Rosetta Code/Count examples

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
Find the total number of programming examples for each task and the total for all tasks.
Essentially, count the number of occurrences of =={{header| on each task page.
100 doors: 20 examples. 99 Bottles of Beer: 29 examples. Abstract type: 10 examples. Total: X examples.
For a full output, updated periodically, see Rosetta Code/Count examples/Full list.
You'll need to use the Media Wiki API, which you can find out about locally, here, or in Media Wiki's API documentation at, API:Query
Parsing XML file with XMLAda from AdaCore
with Aws.Client, Aws.Messages, Aws.Response, Aws.Resources, Aws.Url;
with Dom.Readers, Dom.Core, Dom.Core.Documents, Dom.Core.Nodes, Dom.Core.Attrs;
with Input_Sources.Strings, Unicode, Unicode.Ces.Utf8;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded, Ada.Strings.Fixed, Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Command_Line;
with Ada.Containers.Vectors;
use Aws.Client, Aws.Messages, Aws.Response, Aws.Resources, Aws.Url;
use Dom.Readers, Dom.Core, Dom.Core.Documents, Dom.Core.Nodes, Dom.Core.Attrs;
use Aws, Ada.Strings.Unbounded, Ada.Strings.Fixed, Input_Sources.Strings;
use Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Command_Line;
procedure Count_Examples is
package Members_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors (
Index_Type => Positive,
Element_Type => Unbounded_String);
use Members_Vectors;
Exemples : Vector;
Nbr_Lg, Total : Natural := 0;
procedure Get_Vector (Category : in String; Mbr_Vector : in out Vector) is
Reader : Tree_Reader;
Doc : Document;
List : Node_List;
N : Node;
A : Attr;
Page : Aws.Response.Data;
Uri_Xml : constant String :=
Page := Client.Get (Uri_Xml & Category, Follow_Redirection => True);
if AWS.Response.Status_Code (Page) not in Messages.Success then
raise Client.Connection_Error;
end if;
Xml : constant String := Message_Body (Page);
Source : String_Input;
Parse (Reader, Source);
Close (Source);
Doc := Get_Tree (Reader);
List := Get_Elements_By_Tag_Name (Doc, "cm");
for Index in 1 .. Length (List) loop
N := Item (List, Index - 1);
A := Get_Named_Item (Attributes (N), "title");
Append (Mbr_Vector, To_Unbounded_String (Value (A)));
end loop;
Free (List);
Free (Reader);
end Get_Vector;
function Scan_Page (Title : String) return Natural is
Page : Aws.Response.Data;
File : Aws.Resources.File_Type;
Buffer : String (1 .. 1024);
Languages, Position, Last : Natural := 0;
Page :=
("" &
Aws.Url.Encode (Title) &
Follow_Redirection => True);
AWS.Response.Message_Body (Page, File);
while not End_Of_File (File) loop
Resources.Get_Line (File, Buffer, Last);
Position :=
(Source => Buffer (Buffer'First .. Last),
Pattern => "=={{header|");
if Position > 0 then
Languages := Languages + 1;
end if;
end loop;
Close (File);
return Languages;
end Scan_Page;
Get_Vector ("Programming_Tasks", Exemples);
for I in First_Index (Exemples) .. Last_Index (Exemples) loop
Title : constant String :=
To_String (Members_Vectors.Element (Exemples, I));
Nbr_Lg := Scan_Page (Title);
Total := Total + Nbr_Lg;
Put_Line (Title & " :" & Integer'Image (Nbr_Lg) & " exemples.");
end loop;
Put_Line ("Total :" & Integer'Image (Total) & " exemples.");
end Count_Examples;
Output :
100 doors : 370 exemples. 100 prisoners : 90 exemples. 15 puzzle game : 90 exemples. 24 game : 30 exemples. ....
, tasks.xml
FileRead, tasks, tasks.xml
pos = 0
quote = " ; "
regtitle := "<cm.*?title=" . quote . "(.*?)" . quote
While, pos := RegExMatch(tasks, regtitle, title, pos + 1)
, % "" . title1 . "&action=raw"
, task.xml
FileRead, task, task.xml
RegExReplace(task, "\{\{header\|", "", count)
current := title1 . ": " . count . " examples.`n"
output .= current
TrayTip, current, % current
MsgBox % output
VDU 23,22,640;512;8,16,16,128+8 : REM Enable UTF-8 support
SYS "LoadLibrary", "URLMON.DLL" TO urlmon%
SYS "GetProcAddress", urlmon%, "URLDownloadToFileA" TO UDTF
special$ = "+()'"
url$ = "" + \
\ "&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category:Programming_Tasks" + \
\ "&cmlimit=500&format=xml"
file$ = @tmp$ + "tasks.xml"
SYS UDTF, 0, url$, file$, 0, 0 TO fail%
IF fail% ERROR 100, "File download failed (tasks)"
Total% = 0
file% = OPENIN(file$)
a$ = GET$#file%
i% = 0
i% = INSTR(a$, "title=", i%+1)
j% = INSTR(a$, ">", i%)
title$ = MID$(a$, i%+7, j%-i%-10)
REM Replace HTML codes:
k% = INSTR(title$, "&")
l% = INSTR(title$, ";", k%)
title$ = LEFT$(title$,k%-1) + \
\ FNhtml(MID$(title$,k%,l%-k%+1)) + MID$(title$,l%+1)
UNTIL k% = 0
t$ = title$
REM Substitute characters not allowed in a URL:
FOR s% = 1 TO LEN(special$)
s$ = MID$(special$, s%, 1)
k% = INSTR(t$, s$)
IF k% t$ = LEFT$(t$,k%-1) + "%" + STR$~ASCs$ + MID$(t$,k%+1)
UNTIL k% = 0
url$ = "" + t$ + \
\ "&action=raw"
file$ = @tmp$ + "title.htm"
SYS UDTF, 0, url$, file$, 0, 0 TO fail%
IF fail% ERROR 100, "File download failed " + t$
examples% = 0
task% = OPENIN(file$)
IF INSTR(GET$#task%, "=={{header|") examples% += 1
CLOSE #task%
Total% += examples%
PRINT title$ ": " ; examples% " examples."
UNTIL i% = 0
i% = INSTR(a$, "cmcontinue=")
CLOSE #file%
j% = INSTR(a$, """", i%+1)
k% = INSTR(a$, """", j%+1)
url$ = "" + \
\ "&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category:Programming_Tasks" + \
\ "&cmlimit=500&format=xml&cmcontinue=" + MID$(a$,j%+1,k%-j%)
i% = INSTR(url$, "|")
IF i% url$ = LEFT$(url$,i%-1) + "%7C" + MID$(url$,i%+1)
UNTIL i% = 0
file$ = @tmp$ + "tasks.xml"
SYS UDTF, 0, url$, file$, 0, 0 TO fail%
IF fail% ERROR 100, "File download failed (continue)"
file% = OPENIN(file$)
CLOSE #file%
PRINT ' "Total: " ; Total% " examples."
DEF FNhtml(h$)
IF LEFT$(h$,2) = "&#" THEN = CHR$(VALMID$(h$,3))
WHEN """: = """"
= h$
Sample output:
100 doors: 154 examples. 24 game: 53 examples. 24 game/Solve: 30 examples. 99 Bottles of Beer: 181 examples. A+B: 124 examples. Abstract type: 49 examples. Accumulator factory: 65 examples. Ackermann function: 126 examples. Active Directory/Connect: 12 examples. Active Directory/Search for a user: 13 examples. ...... XML/DOM serialization: 33 examples. XML/Input: 50 examples. XML/Output: 41 examples. XML/XPath: 33 examples. Y combinator: 51 examples. Yahoo! search interface: 13 examples. Yin and yang: 36 examples. Zebra puzzle: 11 examples. Zeckendorf number representation: 14 examples. Zig-zag matrix: 64 examples. Total: 27004 examples.
( ( get-page
. sys$(str$("wget -q -O wget.out \"" !arg \"))
& get$("wget.out",HT ML)
& get-page$""
: ? (table.?) ?tasklist (.table.) ?
& 0:?list
& whl
' ( !tasklist
: ?
( a
. (href.@(?:"/wiki/" ?href)) (title.?title)
& get-page$(str$("" !href))
: ?task
& 0:?cnt
& whl
' ( !task
: ?
( (span.( (id.?))
& !span
: ?
( a
. (href.@(?:"/wiki/Category:" ?))
(title.@(?:"Category:" ?))
& 1+!cnt:?cnt
& (!cnt.!title)+!list:?list
& lst$(list,taskfreq,NEW)
Output (in file tasqfreq
list= (2."OLE Automation") + (3."Canny edge detector") + ( 3 . "Continued fraction/Arithmetic/G(matrix NG, Contined Fraction N1, Contined Fraction N2)" ) + (4."Colour pinstripe/Printer") + (4."Vogel's approximation method") + (5."Catmull–Clark subdivision surface") + (5."Percolation/Bond percolation") + (5.Pinstripe/Printer) + (5."Zeckendorf arithmetic") + (6."Continued fraction/Arithmetic/G(matrix NG, Contined Fraction N)") + (6."Percolation/Mean cluster density") + (7."Bitmap/PPM conversion through a pipe") + (7."Deconvolution/2D+") + (7."K-d tree") .... + (125."Greatest element of a list") + (127."Averages/Arithmetic mean") + (131.Arrays) + (131."Increment a numerical string") + (132."Greatest common divisor") + (133.Loops/While) + (134."Conditional structures") + (136.Arithmetic/Integer) + (137.Loops/For) + (145.Loops/Infinite) + (147."Ackermann function") + (148."Reverse a string") + (152."A+B") + (152."Function definition") + (160."Empty program") + (163."Fibonacci sequence") + (164.Factorial) + (182.FizzBuzz) + (187."100 doors") + (188.Comments) + (216."99 Bottles of Beer") + (269."Hello world/Text");
Object-oriented solution.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Net;
class Task {
private string _task;
private int _examples;
public Task(string task, int examples) {
_task = task;
_examples = examples;
public string Name {
get { return _task; }
public int Examples {
get { return _examples; }
public override string ToString() {
return String.Format("{0}: {1} examples.", this._task, this._examples);
class Program {
static List<string> GetTitlesFromCategory(string category, WebClient wc) {
string content = wc.DownloadString(
String.Format("{0}&cmlimit=500&format=json", category)
return new Regex("\"title\":\"(.+?)\"").Matches(content).Cast<Match>().Select(x => x.Groups[1].Value.Replace("\\/", "/")).ToList();
static string GetSourceCodeFromPage(string page, WebClient wc) {
return wc.DownloadString(
String.Format("{0}&action=raw", page)
static void Main(string[] args) {
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
List<string> tasknames = GetTitlesFromCategory("Programming_Tasks", wc);
foreach (string task in tasknames) {
try {
string content = GetSourceCodeFromPage(WebUtility.UrlEncode(task), wc);
int count = new Regex("=={{header", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Matches(content).Count;
Task t = new Task(task, count);
catch (Exception ex) {
Console.WriteLine("**** Unable to get task \"" + task + "\": " + ex.Message);
Console.WriteLine("\nTotal: {0} examples.", tasks.Select(x => x.Examples).Sum());
(ns count-examples
(:import [ URLEncoder])
(:use [clojure.contrib.http.agent :only (http-agent string)]
[clojure.contrib.json :only (read-json)]
[clojure.contrib.string :only (join)]))
(defn url-encode [v] (URLEncoder/encode (str v) "utf-8"))
(defn rosettacode-get [path params]
(let [param-string (join "&" (for [[n v] params] (str (name n) "=" (url-encode v))))]
(string (http-agent (format "" path param-string)))))
(defn rosettacode-query [params]
(read-json (rosettacode-get "api.php" (merge {:action "query" :format "json"} params))))
(defn list-cm
([params] (list-cm params nil))
([params continue]
(let [cm-params (merge {:list "categorymembers"} params (or continue {}))
result (rosettacode-query cm-params)]
(concat (-> result (:query) (:categorymembers))
(if-let [cmcontinue (-> result (:query-continue) (:categorymembers))]
(list-cm params cmcontinue))))))
(defn programming-tasks []
(let [result (list-cm {:cmtitle "Category:Programming_Tasks" :cmlimit 50})]
(map #(:title %) result)))
(defn task-count [task]
[task (count
(re-seq #"==\{\{header"
(rosettacode-get "index.php" {:action "raw" :title task})))])
(defn print-result []
(let [task-counts (map task-count (programming-tasks))]
(doseq [[task count] task-counts]
(println (str task ":") count)
(println "Total: " (reduce #(+ %1 (second %2)) 0 task-counts))))
count-examples> (print-result)
100 doors: 73
24 game: 18
24 game/Solve: 14
99 Bottles of Beer: 89
Abstract type: 27
Accumulator factory: 23
Ackermann function: 73
Active Directory/Connect: 4
Active Directory/Search for a user: 3
Active object: 14
Add a variable to a class instance at runtime: 21
Address of a variable: 20
Total: 11216
import tango.text.xml.Document;
import tango.text.Util;
alias HttpHeader.ContentLength CL;
auto url = "";
void main()
auto client = new HttpClient (HttpClient.Get, url);;
char[] mainData, tmp;
int total, i;
void cat(void[] content) { tmp ~= cast(char[]) content; }
if (client.isResponseOK) {, client.getResponseHeaders.getInt(CL));
mainData = tmp;
tmp = null;
auto doc = new Document!(char);
foreach (n; doc.query.descendant("cm").attribute("title")) {
auto subClient = new HttpClient(HttpClient.Get,
"" ~
replace(n.value.dup, ' ', '_') ~ "&action=raw");;
if (! subClient.isResponseOK) {
Stderr (client.getResponse);
}, subClient.getResponseHeaders.getInt(CL));
foreach (segment; patterns(cast(char[])tmp, "=={{header|")) i++;
if (i) --i;
Stdout.formatln ("{0,-40} - {}", n.value, i);
total += i;
tmp = null;
i = 0;
Stdout("total examples: ", total).newline;
} else {
Stderr (client.getResponse);
A graphical implementation with a grid showing the number of implementations for each Rosetta Code task as well as total task and implementation counts. Uses MediaWiki API service call to fetch tasks/categories in a JSON format and meets API data limit and continuation requirements to consume 100% of the items.
User Interface: RosettaCodeHandler.egl
package com.eglexamples.client;
import org.eclipse.edt.rui.widgets.*;
handler RosettaCodeHandler type RUIhandler{initialUI =[ui], title = "Rosetta Code Tasks and Counts"}
ui GridLayout{columns = 3, rows = 4, cellPadding = 4, children = [ b1, dg1, l1, l2, l3, l4 ]};
b1 Button{ layoutData = new GridLayoutData{ row = 1, column = 1 }, text = "Go!", onClick ::= b1_onClick };
l1 TextLabel{ layoutData = new GridLayoutData{ row = 1, column = 2 }, text = "Total Tasks:" };
l2 TextLabel{ layoutData = new GridLayoutData{ row = 1, column = 3 }, text = "0" };
l3 TextLabel{ layoutData = new GridLayoutData{ row = 2, column = 2 }, text = "Total Implementations:" };
l4 TextLabel{ layoutData = new GridLayoutData{ row = 2, column = 3 }, text = "0" };
dg1 DataGrid{ layoutData = new GridLayoutData{ row = 3, column = 1, horizontalSpan = 3 },
pageSize = 10, showScrollbar = true,
columns = [ new DataGridColumn{name = "title", displayName = "Task", width=220},
new DataGridColumn{name = "count", displayName = "Count", width=100} ] };
cmcontinue string?;
title string?;
allTasks Task[];
restBindingTasks IHttp? = new HttpRest{
restType =,
request.uri = ""};
restBindingPageDetail IHttp? = new HttpRest{
restType =,
request.uri = ""};
function b1_onClick(event Event in)
call ProxyFunctions.listTasks("") using restBindingTasks
returning to listTasksCallBack onException exceptionHandler;
function listTasksCallBack(retResult RosettaCodeJSON in)
title = retResult.query.categorymembers[1].title;
cmcontinue = retResult.queryContinue.categorymembers.cmcontinue;
call ProxyFunctions.fetchPageDetail(title) using restBindingPageDetail
returning to pageDetailCallBack onException exceptionHandler;
function pageDetailCallBack(pageResults string in)
count int = countSubstring("=={{header", pageResults);
allTasks.appendElement(new Task { title = title, count = count });
l2.text = l2.text as int + 1;
l4.text = l4.text as int + count;
if(cmcontinue != null)
call ProxyFunctions.listTasks(cmcontinue) using restBindingTasks
returning to listTasksCallBack onException exceptionHandler;
else = allTasks as any[];
function countSubstring(substr string in, str string in) returns(int)
if(str.length() > 0 and substr.length() > 0)
return (str.length() - str.replaceStr(subStr, "").length()) / subStr.length();
return 0;
function exceptionHandler(exp AnyException in)
record Task
title string;
count int;
Service Interface: ProxyFunctions.egl
package com.eglexamples.client;
library ProxyFunctions
function listTasks(continueLocation String in) returns (RosettaCodeJSON) {
@Rest{method = _GET, uriTemplate = "&cmcontinue={continueLocation}",
requestFormat = None, responseFormat = JSON}
function fetchPageDetail(title String in) returns (String) {
@Rest{method = _GET, uriTemplate = "?title={title}&action=raw",
requestFormat = None, responseFormat = None}
record RosettaCodeJSON
query Query;
queryContinue QueryContinue{JSONName = "query-continue"};
record Query
categorymembers Categorymembers[];
record Categorymembers
cmcontinue string?;
pageid int?;
ns int?;
title string?;
record QueryContinue
categorymembers Categorymembers;
main() ->
Titles = read_titles(empty),
Result = lists:foldl(fun(Title,Acc) -> Acc + calculate_one(Title) end, 0, Titles),
io:format("Total: ~p examples.\n",[Result]),
read_titles(CurrentContinue) ->
URL0 = "" ++
"action=query&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category:Programming_Tasks" ++
case CurrentContinue of
empty -> URL0;
_ -> URL0 ++ "&cmcontinue=" ++ CurrentContinue
{ok,Answer} = httpc:request(URL),
{Document,_} = xmerl_scan:string(lists:last(tuple_to_list(Answer))),
Continue =
[Value || #xmlAttribute{value = Value} <- xmerl_xpath:string("//@cmcontinue", Document)],
Titles =
[Value || #xmlAttribute{value = Value} <- xmerl_xpath:string("//@title", Document)],
case Continue of
[ContValue | _] ->
Titles ++ read_titles(ContValue)
calculate_one(Title0) ->
Title = replace_chars(Title0),
URL = "" ++
Title ++ "&action=raw",
case httpc:request(URL) of
{ok,Result} ->
{match,Found} =
re:run(lists:last(tuple_to_list(Result)), "\n=={{header(|)", [global]),
io:format("~ts: ~p examples.\n",[Title0,length(Found)]),
{error,socket_closed_remotely} ->
io:format("Socket closed remotely. Retry.\n"),
replace_chars(String) ->
replace_chars([$ | T],Acc) ->
replace_chars(T, [$_| Acc]);
replace_chars([$+| T],Acc) ->
replace_chars(T, lists:reverse("%2B") ++ Acc);
replace_chars([8211| T],Acc) ->
replace_chars(T, lists:reverse("%E2%80%93") ++ Acc);
replace_chars([Other| T],Acc) ->
replace_chars(T, [Other| Acc]);
replace_chars([],Acc) ->
> rosseta_examples:main(). 100 doors: 165 examples. 24 game: 56 examples. 24 game/Solve: 33 examples. ... Zebra puzzle: 12 examples. Zeckendorf number representation: 18 examples. Zig-zag matrix: 65 examples. Total: 28629 examples.
Using asynchronous workflows to perform downloads concurrently:
#r "System.Xml.Linq.dll"
let uri1 = ""
let uri2 task = sprintf "" task
[|for xml in (System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load uri1).Root.Descendants() do
for attrib in xml.Attributes() do
if attrib.Name.LocalName = "title" then
yield async {
let uri = uri2 (attrib.Value.Replace(" ", "_") |> System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode)
use client = new System.Net.WebClient()
let! html = client.AsyncDownloadString(System.Uri uri)
let sols' = html.Split([|"{{header|"|], System.StringSplitOptions.None).Length - 1
lock stdout (fun () -> printfn "%s: %d examples" attrib.Value sols')
return sols' }|]
|> Async.Parallel
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> fun xs -> printfn "Total: %d examples" (Seq.sum xs)
This is 21× faster than the python thanks to the concurrency.
Runs in about a minute. The number of threads is limited to 10 avoid cloudfare's protection mechanism.
USING: arrays assocs concurrency.combinators
concurrency.semaphores formatting hashtables http.client io
json.reader kernel math math.parser sequences splitting
urls.encoding ;
IN: rosetta-code.count-examples
CONSTANT: list-url ""
: titles ( query -- titles )
"query" of "categorymembers" of [ "title" of ] map ;
: continued-url ( query -- url/f )
"query-continue" of "categorymembers" of
[ assoc>query list-url swap "&" glue ] [ f ] if* ;
: (all-programming-titles) ( titles url -- titles' url' )
http-get nip json> [ titles append ] [ continued-url ] bi
[ (all-programming-titles) ] [ f ] if* ;
: all-programming-titles ( -- titles ) { } list-url (all-programming-titles) drop ;
CONSTANT: content-base-url ""
: content-url ( title -- url )
" " "_" replace
"title" associate assoc>query
content-base-url swap "&" glue ;
: occurences ( seq subseq -- n ) split-subseq length 1 - ;
: count-examples ( title -- n )
content-url http-get nip "=={{header|" occurences ;
: print-task ( title n -- ) "%s: %d examples.\n" printf ;
: print-total ( assoc -- ) values sum "Total: %d examples.\n" printf ;
: fetch-counts ( titles -- assoc )
10 <semaphore> [
[ dup count-examples 2array ] with-semaphore
] curry parallel-map ;
: print-counts ( titles -- )
[ [ print-task ] assoc-each nl ] [ print-total ] bi ;
: rosetta-examples ( -- )
all-programming-titles fetch-counts print-counts ;
MAIN: rosetta-examples
100 doors: 169 examples. 24 game: 58 examples. ... Zeckendorf number representation: 22 examples. Zig-zag matrix: 66 examples. Total: 30745 examples.
#include ""
Function FNhtml(h As String) As String
If Left(h, 2) = "&#" Then Return Chr(Val(Mid(h, 3)))
Select Case h
Case """: Return """"
End Select
Return h
End Function
Dim As Any Ptr urlmon = Dylibload("URLMON.DLL")
If urlmon = 0 Then
Print "DLL not available in your OS"
End 100
End If
Dim As Function(Byval As Any Ptr, Byval As ZString Ptr, Byval As ZString Ptr, Byval As Any Ptr, Byval As Any Ptr) As Integer UDTF
UDTF = Dylibsymbol(urlmon, "URLDownloadToFileA")
Const As String special = "+()'"
Dim As String url = ""
Dim As String file = Curdir & "/tasks.xml"
Dim As Integer fail = UDTF(0, url, file, 0, 0)
If fail Then
Print "File download failed (tasks)"
End 100
End If
Dim As Integer fileHandle = Freefile
Open file For Input As #fileHandle
Dim As Integer i, k, j, l, s, examples, taskHandle, total
Dim As String a, title, t, sChar, linea
total = 0
While Not Eof(fileHandle )
Line Input #fileHandle , a
i = 0
i = Instr(i + 1, a, "title=")
If i Then
j = Instr(i, a, ">")
title = Mid(a, i + 7, j - i - 10)
' Reemplazar códigos HTML
k = Instr(title, "&")
If k Then
l = Instr(k, title, ";")
title = Left(title, k - 1) & FNhtml(Mid(title, k, l - k + 1)) & Mid(title, l + 1)
End If
Loop Until k = 0
t = title
' Replace characters not allowed in a URL
For s = 1 To Len(special)
sChar = Mid(special, s, 1)
k = Instr(t, sChar)
If k Then t = Left(t, k - 1) & "%" & Hex(Asc(sChar)) & Mid(t, k + 1)
Loop Until k = 0
url = "" & t & "&action=raw"
file = Curdir & "/title.htm"
fail = UDTF(0, url, file, 0, 0)
If fail Then
Print "File download failed " & t
End 100
End If
examples = 0
taskHandle = Freefile
Open file For Input As #taskHandle
While Not Eof(taskHandle)
Line Input #taskHandle, linea
If Instr(linea, "=={{header|") Then examples += 1
Close #taskHandle
total += examples
Print title & ": " & Str(examples) & " examples."
End If
Loop Until i = 0
i = Instr(a, "cmcontinue=")
If i Then
Close #fileHandle
j = Instr(i + 1, a, """")
k = Instr(j + 1, a, """")
url = "" & Mid(a, j + 1, k - j - 1)
i = Instr(url, "|")
If i Then url = Left(url, i - 1) & "%7C" & Mid(url, i + 1)
Loop Until i = 0
file = Curdir & "/tasks.xml"
fail = UDTF(0, url, file, 0, 0)
If fail Then
Print "File download failed (continue)"
End If
Open file For Input As #fileHandle
End If
Close #fileHandle
Print !"\nTotal: " & Str(total) & " examples."
package main
import (
func req(u string, foundCm func(string)) string {
resp, err := http.Get(u)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(err) // connection or request fail
return ""
defer resp.Body.Close()
for p := xml.NewDecoder(resp.Body); ; {
t, err := p.RawToken()
switch s, ok := t.(xml.StartElement); {
case err == io.EOF:
return ""
case err != nil:
return ""
case !ok:
case s.Name.Local == "cm":
for _, a := range s.Attr {
if a.Name.Local == "title" {
case s.Name.Local == "categorymembers" && len(s.Attr) > 0 &&
s.Attr[0].Name.Local == "cmcontinue":
return url.QueryEscape(s.Attr[0].Value)
return ""
func main() {
taskQuery := "" +
"&format=xml&list=categorymembers&cmlimit=500" +
continueAt := req(taskQuery, count)
for continueAt > "" {
continueAt = req(taskQuery+"&cmcontinue="+continueAt, count)
fmt.Printf("Total: %d examples.\n", total)
var marker = []byte("=={{header|")
var total int
func count(cm string) {
taskFmt := ""
taskEsc := url.QueryEscape(strings.Replace(cm, " ", "_", -1))
resp, err := http.Get(fmt.Sprintf(taskFmt, taskEsc))
var page []byte
if err == nil {
page, err = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
examples := bytes.Count(page, marker)
fmt.Printf("%s: %d\n", cm, examples)
total += examples
- Output
- (May 25, 2011):
... Y combinator: 40 Yahoo! search interface: 10 Yin and yang: 18 Zig-zag matrix: 50 Total: 18290 examples.
from HackageDB
import Network.Browser
import Network.HTTP
import Network.URI
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Text.XML.Light
import Control.Arrow
justifyR w = foldl ((.return).(++).tail) (replicate w ' ')
showFormatted t n = t ++ ": " ++ justifyR 4 (show n)
getRespons url = do
rsp <- Network.Browser.browse $ do
setAllowRedirects True
setOutHandler $ const (return ()) -- quiet
request $ getRequest url
return $ rspBody $ snd rsp
getNumbOfExampels p = do
let pg = intercalate "_" $ words p
rsp <- getRespons $ "" ++ pg ++ "&action=raw"
let taskPage = rsp
countEx = length $ filter (=="=={{header|") $ takeWhile(not.null) $ unfoldr (Just. (take 11 &&& drop 1)) taskPage
return countEx
progTaskExamples = do
rsp <- getRespons ""
let xmls = onlyElems $ parseXML $ rsp
tasks = concatMap (map (fromJust.findAttr (unqual "title")). filterElementsName (== unqual "cm")) xmls
taskxx <- mapM getNumbOfExampels tasks
let ns = taskxx
tot = sum ns
mapM_ putStrLn $ zipWith showFormatted tasks ns
putStrLn $ ("Total: " ++) $ show tot
some output:
*Main> progTaskExamples
100 doors: 56
24 game: 11
24 game Player: 9
99 Bottles of Beer: 73
Abstract type: 23
Ackermann Function: 61
Active object: 9
Total: 9156
Icon and Unicon
The following code uses features exclusive to Unicon. This version handles all tasks, not just the first 500.
$define RCINDEX ""
$define RCTASK ""
$define RCUA "User-Agent: Unicon Rosetta 0.1"
$define RCXUA "X-Unicon:"
$define TASKTOT "* Total Tasks *"
$define TOTTOT "* Total Headers*"
link strings
link hexcvt
procedure main(A) # simple single threaded read all at once implementation
Tasks := table(0)
every task := taskNames() do {
Tasks[TASKTOT] +:= 1 # count tasks
every lang := languages(task) do { # count languages
Tasks[task] +:= 1
Tasks[TOTTOT] +:= 1
every insert(O := set(),key(Tasks)) # extract & sort keys
O := put(sort(O--set(TOTTOT,TASKTOT)),TASKTOT,TOTTOT) # move totals to end
every write(k := !O, " : ", Tasks[k]," examples.") # report
# Generate task names
procedure taskNames()
continue := ""
while \(txt := ReadURL(RCINDEX||continue)) do {
txt ? {
while tab(find("<cm ") & find(s :="title=\"")+*s) do
suspend tab(find("\""))\1
if tab(find("cmcontinue=")) then {
continue := "&"||tab(upto(' \t'))
else break
# Generate language headers in a task
procedure languages(task)
static WS
initial WS := ' \t'
page := ReadURL(RCTASK||CleanURI(task))
page ? while (tab(find("\n==")),tab(many(WS))|"",tab(find("{{"))) do {
header := tab(find("=="))
header ? {
while tab(find("{{header|")) do {
suspend 2(="{{header|",tab(find("}}")))\1
procedure CleanURI(u) #: clean up a URI
static tr,dxml # xml & http translation
initial {
tr := table()
every c := !string(~(&digits++&letters++'-_.!~*()/\'`')) do
tr[c] := "%"||hexstring(ord(c),2)
every /tr[c := !string(&cset)] := c
tr[" "] := "_" # wiki convention
every push(dxml := [],"&#"||right(ord(c := !"&<>'\""),3,"0")||";",c)
dxml[1] := u # insert URI as 1st arg
u := replacem!dxml # de-xml it
every (c := "") ||:= tr[!u] # reencode everything
c := replace(c,"%3E","'") # Hack to put single quotes back in
c := replace(c,"%26quot%3B","\"") # Hack to put double quotes back in
return c
procedure ReadURL(url) #: read URL into string
page := open(url,"m",RCUA,RCXUA) | stop("Unable to open ",url)
text := ""
if page["Status-Code"] < 300 then while text ||:= reads(page,-1)
else write(&errout,image(url),": ",
page["Status-Code"]," ",page["Reason-Phrase"])
return text
strings provides replacem hexcvt provides hexstring
Sample Output for July 6, 2013 (abridged):
100 doors : 171 examples. 24 game : 60 examples. 24 game/Solve : 37 examples. 9 billion names of God the integer : 12 examples. 99 Bottles of Beer : 199 examples. A+B : 137 examples. Abstract type : 54 examples. Accumulator factory : 67 examples. Ackermann function : 137 examples. ... Y combinator : 56 examples. Yahoo! search interface : 18 examples. Yin and yang : 39 examples. Zebra puzzle : 12 examples. Zeckendorf arithmetic : 3 examples. Zeckendorf number representation : 21 examples. Zig-zag matrix : 67 examples. * Total Tasks * : 676 examples. * Total Headers* : 31146 examples.
Using getCategoryMembers
from Find unimplemented tasks.
require 'web/gethttp'
getAllTaskSolnCounts=: monad define
tasks=. getCategoryMembers 'Programming_Tasks'
counts=. getTaskSolnCounts &> tasks
getTaskSolnCounts=: monad define
makeuri=. '' , ,&'&action=raw'
wikidata=. gethttp makeuri urlencode y
([: +/ '{{header|'&E.) wikidata
formatSolnCounts=: monad define
'tasks counts'=. y
tasks=. tasks , &.>':'
res=. ;:^:_1 tasks ,. (8!:0 counts) ,. <'examples.'
res , 'Total examples: ' , ": +/counts
Example Usage:
formatSolnCounts getAllTaskSolnCounts ''
100 doors: 61 examples.
24 game: 15 examples.
24 game Player: 11 examples.
99 Bottles of Beer: 76 examples.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import ScreenScrape;
public class CountProgramExamples {
private static final String baseURL = "";
private static final String rootURL = ""
+ "api.php?action=query&list=categorymembers"
+ "&cmtitle=Category:Programming_Tasks&cmlimit=500&format=xml";
private static final String taskBegin = "title=\"";
private static final String taskEnd = "\"";
private static final String exmplBegin = "<span class=\"tocnumber\">";
private static final String exmplEnd = "</span>";
private static final String editBegin = "<span class=\"editsection\">";
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
int exTotal = 0;
try {
// Get root query results
ArrayList<String> tasks = new ArrayList<String>();
ScreenScrape ss = new ScreenScrape();
String rootPage =;
while (rootPage.contains(taskBegin)) {
rootPage = rootPage.substring(rootPage.indexOf(taskBegin)
+ taskBegin.length());
String title = rootPage.substring(0, rootPage.indexOf(taskEnd));
if (!title.contains("Category:")) {
rootPage = rootPage.substring(rootPage.indexOf(taskEnd));
// Loop through each task and print count
for (String task : tasks) {
String title = task.replaceAll("'", "'");
String taskPage = + title.replaceAll(" ", "_"));
int exSubTot;
if (taskPage.contains(exmplBegin)) {
int startPos = taskPage.lastIndexOf(exmplBegin)
+ exmplBegin.length();
String countStr = taskPage.substring(startPos,
taskPage.indexOf(exmplEnd, startPos));
exSubTot = Integer
.parseInt(countStr.contains(".") ? countStr
.substring(0, countStr.indexOf("."))
: countStr);
} else {
exSubTot = 0;
while (taskPage.contains(editBegin)) {
taskPage = taskPage.substring(taskPage
.indexOf(editBegin) + editBegin.length());
exTotal += exSubTot;
System.out.println(title + ": " + exSubTot + " examples.");
// Print total
System.out.println("\nTotal: " + exTotal + " examples.");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println(startPos + ":"
+ taskPage.indexOf(exmplEnd, startPos));
jq does not duplicate the functionality of `curl` but works seamlessly with it, as illustrated by the following bash script. Note in particular the use of jq's `@uri` filter in the bash function `titles`.
# Produce lines of the form: URI TITLE
function titles {
local uri=""
curl -Ss "$uri" |
jq -r '.query.categorymembers[] | .title | "\(@uri) \(.)"'
# Syntax: count URI
function count {
local uri="$1"
curl -Ss "${uri}&action=raw" |
jq -R -n 'reduce (inputs|select(test("=={{header\\|"))) as $x(0; .+1)'
local n=0 i
while read uri title
i=$(count "$uri")
echo "$title: $i examples."
n=$((n + i))
done < <(titles)
echo Total: $n examples.
- Output:
100 doors: 252 examples. 15 Puzzle Game: 36 examples. 2048: 24 examples. ... Order two numerical lists: 65 examples. Ordered Partitions: 28 examples. Ordered words: 85 examples. Palindrome detection: 136 examples. Total: 32416 examples.
Output by page is too long, so summaries only output shown.
using HTTP, JSON, Dates
rosorg = ""
qURI = "/w/api.php?action=query&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category:Programming_Tasks&cmlimit=500&format=json"
qdURI = "/w/api.php?action=query&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category:Draft_Programming_Tasks&cmlimit=500&format=json"
sqURI = rosorg * "/wiki/"
topages(js, v) = for d in js["query"]["categorymembers"] push!(v, sqURI * replace(d["title"], " " => "_")) end
function getpages(uri)
wikipages = Vector{String}()
response = HTTP.request("GET", rosorg * uri)
if response.status == 200
fromjson = JSON.parse(String(response.body))
topages(fromjson, wikipages)
while haskey(fromjson, "continue")
cmcont, cont = fromjson["continue"]["cmcontinue"], fromjson["continue"]["continue"]
response = HTTP.request("GET", rosorg * uri * "&cmcontinue=$cmcont&continue=$cont")
fromjson = JSON.parse(String(response.body))
topages(fromjson, wikipages)
function processtaskpages(wpages, verbose=false)
totalexamples = 0
for pag in wpages
response = HTTP.request("GET", pag)
if response.status == 200
n = length(collect(eachmatch(r"span class=\"mw-headline\"", String(response.body))))
if verbose
println("Wiki page $pag => $n examples.")
totalexamples += n
println("Total of $totalexamples on $(length(wpages)) task pages.\n")
println("Programming examples at $(DateTime(now())):")
qURI |> getpages |> processtaskpages
println("Draft programming tasks:")
qdURI |> getpages |> processtaskpages
- Output:
Programming examples at 2019-02-16T21:04:15.583: Total of 66388 on 928 task pages. Draft programming tasks: Total of 3385 on 216 task pages.
local(root = json_deserialize(curl('')->result))
local(tasks = array, title = string, urltitle = string, thiscount = 0, totalex = 0)
with i in #root->find('query')->find('categorymembers') do => {^
#thiscount = 0
#title = #i->find('title')
#urltitle = #i->find('title')
#urltitle->replace(' ','_')
#title+': '
local(src = curl(''+#urltitle->asBytes->encodeurl+'&action=raw')->result->asString)
#thiscount = (#src->split('=={{header|'))->size - 1
#thiscount < 0 ? #thiscount = 0
#thiscount + ' examples.'
#totalex += #thiscount
'Total: '+#totalex+' examples.'
- Output:
Collecting 10 results:
100_doors: 176 examples. 24_game: 58 examples. 24_game/Solve: 35 examples. 9_billion_names_of_God_the_integer: 16 examples. 99_Bottles_of_Beer: 210 examples. A+B: 142 examples. Abstract_type: 54 examples. Accumulator_factory: 70 examples. Ackermann_function: 143 examples. Active_Directory/Connect: 15 examples. Total: 919 examples.
1. Add a button to a stack, put the following into the mouseUp
2. Add a text field called "tasks"
n.b. The list of tasks is limited to 10 for demo purposes
on mouseUp
put empty into fld "taskurls"
put URL "" into apixml
put revXMLCreateTree(apixml,true,true,false) into pDocID
put "/api/query/categorymembers/cm" into pXPathExpression
repeat for each line xmlnode in revXMLEvaluateXPath(pDocID, pXPathExpression)
put revXMLAttribute(pDocID,xmlnode,"title") into pgTitle
put revXMLAttribute(pDocID,xmlnode,"pageid") into pageId
put "" & urlEncode(pgTitle) & "&action=raw" into taskURL
put URL taskURL into taskPage
filter lines of taskPage with "=={{header|*"
put the number of lines of taskPage into taskTotal
put pgTitle & comma & taskTotal & cr after fld "tasks"
add taskTotal to allTaskTotal
end repeat
put "Total" & comma & allTaskTotal after fld "tasks"
end mouseUp
ConvertUTF8 := proc( str )
local i, tempstring, uniindex;
tempstring := str;
uniindex := [StringTools:-SearchAll("\u",str)];
if uniindex <> [] then
for i in uniindex do
tempstring := StringTools:-Substitute(tempstring, str[i..i+5], UTF8:-unicode(str[i+2..i+5]));
end do:
end if;
return tempstring;
return str;
end try;
end proc:
print_examples := proc(lst)
local task, count, url, headers, item;
for task in lst do
count := 0:
url := cat("", StringTools:-Encode(StringTools:-SubstituteAll(task["title"], " ", "_"), 'percent'), "&action=raw"):
headers := [StringTools:-SearchAll("=={{header|",URL:-Get(url))]:
for item in headers do
end do:
printf("%s has %d examples\n",ConvertUTF8(task["title"]), count);
end do:
end proc:
x := JSON:-ParseFile(""):
while(assigned(x["continue"]["cmcontinue"])) do
continue := x["continue"]["cmcontinue"]:
more_tasks:= cat("", "&continue=", x["continue"]["continue"], "&cmcontinue=", x["continue"]["cmcontinue"]):
x := JSON:-ParseFile(more_tasks):
end do:
- Output:
100 doors has 267 examples 15 Puzzle Game has 42 examples 15 puzzle solver has 4 examples 2048 has 34 examples 24 game has 88 examples 24 game/Solve has 54 examples 4-rings or 4-squares puzzle has 33 examples 9 billion names of God the integer has 42 examples 99 Bottles of Beer has 291 examples A+B has 224 examples ABC Problem has 104 examples Abstract type has 77 examples Abundant, deficient and perfect number classifications has 69 examples Accumulator factory has 97 examples Ackermann function has 194 examples Active Directory/Connect has 24 examples Active Directory/Search for a user has 16 examples Active object has 37 examples Add a variable to a class instance at runtime has 51 examples Address of a variable has 69 examples AKS test for primes has 55 examples Align columns has 97 examples Aliquot sequence classifications has 32 examples Almost prime has 58 examples Amb has 35 examples Amicable pairs has 69 examples Anagrams has 99 examples Anagrams/Deranged anagrams has 63 examples Angle difference between two bearings has 24 examples Animate a pendulum has 55 examples Animation has 61 examples Anonymous recursion has 86 examples Append a record to the end of a text file has 36 examples Apply a callback to an array has 144 examples Apply a digital filter (direct form II transposed) has 14 examples Arbitrary-precision integers (included) has 84 examples Archimedean spiral has 40 examples Arena storage pool has 25 examples Arithmetic evaluation has 51 examples Arithmetic-geometric mean has 93 examples Arithmetic-geometric mean/Calculate Pi has 23 examples Arithmetic/Complex has 101 examples Arithmetic/Integer has 176 examples Arithmetic/Rational has 59 examples Array concatenation has 159 examples Array length has 124 examples Arrays has 188 examples Assertions has 96 examples Associative array/Creation has 128 examples Associative array/Iteration has 107 examples Atomic updates has 38 examples Average loop length has 34 examples Averages/Arithmetic mean has 168 examples Averages/Mean angle has 63 examples Averages/Mean time of day has 50 examples Averages/Median has 103 examples Averages/Mode has 76 examples Averages/Pythagorean means has 96 examples Averages/Root mean square has 111 examples Averages/Simple moving average has 78 examples AVL tree has 18 examples Babbage problem has 80 examples Balanced brackets has 112 examples Balanced ternary has 34 examples Barnsley fern has 39 examples Benford's law has 58 examples Bernoulli numbers has 43 examples ... Variable size/Set has 37 examples Variable-length quantity has 35 examples Variables has 109 examples Variadic function has 94 examples Vector products has 77 examples Verify distribution uniformity/Chi-squared test has 21 examples Verify distribution uniformity/Naive has 40 examples Video display modes has 13 examples Vigenère cipher has 0 examples Vigenère cipher/Cryptanalysis has 0 examples Visualize a tree has 35 examples Vogel's approximation method has 12 examples Voronoi diagram has 32 examples Walk a directory/Non-recursively has 84 examples Walk a directory/Recursively has 75 examples Water collected between towers has 28 examples Web scraping has 75 examples Window creation has 81 examples Window creation/X11 has 23 examples Window management has 19 examples Wireworld has 47 examples Word search has 9 examples Word wrap has 63 examples World Cup group stage has 14 examples Write entire file has 53 examples Write float arrays to a text file has 64 examples Write language name in 3D ASCII has 59 examples Write to Windows event log has 23 examples Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm has 25 examples XML/DOM serialization has 45 examples XML/Input has 68 examples XML/Output has 55 examples XML/XPath has 52 examples Y combinator has 81 examples Yahoo! search interface has 19 examples Yin and yang has 53 examples Zebra puzzle has 39 examples Zeckendorf arithmetic has 10 examples Zeckendorf number representation has 57 examples Zero to the zero power has 94 examples Zhang-Suen thinning algorithm has 26 examples Zig-zag matrix has 92 examples
Mathematica /Wolfram Language
TaskList = Flatten[
Import["", "Data"][[1, 1]]];
Print["Task \"", StringReplace[#, "_" -> " "], "\" has ",
Length@Select[Import["" <> #, "Data"][[1,2]],
StringFreeQ[#, __ ~~ "Programming Task" | __ ~~ "Omit"]& ], " example(s)"]&
~Map~ StringReplace[TaskList, " " -> "_"]
Task "100 doors" has 143 example(s) Task "24 game" has 55 example(s) Task "24 game/Solve" has 35 example(s) ...
MATLAB / Octave
The function count_examples() need to be saved in a file count_examples.m and its directory need to be included in the path.
function c = count_examples(url)
c = 0;
[s, success] = urlread (url);
if ~success, return; end;
c = length(strfind(s,'<h2><span class='));
% script
s = urlread ('');
pat = '<li><a href="/wiki/';
ix = strfind(s,pat)+length(pat)-6;
for k = 1:length(ix);
% look through all tasks
e = find(s(ix(k):end)==34,1)-2;
t = s(ix(k)+[0:e]); % task
c = count_examples(['',t]);
printf('Task "%s" has %i examples.\n',t(7:end), c);
Task "100_doors" has 137 examples. Task "24_game" has 45 examples. Task "24_game/Solve" has 28 examples. Task "99_Bottles_of_Beer" has 156 examples. Task "A%2BB" has 105 examples. ...
import httpclient, strutils, xmltree, xmlparser, cgi
proc count(s, sub: string): int =
var i = 0
while true:
i = s.find(sub, i)
if i < 0: break
inc i
inc result
mainSite = ""
subSite = "$#&action=raw"
var client = newHttpClient()
var sum = 0
for node in client.getContent(mainSite).parseXml().findAll("cm"):
let t = node.attr("title").replace(" ", "_")
let c = client.getContent(subSite % encodeUrl(t)).toLower().count("{{header|")
echo t.replace("_", " "), ": ", c, " examples."
inc sum, c
echo "\nTotal: ", sum, " examples."
- Output:
100 doors: 326 examples. 100 prisoners: 55 examples. 15 puzzle game: 71 examples. 15 puzzle solver: 18 examples. 2048: 57 examples. 21 game: 37 examples. 24 game: 100 examples. 24 game/Solve: 64 examples. 4-rings or 4-squares puzzle: 57 examples. 9 billion names of God the integer: 60 examples. 99 bottles of beer: 347 examples. A+B: 278 examples. Abbreviations, automatic: 39 examples. Abbreviations, easy: 38 examples. Abbreviations, simple: 36 examples. ABC problem: 132 examples. Abelian sandpile model: 25 examples. Abelian sandpile model/Identity: 19 examples. Abstract type: 89 examples. Abundant odd numbers: 53 examples. Abundant, deficient and perfect number classifications: 89 examples. Accumulator factory: 111 examples [...]
use HTTP;
use XML;
class RosettaCount {
function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil {
taks_xml := HttpGet("");
parser := XmlParser->New(taks_xml);
if(parser->Parse()) {
task_names := parser->FindElements("/api/query/categorymembers/cm");
if(task_names <> Nil) {
each(i : task_names) {
task_name := task_names->Get(i)->As(XmlElement)->GetAttribute("title")->GetValue();
task_url := "";
task := HttpGet(task_url);
counts := task->FindAll("=={{header|");
if(counts->Size() > 0) {
IO.Console->Print(UrlUtility->Decode(task_name))->Print(": ")->PrintLine(counts->Size());
function : HttpGet(url : String) ~ String {
xml := "";
client := HttpClient->New();
lines := client->Get(url);
each(i : lines) {
return xml;
Amb: 28 Anagrams: 71 Animation: 42 Arithmetic/Complex: 80 Arithmetic/Integer: 136 Arithmetic/Rational: 45 Arrays: 131 Assertions: 75 Averages/Median: 82 Averages/Mode: 61 Bitmap: 58 Bitmap/Histogram: 22 Calendar: 30 Catamorphism: 27 Classes: 77 Collections: 59 ...
execute with:
ocaml str.cma unix.cma -I +pcre pcre.cma -I +netsys netsys.cma -I +equeue equeue.cma \ -I +netstring netstring.cma -I +netclient netclient.cma -I +xml-light xml-light.cma
or with the findlib package one can compile with:
ocamlfind opt -linkpkg -package str,unix,xml-light,netclient -o countex.opt
open Http_client.Convenience
let repl_quote s =
let reg = Str.regexp_string "'" in
(Str.global_replace reg "%27" s)
let repl_space s =
let s = String.copy s in
for i = 0 to pred(String.length s) do
if s.[i] = ' ' then s.[i] <- '_'
(* or in OCaml 4.00+:
let repl_space = (fun c -> if c = ' ' then '_' else c)
let count_ex s =
let pat = Str.regexp_string "=={{header|" in
let rec aux n p =
let p = Str.search_forward pat s p in
aux (n+1) (p+1)
with Not_found -> (n)
aux 0 0
let get_child child xml =
let child =
(function Xml.Element (tag,_,_) when tag = child -> true | _ -> false) xml
Xml.children child
let () =
let url = "\
cmtitle=Category:Programming_Tasks&cmlimit=500&format=xml" in
let xml = Xml.parse_string (http_get url) in
let total = ref 0 in
at_exit (fun () -> Printf.printf "\n Total: %d\n" !total);
let f = function
| Xml.Element ("cm", attrs, _) ->
let _title = List.assoc "title" attrs in
let title = repl_quote (repl_space _title) in
let url = ""^ title ^"&action=raw" in
let n = count_ex (http_get url) in
Printf.printf "%s: %d\n%!" _title n;
total := n + !total;
with Http_client.Http_error (404, _) -> ())
| _ -> ()
match xml with
| Xml.Element ("api", _, ch) ->
let query = get_child "query" ch in
let catmb = get_child "categorymembers" query in
List.iter f catmb
| _ -> ()
100 doors: 56 24 game: 11 24 game Player: 9 99 Bottles of Beer: 73 Abstract type: 23 Ackermann Function: 61 ... XML Reading: 22 XML and XPath: 18 Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm: 3 Y combinator: 23 Yuletide Holiday: 32 Zig Zag: 29 Total: 9106
[HTTPClient] = { ['x-ozlib://mesaros/net/HTTPClient.ozf']}
[XMLParser] = { ['x-oz://system/xml/Parser.ozf']}
[StringX] = { ['x-oz://system/String.ozf']}
[Regex] = { ['x-oz://contrib/regex']}
AllTasksUrl = ""#
proc {Main}
AllTasks = {Parse {GetPage AllTasksUrl}}
TaskTitles = {GetTitles AllTasks}
Total = {NewCell 0}
for Task in TaskTitles do
TaskPage = {GetPage {TaskUrl Task}}
RE = {Regex.compile "{{header\\|" [extended newline icase]}
NumMatches = {Length {Regex.allMatches RE TaskPage}}
{System.showInfo Task#": "#NumMatches#" examples."}
Total := @Total + NumMatches
{System.showInfo "Total: "#@Total#" examples."}
fun {TaskUrl Task}
"title="#{PercentEncode {StringX.replace Task " " "_"}}#
%% GetPage
Client = {New HTTPClient.urlGET init(inPrms(toFile:false toStrm:true) _)}
fun {GetPage RawUrl}
Url = {VirtualString.toString RawUrl}
{Client getService(Url ?OutParams ?HttpResponseParams)}
%% Parse
Parser = {New XMLParser.parser init}
fun {Parse Xs} {Parser parseVS(Xs $)} end
fun {GetTitles Doc}
CMs = Doc.2.1.children.1.children.1.children
fun {Attributes element(attributes:As ...)} As end
fun {IsTitle attribute(name:N ...)} N == title end
{Map {Filter {Flatten {Map CMs Attributes}} IsTitle}
fun {$ A} {Atom.toString A.value} end}
fun {PercentEncode Xs}
case Xs of nil then nil
[] X|Xr then
if {Char.isDigit X} orelse {Member X [&- &_ &. &~]}
orelse X >= &a andthen X =< &z
orelse X >= &z andthen X =< &Z then
X|{PercentEncode Xr}
{Append &%|{ToHex2 X} {PercentEncode Xr}}
fun {ToHex2 X}
[{ToHex1 X div 16} {ToHex1 X mod 16}]
fun {ToHex1 X}
if X >= 0 andthen X =< 9 then &0 + X
elseif X >= 10 andthen X =< 15 then &A + X - 10
Example output:
100 doors: 86 examples. 24 game: 22 examples. 24 game/Solve: 15 examples. 99 Bottles of Beer: 108 examples. A+B: 59 examples. ... Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm: 5 examples. Y combinator: 29 examples. Yahoo! Search: 10 examples. Zig-zag matrix: 43 examples. Total: 14099 examples.
use HTTP::Tiny;
my $site = "";
my $list_url = "/w/api.php?action=query&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category:Programming_Tasks&cmlimit=500&format=xml";
my $response = HTTP::Tiny->new->get("$site$list_url");
for ($response->{content} =~ /cm.*?title="(.*?)"/g) {
(my $slug = $_) =~ tr/ /_/;
my $response = HTTP::Tiny->new->get("$site/wiki/$slug");
my $count = () = $response->{content} =~ /toclevel-1/g;
print "$_: $count examples\n";
use Mojo::UserAgent;
my $site = "";
my $list_url = "/mw/api.php?action=query&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category:Programming_Tasks&cmlimit=500&format=xml";
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
$ua->get("$site$list_url")->res->dom->find('cm')->each(sub {
(my $slug = $_->{title}) =~ tr/ /_/;
my $count = $ua->get("$site/wiki/$slug")->res->dom->find("#toc .toclevel-1")->size;
say "$_->{title}: $count examples";
First, some common code used by several tasks:
-- -- demo\rosetta\rosettacode_cache.e -- ================================ -- -- Common routines for handling rc_cache etc. -- without js -- (libcurl, file i/o, peek, progress..) include builtins\timedate.e constant day = timedelta(days:=1) integer refresh_cache = 21*day -- 0 for always [NB refresh_cache += timedelta(days:=1) below] function days(atom delta) integer d = ceil(delta/day) return sprintf("%d day%s",{d,iff(d=1?"":"s")}) end function constant {hex,ascii} = columnize({{"%22",`"`}, {"%27","'"}, {"%2A","*"}, {"%2B","+"}, {"%3A",":"}, {"%5E",`^`}, {"%E2%80%93","-"}, {"%E2%80%99","'"}, {"%C3%A8","e"}, {"%C3%A9","e"}, {"%C3%B6","o"}, {"%C5%91","o"}, {""",`"`}, {"'","'"}, {"_"," "}}) global function html_clean(string s) return substitute_all(s,hex,ascii) end function include builtins\libcurl.e atom curl = NULL, pErrorBuffer function write_callback(atom pData, integer size, nmemb, fn) integer bytes_written = size * nmemb puts(fn,peek({pData,bytes_written})) return bytes_written end function constant write_cb = call_back({'+', write_callback}) global string wastitle = "" -- don't clobber "NEED EDITING"/Downloading messages global integer show_title = progress global function open_download(string filename, url, integer i=0, n=0) object text bool refetch = false string why = "not found" filename = join_path({"rc_cache",filename}) if file_exists(filename) then -- use existing file if <= refresh_cache days old sequence last_mod = get_file_date(filename) atom delta = timedate_diff(last_mod,date()) refetch = true if delta>refresh_cache and not match(".hist",filename) then why = days(delta) & " > " & days(refresh_cache) elsif get_file_size(filename)=0 then why = "filesize of 0" else text = trim(get_text(filename)) if not sequence(text) then why = "no text" elsif length(text)<10 then why = "<10 bytes" else refetch = false end if end if else refetch = true string directory = get_file_path(filename) if get_file_type(directory)!=FILETYPE_DIRECTORY then if not create_directory(directory,make_parent:=true) then crash("cannot create %s directory",{directory}) end if end if end if if refetch then wastitle = "x" -- don't clobber string nofn = iff(n?sprintf("(%d/%d, %.1f%%) ",{i,n,i/n*100}):""), title = sprintf("Downloading %s%s (%s)...",{nofn,html_clean(filename),why}) show_title(title) if curl=NULL then curl_global_init() curl = curl_easy_init() pErrorBuffer = allocate(CURL_ERROR_SIZE) curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, pErrorBuffer) curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_cb) end if url = substitute(url,"%3A",":") url = substitute(url,"%2A","*") curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url) integer fn = open(filename,"wb") assert(fn!=-1,"cannot open "&filename) curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, fn) while true do CURLcode res = curl_easy_perform(curl) if res=CURLE_OK then exit end if string error = sprintf("%d",res) if res=CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST then error &= " [CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST]" end if progress("Error %s downloading file, retry?(Y/N):",{error}) if lower(wait_key())!='y' then abort(0) end if printf(1,"Y\n") end while close(fn) refresh_cache += timedelta(days:=1) -- did I mention it is slow? text = get_text(filename) end if return text end function global function open_category(string filename, integer i=0, n=0) return open_download(filename&".htm",""&filename,i,n) end function global function dewiki(string s, sequence exclude={}) -- extract tasks from eg `<li><a href="/wiki/100_doors"` sequence tasks = {} integer start = 1, finish = match(`<div class="printfooter">`,s) s = s[1..finish-1] while true do start = match(`<li><a href="/wiki/`,s,start) if start=0 then exit end if start += length(`<li><a href="/wiki/`) finish = find('"',s,start) string task = s[start..finish-1] task = substitute_all(task,{"*",":"},{"%2A","%3A"}) tasks = append(tasks,task) start = finish+1 end while return tasks end function global procedure curl_cleanup() if curl!=NULL then curl_easy_cleanup(curl) free(pErrorBuffer) curl = NULL pErrorBuffer = NULL end if end procedure
The task itself:
-- -- demo\rosetta\Count_examples.exw -- =============================== -- -- (This uses a few '&' instead of/as well as 'a', fairly obviously for everyone's sanity..) -- Counts no of "{{he&der|" (nb not "=={{he&der|") via web api (but gets tasks via scraping). -- Since downloading all the pages can be very slow, this uses a cache. -- Limiting (notdone) by "Phix" fairly obviously speeds it up tenfold :-) -- without js -- (fairly obviously this will never ever run in a browser!) constant include_drafts = true, sort_by_count = false, -- notlang = "Phix" -- or "" (ie a zero length string) for all notlang = "" include rosettacode_cache.e function count_tasks() if get_file_type("rc_cache")!=FILETYPE_DIRECTORY then if not create_directory("rc_cache") then crash("cannot create rc_cache directory") end if end if -- note this lot use web scraping (as cribbed from a similar task) ... sequence tasks = dewiki(open_category("Programming_Tasks")) if include_drafts then tasks &= dewiki(open_category("Draft_Programming_Tasks")) tasks = sort(tasks) end if if length(notlang) then -- filter already done in specified language string langurl = ""¬lang sequence done = dewiki(open_download(notlang&".htm",langurl)) integer k = 0 for i=1 to length(tasks) do string ti = tasks[i] integer d = find(ti,done) if not d then k += 1 tasks[k] = ti else done[d..d] = {} end if end for tasks = tasks[1..k] done = {} end if progress("%d tasks found\n",{length(tasks)}) -- ... whereas the individual tasks use the web api instead (3x smaller/faster) integer total_count = 0 sequence task_counts = repeat(0,length(tasks)) for i=1 to length(tasks) do string ti = tasks[i], url = sprintf("",{ti}), contents = open_download(ti&".raw",url), prev = "", curr integer count = 0, start = 1 while true do start = match(`{{hea`&`der|`,contents,start) if start=0 then exit end if -- -- skip duplicates/we also have to cope with eg -- =={{he&der|Python}}== \ -- ==={{he&der|Python}} Original=== } count -- ==={{he&der|Python}} Succinct=== } once -- ==={{he&der|Python}} Recursive === / -- =={{he&der|Mathematica}} / {{he&der|Wolfram Language}}== \ -- =={{he&der|Icon}} and {{he&der|Unicon}}== } count -- == {{he&der|Icon}} and {{he&der|Unicon}} == / both -- == {{he&der|Java}}== -- etc. Note however that this /does/ count eg -- ==={{he&der|Applesoft BASIC}}=== \ -- ==={{he&der|BASIC256}}=== } count -- ==={{he&der|Commodore BASIC}}=== } 'em -- ==={{he&der|IS-BASIC}}=== } all -- ==={{he&der|Sinclair ZX81 BASIC}}=== / -- curr = contents[start..match(`}}`,contents,start+1)] if curr!=prev then count += 1 end if prev = curr start += length(`{{hea`&`der|`) end while if sort_by_count then task_counts[i] = count elsif length(notlang) or i<=2 or i>=length(tasks)-1 or mod(i,200)=0 then progress("%s: %d\n",{html_clean(ti),count}) end if total_count += count if get_key()=#1B then progress("escape keyed\n") exit end if end for curl_cleanup() if sort_by_count then sequence tags = custom_sort(task_counts,tagset(length(tasks))) for i=length(tags) to 1 by -1 do integer ti = tags[i] progress("%s: %d\n",{html_clean(tasks[ti]),task_counts[ti]}) end for end if return total_count end function progress("Total: %d\n",{count_tasks()})
- Output:
(as of 30/2/22, showing first two, every 200th, and last two)
1523 tasks found 10001th prime: 33 100 doors: 337 Chowla numbers: 46 Exactly three adjacent 3 in lists: 27 Imaginary base numbers: 21 Monte Carlo methods: 87 Prime numbers which contain 123: 23 Smallest number k such that k+2^m is composite for all m less than k: 5 Trabb Pardo-Knuth algorithm: 83 Zig-zag matrix: 113 Zumkeller numbers: 36 Total: 88455
(load "@lib/http.l")
(client "" 80
(while (from " title=\"")
(let Task (till "\"")
(client "" 80 (pack "wiki/" (replace Task " " "_"))
(let Cnt 0
(while (from "<span class=\"tocnumber\">")
(unless (sub? "." (till "<" T))
(inc 'Cnt) ) )
(out NIL (prinl (ht:Pack Task) ": " Cnt)) ) ) ) ) )
Output (05may10):
100 doors: 79 24 game: 21 24 game/Solve: 15 99 Bottles of Beer: 95 A+B: 37 Abstract type: 29 ...
Procedure handleError(value, msg.s)
If value = 0
MessageRequester("Error", msg)
handleError(InitNetwork(), "Unable to initialize network functions.")
If OpenConsole()
Define url$, x1$, y1$, title$, unescapedTitle$, encodedURL$
Define x2, i, j, totalExamples, totalTasks
url$ = "" +
"&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category:Programming_Tasks" +
handleError(ReceiveHTTPFile(url$, "tasks.xml"), "Unable to access tasks URL.")
handleError(ReadFile(0, "tasks.xml"), "Unable to read 'task.xml' file.")
x1$ = ReadString(0)
x2 = FindString(x1$, "title=", x2 + 1)
If x2
title$ = Mid(x1$, x2 + 7, 99)
title$ = Left(title$, FindString(title$, ">", 1) - 4)
unescapedTitle$ = UnescapeString(ReplaceString(title$, "'", "'"), #PB_String_EscapeXML)
encodedURL$ = URLEncoder("" + unescapedTitle$ + "&action=raw")
If ReceiveHTTPFile(encodedURL$, "task.xml")
ReadFile(0, "task.xml")
While Not Eof(0)
y1$ = ReadString(0)
If FindString(y1$, "=={{header|", 1, #PB_String_NoCase)
totalExamples + 1
PrintN(unescapedTitle$ +": " + Str(totalExamples) + " examples")
totalTasks + totalExamples
totalExamples = 0
Until x2 = 0
;check for additional pages of tasks
x2 = FindString(x1$, "cmcontinue=")
If x2
i = FindString(x1$, #DQUOTE$, x2 + 1)
j = FindString(x1$, #DQUOTE$, i + 1)
url$ = URLEncoder("" +
"&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category:Programming_Tasks" +
"&cmlimit=500&format=xml&cmcontinue=" + Mid(x1$, i + 1, j - i))
Break ;all done
PrintN("Total: " + Str(totalTasks) + " examples")
Sample output:
100 doors: 224 examples 24 game: 78 examples 24 game/Solve: 46 examples 9 billion names of God the integer: 33 examples 99 Bottles of Beer: 253 examples A+B: 187 examples ...... Zeckendorf arithmetic: 6 examples Zeckendorf number representation: 37 examples Zero to the zero power: 71 examples Zhang-Suen thinning algorithm: 18 examples Zig-zag matrix: 83 examples Total: 44140 examples
from urllib.request import urlopen, Request
import xml.dom.minidom
r = Request(
headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
x = urlopen(r)
tasks = []
for i in xml.dom.minidom.parseString('cm'):
t = i.getAttribute('title').replace(' ', '_')
r = Request(f'{t}&action=raw',
headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
y = urlopen(r)
tasks.append('{{header|') )
print(t.replace('_', ' ') + f': {tasks[-1]} examples.')
print(f'\nTotal: {sum(tasks)} examples.')
Using Semantic MediaWiki
Here we use the ask API provided by the Semantic MediaWiki extension to query page properties rather than parse page content, producing subtly different counts to some other solutions. Maybe too different for this task.
We only count task examples that have a corresponding category page AND that page has the "Is Language" property set to True. In other words, Implemented In
+ Not Implemented In
+ Omitted From
is always equal to the total number of languages.
"""Count Rosetta Code tasks implementations using the Semantic MediaWiki API.
Works with Python >= 3.7."""
import json
import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses import field
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Set
from typing import Tuple
import requests
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from requests.adapters import Retry
# See
_SM_ASK: Dict[str, str] = {
"action": "ask",
"format": "json",
"formatversion": "2",
"api_version": "3",
class Page:
# fulltext is the page's title, not the page content.
fulltext: str
fullurl: str
namespace: int
exists: str
displaytitle: str
@dataclass(frozen=True, eq=False)
class Lang(Page):
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, Lang):
return self.fullurl == other.fullurl
elif isinstance(other, str):
return self.fullurl == other
return False
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash(self.fullurl)
def unimplemented(self, tasks: Set["Task"]) -> Set["Task"]:
return {task for task in tasks if self.fullurl not in task.exclude}
def omitted_from(self, tasks: Set["Task"]) -> Set["Task"]:
return {task for task in tasks if self.fullurl in task.omitted_from}
class Task(Page):
title: str
implemented_in: Set[Lang] = field(repr=False, compare=False)
omitted_from: Set[Lang] = field(repr=False, compare=False)
exclude: Set[Lang] = field(repr=False, compare=False)
def not_implemented_in(self, langs: Set[Lang]) -> Set[Lang]:
return langs.difference(self.exclude)
class TaskResponseBlock:
tasks: List[Task]
continue_offset: Optional[int] = None
class LanguageResponseBlock:
langs: List[Lang]
continue_offset: Optional[int] = None
def sm_ask_category(
session: requests.Session,
url: str,
category: str,
limit: int,
offset: int,
known_langs: Set[Lang],
) -> TaskResponseBlock:
query_params = {
"query": (
"|?Implemented in language"
"|?Omitted from language"
# Display some progress
log(f"ask [[Category:{category}]] offset={offset}")
response = session.get(url, params=query_params)
data = response.json()
return _transform_implemented_in_response_data(data, known_langs)
def sm_ask_tasks(
session: requests.Session,
url: str,
limit: int,
offset: int,
known_langs: Set[Lang],
return sm_ask_category(
session, url, "Programming Tasks", limit, offset, known_langs
def sm_ask_drafts(
session: requests.Session,
url: str,
limit: int,
offset: int,
known_langs: Set[Lang],
return sm_ask_category(
session, url, "Draft Programming Tasks", limit, offset, known_langs
def sm_ask_languages(
session: requests.Session,
url: str,
limit: int,
offset: int,
) -> LanguageResponseBlock:
query_params = {
"query": (
"[[Is language::+]]"
"|?Implemented in language"
"|?Omitted from language"
# Display some progress
log(f"ask [[Is language::+]] offset={offset}")
response = session.get(url, params=query_params)
data = response.json()
return _transform_language_response_data(data)
def sm_ask_all_tasks(
session: requests.Session, url: str, known_langs: Set[Lang]
) -> List[Task]:
block = sm_ask_tasks(
tasks = block.tasks
while block.continue_offset:
block = sm_ask_tasks(
return tasks
def sm_ask_all_drafts(
session: requests.Session, url: str, known_langs: Set[Lang]
) -> List[Task]:
block = sm_ask_drafts(
tasks = block.tasks
while block.continue_offset:
block = sm_ask_drafts(
return tasks
def sm_ask_all_languages(session: requests.Session, url: str) -> List[Lang]:
block = sm_ask_languages(
langs = block.langs
while block.continue_offset:
block = sm_ask_languages(
return langs
def _transform_implemented_in_response_data(
data: Any, known_langs: Set[Lang]
) -> TaskResponseBlock:
tasks: List[Task] = []
for result in data["query"]["results"]:
for task_title, task_page in result.items():
# We're excluding implementations that don't have a corresponding
# category page with an "Is Language" property.
implemented_in = {
for lang in task_page["printouts"]["Implemented in language"]
omitted_from = (
for lang in task_page["printouts"]["Omitted from language"]
return TaskResponseBlock(
tasks=tasks, continue_offset=data.get("query-continue-offset", None)
def _transform_language_response_data(data: Any) -> LanguageResponseBlock:
langs: List[Lang] = []
for result in data["query"]["results"]:
for _, task_page in result.items():
return LanguageResponseBlock(
langs=langs, continue_offset=data.get("query-continue-offset", None)
def get_session() -> requests.Session:
"""Setup a requests.Session with retries."""
retry_strategy = Retry(
status_forcelist=[429, 500, 502, 503, 504],
allowed_methods=["HEAD", "GET", "OPTIONS"],
adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry_strategy)
session = requests.Session()
session.mount("https://", adapter)
session.mount("http://", adapter)
return session
def log(msg: str) -> None:
print(f"{' ', 'seconds')}: {msg}")
def handle_warnings_and_errors(data: Any) -> None:
if data.get("errors"):
for error in data["errors"]:
# legacy format
if data.get("error"):
if data.get("warnings"):
for warning in data["warnings"]:
def count_examples(url: str, n: int = 30) -> None:
"""Print a table to stdout containing implementation counts for the first
`n` tasks, sorted by number implementations (most to least)."""
session = get_session()
langs = set(sm_ask_all_languages(session, url))
tasks = sm_ask_all_tasks(session, url, langs)
drafts = sm_ask_all_drafts(session, url, langs)
all_tasks = [*tasks, *drafts]
# Map of task to (implemented in, not implemented in, omitted from)
counts: Dict[Task, Tuple[int, int, int]] = {}
# Running total of examples for all tasks. Where a language has multiple examples
# for a single tasks, we only count one example.
total: int = 0
for task in all_tasks:
total += len(task.implemented_in)
counts[task] = (
# Pretty print
top = sorted(counts.items(), key=lambda it: it[1][0], reverse=True)[:n]
pad = max([len(task.fulltext) for task, _ in top])
print("\nKnown languages:", len(langs))
print("Total tasks:", len(all_tasks))
print("Total examples:", total)
print(f"{'Task':>{pad}} | Implemented In | Not Implemented In | Omitted From")
print("-" * (pad + 1), "+", "-" * 16, "+", "-" * 20, "+", "-" * 13, sep="")
for task, _counts in top:
implemented_in, not_implemented_in, omitted_from = _counts
f"{task.fulltext:>{pad}} |"
f"{implemented_in:>15} |"
f"{not_implemented_in:>19} |"
if __name__ == "__main__":
import argparse
URL = ""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Count tasks on Rosetta Code.")
help="number of rows to display in the output table (default: 30)",
help=f"target MediaWiki URL (default: {URL})",
args = parser.parse_args()
count_examples(args.url, args.n)
- Output:
2023-02-11 11:09:34: ask [[Is language::+]] offset=0 2023-02-11 11:09:35: ask [[Is language::+]] offset=500 2023-02-11 11:09:36: ask [[Category:Programming Tasks]] offset=0 2023-02-11 11:09:47: ask [[Category:Programming Tasks]] offset=500 2023-02-11 11:10:04: ask [[Category:Programming Tasks]] offset=1000 2023-02-11 11:10:12: ask [[Category:Draft Programming Tasks]] offset=0 Known languages: 890 Total tasks: 1602 Total examples: 91075 Task | Implemented In | Not Implemented In | Omitted From --------------------------------+----------------+--------------------+------------- Hello world/Text | 498 | 392 | 0 99 bottles of beer | 371 | 519 | 0 100 doors | 334 | 555 | 1 FizzBuzz | 325 | 565 | 0 Fibonacci sequence | 308 | 582 | 0 Factorial | 302 | 588 | 0 Comments | 297 | 592 | 1 A+B | 293 | 597 | 0 Empty program | 274 | 616 | 0 Function definition | 254 | 634 | 2 Loops/Infinite | 254 | 635 | 1 Loops/For | 248 | 641 | 1 Loops/While | 244 | 645 | 1 Arrays | 237 | 652 | 1 Ackermann function | 234 | 653 | 3 Reverse a string | 231 | 657 | 2 Conditional structures | 223 | 666 | 1 Arithmetic/Integer | 213 | 677 | 0 Greatest common divisor | 213 | 677 | 0 Array concatenation | 208 | 682 | 0 Greatest element of a list | 208 | 682 | 0 Even or odd | 207 | 683 | 0 Loops/Downward for | 207 | 683 | 0 Sieve of Eratosthenes | 203 | 687 | 0 Increment a numerical string | 202 | 688 | 0 Integer comparison | 202 | 688 | 0 Repeat a string | 199 | 691 | 0 Boolean values | 198 | 691 | 1 Loops/For with a specified step | 198 | 691 | 1 Copy a string | 196 | 693 | 1
doc <- xmlInternalTreeParse("")
nodes <- getNodeSet(doc,"//cm")
titles = as.character( sapply(nodes, xmlGetAttr, "title") )
headers <- list()
counts <- list()
for (i in 1:length(titles)){
headers[[i]] <- getURL( paste("", gsub(" ", "_", titles[i]), "&action=raw", sep="") )
counts[[i]] <- strsplit(headers[[i]],split=" ")[[1]]
counts[[i]] <- grep("\\{\\{header", counts[[i]])
cat(titles[i], ":", length(counts[[i]]), "examples\n")
cat("Total: ", length(unlist(counts)), "examples\n")
#lang racket
(require net/url net/uri-codec json (only-in racket/dict [dict-ref ref]))
(define (RC-get verb params)
((compose1 get-pure-port string->url format)
"" verb (alist->form-urlencoded params)))
(define (get-category catname)
(let loop ([c #f])
(define t
((compose1 read-json RC-get) 'api
`([action . "query"] [format . "json"]
[list . "categorymembers"] [cmtitle . ,(format "Category:~a" catname)]
[cmcontinue . ,(and c (ref c 'cmcontinue))] [cmlimit . "500"])))
(define (c-m key) (ref (ref t key '()) 'categorymembers #f))
(append (for/list ([page (c-m 'query)]) (ref page 'title))
(cond [(c-m 'query-continue) => loop] [else '()]))))
(printf "Total: ~a\n"
(for/sum ([task (get-category 'Programming_Tasks)])
(define s ((compose1 length regexp-match-positions*)
#rx"=={{" (RC-get 'index `([action . "raw"] [title . ,task]))))
(printf "~a: ~a\n" task s)
(formerly Perl 6)
Retrieves counts for both Tasks and Draft Tasks. Save / Display results as a sortable wikitable rather than a static list. Click on a column header to sort on that column. To do a secondary sort, hold down the shift key and click on a second column header. Tasks have a gray (default) background, Draft Tasks have a yellow background.
This example tracks the top 50 languages by number of examples completed but only generates reports in tiers of 10. More than 10 gets too heavy and difficult to navigate.
Feed it parameters to control behaviour:
- :nf or :no-fetch to use saved information to generate the different reports. Recommended for the second, third, fourth, whatever report you are generating at any one time as fetching from the site is by far the most time consuming part.
- :t=1 (or :tier=1). :t=2, :t=3, whatever, up to :t=5 to control which tier of results to generate.
Language names with spaces will have underscores inserted to make the results uniform. Some oddball languages (lookin' at you Icon and Unicon) make it very difficult to obtain accurate results. The whole "conglomerate all of the Basic dialects together" movement of a few years ago also complicates things, but this should be pretty close.
For a full output, see Top tier, Second tier, Third tier, Fourth tier
use HTTP::UserAgent;
use URI::Escape;
use JSON::Fast;
use Lingua::EN::Numbers :short;
unit sub MAIN ( Bool :nf(:$no-fetch) = False, :t(:$tier) = 1 );
# Friendlier descriptions for task categories
my %cat = (
'Programming_Tasks' => 'Task',
'Draft_Programming_Tasks' => 'Draft'
my $client =;
$client.timeout = 10;
my $url = '';
my $hashfile = './RC_Task_count.json';
my $tablefile = "./RC_Task_count-{$tier}.txt";
my %tasks;
my @places = <① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭ ⑮ ⑯ ⑰ ⑱ ⑲ ⑳ ㉑ ㉒ ㉓ ㉔ ㉕
㉖ ㉗ ㉘ ㉙ ㉚ ㉛ ㉜ ㉝ ㉞ ㉟ ㊱ ㊲ ㊳ ㊴ ㊵ ㊶ ㊷ ㊸ ㊹ ㊺ ㊺ ㊻ ㊼ ㊽ ㊾ ㊿>;
# clear screen
run($* ?? 'cls' !! 'clear') unless $no-fetch;
my %counts =
$url, 'pages',
:gcmtitle<Category:Programming Languages>,
.map({ .<title>.subst(/^'Category:'/, '') => .<categoryinfo><pages> || 0 });
my $per-tier = 10;
my $which = (^$per-tier) »+» $per-tier * ($tier - 1);
my @top-n = %counts.sort( {-.value, .key} )[|$which].map: *.key.trans(' ' => '_');
# dump a copy to STDOUT, mostly for debugging purposes
say "<pre>{tc $tier.&ord-n} {$per-tier.&card} programming languages by number of task examples completed:";
say ' ', join ' ', .map( {("{(@places[|$which])[$_]} {@top-n[$_]}").fmt("%-15s")} ) for (^@top-n).batch(5);
say "</pre>\n";
unless $no-fetch {
note 'Retrieving task information...';
mkdir('./pages') unless './pages'.IO.e;
@top-n = %counts.sort( {-.value, .key} )[^@places].map: *.key.trans(' ' => '_');;
for %cat.keys.sort -> $cat {
$url, 'pages',
my $page;
my $response;
loop {
$response = $client.get("{ $url }/index.php?title={ uri-escape .<title> }&action=raw");
if $ {
$page = $response.content;
} else {
"./pages/{ uri-escape .<title>.subst(/' '/, '_', :g) }".IO.spurt($page);
my $lc = $' ' => '_');
my $count = +$lc.comb(/ ^^'==' <-[\n=]>* '{{header|' <-[}]>+? '}}==' \h* $$ /);
%tasks{.<title>} = {'cat' => %cat{$cat}, :$count};
%tasks{.<title>}<top-n> = (^@top-n).map( {
($lc.contains("==\{\{header|{@top-n[$_].lc}}}") or
# Deal with 3 part headers - {{header|F_Sharp|F#}}, {{header|C_Sharp|C#}}, etc.
$lc.contains("==\{\{header|{@top-n[$_].lc}|") or
# Icon and Unicon are their own special flowers
$lc.contains("}}_and_\{\{header|{@top-n[$_].lc}}}==") or
# Language1 / Language2 for shared entries (e.g. C / C++)
$lc.contains(rx/'}}''_'*'/''_'*'{{header|'$(@top-n[$_].lc)'}}=='/)) ??
(@places[$_]) !!
# Check if the task was omitted
$lc.contains("\{\{omit_from|{@top-n[$_].lc}") ?? 'O' !!
# The task is neither done or omitted
' '
} ).join;
print clear, 1 + $++, ' ', %cat{$cat}, ' ', .<title>;
print clear;
note "\nTask information saved to local file: {$hashfile.IO.absolute}";
# Load information from local file
%tasks = $hashfile.IO.e ?? $hashfile.IO.slurp.&from-json !! ( );
@top-n = %counts.sort( {-.value, .key} )[|$which].map: *.key.trans(' ' => '_');
# Convert saved task info to a table
note "\nBuilding table...";
my $count = +%tasks;
my $taskcnt = +%tasks.grep: *.value.<cat> eq %cat<Programming_Tasks>;
my $draftcnt = $count - $taskcnt;
my $total = sum %tasks{*}»<count>;
# Dump table to a file
my $out = open($tablefile, :w) or die "$!\n";
$out.say: "<pre>{tc $tier.&ord-n} {$per-tier.&card} programming languages by number of task examples completed:";
$out.say: ' ', join ' ', .map( {("{(@places[|$which])[$_]} {@top-n[$_]}").fmt("%-15s")} ) for (^@top-n).batch(5);
$out.say: "</pre>\n\n<div style=\"height:40em;overflow:scroll;\">";
# Add table boilerplate and caption
'{|class="wikitable sortable"', "\n",
"|+ As of { } :: Tasks: { $taskcnt } ::<span style=\"background-color:#ffd\"> Draft Tasks:",
"{ $draftcnt } </span>:: Total Tasks: { $count } :: Total Examples: { $total }\n",
# Sort tasks by count then add row
for %tasks.sort: { [-.value<count>, .key] } -> $task {
( $task.value<cat> eq 'Draft'
?? "|- style=\"background-color: #ffc\"\n"
!! "|-\n"
"| { $task.value<count> }\n",
( $task.key ~~ /\d/
?? "|data-sort-value=\"{ $task.key.&naturally }\"| [[{uri-escape $task.key}|{$task.key}]]\n"
!! "| [[{uri-escape $task.key}|{$task.key}]]\n"
"|{ $task.value<top-n>.comb[|$which].join('||') }"
$out.say( "|}\n</div>" );
note "Table file saved as: {$tablefile.IO.absolute}";
sub mediawiki-query ($site, $type, *%query) {
my $url = "$site/api.php?" ~ uri-query-string(
:action<query>, :format<json>, :formatversion<2>, |%query);
my $continue = '';
gather loop {
my $response = $client.get("$url&$continue");
my $data = from-json($response.content);
take $_ for $data.<query>.{$type}.values;
$continue = uri-query-string |($data.<query-continue>{*}».hash.hash or last);
sub uri-query-string (*%fields) {{ "{.key}={uri-escape .value}" }).join("&") }
sub naturally ($a) { $\d+)/, ->$/ {0~(65+$0.chars).chr~$0},:g) }
sub clear { "\r" ~ ' ' x 116 ~ "\r" }
- Abridged output:
Top ten programming language by number of task examples completed: ① Go ② Perl 6 ③ Kotlin ④ Python ⑤ Phix ⑥ Racket ⑦ Perl ⑧ C ⑨ Julia ⑩ Tcl
Count | Task | ① | ② | ③ | ④ | ⑤ | ⑥ | ⑦ | ⑧ | ⑨ | ⑩ |
405 | Hello world/Text | ① | ② | ③ | ④ | ⑤ | ⑥ | ⑦ | ⑧ | ⑨ | ⑩ |
283 | 99 Bottles of Beer | ① | ② | ③ | ④ | ⑤ | ⑥ | ⑦ | ⑧ | ⑨ | ⑩ |
276 | FizzBuzz | ① | ② | ③ | ④ | ⑤ | ⑥ | ⑦ | ⑧ | ⑨ | ⑩ |
273 | 100 doors | ① | ② | ③ | ④ | ⑤ | ⑥ | ⑦ | ⑧ | ⑨ | ⑩ |
251 | Fibonacci sequence | ① | ② | ③ | ④ | ⑤ | ⑥ | ⑦ | ⑧ | ⑨ | ⑩ |
246 | Comments | ① | ② | ③ | ④ | ⑤ | ⑥ | ⑦ | ⑧ | ⑨ | ⑩ |
239 | Factorial | ① | ② | ③ | ④ | ⑤ | ⑥ | ⑦ | ⑧ | ⑨ | ⑩ |
223 | Empty program | ① | ② | ③ | ④ | ⑤ | ⑥ | ⑦ | ⑧ | ⑨ | ⑩ |
222 | A+B | ① | ② | ③ | ④ | ⑤ | ⑥ | ⑦ | ⑧ | ⑨ | ⑩ |
214 | Function definition | ① | ② | ③ | ④ | ⑤ | ⑥ | ⑦ | ⑧ | ⑨ | ⑩ |
# Project: Rosetta Code/Count examples
load "stdlib.ring"
ros= download("")
pos = 1
num = 0
totalros = 0
rosname = ""
rostitle = ""
for n = 1 to len(ros)
nr = searchstring(ros,'<li><a href="/wiki/',pos)
if nr = 0
pos = nr + 1
nr = searchname(nr)
nr = searchtitle(nr)
see nl
see "Total: " + totalros + " examples." + nl
func searchstring(str,substr,n)
nr = substr(newstr, substr)
if nr = 0
return 0
return n + nr -1
func searchname(sn)
nr2 = searchstring(ros,'">',sn)
nr3 = searchstring(ros,"</a></li>",sn)
rosname = substr(ros,nr2+2,nr3-nr2-2)
return sn
func searchtitle(sn)
st = searchstring(ros,"title=",sn)
rostitle = substr(ros,sn+19,st-sn-21)
rostitle = "" + rostitle
rostitle = download(rostitle)
sum = count(rostitle,"Edit section:")
num = num + 1
see "" + num + ". " + rosname + ": " + sum + " examples." + nl
totalros = totalros + sum
return sn
func count(cstring,dstring)
sum = 0
while substr(cstring,dstring) > 0
sum = sum + 1
cstring = substr(cstring,substr(cstring,dstring)+len(string(sum)))
return sum
1. 100 doors: 331 examples. 2. 15 Puzzle Game: 48 examples. 3. 15 puzzle solver: 18 examples. 4. 2048: 40 examples. 5. 24 game: 95 examples. 6. 24 game/Solve: 59 examples. 7. 4-rings or 4-squares puzzle: 42 examples. 8. 9 billion names of God the integer: 54 examples. 9. 99 Bottles of Beer: 393 examples. 10. A+B: 250 examples. ...... 872. XML/XPath: 54 examples. 873. Y combinator: 88 examples. 874. Yahoo! search interface: 20 examples. 875. Yin and yang: 59 examples. 876. Zebra puzzle: 58 examples. 877. Zeckendorf arithmetic: 11 examples. 878. Zeckendorf number representation: 64 examples. 879. Zero to the zero power: 100 examples. 880. Zhang-Suen thinning algorithm: 26 examples. 881. Zig-zag matrix: 112 examples. Total: 62677 examples.
First, a RosettaCode module, saved as rosettacode.rb:
require 'open-uri'
require 'rexml/document'
module RosettaCode
def self.get_url(page, query)
# Ruby 1.9.2
pstr = URI.encode_www_form_component(page)
qstr = URI.encode_www_form(query)
rescue NoMethodError
require 'cgi'
pstr = CGI.escape(page)
qstr = {|k,v|
"%s=%s" % [CGI.escape(k.to_s), CGI.escape(v.to_s)]}.join("&")
url = "#{URL_ROOT}/#{pstr}?#{qstr}"
p url if $DEBUG
def self.get_api_url(query)
get_url "api.php", query
def self.category_members(category)
query = {
"action" => "query",
"list" => "categorymembers",
"cmtitle" => "Category:#{category}",
"format" => "xml",
"cmlimit" => 500,
while true
url = get_api_url query
doc = open(url)
REXML::XPath.each(doc, "//cm") do |task|
yield task.attribute("title").value
continue = REXML::XPath.first(doc, "//query-continue")
break if continue.nil?
cm = REXML::XPath.first(continue, "categorymembers")
query["cmcontinue"] = cm.attribute("cmcontinue").value
Then, we implement the task with:
require 'rosettacode'
total_examples = 0
RosettaCode.category_members("Programming_Tasks") do |task|
url = RosettaCode.get_url("index.php", {"action" => "raw", "title" => task})
examples = open(url).read.scan("=={{header").length
puts "#{task}: #{examples}"
total_examples += examples
puts "Total: #{total_examples}"
html "<table border=1><tr bgcolor=wheat align=center><td>Num</td><td>Task</td><td>Examples</td></tr>"
a$ = httpGet$("")
a$ = word$(a$,1,"</table></div>")
i = instr(a$,"<a href=""/wiki/")
i = instr(a$,"<a href=""/wiki/",i+1)
while i > 0
count = count + 1
i = instr(a$,"<a href=""/wiki/",i+1)
j = instr(a$,">",i+5)
a1$ = mid$(a$,i+15,j-i)
taskId$ = word$(a1$,1,"""")
task$ = word$(a1$,3,"""")
url$ = "";taskId$
a2$ = httpGet$(url$)
ii = instr(a2$,"<span class=""tocnumber"">")
jj = 0
while ii > 0
jj = ii
ii = instr(a2$,"<span class=""tocnumber"">",ii+10)
if jj = 0 then
examp = 0
kk = instr(a2$,"<",jj+24)
examp = int(val(mid$(a2$,jj+24,kk-jj-24)))
end if
html "<tr><td align=right>";count;"</td><td>";task$;"</td><td align=right>";examp;"</td></tr>"
totExamp = totExamp + examp
html "<tr bgcolor=wheat><td>**</td><td>** Total **</td><td align=right>";totExamp;"</td></tr></table>"
Num | Task | Examples |
1 | 100 doors | 165 |
2 | 24 game | 56 |
3 | 24 game/Solve | 34 |
4 | 99 Bottles of Beer | 192 |
5 | A+B | 129 |
6 | Abstract type | 51 |
7 | Accumulator factory | 65 |
8 | Ackermann function | 132 |
9 | Active Directory/Connect | 13 |
10 | Active Directory/Search for a user | 13 |
11 | Active object | 22 |
12 | Add a variable to a class instance at runtime | 37 |
... | ... | ... |
655 | Y combinator | 53 |
656 | Yahoo! search interface | 16 |
657 | Yin and yang | 38 |
658 | Zebra puzzle | 12 |
659 | Zeckendorf number representation | 18 |
660 | Zig-zag matrix | 65 |
** | ** Total ** | 28611 |
extern crate reqwest;
extern crate url;
extern crate rustc_serialize;
use std::io::Read;
use self::url::Url;
use rustc_serialize::json::{self, Json};
pub struct Task {
page_id: u64,
pub title: String,
enum ParseError {
/// Something went wrong with the HTTP request to the API.
/// There was a problem parsing the API response into JSON.
/// Unexpected JSON format from response
impl From<json::ParserError> for ParseError {
fn from(error: json::ParserError) -> Self {
impl From<reqwest::Error> for ParseError {
fn from(error: reqwest::Error) -> Self {
fn construct_query_category(category: &str) -> Url {
let mut base_url = Url::parse("").unwrap();
let cat = format!("Category:{}", category);
let query_pairs = vec![("action", "query"),
("format", "json"),
("list", "categorymembers"),
("cmlimit", "500"),
("cmtitle", &cat),
("continue", "")];
fn construct_query_task_content(task_id: &str) -> Url {
let mut base_url = Url::parse("").unwrap();
let mut query_pairs =
vec![("action", "query"), ("format", "json"), ("prop", "revisions"), ("rvprop", "content")];
query_pairs.push(("pageids", task_id));
fn query_api(url: Url) -> Result<Json, ParseError> {
let mut response = try!(reqwest::get(url.as_str()));
// Build JSON
let mut body = String::new();
response.read_to_string(&mut body).unwrap();
fn parse_all_tasks(reply: &Json) -> Result<Vec<Task>, ParseError> {
let json_to_task = |json: &Json| -> Result<Task, ParseError> {
let page_id: u64 = try!(json.find("pageid")
.and_then(|id| id.as_u64())
let title: &str = try!(json.find("title")
.and_then(|title| title.as_string())
Ok(Task {
page_id: page_id,
title: title.to_owned(),
let tasks_json = try!(reply.find_path(&["query", "categorymembers"])
.and_then(|tasks| tasks.as_array())
// Convert into own type
fn count_number_examples(task: &Json, task_id: u64) -> Result<u32, ParseError> {
let revisions =
try!(task.find_path(&["query", "pages", task_id.to_string().as_str(), "revisions"])
.and_then(|content| content.as_array())
let content = try!(revisions[0]
.and_then(|content| content.as_string())
Ok(content.split("=={{header").count() as u32)
pub fn query_all_tasks() -> Vec<Task> {
let query = construct_query_category("Programming_Tasks");
let json: Json = query_api(query).unwrap();
pub fn query_a_task(task: &Task) -> u32 {
let query = construct_query_task_content(&task.page_id.to_string());
let json: Json = query_api(query).unwrap();
count_number_examples(&json, task.page_id).unwrap()
The function is then run using the following:
extern crate count_examples;
fn main() {
let all_tasks = count_examples::query_all_tasks();
for task in &all_tasks {
let count = count_examples::query_a_task(task);
println!("Task: {} has {} examples", task.title, count);
import scala.language.postfixOps
object TaskCount extends App {
import{ URL, URLEncoder }
System.setProperty("http.agent", "*")
val allTasksURL =
val allTasks = xml.parsing.XhtmlParser(fromURL(new URL(allTasksURL)))
val regexExpr = "(?i)==\\{\\{header\\|".r
def oneTaskURL(title: String) = {
println(s"Check $title")
"" format URLEncoder.encode(title.replace(' ', '_'), "UTF-8")
def count(title: String) = regexExpr findAllIn fromURL(new URL(oneTaskURL(title)))(io.Codec.UTF8).mkString length
val counts = for (task <- allTasks \\ "cm" \\ "@title" map (_.text)) yield scala.actors.Futures.future((task, count(task)))
counts map (_.apply) map Function.tupled("%s: %d examples." format (_, _)) foreach println
println("\nTotal: %d examples." format (counts map (_.apply._2) sum))
var lwp = require('LWP::UserAgent').new(agent => 'Mozilla/5.0');
var site = '';
var list_url = '/mw/api.php?action=query&list=categorymembers&'+
var content = lwp.get(site + list_url).decoded_content;
while (var m = content.match(/cm.*?title="(.*?)"/g)) {
(var slug = m[0]).gsub!(' ', '_');
var count = lwp.get("#{site}/wiki/#{slug}").decoded_content.count(/toclevel-1/g);
say "#{m[0]}: #{count} examples";
- Output:
100 doors: 278 examples 15 Puzzle Game: 50 examples 15 puzzle solver: 10 examples 2048: 41 examples 24 game: 91 examples 24 game/Solve: 56 examples 4-rings or 4-squares puzzle: 44 examples 9 billion names of God the integer: 48 examples 99 Bottles of Beer: 287 examples A+B: 228 examples ...
package require Tcl 8.5
package require http
package require json
fconfigure stdout -buffering none
proc get_tasks {category} {
set start [clock milliseconds]
puts -nonewline "getting $category members..."
set base_url
set query {action query list categorymembers cmtitle Category:%s format json cmlimit 500}
set this_query [dict create {*}[split [format $query $category]]]
set tasks [list]
while {1} {
set url [join [list $base_url [http::formatQuery {*}$this_query]] ?]
set response [http::geturl $url]
if {[set s [http::status $response]] ne "ok" || [http::ncode $response] != 200} {
error "Oops: url=$url\nstatus=$s\nhttp code=[http::code $response]"
set data [json::json2dict [http::data $response]]
http::cleanup $response
# add tasks to list
foreach task [dict get $data query categorymembers] {
lappend tasks [dict get [dict create {*}$task] title]
if {[catch {dict get $data query-continue categorymembers cmcontinue} continue_task] != 0} {
# no more continuations, we're done
dict set this_query cmcontinue $continue_task
puts " found [llength $tasks] tasks in [expr {[clock milliseconds] - $start}] milliseconds"
return $tasks
# This proc can be replaced by a single regexp command:
# set count [regexp -all "***=$needle" $haystack]
# However this proc is more efficient -- we're dealing with plain strings only.
proc count_substrings {needle haystack} {
set count 0
set idx 0
while {[set idx [string first $needle $haystack $idx]] != -1} {
incr count
incr idx
return $count
set total 0
foreach task [get_tasks Programming_Tasks] {
set url [format "" [string map {{ } _} $task]]
set response [http::geturl $url]
if {[set s [http::status $response]] ne "ok" || [http::ncode $response] != 200} {
error "Oops: url=$url\nstatus=$s\nhttp code=[http::code $response]"
set count [count_substrings "\{\{header|" [http::data $response]]
puts [format "%3d examples in %s" $count $task]
http::cleanup $response
incr total $count
puts "\nTotal: $total examples"
data=REQUEST (url)
DATA :title=":
DATA :":
titles=EXTRACT (data,beg|,end,1,0,"~~")
titles=SPLIT (titles,":~~:")
sz_titles=SIZE (titles)
BUILD R_TABLE header=":==\{\{header|:"
ERROR/STOP CREATE ("tasks",seq-e,-std-)
LOOP title=titles
ask =SET_VALUE(ask,"title",title)
ask =SET_VALUE(ask,"action","raw")
ask =ENCODE (ask,cgi)
http =""
url =CONCAT (http,"?",ask)
data =REQUEST (url)
header =FILTER_INDEX (data,header,-)
line =CONCAT (title,"=",sz_header," members")
FILE "tasks" = line
all =APPEND(all,sz_header)
all =JOIN(all),sum=SUM(all),time=time()
line=CONCAT (time,": ", sz_titles, " Programing Tasks: ", sum, " solutions")
FILE "tasks" = line
Output in file "tasks":
100 doors=104 members 24 game=27 members 24 game/Solve=21 members 99 Bottles of Beer=124 members A+B=76 members Abstract type=35 members Accumulator factory=44 members ... XML/Input=39 members XML/Output=32 members XML/XPath=24 members Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm=0 members Y combinator=33 members Yahoo! search interface=10 members Zig-zag matrix=46 members 2011-01-15 03:41:30: 455 Programing Tasks: 16009 solutions
UNIX Shell
Requires the curl and jq command-line utilities.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
query+=$(printf '&%s' \
list=categorymembers \
cmtitle=Category:Programming_Tasks \
while read title; do
t=${title// /_}
tasks=$(curl -s "$PAGES?title=$t&action=raw" \
| grep -c '{{header|')
printf '%s: %d examples.\n' "$title" "$tasks"
let total+=tasks
done < <(curl -s "$query&format=json" \
| jq -r '.query.categorymembers[].title')
printf '\nTotal: %d examples.\n' "$total"
An embedded program so we can use the libcurl library.
/* Rosetta_Code_Count_examples.wren */
import "./pattern" for Pattern
var CURLOPT_URL = 10002
foreign class Buffer {
construct new() {} // C will allocate buffer of a suitable size
foreign value // returns buffer contents as a string
foreign class Curl {
construct easyInit() {}
foreign easySetOpt(opt, param)
foreign easyPerform()
foreign easyCleanup()
var curl = Curl.easyInit()
var getContent = { |url|
var buffer =
curl.easySetOpt(CURLOPT_URL, url)
curl.easySetOpt(CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, 0) // write function to be supplied by C
curl.easySetOpt(CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, buffer)
return buffer.value
var url = ""
var content =
var p ="title/=\"[+1^\"]\"")
var matches = p.findAll(content)
for (m in matches) {
var title = m.capsText[0].replace("'", "'").replace(""", "\"")
var title2 = title.replace(" ", "_").replace("+", "\%252B")
var taskUrl = ""
var taskContent =
var lines = taskContent.split("\n")
var count = lines.count { |line| line.trim().startsWith("=={{header|") }
System.print("%(title) : %(count) examples")
which we now embed in the following C program, build and run.
/* gcc Rosetta_Code_Count_examples.c -o Rosetta_Code_Count_examples -lcurl -lwren -lm */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include "wren.h"
struct MemoryStruct {
char *memory;
size_t size;
/* C <=> Wren interface functions */
static size_t WriteMemoryCallback(void *contents, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userp) {
size_t realsize = size * nmemb;
struct MemoryStruct *mem = (struct MemoryStruct *)userp;
char *ptr = realloc(mem->memory, mem->size + realsize + 1);
if(!ptr) {
/* out of memory! */
printf("not enough memory (realloc returned NULL)\n");
return 0;
mem->memory = ptr;
memcpy(&(mem->memory[mem->size]), contents, realsize);
mem->size += realsize;
mem->memory[mem->size] = 0;
return realsize;
void C_bufferAllocate(WrenVM* vm) {
struct MemoryStruct *ms = (struct MemoryStruct *)wrenSetSlotNewForeign(vm, 0, 0, sizeof(struct MemoryStruct));
ms->memory = malloc(1);
ms->size = 0;
void C_bufferFinalize(void* data) {
struct MemoryStruct *ms = (struct MemoryStruct *)data;
void C_curlAllocate(WrenVM* vm) {
CURL** pcurl = (CURL**)wrenSetSlotNewForeign(vm, 0, 0, sizeof(CURL*));
*pcurl = curl_easy_init();
void C_value(WrenVM* vm) {
struct MemoryStruct *ms = (struct MemoryStruct *)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 0);
wrenSetSlotString(vm, 0, ms->memory);
void C_easyPerform(WrenVM* vm) {
CURL* curl = *(CURL**)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 0);
void C_easyCleanup(WrenVM* vm) {
CURL* curl = *(CURL**)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 0);
void C_easySetOpt(WrenVM* vm) {
CURL* curl = *(CURL**)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 0);
CURLoption opt = (CURLoption)wrenGetSlotDouble(vm, 1);
if (opt < 10000) {
long lparam = (long)wrenGetSlotDouble(vm, 2);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, opt, lparam);
} else if (opt < 20000) {
struct MemoryStruct *ms = (struct MemoryStruct *)wrenGetSlotForeign(vm, 2);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, opt, (void *)ms);
} else if (opt == CURLOPT_URL) {
const char *url = wrenGetSlotString(vm, 2);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, opt, url);
} else if (opt < 30000) {
curl_easy_setopt(curl, opt, &WriteMemoryCallback);
WrenForeignClassMethods bindForeignClass(WrenVM* vm, const char* module, const char* className) {
WrenForeignClassMethods methods;
methods.allocate = NULL;
methods.finalize = NULL;
if (strcmp(module, "main") == 0) {
if (strcmp(className, "Buffer") == 0) {
methods.allocate = C_bufferAllocate;
methods.finalize = C_bufferFinalize;
} else if (strcmp(className, "Curl") == 0) {
methods.allocate = C_curlAllocate;
return methods;
WrenForeignMethodFn bindForeignMethod(
WrenVM* vm,
const char* module,
const char* className,
bool isStatic,
const char* signature) {
if (strcmp(module, "main") == 0) {
if (strcmp(className, "Buffer") == 0) {
if (!isStatic && strcmp(signature, "value") == 0) return C_value;
} else if (strcmp(className, "Curl") == 0) {
if (!isStatic && strcmp(signature, "easySetOpt(_,_)") == 0) return C_easySetOpt;
if (!isStatic && strcmp(signature, "easyPerform()") == 0) return C_easyPerform;
if (!isStatic && strcmp(signature, "easyCleanup()") == 0) return C_easyCleanup;
return NULL;
static void writeFn(WrenVM* vm, const char* text) {
printf("%s", text);
void errorFn(WrenVM* vm, WrenErrorType errorType, const char* module, const int line, const char* msg) {
switch (errorType) {
printf("[%s line %d] [Error] %s\n", module, line, msg);
printf("[%s line %d] in %s\n", module, line, msg);
printf("[Runtime Error] %s\n", msg);
char *readFile(const char *fileName) {
FILE *f = fopen(fileName, "r");
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
long fsize = ftell(f);
char *script = malloc(fsize + 1);
fread(script, 1, fsize, f);
script[fsize] = 0;
return script;
static void loadModuleComplete(WrenVM* vm, const char* module, WrenLoadModuleResult result) {
if( result.source) free((void*)result.source);
WrenLoadModuleResult loadModule(WrenVM* vm, const char* name) {
WrenLoadModuleResult result = {0};
if (strcmp(name, "random") != 0 && strcmp(name, "meta") != 0) {
result.onComplete = loadModuleComplete;
char fullName[strlen(name) + 6];
strcpy(fullName, name);
strcat(fullName, ".wren");
result.source = readFile(fullName);
return result;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
WrenConfiguration config;
config.writeFn = &writeFn;
config.errorFn = &errorFn;
config.bindForeignClassFn = &bindForeignClass;
config.bindForeignMethodFn = &bindForeignMethod;
config.loadModuleFn = &loadModule;
WrenVM* vm = wrenNewVM(&config);
const char* module = "main";
const char* fileName = "Rosetta_Code_Count_examples.wren";
char *script = readFile(fileName);
WrenInterpretResult result = wrenInterpret(vm, module, script);
switch (result) {
printf("Compile Error!\n");
printf("Runtime Error!\n");
return 0;
- Output:
Just showing the first 25 'full' tasks:
100 doors : 355 examples 100 prisoners : 85 examples 15 puzzle game : 86 examples 15 puzzle solver : 27 examples 2048 : 65 examples 21 game : 52 examples 24 game : 107 examples 24 game/Solve : 64 examples 4-rings or 4-squares puzzle : 74 examples 9 billion names of God the integer : 66 examples 99 bottles of beer : 376 examples A+B : 296 examples Abbreviations, automatic : 58 examples Abbreviations, easy : 50 examples Abbreviations, simple : 46 examples ABC problem : 150 examples Abelian sandpile model : 40 examples Abelian sandpile model/Identity : 28 examples Abstract type : 93 examples Abundant odd numbers : 72 examples Abundant, deficient and perfect number classifications : 110 examples Accumulator factory : 115 examples Achilles numbers : 25 examples Ackermann function : 243 examples Active Directory/Connect : 29 examples ....
Uses shared libraries YAJL and cURL and handles "continue" responses.
var [const] YAJL=Import("zklYAJL")[0], CURL=Import("zklCurl");
fcn getTasks(language){
continueValue,tasks:="",Data(0,String); // "nm\0nm\0...."
page=page[0].del(0,page[1]); // get rid of HTML header
continueValue=json.find("continue") //continue:-||,cmcontinue:page|954|19)
re:=RegExp(0'!\s+==\s*{{\s*header\s*\|!); // == {{ header | zkl
foreach task in (getTasks("Programming_Tasks")){
page=page[0].del(0,page[1]); // get rid of HTML header
cnt,n:=0,0; while(,True,n)){ cnt+=1; n=re.matched[0].sum(0); }
"%4d: %s".fmt(cnt,task).println();
- Output:
229: 100 doors 15: 15 Puzzle Game ... 257: 99 Bottles of Beer 199: A+B ... 28: Calendar - for "REAL" programmers ... 9: Stream Merge ... 78: Zero to the zero power 19: Zhang-Suen thinning algorithm 83: Zig-zag matrix
- Programming Tasks
- Rosetta Code related
- Ada
- AutoHotkey
- Bracmat
- C sharp
- Clojure
- D
- Erlang
- Xmerl
- F Sharp
- Factor
- Go
- Haskell
- Unicon
- Icon Programming Library
- J
- Java
- Jq
- Julia
- Lasso
- LiveCode
- Maple
- Mathematica
- Wolfram Language
- Octave
- Nim
- Objeck
- OCaml
- Ocamlnet
- Xml-light
- Oz
- OzHttpClient
- Perl
- Mojolicious
- Phix
- PicoLisp
- PureBasic
- Python
- Requests
- R
- XML (R)
- RCurl
- Racket
- Raku
- Ring
- Ruby
- Rust
- Scala
- Sidef
- Tcl
- Tcllib
- UNIX Shell
- Wren
- Libwren
- Libcurl
- Wren-pattern
- Zkl
- Batch File/Omit
- Brainf***/Omit
- Brlcad/Omit
- GUISS/Omit
- Lilypond/Omit
- Maxima/Omit
- Openscad/Omit
- PostScript/Omit
- TI-83 BASIC/Omit
- TI-89 BASIC/Omit
- Yorick/Omit
- ZX Spectrum Basic/Omit