another comment.
       function something() {

(Outputs the expected text...)


(formerly Perl 6)

sample().split(/ '/*' .+? '*/' /).print;

sub sample {
'   /**
    * Some comments
    * longer comments here that we can parse.
    * Rahoo
    function subroutine() {
     a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
    /*/ <-- tricky comments */

     * Another comment.
    function something() {


    function subroutine() {
     a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


/* REXX ***************************************************************
* Split comments
* This program ignores comment delimiters within literal strings
* such as, e.g., in b = "--' O'Connor's widow --";
* it does not (yet) take care of -- comments (ignore rest of line)
* also it does not take care of say 667/*yuppers*/77 (REXX specialty)
*   courtesy GS discussion!
* 12.07.2013 Walter Pachl
fid='in.txt'                           /* input text                 */
oic='oc.txt'; 'erase' oic              /* will contain comments      */
oip='op.txt'; 'erase' oip              /* will contain program parts */
oim='om.txt'; 'erase' oim              /* oc.txt merged with op.txt  */
cmt=0                                  /* comment nesting            */
str=''                                 /* ' or " when in a string    */
Do ri=1 By 1 While lines(fid)>0        /* loop over input            */
  l=linein(fid)                        /* an input line              */
  oc=''                                /* initialize line for oc.txt */
  op=''                                /* initialize line for op.txt */
  i=1                                  /* start at first character   */
  Do While i<=length(l)                /* loop through input line    */
    If cmt=0 Then Do                   /* we are not in a comment    */
      If str<>'' Then Do               /* we are in a string         */
        If substr(l,i,1)=str Then Do   /* string character           */
          If substr(l,i+1,1)=str Then Do /* another one              */
            Call app 'P',substr(l,i,2) /* add '' or "" to op         */
            i=i+2                      /* increase input pointer     */
            Iterate                    /* proceed in input line      */
          Else Do                      /* end of literal string      */
            Call app 'P',substr(l,i,1) /* add ' or " to op           */
            str=' '                    /* no longer in string        */
            i=i+1                      /* increase input pointer     */
            Iterate                    /* proceed in input line      */
      When str='' &,                   /* not in a string            */
           substr(l,i,2)='/*' Then Do  /* start of comment           */
        cmt=cmt+1                      /* increase commenr nesting   */
        Call app 'C','/*'              /* copy to oc                 */
        i=i+2                          /* increase input pointer     */
      When cmt=0 Then Do               /* not in a comment           */
        If str=' ' Then Do             /* not in a string            */
          If pos(substr(l,i,1),'''"')>0 Then /* string delimiter     */
            str=substr(l,i,1)          /* remember that              */
        Call app 'P',substr(l,i,1)     /* copy to op                 */
        i=i+1                          /* increase input pointer     */
      When substr(l,i,2)='*/' Then Do  /* end of comment             */
        cmt=cmt-1                      /* decrement nesting depth    */
        Call app 'C','*/'              /* copy to oc                 */
        i=i+2                          /* increase input pointer     */
      Otherwise Do                     /* any other character        */
        Call app 'C',substr(l,i,1)     /* copy to oc                 */
        i=i+1                          /* increase input pointer     */
  Call oc                              /* Write line oc              */
  Call op                              /* Write line op              */
Call lineout oic                       /* Close File oic             */
Call lineout oip                       /* Close File oip             */

Do ri=1 To ri-1                        /* merge program with comments*/
  Do i=1 To length(oc)
    If substr(oc,i,1)<>'' Then
  Call lineout oim,op
Call lineout oic
Call lineout oip
Call lineout oim

app: Parse Arg which,string
/* add str to oc or op                                               */
/* and corresponding blanks to the other (op or oc)                  */
If which='C' Then Do
  op=op||copies(' ',length(string))
Else Do
  oc=oc||copies(' ',length(string))

oc: Return lineout(oic,oc)
op: Return lineout(oip,op)


   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
    b = "*/' O'Connor's widow /*";
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {


   function subroutine() {
    a =                      b + c ;
    b = "*/' O'Connor's widow /*";

    function something() {


   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo

        /* inline comment */

   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.



example = "123/*456*/abc/*def*/789"
example2 = example
nr = 1
while nr = 1
      n1 = substr(example2,"/*")
      n2 = substr(example2,"*/") 
      if n1 > 0 and n2 > 0
         example3 = substr(example2,n1,n2-n1+2) 
         example2 = substr(example2,example3,"")
      else nr = 0 ok
see example2 + nl


def remove_comments!(str, comment_start='/*', comment_end='*/')
  while start_idx = str.index(comment_start) 
    end_idx = str.index(comment_end, start_idx + comment_start.length) + comment_end.length - 1
    str[start_idx .. end_idx] = "" 

def remove_comments(str, comment_start='/*', comment_end='*/')
  remove_comments!(str.dup, comment_start, comment_end)

example = <<END_OF_STRING
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo 
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {

puts remove_comments example


   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


Translation of: Python
// Strips first nest of block comments
fn _commentstripper(mut txt: String, deliml: &str, delimr: &str) -> String {
    let mut out = String::new();
    if txt.contains(deliml) {
        let mut indx = txt.find(deliml).unwrap();
        out += &txt[..indx];
        txt = txt[indx + deliml.len()..].to_string();
        txt = _commentstripper(txt, deliml, delimr);
        assert!(txt.contains(delimr), "Missing closing comment delimiter");
        indx = txt.find(delimr).unwrap();
        out += &txt[indx + delimr.len()..];
    } else {
        out = txt;
    return out;

// Strips nests of block comments
fn commentstripper(mut txt: String, deliml: &str, delimr: &str) -> String {
    while txt.contains(deliml) {
        txt = _commentstripper(txt, deliml, delimr);
    return txt.to_string();

fn main() {
    let deliml = "/*";
    let delimr = "*/";

    let mut sample = r#"
 * Some comments
 * longer comments here that we can parse.
 * Rahoo 
function subroutine() {
a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
/*/ <-- tricky comments */

* Another comment.
function something() {

    println!("{}", commentstripper(sample, deliml, delimr));

    sample = r#"
 * Some comments
 * longer comments here that we can parse.
 * Rahoo 
function subroutine() {
a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
/*/ <-- tricky comments */
* Another comment.
function something() {

    println!("{}", commentstripper(sample, deliml, delimr));

function subroutine() {
a =  b + c ;

function something() {


function something() {


import java.util.regex.Pattern.quote
def strip1(x: String, s: String = "/*", e: String = "*/") =
  x.replaceAll("(?s)"+quote(s)+".*?"+quote(e), "")
def strip2(x: String, s: String = "/*", e: String = "*/"): String = {
  val a = x indexOf s
  val b = x indexOf (e, a + s.length)
  if (a == -1 || b == -1) x
  else strip2(x.take(a) + x.drop(b + e.length), s, e)
def strip3(x: String, s: String = "/*", e: String = "*/"): String = x.indexOf(s) match {
  case -1 => x
  case i => x.indexOf(e, i + s.length) match {
    case -1 => x
    case j => strip2(x.take(i) + x.drop(j + e.length), s, e)


The function replace2 can be used to replace unnested comments.

$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

const proc: main is func
    const string: stri is "\
        \  /**\n\
        \   * Some comments\n\
        \   * longer comments here that we can parse.\n\
        \   *\n\
        \   * Rahoo\n\
        \   */\n\
        \   function subroutine() {\n\
        \    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;\n\
        \   }\n\
        \   /*/ <-- tricky comments */\n\
        \   /**\n\
        \    * Another comment.\n\
        \    */\n\
        \    function something() {\n\
        \    }";
    writeln(replace2(stri, "/*", "*/", " "));
  end func;


   function subroutine() {
    a =   b + c ;

    function something() {


For extra credit, it allows the caller to redefine the delimiters.

func strip_block_comments(code, beg='/*', end='*/') {
    var re = Regex.new(beg.escape + '.*?' + end.escape, 's');
    code.gsub(re, '');

say strip_block_comments(ARGF.slurp);


* Program: strip_block_comments.sbl
* To run: sbl -r extract_extension.sbl
* Description: Strip block comments.
*              Can use different begin and end delimiters.
*              Handles comment nesting and unmatched end delimiters.
*              Unmatched begin delimiters remove text to end of file.
*              Does not handle quoted delimiters.
*              Most null lines are removed, which may not be
*              what is desired.
* Comment: Tested using the Spitbol for Linux version of SNOBOL4

* Function strip_block_comments will read a file, or the text after
* the END statement below. Parameter bcom is the beginning comment
* string and parameter ecom is the ending comment string.
		pat1 = breakx(*break_chars) . pre (*bcom | *gt(b,0) *ecom) . pc
	break_chars = substr(bcom,1,1) substr(ecom,1,1)
	newc = ""
	b = 0
	c = input :f(p60)

	c ? pat1 = "" :f(p20)

* matches
	le(b,0) :s(leb)f(gtb)
	b = leq(pc,bcom) b + 1 :f(leb2)
	newc = newc pre :(p10)
	b = leq(pc,ecom) b - 1 :f(error)
	b = leq(pc,bcom) b + 1
	b = leq(pc,ecom) b - 1

* nomatches
	newc = lt(b,1) newc c
	ident(newc) :s(in1)

	output = newc
	newc = "" :(in1)

	output = differ(newc) newc

* Set "begin" comment delimiter (bcom) and "end" comment delimiter (ecom) below
	bcom = "/*"
	ecom = "*/"
*	bcom = "{{*"
*	ecom = "?/"

* Strip block comments from the text lines after the END statement

 * Some comments
 * longer comments here that we can parse.
 * Rahoo
 function subroutine() {
  a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
 /*/ <-- tricky comments */

  * Another comment.
  function something() {

With nested comments/* Nested /* comment*/s*/*/!
Unmatched"/*" end delimiters simply remove
to end of file
 function subroutine() {
  a =  b + c ;
  function something() {
With nested comments*/!


import Foundation

func stripBlocks(from str: String, open: String = "/*", close: String = "*/") -> String {
  guard !open.isEmpty && !close.isEmpty else {
    return str

  var ret = str

  while let begin = ret.range(of: open), let end = ret[begin.upperBound...].range(of: close) {
    ret.replaceSubrange(Range(uncheckedBounds: (begin.lowerBound, end.upperBound)), with: "")

  return ret

let test = """
           * Some comments
           * longer comments here that we can parse.
           * Rahoo 
           function subroutine() {
            a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
           /*/ <-- tricky comments */

            * Another comment.
            function something() {

print(stripBlocks(from: test))
function subroutine() {
 a =  b + c ;

 function something() {


proc stripBlockComment {string {openDelimiter "/*"} {closeDelimiter "*/"}} {
    # Convert the delimiters to REs by backslashing all non-alnum characters
    set openAsRE [regsub -all {\W} $openDelimiter {\\&}]
    set closeAsRE [regsub -all {\W} $closeDelimiter {\\&}]

    # Now remove the blocks using a dynamic non-greedy regular expression
    regsub -all "$openAsRE.*?$closeAsRE" $string ""

Demonstration code:

puts [stripBlockComment "  /**
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo 
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {


   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


$$ script=*
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments  */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {
ERROR/STOP CREATE ("testfile",SEQ-E,-std-)
ERROR/STOP CREATE ("destfile",SEQ-E,-std-)
FILE "testfile" = script
BUILD S_TABLE commentbeg=":/*:"
BUILD S_TABLE commentend=":*/:"

ACCESS t: READ/STREAM "testfile" s.z/u,a/commentbeg+t+e/commentend,typ
ACCESS d: WRITE/STREAM "destfile" s.z/u,a+t+e
IF (typ==3) CYCLE


TRACE *    38    -*TUSTEP.EDT
d            = *
           1 =
           2 = function subroutine() { a =
           3 = b + c ; }
           4 =
           5 = function something() { }


Stripping block comments might look easy ...

'strip block comment NESTED comments
'multi line comments
'and what if there are string literals with these delimeters?
'delimeters for Block Comment can be specified, exactly two characters each
'Three states: Block_Comment, String_Literal, Other_Text
Dim t As String 'target string
Dim s() As Byte 'source array
Dim j As Integer 'index into the source string s, converted to byte array
Dim SourceLength As Integer 'of a base 0 array, so last byte is SourceLength - 1
Dim flag As Boolean
Private Sub Block_Comment(sOpBC As String, sClBC As String)
    'inside a block comment, expecting close block comment delimeter
    flag = False
    Do While j < SourceLength - 2
        Select Case s(j)
            Case Asc(Left(sOpBC, 1))
                If s(j + 1) = Asc(Right(sOpBC, 1)) Then
                    'open block NESTED comment delimeter found
                    j = j + 2
                    Block_Comment sOpBC, sClBC
                End If
            Case Asc(Left(sClBC, 1))
                If s(j + 1) = Asc(Right(sClBC, 1)) Then
                    'close block comment delimeter found
                    flag = True
                    j = j + 2
                    Exit Do
                End If
                'just a lone star
            Case Else
        End Select
        j = j + 1
    If Not flag Then MsgBox "Error, missing close block comment delimeter"
End Sub
Private Sub String_Literal()
    'inside as string literal, expecting double quote as delimeter
    flag = False
    Do While j < SourceLength - 2
        If s(j) = Asc("""") Then
            If s(j + 1) = Asc("""") Then
                'found a double quote within a string literal
                t = t + Chr(s(j))
                j = j + 1
                'close string literal delimeter found
                flag = True
                t = t + Chr(s(j))
                j = j + 1
                Exit Do
            End If
        End If
        t = t + Chr(s(j))
        j = j + 1
    If Not flag Then MsgBox "Error, missing closing string delimeter"
End Sub
Private Sub Other_Text(Optional sOpBC As String = "/*", Optional sClBC As String = "*/")
    If Len(sOpBC) <> 2 Then
        MsgBox "Error, open block comment delimeter must be 2" & _
        " characters long, got " & Len(sOpBC) & " characters"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Len(sClBC) <> 2 Then
        MsgBox "Error, close block comment delimeter must be 2" & _
        " characters long, got " & Len(sClBC) & " characters"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Do While j < SourceLength - 1
        Select Case s(j)
            Case Asc(""""):
                t = t + Chr(s(j))
                j = j + 1
            Case Asc(Left(sOpBC, 1))
                If s(j + 1) = Asc(Right(sOpBC, 1)) Then
                    'open block comment delimeter found
                    j = j + 2
                    Block_Comment sOpBC, sClBC
                    t = t + Chr(s(j))
                    j = j + 1
                End If
            Case Else
                t = t + Chr(s(j))
                j = j + 1
        End Select
    If j = SourceLength - 1 Then t = t + Chr(s(j))
End Sub
Public Sub strip_block_comment()
    Dim n As String
    n = n & "/**" & vbCrLf
    n = n & "* Some comments /*NESTED COMMENT*/" & vbCrLf
    n = n & "* longer comments here that we can parse." & vbCrLf
    n = n & "*" & vbCrLf
    n = n & "* Rahoo" & vbCrLf
    n = n & "*/" & vbCrLf
    n = n & "mystring = ""This is the """"/*"""" open comment block mark.""" & vbCrLf
    'VBA converts two double quotes in a row within a string literal to a single double quote
    'see the output below. Quadruple double quotes become two double quotes within the string
    'to represent a single double quote within a string.
    n = n & "function subroutine() {" & vbCrLf
    n = n & "a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;" & vbCrLf
    n = n & "}" & vbCrLf
    n = n & "/*/ <-- tricky /*NESTED*/ comments */" & vbCrLf
    n = n & "" & vbCrLf
    n = n & "/**" & vbCrLf
    n = n & "* Another comment." & vbCrLf
    n = n & "*/" & vbCrLf
    n = n & "function something() {" & vbCrLf
    n = n & "}"
    s = StrConv(n, vbFromUnicode)
    j = 0
    t = ""
    SourceLength = Len(n)
    Other_Text 'The open and close delimeters for block comment are optional ;)
    Debug.Print "Original text:"
    Debug.Print String$(60, "-")
    Debug.Print n & vbCrLf
    Debug.Print "Text after deleting comment blocks, preserving string literals:"
    Debug.Print String$(60, "-")
    Debug.Print t
End Sub
Original text:

------------------------------------------------------------ /**

  • Some comments /*NESTED COMMENT*/
  • longer comments here that we can parse.
  • Rahoo
  • /

mystring = "This is the ""/*"" open comment block mark." function subroutine() { a = /* inline comment */ b + c ; } /*/ <-- tricky /*NESTED*/ comments */


  • Another comment.
  • /

function something() { }

Text after deleting comment blocks, preserving string literals: ------------------------------------------------------------

mystring = "This is the ""/*"" open comment block mark." function subroutine() { a = b + c ; }

function something() {



Translation of: Go
var stripper = Fn.new { |start, end|
    if (start == "" || end == "") {
        start = "/*"
        end   = "*/"
    return Fn.new { |source|
        while (true) {
            var cs = source.indexOf(start)
            if (cs == -1) break
            var ce = source[cs+2..-1].indexOf(end)
            if (ce == -1) break
            source = source[0...cs] + source[cs+ce+4..-1]
        return source

var source = "/**
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {

var stripC = stripper.call("", "")

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


string 0;
proc Strip(Prog);       \Show Prog with comments stripped out
char Prog;
int  Ch, Showing;

        func GetCh;
        [Ch:= Prog(0);
        if Ch = 0 then exit;
        Prog:= Prog+1;

[Showing:= true;
loop    [GetCh;
        if Showing then
                [if Ch = ^/ then
                        if Ch = ^* then Showing:= false
                        else [ChOut(0, ^/);  ChOut(0, Ch)]
                else    ChOut(0, Ch);
        else    [if Ch = ^* then
                        if Ch =^/ then Showing:= true;

Strip("  /**
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo 
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {
   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


Proc strip_block_comments
   Parameters string inhalt, beg_delim, end_delim
   Declare long start, ende, anzahl
   start = 1
   start = InStr(beg_delim, inhalt, start)
   While start > 0
      ende = InStr(end_delim, inhalt, start + len(beg_delim))
      If ende > 0
         anzahl = ende +  + len(end_delim) - start
         inhalt = Del$(inhalt, start, anzahl)
      start = InStr(beg_delim, inhalt, start)
   Return inhalt

Declare string Text
Text = BlockRead("C:\Temp\Multiline_comment.txt")
Text = strip_block_comments(Text, "/*", "*/")
Print "Output:"
Print Text
   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


fcn stripper(text, a="/*", b="*/"){
   while(xy:=text.span(a,b,True)){ x,y:=xy; text=text[0,x] + text[x+y,*] }

The span method takes two tokens and matches the shortest or longest balanced match (if True). It assumes there are no escape characters (such as \ or ""). So we just repeatedly strip out the longest balanced comments until there aren't any left (span returns the empty list). If a comment was unbalanced, span would fail but this code doesn't check that and just assumes no more matches.


The input (from the task description) is in a file because I'm too lazy to type it in:

 function subroutine() {
  a =  b + c ;

  function something() {
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