Polynomial long division

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at Polynomial long division. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Rosetta Code, the text of Wikipedia is available under the GNU FDL. (See links for details on variance) |
- In algebra, polynomial long division is an algorithm for dividing a polynomial by another polynomial of the same or lower degree.
Let us suppose a polynomial is represented by a vector, (i.e., an ordered collection of coefficients) so that the th element keeps the coefficient of , and the multiplication by a monomial is a shift of the vector's elements "towards right" (injecting ones from left) followed by a multiplication of each element by the coefficient of the monomial.
Then a pseudocode for the polynomial long division using the conventions described above could be:
degree(P): return the index of the last non-zero element of P; if all elements are 0, return -∞ polynomial_long_division(N, D) returns (q, r): // N, D, q, r are vectors if degree(D) < 0 then error q ← 0 while degree(N) ≥ degree(D) d ← D shifted right by (degree(N) - degree(D)) q(degree(N) - degree(D)) ← N(degree(N)) / d(degree(d)) // by construction, degree(d) = degree(N) of course d ← d * q(degree(N) - degree(D)) N ← N - d endwhile r ← N return (q, r)
Note: vector * scalar
multiplies each element of the vector by the scalar; vectorA - vectorB
subtracts each element of the vectorB from the element of the vectorA with "the same index". The vectors in the pseudocode are zero-based.
- Error handling (for allocations or for wrong inputs) is not mandatory.
- Conventions can be different; in particular, note that if the first coefficient in the vector is the highest power of x for the polynomial represented by the vector, then the algorithm becomes simpler.
Example for clarification
This example is from Wikipedia, but changed to show how the given pseudocode works.
0 1 2 3 ---------------------- N: -42 0 -12 1 degree = 3 D: -3 1 0 0 degree = 1 d(N) - d(D) = 2, so let's shift D towards right by 2: N: -42 0 -12 1 d: 0 0 -3 1 N(3)/d(3) = 1, so d is unchanged. Now remember that "shifting by 2" is like multiplying by x2, and the final multiplication (here by 1) is the coefficient of this monomial. Let's store this into q: 0 1 2 --------------- q: 0 0 1 now compute N - d, and let it be the "new" N, and let's loop N: -42 0 -9 0 degree = 2 D: -3 1 0 0 degree = 1 d(N) - d(D) = 1, right shift D by 1 and let it be d N: -42 0 -9 0 d: 0 -3 1 0 * -9/1 = -9 q: 0 -9 1 d: 0 27 -9 0 N ← N - d N: -42 -27 0 0 degree = 1 D: -3 1 0 0 degree = 1 looping again... d(N)-d(D)=0, so no shift is needed; we multiply D by -27 (= -27/1) storing the result in d, then q: -27 -9 1 and N: -42 -27 0 0 - d: 81 -27 0 0 = N: -123 0 0 0 (last N) d(N) < d(D), so now r ← N, and the result is: 0 1 2 ------------- q: -27 -9 1 → x2 - 9x - 27 r: -123 0 0 → -123
- Related task
F degree(&poly)
L !poly.empty & poly.last == 0
R poly.len - 1
F poly_div(&n, &D)
V dD = degree(&D)
V dN = degree(&n)
I dD < 0
[Float] q
I dN >= dD
q = [0.0] * dN
L dN >= dD
V d = [0.0] * (dN - dD) [+] D
V mult = n.last / Float(d.last)
q[dN - dD] = mult
d = d.map(coeff -> coeff * @mult)
n = zip(n, d).map((coeffN, coeffd) -> coeffN - coeffd)
dN = degree(&n)
q = [0.0]
R (q, n)
V n = [-42.0, 0.0, -12.0, 1.0]
V D = [-3.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
print(‘ #. / #. =’.format(n, D), end' ‘ ’)
V (q, r) = poly_div(&n, &D)
print(‘ #. remainder #.’.format(q, r))
- Output:
POLYNOMIAL LONG DIVISION [-42, 0, -12, 1] / [-3, 1, 0, 0] = [-27, -9, 1] remainder [-123]
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Long_Division is
package Int_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO (Integer);
use Int_IO;
type Degrees is range -1 .. Integer'Last;
subtype Valid_Degrees is Degrees range 0 .. Degrees'Last;
type Polynom is array (Valid_Degrees range <>) of Integer;
function Degree (P : Polynom) return Degrees is
for I in reverse P'Range loop
if P (I) /= 0 then
return I;
end if;
end loop;
return -1;
end Degree;
function Shift_Right (P : Polynom; D : Valid_Degrees) return Polynom is
Result : Polynom (0 .. P'Last + D) := (others => 0);
Result (Result'Last - P'Length + 1 .. Result'Last) := P;
return Result;
end Shift_Right;
function "*" (Left : Polynom; Right : Integer) return Polynom is
Result : Polynom (Left'Range);
for I in Result'Range loop
Result (I) := Left (I) * Right;
end loop;
return Result;
end "*";
function "-" (Left, Right : Polynom) return Polynom is
Result : Polynom (Left'Range);
for I in Result'Range loop
if I in Right'Range then
Result (I) := Left (I) - Right (I);
Result (I) := Left (I);
end if;
end loop;
return Result;
end "-";
procedure Poly_Long_Division (Num, Denom : Polynom; Q, R : out Polynom) is
N : Polynom := Num;
D : Polynom := Denom;
if Degree (D) < 0 then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
Q := (others => 0);
while Degree (N) >= Degree (D) loop
T : Polynom := Shift_Right (D, Degree (N) - Degree (D));
Q (Degree (N) - Degree (D)) := N (Degree (N)) / T (Degree (T));
T := T * Q (Degree (N) - Degree (D));
N := N - T;
end loop;
R := N;
end Poly_Long_Division;
procedure Output (P : Polynom) is
First : Boolean := True;
for I in reverse P'Range loop
if P (I) /= 0 then
if First then
First := False;
Put (" + ");
end if;
if I > 0 then
if P (I) /= 1 then
Put (P (I), 0);
Put ("*");
end if;
Put ("x");
if I > 1 then
Put ("^");
Put (Integer (I), 0);
end if;
elsif P (I) /= 0 then
Put (P (I), 0);
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end Output;
Test_N : constant Polynom := (0 => -42, 1 => 0, 2 => -12, 3 => 1);
Test_D : constant Polynom := (0 => -3, 1 => 1);
Test_Q : Polynom (Test_N'Range);
Test_R : Polynom (Test_N'Range);
Poly_Long_Division (Test_N, Test_D, Test_Q, Test_R);
Put_Line ("Dividing Polynoms:");
Put ("N: "); Output (Test_N);
Put ("D: "); Output (Test_D);
Put_Line ("-------------------------");
Put ("Q: "); Output (Test_Q);
Put ("R: "); Output (Test_R);
end Long_Division;
Dividing Polynoms: N: x^3 + -12*x^2 + -42 D: x + -3 ------------------------- Q: x^2 + -9*x + -27 R: -123
BEGIN # polynomial division #
# in this polynomials are represented by []INT items where #
# the coefficients are in order of increasing powers, i.e., #
# element 0 = coefficient of x^0, element 1 = coefficient of #
# x^1, etc. #
# returns the degree of the polynomial p, the highest index of #
# p where the element is non-zero or - max int if all #
# elements of p are 0 #
INT result := - max int;
IF p[ i ] /= 0 THEN result := i FI
# in-place multiplication of the elements of a by b returns a #
OP *:= = ( REF[]INT a, INT b )REF[]INT:
a[ i ] *:= b
END # *:= # ;
# subtracts the corresponding elements of b from those of a, #
# a and b must have the same bounds - returns a #
OP -:= = ( REF[]INT a, []INT b )REF[]INT:
a[ i ] -:= b[ i ]
END # -:= # ;
# returns the polynomial a right-shifted by shift, the bounds #
# are unchanged, so high order elements are lost #
OP SHR = ( []INT a, INT shift )[]INT:
[ LWB a : UPB a ]INT result;
FOR i FROM LWB result TO shift - ( LWB result + 1 ) DO result[ i ] := 0 OD;
FOR i FROM shift - LWB result TO UPB result DO result[ i ] := a[ i - shift ] OD;
END # SHR # ;
# polynomial long disivion of n in by d in, returns q and r #
print( ( "polynomial division by polynomial with negative degree", newline ) );
[ LWB d in : UPB d in ]INT d := d in;
[ LWB n in : UPB n in ]INT n := n in;
[ LWB n in : UPB n in ]INT q; FOR i FROM LWB q TO UPB q DO q[ i ] := 0 OD;
INT dd in = DEGREE d in;
WHILE DEGREE n >= dd in DO
d := d in SHR ( DEGREE n - dd in );
q[ DEGREE n - dd in ] := n[ DEGREE n ] OVER d[ DEGREE d ];
# DEGREE d is now DEGREE n #
d *:= q[ DEGREE n - dd in ];
n -:= d
( q, n )
FI # / # ;
# displays the polynomial p #
BOOL first := TRUE;
IF INT e = p[ i ];
e /= 0
print( ( IF e < 0 AND first THEN "-"
ELIF e < 0 THEN " - "
ELIF first THEN ""
ELSE " + "
, IF ABS e = 1 THEN "" ELSE whole( ABS e, 0 ) FI
IF i > 0 THEN
print( ( "x" ) );
IF i > 1 THEN print( ( "^", whole( i, 0 ) ) ) FI
first := FALSE
IF first THEN
# degree is negative #
print( ( "(negative degree)" ) )
[]INT n = ( []INT( -42, 0, -12, 1 ) )[ AT 0 ];
[]INT d = ( []INT( -3, 1, 0, 0 ) )[ AT 0 ];
SHOWPOLYNOMIAL n; print( ( " divided by " ) ); SHOWPOLYNOMIAL d;
print( ( newline, " -> Q: " ) ); SHOWPOLYNOMIAL q OF qr;
print( ( newline, " R: " ) ); SHOWPOLYNOMIAL r OF qr;
print( ( newline ) )
- Output:
x^3 - 12x^2 - 42 divided by x - 3 -> Q: x^2 - 9x - 27 R: -123
q r d←⍵
(≢d) > n←≢r : q r
c ← (⊃⌽r) ÷ ⊃⌽d
∇ (c,q) ((¯1↓r) - c × ¯1↓(-n)↑d) d
} ⍬ ⍺ ⍵
- Output:
N←¯42 0 ¯12 1 D←¯3 1 ⍪N div D ¯27 ¯9 1 ¯123
DIM N%(3) : N%() = -42, 0, -12, 1
DIM D%(3) : D%() = -3, 1, 0, 0
DIM q%(3), r%(3)
PROC_poly_long_div(N%(), D%(), q%(), r%())
PRINT "Quotient = "; FNcoeff(q%(2)) "x^2" FNcoeff(q%(1)) "x" FNcoeff(q%(0))
PRINT "Remainder = " ; r%(0)
DEF PROC_poly_long_div(N%(), D%(), q%(), r%())
LOCAL d%(), i%, s%
DIM d%(DIM(N%(),1))
s% = FNdegree(N%()) - FNdegree(D%())
IF s% >= 0 THEN
q%() = 0
WHILE s% >= 0
FOR i% = 0 TO DIM(d%(),1) - s%
d%(i%+s%) = D%(i%)
q%(s%) = N%(FNdegree(N%())) DIV d%(FNdegree(d%()))
d%() = d%() * q%(s%)
N%() -= d%()
s% = FNdegree(N%()) - FNdegree(D%())
r%() = N%()
q%() = 0
r%() = N%()
DEF FNdegree(a%())
i% = DIM(a%(),1)
WHILE a%(i%)=0
i% -= 1
= i%
DEF FNcoeff(n%)
IF n%=0 THEN = ""
IF n%<0 THEN = " - " + STR$(-n%)
IF n%=1 THEN = " + "
= " + " + STR$(n%)
Quotient = + x^2 - 9x - 27 Remainder = -123
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_vector.h>
#define MAX(A,B) (((A)>(B))?(A):(B))
void reoshift(gsl_vector *v, int h)
if ( h > 0 ) {
gsl_vector *temp = gsl_vector_alloc(v->size);
gsl_vector_view p = gsl_vector_subvector(v, 0, v->size - h);
gsl_vector_view p1 = gsl_vector_subvector(temp, h, v->size - h);
gsl_vector_memcpy(&p1.vector, &p.vector);
p = gsl_vector_subvector(temp, 0, h);
gsl_vector_memcpy(v, temp);
gsl_vector *poly_long_div(gsl_vector *n, gsl_vector *d, gsl_vector **r)
gsl_vector *nt = NULL, *dt = NULL, *rt = NULL, *d2 = NULL, *q = NULL;
int gn, gt, gd;
if ( (n->size >= d->size) && (d->size > 0) && (n->size > 0) ) {
nt = gsl_vector_alloc(n->size); assert(nt != NULL);
dt = gsl_vector_alloc(n->size); assert(dt != NULL);
rt = gsl_vector_alloc(n->size); assert(rt != NULL);
d2 = gsl_vector_alloc(n->size); assert(d2 != NULL);
gsl_vector_memcpy(nt, n);
gsl_vector_set_zero(dt); gsl_vector_set_zero(rt);
gsl_vector_view p = gsl_vector_subvector(dt, 0, d->size);
gsl_vector_memcpy(&p.vector, d);
gsl_vector_memcpy(d2, dt);
gn = n->size - 1;
gd = d->size - 1;
gt = 0;
while( gsl_vector_get(d, gd) == 0 ) gd--;
while ( gn >= gd ) {
reoshift(dt, gn-gd);
double v = gsl_vector_get(nt, gn)/gsl_vector_get(dt, gn);
gsl_vector_set(rt, gn-gd, v);
gsl_vector_scale(dt, v);
gsl_vector_sub(nt, dt);
gt = MAX(gt, gn-gd);
while( (gn>=0) && (gsl_vector_get(nt, gn) == 0.0) ) gn--;
gsl_vector_memcpy(dt, d2);
q = gsl_vector_alloc(gt+1); assert(q != NULL);
p = gsl_vector_subvector(rt, 0, gt+1);
gsl_vector_memcpy(q, &p.vector);
if ( r != NULL ) {
if ( (gn+1) > 0 ) {
*r = gsl_vector_alloc(gn+1); assert( *r != NULL );
p = gsl_vector_subvector(nt, 0, gn+1);
gsl_vector_memcpy(*r, &p.vector);
} else {
*r = gsl_vector_alloc(1); assert( *r != NULL );
gsl_vector_free(nt); gsl_vector_free(dt);
gsl_vector_free(rt); gsl_vector_free(d2);
return q;
} else {
q = gsl_vector_alloc(1); assert( q != NULL );
if ( r != NULL ) {
*r = gsl_vector_alloc(n->size); assert( *r != NULL );
gsl_vector_memcpy(*r, n);
return q;
void poly_print(gsl_vector *p)
int i;
for(i=p->size-1; i >= 0; i--) {
if ( i > 0 )
printf("%lfx^%d + ",
gsl_vector_get(p, i), i);
printf("%lf\n", gsl_vector_get(p, i));
gsl_vector *create_poly(int d, ...)
va_list al;
int i;
gsl_vector *r = NULL;
va_start(al, d);
r = gsl_vector_alloc(d); assert( r != NULL );
for(i=0; i < d; i++)
gsl_vector_set(r, i, va_arg(al, double));
return r;
int main()
int i;
gsl_vector *q, *r;
gsl_vector *nv, *dv;
//nv = create_poly(4, -42., 0., -12., 1.);
//dv = create_poly(2, -3., 1.);
//nv = create_poly(3, 2., 3., 1.);
//dv = create_poly(2, 1., 1.);
nv = create_poly(4, -42., 0., -12., 1.);
dv = create_poly(3, -3., 1., 1.);
q = poly_long_div(nv, dv, &r);
return 0;
Another version
Without outside libs, for clarity. Note that polys are stored and show with zero-degree term first:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct {
int power;
double * coef;
} poly_t, *poly;
#define E(x, i) (x)->coef[i]
/* passing in negative power to have a zeroed poly */
poly p_new(int power, ...)
int i, zeroed = 0;
va_list ap;
if (power < 0) {
power = -power;
zeroed = 1;
poly p = malloc(sizeof(poly_t));
p->power = power;
p->coef = malloc(sizeof(double) * ++power);
if (zeroed)
for (i = 0; i < power; i++) p->coef[i] = 0;
else {
va_start(ap, power);
for (i = 0; i < power; i++)
E(p, i) = va_arg(ap, double);
return p;
void p_del(poly p)
void p_print(poly p)
int i;
for (i = 0; i <= p->power; i++)
printf("%g ", E(p, i));
poly p_copy(poly p)
poly q = p_new(-p->power);
memcpy(q->coef, p->coef, sizeof(double) * (1 + p->power));
return q;
/* p: poly; d: divisor; r: remainder; returns quotient */
poly p_div(poly p, poly d, poly* r)
poly q;
int i, j;
int power = p->power - d->power;
double ratio;
if (power < 0) return 0;
q = p_new(-power);
*r= p_copy(p);
for (i = p->power; i >= d->power; i--) {
E(q, i - d->power) = ratio = E(*r, i) / E(d, d->power);
E(*r ,i) = 0;
for (j = 0; j < d->power; j++)
E(*r, i - d->power + j) -= E(d, j) * ratio;
while (! E(*r, --(*r)->power));
return q;
int main()
poly p = p_new(3, 1., 2., 3., 4.);
poly d = p_new(2, 1., 2., 1.);
poly r;
poly q = p_div(p, d, &r);
printf("poly: "); p_print(p);
printf("div: "); p_print(d);
printf("quot: "); p_print(q);
printf("rem: "); p_print(r);
return 0;
using System;
namespace PolynomialLongDivision {
class Solution {
public Solution(double[] q, double[] r) {
Quotient = q;
Remainder = r;
public double[] Quotient { get; }
public double[] Remainder { get; }
class Program {
static int PolyDegree(double[] p) {
for (int i = p.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (p[i] != 0.0) return i;
return int.MinValue;
static double[] PolyShiftRight(double[] p, int places) {
if (places <= 0) return p;
int pd = PolyDegree(p);
if (pd + places >= p.Length) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("The number of places to be shifted is too large");
double[] d = new double[p.Length];
p.CopyTo(d, 0);
for (int i = pd; i >= 0; --i) {
d[i + places] = d[i];
d[i] = 0.0;
return d;
static void PolyMultiply(double[] p, double m) {
for (int i = 0; i < p.Length; ++i) {
p[i] *= m;
static void PolySubtract(double[] p, double[] s) {
for (int i = 0; i < p.Length; ++i) {
p[i] -= s[i];
static Solution PolyLongDiv(double[] n, double[] d) {
if (n.Length != d.Length) {
throw new ArgumentException("Numerator and denominator vectors must have the same size");
int nd = PolyDegree(n);
int dd = PolyDegree(d);
if (dd < 0) {
throw new ArgumentException("Divisor must have at least one one-zero coefficient");
if (nd < dd) {
throw new ArgumentException("The degree of the divisor cannot exceed that of the numerator");
double[] n2 = new double[n.Length];
n.CopyTo(n2, 0);
double[] q = new double[n.Length];
while (nd >= dd) {
double[] d2 = PolyShiftRight(d, nd - dd);
q[nd - dd] = n2[nd] / d2[nd];
PolyMultiply(d2, q[nd - dd]);
PolySubtract(n2, d2);
nd = PolyDegree(n2);
return new Solution(q, n2);
static void PolyShow(double[] p) {
int pd = PolyDegree(p);
for (int i = pd; i >= 0; --i) {
double coeff = p[i];
if (coeff == 0.0) continue;
if (coeff == 1.0) {
if (i < pd) {
Console.Write(" + ");
} else if (coeff == -1.0) {
if (i < pd) {
Console.Write(" - ");
} else {
} else if (coeff < 0.0) {
if (i < pd) {
Console.Write(" - {0:F1}", -coeff);
} else {
Console.Write("{0:F1}", coeff);
} else {
if (i < pd) {
Console.Write(" + {0:F1}", coeff);
} else {
Console.Write("{0:F1}", coeff);
if (i > 1) Console.Write("x^{0}", i);
else if (i == 1) Console.Write("x");
static void Main(string[] args) {
double[] n = { -42.0, 0.0, -12.0, 1.0 };
double[] d = { -3.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
Console.Write("Numerator : ");
Console.Write("Denominator : ");
Solution sol = PolyLongDiv(n, d);
Console.Write("Quotient : ");
Console.Write("Remainder : ");
- Output:
Numerator : x^3 - 12.0x^2 - 42.0 Denominator : x - 3.0 ------------------------------------- Quotient : x^2 - 9.0x - 27.0 Remainder : -123.0
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
typedef vector<double> Poly;
// does: prints all members of vector
// input: c - ASCII char with the name of the vector
// A - reference to polynomial (vector)
void Print(char name, const Poly &A) {
cout << name << "(" << A.size()-1 << ") = [ ";
copy(A.begin(), A.end(), ostream_iterator<decltype(A[0])>(cout, " "));
cout << "]\n";
int main() {
Poly N, D, d, q, r; // vectors - N / D == q && N % D == r
size_t dN, dD, dd, dq, dr; // degrees of vectors
size_t i; // loop counter
// setting the degrees of vectors
cout << "Enter the degree of N: ";
cin >> dN;
cout << "Enter the degree of D: ";
cin >> dD;
dq = dN-dD;
dr = dN-dD;
if( dD < 1 || dN < 1 ) {
cerr << "Error: degree of D and N must be positive.\n";
return 1;
// allocation and initialization of vectors
cout << "Enter the coefficients of N:"<<endl;
for ( i = 0; i <= dN; i++ ) {
cout << "N[" << i << "]= ";
cin >> N[i];
cout << "Enter the coefficients of D:"<<endl;
for ( i = 0; i <= dD; i++ ) {
cout << "D[" << i << "]= ";
cin >> D[i];
cout << "-- Procedure --" << endl << endl;
if( dN >= dD ) {
while(dN >= dD) {
// d equals D shifted right
d.assign(d.size(), 0);
for( i = 0 ; i <= dD ; i++ )
d[i+dN-dD] = D[i];
dd = dN;
Print( 'd', d );
// calculating one element of q
q[dN-dD] = N[dN]/d[dd];
Print( 'q', q );
// d equals d * q[dN-dD]
for( i = 0 ; i < dq + 1 ; i++ )
d[i] = d[i] * q[dN-dD];
Print( 'd', d );
// N equals N - d
for( i = 0 ; i < dN + 1 ; i++ )
N[i] = N[i] - d[i];
Print( 'N', N );
cout << "-----------------------" << endl << endl;
// r equals N
for( i = 0 ; i <= dN ; i++ )
r[i] = N[i];
cout << "=========================" << endl << endl;
cout << "-- Result --" << endl << endl;
Print( 'q', q );
Print( 'r', r );
This example performs multivariate polynomial division using Buchberger's algorithm to decompose a polynomial into its Gröbner bases. Polynomials are represented as hash-maps of monomials with tuples of exponents as keys and their corresponding coefficients as values: e.g. 2xy + 3x + 5y + 7 is represented as {[1 1] 2, [1 0] 3, [0 1] 5, [0 0] 7}.
Since this algorithm is much more efficient when the input is in graded reverse lexicographic (grevlex) order a comparator is included to be used with Clojure's sorted-map—(into (sorted-map-by grevlex) ...)
—as well as necessary functions to compute polynomial multiplication, monomial complements, and S-polynomials.
(defn grevlex [term1 term2]
(let [grade1 (reduce +' term1)
grade2 (reduce +' term2)
comp (- grade2 grade1)] ;; total degree
(if (not= 0 comp)
(loop [term1 term1
term2 term2]
(if (empty? term1)
(let [grade1 (last term1)
grade2 (last term2)
comp (- grade1 grade2)] ;; differs from grlex because terms are flipped from above
(if (not= 0 comp)
(recur (pop term1)
(pop term2)))))))))
(defn mul
;; transducer
([poly1] ;; completion
([] poly1)
([poly2] (mul poly1 poly2))
([poly2 & more] (mul poly1 poly2 more))))
([poly1 poly2]
(let [product (atom (transient (sorted-map-by grevlex)))]
(doall ;; `for` is lazy so must to be forced for side-effects
(for [term1 poly1
term2 poly2
:let [vars (mapv +' (key term1) (key term2))
coeff (* (val term1) (val term2))]]
(if (contains? @product vars)
(swap! product assoc! vars (+ (get @product vars) coeff))
(swap! product assoc! vars coeff))))
(->> product
([poly1 poly2 & more]
(reduce mul (mul poly1 poly2) more)))
(defn compl [term1 term2]
(map (fn [x y]
(and (zero? x) (not= 0 y)) nil
(< x y) nil
(>= x y) (- x y)))
(defn s-poly [f g]
(let [f-vars (first f)
g-vars (first g)
lcm (compl f-vars g-vars)]
(if (not-any? nil? lcm)
{(vec lcm)
(/ (second f) (second g))})))
(defn divide [f g]
(loop [f f
g g
result (transient {})
remainder {}]
(if (empty? f)
(list (persistent! result)
(->> remainder
(filter #(not (nil? %)))
(into (sorted-map-by grevlex))))
(let [term1 (first f)
term2 (first g)
s-term (s-poly term1 term2)]
(if (nil? s-term)
(recur (dissoc f (first term1))
(dissoc g (first term2))
(conj remainder term1))
(recur (sub f (mul g s-term))
(conj! result s-term)
(deftest divide-tests
(is (= (divide {[1 1] 2, [1 0] 3, [0 1] 5, [0 0] 7}
{[1 1] 2, [1 0] 3, [0 1] 5, [0 0] 7})
'({[0 0] 1} {})))
(is (= (divide {[1 1] 2, [1 0] 3, [0 1] 5, [0 0] 7}
{[0 0] 1})
'({[1 1] 2, [1 0] 3, [0 1] 5, [0 0] 7} {})))
(is (= (divide {[1 1] 2, [1 0] 10, [0 1] 3, [0 0] 15}
{[0 1] 1, [0 0] 5})
'({[1 0] 2, [0 0] 3} {})))
(is (= (divide {[1 1] 2, [1 0] 10, [0 1] 3, [0 0] 15}
{[1 0] 2, [0 0] 3})
'({[0 1] 1, [0 0] 5} {}))))
Common Lisp
Polynomials are represented as lists of degree/coefficient pairs ordered by degree (highest degree first), and pairs with zero coefficients can be omitted. Multiply
and divide
perform long multiplication and long division, respectively. multiply
returns one value, the product, and divide
returns two, the quotient and the remainder.
(defun add (p1 p2)
(do ((sum '())) ((and (endp p1) (endp p2)) (nreverse sum))
(let ((pd1 (if (endp p1) -1 (caar p1)))
(pd2 (if (endp p2) -1 (caar p2))))
(multiple-value-bind (c1 c2)
((> pd1 pd2) (values (cdr (pop p1)) 0))
((< pd1 pd2) (values 0 (cdr (pop p2))))
(t (values (cdr (pop p1)) (cdr (pop p2)))))
(let ((csum (+ c1 c2)))
(unless (zerop csum)
(setf sum (acons (max pd1 pd2) csum sum))))))))
(defun multiply (p1 p2)
(flet ((*p2 (p)
(destructuring-bind (d . c) p
(loop for (pd . pc) in p2
collecting (cons (+ d pd) (* c pc))))))
(reduce 'add (mapcar #'*p2 p1) :initial-value '())))
(defun subtract (p1 p2)
(add p1 (multiply '((0 . -1)) p2)))
(defun divide (dividend divisor &aux (sum '()))
(assert (not (endp divisor)) (divisor)
:operation 'divide
:operands (list dividend divisor))
(flet ((floor1 (dividend divisor)
(if (endp dividend) (values '() ())
(destructuring-bind (d1 . c1) (first dividend)
(destructuring-bind (d2 . c2) (first divisor)
(if (> d2 d1) (values '() dividend)
(let* ((quot (list (cons (- d1 d2) (/ c1 c2))))
(rem (subtract dividend (multiply divisor quot))))
(values quot rem))))))))
(loop (multiple-value-bind (quotient remainder)
(floor1 dividend divisor)
(if (endp quotient) (return (values sum remainder))
(setf dividend remainder
sum (add quotient sum)))))))
The wikipedia example:
> (divide '((3 . 1) (2 . -12) (0 . -42)) ; x^3 - 12x^2 - 42
'((1 . 1) (0 . -3))) ; x - 3
((2 . 1) (1 . -9) (0 . -27)) ; x^2 - 9x - 27
((0 . -123)) ; -123
import std.stdio, std.range, std.algorithm, std.typecons, std.conv;
Tuple!(double[], double[]) polyDiv(in double[] inN, in double[] inD)
nothrow pure @safe {
// Code smell: a function that does two things.
static int trimAndDegree(T)(ref T[] poly) nothrow pure @safe @nogc {
poly = poly.retro.find!q{ a != b }(0.0).retro;
return poly.length.signed - 1;
auto N = inN.dup;
const(double)[] D = inD;
const dD = trimAndDegree(D);
auto dN = trimAndDegree(N);
double[] q;
if (dD < 0)
throw new Error("ZeroDivisionError");
if (dN >= dD) {
q = [0.0].replicate(dN);
while (dN >= dD) {
auto d = [0.0].replicate(dN - dD) ~ D;
immutable mult = q[dN - dD] = N[$ - 1] / d[$ - 1];
d[] *= mult;
N[] -= d[];
dN = trimAndDegree(N);
} else
q = [0.0];
return tuple(q, N);
int trimAndDegree1(T)(ref T[] poly) nothrow pure @safe @nogc {
poly.length -= poly.retro.countUntil!q{ a != 0 };
return poly.length.signed - 1;
void main() {
immutable N = [-42.0, 0.0, -12.0, 1.0];
immutable D = [-3.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0];
writefln("%s / %s = %s remainder %s", N, D, polyDiv(N, D)[]);
- Output:
[-42, 0, -12, 1] / [-3, 1, 0, 0] = [-27, -9, 1] remainder [-123]
program Polynomial_long_division;
PPolySolution = ^TPolySolution;
TPolynomio = record
class function Degree(p: TPolynomio): Integer; static;
class function ShiftRight(p: TPolynomio; places: Integer): TPolynomio; static;
class function PolyMultiply(p: TPolynomio; m: double): TPolynomio; static;
class function PolySubtract(p, s: TPolynomio): TPolynomio; static;
class function PolyLongDiv(n, d: TPolynomio): PPolySolution; static;
function GetSize: Integer;
value: TArray<Double>;
class operator RightShift(p: TPolynomio; b: Integer): TPolynomio;
class operator Multiply(p: TPolynomio; m: double): TPolynomio;
class operator Subtract(p, s: TPolynomio): TPolynomio;
class operator Divide(p, s: TPolynomio): PPolySolution;
class operator Implicit(a: TArray<Double>): TPolynomio;
class operator Implicit(a: TPolynomio): string;
procedure Assign(other: TPolynomio); overload;
procedure Assign(other: TArray<Double>); overload;
property Size: Integer read GetSize;
function ToString: string;
TPolySolution = record
Quotient, Remainder: TPolynomio;
constructor Create(q, r: TPolynomio);
{ TPolynomio }
procedure TPolynomio.Assign(other: TPolynomio);
procedure TPolynomio.Assign(other: TArray<Double>);
SetLength(value, length(other));
for var i := 0 to High(other) do
value[i] := other[i];
class function TPolynomio.Degree(p: TPolynomio): Integer;
var len := high(p.value);
for var i := len downto 0 do
if p.value[i] <> 0.0 then
Result := -1;
class operator TPolynomio.Divide(p, s: TPolynomio): PPolySolution;
Result := PolyLongDiv(p, s);
function TPolynomio.GetSize: Integer;
Result := Length(value);
class operator TPolynomio.Implicit(a: TPolynomio): string;
Result := a.toString;
class operator TPolynomio.Implicit(a: TArray<Double>): TPolynomio;
class operator TPolynomio.Multiply(p: TPolynomio; m: double): TPolynomio;
Result := TPolynomio.PolyMultiply(p, m);
class function TPolynomio.PolyLongDiv(n, d: TPolynomio): PPolySolution;
Solution: TPolySolution;
if length(n.value) <> Length(d.value) then
raise Exception.Create('Numerator and denominator vectors must have the same size');
var nd := Degree(n);
var dd := Degree(d);
if dd < 0 then
raise Exception.Create('Divisor must have at least one one-zero coefficient');
if nd < dd then
raise Exception.Create('The degree of the divisor cannot exceed that of the numerator');
var n2, q: TPolynomio;
SetLength(q.value, length(n.value));
while nd >= dd do
var d2 := d shr (nd - dd);
q.value[nd - dd] := n2.value[nd] / d2.value[nd];
d2 := d2 * q.value[nd - dd];
n2 := n2 - d2;
nd := Degree(n2);
Result^.Create(q, n2);
class function TPolynomio.PolyMultiply(p: TPolynomio; m: double): TPolynomio;
for var i := 0 to High(p.value) do
Result.value[i] := p.value[i] * m;
class operator TPolynomio.RightShift(p: TPolynomio; b: Integer): TPolynomio;
Result := TPolynomio.ShiftRight(p, b);
class function TPolynomio.ShiftRight(p: TPolynomio; places: Integer): TPolynomio;
if places <= 0 then
var pd := Degree(p);
for var i := pd downto 0 do
Result.value[i + places] := Result.value[i];
Result.value[i] := 0.0;
class operator TPolynomio.Subtract(p, s: TPolynomio): TPolynomio;
Result := TPolynomio.PolySubtract(p, s);
class function TPolynomio.PolySubtract(p, s: TPolynomio): TPolynomio;
for var i := 0 to High(p.value) do
Result.value[i] := p.value[i] - s.value[i];
function TPolynomio.ToString: string;
Result := '';
var pd := Degree(self);
for var i := pd downto 0 do
var coeff := value[i];
if coeff = 0.0 then
if coeff = 1.0 then
if i < pd then
Result := Result + ' + ';
if coeff = -1 then
if i < pd then
Result := Result + ' - '
Result := Result + '-';
if coeff < 0.0 then
if i < pd then
Result := Result + format(' - %.1f', [-coeff])
Result := Result + format('%.1f', [coeff]);
if i < pd then
Result := Result + format(' + %.1f', [coeff])
Result := Result + format('%.1f', [coeff]);
if i > 1 then
Result := Result + 'x^' + i.tostring
else if i = 1 then
Result := Result + 'x';
{ TPolySolution }
constructor TPolySolution.Create(q, r: TPolynomio);
// Just for force implicitty string conversion
procedure Writeln(s: string);
n, d: TPolynomio;
Solution: PPolySolution;
n := [-42.0, 0.0, -12.0, 1.0];
d := [-3.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0];
Write('Numerator : ');
Write('Denominator : ');
Solution := n / d;
Write('Quotient : ');
Write('Remainder : ');
FreeMem(Solution, sizeof(TPolySolution));
This program has some unnecessary features contributing to its length:
- It creates polynomial objects rather than performing its operations directly on arrays.
- It includes code for printing polynomials nicely.
- It prints the intermediate steps of the division.
pragma.syntax("0.9") pragma.enable("accumulator") def superscript(x, out) { if (x >= 10) { superscript(x // 10) } out.print("⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹"[x %% 10]) } def makePolynomial(initCoeffs :List) { def degree := { var i := initCoeffs.size() - 1 while (i >= 0 && initCoeffs[i] <=> 0) { i -= 1 } if (i < 0) { -Infinity } else { i } } def coeffs := initCoeffs(0, if (degree == -Infinity) { [] } else { degree + 1 }) def polynomial { /** Print the polynomial (not necessary for the task) */ to __printOn(out) { out.print("(λx.") var first := true for i in (0..!(coeffs.size())).descending() { def coeff := coeffs[i] if (coeff <=> 0) { continue } out.print(" ") if (coeff <=> 1 && !(i <=> 0)) { # no coefficient written if it's 1 and not the constant term } else if (first) { out.print(coeff) } else if (coeff > 0) { out.print("+ ", coeff) } else { out.print("- ", -coeff) } if (i <=> 0) { # no x if it's the constant term } else if (i <=> 1) { out.print("x") } else { out.print("x"); superscript(i, out) } first := false } out.print(")") } /** Evaluate the polynomial (not necessary for the task) */ to run(x) { return accum 0 for i => c in coeffs { _ + c * x**i } } to degree() { return degree } to coeffs() { return coeffs } to highestCoeff() { return coeffs[degree] } /** Could support another polynomial, but not part of this task. Computes this * x**power. */ to timesXToThe(power) { return makePolynomial([0] * power + coeffs) } /** Multiply (by a scalar only). */ to multiply(scalar) { return makePolynomial(accum [] for x in coeffs { _.with(x * scalar) }) } /** Subtract (by another polynomial only). */ to subtract(other) { def oc := other.coeffs() :List return makePolynomial(accum [] for i in 0..(coeffs.size().max(oc.size())) { _.with(coeffs.fetch(i, fn{0}) - oc.fetch(i, fn{0})) }) } /** Polynomial long division. */ to quotRem(denominator, trace) { var numerator := polynomial require(denominator.degree() >= 0) if (numerator.degree() < denominator.degree()) { return [makePolynomial([]), denominator] } else { var quotientCoeffs := [0] * (numerator.degree() - denominator.degree()) while (numerator.degree() >= denominator.degree()) { trace.print(" ", numerator, "\n") def qCoeff := numerator.highestCoeff() / denominator.highestCoeff() def qPower := numerator.degree() - denominator.degree() quotientCoeffs with= (qPower, qCoeff) def d := denominator.timesXToThe(qPower) * qCoeff trace.print("- ", d, " (= ", denominator, " * ", qCoeff, "x"); superscript(qPower, trace); trace.print(")\n") numerator -= d trace.print(" -------------------------- (Quotient so far: ", makePolynomial(quotientCoeffs), ")\n") } return [makePolynomial(quotientCoeffs), numerator] } } } return polynomial }
def n := makePolynomial([-42, 0, -12, 1])
def d := makePolynomial([-3, 1])
println("Numerator: ", n)
println("Denominator: ", d)
def [q, r] := n.quotRem(d, stdout)
println("Quotient: ", q)
println("Remainder: ", r)
Numerator: (λx. x³ - 12x² - 42) Denominator: (λx. x - 3) (λx. x³ - 12x² - 42) - (λx. x³ - 3.0x²) (= (λx. x - 3) * 1.0x²) -------------------------- (Quotient so far: (λx. x²)) (λx. -9.0x² - 42.0) - (λx. -9.0x² + 27.0x) (= (λx. x - 3) * -9.0x¹) -------------------------- (Quotient so far: (λx. x² - 9.0x)) (λx. -27.0x - 42.0) - (λx. -27.0x + 81.0) (= (λx. x - 3) * -27.0x⁰) -------------------------- (Quotient so far: (λx. x² - 9.0x - 27.0)) Quotient: (λx. x² - 9.0x - 27.0) Remainder: (λx. -123.0)
defmodule Polynomial do
def division(_, []), do: raise ArgumentError, "denominator is zero"
def division(_, [0]), do: raise ArgumentError, "denominator is zero"
def division(f, g) when length(f) < length(g), do: {[0], f}
def division(f, g) do
{q, r} = division(g, [], f)
if q==[], do: q = [0]
if r==[], do: r = [0]
{q, r}
defp division(g, q, r) when length(r) < length(g), do: {q, r}
defp division(g, q, r) do
p = hd(r) / hd(g)
r2 = Enum.zip(r, g)
|> Enum.with_index
|> Enum.reduce(r, fn {{pn,pg},i},acc ->
List.replace_at(acc, i, pn - p * pg)
division(g, q++[p], tl(r2))
[ { [1, -12, 0, -42], [1, -3] },
{ [1, -12, 0, -42], [1, 1, -3] },
{ [1, 3, 2], [1, 1] },
{ [1, -4, 6, 5, 3], [1, 2, 1] } ]
|> Enum.each(fn {f,g} ->
{q, r} = Polynomial.division(f, g)
IO.puts "#{inspect f} / #{inspect g} => #{inspect q} remainder #{inspect r}"
- Output:
[1, -12, 0, -42] / [1, -3] => [1.0, -9.0, -27.0] remainder [-123.0] [1, -12, 0, -42] / [1, 1, -3] => [1.0, -13.0] remainder [16.0, -81.0] [1, 3, 2] / [1, 1] => [1.0, 2.0] remainder [0.0] [1, -4, 6, 5, 3] / [1, 2, 1] => [1.0, -6.0, 17.0] remainder [-23.0, -14.0]
let rec shift n l = if n <= 0 then l else shift (n-1) (l @ [0.0])
let rec pad n l = if n <= 0 then l else pad (n-1) (0.0 :: l)
let rec norm = function | 0.0 :: tl -> norm tl | x -> x
let deg l = List.length (norm l) - 1
let zip op p q =
let d = (List.length p) - (List.length q) in
List.map2 op (pad (-d) p) (pad d q)
let polydiv f g =
let rec aux f s q =
let ddif = (deg f) - (deg s) in
if ddif < 0 then (q, f) else
let k = (List.head f) / (List.head s) in
let ks = List.map ((*) k) (shift ddif s) in
let q' = zip (+) q (shift ddif [k])
let f' = norm (List.tail (zip (-) f ks)) in
aux f' s q' in
aux (norm f) (norm g) []
let str_poly l =
let term v p = match (v, p) with
| ( _, 0) -> string v
| (1.0, 1) -> "x"
| ( _, 1) -> (string v) + "*x"
| (1.0, _) -> "x^" + (string p)
| _ -> (string v) + "*x^" + (string p) in
let rec terms = function
| [] -> []
| h :: t ->
if h = 0.0 then (terms t) else (term h (List.length t)) :: (terms t) in
String.concat " + " (terms l)
let _ =
let f,g = [1.0; -4.0; 6.0; 5.0; 3.0], [1.0; 2.0; 1.0] in
let q, r = polydiv f g in
" (%s) div (%s)\ngives\nquotient:\t(%s)\nremainder:\t(%s)\n"
(str_poly f) (str_poly g) (str_poly q) (str_poly r)
- Output:
(x^4 + -4*x^3 + 6*x^2 + 5*x + 3) div (x^2 + 2*x + 1) gives quotient: (x^2 + -6*x + 17) remainder: (-23*x + -14)
USE: math.polynomials
{ -42 0 -12 1 } { -3 1 } p/mod ptrim [ . ] bi@
- Output:
V{ -27 -9 1 } V{ -123 }
module Polynom
implicit none
subroutine poly_long_div(n, d, q, r)
real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: n, d
real, dimension(:), intent(out), allocatable :: q
real, dimension(:), intent(out), allocatable, optional :: r
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: nt, dt, rt
integer :: gn, gt, gd
if ( (size(n) >= size(d)) .and. (size(d) > 0) .and. (size(n) > 0) ) then
allocate(nt(size(n)), dt(size(n)), rt(size(n)))
nt = n
dt = 0
dt(1:size(d)) = d
rt = 0
gn = size(n)-1
gd = size(d)-1
gt = 0
do while ( d(gd+1) == 0 )
gd = gd - 1
end do
do while( gn >= gd )
dt = eoshift(dt, -(gn-gd))
rt(gn-gd+1) = nt(gn+1) / dt(gn+1)
nt = nt - dt * rt(gn-gd+1)
gt = max(gt, gn-gd)
gn = gn - 1
if ( nt(gn+1) /= 0 ) exit
end do
dt = 0
dt(1:size(d)) = d
end do
q = rt(1:gt+1)
if ( present(r) ) then
if ( (gn+1) > 0 ) then
r = nt(1:gn+1)
r = 0.0
end if
end if
deallocate(nt, dt, rt)
q = 0
if ( present(r) ) then
r = n
end if
end if
end subroutine poly_long_div
subroutine poly_print(p)
real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: p
integer :: i
do i = size(p), 1, -1
if ( i > 1 ) then
write(*, '(F0.2,"x^",I0," + ")', advance="no") p(i), i-1
write(*, '(F0.2)') p(i)
end if
end do
end subroutine poly_print
end module Polynom
program PolyDivTest
use Polynom
implicit none
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: q
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: r
!! three tests from Wikipedia, plus an extra
!call poly_long_div( (/ -3., 1. /), (/ -42., 0.0, -12., 1. /), q, r)
call poly_long_div( (/ -42., 0.0, -12., 1. /), (/ -3., 1. /), q, r)
!call poly_long_div( (/ -42., 0.0, -12., 1. /), (/ -3., 1., 1. /), q, r)
!call poly_long_div( (/ 2., 3., 1. /), (/ 1., 1. /), q, r)
call poly_print(q)
call poly_print(r)
deallocate(q, r)
end program PolyDivTest
#define EPS 1.0e-20
type polyterm
degree as uinteger
coeff as double
end type
sub poly_print( P() as double )
dim as string outstr = "", sri
for i as integer = ubound(P) to 0 step -1
if outstr<>"" then
if P(i)>0 then outstr = outstr + " + "
if P(i)<0 then outstr = outstr + " - "
end if
if P(i)=0 then continue for
if abs(P(i))<>1 or i=0 then
if outstr="" then
outstr = outstr + str((P(i)))
outstr = outstr + str(abs(P(i)))
end if
end if
if i>0 then outstr=outstr+"x"
sri= str(i)
if i>1 then outstr=outstr + "^" + sri
next i
print outstr
end sub
function lc_deg( B() as double ) as polyterm
'gets the coefficent and degree of the leading term in a polynomial
dim as polyterm ret
for i as uinteger = ubound(B) to 0 step -1
if B(i)<>0 then
ret.degree = i
ret.coeff = B(i)
return ret
end if
next i
return ret
end function
sub poly_multiply( byval k as polyterm, P() as double )
'in-place multiplication of polynomial by a polynomial term
dim i as integer
for i = ubound(P) to k.degree step -1
P(i) = k.coeff*P(i-k.degree)
next i
for i = k.degree-1 to 0 step -1
next i
end sub
sub poly_subtract( P() as double, Q() as double )
'in place subtraction of one polynomial from another
dim as uinteger deg = ubound(P)
for i as uinteger = 0 to deg
P(i) -= Q(i)
if abs(P(i))<EPS then P(i)=0 'stupid floating point subtraction, grumble grumble
next i
end sub
sub poly_add( P() as double, byval t as polyterm )
'in-place addition of a polynomial term to a polynomial
P(t.degree) += t.coeff
end sub
sub poly_copy( source() as double, target() as double )
for i as uinteger = 0 to ubound(source)
target(i) = source(i)
next i
end sub
sub polydiv( A() as double, B() as double, Q() as double, R() as double )
dim as polyterm s
dim as double sB(0 to ubound(B))
poly_copy A(), R()
dim as uinteger d = ubound(B), degr = lc_deg(R()).degree
dim as double c = lc_deg(B()).coeff
while degr >= d
s.coeff = lc_deg(R()).coeff/c
s.degree = degr - d
poly_add Q(), s
poly_copy B(), sB()
redim preserve sB(0 to s.degree+ubound(sB)) as double
poly_multiply s, sB()
poly_subtract R(), sB()
degr = lc_deg(R()).degree
redim sB(0 to ubound(B))
end sub
dim as double N(0 to 4) = {-42, 0, -12, 1} 'x^3 - 12x^2 - 42
dim as double D(0 to 2) = {-3, 1} ' x - 3
dim as double Q(0 to ubound(N)), R(0 to ubound(N))
polydiv( N(), D(), Q(), R() )
poly_print Q() 'quotient
poly_print R() 'remainder
- Output:
x^2 - 9x - 27 -123
GAP has built-in functions for computations with polynomials.
x := Indeterminate(Rationals, "x");
p := x^11 + 3*x^8 + 7*x^2 + 3;
q := x^7 + 5*x^3 + 1;
QuotientRemainder(p, q);
# [ x^4+3*x-5, -16*x^4+25*x^3+7*x^2-3*x+8 ]
By the convention and pseudocode given in the task:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
n := []float64{-42, 0, -12, 1}
d := []float64{-3, 1}
fmt.Println("N:", n)
fmt.Println("D:", d)
q, r, ok := pld(n, d)
if ok {
fmt.Println("Q:", q)
fmt.Println("R:", r)
} else {
func degree(p []float64) int {
for d := len(p) - 1; d >= 0; d-- {
if p[d] != 0 {
return d
return -1
func pld(nn, dd []float64) (q, r []float64, ok bool) {
if degree(dd) < 0 {
nn = append(r, nn...)
if degree(nn) >= degree(dd) {
q = make([]float64, degree(nn)-degree(dd)+1)
for degree(nn) >= degree(dd) {
d := make([]float64, degree(nn)+1)
copy(d[degree(nn)-degree(dd):], dd)
q[degree(nn)-degree(dd)] = nn[degree(nn)] / d[degree(d)]
for i := range d {
d[i] *= q[degree(nn)-degree(dd)]
nn[i] -= d[i]
return q, nn, true
N: [-42 0 -12 1] D: [-3 1] Q: [-27 -9 1] R: [-123 0 0 0]
Translated from the OCaml code elsewhere on the page.
import Data.List
shift n l = l ++ replicate n 0
pad n l = replicate n 0 ++ l
norm :: Fractional a => [a] -> [a]
norm = dropWhile (== 0)
deg l = length (norm l) - 1
zipWith' op p q = zipWith op (pad (-d) p) (pad d q)
where d = (length p) - (length q)
polydiv f g = aux (norm f) (norm g) []
where aux f s q | ddif < 0 = (q, f)
| otherwise = aux f' s q'
where ddif = (deg f) - (deg s)
k = (head f) / (head s)
ks = map (* k) $ shift ddif s
q' = zipWith' (+) q $ shift ddif [k]
f' = norm $ tail $ zipWith' (-) f ks
And this is the also-translated pretty printing function.
str_poly l = intercalate " + " $ terms l
where term v 0 = show v
term 1 1 = "x"
term v 1 = (show v) ++ "x"
term 1 p = "x^" ++ (show p)
term v p = (show v) ++ "x^" ++ (show p)
terms :: Fractional a => [a] -> [String]
terms [] = []
terms (0:t) = terms t
terms (h:t) = (term h (length t)) : (terms t)
From http://www.jsoftware.com/jwiki/Phrases/Polynomials
divmod=:[: (}: ; {:) ([ (] -/@,:&}. (* {:)) ] , %&{.~)^:(>:@-~&#)&.|.~
Wikipedia example:
_42 0 _12 1 divmod _3 1
This produces the result:
┌────────┬────┐ │_27 _9 1│_123│ └────────┴────┘
This means that divided by produces with a remainder of .
Replace existing translation.
When generalized, the coefficients of polynomial division are fractions. This implementation supports integer and fraction coefficients.
To test and validate the results, polynomial multiplication and addition are also implemented.
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
public class PolynomialLongDivision {
public static void main(String[] args) {
RunDivideTest(new Polynomial(1, 3, -12, 2, -42, 0), new Polynomial(1, 1, -3, 0));
RunDivideTest(new Polynomial(5, 2, 4, 1, 1, 0), new Polynomial(2, 1, 3, 0));
RunDivideTest(new Polynomial(5, 10, 4, 7, 1, 0), new Polynomial(2, 4, 2, 2, 3, 0));
RunDivideTest(new Polynomial(2,7,-24,6,2,5,-108,4,3,3,-120,2,-126,0), new Polynomial(2, 4, 2, 2, 3, 0));
private static void RunDivideTest(Polynomial p1, Polynomial p2) {
Polynomial[] result = p1.divide(p2);
System.out.printf("Compute: (%s) / (%s) = %s reminder %s%n", p1, p2, result[0], result[1]);
System.out.printf("Test: (%s) * (%s) + (%s) = %s%n%n", result[0], p2, result[1], result[0].multiply(p2).add(result[1]));
private static final class Polynomial {
private List<Term> polynomialTerms;
// Format - coeff, exp, coeff, exp, (repeating in pairs) . . .
public Polynomial(long ... values) {
if ( values.length % 2 != 0 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ERROR 102: Polynomial constructor. Length must be even. Length = " + values.length);
polynomialTerms = new ArrayList<>();
for ( int i = 0 ; i < values.length ; i += 2 ) {
polynomialTerms.add(new Term(BigInteger.valueOf(values[i]), values[i+1]));
Collections.sort(polynomialTerms, new TermSorter());
public Polynomial() {
// zero
polynomialTerms = new ArrayList<>();
polynomialTerms.add(new Term(BigInteger.ZERO, 0));
private Polynomial(List<Term> termList) {
if ( termList.size() != 0 ) {
// Remove zero terms if needed
for ( int i = 0 ; i < termList.size() ; i++ ) {
if ( termList.get(i).coefficient.compareTo(Integer.ZERO_INT) == 0 ) {
if ( termList.size() == 0 ) {
// zero
termList.add(new Term(BigInteger.ZERO,0));
polynomialTerms = termList;
Collections.sort(polynomialTerms, new TermSorter());
public Polynomial[] divide(Polynomial v) {
Polynomial q = new Polynomial();
Polynomial r = this;
Number lcv = v.leadingCoefficient();
long dv = v.degree();
while ( r.degree() >= dv ) {
Number lcr = r.leadingCoefficient();
Number s = lcr.divide(lcv);
Term term = new Term(s, r.degree() - dv);
q = q.add(term);
r = r.add(v.multiply(term.negate()));
return new Polynomial[] {q, r};
public Polynomial add(Polynomial polynomial) {
List<Term> termList = new ArrayList<>();
int thisCount = polynomialTerms.size();
int polyCount = polynomial.polynomialTerms.size();
while ( thisCount > 0 || polyCount > 0 ) {
Term thisTerm = thisCount == 0 ? null : polynomialTerms.get(thisCount-1);
Term polyTerm = polyCount == 0 ? null : polynomial.polynomialTerms.get(polyCount-1);
if ( thisTerm == null ) {
else if (polyTerm == null ) {
else if ( thisTerm.degree() == polyTerm.degree() ) {
Term t = thisTerm.add(polyTerm);
if ( t.coefficient.compareTo(Integer.ZERO_INT) != 0 ) {
else if ( thisTerm.degree() < polyTerm.degree() ) {
else {
return new Polynomial(termList);
public Polynomial add(Term term) {
List<Term> termList = new ArrayList<>();
boolean added = false;
for ( int index = 0 ; index < polynomialTerms.size() ; index++ ) {
Term currentTerm = polynomialTerms.get(index);
if ( currentTerm.exponent == term.exponent ) {
added = true;
if ( currentTerm.coefficient.add(term.coefficient).compareTo(Integer.ZERO_INT) != 0 ) {
else {
if ( ! added ) {
return new Polynomial(termList);
public Polynomial multiply(Polynomial polynomial) {
List<Term> termList = new ArrayList<>();
for ( int i = 0 ; i < polynomialTerms.size() ; i++ ) {
Term ci = polynomialTerms.get(i);
for ( int j = 0 ; j < polynomial.polynomialTerms.size() ; j++ ) {
Term cj = polynomial.polynomialTerms.get(j);
Term currentTerm = ci.multiply(cj);
boolean added = false;
for ( int k = 0 ; k < termList.size() ; k++ ) {
if ( currentTerm.exponent == termList.get(k).exponent ) {
added = true;
Term t = termList.remove(k).add(currentTerm);
if ( t.coefficient.compareTo(Integer.ZERO_INT) != 0 ) {
if ( ! added ) {
return new Polynomial(termList);
public Polynomial multiply(Term term) {
List<Term> termList = new ArrayList<>();
for ( int index = 0 ; index < polynomialTerms.size() ; index++ ) {
Term currentTerm = polynomialTerms.get(index);
return new Polynomial(termList);
public Number leadingCoefficient() {
return polynomialTerms.get(0).coefficient;
public long degree() {
return polynomialTerms.get(0).exponent;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
for ( Term term : polynomialTerms ) {
if ( first ) {
first = false;
else {
sb.append(" ");
if ( term.coefficient.compareTo(Integer.ZERO_INT) > 0 ) {
sb.append("+ ");
else {
sb.append("- ");
return sb.toString();
private static final class TermSorter implements Comparator<Term> {
public int compare(Term o1, Term o2) {
return (int) (o2.exponent - o1.exponent);
private static final class Term {
Number coefficient;
long exponent;
public Term(BigInteger c, long e) {
coefficient = new Integer(c);
exponent = e;
public Term(Number c, long e) {
coefficient = c;
exponent = e;
public Term multiply(Term term) {
return new Term(coefficient.multiply(term.coefficient), exponent + term.exponent);
public Term add(Term term) {
if ( exponent != term.exponent ) {
throw new RuntimeException("ERROR 102: Exponents not equal.");
return new Term(coefficient.add(term.coefficient), exponent);
public Term negate() {
return new Term(coefficient.negate(), exponent);
public long degree() {
return exponent;
public String toString() {
if ( coefficient.compareTo(Integer.ZERO_INT) == 0 ) {
return "0";
if ( exponent == 0 ) {
return "" + coefficient;
if ( coefficient.compareTo(Integer.ONE_INT) == 0 ) {
if ( exponent == 1 ) {
return "x";
else {
return "x^" + exponent;
if ( exponent == 1 ) {
return coefficient + "x";
return coefficient + "x^" + exponent;
private static abstract class Number {
public abstract int compareTo(Number in);
public abstract Number negate();
public abstract Number add(Number in);
public abstract Number multiply(Number in);
public abstract Number inverse();
public abstract boolean isInteger();
public abstract boolean isFraction();
public Number subtract(Number in) {
return add(in.negate());
public Number divide(Number in) {
return multiply(in.inverse());
public static class Fraction extends Number {
private final Integer numerator;
private final Integer denominator;
public Fraction(Integer n, Integer d) {
numerator = n;
denominator = d;
public int compareTo(Number in) {
if ( in.isInteger() ) {
Integer result = ((Integer) in).multiply(denominator);
return numerator.compareTo(result);
else if ( in.isFraction() ) {
Fraction inFrac = (Fraction) in;
Integer left = numerator.multiply(inFrac.denominator);
Integer right = denominator.multiply(inFrac.numerator);
return left.compareTo(right);
throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Unknown number type in Fraction.compareTo");
public Number negate() {
if ( denominator.integer.signum() < 0 ) {
return new Fraction(numerator, (Integer) denominator.negate());
return new Fraction((Integer) numerator.negate(), denominator);
public Number add(Number in) {
if ( in.isInteger() ) {
//x/y+z = (x+yz)/y
return new Fraction((Integer) ((Integer) in).multiply(denominator).add(numerator), denominator);
else if ( in.isFraction() ) {
Fraction inFrac = (Fraction) in;
// compute a/b + x/y
// Let q = gcd(b,y)
// Result = ( (a*y + x*b)/q ) / ( b*y/q )
Integer x = inFrac.numerator;
Integer y = inFrac.denominator;
Integer q = y.gcd(denominator);
Integer temp1 = numerator.multiply(y);
Integer temp2 = denominator.multiply(x);
Integer newDenom = denominator.multiply(y).divide(q);
if ( newDenom.compareTo(Integer.ONE_INT) == 0 ) {
return temp1.add(temp2);
Integer newNum = (Integer) temp1.add(temp2).divide(q);
Integer gcd2 = newDenom.gcd(newNum);
if ( gcd2.compareTo(Integer.ONE_INT) == 0 ) {
return new Fraction(newNum, newDenom);
newNum = newNum.divide(gcd2);
newDenom = newDenom.divide(gcd2);
if ( newDenom.compareTo(Integer.ONE_INT) == 0 ) {
return newNum;
else if ( newDenom.compareTo(Integer.MINUS_ONE_INT) == 0 ) {
return newNum.negate();
return new Fraction(newNum, newDenom);
throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Unknown number type in Fraction.compareTo");
public Number multiply(Number in) {
if ( in.isInteger() ) {
//x/y*z = x*z/y
Integer temp = numerator.multiply((Integer) in);
Integer gcd = temp.gcd(denominator);
if ( gcd.compareTo(Integer.ONE_INT) == 0 || gcd.compareTo(Integer.MINUS_ONE_INT) == 0 ) {
return new Fraction(temp, denominator);
Integer newTop = temp.divide(gcd);
Integer newBot = denominator.divide(gcd);
if ( newBot.compareTo(Integer.ONE_INT) == 0 ) {
return newTop;
if ( newBot.compareTo(Integer.MINUS_ONE_INT) == 0 ) {
return newTop.negate();
return new Fraction(newTop, newBot);
else if ( in.isFraction() ) {
Fraction inFrac = (Fraction) in;
// compute a/b * x/y
Integer tempTop = numerator.multiply(inFrac.numerator);
Integer tempBot = denominator.multiply(inFrac.denominator);
Integer gcd = tempTop.gcd(tempBot);
if ( gcd.compareTo(Integer.ONE_INT) == 0 || gcd.compareTo(Integer.MINUS_ONE_INT) == 0 ) {
return new Fraction(tempTop, tempBot);
Integer newTop = tempTop.divide(gcd);
Integer newBot = tempBot.divide(gcd);
if ( newBot.compareTo(Integer.ONE_INT) == 0 ) {
return newTop;
if ( newBot.compareTo(Integer.MINUS_ONE_INT) == 0 ) {
return newTop.negate();
return new Fraction(newTop, newBot);
throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Unknown number type in Fraction.compareTo");
public boolean isInteger() {
return false;
public boolean isFraction() {
return true;
public String toString() {
return numerator.toString() + "/" + denominator.toString();
public Number inverse() {
if ( numerator.equals(Integer.ONE_INT) ) {
return denominator;
else if ( numerator.equals(Integer.MINUS_ONE_INT) ) {
return denominator.negate();
else if ( numerator.integer.signum() < 0 ) {
return new Fraction((Integer) denominator.negate(), (Integer) numerator.negate());
return new Fraction(denominator, numerator);
public static class Integer extends Number {
private BigInteger integer;
public static final Integer MINUS_ONE_INT = new Integer(new BigInteger("-1"));
public static final Integer ONE_INT = new Integer(new BigInteger("1"));
public static final Integer ZERO_INT = new Integer(new BigInteger("0"));
public Integer(BigInteger number) {
this.integer = number;
public int compareTo(Integer val) {
return integer.compareTo(val.integer);
public int compareTo(Number in) {
if ( in.isInteger() ) {
return compareTo((Integer) in);
else if ( in.isFraction() ) {
Fraction frac = (Fraction) in;
BigInteger result = integer.multiply(frac.denominator.integer);
return result.compareTo(frac.numerator.integer);
throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Unknown number type in Integer.compareTo");
public Number negate() {
return new Integer(integer.negate());
public Integer add(Integer in) {
return new Integer(integer.add(in.integer));
public Number add(Number in) {
if ( in.isInteger() ) {
return add((Integer) in);
else if ( in.isFraction() ) {
Fraction f = (Fraction) in;
Integer top = f.numerator;
Integer bot = f.denominator;
return new Fraction((Integer) multiply(bot).add(top), bot);
throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Unknown number type in Integer.add");
public Number multiply(Number in) {
if ( in.isInteger() ) {
return multiply((Integer) in);
else if ( in.isFraction() ) {
// a * x/y = ax/y
Integer x = ((Fraction) in).numerator;
Integer y = ((Fraction) in).denominator;
Integer temp = (Integer) multiply(x);
Integer gcd = temp.gcd(y);
if ( gcd.compareTo(Integer.ONE_INT) == 0 || gcd.compareTo(Integer.MINUS_ONE_INT) == 0 ) {
return new Fraction(temp, y);
Integer newTop = temp.divide(gcd);
Integer newBot = y.divide(gcd);
if ( newBot.compareTo(Integer.ONE_INT) == 0 ) {
return newTop;
if ( newBot.compareTo(Integer.MINUS_ONE_INT) == 0 ) {
return newTop.negate();
return new Fraction(newTop, newBot);
throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Unknown number type in Integer.add");
public Integer gcd(Integer in) {
return new Integer(integer.gcd(in.integer));
public Integer divide(Integer in) {
return new Integer(integer.divide(in.integer));
public Integer multiply(Integer in) {
return new Integer(integer.multiply(in.integer));
public boolean isInteger() {
return true;
public boolean isFraction() {
return false;
public String toString() {
return integer.toString();
public Number inverse() {
if ( equals(ZERO_INT) ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Attempting to take the inverse of zero in IntegerExpression");
else if ( this.compareTo(ONE_INT) == 0 ) {
return ONE_INT;
else if ( this.compareTo(MINUS_ONE_INT) == 0 ) {
return new Fraction(ONE_INT, this);
- Output:
Compute: (x^3 - 12x^2 - 42) / (x - 3) = x^2 - 9x - 27 reminder -123 Test: (x^2 - 9x - 27) * (x - 3) + (-123) = x^3 - 12x^2 - 42 Compute: (5x^2 + 4x + 1) / (2x + 3) = 5/2x - 7/4 reminder 25/4 Test: (5/2x - 7/4) * (2x + 3) + (25/4) = 5x^2 + 4x + 1 Compute: (5x^10 + 4x^7 + 1) / (2x^4 + 2x^2 + 3) = 5/2x^6 - 5/2x^4 + 2x^3 - 5/4x^2 - 2x + 5 reminder -2x^3 - 25/4x^2 + 6x - 14 Test: (5/2x^6 - 5/2x^4 + 2x^3 - 5/4x^2 - 2x + 5) * (2x^4 + 2x^2 + 3) + (-2x^3 - 25/4x^2 + 6x - 14) = 5x^10 + 4x^7 + 1 Compute: (2x^7 - 24x^6 + 2x^5 - 108x^4 + 3x^3 - 120x^2 - 126) / (2x^4 + 2x^2 + 3) = x^3 - 12x^2 - 42 reminder 0 Test: (x^3 - 12x^2 - 42) * (2x^4 + 2x^2 + 3) + (0) = 2x^7 - 24x^6 + 2x^5 - 108x^4 + 3x^3 - 120x^2 - 126
Also works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq, and with fq
Adapted from the second version in the Wren entry.
In this entry, polynomials are represented by JSON arrays exactly as in the task description; that is, using jq notation, `.[$i]` corresponds to the coefficient of {\displaystyle x^i}.
# Emit the canonical form of the polynomical represented by the input array
def canonical:
if length == 0 then .
elif .[-1] == 0 then .[:-1]|canonical
else .
# string representation
def poly2s: "Polynomial(\(join(",")))";
# Polynomial division
# Output [ quotient, remainder]
def divrem($divisor):
($divisor|canonical) as $divisor
| { curr: canonical}
| .base = ((.curr|length) - ($divisor|length))
| until( .base < 0;
(.curr[-1] / $divisor[-1]) as $res
| .result += [$res]
| .curr |= .[0:-1]
| reduce range (0;$divisor|length-1) as $i (.;
.curr[.base + $i] += (- $res * $divisor[$i]) )
| .base += -1
| [(.result | reverse), (.curr | canonical)];
def demo($num; $den):
{$num, $den,
res: ($num | divrem($den)) }
| .quot = .res[0]
| .rem = .res[1]
| del(.res)
| map_values(poly2s)
| "\(.num) / \(.den) = \(.quot) remainder \(.rem)";
demo( [-42, 0, -12, 1]; [-3, 1, 0, 0])
- Output:
Polynomial(-42,0,-12,1) / Polynomial(-3,1,0,0) = Polynomial(-27,-9,1) remainder Polynomial(-123)
This task is straightforward with the help of Julia's Polynomials package.
using Polynomials
p = Poly([-42,0,-12,1])
q = Poly([-3,1])
d, r = divrem(p,q)
println(p, " divided by ", q, " is ", d, " with remainder ", r, ".")
- Output:
-42 - 12x^2 + x^3 divided by -3 + x is -27.0 - 9.0x + x^2 with remainder -123.0.
Version 1
// version 1.1.51
typealias IAE = IllegalArgumentException
data class Solution(val quotient: DoubleArray, val remainder: DoubleArray)
fun polyDegree(p: DoubleArray): Int {
for (i in p.size - 1 downTo 0) {
if (p[i] != 0.0) return i
return Int.MIN_VALUE
fun polyShiftRight(p: DoubleArray, places: Int): DoubleArray {
if (places <= 0) return p
val pd = polyDegree(p)
if (pd + places >= p.size) {
throw IAE("The number of places to be shifted is too large")
val d = p.copyOf()
for (i in pd downTo 0) {
d[i + places] = d[i]
d[i] = 0.0
return d
fun polyMultiply(p: DoubleArray, m: Double) {
for (i in 0 until p.size) p[i] *= m
fun polySubtract(p: DoubleArray, s: DoubleArray) {
for (i in 0 until p.size) p[i] -= s[i]
fun polyLongDiv(n: DoubleArray, d: DoubleArray): Solution {
if (n.size != d.size) {
throw IAE("Numerator and denominator vectors must have the same size")
var nd = polyDegree(n)
val dd = polyDegree(d)
if (dd < 0) {
throw IAE("Divisor must have at least one one-zero coefficient")
if (nd < dd) {
throw IAE("The degree of the divisor cannot exceed that of the numerator")
val n2 = n.copyOf()
val q = DoubleArray(n.size) // all elements zero by default
while (nd >= dd) {
val d2 = polyShiftRight(d, nd - dd)
q[nd - dd] = n2[nd] / d2[nd]
polyMultiply(d2, q[nd - dd])
polySubtract(n2, d2)
nd = polyDegree(n2)
return Solution(q, n2)
fun polyShow(p: DoubleArray) {
val pd = polyDegree(p)
for (i in pd downTo 0) {
val coeff = p[i]
if (coeff == 0.0) continue
print (when {
coeff == 1.0 -> if (i < pd) " + " else ""
coeff == -1.0 -> if (i < pd) " - " else "-"
coeff < 0.0 -> if (i < pd) " - ${-coeff}" else "$coeff"
else -> if (i < pd) " + $coeff" else "$coeff"
if (i > 1) print("x^$i")
else if (i == 1) print("x")
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val n = doubleArrayOf(-42.0, 0.0, -12.0, 1.0)
val d = doubleArrayOf( -3.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
print("Numerator : ")
print("Denominator : ")
val (q, r) = polyLongDiv(n, d)
print("Quotient : ")
print("Remainder : ")
- Output:
Output: Numerator : x^3 - 12.0x^2 - 42.0 Denominator : x - 3.0 ------------------------------------- Quotient : x^2 - 9.0x - 27.0 Remainder : -123.0
Version 2
More succinct version that provides an easy-to-use API.
class Polynom(private vararg val factors: Double) {
operator fun div(divisor: Polynom): Pair<Polynom, Polynom> {
var curr = canonical().factors
val right = divisor.canonical().factors
val result = mutableListOf<Double>()
for (base in curr.size - right.size downTo 0) {
val res = curr.last() / right.last()
result += res
curr = curr.copyOfRange(0, curr.size - 1)
for (i in 0 until right.size - 1)
curr[base + i] -= res * right[i]
val quot = Polynom(*result.asReversed().toDoubleArray())
val rem = Polynom(*curr).canonical()
return Pair(quot, rem)
private fun canonical(): Polynom {
if (factors.last() != 0.0) return this
for (newLen in factors.size downTo 1)
if (factors[newLen - 1] != 0.0)
return Polynom(*factors.copyOfRange(0, newLen))
return Polynom(factors[0])
override fun toString() = "Polynom(${factors.joinToString(" ")})"
fun main() {
val num = Polynom(-42.0, 0.0, -12.0, 1.0)
val den = Polynom(-3.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
val (quot, rem) = num / den
print("$num / $den = $quot remainder $rem")
- Output:
Polynom(-42.0 0.0 -12.0 1.0) / Polynom(-3.0 1.0 0.0 0.0) = Polynom(-27.0 -9.0 1.0) remainder Polynom(-123.0)
As Maple is a symbolic computation system, polynomial arithmetic is, of course, provided by the language runtime. The remainder (rem) and quotient (quo) operations each allow for the other to be computed simultaneously by passing an unassigned name as an optional fourth argument. Since rem and quo deal also with multivariate polynomials, the indeterminate is passed as the third argument.
> p := randpoly( x ); # pick a random polynomial in x
5 4 3 2
p := -56 - 7 x + 22 x - 55 x - 94 x + 87 x
> rem( p, x^2 + 2, x, 'q' ); # remainder
220 + 169 x
> q; # quotient
3 2
-7 x + 22 x - 41 x - 138
> quo( p, x^2 + 2, x, 'r' ); # quotient
3 2
-7 x + 22 x - 41 x - 138
> r; # remainder
220 + 169 x
> expand( (x^2+2)*q + r - p ); # check
Mathematica /Wolfram Language
PolynomialQuotientRemainder[x^3-12 x^2-42,x-3,x]
{-27 - 9 x + x^2, -123}
const MinusInfinity = -1
Polynomial = seq[int]
Term = tuple[coeff, exp: int]
func degree(p: Polynomial): int =
## Return the degree of a polynomial.
## "p" is supposed to be normalized.
result = if p.len > 0: p.len - 1 else: MinusInfinity
func normalize(p: var Polynomial) =
## Normalize a polynomial, removing useless zeroes.
while p[^1] == 0: discard p.pop()
func `shr`(p: Polynomial; n: int): Polynomial =
## Shift a polynomial of "n" positions to the right.
result.setLen(p.len + n)
result[n..^1] = p
func `*=`(p: var Polynomial; n: int) =
## Multiply in place a polynomial by an integer.
for item in p.mitems: item *= n
func `-=`(a: var Polynomial; b: Polynomial) =
## Substract in place a polynomial from another polynomial.
for i, val in b: a[i] -= val
func longdiv(a, b: Polynomial): tuple[q, r: Polynomial] =
## Compute the long division of a polynomial by another.
## Return the quotient and the remainder as polynomials.
result.r = a
if b.degree < 0: raise newException(DivByZeroDefect, "divisor cannot be zero.")
while (let k = result.r.degree - b.degree; k >= 0):
var d = b shr k
result.q[k] = result.r[^1] div d[^1]
d *= result.q[k]
result.r -= d
const Superscripts: array['0'..'9', string] = ["⁰", "¹", "²", "³", "⁴", "⁵", "⁶", "⁷", "⁸", "⁹"]
func superscript(n: Natural): string =
## Return the Unicode string to use to represent an exponent.
if n == 1:
return ""
for d in $n:
func `$`(term: Term): string =
## Return the string representation of a term.
if term.coeff == 0: "0"
elif term.exp == 0: $term.coeff
let base = 'x' & superscript(term.exp)
if term.coeff == 1: base
elif term.coeff == -1: '-' & base
else: $term.coeff & base
func `$`(poly: Polynomial): string =
## return the string representation of a polynomial.
for idx in countdown(poly.high, 0):
let coeff = poly[idx]
var term: Term = (coeff: coeff, exp: idx)
if result.len == 0:
result.add $term
if coeff > 0:
result.add '+'
result.add $term
elif coeff < 0:
term.coeff = -term.coeff
result.add '-'
result.add $term
N = @[-42, 0, -12, 1]
D = @[-3, 1]
let (q, r) = longdiv(N, D)
echo "N = ", N
echo "D = ", D
echo "q = ", q
echo "r = ", r
- Output:
N = x³-12x²-42 D = x-3 q = x²-9x-27 r = -123
First define some utility operations on polynomials as lists (with highest power coefficient first).
let rec shift n l = if n <= 0 then l else shift (pred n) (l @ [0.0])
let rec pad n l = if n <= 0 then l else pad (pred n) (0.0 :: l)
let rec norm = function | 0.0 :: tl -> norm tl | x -> x
let deg l = List.length (norm l) - 1
let zip op p q =
let d = (List.length p) - (List.length q) in
List.map2 op (pad (-d) p) (pad d q)
Then the main polynomial division function
let polydiv f g =
let rec aux f s q =
let ddif = (deg f) - (deg s) in
if ddif < 0 then (q, f) else
let k = (List.hd f) /. (List.hd s) in
let ks = List.map (( *.) k) (shift ddif s) in
let q' = zip (+.) q (shift ddif [k])
and f' = norm (List.tl (zip (-.) f ks)) in
aux f' s q' in
aux (norm f) (norm g) []
For output we need a pretty-printing function
let str_poly l =
let term v p = match (v, p) with
| ( _, 0) -> string_of_float v
| (1.0, 1) -> "x"
| ( _, 1) -> (string_of_float v) ^ "*x"
| (1.0, _) -> "x^" ^ (string_of_int p)
| _ -> (string_of_float v) ^ "*x^" ^ (string_of_int p) in
let rec terms = function
| [] -> []
| h :: t ->
if h = 0.0 then (terms t) else (term h (List.length t)) :: (terms t) in
String.concat " + " (terms l)
and then the example
let _ =
let f = [1.0; -4.0; 6.0; 5.0; 3.0] and g = [1.0; 2.0; 1.0] in
let q, r = polydiv f g in
" (%s) div (%s)\ngives\nquotient:\t(%s)\nremainder:\t(%s)\n"
(str_poly f) (str_poly g) (str_poly q) (str_poly r)
gives the output:
(x^4 + -4.*x^3 + 6.*x^2 + 5.*x + 3.) div (x^2 + 2.*x + 1.) gives quotient: (x^2 + -6.*x + 17.) remainder: (-23.*x + -14.)
Octave has already facilities to divide two polynomials (deconv(n,d)
); and the reason to adopt the convention of keeping the highest power coefficient first, is to make the code compatible with builtin functions: we can use polyout to output the result.
function [q, r] = poly_long_div(n, d)
gd = length(d);
pv = zeros(1, length(n));
pv(1:gd) = d;
if ( length(n) >= gd )
q = [];
while ( length(n) >= gd )
q = [q, n(1)/pv(1)];
n = n - pv .* (n(1)/pv(1));
n = shift(n, -1); %
tn = n(1:length(n)-1); % eat the higher power term
n = tn; %
tp = pv(1:length(pv)-1);
pv = tp; % make pv the same length of n
r = n;
q = [0];
r = n;
[q, r] = poly_long_div([1,-12,0,-42], [1,-3]);
polyout(q, 'x');
polyout(r, 'x');
[q, r] = poly_long_div([1,-12,0,-42], [1,1,-3]);
polyout(q, 'x');
polyout(r, 'x');
[q, r] = poly_long_div([1,3,2], [1,1]);
polyout(q, 'x');
polyout(r, 'x');
[q, r] = poly_long_div([1,3], [1,-12,0,-42]);
polyout(q, 'x');
polyout(r, 'x');
This uses the built-in PARI polynomials.
[(a - rem)/b, rem]
poldiv(x^9+1, x^3+x-3)
Alternately, use the built-in function divrem
divrem(x^9+1, x^3+x-3)~
This solution keeps the highest power coefficient first, like OCaml solution and Octave solution.
use strict;
use List::Util qw(min);
sub poly_long_div
my ($rn, $rd) = @_;
my @n = @$rn;
my $gd = scalar(@$rd);
if ( scalar(@n) >= $gd ) {
my @q = ();
while ( scalar(@n) >= $gd ) {
my $piv = $n[0]/$rd->[0];
push @q, $piv;
$n[$_] -= $rd->[$_] * $piv foreach ( 0 .. min(scalar(@n), $gd)-1 );
shift @n;
return ( \@q, \@n );
} else {
return ( [0], $rn );
sub poly_print
my @c = @_;
my $l = scalar(@c);
for(my $i=0; $i < $l; $i++) {
print $c[$i];
print "x^" . ($l-$i-1) . " + " if ($i < ($l-1));
print "\n";
my ($q, $r);
($q, $r) = poly_long_div([1, -12, 0, -42], [1, -3]);
print "\n";
($q, $r) = poly_long_div([1,-12,0,-42], [1,1,-3]);
print "\n";
($q, $r) = poly_long_div([1,3,2], [1,1]);
print "\n";
# the example from the OCaml solution
($q, $r) = poly_long_div([1,-4,6,5,3], [1,2,1]);
-- demo\rosetta\Polynomial_long_division.exw
with javascript_semantics
function degree(sequence p)
for i=length(p) to 1 by -1 do
if p[i]!=0 then return i end if
end for
return -1
end function
function poly_div(sequence n, d)
d = deep_copy(d)
while length(d)<length(n) do d &=0 end while
integer dn = degree(n),
dd = degree(d)
if dd<0 then throw("divide by zero") end if
sequence quo = repeat(0,dn),
rem = deep_copy(n)
while dn>=dd do
integer k = dn-dd, qk = rem[dn]/d[dd]
sequence d2 = d[1..length(d)-k]
quo[k+1] = qk
for i=1 to length(d2) do
integer mi = -i
rem[mi] -= d2[mi]*qk
end for
dn = degree(rem)
end while
return {quo,rem}
end function
function poly(sequence si)
-- display helper
string r = ""
for t=length(si) to 1 by -1 do
integer sit = si[t]
if sit!=0 then
if sit=1 and t>1 then
r &= iff(r=""? "":" + ")
elsif sit=-1 and t>1 then
r &= iff(r=""?"-":" - ")
if r!="" then
r &= iff(sit<0?" - ":" + ")
sit = abs(sit)
end if
r &= sprintf("%d",sit)
end if
r &= iff(t>1?"x"&iff(t>2?sprintf("^%d",t-1):""):"")
end if
end for
if r="" then r="0" end if
return r
end function
constant tests = {{{-42,0,-12,1},{-3,1}},
constant fmt = "%40s / %-16s = %25s rem %s\n"
for i=1 to length(tests) do
sequence {num,den} = tests[i],
{quo,rem} = poly_div(num,den)
end for
- Output:
x^3 - 12x^2 - 42 / x - 3 = x^2 - 9x - 27 rem -123 x - 3 / x^3 - 12x^2 - 42 = 0 rem x - 3 x^3 - 12x^2 - 42 / x^2 + x - 3 = x - 13 rem 16x - 81 x^2 + 3x + 2 / x + 1 = x + 2 rem 0 x^4 - 4x^3 + 6x^2 + 5x + 3 / x^2 + 2x + 1 = x^2 - 6x + 17 rem -23x - 14 x^11 + 3x^8 + 7x^2 + 3 / x^7 + 5x^3 + 1 = x^4 + 3x - 5 rem -16x^4 + 25x^3 + 7x^2 - 3x + 8 -7x^5 + 22x^4 - 55x^3 - 94x^2 + 87x - 56 / x^2 + 2 = -7x^3 + 22x^2 - 41x - 138 rem 169x + 220
(de degree (P)
(let I NIL
(for (N . C) P
(or (=0 C) (setq I N)) )
(dec I) ) )
(de divPoly (N D)
(if (lt0 (degree D))
(quit "Div/0" D)
(let (Q NIL Diff)
(while (ge0 (setq Diff (- (degree N) (degree D))))
(setq Q (need (- -1 Diff) Q 0))
(let E D
(do Diff (push 'E 0))
(let F (/ (get N (inc (degree N))) (get E (inc (degree E))))
(set (nth Q (inc Diff)) F)
(setq N (mapcar '((N E) (- N (* E F))) N E)) ) ) )
(list Q N) ) ) )
: (divPoly (-42 0 -12 1) (-3 1 0 0)) -> ((-27 -9 1) (-123 0 0 0))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from itertools import izip
def degree(poly):
while poly and poly[-1] == 0:
poly.pop() # normalize
return len(poly)-1
def poly_div(N, D):
dD = degree(D)
dN = degree(N)
if dD < 0: raise ZeroDivisionError
if dN >= dD:
q = [0] * dN
while dN >= dD:
d = [0]*(dN - dD) + D
mult = q[dN - dD] = N[-1] / float(d[-1])
d = [coeff*mult for coeff in d]
N = [coeffN - coeffd for coeffN, coeffd in izip(N, d)]
dN = degree(N)
r = N
q = [0]
r = N
return q, r
if __name__ == '__main__':
N = [-42, 0, -12, 1]
D = [-3, 1, 0, 0]
print " %s / %s =" % (N,D),
print " %s remainder %s" % poly_div(N, D)
Sample output:
POLYNOMIAL LONG DIVISION [-42, 0, -12, 1] / [-3, 1, 0, 0] = [-27.0, -9.0, 1.0] remainder [-123.0]
polylongdiv <- function(n,d) {
gd <- length(d)
pv <- vector("numeric", length(n))
pv[1:gd] <- d
if ( length(n) >= gd ) {
q <- c()
while ( length(n) >= gd ) {
q <- c(q, n[1]/pv[1])
n <- n - pv * (n[1]/pv[1])
n <- n[2:length(n)]
pv <- pv[1:(length(pv)-1)]
list(q=q, r=n)
} else {
list(q=c(0), r=n)
# an utility function to print polynomial
print.polynomial <- function(p) {
i <- length(p)-1
for(a in p) {
if ( i == 0 ) {
cat(a, "\n")
} else {
cat(a, "x^", i, " + ", sep="")
i <- i - 1
r <- polylongdiv(c(1,-12,0,-42), c(1,-3))
#lang racket
(define (deg p)
(for/fold ([d -inf.0]) ([(pi i) (in-indexed p)])
(if (zero? pi) d i)))
(define (lead p) (vector-ref p (deg p)))
(define (mono c d) (build-vector (+ d 1) (λ(i) (if (= i d) c 0))))
(define (poly*cx^n c n p) (vector-append (make-vector n 0) (for/vector ([pi p]) (* c pi))))
(define (poly+ p q) (poly/lin 1 p 1 q))
(define (poly- p q) (poly/lin 1 p -1 q))
(define (poly/lin a p b q)
(cond [(< (deg p) 0) q]
[(< (deg q) 0) p]
[(< (deg p) (deg q)) (poly/lin b q a p)]
[else (define ap+bq (for/vector #:length (+ (deg p) 1) #:fill 0
([pi p] [qi q]) (+ (* a pi) (* b qi))))
(for ([i (in-range (+ (deg q) 1) (+ (deg p) 1))])
(vector-set! ap+bq i (* a (vector-ref p i))))
(define (poly/ n d)
(define N (deg n))
(define D (deg d))
[(< N 0) (error 'poly/ "can't divide by zero")]
[(< N D) (values 0 n)]
[else (define c (/ (lead n) (lead d)))
(define q (mono c (- N D)))
(define r (poly- n (poly*cx^n c (- N D) d)))
(define-values (q1 r1) (poly/ r d))
(values (poly+ q q1) r1)]))
; Example:
(poly/ #(-42 0 -12 1) #(-3 1))
; Output:
'#(-27 -9 1)
'#(-123 0)
(formerly Perl 6)
for the core algorithm; original code for LaTeX pretty-printing.
sub poly_long_div ( @n is copy, @d ) {
return [0], |@n if +@n < +@d;
my @q = gather while +@n >= +@d {
@n = @n Z- flat ( ( @d X* take ( @n[0] / @d[0] ) ), 0 xx * );
return @q, @n;
sub xP ( $power ) { $power>1 ?? "x^$power" !! $power==1 ?? 'x' !! '' }
sub poly_print ( @c ) { join ' + ', @c.kv.map: { $^v ~ xP( @c.end - $^k ) } }
my @polys = [ [ 1, -12, 0, -42 ], [ 1, -3 ] ],
[ [ 1, -12, 0, -42 ], [ 1, 1, -3 ] ],
[ [ 1, 3, 2 ], [ 1, 1 ] ],
[ [ 1, -4, 6, 5, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 1 ] ];
say '<math>\begin{array}{rr}';
for @polys -> [ @a, @b ] {
printf Q"%s , & %s \\\\\n", poly_long_div( @a, @b ).map: { poly_print($_) };
say '\end{array}</math>';
Version 1
This version has all needed code inline.
/* REXX needed by some... */
z='1 -12 0 -42' /* Numerator */
n='1 -3' /* Denominator */
nx=n copies('0 ',words(z)-words(n))
qx='' /* Quotient */
Do Until words(zx)<words(n)
Parse Value div(zx,nx) With q zx
qx=qx q
Say '('show(z)')/('show(n)')=('show(qx)')'
Say 'Remainder:' show(zx)
div: Procedure
Parse Arg z,n
Do i=1 To words(z)
zz=zz word(z,i)-q*word(n,i)
Return q subword(zz,2)
show: Procedure
Parse Arg poly
Do i=1 To words(poly)
When d>1 Then fact='*x**'d
When d=1 Then fact='*x'
Otherwise fact=''
When word(poly,i)=0 Then p=''
When word(poly,i)=1 Then p='+'substr(fact,2)
When word(poly,i)=-1 Then p='-'substr(fact,2)
When word(poly,i)<0 Then p=word(poly,i)||fact
Otherwise p='+'word(poly,i)||fact
res=res p
Return strip(space(res,0),'L','+')
- Output:
(x**3-12*x**2-42)/(x-3)=(x**2-9*x-27) Remainder: -123
Version 2
Libraries: How to use
Libraries: Source code
The poly procedures are in module Polynomial.inc. Besides Pdiv there's also Padd, Psub, Pmul, several formatting procedures and more.
include Settings
say version; say 'Polynomial long division'; say
call Divide '1 -12 0 -42','1 -3'
call Divide '5 4 1','2 3'
call Divide '5 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1','2 0 2 0 3'
call Divide '2 -24 2 -108 3 -120 0 -126','2 0 2 0 3'
call Divide '1 2','1 2 3'
call Divide '1 2 3','1 2 3'
call Divide '1 2 3','2'
call Divide '2 0 0','1 0'
arg x,y
z = Pdiv(x,y); parse var z q','r
say 'Formula:' Plst2form(x) '/' Plst2form(y) '=' Plst2form(q) 'Rem' Plst2form(r)
say 'Check :' Plst2form(q) '*' Plst2form(y) '+' Plst2form(r) '=' Plst2form(Padd(Pmul(q,y),r))
include Polynomial
include Functions
include Abend
- Output:
REXX-Regina_3.9.6(MT) 5.00 29 Apr 2024 Polynomial long division Formula: x^3-12x^2-42 / x-3 = x^2-9x-27 Rem -123 Check : x^2-9x-27 * x-3 + -123 = x^3-12x^2-42 Formula: 5x^2+4x+1 / 2x+3 = 2.5x-1.75 Rem 6.25 Check : 2.5x-1.75 * 2x+3 + 6.25 = 5x^2+4x+1 Formula: 5x^10+4x^7+1 / 2x^4+2x^2+3 = 2.5x^6-2.5x^4+2x^3-1.25x^2-2x+5 Rem -2x^3-6.25x^2+6x-14 Check : 2.5x^6-2.5x^4+2x^3-1.25x^2-2x+5 * 2x^4+2x^2+3 + -2x^3-6.25x^2+6x-14 = 5x^10+4x^7+1 Formula: 2x^7-24x^6+2x^5-108x^4+3x^3-120x^2-126 / 2x^4+2x^2+3 = x^3-12x^2-42 Rem 0 Check : x^3-12x^2-42 * 2x^4+2x^2+3 + 0 = 2x^7-24x^6+2x^5-108x^4+3x^3-120x^2-126 Formula: x+2 / x^2+2x+3 = 0 Rem x+2 Check : 0 * x^2+2x+3 + x+2 = +x+2 Formula: x^2+2x+3 / x^2+2x+3 = 1 Rem 0 Check : 1 * x^2+2x+3 + 0 = x^2+2x+3 Formula: x^2+2x+3 / 2 = 0.5x^2+x+1.5 Rem 0 Check : 0.5x^2+x+1.5 * 2 + 0 = x^2+2x+3 Formula: 2x^2 / x = 2x Rem 0 Check : 2x * x + 0 = 2x^2
'-42-12*X^2+X^3' 'X-3' DIV2
- Output:
2: 'X^2-9*X-27' 1: -123
Implementing the algorithm given in the task description:
def polynomial_long_division(numerator, denominator)
dd = degree(denominator)
raise ArgumentError, "denominator is zero" if dd < 0
if dd == 0
return [multiply(numerator, 1.0/denominator[0]), [0]*numerator.length]
q = [0] * numerator.length
while (dn = degree(numerator)) >= dd
d = shift_right(denominator, dn - dd)
q[dn-dd] = numerator[dn] / d[degree(d)]
d = multiply(d, q[dn-dd])
numerator = subtract(numerator, d)
[q, numerator]
def degree(ary)
idx = ary.rindex(&:nonzero?)
idx ? idx : -1
def shift_right(ary, n)
[0]*n + ary[0, ary.length - n]
def subtract(a1, a2)
a1.zip(a2).collect {|v1,v2| v1 - v2}
def multiply(ary, num)
ary.collect {|x| x * num}
f = [-42, 0, -12, 1]
g = [-3, 1, 0, 0]
q, r = polynomial_long_division(f, g)
puts "#{f} / #{g} => #{q} remainder #{r}"
# => [-42, 0, -12, 1] / [-3, 1, 0, 0] => [-27, -9, 1, 0] remainder [-123, 0, 0, 0]
g = [-3, 1, 1, 0]
q, r = polynomial_long_division(f, g)
puts "#{f} / #{g} => #{q} remainder #{r}"
# => [-42, 0, -12, 1] / [-3, 1, 1, 0] => [-13, 1, 0, 0] remainder [-81, 16, 0, 0]
Implementing the algorithms on the wikipedia page -- uglier code but nicer user interface
def polynomial_division(f, g)
if g.length == 0 or (g.length == 1 and g[0] == 0)
raise ArgumentError, "denominator is zero"
elsif g.length == 1
[f.collect {|x| Float(x)/g[0]}, [0]]
elsif g.length == 2
synthetic_division(f, g)
higher_degree_synthetic_division(f, g)
def synthetic_division(f, g)
board = [f] << Array.new(f.length) << Array.new(f.length)
board[2][0] = board[0][0]
1.upto(f.length - 1).each do |i|
board[1][i] = board[2][i-1] * -g[1]
board[2][i] = board[0][i] + board[1][i]
[board[2][0..-2], [board[2][-1]]]
# an ugly mess of array index arithmetic
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polynomial_long_division#Higher_degree_synthetic_division
def higher_degree_synthetic_division(f, g)
# [use] the negative coefficients of the denominator following the leading term
lhs = g[1..-1].collect {|x| -x}
board = [f]
q = []
1.upto(f.length - lhs.length).each do |i|
n = 2*i - 1
# underline the leading coefficient of the right-hand side, multiply it by
# the left-hand coefficients and write the products beneath the next columns
# on the right.
q << board[n-1][i-1]
board << Array.new(f.length).fill(0, i) # row n
(lhs.length).times do |j|
board[n][i+j] = q[-1]*lhs[j]
# perform an addition
board << Array.new(f.length).fill(0, i) # row n+1
(lhs.length + 1).times do |j|
board[n+1][i+j] = board[n-1][i+j] + board[n][i+j] if i+j < f.length
# the remaining numbers in the bottom row correspond to the coefficients of the remainder
r = board[-1].compact
q = [0] if q.empty?
[q, r]
f = [1, -12, 0, -42]
g = [1, -3]
q, r = polynomial_division(f, g)
puts "#{f} / #{g} => #{q} remainder #{r}"
# => [1, -12, 0, -42] / [1, -3] => [1, -9, -27] remainder [-123]
g = [1, 1, -3]
q, r = polynomial_division(f, g)
puts "#{f} / #{g} => #{q} remainder #{r}"
# => [1, -12, 0, -42] / [1, 1, -3] => [1, -13] remainder [16, -81]
Best of both worlds:
def polynomial_division(f, g)
if g.length == 0 or (g.length == 1 and g[0] == 0)
raise ArgumentError, "denominator is zero"
return [[0], f] if f.length < g.length
q, n = [], f.dup
while n.length >= g.length
q << Float(n[0]) / g[0]
n[0, g.length].zip(g).each_with_index do |pair, i|
n[i] = pair[0] - q[-1] * pair[1]
q = [0] if q.empty?
n = [0] if n.empty?
[q, n]
f = [1, -12, 0, -42]
g = [1, -3]
q, r = polynomial_division(f, g)
puts "#{f} / #{g} => #{q} remainder #{r}"
# => [1, -12, 0, -42] / [1, -3] => [1.0, -9.0, -27.0] remainder [-123.0]
g = [1, 1, -3]
q, r = polynomial_division(f, g)
puts "#{f} / #{g} => #{q} remainder #{r}"
# => [1, -12, 0, -42] / [1, 1, -3] => [1.0, -13.0] remainder [16.0, -81.0]
func poly_long_div(rn, rd) {
var n = rn.map{_}
var gd = rd.len
if (n.len >= gd) {
return(gather {
while (n.len >= gd) {
var piv = n[0]/rd[0]
{ |i|
n[i] -= (rd[i] * piv)
} << ^(n.len `min` gd)
}, n)
return([0], rn)
func poly_print(c) {
var l = c.len
c.each_kv {|i, n|
print n
print("x^", (l - i - 1), " + ") if (i < l-1)
print "\n";
var poly = [
Pair([1,-12,0,-42], [1, -3]),
Pair([1,-12,0,-42], [1,1,-3]),
Pair( [1,3,2], [1,1]),
Pair( [1,-4,6,5,3], [1,2,1]),
poly.each { |pair|
var (q, r) = poly_long_div(pair.first, pair.second)
print "\n"
- Output:
1x^2 + -9x^1 + -27 -123 1x^1 + -13 16x^1 + -81 1x^1 + 2 0 1x^2 + -6x^1 + 17 -23x^1 + -14
define: #Polynomial &parents: {Comparable} &slots: {#coefficients -> ExtensibleArray new}.
p@(Polynomial traits) new &capacity: n
p cloneSettingSlots: #(coefficients) to: {p coefficients new &capacity: n}
p@(Polynomial traits) newFrom: seq@(Sequence traits)
p clone `>> [coefficients: (seq as: p coefficients). normalize. ]
p@(Polynomial traits) copy
p cloneSettingSlots: #(coefficients) to: {p coefficients copy}
p1@(Polynomial traits) >= p2@(Polynomial traits)
[p1 degree >= p2 degree].
p@(Polynomial traits) degree
[p coefficients indexOfLastSatisfying: [| :n | n isZero not]].
p@(Polynomial traits) normalize
[p degree isPositive /\ [p coefficients last isZero]]
whileTrue: [p coefficients removeLast]
p@(Polynomial traits) * n@(Number traits)
p newFrom: (p coefficients collect: [| :x | x * n])
p@(Polynomial traits) / n@(Number traits)
p newFrom: (p coefficients collect: [| :x | x / n])
p1@(Polynomial traits) minusCoefficients: p2@(Polynomial traits)
p1 newFrom: (p1 coefficients with: p2 coefficients collect: #- `er)
p@(Polynomial traits) / denom@(Polynomial traits)
p >= denom
[| n q |
n: p copy.
q: p new.
[n >= denom]
[| piv |
piv: p coefficients last / denom coefficients last.
q coefficients add: piv.
n: (n minusCoefficients: denom * piv).
n normalize].
n coefficients isEmpty ifTrue: [n coefficients add: 0].
{q. n}]
ifFalse: [{p newFrom: #(0). p copy}]
Object subclass: Polynomial [
Polynomial class >> new [ ^ super basicNew init ]
init [ coeffs := OrderedCollection new. ^ self ]
Polynomial class >> newWithCoefficients: coefficients [
r := super basicNew.
^ r initWithCoefficients: coefficients
initWithCoefficients: coefficients [
coeffs := coefficients asOrderedCollection.
^ self
/ denominator [ |n q|
n := self deepCopy.
self >= denominator
ifTrue: [
q := Polynomial new.
[ n >= denominator ]
whileTrue: [ |piv|
piv := (n coeff: 0) / (denominator coeff: 0).
q addCoefficient: piv.
n := n - (denominator * piv).
n clean
^ { q . (n degree) > 0 ifTrue: [ n ] ifFalse: [ n addCoefficient: 0. n ] }
ifFalse: [
^ { Polynomial newWithCoefficients: #( 0 ) . self deepCopy }
* constant [ |r| r := self deepCopy.
1 to: (coeffs size) do: [ :i |
r at: i put: ((r at: i) * constant)
^ r
at: index [ ^ coeffs at: index ]
at: index put: obj [ ^ coeffs at: index put: obj ]
>= anotherPoly [
^ (self degree) >= (anotherPoly degree)
degree [ ^ coeffs size ]
- anotherPoly [ "This is not a real subtraction between Polynomial: it is an
internal method ..."
a := self deepCopy.
1 to: ( (coeffs size) min: (anotherPoly degree) ) do: [ :i |
a at: i put: ( (a at: i) - (anotherPoly at: i) )
^ a
coeff: index [ ^ coeffs at: (index + 1) ]
addCoefficient: coeff [ coeffs add: coeff ]
clean [
[ (coeffs size) > 0
ifTrue: [ (coeffs at: 1) = 0 ] ifFalse: [ false ] ]
whileTrue: [ coeffs removeFirst ].
display [
1 to: (coeffs size) do: [ :i |
(coeffs at: i) display.
i < (coeffs size)
ifTrue: [ ('x^%1 + ' % {(coeffs size) - i} ) display ]
displayNl [ self display. Character nl display ]
res := OrderedCollection new.
res add: ((Polynomial newWithCoefficients: #( 1 -12 0 -42) ) /
(Polynomial newWithCoefficients: #( 1 -3 ) )) ;
add: ((Polynomial newWithCoefficients: #( 1 -12 0 -42) ) /
(Polynomial newWithCoefficients: #( 1 1 -3 ) )).
res do: [ :o |
(o at: 1) display. ' with rest: ' display. (o at: 2) displayNl
(1) -> monicDivide(x^3-12*x^2-42,x-3,'x)
(1) [quotient = x - 9x - 27,remainder = - 123]
Type: Record(quotient: Polynomial(Integer),remainder: Polynomial(Integer))
protocol Dividable {
static func / (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
extension Int: Dividable { }
struct Solution<T> {
var quotient: [T]
var remainder: [T]
func polyDegree<T: SignedNumeric>(_ p: [T]) -> Int {
for i in stride(from: p.count - 1, through: 0, by: -1) where p[i] != 0 {
return i
return Int.min
func polyShiftRight<T: SignedNumeric>(p: [T], places: Int) -> [T] {
guard places > 0 else {
return p
let deg = polyDegree(p)
assert(deg + places < p.count, "Number of places to shift too large")
var res = p
for i in stride(from: deg, through: 0, by: -1) {
res[i + places] = res[i]
res[i] = 0
return res
func polyMul<T: SignedNumeric>(_ p: inout [T], by: T) {
for i in 0..<p.count {
p[i] *= by
func polySub<T: SignedNumeric>(_ p: inout [T], by: [T]) {
for i in 0..<p.count {
p[i] -= by[i]
func polyLongDiv<T: SignedNumeric & Dividable>(numerator n: [T], denominator d: [T]) -> Solution<T>? {
guard n.count == d.count else {
return nil
var nDeg = polyDegree(n)
let dDeg = polyDegree(d)
guard dDeg >= 0, nDeg >= dDeg else {
return nil
var n2 = n
var quo = [T](repeating: 0, count: n.count)
while nDeg >= dDeg {
let i = nDeg - dDeg
var d2 = polyShiftRight(p: d, places: i)
quo[i] = n2[nDeg] / d2[nDeg]
polyMul(&d2, by: quo[i])
polySub(&n2, by: d2)
nDeg = polyDegree(n2)
return Solution(quotient: quo, remainder: n2)
func polyPrint<T: SignedNumeric & Comparable>(_ p: [T]) {
let deg = polyDegree(p)
for i in stride(from: deg, through: 0, by: -1) where p[i] != 0 {
let coeff = p[i]
switch coeff {
case 1 where i < deg:
print(" + ", terminator: "")
case 1:
print("", terminator: "")
case -1 where i < deg:
print(" - ", terminator: "")
case -1:
print("-", terminator: "")
case _ where coeff < 0 && i < deg:
print(" - \(-coeff)", terminator: "")
case _ where i < deg:
print(" + \(coeff)", terminator: "")
case _:
print("\(coeff)", terminator: "")
if i > 1 {
print("x^\(i)", terminator: "")
} else if i == 1 {
print("x", terminator: "")
let n = [-42, 0, -12, 1]
let d = [-3, 1, 0, 0]
print("Numerator: ", terminator: "")
print("Denominator: ", terminator: "")
guard let sol = polyLongDiv(numerator: n, denominator: d) else {
print("Quotient: ", terminator: "")
print("Remainder: ", terminator: "")
- Output:
Numerator: x^3 - 12x^2 - 42 Denominator: x - 3 ---------- Quotient: x^2 - 9x - 27 Remainder: -123
# poldiv - Divide two polynomials n and d.
# Result is a list of two polynomials, q and r, where n = qd + r
# and the degree of r is less than the degree of b.
# Polynomials are represented as lists, where element 0 is the
# x**0 coefficient, element 1 is the x**1 coefficient, and so on.
proc poldiv {a b} {
# Toss out leading zero coefficients efficiently
while {[lindex $a end] == 0} {set a [lrange $a[set a {}] 0 end-1]}
while {[lindex $b end] == 0} {set b [lrange $b[set b {}] 0 end-1]}
if {[llength $a] < [llength $b]} {
return [list 0 $a]
# Rearrange the terms to put highest powers first
set n [lreverse $a]
set d [lreverse $b]
# Carry out classical long division, accumulating quotient coefficients
# in q, and replacing n with the remainder.
set q {}
while {[llength $n] >= [llength $d]} {
set qd [expr {[lindex $n 0] / [lindex $d 0]}]
set i 0
foreach nd [lrange $n 0 [expr {[llength $d] - 1}]] dd $d {
lset n $i [expr {$nd - $qd * $dd}]
incr i
lappend q $qd
set n [lrange $n 1 end]
# Return quotient and remainder, constant term first
return [list [lreverse $q] [lreverse $n]]
# Demonstration
lassign [poldiv {-42. 0. -12. 1.} {-3. 1. 0. 0.}] Q R
puts [list Q = $Q]
puts [list R = $R]
The input is a pair of lists of coefficients in order of increasing degree. Trailing zeros can be omitted. The output is a pair of lists (q,r), the quotient and remainder polynomial coefficients. This is a straightforward implementation of the algorithm in terms of list operations (fold, zip, map, distribute, etc.) instead of array indexing, hence not unnecessarily verbose.
#import std
#import flo
polydiv =
zeroid~-l~~; leql?rlX\~&NlX ^H\(@rNrNSPXlHDlS |\ :/0.) @NlX //=> ?(
@lrrPX ==!| zipp0.; @x not zeroid+ ==@h->hr ~&t,
(^lryPX/~&lrrl2C minus^*p/~&rrr times*lrlPD)^/div@bzPrrPlXO ~&,
@r ^|\~& ~&i&& :/0.)
test program:
#cast %eLW
example = polydiv(<-42.,0.,-12.,1.>,<-3.,1.,0.,0.>)
( <-2.700000e+01,-9.000000e+00,1.000000e+00>, <-1.230000e+02>)
Option Base 1
Function degree(p As Variant)
For i = UBound(p) To 1 Step -1
If p(i) <> 0 Then
degree = i
Exit Function
End If
Next i
degree = -1
End Function
Function poly_div(ByVal n As Variant, ByVal d As Variant) As Variant
If UBound(d) < UBound(n) Then
ReDim Preserve d(UBound(n))
End If
Dim dn As Integer: dn = degree(n)
Dim dd As Integer: dd = degree(d)
If dd < 0 Then
poly_div = CVErr(xlErrDiv0)
Exit Function
End If
Dim quot() As Integer
ReDim quot(dn)
Do While dn >= dd
Dim k As Integer: k = dn - dd
Dim qk As Integer: qk = n(dn) / d(dd)
quot(k + 1) = qk
Dim d2() As Variant
d2 = d
ReDim Preserve d2(UBound(d) - k)
For i = 1 To UBound(d2)
n(UBound(n) + 1 - i) = n(UBound(n) + 1 - i) - d2(UBound(d2) + 1 - i) * qk
Next i
dn = degree(n)
poly_div = Array(quot, n) '-- (n is now the remainder)
End Function
Function poly(si As Variant) As String
'-- display helper
Dim r As String
For t = UBound(si) To 1 Step -1
Dim sit As Integer: sit = si(t)
If sit <> 0 Then
If sit = 1 And t > 1 Then
r = r & IIf(r = "", "", " + ")
If sit = -1 And t > 1 Then
r = r & IIf(r = "", "-", " - ")
If r <> "" Then
r = r & IIf(sit < 0, " - ", " + ")
sit = Abs(sit)
End If
r = r & CStr(sit)
End If
End If
r = r & IIf(t > 1, "x" & IIf(t > 2, t - 1, ""), "")
End If
Next t
If r = "" Then r = "0"
poly = r
End Function
Function polyn(s As Variant) As String
Dim t() As String
ReDim t(2 * UBound(s))
For i = 1 To 2 * UBound(s) Step 2
t(i) = poly(s((i + 1) / 2))
Next i
t(1) = String$(45 - Len(t(1)) - Len(t(3)), " ") & t(1)
t(2) = "/"
t(4) = "="
t(6) = "rem"
polyn = Join(t, " ")
End Function
Public Sub main()
Dim tests(7) As Variant
tests(1) = Array(Array(-42, 0, -12, 1), Array(-3, 1))
tests(2) = Array(Array(-3, 1), Array(-42, 0, -12, 1))
tests(3) = Array(Array(-42, 0, -12, 1), Array(-3, 1, 1))
tests(4) = Array(Array(2, 3, 1), Array(1, 1))
tests(5) = Array(Array(3, 5, 6, -4, 1), Array(1, 2, 1))
tests(6) = Array(Array(3, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 1), Array(1, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 1))
tests(7) = Array(Array(-56, 87, -94, -55, 22, -7), Array(2, 0, 1))
Dim num As Variant, denom As Variant, quot As Variant, rmdr As Variant
For i = 1 To 7
num = tests(i)(1)
denom = tests(i)(2)
tmp = poly_div(num, denom)
quot = tmp(1)
rmdr = tmp(2)
Debug.Print polyn(Array(num, denom, quot, rmdr))
Next i
End Sub
- Output:
x3 - 12x2 - 42 / x - 3 = x2 - 9x - 27 rem -123 x - 3 / x3 - 12x2 - 42 = 0 rem x - 3 x3 - 12x2 - 42 / x2 + x - 3 = x - 13 rem 16x - 81 x2 + 3x + 2 / x + 1 = x + 2 rem 0 x4 - 4x3 + 6x2 + 5x + 3 / x2 + 2x + 1 = x2 - 6x + 17 rem -23x - 14 x11 + 3x8 + 7x2 + 3 / x7 + 5x3 + 1 = x4 + 3x - 5 rem -16x4 + 25x3 + 7x2 - 3x + 8 -7x5 + 22x4 - 55x3 - 94x2 + 87x - 56 / x2 + 2 = -7x3 + 22x2 - 41x - 138 rem 169x + 220
Version 1
import "./dynamic" for Tuple
var Solution = Tuple.create("Solution", ["quotient", "remainder"])
var polyDegree = Fn.new { |p|
for (i in p.count-1..0) if (p[i] != 0) return i
return -2.pow(31)
var polyShiftRight = Fn.new { |p, places|
if (places <= 0) return p
var pd = polyDegree.call(p)
if (pd + places >= p.count) {
Fiber.abort("The number of places to be shifted is too large.")
var d = p.toList
for (i in pd..0) {
d[i + places] = d[i]
d[i] = 0
return d
var polyMultiply = Fn.new { |p, m|
for (i in 0...p.count) p[i] = p[i] * m
var polySubtract = Fn.new { |p, s|
for (i in 0...p.count) p[i] = p[i] - s[i]
var polyLongDiv = Fn.new { |n, d|
if (n.count != d.count) {
Fiber.abort("Numerator and denominator vectors must have the same size")
var nd = polyDegree.call(n)
var dd = polyDegree.call(d)
if (dd < 0) {
Fiber.abort("Divisor must have at least one one-zero coefficient")
if (nd < dd) {
Fiber.abort("The degree of the divisor cannot exceed that of the numerator")
var n2 = n.toList
var q = List.filled(n.count, 0)
while (nd >= dd) {
var d2 = polyShiftRight.call(d, nd - dd)
q[nd - dd] = n2[nd] / d2[nd]
polyMultiply.call(d2, q[nd - dd])
polySubtract.call(n2, d2)
nd = polyDegree.call(n2)
return Solution.new(q, n2)
var polyShow = Fn.new { |p|
var pd = polyDegree.call(p)
for (i in pd..0) {
var coeff = p[i]
if (coeff != 0) {
(coeff == 1) ? ((i < pd) ? " + " : "") :
(coeff == -1) ? ((i < pd) ? " - " : "-") :
(coeff < 0) ? ((i < pd) ? " - %(-coeff)" : "%(coeff)") :
((i < pd) ? " + %( coeff)" : "%(coeff)")
if (i > 1) {
} else if (i == 1) {
var n = [-42, 0, -12, 1]
var d = [ -3, 1, 0, 0]
System.write("Numerator : ")
System.write("Denominator : ")
var sol = polyLongDiv.call(n, d)
System.write("Quotient : ")
System.write("Remainder : ")
- Output:
Numerator : x^3 - 12x^2 - 42 Denominator : x - 3 ------------------------------------- Quotient : x^2 - 9x - 27 Remainder : -123
Version 2
class Polynom {
construct new(factors) {
_factors = factors.toList
factors { _factors.toList }
/(divisor) {
var curr = canonical().factors
var right = divisor.canonical().factors
var result = []
var base = curr.count - right.count
while (base >= 0) {
var res = curr[-1] / right[-1]
curr = curr[0...-1]
for (i in 0...right.count-1) {
curr[base + i] = curr[base + i] - res * right[i]
base = base - 1
var quot = Polynom.new(result[-1..0])
var rem = Polynom.new(curr).canonical()
return [quot, rem]
canonical() {
if (_factors[-1] != 0) return this
var newLen = factors.count
while (newLen > 0) {
if (_factors[newLen-1] != 0) return Polynom.new(_factors[0...newLen])
newLen = newLen - 1
return Polynom.new(_factors[0..0])
toString { "Polynomial(%(_factors.join(", ")))" }
var num = Polynom.new([-42, 0, -12, 1])
var den = Polynom.new([-3, 1, 0, 0])
var res = num / den
var quot = res[0]
var rem = res[1]
System.print("%(num) / %(den) = %(quot) remainder %(rem)")
- Output:
Polynomial(-42, 0, -12, 1) / Polynomial(-3, 1, 0, 0) = Polynomial(-27, -9, 1) remainder Polynomial(-123)
fcn polyLongDivision(a,b){ // (a0 + a1x + a2x^2 + a3x^3 ...)
_assert_(degree(b)>=0,"degree(%s) < 0".fmt(b));
while((ad:=degree(a)) >= (bd:=degree(b))){
z,d,m := ad-bd, List.createLong(z,0.0).extend(b), a[ad]/b[bd];;
d,a = d.apply('*(m)), a.zipWith('-,d);
return(q,a); // may have trailing zero elements
fcn degree(v){ // -1,0,..len(v)-1, -1 if v==0
v.len() - v.copy().reverse().filter1n('!=(0)) - 1;
fcn polyString(terms){ // (a0,a1,a2...)-->"a0 + a1x + a2x^2 ..."
str:=[0..].zipWith('wrap(n,a){ if(a) "+ %sx^%s ".fmt(a,n) else "" },terms)
.replace("x^0 "," ").replace(" 1x"," x").replace("x^1 ","x ")
.replace("+ -", "- ");
if(not str) return(" "); // all zeros
if(str[0]=="+") str[1,*]; // leave leading space
else String("-",str[2,*]);
q,r:=polyLongDivision(T(-42.0, 0.0, -12.0, 1.0),T(-3.0, 1.0));
println("Quotient = ",polyString(q));
println("Remainder = ",polyString(r));
- Output:
Quotient = -27 - 9x + x^2 Remainder = -123
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