< Sokoban
"#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define ensure(x) { if (!(x)) printf("\nabort: line %d\n", __LINE__); }
int w, h, n_boxes;
int offset[4] = {0, 0, 1, -1};
uint8_t *board, *goals, *live, *tmpmap;
int *dist;
typedef uint16_t cidx_t;
typedef unsigned int hash_t;
/* board configuration is represented by an array of cell indices
of player and boxes */
typedef struct state_t state_t;
struct state_t { // variable length
hash_t h;
int depth;
state_t *prev, *next, *qprev, *qnext;
cidx_t c[];
size_t boxsize;
size_t state_size, block_size = 32;
state_t *block_root, *block_head;
int alloced = 0;
state_t* newstate(state_t *parent) {
inline state_t* next_of(state_t *s) {
return (void*)((uint8_t*)s + state_size);
state_t *ptr;
if (!block_head) {
block_size *= 2;
state_t *p;
ensure(p = malloc(block_size * state_size));
alloced += block_size - 1;
p->next = block_root;
block_root = p;
ptr = (void*)((uint8_t*)p + state_size * block_size);
p = block_head = next_of(p);
state_t *q;
for (q = next_of(p); q < ptr; p = q, q = next_of(q))
p->next = q;
p->next = NULL;
ptr = block_head;
block_head = block_head->next;
ptr->prev = parent;
ptr->qprev = ptr->qnext = 0;
ptr->h = 0;
return ptr;
void unnewstate(state_t *p) {
p->next = block_head;
block_head = p;
enum { space, wall, player, box };
#define E "\033["
const char * const glyph1[] = { " ", "#", E"31m@"E"m", E"33m$"E"m"};
const char * const glyph2[] = { E"32m."E"m", "#", E"32m@"E"m", E"32m$"E"m"};
#undef E
// mark up positions where a box definitely should not be
void mark_live(const int c)
if (live[c]) return;
live[c] = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
int d = offset[i];
if (board[c + d] != wall && board[c + d * 2] != wall)
mark_live(c + d);
state_t *parse_board(const int y, const int x, const char *s)
w = x, h = y;
ensure( board = calloc(w * h, sizeof(uint8_t)) );
ensure( tmpmap= calloc(w * h, sizeof(uint8_t)) );
ensure( goals = calloc(w * h, sizeof(uint8_t)) );
ensure( live = calloc(w * h, sizeof(uint8_t)) );
ensure( dist = calloc(w * h, sizeof(int)) );
n_boxes = 0;
for (int i = 0; s[i]; i++) {
switch(s[i]) {
case '#': board[i] = wall;
case '.': // fallthrough
case '+': goals[i] = 1; // fallthrough
case '@': continue;
case '*': goals[i] = 1; // fallthrough
case '$': n_boxes++;
default: continue;
const int is = sizeof(int);
state_size = (sizeof(state_t) + (1 + n_boxes) * sizeof(cidx_t) + is - 1)
/ is * is;
boxsize = sizeof(cidx_t) * (1 + n_boxes);
state_t *state = newstate(NULL);
state->depth = 0;
offset[0] = w;
offset[1] = -w;
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < w * h; i++) {
if (goals[i]) mark_live(i);
if (s[i] == '$' || s[i] == '*')
state->c[++j] = i;
else if (s[i] == '@' || s[i] == '+')
state->c[0] = i;
memcpy(tmpmap, board, sizeof(uint8_t) * w * h);
return state;
void show_board(const state_t *s)
printf("move %d\n", s->depth);
unsigned char b[w * h];
memcpy(b, board, w * h);
b[ s->c[0] ] = player;
for (int i = 1; i <= n_boxes; i++)
b[ s->c[i] ] = box;
for (int i = 0; i < w * h; i++) {
printf((goals[i] ? glyph2 : glyph1)[ b[i] ]);
if (! ((1 + i) % w))
// K&R hash function
void hash(state_t *s)
if (!s->h) {
register hash_t ha = 0;
cidx_t *p = s->c;
for (int i = 0; i <= n_boxes; i++)
ha = p[i] + 31 * ha;
s->h = ha;
state_t **buckets;
hash_t hash_size, fill_limit, filled;
void extend_table()
int old_size = hash_size;
if (!old_size) {
hash_size = 1024;
filled = 0;
fill_limit = hash_size * 3 / 4; // 0.75 load factor
} else {
hash_size *= 4;
fill_limit *= 4;
// rehash
ensure(buckets = realloc(buckets, sizeof(state_t*) * hash_size));
memset(buckets + old_size, 0, sizeof(state_t*) * (hash_size - old_size));
const hash_t bits = hash_size - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < old_size; i++) {
state_t *head = buckets[i];
buckets[i] = NULL;
while (head) {
state_t *next = head->next;
const int j = head->h & bits;
head->next = buckets[j];
buckets[j] = head;
head = next;
state_t *lookup(state_t *s)
state_t *f = buckets[s->h & (hash_size - 1)];
while(f && !((f->h == s->h) && !memcmp(s->c, f->c, boxsize)))
f = f->next;
return f;
state_t* add_to_table(state_t *s)
state_t *f;
if ((f = lookup(s))) {
if (f->depth > s->depth) {
f->depth = s->depth;
f->prev = s->prev;
return f;
return 0;
if (filled++ >= fill_limit)
hash_t i = s->h & (hash_size - 1);
s->next = buckets[i];
buckets[i] = s;
return s;
inline void sort_state(state_t *n)
// leet bubble sort: boxes are indistinguishable
cidx_t *p = n->c;
for (int i = n_boxes; --i; ) {
cidx_t t = 0;
for (int j = 1; j < i; j++) {
if (p[j] > p[j + 1])
t = p[j], p[j] = p[j+1], p[j+1] = t;
if (!t) break;
inline bool success(const state_t *s)
for (int i = 1; i <= n_boxes; i++)
if (!goals[s->c[i]]) return false;
return true;
inline int deadlocked(state_t *s)
for (int i = 1; i <= n_boxes; i++)
if (!live[s->c[i]]) return 1;
int ret = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= n_boxes; i++)
tmpmap[s->c[i]] = box;
/* check if two boxes are next to each other and sitting along a wall
or some such */
for (int i = 1; i < n_boxes; i++) {
int x = s->c[i];
int y = s->c[i + 1];
if (y == x + 1 && !(goals[x] && goals[y])) {
if ((tmpmap[x - w] >= wall && tmpmap[y - w] >= wall) ||
(tmpmap[x + w] >= wall && tmpmap[y + w] >= wall))
ret = 1;
goto bail;
if ((tmpmap[x - w] == wall || tmpmap[x + w] == wall) &&
(tmpmap[y - w] == wall || tmpmap[y + w] == wall))
ret = 1;
goto bail;
for (int j = i + 1; j <= n_boxes; j++) {
y = s->c[j];
if (y == x + w) {
if (goals[x] && goals[y]) continue;
if ((tmpmap[x - 1] >= wall && tmpmap[y - 1] >= wall) ||
(tmpmap[x + 1] >= wall && tmpmap[y + 1] >= wall))
ret = 1;
goto bail;
if ((tmpmap[x - 1] == wall || tmpmap[x + 1] == wall) &&
(tmpmap[y - 1] == wall || tmpmap[y + 1] == wall))
ret = 1;
goto bail;
bail: for(int i = 1; i <= n_boxes; i++)
tmpmap[s->c[i]] = space;
return ret;
// Dijkstra's, calculate move distance from the state's player to all cells
void calc_dist(state_t *s)
int qlen = 0, t = w * h, qidx[t];
cidx_t pq[t], pop;
memset(qidx, 0, sizeof(int) * t);
for (int i = w * h; i--; ) dist[i] = t;
inline void pq_push(cidx_t c, short d) {
if (board[c] >= wall || dist[c] <= d) return;
int i = qidx[c], j;
if (!i) i = ++qlen;
while (i > 1 && dist[pq[j = i / 2]] > d) {
pq[i] = pq[j];
qidx[pq[i]] = i;
i = j;
qidx[c] = i;
pq[i] = c;
dist[pq[i]] = d;
inline void pq_pop() {
pop = pq[1];
short tmp = pq[qlen--];
pq[0] = pq[1];
int i = 1, j;
for (i = 1; (j = i * 2) <= qlen; i = j) {
if (j < qlen && dist[pq[j]] > dist[pq[j + 1]]) j++;
if (dist[pq[j]] >= dist[tmp]) break;
pq[i] = pq[j];
qidx[pq[i]] = i;
pq[i] = tmp;
qidx[tmp] = i;
pq_push(s->c[0], 0);
while (qlen) {
short d = dist[pop] + 1;
pq_push(pop - w, d);
pq_push(pop + w, d);
pq_push(pop - 1, d);
pq_push(pop + 1, d);
// make a new state by push a box in current state
state_t* push_me(state_t *s, int dc)
int c1 = s->c[0] + dc;
if (board[c1] != box) return 0;
int c2 = c1 + dc;
if (board[c2] >= wall) return 0;
state_t *n = newstate(s);
n->depth = s->depth + 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= n_boxes; i++)
n->c[i] = (s->c[i] == c1) ? c2 : s->c[i];
n->c[0] = c1;
return n;
#define MAX_MOVE 1024
state_t *solution, *queue[MAX_MOVE];
int known_moves = MAX_MOVE;
// if a better move is found for a configuration already queued
void unqueue_move(state_t *s)
state_t *p = s->qnext;
if (p) p->qprev = s->qprev;
p = s->qprev;
if (!p) {
if (queue[s->depth] == s)
queue[s->depth] = s->qnext;
} else
p->qnext = s->qnext;
int queue_move(state_t *s)
if (!s) return 0;
int d = s->depth;
if (d >= known_moves || deadlocked(s)) {
return 0;
state_t *f = lookup(s);
if (f) {
if (f->depth <= d) {
return 0;
f->depth = d;
f->prev = s->prev;
s = f;
} else
s->qprev = 0;
if ((s->qnext = queue[d]))
s->qnext->qprev = s;
queue[d] = s;
if (success(s)) {
if (s->depth < known_moves) {
known_moves = s->depth;
solution = s;
printf("\nfound solution at move %d\n", known_moves);
return 1;
// this is called for queued moves; only push moves ever show up in queue
int do_move(state_t *s)
for (int i = 1; i <= n_boxes; i++)
board[s->c[i]] = box;
int t = w * h;
uint8_t near_box[t];
memset(near_box, 0, t);
for (int i = 1; i <= n_boxes; i++) {
int c = s->c[i];
near_box[c - w] = near_box[c + w]
= near_box[c - 1] = near_box[c + 1] = 1;
for (int i = w + 1; i < w * (h - 1); i++) {
if (!near_box[i] || dist[i] >= t)
state_t *n = s;
if (dist[i]) {
n = newstate(s);
memcpy(n->c, s->c, boxsize);
n->c[0] = i;
n->depth = s->depth + dist[i];
n = add_to_table(n);
if (!dist[i] || n) {
queue_move(push_me(n, -1));
queue_move(push_me(n, 1));
queue_move(push_me(n, -w));
queue_move(push_me(n, w));
for (int i = 1; i <= n_boxes; i++)
board[s->c[i]] = space;
return 0;
void show_moves(state_t *s)
if (s->prev) {
int d = s->depth - s->prev->depth;
if (d > 1) {
for (int i = 1; i <= n_boxes; i++)
board[s->c[i]] = box;
s->c[0] = s->prev->c[0];
s->depth = s->prev->depth;
while (d--) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
int c = s->c[0] + offset[i];
if (dist[c] == d) {
s->c[0] = c;
if (d) {
for (int i = 1; i <= n_boxes; i++)
board[s->c[i]] = space;
int main()
state_t *s = parse_board(
#define BIG 0
#if BIG == 0
8, 7,
"# #"
"# #"
"#. # #"
"#. $$ #"
"#.$$ #"
"#.# @#"
#elif BIG == 1
5, 13,
"# # #"
"# $$$$$$$ @#"
"#....... #"
#elif BIG == 2
5, 13,
"#... # #"
"#.$$$$$$$ @#"
"#... #"
#elif BIG == 3
11, 19,
" ##### "
" # # "
" #$ # "
" ### $## "
" # $ $ # "
"### # ## # ######"
"# # ## ##### ..#"
"# $ $ ..#"
"##### ### #@## ..#"
" # #########"
" ####### "
11, 13,
"#### ####"
"# .### ####"
"# # # ####"
"# # $ $#. ###"
"# # * # ###"
"# .#$ $ # ###"
"## # # ###"
"## ###. @#"
"## ## #"
for (int d = 1; d < known_moves; d++) {
state_t *s = queue[d];
printf("depth %d (%d records, mem: %d/%dM)\r", d, filled,
filled * state_size / (1 << 20),
alloced * state_size / (1 << 20));
for (; s; s = s->qnext) do_move(s);
if (solution) {
printf("\npress any key to see solution\n");
#if 0
while (block_root) {
void *tmp = block_root->next;
block_root = tmp;
return 0;