This MiniScript version of RCRPG attempts to go beyond the requirements of the task to make something a little more game-like. In particular, the goal location is randomized, but clues are hidden in the dungeon to guide your way. In addition, pointless busywork (like having to explicitly bash open a passage before moving) have been mostly eliminated. Also, some "color" comments are randomly added to the rooms, but both these comments and the room contents are persistent, even between levels. This strengthens the illusion of moving around a realistic virtual space.
The objective of the game is to find your way to the mystical Room of MacGuffin, whose location is unknown. Watch for messages scratched on the walls by previous travelers, which may provide clues on your quest.
Direction commands: north, south, east, west, up, down. Enter these (or their one-letter abbreviations) to move in the given direction, bashing open a passage if necessary. Note that such bashing requires a sledgehammer; one has been provided to you. In order to go up, there must be a ladder in the room.
Take items from the room with take or get. You may specify an item name (take ladder) to take one of that item; a plural name (take ladders) to take all available; or take all to take everything from the room.
Drop items into the room with drop. Specify the item to drop in the same way as for take.
View the items you're carrying with inventory (or inv or i). Review the room description, including its contents, with look.
To get in-game help, enter help (optionally followed by the command you want to know more about).
pos = [0,0,0]
goal = [floor(rnd*10), floor(rnd*10), floor(3+rnd*5)]
dir = {} // key: direction name; value: [dx, dy, dz]
dirAbbrevs = {} // key: direction abbrevation; value: full name
dir.up = [0,0,1]
dir.down = [0,0,-1]
dir.north = [0,1,0]
dir.south = [0,-1,0]
dir.east = [1,0,0]
dir.west = [-1,0,0]
for k in dir.indexes
dirAbbrevs[k[0]] = k
end for
inverseDir = {"up":"down", "down":"up", "east":"west", "west":"east", "north":"south", "south":"north"}
descNum = function(count, noun)
if count == 1 then return "a " + noun
return str(count) + " " + noun + "s"
end function
descList = function(lst)
if lst.len == 0 then return ""
if lst.len == 1 then return lst[0]
if lst.len == 2 then return lst[0] + " and " + lst[1]
return lst[:-1].join(", ") + ", and " + lst[-1]
end function
pickAny = function(options)
lst = options.split(";")
return lst[rnd * lst.len]
end function
Contents = {}
Contents.ladders = 0
Contents.gold = 0
Contents.hammers = 0 // (note: a "sledge" is a sled or sleigh, not a sledgehammer)
Contents.desc = function(prefix, postfix=".")
s = []
if self.ladders > 0 then s.push descNum(self.ladders, "ladder")
if self.hammers > 0 then s.push descNum(self.hammers, "sledgehammer")
if self.gold > 0 then s.push descNum(self.gold, "gold coin")
if not s then return prefix + " nothing" + postfix
return prefix + " " + descList(s) + postfix
end function
Contents.initRandom = function()
self.ladders = (rnd < 0.3)
self.gold = ceil(rnd * 3) * (rnd < 0.1)
self.hammers = (rnd < 0.02)
end function
Contents.propName = function(obj)
if obj == "ladder" or obj == "ladders" then return "ladders"
if obj == "gold" or obj == "coin" or obj == "coins" then return "gold"
if obj[:6] == "hammer" or obj[:6] == "sledge" then return "hammers"
return ""
end function
Contents.hasAny = function(obj)
pname = Contents.propName(obj)
if pname == "" then return false
return self[pname] > 0
end function
Contents.withdraw = function(obj)
result = new Contents
if obj == "all" then
result.ladders = self.ladders
self.ladders = 0
result.hammers = self.hammers
self.hammers = 0
result.gold = self.gold
self.gold = 0
pname = Contents.propName(obj)
if self[pname] < 1 then return null
if obj[-1] == "s" then count = self[pname] else count = 1
self[pname] = self[pname] - count
result[pname] = count
end if
return result
end function
Contents.deposit = function(c)
self.ladders = self.ladders + c.ladders
self.hammers = self.hammers + c.hammers
self.gold = self.gold + c.gold
end function
inventory = new Contents
inventory.hammers = 1
Room = {}
Room.exits = {}
Room.color = ""
Room.init = function(pos)
self.contents = new Contents
if pos == goal then
self.color = "YOU FOUND IT! This is the mystical Room of MacGuffin!"
else if rnd < 0.5 then
// Give a hint about where the goal is.
opt = floor(rnd * 3)
if opt == 0 then
if goal[2] == pos[2] then
hint = "The MacGuffin lies on this level."
else if goal[2] > pos[2] then
hint = "The MacGuffin rests above."
hint = "The MacGuffin lies below."
end if
else if opt == 1 then
if goal[0] > pos[0] then
hint = "The MacGuffin lies to the east."
else if goal[0] < pos[0] then
hint = "The MacGuffin lies to the west."
hint = "The MacGuffin lies... <undecipherable>"
end if
if goal[1] > pos[1] then
hint = "The MacGuffin lies to the north."
else if goal[1] < pos[1] then
hint = "The MacGuffin lies to the south."
hint = "The MacGuffin lies... <undecipherable>"
end if
end if
self.color = "Scratched on the wall is a message: " + hint
else if rnd < 0.5 then
// Give some random color comment.
color = []
opt = floor(rnd * 3)
if opt == 1 then
color.push "You detect " + pickAny("a faint;an odd;a musty;a rotten;an unpleasant")
color.push pickAny("smell;odor;scent;stench") + " here."
else if opt == 2 then
color.push "You can hear a" + pickAny(" faint; quiet; soft; strange;n eerie")
color.push pickAny("dripping;scratching;scrabbling;whistling;moaning")
color.push pickAny("sound;noise") + " here."
color.push "The " + pickAny("walls here are;floor here is;ceiling of this room is")
color.push pickAny("smeared with;discolored by;marred by;covered with")
color.push pickAny("dried blood;cobwebs;scratches;gouges;scorch marks;soot;mineral deposits;bits of fur") + "."
end if
self.color = color.join
end if
self.exits = {}
end function
rooms = {} // key: STRING FORM of position; value: Room
getRoom = function(pos=null)
if pos == null then pos = globals.pos
key = str(pos)
if not rooms.hasIndex(key) then
rooms[key] = new Room
rooms[key].init pos
end if
return rooms[key]
end function
// Commands:
commands = {}
help = {}
commands.drop = function(obj)
items = inventory.withdraw(obj)
if items == null then
print "You don't have any " + obj + "."
getRoom.contents.deposit items
print items.desc("You drop")
end if
end function
help.drop = "Drops an item from your inventory into the room. Specify object name or ""all""."
commands.go = function(d)
oldRoom = getRoom
if dirAbbrevs.hasIndex(d) then d = dirAbbrevs[d]
if not dir then
print "Which direction?"
else if not dir.hasIndex(d) then
print "That's not a direction I recognize."
else if d == "up" and oldRoom.contents.ladders == 0 then
print "There is no ladder in this room to go up."
if not oldRoom.exits.hasIndex(d) then
if inventory.hammers < 1 then
print "There is no exit that way, and you don't have a sledgehammer."
end if
wall = "wall"
if d == "up" then wall = "ceiling"
if d == "down" then wall = "floor"
print "You bash the " + wall + " until you make a passage big enough to crawl through."
oldRoom.exits.push d
end if
delta = dir[d]
pos[0] = pos[0] + delta[0]
pos[1] = pos[1] + delta[1]
pos[2] = pos[2] + delta[2]
newRoom = getRoom
newRoom.exits.push inverseDir[d]
verb = "crawl"
if d == "up" then verb = "climb"
if d == "down" then
if newRoom.contents.ladders > 0 then verb = "climb" else verb = "drop"
end if
print "You " + verb + " " + d + "."
if pos == goal then
print "You have recovered the MacGuffin and " + descNum(inventory.gold, "gold coin") + ". You win!"
globals.gameOver = true
end if
end if
end function
help.go = "Moves in the given direction, bashing open a passage if necessary."
commands.help = function(arg)
if aliases.hasIndex(arg) then arg = aliases[arg]
if help.hasIndex(arg) then
print arg + ": " + help[arg]
print "Available commands: " + descList(help.indexes.sort)
end if
end function
help.help = "Prints the help. Obviously."
commands.inventory = function(arg)
print inventory.desc("You have")
end function
help.inventory = "Lists the items you are carrying."
commands.look = function(arg)
print "You are at " + pos + "."
room = getRoom
if room.color != "" then print room.color
print room.contents.desc("You see", " here.")
exits = room.exits.indexes
if exits.len == 0 then
print "There are no exits."
else if room.exits.len == 1 then
print "There is a passage " + exits[0] + "."
print "There are passages " + descList(exits) + "."
end if
end function
help.look = "Prints a description of the room and its contents."
commands.quit = function(arg)
print "Quitter!"
globals.gameOver = true
end function
help.quit = "Quits the game."
commands.take = function(obj)
roomStuff = getRoom.contents
items = roomStuff.withdraw(obj)
if items == null then
print "You don't see any " + obj + " here."
inventory.deposit items
print items.desc("You take")
end if
end function
help.take = "Picks up an item in the room; specify item name, or ""all""."
// Command aliases:
aliases = {"i":"inventory", "inv":"inventory", "l":"look", "get":"take"}
// Main game loop
gameOver = false
while not gameOver
cmd = input(">").split(" ", 2)
if cmd.len == 1 then cmd.push null
verb = cmd[0]
if aliases.hasIndex(verb) then verb = aliases[verb]
if commands.hasIndex(verb) then
f = commands[verb]
f cmd[1]
else if dirAbbrevs.hasIndex(verb) or dir.hasIndex(verb) then
commands.go verb
print "Invalid command. For help, enter: help"
end if
end while
- Output:
You are at [0, 0, 0]. You see a ladder and 2 gold coins here. There are no exits. >up You bash the ceiling until you make a passage big enough to crawl through. You climb up. You are at [0, 0, 1]. You see nothing here. There is a passage down. >n You bash the wall until you make a passage big enough to crawl through. You crawl north. You are at [0, 1, 1]. The floor here is covered with bits of fur. You see 3 gold coins here. There is a passage south. >get all You take 3 gold coins. ... You are at [3, 5, 6]. Scratched on the wall is a message: The MacGuffin lies... <undecipherable> You see nothing here. There are passages north and down. >drop ladder You drop a ladder. >up You bash the ceiling until you make a passage big enough to crawl through. You climb up. You are at [3, 5, 7]. YOU FOUND IT! This is the mystical Room of MacGuffin! You see a ladder here. There is a passage down. You have recovered the MacGuffin and 5 gold coins. You win!