Number names
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
- Task
Show how to spell out a number in English.
You can use a preexisting implementation or roll your own, but you should support inputs up to at least one million (or the maximum value of your language's default bounded integer type, if that's less).
Support for inputs other than positive integers (like zero, negative integers, and floating-point numbers) is optional.
- Related task
360 Assembly
* Number names 20/02/2017
B 72(R15)
DC 17F'0'
STM R14,R12,12(R13)
ST R13,4(R15)
ST R15,8(R13)
LR R13,R15 end of prolog
LA R6,1 i=1
DO WHILE=(C,R6,LE,=A(NG)) do i=1 to hbound(g)
LR R1,R6 i
SLA R1,2
L R2,G-4(R1) g(i)
ST R2,N n=g(i)
L R4,N
IF LTR,R4,Z,R4 THEN if n=0 then
MVC R,=CL256'zero' r='zero'
ELSE , else
MVC R,=CL256' ' r=''
MVC D,=F'10' d=10
MVC C,=F'100' c=100
MVC K,=F'1000' k=1000
L R2,N n
LPR R2,R2 abs(n)
ST R2,A a=abs(n)
SR R7,R7 j=0
DO WHILE=(C,R7,LE,D) do j=0 to d
L R4,A a
SRDA R4,32
D R4,C /c
M R4,C *a
L R8,A a
SR R8,R5 h=a-c*a/c
IF C,R8,GT,=F'0',AND,C,R8,LT,D THEN if h>0 & h<d then
LR R1,R8 h
MH R1,=H'10'
LA R4,S(R1) @s(h+1)
MVC PG(10),0(R4) s(h+1)
MVC PG+10(246),R !!r
MVC R,PG r=s(h+1)!!' '!!r
ENDIF , endif
IF C,R8,GT,=F'9',AND,C,R8,LT,=F'20' THEN if h>9 & h<20 then
LR R1,R8 h
S R1,D -d
MH R1,=H'10'
LA R4,T(R1) @t(h-d+1)
MVC PG(10),0(R4) t(h-d+1)
MVC PG+10(246),R !!r
MVC R,PG r=t(h-d+1)!!' '!!r
ENDIF , endif
IF C,R8,GT,=F'19',AND,C,R8,LT,C THEN if h>19 & h<c then
LR R4,R8 h
SRDA R4,32
D R4,D /d
M R4,D *d
LR R1,R8 h
SR R1,R5 h-d*(h/d)
ST R1,X x=h-d*(h/d)
L R4,X x
IF LTR,R4,NZ,R4 THEN if x^=0 then
MVI Y,C'-' y='-'
ELSE , else
MVI Y,C' ' y=' '
ENDIF , endif
LR R4,R8 h
SRDA R4,32
D R4,D /d
MH R5,=H'10'
LA R4,U(R5) @u(h/d+1)
MVC PG(10),0(R4) u(h/d+1)
MVC PG+10(1),Y y
L R1,X x
MH R1,=H'10'
LA R4,S(R1) @s(x+1)
MVC PG+11(10),0(R4) s(x+1)
MVC PG+21(235),R !!r
MVC R,PG r=u(h/d+1)!!y!!s(x+1)!!r
ENDIF , endif
L R4,A a
SRDA R4,32
D R4,K a/k
M R4,K *k
L R8,A a
SR R8,R5 h=a-k*(a/k)
LR R4,R8 h
SRDA R4,32
D R4,C /c
LR R8,R5 h=h/c
IF LTR,R8,NZ,R8 THEN if h^=0 then
LR R1,R8 h
MH R1,=H'10'
LA R4,S(R1) @s(h+1)
MVC PG(10),0(R4) s(h+1)
MVC PG+10(10),=CL10' hundred '
MVC PG+20(236),R !!r
MVC R,PG r=s(h+1)!!' hundred '!!r
ENDIF , endif
L R4,A a
SRDA R4,32
D R4,K /k
ST R5,A a=a/k
L R4,A
IF LTR,R4,P,R4 THEN if a>0 then
L R4,A a
SRDA R4,32
D R4,K /k
M R4,K *k
L R8,A a
SR R8,R5 h=a-k*(a/k)
IF LTR,R8,NZ,R8 THEN if h^=0 then
LR R1,R7 j
MH R1,=H'10'
LA R4,V(R1) @v(j+1)
MVC PG(10),0(R4) v(j+1)
MVC PG+10(246),R !!r
MVC R,PG r=v(j+1)!!' '!!r
ENDIF , endif
ENDIF , endif
LA R3,1 l=0
LA R9,256 jr=256
LA R10,R ir=0
LA R11,R-1 irr=-1
LOOP CLI 0(R10),C' ' if r[ii]=' ' .....+
CLI 1(R10),C' ' if r[ii+1]=' ' |
CLI 1(R10),C'-' if r[ii+1]='-' |
OPT LA R11,1(R11) irr=irr+1 |
MVC 0(1,R11),0(R10) rr=rr!!ci |
LA R3,1(R3) l=l+1 |
ITER LA R10,1(R10) ir=ir+1 |
BCT R9,LOOP ...................+
LA R1,R-1 @r
AR R1,R3 +lr
MVC 0(80,R1),=CL80' ' clean the end
L R4,A a
IF LTR,R4,NP,R4 THEN if a<=0 then
B LEAVEJ leave
ENDIF , endif a<=0
LA R7,1(R7) j++
ENDDO , enddo j
IF LTR,R4,M,R4 THEN if n<0 then
MVC PG(6),=C'minus ' 'minus '
MVC PG+6(250),R !!r
MVC R,PG r='minus '!!r
ENDIF , endif n<0
ENDIF , endif n=0
MVC PG,=CL132' ' clear buffer
L R1,N n
XDECO R1,PG edit n
MVC PG+13(256),R r
XPRNT PG,132 print buffer
LA R6,1(R6) i++
ENDDO , enddo i
L R13,4(0,R13) epilog
LM R14,R12,12(R13)
XR R15,R15
BR R14 exit
S DC CL10' ',CL10'one',CL10'two',CL10'three',CL10'four'
DC CL10'five',CL10'six',CL10'seven',CL10'eight',CL10'nine'
T DC CL50'ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen'
DC CL50'fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen'
U DC CL50' twenty thirty forty'
DC CL50'fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety'
V DC CL50'thousand million billion trillion'
G DC F'0',F'2',F'19',F'20',F'21',F'99',F'100',F'101',F'-123'
DC F'9123',F'467889',F'1234567',F'2147483647'
NG EQU (*-G)/4
R DS CL256
- Output:
0 zero 2 two 19 nineteen 20 twenty 21 twenty-one 99 ninety-nine 100 one hundred 101 one hundred one -123 minus one hundred twenty-three 9123 nine thousand one hundred twenty-three 467889 four hundred sixty-seven thousand eight hundred eighty-nine 1234567 one million two hundred thirty-four thousand five hundred sixty-seven 2147483647 two billion one hundred forty-seven million four hundred eighty-three thousand six hundred forty-seven
with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Integers_In_English is
type Spellable is range -999_999_999_999_999_999..999_999_999_999_999_999;
function Spell (N : Spellable) return String is
function Twenty (N : Spellable) return String is
case N mod 20 is
when 0 => return "zero";
when 1 => return "one";
when 2 => return "two";
when 3 => return "three";
when 4 => return "four";
when 5 => return "five";
when 6 => return "six";
when 7 => return "seven";
when 8 => return "eight";
when 9 => return "nine";
when 10 => return "ten";
when 11 => return "eleven";
when 12 => return "twelve";
when 13 => return "thirteen";
when 14 => return "fourteen";
when 15 => return "fifteen";
when 16 => return "sixteen";
when 17 => return "seventeen";
when 18 => return "eighteen";
when others => return "nineteen";
end case;
end Twenty;
function Decade (N : Spellable) return String is
case N mod 10 is
when 2 => return "twenty";
when 3 => return "thirty";
when 4 => return "forty";
when 5 => return "fifty";
when 6 => return "sixty";
when 7 => return "seventy";
when 8 => return "eighty";
when others => return "ninety";
end case;
end Decade;
function Hundred (N : Spellable) return String is
if N < 20 then
return Twenty (N);
elsif 0 = N mod 10 then
return Decade (N / 10 mod 10);
return Decade (N / 10) & '-' & Twenty (N mod 10);
end if;
end Hundred;
function Thousand (N : Spellable) return String is
if N < 100 then
return Hundred (N);
elsif 0 = N mod 100 then
return Twenty (N / 100) & " hundred";
return Twenty (N / 100) & " hundred and " & Hundred (N mod 100);
end if;
end Thousand;
function Triplet
( N : Spellable;
Order : Spellable;
Name : String;
Rest : not null access function (N : Spellable) return String
) return String is
High : Spellable := N / Order;
Low : Spellable := N mod Order;
if High = 0 then
return Rest (Low);
elsif Low = 0 then
return Thousand (High) & ' ' & Name;
return Thousand (High) & ' ' & Name & ", " & Rest (Low);
end if;
end Triplet;
function Million (N : Spellable) return String is
return Triplet (N, 10**3, "thousand", Thousand'Access);
end Million;
function Milliard (N : Spellable) return String is
return Triplet (N, 10**6, "million", Million'Access);
end Milliard;
function Billion (N : Spellable) return String is
return Triplet (N, 10**9, "milliard", Milliard'Access);
end Billion;
function Billiard (N : Spellable) return String is
return Triplet (N, 10**12, "billion", Billion'Access);
end Billiard;
if N < 0 then
return "negative " & Spell(-N);
return Triplet (N, 10**15, "billiard", Billiard'Access);
end if;
end Spell;
procedure Spell_And_Print(N: Spellable) is
Number: constant String := Spellable'Image(N);
Spaces: constant String(1 .. 20) := (others => ' '); -- 20 * ' '
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Spaces(Spaces'First .. Spaces'Last-Number'Length)
& Number & ' ' & Spell(N));
end Spell_And_Print;
Samples: constant array (Natural range <>) of Spellable
:= (99, 300, 310, 1_501, 12_609, 512_609, 43_112_609, 77_000_112_609,
2_000_000_000_100, 999_999_999_999_999_999,
0, -99, -1501, -77_000_112_609, -123_456_789_987_654_321);
for I in Samples'Range loop
end loop;
end Integers_In_English;
The implementation goes up to 1018-1 and also supports negative and zero inputs. The solution is recursive by the triplets of decimal numbers.
- Output:
99 ninety-nine 300 three hundred 310 three hundred and ten 1501 one thousand, five hundred and one 12609 twelve thousand, six hundred and nine 512609 five hundred and twelve thousand, six hundred and nine 43112609 forty-three million, one hundred and twelve thousand, six hundred and nine 77000112609 seventy-seven milliard, one hundred and twelve thousand, six hundred and nine 2000000000100 two billion, one hundred 999999999999999999 nine hundred and ninety-nine billiard, nine hundred and ninety-nine billion, nine hundred and ninety-nine milliard, nine hundred and ninety-nine million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine 0 zero -99 negative ninety-nine -1501 negative one thousand, five hundred and one -77000112609 negative seventy-seven milliard, one hundred and twelve thousand, six hundred and nine -123456789987654321 negative one hundred and twenty-three billiard, four hundred and fifty-six billion, seven hundred and eighty-nine milliard, nine hundred and eighty-seven million, six hundred and fifty-four thousand, three hundred and twenty-one
PROC number words = (INT n)STRING:(
# returns a string representation of n in words. Currently
deals with anything from 0 to 999 999 999. #
[]STRING digits = []STRING
[]STRING teens = []STRING
[]STRING decades = []STRING
PROC three digits = (INT n)STRING: (
# does the conversion for n from 0 to 999. #
INT tens = n MOD 100 OVER 10;
INT units = n MOD 10;
(n >= 100|digits[n OVER 100] + " " + "hundred" + (n MOD 100 /= 0|" and "|"")|"") +
(tens /= 0|(tens = 1|teens[units]|decades[tens] + (units /= 0|"-"|""))|"") +
(units /= 0 AND tens /= 1 OR n = 0|digits[units]|"")
INT m = n OVER 1 000 000;
INT k = n MOD 1 000 000 OVER 1000;
INT u = n MOD 1000;
(m /= 0|three digits(m) + " million"|"") +
(m /= 0 AND (k /= 0 OR u >= 100)|", "|"") +
(k /= 0|three digits(k) + " thousand"|"") +
((m /= 0 OR k /= 0) AND u > 0 AND u < 100|" and " |: k /= 0 AND u /= 0|", "|"") +
(u /= 0 OR n = 0|three digits(u)|"")
on logical file end(stand in, (REF FILE f)BOOL: GOTO stop iteration);
on value error(stand in, (REF FILE f)BOOL: GOTO stop iteration);
DO # until user hits EOF #
INT n;
print("n? ");
read((n, new line));
print((number words(n), new line))
stop iteration:
- Example input with output:
n? 43112609 forty-three million, one hundred and twelve thousand, six hundred and nine
EXCEPTION value error = ("Value Error", stop);
PROC raise = (EXCEPTION exception, STRING str error)VOID: (
put(stand error, (name OF exception,": ",str error, new line));
handler OF exception
BOOL locale euro := TRUE;
PROC spell integer = (LINT n)STRING: (
[]STRING tens = []STRING (~, ~, "twenty", "thirty", "forty",
"fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety")[@0];
[]STRING small = []STRING ("zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five",
"six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven",
"twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen",
"sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen")[@0];
[]STRING bl = []STRING (~, ~, "m", "b", "tr", "quadr",
"quint", "sext", "sept", "oct", "non", "dec")[@0];
PROC nonzero = (STRING c, LINT n)STRING:
IF n = 0 THEN "" ELSE c + spell integer(n) FI;
spell integer(n) +
#0# "",
#1# " thousand"
" " +
IF locale euro THEN # handle millard, billard & trillard etc #
bl[e OVER 2 + 1 ]+"ill" + CASE e MOD 2 IN "ard" OUT "ion" ESAC
PROC base1000 rev = (LINT in n, PROC (INT,LINT)VOID yield)VOID: (
# generates the value of the digits of n in base 1000 #
# (i.e. 3-digit chunks), in reverse. #
LINT n := in n;
FOR e FROM 0 WHILE n /= 0 DO
LINT r = n MOD 1000;
n := n OVER 1000;
yield(e, r)
IF n < 1000 THEN
IF ssn < 0 THEN
raise (value error, "spell integer: negative input"); ~
ELIF ssn < 20 THEN
ELIF ssn < 100 THEN
INT a = ssn OVER 10,
b = ssn MOD 10;
tens[a] + nonzero("-", b)
ELIF ssn < 1000 THEN
INT a = ssn OVER 100,
b = ssn MOD 100;
small[a] + " hundred" + ( b NE 0 | " and" | "") + nonzero(" ", b)
STRING out := "", sep:="";
# FOR e, x IN # base1000 rev(n, # DO #
big(e,x) + sep +=: out;
sep := IF e = 0 AND x < 100 THEN " and " ELSE ", " FI
# OD #;
PROC example = (LINT n)VOID:
print((whole(n,0),": ", spell integer(n), new line));
# examples #
LINT prod := 0;
FOR i TO 6 DO prod := prod * 10**i + i; example(prod) OD;
example(1278); example(1572); example(2010)
- Output:
1: one 102: one hundred and two 102003: one hundred and two thousand and three 1020030004: one millard, twenty million, thirty thousand and four 102003000400005: one hundred and two billion, three millard, four hundred thousand and five 102003000400005000006: one hundred and two trillion, three billard, four hundred millard, five million and six 1278: one thousand, two hundred and seventy-eight 1572: one thousand, five hundred and seventy-two 2010: two thousand and ten
small←'' 'one' 'two' 'three' 'four' 'five' 'six' 'seven' 'eight'
small,←'nine' 'ten' 'eleven' 'twelve' 'thirteen' 'fourteen'
small,←'fifteen' 'sixteen' 'seventeen' 'eighteen' 'nineteen'
teens←'twenty' 'thirty' 'forty' 'fifty' 'sixty' 'seventy'
teens,←'eighty' 'ninety'
orders←'m' 'b' 'tr' 'quadr',¨⊂'illion'
orders←('hundred' 100)('thousand' 1000),orders
{ ⍵<0:'minus ',∇-⍵
name size←⍺
cur n←⍵
n≥size:(⊂cur,(⍺⍺⌊n÷size),' ',name,((0≠rest)↑'')),rest
- Output:
spell 0 zero spell 12345 twelve thousand three hundred forty-five spell -6789 minus six thousand seven hundred eighty-nine spell 2*48 two hundred eighty-one trillion four hundred seventy-four billion nine hundred seventy-six million seven hundred ten thousand six hundred fifty-six
With AppleScript's ability to access some of macOS's Objective-C frameworks, it's possible to get the job done with a single line:
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) or later
use framework "Foundation"
on numberToWords(n)
return (current application's class "NSNumberFormatter"'s localizedStringFromNumber:(n) numberStyle:(current application's NSNumberFormatterSpellOutStyle)) as text
end numberToWords
--> "minus thirty-six billion twenty-eight million seven hundred ninety-seven thousand eighteen point nine six three"
NSNumberFormatter supports several natural languages and by default uses the one set for the user on the host machine. However, its English is limited to US English, so there are no "and"s in the results.
Vanilla AppleScript can be more flexible if you're prepared to write the code. The script below, like the ASObjC one above, returns short-scale number names, but includes "and"s by default. An optional parameter without ands
can be added to the call if the "and"s are not wanted. Another optional parameter, with longScale
, gets a British-English long-scale result, while a third, with milliards
, gets a long-scale result with "milliard", "billiard", etc. between the "-illion"s instead of "thousand".
Both scripts can display strange results with numbers at the extreme limits of floating-point resolution.
-- Parameters:
-- n: AppleScript integer or real.
-- longScale (optional): boolean. Whether to use long-scale -illions instead of short-scale. Default: false
-- milliards (optional): boolean. Whether to use long-scale -illiards instead of long-scale thousands.
-- ands (optional): boolean. Whether to include "and"s in the result. Default: true.
on numberToEnglish from n given longScale:usingLongScale : false, milliards:usingMilliards : false, ands:usingAnd : true
-- If 'with milliards' is specified, make sure the differently coded 'with longScale' is disabled.
if (usingMilliards) then set (usingLongScale) to false
-- Script object containing data and two subhandlers.
script o
property scale : 1000
property unitsAndTeens : {"one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", ¬
"eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"}
property tens : {missing value, "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"}
property landmarks : {"thousand", "million", "billion", "trillion", "quadrillion", "quintillion", "sextillion", "septillion"}
property illiardLandmarks : {"thousand", "million", "milliard", "billion", "billiard", "trillion", "trilliard", ¬
"quadrillion", "quadrilliard", "quintillion", "quintilliard", "sextillion", "sextilliard", "septillion", "septilliard"}
property collector : {} -- Words collected here.
-- Deal with the integer part of the number.
on nameInteger(n, landmarkIndex)
-- Recursively work to the "front" of the number, three or six "digits" at a time depending on the scale.
if (n ≥ scale) then nameInteger(n div scale, landmarkIndex + 1)
-- Name each digit-group value on the way back.
set groupValue to n mod scale
-- If a group value's over 999, its top three digits represent thousands in a long-scale naming. Deal with them first.
if (groupValue > 999) then
nameGroup(groupValue div 1000, false, landmarkIndex)
set end of my collector to "thousand"
-- In this context, if the group's bottom three digits amount to zero, the appropriate "-illion", if any, must be added here.
set groupValue to groupValue mod 1000
if ((groupValue is 0) and (landmarkIndex > 0)) then set end of my collector to item landmarkIndex of my landmarks
end if
-- Deal with either a short-scale digit group or the bottom three digits of a long-scale one.
if (groupValue > 0) then
nameGroup(groupValue, true, landmarkIndex)
if (landmarkIndex > 0) then set end of my collector to item landmarkIndex of my landmarks
end if
end nameInteger
-- Deal with a value representing a group of up to three digits.
on nameGroup(groupValue, notThousands, landmarkIndex)
-- Firstly the hundreds, if any.
if (groupValue > 99) then
set end of my collector to item (groupValue div 100) of unitsAndTeens
set end of my collector to "hundred"
end if
-- Then the tens and units together, according to whether they require single words, hyphenated words or none.
set tensAndUnits to groupValue mod 100
if (tensAndUnits > 0) then
-- Insert the word "and" if enabled and appropriate.
if ((usingAnd) and ¬
((collector ends with "hundred") ¬
or (collector ends with "thousand") ¬
or ((notThousands) and (landmarkIndex is 0) and (collector is not {})))) then ¬
set end of my collector to "and"
if (tensAndUnits < 20) then
set end of my collector to item tensAndUnits of my unitsAndTeens
set units to tensAndUnits mod 10
if (units > 0) then
set end of my collector to item (tensAndUnits div 10) of my tens & ("-" & item units of my unitsAndTeens)
set end of my collector to item (tensAndUnits div 10) of my tens
end if
end if
end if
end nameGroup
end script
(* Main handler code. *)
-- Adjust for a negative if necessary.
if (n < 0) then set {end of o's collector, n} to {"minus", -n}
-- Deal with the integer part of the number.
if (n div 1 is 0) then
set end of o's collector to "zero"
if (usingLongScale) then
set o's scale to 1000000
set o's landmarks to rest of o's landmarks
else if (usingMilliards) then
set o's landmarks to o's illiardLandmarks
end if
tell o to nameInteger(n div 1, 0)
end if
-- Deal with any fractional part. (Vulnerable to floating-point inaccuracy with extreme values.)
if (n mod 1 > 0.0) then
set end of o's collector to "point"
-- Shift each fractional digit into the units position and read it off as an integer.
set n to n * 10
set units to n mod 10 div 1
if (units is 0) then
set end of o's collector to "zero"
set end of o's collector to item (units div 1) of o's unitsAndTeens
end if
set n to n * 10.0
if (n mod 10 is 0.0) then exit repeat
end repeat
end if
-- Coerce the assembled words to a single text.
set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to space
set English to o's collector as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
return English
end numberToEnglish
numberToEnglish from -3.60287970189634E+12
--> "minus three trillion six hundred and two billion eight hundred and seventy-nine million seven hundred and one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six point three four"
numberToEnglish from -3.60287970189634E+12 without ands
--> "minus three trillion six hundred two billion eight hundred seventy-nine million seven hundred one thousand eight hundred ninety-six point three four"
numberToEnglish from -3.60287970189634E+12 with longScale
--> "minus three billion six hundred and two thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine million seven hundred and one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six point three four"
numberToEnglish from -3.60287970189634E+12 with milliards
--> "minus three billion six hundred and two milliard eight hundred and seventy-nine million seven hundred and one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six point three four"
Applesoft BASIC
Handles zero and negative integers. Rounding errors occur with big numbers.
40 END
110 IF R$ = "" THEN FOR I = 0 TO 10 : READ S$(I), T$(I), U$(I), V$(I) : NEXT
120 IF N = 0 THEN R$ = "ZERO" : RETURN
130 R$ = "" : D = 10 : C = 100 : M = 1E3
140 A = ABS(N)
150 FOR U = 0 TO D
160 H = A - C * INT(A / C)
170 IF H > 0 AND H < D THEN R$ = S$(H) + " " + R$
180 IF H > 9 AND H < 20 THEN R$ = T$(H - D) + " " + R$
190 IF H > 19 AND H < C THEN S = H - D * INT(H / D) : R$ = U$(INT(H / D)) + MID$("-",1+(S=0),1) + S$(S) + " " + R$
200 H = A - M * INT(A / M)
210 H = INT (H / C)
220 IF H THEN R$ = S$(H) + " HUNDRED " + R$
230 A = INT(A / M)
240 IF A > 0 THEN H = A - M * INT(A / M) : IF H THEN R$ = V$(U) + " " + R$
250 IF A > 0 THEN NEXT U
260 IF N < 0 THEN R$ = "NEGATIVE " + R$
280 DATA "", "TEN", "", "THOUSAND"
290 DATA "", "", "", "DECILLION"
Loop { ; TEST LOOP
n =
Random Digits, 1, 36 ; random number with up to 36 digits
Loop %Digits% {
Random Digit, 0, 9 ; can have leading 0s
n .= Digit
MsgBox 1, Number Names, % PrettyNumber(n) "`n`n" Spell(n) "`n`n"
IfMsgBox Cancel, Break
Spell(n) { ; recursive function to spell out the name of a max 36 digit integer, after leading 0s removed
Static p1=" thousand ",p2=" million ",p3=" billion ",p4=" trillion ",p5=" quadrillion ",p6=" quintillion "
, p7=" sextillion ",p8=" septillion ",p9=" octillion ",p10=" nonillion ",p11=" decillion "
, t2="twenty",t3="thirty",t4="forty",t5="fifty",t6="sixty",t7="seventy",t8="eighty",t9="ninety"
, o0="zero",o1="one",o2="two",o3="three",o4="four",o5="five",o6="six",o7="seven",o8="eight"
, o9="nine",o10="ten",o11="eleven",o12="twelve",o13="thirteen",o14="fourteen",o15="fifteen"
, o16="sixteen",o17="seventeen",o18="eighteen",o19="nineteen"
n :=RegExReplace(n,"^0+(\d)","$1") ; remove leading 0s from n
If (11 < d := (StrLen(n)-1)//3) ; #of digit groups of 3
Return "Number too big"
If (d) ; more than 3 digits
Return Spell(SubStr(n,1,-3*d)) p%d% ((s:=SubStr(n,1-3*d)) ? ", " Spell(s) : "")
i := SubStr(n,1,1)
If (n > 99) ; 3 digits
Return o%i% " hundred" ((s:=SubStr(n,2)) ? " and " Spell(s) : "")
If (n > 19) ; n = 20..99
Return t%i% ((o:=SubStr(n,2)) ? "-" o%o% : "")
Return o%n% ; n = 0..19
PrettyNumber(n) { ; inserts thousands separators into a number string
Return RegExReplace( RegExReplace(n,"^0+(\d)","$1"), "\G\d+?(?=(\d{3})+(?:\D|$))", "$0,")
n = split("-10 0 .1 8 100 123 1001 99999 100000 9123456789 111000000111",arr," ")
for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
printf("%s = %s\n",arr[i],numtowords(arr[i]))
# source: The AWK Programming Language, page 75
function numtowords(n, minus,str) {
if (n < 0) {
n = n * -1
minus = "minus "
if (n == 0) {
str = "zero"
else {
str = intowords(n)
gsub(/ /," ",str)
gsub(/ $/,"",str)
return(minus str)
function intowords(n) {
n = int(n)
if (n >= 1000000000000) {
return intowords(n/1000000000000) " trillion " intowords(n%1000000000000)
if (n >= 1000000000) {
return intowords(n/1000000000) " billion " intowords(n%1000000000)
if (n >= 1000000) {
return intowords(n/1000000) " million " intowords(n%1000000)
if (n >= 1000) {
return intowords(n/1000) " thousand " intowords(n%1000)
if (n >= 100) {
return intowords(n/100) " hundred " intowords(n%100)
if (n >= 20) {
return tens[int(n/10)] " " intowords(n%10)
function init_numtowords() {
split("one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen",nums," ")
split("ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety",tens," ")
- Output:
-10 = minus ten 0 = zero .1 = 8 = eight 100 = one hundred 123 = one hundred twenty three 1001 = one thousand one 99999 = ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine 100000 = one hundred thousand 9123456789 = nine billion one hundred twenty three million four hundred fifty six thousand seven hundred eighty nine 111000000111 = one hundred eleven billion one hundred eleven
DATA "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten"
DATA "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"
DATA "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"
DATA "thousand", "million", "billion"
DIM SHARED small(1 TO 19) AS STRING, tens(7) AS STRING, big(2) AS STRING
FOR tmpInt = 1 TO 19
READ small(tmpInt)
FOR tmpInt = 0 TO 7
READ tens(tmpInt)
FOR tmpInt = 0 TO 2
READ big(tmpInt)
INPUT "Gimme a number! ", n
PRINT int2Text$(n)
FUNCTION int2Text$ (number AS LONG)
IF 0 = number THEN
int2Text$ = "zero"
num = ABS(number)
tmpLng1 = num MOD 100
CASE 1 TO 19
outP = small(tmpLng1) + " " + outP
CASE 20 TO 99
outP = tens((tmpLng1 \ 10) - 2) + " " + outP
outP = tens((tmpLng1 \ 10) - 2) + "-" + small(tmpLng1 MOD 10) + " " + outP
tmpLng1 = (num MOD 1000) \ 100
IF tmpLng1 THEN
outP = small(tmpLng1) + " hundred " + outP
num = num \ 1000
tmpLng1 = num MOD 1000
IF tmpLng1 THEN outP = big(unit) + " " + outP
unit = unit + 1
IF number < 0 THEN outP = "negative " + outP
int2Text$ = RTRIM$(outP)
- Sample outputs:
(including the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything)
Gimme a number! 1 one Gimme a number! 0 zero Gimme a number! -1 negative one Gimme a number! 42 forty-two Gimme a number! 1000000 one million Gimme a number! 1000000001 one billion one Gimme a number! &h7fffffff two billion one hundred forty-seven million four hundred eighty-three thousand six hundred forty-seven
global lows
lows = {"", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"}
global tens
tens = {"", "", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"}
global lev
lev = {"", "thousand", "million", "billion"}
function numname_int(n)
if n = 0 then return "zero"
if n < 0 then return "negative " + numname_int(-n)
t = -1
redim triples(3) #con < 3 da error ¿¿??
ret = ""
while n > 0
t += 1
triples[t] = n mod 1000
n = int(n / 1000)
end while
for i = t to 0 step -1
tripname = ""
if triples[i] = 0 then continue for
lasttwo = triples[i] mod 100
hundreds = triples[i] \ 100
if lasttwo < 20 then
tripname = lows[lasttwo] + tripname + " "
tripname = tens[lasttwo\10] + "-" + lows[lasttwo mod 10] + " " + tripname
end if
if hundreds > 0 then
if lasttwo > 0 then tripname = " and " + tripname
tripname = lows[hundreds] + " hundred" + tripname
end if
if i = 0 and t > 0 and hundreds = 0 then tripname = " and " + tripname
tripname += lev[i] + " "
ret = ltrim(ret) + ltrim(tripname)
next i
return trim(ret)
end function
function numname(n)
ret = ""
if n = int(n) then return numname_int(int(n))
prefix = numname_int(int(abs(n))) + " point "
decdig = string(abs(n)-int(abs(n)))
if n < 0 then prefix = "negative " + prefix
ret = prefix
for i = 3 to length(decdig)
ret += numname(int(mid(decdig,i,1))) + " "
next i
return trim(ret)
end function
print numname(0)
print numname(1.0)
print numname(-1.7)
print numname(910000)
print numname(987654)
print numname(100000017)
- Output:
Same as FreeBASIC entry.
Batch File
::Number Names Task from Rosetta Code Wiki
::Batch File Implementation
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if "%~1"=="iterate" goto num_name
::Define the words
set "small=One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten"
set "small=%small% Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen"
set "decade=Twenty Thirty Forty Fifty Sixty Seventy Eighty Ninety"
set "big=Thousand Million Billion"
::Seperating each word...
set cnt=0
for %%X in (%small%) do (set /a "cnt+=1"&set small!cnt!=%%X)
set cnt=0
for %%Y in (%decade%) do (set decade!cnt!=%%Y&set /a "cnt+=1")
set cnt=0
for %%Z in (%big%) do (set big!cnt!=%%Z&set /a "cnt+=1")
::The Main Thing
for %%. in (42,27,1090,230000,1001100,-40309,0,123456789) do (
set input=%%.
if %%. lss 0 (set /a input*=-1)
if !input! equ 0 (set TotalOut=Zero) else (
call :num_word %%.
echo "!TotalOut!"
exit /b
::/The Main Thing
::The Procedure
set outP=
set unit=0
set num=!input!
set /a tmpLng1 = num %% 100
set /a tmpLng2 = tmpLng1 %% 10
set /a tmpNum1 = tmpLng1/10 - 2
if !tmpLng1! geq 1 if !tmpLng1! leq 19 (
set "outP=!small%tmpLng1%! !outP!"
if !tmpLng1! geq 20 if !tmpLng1! leq 99 (
if !tmpLng2! equ 0 (
set "outP=!decade%tmpNum1%! !outP!"
) else (
set "outP=!decade%tmpNum1%!-!small%tmpLng2%! !outP!"
set /a tmpLng1 = (num %% 1000)/100
if not !tmpLng1! equ 0 (
set "outP=!small%tmpLng1%! Hundred !outP!"
set /a num/=1000
if !num! lss 1 goto :break_loop
set /a tmpLng1 = num %% 1000
if not !tmpLng1! equ 0 (
set "outP=!big%unit%! !outP!"
set /a unit+=1
goto :num_loop
set "TotalOut=!outP!"
if %1 lss 0 set "TotalOut=Negative !outP!"
set TotalOut=%TotalOut:~0,-1%
goto :EOF
- Output:
>NUMBER.BAT "Forty-Two" "Twenty-Seven" "One Thousand Ninety" "Two Hundred Thirty Thousand" "One Million One Thousand One Hundred" "Negative Forty Thousand Three Hundred Nine" "Zero" "One Hundred Twenty-Three Million Four Hundred Fifty-Six Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty-Nine" >
DIM test%(20)
test%() = 0, 1, 2, 19, 20, 21, 99, 100, 101, 300, 310, 1001, -1327, 1501, \
\ 10203, 12609, 101104, 102003, 467889, 1005006, -123000789
FOR i% = 0 TO DIM(test%(),1)
PRINT FNsaynumber(test%(i%))
DEF FNsaynumber(n%)
LOCAL number%(), number$(), i%, t%, a$
DIM number%(29), number$(29)
number%() = 1000000000, 1000000, 1000, 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, \
\ 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2
number$() = "billion", "million", "thousand", "hundred", "ninety", "eighty", \
\ "seventy", "sixty", "fifty", "forty", "thirty", "twenty", \
\ "nineteen", "eighteen", "seventeen", "sixteen", "fifteen", \
\ "fourteen", "thirteen", "twelve", "eleven", "ten", "nine", \
\ "eight", "seven", "six", "five", "four", "three", "two"
IF n% < 0 THEN = "minus " + FNsaynumber(-n%)
IF n% = 0 THEN = "zero"
IF n% = 1 THEN = "one "
FOR i% = 0 TO DIM(number%(),1)
IF n% >= number%(i%) THEN
t% = n% DIV number%(i%)
IF t%=1 AND i%<4 a$ += "one " ELSE IF t%<>1 a$ += FNsaynumber(t%)
a$ += number$(i%)
t% = n% MOD number%(i%)
WHEN i%>3 AND i%<12 AND t%<>0: a$ += "-"
WHEN i%<=3 AND t%>=100: a$ += ", "
WHEN i%<=3 AND t%<>0 AND t%<100: a$ += " and "
OTHERWISE: a$ += " "
IF t% a$ += FNsaynumber(t%) ELSE IF i%<12 a$ += " "
= a$
- Output:
zero one two nineteen twenty twenty-one ninety-nine one hundred one hundred and one three hundred three hundred and ten one thousand and one minus one thousand, three hundred and twenty-seven one thousand, five hundred and one ten thousand, two hundred and three twelve thousand, six hundred and nine one hundred and one thousand, one hundred and four one hundred and two thousand and three four hundred and sixty-seven thousand, eight hundred and eighty-nine one million, five thousand and six minus one hundred and twenty-three million, seven hundred and eighty-nine
This will work up to and including 999999, or up to the maximum of the system word size, whichever is smaller.
get "libhdr"
manifest $( MAXLEN = 256/BYTESPERWORD $)
let append(v1, v2) be
$( for i=1 to v2%0 do
v1%(v1%0+i) := v2%i
v1%0 := v1%0 + v2%0
let spell(n, v) = valof
$( let small(n) =
n=0 -> "", n=1 -> "one", n=2 -> "two",
n=3 -> "three", n=4 -> "four", n=5 -> "five",
n=6 -> "six", n=7 -> "seven", n=8 -> "eight",
n=9 -> "nine", n=10 -> "ten", n=11 -> "eleven",
n=12 -> "twelve", n=13 -> "thirteen", n=14 -> "fourteen",
n=15 -> "fifteen", n=16 -> "sixteen", n=17 -> "seventeen",
n=18 -> "eighteen", n=19 -> "nineteen", valof finish
let teens(n) =
n=2 -> "twenty", n=3 -> "thirty", n=4 -> "forty",
n=5 -> "fifty", n=6 -> "sixty", n=7 -> "seventy",
n=8 -> "eighty", n=9 -> "ninety", valof finish
let less100(n, v) be
$( if n >= 20
$( append(v, teens(n/10))
n := n rem 10
unless n=0 append(v, "-")
append(v, small(n))
let inner(n, v) be
$( let step(n, val, name, v) = valof
$( if n>=val
$( inner(n/val, v)
append(v, name)
unless n=val do append(v, " ")
resultis n rem val
test n<0
$( append(v, "minus ")
inner(-n, v)
$( n := step(n, 1000, " thousand", v)
n := step(n, 100, " hundred", v)
less100(n, v)
v%0 := 0
test n=0 do append(v, "zero") or inner(n, v)
resultis v
let reads(v) be
$( v%0 := 0
$( let c = rdch()
if c='*N' | c=endstreamch break
v%0 := v%0 + 1
v%(v%0) := c
$) repeat
let atoi(v) = valof
$( let r = 0 and neg = false and i = 1
if v%1 = '-' then
$( i := 2
neg := true
while '0' <= v%i <= '9' & i <= v%0
$( r := r*10 + v%i-'0'
i := i+1
resultis neg -> -r, r
let start() be
$( let instr = vec MAXLEN and numstr = vec MAXLEN
$( writes("Number? ")
if instr%0=0 finish
writef("%N: %S*N", atoi(instr), spell(atoi(instr), numstr))
$) repeat
- Output:
Number? 0 0: zero Number? 19 19: nineteen Number? 65 65: sixty-five Number? 123 123: one hundred twenty-three Number? -456 -456: minus four hundred fifty-six Number? 30000 30000: thirty thousand
Framework BRL.StandardIO
spellIt( 99)
spellIt( 300)
spellIt( 310)
spellIt( 1501)
spellIt( 12609)
spellIt( 512609)
spellIt( 43112609)
Type TSpell
Field smallNumbers:String[] = ["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", ..
"six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", ..
"eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", ..
"sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen" ]
Field decades:String[] = [ "", "", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", ..
"fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety" ]
Field thousandPowers:String[] = [ " billion", " million", " thousand", "" ]
Method spellHundreds:String(number:Int)
Local result:String
If number > 99 Then
result = smallNumbers[number / 100]
result :+ " hundred"
number = number Mod 100
If number Then
result :+ " and "
End If
End If
If number >= 20 Then
result :+ decades[number / 10]
number = number Mod 10
If number Then
result :+ "-"
End If
End If
If number > 0 And number < 20 Then
result :+ smallNumbers[number]
End If
Return result
End Method
Method spell:String(number:Long)
If number < 20 Then
Return smallNumbers[number]
End If
Local result:String
Local scaleIndex:Int = 0
Local scaleFactor:Long = 1000000000:Long ' 1 billion
While scaleFactor > 0
If number >= scaleFactor
Local h:Long = number / scaleFactor
result :+ spellHundreds(h) + thousandPowers[scaleIndex]
number = number Mod scaleFactor
If number Then
result :+ ", "
End If
End If
scaleFactor :/ 1000
scaleIndex :+ 1
Return result
End Method
End Type
Function spellIt(number:Long)
Local numberSpell:TSpell = New TSpell
Print number + " " + numberSpell.spell(number)
End Function
99 ninety-nine 300 three hundred 310 three hundred and ten 1501 one thousand, five hundred and one 12609 twelve thousand, six hundred and nine 512609 five hundred and twelve thousand, six hundred and nine 43112609 forty-three million, one hundred and twelve thousand, six hundred and nine 1234567890 one billion, two hundred and thirty-four million, five hundred and sixty-seven thousand, eight hundred and ninety
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
const char *ones[] = { 0, "one", "two", "three", "four",
"five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine",
"ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen",
"fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen" };
const char *tens[] = { 0, "ten", "twenty", "thirty", "forty",
"fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety" };
const char *llions[] = { 0, "thousand", "million", "billion", "trillion",
// "quadrillion", "quintillion", "sextillion", "septillion",
// "octillion", "nonillion", "decillion"
const int maxillion = sizeof(llions) / sizeof(llions[0]) * 3 - 3;
int say_hundred(const char *s, int len, int depth, int has_lead)
int c[3], i;
for (i = -3; i < 0; i++) {
if (len + i >= 0) c[i + 3] = s[len + i] - '0';
else c[i + 3] = 0;
if (!(c[0] + c[1] + c[2])) return 0;
if (c[0]) {
printf("%s hundred", ones[c[0]]);
has_lead = 1;
if (has_lead && (c[1] || c[2]))
printf((!depth || c[0]) && (!c[0] || !c[1]) ? "and " :
c[0] ? " " : "");
if (c[1] < 2) {
if (c[1] || c[2]) printf("%s", ones[c[1] * 10 + c[2]]);
} else {
if (c[1]) {
printf("%s", tens[c[1]]);
if (c[2]) putchar('-');
if (c[2]) printf("%s", ones[c[2]]);
return 1;
int say_maxillion(const char *s, int len, int depth, int has_lead)
int n = len / 3, r = len % 3;
if (!r) {
r = 3;
const char *e = s + r;
do {
if (say_hundred(s, r, n, has_lead) && n) {
has_lead = 1;
printf(" %s", llions[n]);
if (!depth) printf(", ");
else printf(" ");
s = e; e += 3;
} while (r = 3, n--);
return 1;
void say_number(const char *s)
int len, i, got_sign = 0;
while (*s == ' ') s++;
if (*s < '0' || *s > '9') {
if (*s == '-') got_sign = -1;
else if (*s == '+') got_sign = 1;
else goto nan;
} else
got_sign = 1;
while (*s == '0') {
if (*s == '\0') {
len = strlen(s);
if (!len) goto nan;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (s[i] < '0' || s[i] > '9') {
printf("(not a number)");
if (got_sign == -1) printf("minus ");
int n = len / maxillion;
int r = len % maxillion;
if (!r) {
r = maxillion;
const char *end = s + len - n * maxillion;
int has_lead = 0;
do {
if ((has_lead = say_maxillion(s, r, n, has_lead))) {
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf(" %s", llions[maxillion / 3]);
if (n) printf(", ");
r = maxillion;
s = end;
end += r;
} while (n >= 0);
nan: printf("not a number\n");
int main()
return 0;
- Output:
minus forty-two one thousand, nine hundred eighty-four ten thousand, one thousand, and twenty-four one trillion, one billion, one million, one thousand, and one one hundred twenty-three million four hundred fifty-six thousand seven hundred eighty-nine trillion trillion trillion trillion, twelve billion three hundred forty-five million six hundred seventy-eight thousand nine hundredand one trillion trillion trillion, two hundred thirty-four billion five hundred sixty-seven million eight hundred ninety thousand one hundred twenty-three trillion trillion, four hundred fifty-six billion seven hundred eighty-nine million twelve thousand three hundred forty-five trillion, six hundred seventy-eight billion, nine hundred million, and one
using System;
class NumberNamer {
static readonly string[] incrementsOfOne =
{ "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four",
"five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine",
"ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen",
"fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen" };
static readonly string[] incrementsOfTen =
{ "", "", "twenty", "thirty", "fourty",
"fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety" };
const string millionName = "million",
thousandName = "thousand",
hundredName = "hundred",
andName = "and";
public static string GetName( int i ) {
string output = "";
if( i >= 1000000 ) {
output += ParseTriplet( i / 1000000 ) + " " + millionName;
i %= 1000000;
if( i == 0 ) return output;
if( i >= 1000 ) {
if( output.Length > 0 ) {
output += ", ";
output += ParseTriplet( i / 1000 ) + " " + thousandName;
i %= 1000;
if( i == 0 ) return output;
if( output.Length > 0 ) {
output += ", ";
output += ParseTriplet( i );
return output;
static string ParseTriplet( int i ) {
string output = "";
if( i >= 100 ) {
output += incrementsOfOne[i / 100] + " " + hundredName;
i %= 100;
if( i == 0 ) return output;
if( output.Length > 0 ) {
output += " " + andName + " ";
if( i >= 20 ) {
output += incrementsOfTen[i / 10];
i %= 10;
if( i == 0 ) return output;
if( output.Length > 0 ) {
output += " ";
output += incrementsOfOne[i];
return output;
class Program { // Test class
static void Main( string[] args ) {
Console.WriteLine( NumberNamer.GetName( 1 ) );
Console.WriteLine( NumberNamer.GetName( 234 ) );
Console.WriteLine( NumberNamer.GetName( 31337 ) );
Console.WriteLine( NumberNamer.GetName( 987654321 ) );
- Output:
one two hundred and thirty four thirty one thousand, three hundred and thirty seven nine hundred and eighty seven million, six hundred and fifty four thousand, three hundred and twenty one
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using std::string;
const char* smallNumbers[] = {
"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five",
"six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten",
"eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen",
"sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"
string spellHundreds(unsigned n) {
string res;
if (n > 99) {
res = smallNumbers[n/100];
res += " hundred";
n %= 100;
if (n) res += " and ";
if (n >= 20) {
static const char* Decades[] = {
"", "", "twenty", "thirty", "forty",
"fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"
res += Decades[n/10];
n %= 10;
if (n) res += "-";
if (n < 20 && n > 0)
res += smallNumbers[n];
return res;
const char* thousandPowers[] = {
" billion", " million", " thousand", "" };
typedef unsigned long Spellable;
string spell(Spellable n) {
if (n < 20) return smallNumbers[n];
string res;
const char** pScaleName = thousandPowers;
Spellable scaleFactor = 1000000000; // 1 billion
while (scaleFactor > 0) {
if (n >= scaleFactor) {
Spellable h = n / scaleFactor;
res += spellHundreds(h) + *pScaleName;
n %= scaleFactor;
if (n) res += ", ";
scaleFactor /= 1000;
return res;
int main() {
#define SPELL_IT(x) std::cout << #x " " << spell(x) << std::endl;
SPELL_IT( 99);
SPELL_IT( 300);
SPELL_IT( 310);
SPELL_IT( 1501);
SPELL_IT( 12609);
SPELL_IT( 512609);
return 0;
- Output:
99 ninety-nine 300 three hundred 310 three hundred and ten 1501 one thousand, five hundred and one 12609 twelve thousand, six hundred and nine 512609 five hundred and twelve thousand, six hundred and nine 43112609 forty-three million, one hundred and twelve thousand, six hundred and nine 1234567890 one billion, two hundred and thirty-four million, five hundred and sixty-seven thousand, eight hundred and ninety
(clojure.pprint/cl-format nil "~R" 1234)
=> "one thousand, two hundred thirty-four"
spell_integer = (n) ->
tens = [null, null, "twenty", "thirty", "forty",
"fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"]
small = ["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five",
"six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven",
"twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen",
"sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"]
bl = [null, null, "m", "b", "tr", "quadr",
"quint", "sext", "sept", "oct", "non", "dec"]
divmod = (n, d) ->
[Math.floor(n / d), n % d]
nonzero = (c, n) ->
if n == 0
c + spell_integer n
big = (e, n) ->
if e == 0
spell_integer n
else if e == 1
spell_integer(n) + " thousand"
spell_integer(n) + " " + bl[e] + "illion"
base1000_rev = (n) ->
# generates the value of the digits of n in base 1000
# (i.e. 3-digit chunks), in reverse.
chunks = []
while n != 0
[n, r] = divmod n, 1000
chunks.push r
if n < 0
throw Error "spell_integer: negative input"
else if n < 20
else if n < 100
[a, b] = divmod n, 10
tens[a] + nonzero("-", b)
else if n < 1000
[a, b] = divmod n, 100
small[a] + " hundred" + nonzero(" ", b)
chunks = (big(exp, x) for x, exp in base1000_rev(n) when x)
chunks.reverse().join ', '
# example
console.log spell_integer 1278
console.log spell_integer 1752
console.log spell_integer 2010
console.log spell_integer 4000123007913
- Output:
> coffee one thousand, two hundred seventy-eight one thousand, seven hundred fifty-two two thousand, ten four trillion, one hundred twenty-three million, seven thousand, nine hundred thirteen
Commodore BASIC
After adapting the Applesoft BASIC version to the Commodore, it became apparent there were serious rounding issues on larger numbers. (For example, 9,876,543,210 came up as nine billion eight hundred seventy-six million five hundred forty-three thousand two hundred twelve.) Other numbers were off by hundreds.
This example uses string variable to process the number rather than using integer or float processes. This should work on other 8-bit machines if adapted properly for their unique features and BASIC command sets.
Machine specific notes for the word wrap feature:
Set co on line 20 for the following Commodore machines:
- VIC-20: co=21.
- Commodore 64 or Plus 4: No change.
- PET: co=peek(213). (Will detect 40 or 80 column mode.)
- CBM-II variants: co=peek(223). (Will detect 40 or 80 column mode.)
- Commodore 128: co=rwindow(2)-1. (Will detect 40 or 80 column mode.)
10 print chr$(147);chr$(14)
20 dim s$(11),ts$(11),t$(11),o$(11):co=39
30 for i=0 to 11:read s$(i),ts$(i),t$(i),o$(i):next
40 print "Enter a number";:input n$
45 ou$=""
50 if len(n$)>36 then print:print "Too long.":print:goto 40
51 print
55 rem check for negative
56 if left$(n$,1)="-" then n$=right$(n$,len(n$)-1):ou$="negative ":gosub 500
60 no=int((len(n$)-1)/3)
70 rem pad left side
71 p=(no+1)*3-len(n$)
75 if p>0 then n$="0"+n$:p=p-1:goto 75
77 if val(n$)=0 then ou$=s$(0):gosub 500:goto 125
80 rem calculate left to right
81 for i=no to 0 step -1:oi=no-i
85 ch$=mid$(n$,1+(oi*3),3)
90 h=val(mid$(ch$,1,1)):t=val(mid$(ch$,2,1)):s=val(mid$(ch$,3,1))
93 if h=0 and t=0 and s=0 then goto 120
95 if h>0 then ou$=s$(h)+" hundred ":gosub 500
100 if t>1 then ou$=t$(t)+mid$("- ",abs(s=0)+1,1):gosub 500
105 if t=1 then ou$=ts$(s)+" ":gosub 500
110 if t<>1 and s>0 then ou$=s$(s)+" ":gosub 500
115 ou$=o$(i)+" ":gosub 500
120 next i
125 print:print
130 print "Another? (y/n) ";
140 get k$:ifk$<>"y" and k$<>"n" then 140
145 print k$
150 if k$="y" then print:goto 40
200 end
500 rem print with word wrapping
505 cp=pos(0):nl=len(ou$)
510 if cp>co-nl then print
520 print ou$;
599 return
1000 data zero,ten,"",""
1001 data one,eleven,ten,thousand
1002 data two,twelve,twenty,million
1003 data three,thirteen,thirty,billion
1004 data four,fourteen,forty,trillion
1005 data five,fifteen,fifty,quadrillion
1006 data six,sixteen,sixty,quintillion
1007 data seven,seventeen,seventy,sextillion
1008 data eight,eighteen,eighty,septillion
1009 data nine,nineteen,ninety,octillion
1010 data "","","",nonillion
1011 data "","","",decillion
- Output:
Enter a number? 1 one another? (y/n) y Enter a number? 42 forty-two another? (y/n) y Enter a number? 9876543210 nine billion eight hundred seventy-six million five hundred forty-three thousand two hundred ten another? (y/n) y Enter a number? 134399592000000478293 one hundred thirty-four quintillion three hundred ninety-nine quadrillion five hundred ninety-two trillion four hundred seventy-eight thousand two hundred ninety-three another? (y/n) y Enter a number? 111222333444555000 one hundred eleven quadrillion two hundred twenty-two trillion three hundred thirty-three billion four hundred forty-four million five hundred fifty-five thousand another? (y/n) n ready. █
Common Lisp
(format nil "~R" 1234)
=> "one thousand two hundred thirty-four"
use -version=number_names_main to see the output.
import std.stdio, std.array, std.algorithm, std.bigint, std.range;
immutable tens = ["", "", "twenty", "thirty", "forty",
"fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"];
immutable small = ["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five",
"six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven",
"twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen",
"sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"];
immutable huge = ["", ""] ~ ["m", "b", "tr", "quadr", "quint",
"sext", "sept", "oct", "non", "dec"]
.map!q{ a ~ "illion" }.array;
string spellBigInt(BigInt n) pure /*nothrow @safe*/ {
static string nonZero(string c, BigInt n, string connect="") pure /*nothrow @safe*/ {
return (n == 0) ? "" : (connect ~ c ~ n.spellBigInt);
static string lastAnd(string num) pure /*nothrow*/ @safe {
if (num.canFind(',')) {
string pre = num.retro.find(',').retro[0 .. $ - 1];
string last = num[pre.length + 1 .. $];
if (!last.canFind(" and "))
last = " and" ~ last;
num = pre ~ ',' ~ last;
return num;
static string big(in uint e, in BigInt n) pure /*nothrow @safe*/ {
switch (e) {
case 0: return n.spellBigInt;
case 1: return n.spellBigInt ~ " thousand";
default: return n.spellBigInt ~ " " ~ huge[e];
if (n < 0) {
return "minus " ~ spellBigInt(-n);
} else if (n < 20) {
return small[n.toInt];
} else if (n < 100) {
immutable BigInt a = n / 10;
immutable BigInt b = n % 10;
return tens[a.toInt] ~ nonZero("-", b);
} else if (n < 1_000) {
immutable BigInt a = n / 100;
immutable BigInt b = n % 100;
return small[a.toInt] ~ " hundred" ~ nonZero(" ", b, " and");
} else {
string[] bigs;
uint e = 0;
while (n != 0) {
immutable BigInt r = n % 1_000;
n /= 1_000;
if (r != 0)
bigs ~= big(e, r);
return lastAnd(bigs.retro.join(", "));
version(number_names_main) {
void main() {
foreach (immutable n; [0, -3, 5, -7, 11, -13, 17, -19, 23, -29])
writefln("%+4d -> %s", n, n.BigInt.spellBigInt);
auto n = 2_0121_002_001;
while (n) {
writefln("%-12d -> %s", n, n.BigInt.spellBigInt);
n /= -10;
writefln("%-12d -> %s", n, n.BigInt.spellBigInt);
- Output:
+0 -> zero -3 -> minus three +5 -> five -7 -> minus seven +11 -> eleven -13 -> minus thirteen +17 -> seventeen -19 -> minus nineteen +23 -> twenty-three -29 -> minus twenty-nine 20121002001 -> twenty billion, one hundred and twenty-one million, two thousand, and one -2012100200 -> minus two billion, twelve million, one hundred thousand, and two hundred 201210020 -> two hundred and one million, two hundred and ten thousand, and twenty -20121002 -> minus twenty million, one hundred and twenty-one thousand, and two 2012100 -> two million, twelve thousand, and one hundred -201210 -> minus two hundred and one thousand, two hundred and ten 20121 -> twenty thousand, one hundred and twenty-one -2012 -> minus two thousand, and twelve 201 -> two hundred and one -20 -> minus twenty 2 -> two 0 -> zero
Adaptation of #Pascal Program to run in delphi.
program Number_names;
smallies: array[1..19] of string = ('one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five',
'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen',
'fourteen', 'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen');
tens: array[2..9] of string = ('twenty', 'thirty', 'forty', 'fifty', 'sixty',
'seventy', 'eighty', 'ninety');
function domaxies(number: int64): string;
maxies: array[0..5] of string = (' thousand', ' million', ' billion',
' trillion', ' quadrillion', ' quintillion');
domaxies := '';
if number >= 0 then
domaxies := maxies[number];
function doHundreds(number: int64): string;
Result := '';
if number > 99 then
Result := smallies[number div 100];
Result := Result + ' hundred';
number := number mod 100;
if number > 0 then
Result := Result + ' and ';
if number >= 20 then
Result := Result + tens[number div 10];
number := number mod 10;
if number > 0 then
Result := Result + '-';
if (0 < number) and (number < 20) then
Result := Result + smallies[number];
function spell(number: int64): string;
scaleFactor: int64;
maxieStart, h: int64;
Result := '';
if number < 0 then
number := -number;
Result := 'negative ';
scaleFactor := 1000000000000000000;
maxieStart := 5;
if number < 20 then
while scaleFactor > 0 do
if number > scaleFactor then
h := number div scaleFactor;
Result := Result + doHundreds(h) + domaxies(maxieStart);
number := number mod scaleFactor;
if number > 0 then
Result := Result + ', ';
scaleFactor := scaleFactor div 1000;
writeln(99, ': ', spell(99));
writeln(234, ': ', spell(234));
writeln(7342, ': ', spell(7342));
writeln(32784, ': ', spell(32784));
writeln(234345, ': ', spell(234345));
writeln(2343451, ': ', spell(2343451));
writeln(23434534, ': ', spell(23434534));
writeln(234345456, ': ', spell(234345456));
writeln(2343454569, ': ', spell(2343454569));
writeln(2343454564356, ': ', spell(2343454564356));
writeln(2345286538456328, ': ', spell(2345286538456328));
small$[] = [ "zero" "one" "two" "three" "four" "five" "six" "seven" "eight" "nine" "ten" "eleven" "twelve" "thirteen" "fourteen" "fifteen" "sixteen" "seventeen" "eighteen" "nineteen" ]
tens$[] = [ "" "" "twenty" "thirty" "forty" "fifty" "sixty" "seventy" "eighty" "ninety" ]
illions$[] = [ "" " thousand" " million" " billion" " trillion" " quadrillion" " quintillion" ]
func$ say n .
if n < 0
t$ = "negative "
n = -n
if n < 20
t$ &= small$[n + 1]
elif n < 100
t$ &= tens$[n div 10 + 1]
s = n mod 10
if s > 0
t$ &= "-" & small$[s + 1]
elif n < 1000
t$ &= small$[n div 100 + 1] & " hundred"
s = n mod 100
if s > 0
t$ &= " " & say s
i = 1
while n > 0
p = n mod 1000
n = n div 1000
if p > 0
ix$ = say p & illions$[i]
if sx$ <> ""
ix$ &= " " & sx$
sx$ = ix$
i += 1
t$ &= sx$
return t$
for n in [ 12 1048576 9e18 -2 0 ]
print say n
- Output:
twelve one million forty-eight thousand five hundred seventy-six nine quintillion negative two zero
module NumberNames {
void run() {
@Inject Console console;
Int[] tests = [0, 1, -1, 11, -17, 42, 99, 100, 101, -111, 1000, 1234, 10000, 100000,
123456789000, 0x123456789ABCDEF];
for (Int test : tests) {
console.print($"{test} = {toEnglish(test)}");
static String[] digits = ["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four",
"five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"];
static String[] teens = ["ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen",
"fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"];
static String[] tens = ["zero", "ten", "twenty", "thirty", "forty",
"fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"];
static String[] ten3rd = ["?", "thousand", "million", "billion", "trillion",
"quadrillion", "quintillion"];
static String toEnglish(Int n) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
if (n < 0) {
"negative ".appendTo(buf);
n = -n;
format3digits(n, buf);
return buf.toString();
static void format3digits(Int n, StringBuffer buf, Int nested=0) {
(Int left, Int right) = n /% 1000;
if (left != 0) {
format3digits(left, buf, nested+1);
if (right != 0 || (left == 0 && nested==0)) {
if (right >= 100) {
(left, right) = (right /% 100);
" hundred ".appendTo(buf);
if (right != 0) {
format2digits(right, buf);
} else {
format2digits(right, buf);
if (nested > 0) {
ten3rd[nested].appendTo(buf).add(' ');
static void format2digits(Int n, StringBuffer buf) {
switch (n) {
case 0..9:
digits[n].appendTo(buf).add(' ');
case 10..19:
teens[n-10].appendTo(buf).add(' ');
(Int left, Int right) = n /% 10;
if (right == 0) {
buf.add(' ');
} else {
digits[right].appendTo(buf).add(' ');
- Output:
0 = zero 1 = one -1 = negative one 11 = eleven -17 = negative seventeen 42 = forty-two 99 = ninety-nine 100 = one hundred 101 = one hundred one -111 = negative one hundred eleven 1000 = one thousand 1234 = one thousand two hundred thirty-four 10000 = ten thousand 100000 = one hundred thousand 123456789000 = one hundred twenty-three billion four hundred fifty-six million seven hundred eighty-nine thousand 81985529216486895 = eighty-one quadrillion nine hundred eighty-five trillion five hundred twenty-nine billion two hundred sixteen million four hundred eighty-six thousand eight hundred ninety-five
defmodule RC do
@small ~w(zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen
eighteen nineteen)
@tens ~w(wrong wrong twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety)
@big [nil, "thousand"] ++
(~w( m b tr quadr quint sext sept oct non dec) |>"#{&1}illion"))
def wordify(number) when number<0, do: "negative #{wordify(-number)}"
def wordify(number) when number<20, do:,number)
def wordify(number) when number<100 do
rm = rem(number,10),div(number,10)) <> (if rm==0, do: "", else: "-#{wordify(rm)}")
def wordify(number) when number<1000 do
rm = rem(number,100)
"#{,div(number,100))} hundred" <> (if rm==0, do: "", else: " and #{wordify(rm)}")
def wordify(number) do
# separate into 3-digit chunks
chunks = chunk(number, [])
if length(chunks) > length(@big), do: raise(ArgumentError, "Integer value too large."), &wordify(&1))
|> Enum.filter_map(fn {a,_} -> a != "zero" end, fn {a,b} -> "#{a} #{b}" end)
|> Enum.reverse
|> Enum.join(", ")
defp chunk(0, res), do: Enum.reverse(res)
defp chunk(number, res) do
chunk(div(number,1000), [rem(number,1000) | res])
data = [-1123, 0, 1, 20, 123, 200, 220, 1245, 2000, 2200, 2220, 467889,
23_000_467, 23_234_467, 2_235_654_234, 12_123_234_543_543_456,
Enum.each(data, fn n ->
IO.write "#{n}: "
try do
IO.inspect RC.wordify(n)
e in ArgumentError -> IO.puts Exception.message(e)
- Output:
-1123: "negative one thousand, one hundred and twenty-three " 0: "zero" 1: "one" 20: "twenty" 123: "one hundred and twenty-three" 200: "two hundred" 220: "two hundred and twenty" 1245: "one thousand, two hundred and forty-five " 2000: "two thousand" 2200: "two thousand, two hundred " 2220: "two thousand, two hundred and twenty " 467889: "four hundred and sixty-seven thousand, eight hundred and eighty-nine " 23000467: "twenty-three million, four hundred and sixty-seven " 23234467: "twenty-three million, two hundred and thirty-four thousand, four hundred and sixty-seven " 2235654234: "two billion, two hundred and thirty-five million, six hundred and fifty-four thousand, two hundred and thirty-four " 12123234543543456: "twelve quadrillion, one hundred and twenty-three trillion, two hundred and thirty-four billion, five hundred and forty-three million, five hundred and forty-three thousand, four hundred and fifty-six " 987654321098765432109876543210987654: "nine hundred and eighty-seven decillion, six hundred and fifty-four nonillion, three hundred and twenty-one octillion, ninety-eight septillion, seven hundred and sixty-five sextillion, four hundred and thirty-two quintillion, one hundred and nine quadrillion, eight hundred and seventy-six trillion, five hundred and forty-three billion, two hundred and ten million, nine hundred and eighty-seven thousand, six hundred and fifty-four " 123890812938219038290489327894327894723897432: Integer value too large.
-import(lists, [foreach/2, seq/2, append/2]).
-import(string, [strip/3, str/2]).
sym(1) -> "one";
sym(2) -> "two";
sym(3) -> "three";
sym(4) -> "four";
sym(5) -> "five";
sym(6) -> "six";
sym(7) -> "seven";
sym(8) -> "eight";
sym(9) -> "nine";
sym(10) -> "ten";
sym(11) -> "eleven";
sym(12) -> "twelve";
sym(13) -> "thirteen";
sym(20) -> "twenty";
sym(30) -> "thirty";
sym(40) -> "forty";
sym(50) -> "fifty";
sym(100) -> "hundred";
sym(1000) -> "thousand";
sym(1000*1000) -> "million";
sym(1000*1000*1000) -> "billion";
sym(_) -> "".
next(1000) -> 100;
next(100) -> 10;
next(10) -> 1;
next(X) -> X div 1000.
concat(PRE, "") ->
concat(PRE, POST) ->
PRE++" "++POST.
concat("", _, POST) ->
concat(PRE, SYM, "") ->
PRE++" "++SYM;
concat(PRE, SYM, POST) ->
PRE++" "++SYM++" "++POST.
nr2eng(0, _) ->
nr2eng(NR, 1) ->
nr2eng(NR, 10) when NR =< 20 ->
case sym(NR) of
"" -> strip(sym(NR-10), right, $t) ++ "teen";
_ -> sym(NR)
nr2eng(NR, 10) ->
case sym((NR div 10)*10) of
"" -> strip(sym(NR div 10), right, $t) ++ "ty";
_ -> sym((NR div 10)*10)
nr2eng(NR rem 10, 1));
nr2eng(NR, B) ->
PRE = nr2eng(NR div B, next(B)),
POST = nr2eng(NR rem B, next(B)),
AND = str(POST, "and"),
COMMA = if
POST == "" -> "";
AND == 0 -> " and";
B >= 1000 -> ",";
true -> ""
concat(PRE, sym(B)++COMMA, POST).
start() ->
fun (X) -> io:fwrite("~p ~p ~n", [X, nr2eng(X, 1000000000)])
append(seq(1, 2000), [123123, 43234234])).
- Output:
1999 "one thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine" 2000 "two thousand" 123123 "one hundred and twenty three thousand, one hundred and twenty three" 43234234 "forty three million, two hundred and thirty four thousand, two hundred and thirty four"
function abs(atom i)
if i < 0 then
return -i
return i
end if
end function
constant small = {"one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight",
"nine", "ten","eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen",
"seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"}
constant tens = {"twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty",
constant big = {"thousand", "million", "billion"}
function int2text(atom number)
atom num
integer unit, tmpLng1
sequence outP
outP = ""
num = 0
unit = 1
tmpLng1 = 0
if number = 0 then
return "zero"
end if
num = abs(number)
while 1 do
tmpLng1 = remainder(num,100)
if tmpLng1 > 0 and tmpLng1 < 20 then
outP = small[tmpLng1] & ' ' & outP
elsif tmpLng1 >= 20 then
if remainder(tmpLng1,10) = 0 then
outP = tens[floor(tmpLng1/10)-1] & ' ' & outP
outP = tens[floor(tmpLng1/10)-1] & '-' & small[remainder(tmpLng1, 10)] & ' ' & outP
end if
end if
tmpLng1 = floor(remainder(num, 1000) / 100)
if tmpLng1 then
outP = small[tmpLng1] & " hundred " & outP
end if
num = floor(num/1000)
if num < 1 then
end if
tmpLng1 = remainder(num,1000)
if tmpLng1 then
outP = big[unit] & ' ' & outP
end if
unit = unit + 1
end while
if number < 0 then
outP = "negative " & outP
end if
return outP[1..$-1]
end function
puts(1,int2text(900000001) & "\n")
puts(1,int2text(1234567890) & "\n")
puts(1,int2text(-987654321) & "\n")
puts(1,int2text(0) & "\n")
- Output:
nine hundred million one one billion two hundred thirty-four million five hundred sixty-seven thousand eight hundred ninety negative nine hundred eighty-seven million six hundred fifty-four thousand three hundred twenty-one zero
let divMod n d = n / d, n % d
let join = String.concat ", "
let rec nonzero = function
| _, 0 -> ""
| c, n -> c + (spellInteger n)
and tens n =
[| ""; ""; "twenty"; "thirty"; "forty"; "fifty";
"sixty"; "seventy"; "eighty"; "ninety" |].[n]
and small n =
[| "zero"; "one"; "two"; "three"; "four"; "five";
"six"; "seven"; "eight"; "nine"; "ten"; "eleven";
"twelve"; "thirteen"; "fourteen"; "fifteen";
"sixteen";"seventeen"; "eighteen"; "nineteen" |].[n]
and bl = [| ""; ""; "m"; "b"; "tr"; "quadr"; "quint";
"sext"; "sept"; "oct"; "non"; "dec" |]
and big = function
| 0, n -> (spellInteger n)
| 1, n -> (spellInteger n) + " thousand"
| e, n -> (spellInteger n) + " " + bl.[e] + "illion"
and uff acc = function
| 0 -> List.rev acc
| n ->
let a, b = divMod n 1000
uff (b::acc) a
and spellInteger = function
| n when n < 0 -> "minus " + spellInteger (abs n)
| n when n < 20 -> small n
| n when n < 100 ->
let a, b = divMod n 10
(tens a) + nonzero ("-", b)
| n when n < 1000 ->
let a, b = divMod n 100
(small a) + " hundred" + nonzero (" ", b)
| n ->
let seg = uff [] n
let _, segn =
(* just add the index of the item in the list *)
(fun (i,acc) v -> i + 1, (i, v)::acc)
(0, [])
let fsegn =
(* remove right part "zero" *)
(function (_, 0) -> false | _ -> true)
join ( big fsegn)
Factor "cheats" by having a standard library module for this task:
IN: scratchpad USE: math.text.english
IN: scratchpad 43112609 number>text print
forty-three million, one hundred and twelve thousand, six hundred and nine
Can handle floating point numbers, and negatives, with absolute value less than one billion.
dim shared as string*9 lows(0 to 19) = {"", "one", "two", "three", "four",_
"five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve",_
"thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen",_
"eighteen", "nineteen"}
dim shared as string*7 tens(0 to 9) = {"", "", "twenty", "thirty", "forty",_
"fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"}
dim shared as string*8 lev(0 to 3) = {"", "thousand", "million", "billion"}
function numname_int( byval n as integer ) as string
if n = 0 then return "zero"
if n < 0 then return "negative " + numname_int( -n )
dim as integer t = -1, lasttwo, hundreds
redim as integer triples(0 to 0)
dim as string ret, tripname
while n > 0
t += 1
triples(t) = n mod 1000
n \= 1000
for i as integer = t to 0 step -1
tripname = ""
if triples(i) = 0 then continue for
lasttwo = triples(i) mod 100
hundreds = triples(i)\100
if lasttwo < 20 then
tripname = lows(lasttwo) + tripname + " "
tripname = tens(lasttwo\10) + "-" + lows(lasttwo mod 10) + " " + tripname
end if
if hundreds > 0 then
if lasttwo > 0 then tripname = " and " + tripname
tripname = lows(hundreds)+" hundred" + tripname
end if
if i=0 and t>0 and hundreds = 0 then tripname = " and " + tripname
tripname += lev(i)+" "
ret = ltrim(ret) + ltrim(tripname)
next i
return ltrim(rtrim(ret))
end function
function numname( n as double ) as string
if n=int(n) then return numname_int(int(n))
dim as string prefix = numname_int( int(abs(n)) )+" point "
dim as string decdig = str(abs(n)-int(abs(n))), ret
if n < 0 then prefix = "negative "+prefix
ret = prefix
for i as uinteger = 3 to len(decdig)
ret = ret + numname(val(mid(decdig,i,1)))+" "
next i
return ltrim(rtrim(ret))
end function
print numname(0)
print numname(1.0)
print numname(-1.7)
print numname(910000)
print numname(987654)
print numname(100000017)
- Output:
zero one negative one point seven nine hundred and ten thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven thousand six hundred and fifty-four one hundred million and seventeen
program spell
implicit none
integer :: e
integer :: i
integer :: m
integer :: n
character (9), dimension (19), parameter :: small = &
& (/'one ', 'two ', 'three ', 'four ', &
& 'five ', 'six ', 'seven ', 'eight ', &
& 'nine ', 'ten ', 'eleven ', 'twelve ', &
& 'thirteen ', 'fourteen ', 'fifteen ', 'sixteen ', &
& 'seventeen', 'eighteen ', 'nineteen '/)
character (7), dimension (2 : 9), parameter :: tens = &
& (/'twenty ', 'thirty ', 'forty ', 'fifty ', 'sixty ', &
& 'seventy', 'eighty ', 'ninety '/)
character (8), dimension (3), parameter :: big = &
& (/'thousand', 'million ', 'billion '/)
character (256) :: r
read (*, *, iostat = i) n
if (i /= 0) then
end if
if (n == 0) then
r = 'zero'
r = ''
m = abs (n)
e = 0
if (m == 0) then
end if
if (modulo (m, 1000) > 0) then
if (e > 0) then
r = trim (big (e)) // ' ' // r
end if
if (modulo (m, 100) > 0) then
if (modulo (m, 100) < 20) then
r = trim (small (modulo (m, 100))) // ' ' // r
if (modulo (m, 10) > 0) then
r = trim (small (modulo (m, 10))) // ' ' // r
r = trim (tens (modulo (m, 100) / 10)) // '-' // r
r = trim (tens (modulo (m, 100) / 10)) // ' ' // r
end if
end if
end if
if (modulo (m, 1000) / 100 > 0) then
r = 'hundred' // ' ' // r
r = trim (small (modulo (m, 1000) / 100)) // ' ' // r
end if
end if
m = m / 1000
e = e + 1
end do
if (n < 0) then
r = 'negative' // ' ' // r
end if
end if
write (*, '(a)') trim (r)
end do
end program spell
Sample input:
-1 0 1 42 2147483647
negative one zero one forty-two two billion one hundred forty-seven million four hundred eighty-three thousand six hundred forty-seven
FB has native convenience functions making conversion of numbers to strings for many locales and languages an easy task.
include "NSLog.incl"
local fn IntegerToOrdinalString( number as CFNumberRef ) as CFStringRef
NumberFormatterRef numberFormatter = fn NumberFormatterInit
NumberFormatterSetNumberStyle( numberFormatter, NSNumberFormatterSpellOutStyle )
NumberFormatterSetLocale( numberFormatter, fn LocaleWithIdentifier( @"en_US" ) )
CFStringRef numberStr = fn NumberFormatterStringFromNumber( numberFormatter, number )
end fn = numberStr
CFArrayRef numArr
CFStringRef numStr
CFNumberRef number
numStr = @" 1 2 3 4 5 11 65 100 101 272 23456 8007006005004003 00123.0"
numArr = fn StringComponentsSeparatedByString( numStr, @" " )
for numStr in numArr
number = fn NumberWithInteger( fn StringIntegerValue( numStr ) )
NSLog( @"%16ld : %@", fn StringIntegerValue( numStr ), fn IntegerToOrdinalString( number ) )
- Output:
0 : zero 1 : one 2 : two 3 : three 4 : four 5 : five 11 : eleven 65 : sixty-five 100 : one hundred 101 : one hundred one 272 : two hundred seventy-two 23456 : twenty-three thousand four hundred fifty-six 8007006005004003 : eight quadrillion seven trillion six billion five million four thousand three 123 : one hundred twenty-three
Supports integers from math.MinInt64 + 1
to math.MaxInt64
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
for _, n := range []int64{12, 1048576, 9e18, -2, 0} {
var small = [...]string{"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six",
"seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen",
"fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"}
var tens = [...]string{"", "", "twenty", "thirty", "forty",
"fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"}
var illions = [...]string{"", " thousand", " million", " billion",
" trillion", " quadrillion", " quintillion"}
func say(n int64) string {
var t string
if n < 0 {
t = "negative "
// Note, for math.MinInt64 this leaves n negative.
n = -n
switch {
case n < 20:
t += small[n]
case n < 100:
t += tens[n/10]
s := n % 10
if s > 0 {
t += "-" + small[s]
case n < 1000:
t += small[n/100] + " hundred"
s := n % 100
if s > 0 {
t += " " + say(s)
// work right-to-left
sx := ""
for i := 0; n > 0; i++ {
p := n % 1000
n /= 1000
if p > 0 {
ix := say(p) + illions[i]
if sx != "" {
ix += " " + sx
sx = ix
t += sx
return t
twelve one million forty-eight thousand five hundred seventy-six nine quintillion negative two zero
def divMod(BigInteger number, BigInteger divisor) {
def qr = number.divideAndRemainder(divisor)
[div:qr[0], remainder:qr[1]]
def toText(value) {
value = value as BigInteger
def units = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten',
'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen', 'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen']
def tens = ['', '', 'twenty', 'thirty', 'forty', 'fifty', 'sixty', 'seventy', 'eighty', 'ninety']
def big = ['', 'thousand'] + ['m', 'b', 'tr', 'quadr', 'quint', 'sext', 'sept', 'oct', 'non', 'dec'].collect { "${it}illion"}
if (value < 0) {
"negative ${toText(-value)}"
} else if (value < 20) {
} else if (value < 100) {
divMod(value, 10).with { "${tens[div]} ${units[remainder]}".replace(' zero', '') }
} else if (value < 1000) {
divMod(value, 100).with { "${toText(div)} hundred and ${toText(remainder)}".replace(' and zero', '') }
} else {
def chunks = []
while (value != 0) {
divMod(value, 1000).with {
chunks << remainder
value = div
if (chunks.size() > big.size()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number overflow")
def text = []
(0..<chunks.size()).each { index ->
if (chunks[index] > 0) {
text << "${toText(chunks[index])}${index == 0 ? '' : ' ' + big[index]}"
if (index == 0 && chunks[index] < 100) {
text << "and"
text.reverse().join(', ').replace(', and,', ' and')
// Add this method to all Numbers
Number.metaClass.toText = { toText(delegate) }
println toText(29)
println 40.toText()
println toText(401)
println 9003.toText()
println toText(8011673)
println 8000100.toText()
println 4629436.toText()
948623487512387455323784623842314234.toText().split(',').each { println it.trim() }
def verifyToText(expected, value) {
println "Checking '$expected' == $value"
def actual = value.toText()
assert expected == actual
verifyToText 'nineteen', 19
verifyToText 'one thousand, two hundred and thirty four', 1234
verifyToText 'twenty three million, four hundred and fifty nine thousand, six hundred and twelve', 23459612
verifyToText 'one thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine', 1999
verifyToText 'negative six hundred and one', -601
verifyToText 'twelve billion and nineteen', 12000000019
verifyToText 'negative one billion, two hundred and thirty four million, five hundred and sixty seven thousand, eight hundred and ninety', -1234567890
verifyToText 'one hundred and one', 101
verifyToText 'one thousand and one', 1001
verifyToText 'one million, one hundred and one', 1000101
verifyToText 'one million and forty five', 1000045
verifyToText 'one million and fifteen', 1000015
verifyToText 'one billion, forty five thousand and one', 1000045001
twenty nine forty four hundred and one nine thousand and three eight million, eleven thousand, six hundred and seventy three eight million, one hundred four million, six hundred and twenty nine thousand, four hundred and thirty six nine hundred and forty eight decillion six hundred and twenty three nonillion four hundred and eighty seven octillion five hundred and twelve septillion three hundred and eighty seven sextillion four hundred and fifty five quintillion three hundred and twenty three quadrillion seven hundred and eighty four trillion six hundred and twenty three billion eight hundred and forty two million three hundred and fourteen thousand two hundred and thirty four Checking 'nineteen' == 19 Checking 'one thousand, two hundred and thirty four' == 1234 Checking 'twenty three million, four hundred and fifty nine thousand, six hundred and twelve' == 23459612 Checking 'one thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine' == 1999 Checking 'negative six hundred and one' == -601 Checking 'twelve billion and nineteen' == 12000000019 Checking 'negative one billion, two hundred and thirty four million, five hundred and sixty seven thousand, eight hundred and ninety' == -1234567890 Checking 'one hundred and one' == 101 Checking 'one thousand and one' == 1001 Checking 'one million, one hundred and one' == 1000101 Checking 'one million and forty five' == 1000045 Checking 'one million and fifteen' == 1000015 Checking 'one billion, forty five thousand and one' == 1000045001
import Data.List (intercalate, unfoldr)
spellInteger :: Integer -> String
spellInteger n
| n < 0 = "negative " ++ spellInteger (-n)
| n < 20 = small n
| n < 100 = let (a, b) = n `divMod` 10
in tens a ++ nonzero '-' b
| n < 1000 = let (a, b) = n `divMod` 100
in small a ++ " hundred" ++ nonzero ' ' b
| otherwise = intercalate ", " $ map big $ reverse $
filter ((/= 0) . snd) $ zip [0..] $ unfoldr uff n
where nonzero :: Char -> Integer -> String
nonzero _ 0 = ""
nonzero c n = c : spellInteger n
uff :: Integer -> Maybe (Integer, Integer)
uff 0 = Nothing
uff n = Just $ uncurry (flip (,)) $ n `divMod` 1000
small, tens :: Integer -> String
small = (["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five",
"six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven",
"twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen",
"seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"] !!) . fromEnum
tens = ([undefined, undefined, "twenty", "thirty", "forty",
"fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"] !!) .
big :: (Int, Integer) -> String
big (0, n) = spellInteger n
big (1, n) = spellInteger n ++ " thousand"
big (e, n) = spellInteger n ++ ' ' : (l !! e) ++ "illion"
where l = [undefined, undefined, "m", "b", "tr", "quadr",
"quint", "sext", "sept", "oct", "non", "dec"]
SUBROUTINE NumberToWords(number)
CHARACTER outP*255, small*130, tens*80, big*80
REAL :: decimal_places = 7
INIT( APPENDIX("#literals"), small, tens, big)
num = ABS( INT(number) )
order = 0
outP = ' '
DO i = 1, num + 1
tmp = MOD(num, 100)
IF(tmp > 19) THEN
EDIT(Text=tens, ITeM=INT(MOD(tmp/10, 10)), Parse=medium)
IF( MOD(tmp, 10) ) THEN
EDIT(Text=small, ITeM=MOD(tmp,10)+1, Parse=mini)
outP = medium // '-' // mini // ' ' // outP
outP = medium // ' ' // outP
ELSEIF(tmp > 0) THEN
EDIT(Text=small, ITeM=tmp+1, Parse=mini)
outP = mini // ' '// outP
ELSEIF(number == 0) THEN
outP = 'zero'
tmp = INT(MOD(num, 1000) / 100)
IF(tmp) THEN
EDIT(Text=small, ITeM=tmp+1, Parse=oneto19)
outP = oneto19 // ' hundred ' // outP
num = INT(num /1000)
IF( num == 0) THEN
IF(number < 0) outP = 'minus ' // outP
fraction = ABS( MOD(number, 1) )
IF(fraction) WRITE(Text=outP, APPend) ' point'
DO j = 1, decimal_places
IF( fraction >= 10^(-decimal_places) ) THEN
num = INT( 10.01 * fraction )
EDIT(Text=small, ITeM=num+1, Parse=digit)
WRITE(Text=outP, APPend) ' ', digit
fraction = 10*fraction - num
OPEN(FIle="temp.txt", APPend)
WRITE(FIle="temp.txt", Format='F10, " = ", A', CLoSe=1) number, outP
order = order + 1
EDIT(Text=big, ITeM=order, Parse=kilo)
IF( MOD(num, 1000) ) outP = kilo // ' and '// outP
CALL NumberToWords( 0 )
CALL NumberToWords( 1234 )
CALL NumberToWords( 1234/100 )
CALL NumberToWords( 10000000 + 1.2 )
CALL NumberToWords( 2^15 )
CALL NumberToWords( 0.001 )
CALL NumberToWords( -EXP(1) )
SMALL= zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten &
eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen
TENS=ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety
BIG=thousand million billion trillion quadrillion
0 = zero
1234 = one thousand and two hundred thirty-four
12.34 = twelve point three four
10000001.2 = ten million and one point two
32768 = thirty-two thousand and seven hundred sixty-eight
1E-3 = point zero zero one
-2.7182818 = minus two point seven one eight two eight one eight
Icon and Unicon
numbers:spell was used as a based for this procedure.
Sample output:
#spell.exe 5 11 15 67 10132767 65535 -1234567890123456 5 -> five 11 -> eleven 15 -> fifteen 67 -> sixty-seven 10,132,767 -> ten million and one hundred and thirty-two thousand and seven hundred and sixty-seven 65,535 -> sixty-five thousand and five hundred and thirty-five -1,234,567,890,123,456 -> negative one quadrillion and two hundred and thirty-four trillion and five hundred and sixty-seven billion and eight hundred and ninety million and one hundred and twenty-three thousand and four hundred and fifty-six
Inform 7
say 32767 in words;
say 2147483647 in words;
u=. ;:'one two three four five six seven eight nine'
v=. ;:'ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen'
t=. ;:'twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety'
EN100=: '' ; u , v , , t ,&.>/ '';'-',&.>u
z=. '' ; 'thousand' ; (;:'m b tr quadr quint sext sept oct non'),&.> <'illion'
u=. ;:'un duo tre quattuor quin sex septen octo novem'
t=. (;:'dec vigint trigint quadragint quinquagint sexagint septuagint octogint nonagint'),&.><'illion'
ENU=: z , (, t ,~&.>/ '';u) , <'centillion'
en3=: 4 : 0
'p q'=. 0 100#:y
(p{::EN100),((*p)#' hundred'),((p*&*q)#x),q{::EN100
en=: 4 : 0
d=. 1000&#.^:_1 y
assert. (0<:y) *. ((=<.)y) *. d <:&# ENU
c=. x&en3&.> (*d)#d
((0=y)#'zero') , (-2+*{:d) }. ; , c,.(<' '),.(ENU{~I.&.|.*d),.<', '
uk=: ' and '&en NB. British
us=: ' ' &en NB. American
uk 123456789 one hundred and twenty-three million, four hundred and fifty-six thousand, seven hundred and eighty-nine us 123456789 one hundred twenty-three million, four hundred fifty-six thousand, seven hundred eighty-nine us 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890x one duovigintillion, two hundred thirty-four unvigintillion, five hundred sixty-seven vigintillion, eight hundred ninety novemdecillion, one hundred twenty-three octodecillion, four hundred fifty-six septendecillion, seven hundred eighty-nine sexdecillion, twelve quindecillion, three hundred forty-five quattuordecillion, six hundred seventy-eight tredecillion, nine hundred one duodecillion, two hundred thirty-four undecillion, five hundred sixty-seven decillion, eight hundred ninety nonillion, one hundred twenty-three octillion, four hundred fifty-six septillion, seven hundred eighty-nine sextillion, twelve quintillion, three hundred forty-five quadrillion, six hundred seventy-eight trillion, nine hundred one billion, two hundred thirty-four million, five hundred sixty-seven thousand, eight hundred ninety
See also: Number in Words essay on J wiki
public enum IntToWords {
private static final String[] small = {
"", "one", "two", "three", "four",
"five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine",
"ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen",
"fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"};
private static final String[] tens = {
"", "", "twenty", "thirty", "forty",
"fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"};
private static final String[] big = {
"", "thousand", "million", "billion", "trillion",
"quadrillion", "quintillion"};
public static void main(String[] args) {
public static String int2Text(long number) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (number == 0) {
return "zero";
long num = -Math.abs(number);
int unit = 1;
while (true) {
int rem100 = (int) -(num % 100);
if (rem100 >= 20) {
if (rem100 % 10 == 0) {
sb.insert(0, tens[rem100 / 10] + " ");
} else {
sb.insert(0, tens[rem100 / 10] + "-" + small[rem100 % 10] + " ");
} else if (rem100 != 0) {
sb.insert(0, small[rem100] + " ");
int hundreds = (int) -(num % 1000) / 100;
if (hundreds != 0) {
sb.insert(0, small[hundreds] + " hundred ");
num /= 1000;
if (num == 0) {
int rem1000 = (int) -(num % 1000);
if (rem1000 != 0) {
sb.insert(0, big[unit] + " ");
if (number < 0) {
sb.insert(0, "negative ");
return sb.toString().trim();
zero ten thirty forty-seven one hundred nine hundred ninety-nine one thousand nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine one hundred twenty-three thousand four hundred fifty-six nine hundred million one one billion two hundred thirty-four million five hundred sixty-seven thousand eight hundred ninety negative nine hundred eighty-seven million six hundred fifty-four thousand three hundred twenty-one nine quintillion two hundred twenty-three quadrillion three hundred seventy-two trillion thirty-six billion eight hundred fifty-four million seven hundred seventy-five thousand eight hundred seven negative nine quintillion two hundred twenty-three quadrillion three hundred seventy-two trillion thirty-six billion eight hundred fifty-four million seven hundred seventy-five thousand eight hundred eight
public class NumberToWordsConverter { // works upto 9999999
final private static String[] units = {"Zero","One","Two","Three","Four",
final private static String[] tens = {"","","Twenty","Thirty","Forty","Fifty",
public static String convert(Integer i) {
if( i < 20) return units[i];
if( i < 100) return tens[i/10] + ((i % 10 > 0)? " " + convert(i % 10):"");
if( i < 1000) return units[i/100] + " Hundred" + ((i % 100 > 0)?" and " + convert(i % 100):"");
if( i < 1000000) return convert(i / 1000) + " Thousand " + ((i % 1000 > 0)? " " + convert(i % 1000):"") ;
return convert(i / 1000000) + " Million " + ((i % 1000000 > 0)? " " + convert(i % 1000000):"") ;
const divMod = y => x => [Math.floor(y/x), y % x];
const sayNumber = value => {
let name = '';
let quotient, remainder;
const dm = divMod(value);
const units = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven',
'eight', 'nine', 'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen',
'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen'];
const tens = ['', '', 'twenty', 'thirty', 'forty', 'fifty', 'sixty',
'seventy', 'eighty', 'ninety'];
const big = [...['', 'thousand'], ...['m', 'b', 'tr', 'quadr', 'quint',
'sext', 'sept', 'oct', 'non', 'dec'].map(e => `${e}illion`)];
if (value < 0) {
name = `negative ${sayNumber(-value)}`
} else if (value < 20) {
name = units[value]
} else if (value < 100) {
[quotient, remainder] = dm(10);
name = `${tens[quotient]} ${units[remainder]}`.replace(' zero', '');
} else if (value < 1000) {
[quotient, remainder] = dm(100);
name = `${sayNumber(quotient)} hundred and ${sayNumber(remainder)}`
.replace(' and zero', '')
} else {
const chunks = [];
const text = [];
while (value !== 0) {
[value, remainder] = divMod(value)(1000);
chunks.forEach((e,i) => {
if (e > 0) {
text.push(`${sayNumber(e)}${i === 0 ? '' : ' ' + big[i]}`);
if (i === 0 && e < 100) {
name = text.reverse().join(', ').replace(', and,', ' and');
return name;
DEFINE units ==
["zero" "one" "two" "three" "four" "five" "six" "seven" "eight" "nine" "ten"
"eleven" "twelve" "thirteen" "fourteen" "fifteen" "sixteen" "seventeen"
"eighteen" "nineteen"];
tens ==
["ten" "twenty" "thirty" "forty" "fifty" "sixty" "seventy" "eighty" "ninety"];
convert6 ==
[1000000 <]
[1000 div swap convert " thousand " putchars convert3]
[1000000 div swap convert " million " putchars convert3]
convert5 ==
[" and " putchars convert]
convert4 ==
[1000 <]
[100 div swap units of putchars " hundred" putchars convert5]
convert3 ==
[32 putch convert]
convert2 ==
[100 <]
[10 div swap pred tens of putchars convert3]
convert ==
[20 <]
[units of putchars]
# Adapted from the go version.
# Tested with jq 1.4
# say/0 as defined here supports positive and negative integers within
# the range of accuracy of jq, or up to the quintillions, whichever is
# less. As of jq version 1.4, jq's integer accuracy is about 10^16.
def say:
# subfunction zillions recursively handles the thousands,
# millions, billions, etc.
# input: the number
# i: which "illion" to use
# sx: the string so far
# output: the updated string
def zillions(i; sx):
["thousand", "million", "billion",
"trillion", "quadrillion", "quintillion"] as $illions
| if . == 0 then sx
else (. / 1000 | floor)
| (. % 1000) as $p
| zillions(i + 1;
if $p > 0 then
(($p | say) + " " + $illions[i]) as $ix
| if sx != "" then $ix + ", " + sx
else $ix
else sx
[ "", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven",
"eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen",
"fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"] as $small
| ["ones", "ten", "twenty", "thirty", "forty",
"fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"] as $tens
| if . == 0 then "zero"
elif . < 0 then "minus " + (-(.) | say)
elif . < 20 then $small[.]
elif . < 100 then
$tens[./10|floor] as $t
| (. % 10)
| if . > 0 then ($t + " " + $small[.]) else $t end
elif . < 1000 then
($small[./100|floor] + " hundred") as $h
| (. % 100)
| if . > 0 then $h + " and " + (say) else $h end
# Handle values larger than 1000 by considering
# the rightmost three digits separately from the rest:
((. % 1000)
| if . == 0 then ""
elif . < 100 then "and " + say
else say
end ) as $sx
| zillions(0; $sx)
end ;
Transcript (input followed by output):
"one hundred and eleven"
"one million, two hundred and thirty thousand"
"one hundred and twenty three thousand, four hundred and fifty six"
"one hundred and twenty three million, four hundred and fifty six thousand, seven hundred and eighty nine"
"minus one hundred and twenty three billion, one hundred and twenty three"
"twelve quadrillion, three hundred and forty five trillion, six hundred and seventy eight billion, nine hundred and twelve million, three hundred and forty five thousand, six hundred and seventy eight"
The code for this solution became somewhat cumbersome as I worked to fine tune the output, so it might benefit from some hindsight refactoring. By default the function num2text names integers according to the Anglo-American short-scale convention and is limited to numbers less than 10^66. Optionally, integers can be named according to the Continental long-scale convention, in which case the limit is 10^126. In either case, one can spell out any of Julia's fixed-bit format integers. When these limits are exceeded the function returns "too big to say". 0 is treated as a special case, and negative integers are handled by pre-pending "minus" to the output of the corresponding positive integer.
Number Names Functions
const stext = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"]
const teentext = ["eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen",
"seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"]
const tenstext = ["ten", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy",
"eighty", "ninety"]
const ordstext = ["million", "billion", "trillion", "quadrillion", "quintillion", "sextillion",
"septillion", "octillion", "nonillion", "decillion", "undecillion", "duodecillion",
"tredecillion", "quattuordecillion", "quindecillion", "sexdecillion", "septendecillion",
"octodecillion", "novemdecillion", "vigintillion"]
function normalize_digits!(a::Array{T,1}) where T<:Integer
while 0 < length(a) && a[end] == 0
function digits2text!(d::Array{T,1}, use_short_scale=true) where T<:Integer
ndig = normalize_digits!(d)
0 < ndig || return ""
if ndig < 7
s = ""
if 3 < ndig
t = digits2text!(d[1:3])
s = digits2text!(d[4:end]) * " thousand"
0 < length(t) || return s
return occursin(t, "and") ? s * " " * t : s * " and " * t
if ndig == 3
s *= stext[pop!(d)] * " hundred"
ndig = normalize_digits!(d)
0 < ndig || return s
s *= " and "
1 < ndig || return s*stext[pop!(d)]
j, i = d
j ≠ 0 || return s*tenstext[i]
i ≠ 1 || return s*teentext[j]
return s*tenstext[i] * "-" * stext[j]
s = digits2text!(d[1:6])
d = d[7:end]
dgrp = use_short_scale ? 3 : 6
ord = 0
while dgrp < length(d)
ord += 1
t = digits2text!(d[1:dgrp])
d = d[(dgrp+1):end]
0 < length(t) || continue
t = t * " " * ordstext[ord]
s = length(s) == 0 ? t : t * " " * s
ord += 1
t = digits2text!(d) * " " * ordstext[ord]
0 < length(s) || return t
t * " " * s
function num2text(n::T, use_short_scale=true) where T<:Integer
-1 < n || return "minus "*num2text(-n, use_short_scale)
0 < n || return "zero"
toobig = use_short_scale ? big(10)^66 : big(10)^126
n < toobig || return "too big to say"
digits2text!(digits(n, base=10), use_short_scale)
using Printf
println("Some easy ones to start with\n")
for i in [-1:21..., 100, 101, 10000, 10001, 1000000, 1010101]
@printf("%8d is %s\n", i, num2text(i))
println("\nSome larger numbers\n")
println("The largest signed literal integer (short-scale)")
i = typemax(1)
println(" ", i, " is")
println("The largest signed literal integer (long-scale)")
println(" ", i, " is")
println(num2text(i, false))
println("The largest unsigned integer (short-scale)")
i = typemax(UInt128)
println(" ", i, " is")
println("50! (short-scale)")
i = factorial(big(50))
println(" ", i, " is")
println("51! (short-scale)")
i = factorial(big(51))
println(" ", i, " is")
println("51! (long-scale)")
println(" ", i, " is")
println(num2text(i, false))
- Output:
Testing num2text Some easy ones to start with -1 is minus one 0 is zero 1 is one 2 is two 3 is three 4 is four 5 is five 6 is six 7 is seven 8 is eight 9 is nine 10 is ten 11 is eleven 12 is twelve 13 is thirteen 14 is fourteen 15 is fifteen 16 is sixteen 17 is seventeen 18 is eighteen 19 is nineteen 20 is twenty 21 is twenty-one 100 is one hundred 101 is one hundred and one 10000 is ten thousand 10001 is ten thousand and one 1000000 is one million 1010101 is one million ten thousand one hundred and one Some larger numbers The largest signed literal integer (short-scale) 9223372036854775807 is nine quintillion two hundred and twenty-three quadrillion three hundred and seventy-two trillion thirty-six billion eight hundred and fifty-four million seven hundred and seventy-five thousand eight hundred and seven The largest signed literal integer (long-scale) 9223372036854775807 is nine trillion two hundred and twenty-three thousand three hundred and seventy-two billion thirty-six thousand eight hundred and fifty-four million seven hundred and seventy-five thousand eight hundred and seven The largest unsigned integer (short-scale) 340282366920938463463374607431768211455 is three hundred and forty undecillion two hundred and eighty-two decillion three hundred and sixty-six nonillion nine hundred and twenty octillion nine hundred and thirty-eight septillion four hundred and sixty-three sextillion four hundred and sixty-three quintillion three hundred and seventy-four quadrillion six hundred and seven trillion four hundred and thirty-one billion seven hundred and sixty-eight million two hundred and eleven thousand four hundred and fifty-five 50! (short-scale) 30414093201713378043612608166064768844377641568960512000000000000 is thirty vigintillion four hundred and fourteen novemdecillion ninety-three octodecillion two hundred and one septendecillion seven hundred and thirteen sexdecillion three hundred and seventy-eight quindecillion forty-three quattuordecillion six hundred and twelve tredecillion six hundred and eight duodecillion one hundred and sixty-six undecillion sixty-four decillion seven hundred and sixty-eight nonillion eight hundred and forty-four octillion three hundred and seventy-seven septillion six hundred and forty-one sextillion five hundred and sixty-eight quintillion nine hundred and sixty quadrillion five hundred and twelve trillion 51! (short-scale) 1551118753287382280224243016469303211063259720016986112000000000000 is too big to say 51! (long-scale) 1551118753287382280224243016469303211063259720016986112000000000000 is one undecillion five hundred and fifty-one thousand one hundred and eighteen decillion seven hundred and fifty-three thousand two hundred and eighty-seven nonillion three hundred and eighty-two thousand two hundred and eighty octillion two hundred and twenty-four thousand two hundred and forty-three septillion sixteen thousand four hundred and sixty-nine sextillion three hundred and three thousand two hundred and eleven quintillion sixty-three thousand two hundred and fifty-nine quadrillion seven hundred and twenty thousand and sixteen trillion nine hundred and eighty-six thousand one hundred and twelve billion
The following deals with positive, negative and zero integers within the range of Kotlin's Long type (8 byte integer).
There is an option to use the UK (rather than the US) method of spelling out numbers whereby 'and' is placed at strategic positions.
// version 1.1.2
val oneNames = listOf(
"", "one", "two", "three", "four",
"five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine",
"ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen",
"fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen")
val tenNames = listOf(
"", "", "twenty", "thirty", "forty",
"fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety")
val thousandNames = listOf(
"", "thousand", "million", "billion", "trillion", "quadrillion",
fun numToText(n: Long, uk: Boolean = false): String {
if (n == 0L) return "zero"
val neg = n < 0L
val maxNeg = n == Long.MIN_VALUE
var nn = if (maxNeg) -(n + 1) else if (neg) -n else n
val digits3 = IntArray(7)
for (i in 0..6) { // split number into groups of 3 digits from the right
digits3[i] = (nn % 1000).toInt()
nn /= 1000
if (maxNeg) digits3[0]++
fun threeDigitsToText(number: Int): String {
val sb = StringBuilder()
if (number == 0) return ""
val hundreds = number / 100
val remainder = number % 100
if (hundreds > 0) {
sb.append(oneNames[hundreds], " hundred")
if (remainder > 0) sb.append(if (uk) " and " else " ")
if (remainder > 0) {
val tens = remainder / 10
val units = remainder % 10
if (tens > 1) {
if (units > 0) sb.append("-", oneNames[units])
} else sb.append(oneNames[remainder])
return sb.toString()
val triplets = Array(7) { threeDigitsToText(digits3[it]) }
var text = triplets[0]
var andNeeded = uk && digits3[0] in 1..99
for (i in 1..6) {
if (digits3[i] > 0) {
var text2 = triplets[i] + " " + thousandNames[i]
if (text != "") {
text2 += if (andNeeded) " and " else ", "
andNeeded = false
} else andNeeded = uk && digits3[i] in 1..99
text = text2 + text
return (if (neg) "minus " else "") + text
fun main() {
val exampleNumbers = longArrayOf(
0, 1, 7, 10, 18, 22, 67, 99, 100, 105, 999, -1056, 1000005000,
2074000000, 1234000000745003L, Long.MIN_VALUE
println("Using US representation:")
for (i in exampleNumbers) println("${"%20d".format(i)} = ${numToText(i)}")
println("Using UK representation:")
for (i in exampleNumbers) println("${"%20d".format(i)} = ${numToText(i, true)}")
- Output:
Using US representation: 0 = zero 1 = one 7 = seven 10 = ten 18 = eighteen 22 = twenty-two 67 = sixty-seven 99 = ninety-nine 100 = one hundred 105 = one hundred five 999 = nine hundred ninety-nine -1056 = minus one thousand, fifty-six 1000005000 = one billion, five thousand 2074000000 = two billion, seventy-four million 1234000000745003 = one quadrillion, two hundred thirty-four trillion, seven hundred forty-five thousand, three -9223372036854775808 = minus nine quintillion, two hundred twenty-three quadrillion, three hundred seventy-two trillion, thirty-six billion, eight hundred fifty-four million, seven hundred seventy-five thousand, eight hundred eight Using UK representation: 0 = zero 1 = one 7 = seven 10 = ten 18 = eighteen 22 = twenty-two 67 = sixty-seven 99 = ninety-nine 100 = one hundred 105 = one hundred and five 999 = nine hundred and ninety-nine -1056 = minus one thousand and fifty-six 1000005000 = one billion and five thousand 2074000000 = two billion and seventy-four million 1234000000745003 = one quadrillion, two hundred and thirty-four trillion, seven hundred and forty-five thousand and three -9223372036854775808 = minus nine quintillion, two hundred and twenty-three quadrillion, three hundred and seventy-two trillion, thirty-six billion, eight hundred and fifty-four million, seven hundred and seventy-five thousand, eight hundred and eight
Liberty BASIC
global outnum$
dim ones$(20),tens$(9),gr$(5),group(5)
for a = 0 to 19
read a$:ones$(a)=a$
next a
for a = 1 to 8
read a$:tens$(a)=a$
next a
redim gr$(5)
redim group(5)
input "Enter a number (nonzero positive integers only less than 1 quadrillion, no commas): ";num$
if numVal=0 or numVal>999999999999999 then print "Ended" : end
numParse = numVal
numLen = len(str$(numParse))
if numLen<=15 then groupCount=5
if numLen<=12 then groupCount=4
if numLen<=9 then groupCount=3
if numLen<=6 then groupCount=2
if numLen<=3 then groupCount=1
if numLen>12 and numLen<=15 then
call convert group(5)," trillion"
end if
if numLen>9 and numLen<=12 then
call convert group(4)," billion"
end if
if numLen>6 and numLen<=9 then
call convert group(3)," million"
end if
if numLen>3 and numLen<=6 then
call convert group(2)," thousand"
end if
if numLen<=3 then
call convert group(1),""
end if
for a=groupCount to 1 step -1
print gr$(a);" ";
next a
goto [start]
sub convert num, dem$
for a=len(str$(num)) to 1 step -1
select case
case d=1
case d=2
if c<2 then
if c>=2 and val(right$(str$(num),1))<>0 then
end if
end if
case d=3
if c<>0 then outnum$=ones$(c)+" hundred "+outnum$
end select
next a
end sub
function nP(num,L)
end function
data "","one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine"
data "ten","eleven","twelve","thirteen","fourteen","fifteen","sixteen","seventeen","eighteen","nineteen"
data "twenty","thirty","forty","fifty","sixty","seventy","eighty","ninety"
- Output:
Entering 789456019600009 yields seven hundred eighty-nine trillion four hundred fifty-six billion nineteen million six hundred thousand nine
make "numbers {one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen}
make "tens {twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety}@2
make "thou [[] thousand million billion trillion] ; expand as desired
to to.english.thou :n :thou
if :n = 0 [output []]
if :n < 20 [output sentence item :n :numbers first :thou]
if :n < 100 [output (sentence item int :n/10 :tens
to.english.thou modulo :n 10 [[]]
first :thou)]
if :n < 1000 [output (sentence item int :n/100 :numbers
to.english.thou modulo :n 100 [[]]
first :thou)]
output (sentence to.english.thou int :n/1000 butfirst :thou
to.english.thou modulo :n 1000 :thou)
to to.english :n
if :n = 0 [output "zero]
if :n > 0 [output to.english.thou :n :thou]
[output sentence "negative to.english.thou minus :n :thou]
print to.english 1234567 ; one million two hundred thirty four thousand five hundred sixty seven
words = {"one ", "two ", "three ", "four ", "five ", "six ", "seven ", "eight ", "nine "}
levels = {"thousand ", "million ", "billion ", "trillion ", "quadrillion ", "quintillion ", "sextillion ", "septillion ", "octillion ", [0] = ""}
iwords = {"ten ", "twenty ", "thirty ", "forty ", "fifty ", "sixty ", "seventy ", "eighty ", "ninety "}
twords = {"eleven ", "twelve ", "thirteen ", "fourteen ", "fifteen ", "sixteen ", "seventeen ", "eighteen ", "nineteen "}
function digits(n)
local i, ret = -1
return function()
i, ret = i + 1, n % 10
if n > 0 then
n = math.floor(n / 10)
return i, ret
level = false
function getname(pos, dig) --stateful, but effective.
level = level or pos % 3 == 0
if(dig == 0) then return "" end
local name = (pos % 3 == 1 and iwords[dig] or words[dig]) .. (pos % 3 == 2 and "hundred " or "")
if(level) then name, level = name .. levels[math.floor(pos / 3)], false end
return name
local val, vword = + 0, ""
for i, v in digits(val) do
vword = getname(i, v) .. vword
for i, v in ipairs(words) do
vword = vword:gsub("ty " .. v, "ty-" .. v)
vword = vword:gsub("ten " .. v, twords[i])
if #vword == 0 then print "zero" else print(vword) end
As used in Four is magic
-- Number names, in Lua, 6/17/2020 db
local oneslist = { [0]="", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine" }
local teenlist = { [0]="ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen" }
local tenslist = { [0]="", "", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety" }
local lionlist = { [0]="", "thousand", "million", "billion", "trillion", "quadrillion", "quintillion", "sextillion", "septillion", "octillion", "nonillion", "decillion" }
local abs, floor = math.abs, math.floor
local function numname(num)
if (num == 0) then return "zero" end
local absnum, lion, result = abs(num), 0, ""
local function dashed(s) return s=="" and s or "-"..s end
local function spaced(s) return s=="" and s or " "..s end
while (absnum > 0) do
local word, ones, tens, huns = "", absnum%10, floor(absnum/10)%10, floor(absnum/100)%10
if (tens==0) then word = oneslist[ones]
elseif (tens==1) then word = teenlist[ones]
else word = tenslist[tens] .. dashed(oneslist[ones]) end
if (huns > 0) then word = oneslist[huns] .. " hundred" .. spaced(word) end
if (word ~= "") then result = word .. spaced(lionlist[lion]) .. spaced(result) end
absnum = floor(absnum / 1000)
lion = lion + 1
if (num < 0) then result = "negative " .. result end
return result
local numbers = {
-1, 0, 1,
10, 15, 20, 21,
123, 300, 301, 320, 321,
1e3, 1e3+1, 1010, 1011, 1100, 1101, 1110, 1111, 1234, 4321, 12345, 54321, 123456, 654321,
1e6, 1e6+1, 1001000, 1234567, 12345678, 123456789, 987654321,
1e9, 1e9+1, 1000001000, 1001000000, 1001001000, 1234567890, 12345678901, 123456789012, 210987654321,
1e12, 1e12+1, 1000000001000, 1000001000000, 1000001001000, 1001001001001, 1234567890123, 12345678901234, 123456789012345, 543210987654321,
1e15, 1e15+1, 1010101010101010, 1234567890123456, 6543210987654321,
-- limit of precision, pushing it..
1e18, 1e21,
for _, num in ipairs(numbers) do
print( string.format("%.f: '%s'", num, numname(num)) )
- Output:
-1: 'negative one' 0: 'zero' 1: 'one' 10: 'ten' 15: 'fifteen' 20: 'twenty' 21: 'twenty-one' 123: 'one hundred twenty-three' 300: 'three hundred' 301: 'three hundred one' 320: 'three hundred twenty' 321: 'three hundred twenty-one' 1000: 'one thousand' 1001: 'one thousand one' 1010: 'one thousand ten' 1011: 'one thousand eleven' 1100: 'one thousand one hundred' 1101: 'one thousand one hundred one' 1110: 'one thousand one hundred ten' 1111: 'one thousand one hundred eleven' 1234: 'one thousand two hundred thirty-four' 4321: 'four thousand three hundred twenty-one' 12345: 'twelve thousand three hundred forty-five' 54321: 'fifty-four thousand three hundred twenty-one' 123456: 'one hundred twenty-three thousand four hundred fifty-six' 654321: 'six hundred fifty-four thousand three hundred twenty-one' 1000000: 'one million' 1000001: 'one million one' 1001000: 'one million one thousand' 1234567: 'one million two hundred thirty-four thousand five hundred sixty-seven' 12345678: 'twelve million three hundred forty-five thousand six hundred seventy-eight' 123456789: 'one hundred twenty-three million four hundred fifty-six thousand seven hundred eighty-nine' 987654321: 'nine hundred eighty-seven million six hundred fifty-four thousand three hundred twenty-one' 1000000000: 'one billion' 1000000001: 'one billion one' 1000001000: 'one billion one thousand' 1001000000: 'one billion one million' 1001001000: 'one billion one million one thousand' 1234567890: 'one billion two hundred thirty-four million five hundred sixty-seven thousand eight hundred ninety' 12345678901: 'twelve billion three hundred forty-five million six hundred seventy-eight thousand nine hundred one' 123456789012: 'one hundred twenty-three billion four hundred fifty-six million seven hundred eighty-nine thousand twelve' 210987654321: 'two hundred ten billion nine hundred eighty-seven million six hundred fifty-four thousand three hundred twenty-one' 1000000000000: 'one trillion' 1000000000001: 'one trillion one' 1000000001000: 'one trillion one thousand' 1000001000000: 'one trillion one million' 1000001001000: 'one trillion one million one thousand' 1001001001001: 'one trillion one billion one million one thousand one' 1234567890123: 'one trillion two hundred thirty-four billion five hundred sixty-seven million eight hundred ninety thousand one hundred twenty-three' 12345678901234: 'twelve trillion three hundred forty-five billion six hundred seventy-eight million nine hundred one thousand two hundred thirty-four' 123456789012345: 'one hundred twenty-three trillion four hundred fifty-six billion seven hundred eighty-nine million twelve thousand three hundred forty-five' 543210987654321: 'five hundred forty-three trillion two hundred ten billion nine hundred eighty-seven million six hundred fifty-four thousand three hundred twenty-one' 1000000000000000: 'one quadrillion' 1000000000000001: 'one quadrillion one' 1010101010101010: 'one quadrillion ten trillion one hundred one billion ten million one hundred one thousand ten' 1234567890123456: 'one quadrillion two hundred thirty-four trillion five hundred sixty-seven billion eight hundred ninety million one hundred twenty-three thousand four hundred fifty-six' 6543210987654321: 'six quadrillion five hundred forty-three trillion two hundred ten billion nine hundred eighty-seven million six hundred fifty-four thousand three hundred twenty-one' 1000000000000000000: 'one quintillion' 1000000000000000000000: 'one sextillion'
number_name := n -> convert(n, english)
"two thousand one"
Mathematica /Wolfram Language
small = "zero"["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven",
"eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen",
"fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen",
"nineteen"]; tens = # <> "-" & /@ {"twenty", "thirty", "forty",
"fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"};
big = Prepend[
" " <> # & /@ {"thousand", "million", "billion", "trillion",
"quadrillion", "quintillion", "sextillion", "septillion",
"octillion", "nonillion", "decillion", "undecillion",
"duodecillion", "tredecillion"}, ""];
name[n_Integer] := "negative " <> name[-n] /; n < 0;
name[n_Integer] := small[[n]] /; 0 <= n < 20;
name[n_Integer] :=
StringTrim[tens[[#1 - 1]] <> small[[#2]] & @@ IntegerDigits[n],
"-zero"] /; 10 <= n < 100;
name[n_Integer] :=
small[[#1]] <> " hundred and " <> name@#2 & @@
IntegerDigits[n, 100], " and zero"] /; 100 <= n < 1000;
name[n_Integer] :=
MapThread[StringJoin, {name /@ #, Reverse@big[[;; Length@#]]}] &@
IntegerDigits[n, 1000], StringFreeQ[#, "zero"] &], ","];
l: [99, 300, 310, 1501, 12609, 512609, 43112609, 77000112609, 2000000000100,
999999999999999999, 0, -99, -1501, -77000112609, -123456789987654321];
map( lambda([n], printf(true, "~20d ~r~%", n, n)), l)$
fn numToEng num =
num = num as integer -- convert to int
local originalNumber = num -- store the initial value, to check if it was negative afterwards
num = abs num -- make positive
local numStr = num as string -- store as string to check the length
local nonFirstDigits = (if numStr.count > 3 then ((substring numStr ((if mod numStr.count 3 ==0 then 3 else mod numStr.count 3)+1) -1)) else "0") -- this is the string of the number without the beginning, i.e 123456 will give 456, 12035 will give 2035
local singleDigits = #("One","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven","Eight","Nine")
local ElevenTwenty = #("Eleven","Twelve","Thirteen","Fourteen","Fifteen","Sixteen","Seventeen","Eighteen","Nineteen")
local tens = #("Ten","Twenty","Thirty","Forty","Fifty","Sixty","Seventy","Eighty","Ninety")
local big = #("Hundred","Thousand","Million","Billion")
local ret = "" -- this is the value to be returned
case of
(num == 0 ): ret += "Zero" -- number is zero
(num < 10): ret += singleDigits[num] -- number is not and smaller than 10
(num == 10): ret += tens[1] -- number is 10
(num < 20): ret += elevenTwenty[abs(10-num)] -- number is between 11 and 19
(num <= 90 and mod num 10 == 0): ret += tens[num/10] -- number is >= 20 and <= 90 and is dividable by 10
(num < 100): ret += (numToEng (floor(num/10.0)*10) +" "+ numtoEng (num-(floor(num/10.0))*10)) -- number is >= 20, < 100 and is not dividable by 10
(num < 1000): ret += (singledigits[floor(num/100) as integer] + " "+big[1]+ (if mod num 100 != 0 then (" and "+numtoeng (num-(floor(num/100.0)*100))) else "")) -- number is >= 100, < 1000
(num >= 1000): ret += -- number is >= 1000
numtoeng (substring numStr 1 (if mod numStr.count 3 ==0 then 3 else mod numStr.count 3)) + \
" " + big[1+((numStr.count-1)/3)] + (if nonFirstDigits as integer == 0 then "" else (if nonFirstDigits as integer < 100 then " and " else ", ")) + \
(if (mod num 1000 == 0) then "" else (numtoeng nonFirstDigits))
if originalNumber < 0 and (substring ret 1 8) != "Negative" do ret = ("Negative "+ret) -- if number is negative
ret = (toupper ret[1]) + (tolower (substring ret 2 -1)) -- make the first char uppercase and rest lowercase
return ret
numtoeng 0
numtoeng 50
numtoeng 123
"One hundred and twenty three"
numtoeng -4235
"Negative four thousand, two hundred and thirty five"
numtoeng 98273
"Ninety eight thousand, two hundred and seventy three"
numtoeng -92836152
"Negative ninety two million, eight hundred and thirty six thousand, one hundred and fifty two"
numtoeng 421752302
"Four hundred and twenty one million, seven hundred and fifty two thousand, three hundred and two"
singles = " one two three four five six seven eight nine ".split
teens = "ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen ".split
tys = " twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety".split
ions = "thousand million billion".split
numberName = function(n)
if n == 0 then return "zero"
a = abs(n)
r = "" // (result)
for u in ions
h = a % 100
if h > 0 and h < 10 then r = singles[h] + " " + r
if h > 9 and h < 20 then r = teens[h-10] + " " + r
if h > 19 and h < 100 then r = tys[h/10] + "-"*(h%10>0) + singles[h%10] + " " + r
h = floor((a % 1000) / 100)
if h then r = singles[h] + " hundred " + r
a = floor(a / 1000)
if a == 0 then break
if a % 1000 > 0 then r = u + " " + r
end for
if n < 0 then r = "negative " + r
return r
end function
// Test cases:
for n in [-1234, 0, 7, 42, 4325, 1000004, 214837564]
print n + ": " + numberName(n)
end for
-1234: negative one thousand two hundred thirty-four 0: zero 7: seven 42: forty-two 4325: four thousand three hundred twenty-five 1000004: one million four 214837564: two hundred fourteen million eight hundred thirty-seven thousand five hundred sixty-four
import strutils, algorithm
tens = ["", "", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy",
"eighty", "ninety"]
small = ["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven",
"eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen",
"fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"]
huge = ["", "", "million", "billion", "trillion", "quadrillion",
"quintillion", "sextillion", "septillion", "octillion", "nonillion",
# Forward reference.
proc spellInteger(n: int64): string
proc nonzero(c: string; n: int64; connect = ""): string =
if n == 0: "" else: connect & c & spellInteger(n)
proc lastAnd(num: string): string =
if ',' in num:
let pos = num.rfind(',')
var (pre, last) = if pos >= 0: (num[0 ..< pos], num[pos+1 .. num.high])
else: ("", num)
if " and " notin last: last = " and" & last
result = [pre, ",", last].join()
result = num
proc big(e, n: int64): string =
if e == 0:
elif e == 1:
spellInteger(n) & " thousand"
spellInteger(n) & " " & huge[e]
iterator base1000Rev(n: int64): int64 =
var n = n
while n != 0:
let r = n mod 1000
n = n div 1000
yield r
proc spellInteger(n: int64): string =
if n < 0:
"minus " & spellInteger(-n)
elif n < 20:
elif n < 100:
let a = n div 10
let b = n mod 10
tens[int(a)] & nonzero("-", b)
elif n < 1000:
let a = n div 100
let b = n mod 100
small[int(a)] & " hundred" & nonzero(" ", b, " and")
var sq = newSeq[string]()
var e = 0
for x in base1000Rev(n):
if x > 0: sq.add big(e, x)
inc e
reverse sq
lastAnd(sq.join(", "))
for n in [0, -3, 5, -7, 11, -13, 17, -19, 23, -29]:
echo align($n, 4)," -> ",spellInteger(n)
var n = 201021002001
while n != 0:
echo align($n, 14)," -> ",spellInteger(n)
n = n div -10
- Output:
0 -> zero -3 -> minus three 5 -> five -7 -> minus seven 11 -> eleven -13 -> minus thirteen 17 -> seventeen -19 -> minus nineteen 23 -> twenty-three -29 -> minus twenty-nine 201021002001 -> two hundred and one billion, twenty-one million, two thousand, and one -20102100200 -> minus twenty billion, one hundred and two million, one hundred thousand, and two hundred 2010210020 -> two billion, ten million, two hundred and ten thousand, and twenty -201021002 -> minus two hundred and one million, twenty-one thousand, and two 20102100 -> twenty million, one hundred and two thousand, and one hundred -2010210 -> minus two million, ten thousand, two hundred and ten 201021 -> two hundred and one thousand, and twenty-one -20102 -> minus twenty thousand, one hundred and two 2010 -> two thousand, and ten -201 -> minus two hundred and one 20 -> twenty -2 -> minus two
class NumberNames {
small : static : String[];
tens : static : String[];
big : static : String[];
function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil {
small := ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven",
"eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen",
"fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"];
tens := ["twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"];
big := ["thousand", "million", "billion", "trillion"];
function : native : Int2Text(number : Int) ~ String {
num := 0;
outP := "";
unit := 0;
tmpLng1 := 0;
if (number = 0) {
return "zero";
num := number->Abs();
while(true) {
tmpLng1 := num % 100;
if (tmpLng1 >= 1 & tmpLng1 <= 19) {
tmp := String->New();
tmp->Append(small[tmpLng1 - 1]);
tmp->Append(" ");
outP := tmp;
else if (tmpLng1 >= 20 & tmpLng1 <= 99) {
if (tmpLng1 % 10 = 0) {
tmp := String->New();
tmp->Append(tens[(tmpLng1 / 10) - 2]);
tmp->Append(" ");
outP := tmp;
else {
tmp := String->New();
tmp->Append(tens[(tmpLng1 / 10) - 2]);
tmp->Append( "-");
tmp->Append(small[(tmpLng1 % 10) - 1]);
tmp->Append(" ");
outP := tmp;
tmpLng1 := (num % 1000) / 100;
if (tmpLng1 <> 0) {
tmp := String->New();
tmp->Append(small[tmpLng1 - 1]);
tmp->Append(" hundred ");
outP := tmp;
num /= 1000;
if (num = 0) {
tmpLng1 := num % 1000;
if (tmpLng1 <> 0) {
tmp := String->New();
tmp->Append(" ");
outP := tmp;
if (number < 0) {
tmp := String->New();
tmp->Append("negative ");
outP := tmp;
return outP->Trim();
nine hundred million one one billion two hundred thirty-four million five hundred sixty-seven thousand eight hundred ninety negative nine hundred eighty-seven million six hundred fifty-four thousand three hundred twenty-one zero
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main() {
@autoreleasepool {
NSNumberFormatter *numberFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
numberFormatter.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterSpellOutStyle;
numberFormatter.locale = [[NSLocale alloc] initWithLocaleIdentifier:@"en_US"];
for (NSNumber *n in @[@900000001, @1234567890, @-987654321, @0, @3.14]) {
NSLog(@"%@", [numberFormatter stringFromNumber:n]);
return 0;
nine hundred million one one billion two hundred thirty-four million five hundred sixty-seven thousand eight hundred ninety minus nine hundred eighty-seven million six hundred fifty-four thousand three hundred twenty-one zero three point one four
let div_mod n d = (n / d, n mod d)
let join = String.concat ", " ;;
let rec nonzero = function
| _, 0 -> ""
| c, n -> c ^ (spell_integer n)
and tens n =
[| ""; ""; "twenty"; "thirty"; "forty"; "fifty";
"sixty"; "seventy"; "eighty"; "ninety" |].(n)
and small n =
[| "zero"; "one"; "two"; "three"; "four"; "five";
"six"; "seven"; "eight"; "nine"; "ten"; "eleven";
"twelve"; "thirteen"; "fourteen"; "fifteen";
"sixteen";"seventeen"; "eighteen"; "nineteen" |].(n)
and bl = [| ""; ""; "m"; "b"; "tr"; "quadr"; "quint";
"sext"; "sept"; "oct"; "non"; "dec" |]
and big = function
| 0, n -> (spell_integer n)
| 1, n -> (spell_integer n) ^ " thousand"
| e, n -> (spell_integer n) ^ " " ^ bl.(e) ^ "illion"
and uff acc = function
| 0 -> List.rev acc
| n ->
let a, b = div_mod n 1000 in
uff (b::acc) a
and spell_integer = function
| n when n < 0 -> invalid_arg "spell_integer: negative input"
| n when n < 20 -> small n
| n when n < 100 ->
let a, b = div_mod n 10 in
(tens a) ^ nonzero("-", b)
| n when n < 1000 ->
let a, b = div_mod n 100 in
(small a) ^ " hundred" ^ nonzero(" ", b)
| n ->
let seg = (uff [] n) in
let _, segn =
(* just add the index of the item in the list *)
(fun (i,acc) v -> (succ i, (i,v)::acc))
let fsegn =
(* remove right part "zero" *)
(function (_,0) -> false | _ -> true)
join( big fsegn)
if (n >= 1000000,
tmp = n\1000000;
s = Str(s, Eng(tmp), " million");
n -= tmp * 1000000;
if (!n, return(s));
s = Str(s, " ")
if (n >= 1000,
tmp = n\1000;
s = Str(s, Eng(tmp), " thousand");
n -= tmp * 1000;
if (!n, return(s));
s = Str(s, " ")
if (n >= 100,
tmp = n\100;
s = Str(s, Edigit(tmp), " hundred");
n -= tmp * 100;
if (!n, return(s));
s = Str(s, " ")
if (n < 20,
return (Str(s, ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "ninteen"][n]))
tmp = n\10;
s = Str(s, [0, "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"][tmp]);
n -= tmp * 10;
if (n, Str(s, "-", Edigit(n)), s)
["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"][n]
program NumberNames(output);
smallies: array[1..19] of string =
('one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six',
'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten', 'eleven',
'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen', 'fifteen',
'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen');
tens: array[2..9] of string =
('twenty', 'thirty', 'forty', 'fifty',
'sixty', 'seventy', 'eighty', 'ninety');
function domaxies(number: int64): string;
maxies: array[0..5] of string =
(' thousand', ' million', ' billion',
' trillion', ' quadrillion', ' quintillion');
domaxies := '';
if number >= 0 then
domaxies := maxies[number];
function doHundreds( number: int64): string;
doHundreds := '';
if number > 99 then
doHundreds := smallies[number div 100];
doHundreds := doHundreds + ' hundred';
number := number mod 100;
if number > 0 then
doHundreds := doHundreds + ' and ';
if number >= 20 then
doHundreds := doHundreds + tens[number div 10];
number := number mod 10;
if number > 0 then
doHundreds := doHundreds + '-';
if (0 < number) and (number < 20) then
doHundreds := doHundreds + smallies[number];
function spell(number: int64): string;
scaleFactor: int64 = 1000000000000000000;
maxieStart, h: int64;
spell := '';
maxieStart := 5;
if number < 20 then
spell := smallies[number];
while scaleFactor > 0 do
if number > scaleFactor then
h := number div scaleFactor;
spell := spell + doHundreds(h) + domaxies(maxieStart);
number := number mod scaleFactor;
if number > 0 then
spell := spell + ', ';
scaleFactor := scaleFactor div 1000;
writeln(99, ': ', spell(99));
writeln(234, ': ', spell(234));
writeln(7342, ': ', spell(7342));
writeln(32784, ': ', spell(32784));
writeln(234345, ': ', spell(234345));
writeln(2343451, ': ', spell(2343451));
writeln(23434534, ': ', spell(23434534));
writeln(234345456, ': ', spell(234345456));
writeln(2343454569, ': ', spell(2343454569));
writeln(2343454564356, ': ', spell(2343454564356));
writeln(2345286538456328, ': ', spell(2345286538456328));
99: ninety-nine
234: two hundred and thirty-four
7342: seven thousand, three hundred and forty-two
32784: thirty-two thousand, seven hundred and eighty-four
234345: two hundred and thirty-four thousand, three hundred and forty-five
2343451: two million, three hundred and forty-three thousand, four hundred and fifty-one
23434534: twenty-three million, four hundred and thirty-four thousand, five hundred and thirty-four
234345456: two hundred and thirty-four million, three hundred and forty-five thousand, four hundred and fifty-six
2343454569: two billion, three hundred and forty-three million, four hundred and fifty-four thousand, five hundred and sixty-nine
23434545643565: twenty-three trillion, four hundred and thirty-four billion, five hundred and forty-five million, six hundred and forty-three thousand, five hundred and sixty-five
2345286538456328: two quadrillion, three hundred and forty-five trillion, two hundred and eighty-six billion, five hundred and thirty-eight million, four hundred and fifty-six thousand, three hundred and twenty-eight
use Lingua::EN::Numbers 'num2en';
print num2en(123456789), "\n";
Fraction ideas copied from HicEst, using billion=10^9, trillion=10^12, quadrillion=10^15, and limited to 999 quadrillion.
Implemented as an Executable_library for use in Names_to_numbers.
The distribution now contains builtins\ordinal.e which implements spell() as ordinal(atom n, bool bJustSpell=true), see the manual.
-- -- demo\rosetta\Number_names.exw -- ----------------------------- -- with javascript_semantics constant twenties = {"zero","one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine","ten", "eleven","twelve","thirteen","fourteen","fifteen","sixteen","seventeen","eighteen","nineteen"} function twenty(integer n) return twenties[mod(n,20)+1] end function constant decades = {"twenty","thirty","forty","fifty","sixty","seventy","eighty","ninety"} function decade(integer n) return decades[mod(n,10)-1] end function function hundred(integer n) if n<20 then return twenty(n) elsif mod(n,10)=0 then return decade(mod(floor(n/10),10)) end if return decade(floor(n/10)) & '-' & twenty(mod(n,10)) end function function thousand(integer n, string withand) if n<100 then return withand & hundred(n) elsif mod(n,100)=0 then return withand & twenty(floor(n/100))&" hundred" end if return twenty(floor(n/100)) & " hundred and " & hundred(mod(n,100)) end function constant orders = {{power(10,15),"quadrillion"}, {power(10,12),"trillion"}, {power(10,9),"billion"}, {power(10,6),"million"}, {power(10,3),"thousand"}} function triplet(atom n) string res = "" for i=1 to length(orders) do {atom order, string name} = orders[i] atom high = floor(n/order), low = mod(n,order) if high!=0 then res &= thousand(high,"")&' '&name end if n = low if low=0 then exit end if if length(res) and high!=0 then res &= ", " end if end for if n!=0 or res="" then res &= thousand(floor(n),iff(res=""?"":"and ")) n = abs(mod(n,1)) if n>1e-6 then res &= " point" for i=1 to 10 do integer t = floor(n*10.0000001) res &= ' '&twenties[t+1] n = n*10-t if abs(n)<1e-6 then exit end if end for end if end if return res end function global function spell(atom n) string res = "" if n<0 then res = "minus " n = -n end if res &= triplet(n) return res end function global constant samples = {99, 300, 310, 417,1_501, 12_609, 200000000000100, 999999999999999, -123456787654321,102003000400005,1020030004,102003,102,1,0,-1,-99, -1501,1234,12.34,10000001.2,1E-3,-2.7182818, 201021002001,-20102100200,2010210020,-201021002,20102100,-2010210, 201021,-20102,2010,-201,20,-2} global function smartp(atom n) if n=floor(n) then return sprintf("%d",n) end if string res = sprintf("%18.8f",n) if find('.',res) then res = trim_tail(res,"0") end if return res end function procedure main() for i=1 to length(samples) do atom si = samples[i] printf(1,"%18s %s\n",{smartp(si),spell(si)}) end for end procedure if include_file()=1 then main() {} = wait_key() end if
- Output:
99 ninety-nine 300 three hundred 310 three hundred and ten 417 four hundred and seventeen 1501 one thousand, five hundred and one 12609 twelve thousand, six hundred and nine 200000000000100 two hundred trillion, and one hundred 999999999999999 nine hundred and ninety-nine trillion, nine hundred and ninety-nine billion, nine hundred and ninety-nine million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine -123456787654321 minus one hundred and twenty-three trillion, four hundred and fifty-six billion, seven hundred and eighty-seven million, six hundred and fifty-four thousand, three hundred and twenty-one 102003000400005 one hundred and two trillion, three billion, four hundred thousand, and five 1020030004 one billion, twenty million, thirty thousand, and four 102003 one hundred and two thousand, and three 102 one hundred and two 1 one 0 zero -1 minus one -99 minus ninety-nine -1501 minus one thousand, five hundred and one 1234 one thousand, two hundred and thirty-four 12.34 twelve point three four 10000001.2 ten million, and one point two 0.001 zero point zero zero one -2.7182818 minus two point seven one eight two eight one eight 201021002001 two hundred and one billion, twenty-one million, two thousand, and one -20102100200 minus twenty billion, one hundred and two million, one hundred thousand, and two hundred 2010210020 two billion, ten million, two hundred and ten thousand, and twenty -201021002 minus two hundred and one million, twenty-one thousand, and two 20102100 twenty million, one hundred and two thousand, and one hundred -2010210 minus two million, ten thousand, two hundred and ten 201021 two hundred and one thousand, and twenty-one -20102 minus twenty thousand, one hundred and two 2010 two thousand, and ten -201 minus two hundred and one 20 twenty -2 minus two
$orderOfMag = array('Hundred', 'Thousand,', 'Million,', 'Billion,', 'Trillion,');
$smallNumbers = array('Zero', 'One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five', 'Six', 'Seven', 'Eight', 'Nine',
'Ten', 'Eleven', 'Twelve', 'Thirteen', 'Fourteen', 'Fifteen', 'Sixteen', 'Seventeen', 'Eighteen', 'Nineteen');
$decades = array('', '', 'Twenty', 'Thirty', 'Forty', 'Fifty', 'Sixty', 'Seventy', 'Eighty', 'Ninety');
function NumberToEnglish($num, $count = 0){
global $orderOfMag, $smallNumbers, $decades;
$isLast = true;
$str = '';
if ($num < 0){
$str = 'Negative ';
$num = abs($num);
(int) $thisPart = substr((string) $num, -3);
if (strlen((string) $num) > 3){
// Number still too big, work on a smaller chunk
$str .= NumberToEnglish((int) substr((string) $num, 0, strlen((string) $num) - 3), $count + 1);
$isLast = false;
// do translation stuff
if (($count == 0 || $isLast) && ($str == '' || $str == 'Negative '))
// This is either a very small number or the most significant digits of the number. Either way we don't want a preceeding "and"
$and = '';
$and = ' and ';
if ($thisPart > 99){
// Hundreds part of the number chunk
$str .= ($isLast ? '' : ' ') . "{$smallNumbers[$thisPart/100]} {$orderOfMag[0]}";
if(($thisPart %= 100) == 0){
// There is nothing else to do for this chunk (was a multiple of 100)
$str .= " {$orderOfMag[$count]}";
return $str;
$and = ' and '; // Set up our and string to the word "and" since there is something in the hundreds place of this chunk
if ($thisPart >= 20){
// Tens part of the number chunk
$str .= "{$and}{$decades[$thisPart /10]}";
$and = ' '; // Make sure we don't have any extranious "and"s
if(($thisPart %= 10) == 0)
return $str . ($count != 0 ? " {$orderOfMag[$count]}" : '');
if ($thisPart < 20 && $thisPart > 0)
// Ones part of the number chunk
return $str . "{$and}{$smallNumbers[(int) $thisPart]} " . ($count != 0 ? $orderOfMag[$count] : '');
elseif ($thisPart == 0 && strlen($thisPart) == 1)
// The number is zero
return $str . "{$smallNumbers[(int)$thisPart]}";
Zero Twelve One Hundred and Twenty Three One Trillion, Two Hundred and Thirty Four Billion, Five Hundred and Sixty Seven Million, Eight Hundred and Ninety Thousand, One Hundred and Twenty Three Sixty Five Thousand, Five Hundred and Thirty Five Negative Fifty Four Thousand, Three Hundred and Twenty One
(de numName (N)
((=0 N) "zero")
((lt0 N) (pack "minus " (numName (- N))))
(T (numNm N)) ) )
(de numNm (N)
((=0 N))
((> 14 N)
(get '("one" "two" "three" "four" "five" "six" "seven" "eight" "nine" "ten" "eleven" "twelve" "thirteen") N) )
((= 15 N) "fifteen")
((= 18 N) "eighteen")
((> 20 N) (pack (numNm (% N 10)) "teen"))
((> 100 N)
(get '("twen" "thir" "for" "fif" "six" "seven" "eigh" "nine") (dec (/ N 10)))
(unless (=0 (% N 10))
(pack "-" (numNm (% N 10))) ) ) )
((rank N '((100 . "hundred") (1000 . "thousand") (1000000 . "million")))
(pack (numNm (/ N (car @))) " " (cdr @) " " (numNm (% N (car @)))) ) ) )
declare integer_names (0:20) character (9) varying static initial
('zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six',
'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve',
'thirteen', 'fourteen', 'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen',
'eighteen', 'nineteen', 'twenty' );
declare x(10) character (7) varying static initial
('ten', 'twenty', 'thirty', 'fourty', 'fifty',
'sixty', 'seventy', 'eighty', 'ninety', 'hundred');
declare y(0:5) character (10) varying static initial
('', '', ' thousand ', ' million ', ' billion ', ' trillion ');
declare (i, j, m, t) fixed binary (31);
declare (units, tens, hundreds, thousands) fixed binary (7);
declare (h, v, value) character (200) varying;
declare (d, k, n) fixed decimal (15);
declare three_digits fixed decimal (3);
value = '';
i = 5;
k = n;
do d = 1000000000000 repeat d/1000 while (d > 0);
i = i - 1;
three_digits = k/d;
k = mod(k, d);
if three_digits = 0 then iterate;
units = mod(three_digits, 10);
t = three_digits / 10;
tens = mod(t, 10);
hundreds = three_digits / 100;
m = mod(three_digits, 100);
if m <= 20 then
v = integer_names(m);
else if units = 0 then
v = '';
v = integer_names(units);
if tens >= 2 & units ^= 0 then
v = x(tens) || v;
else if tens > 2 & units = 0 then
v = v || x(tens);
if units + tens = 0 then
if n > 0 then v = '';
if hundreds > 0 then
h = integer_names(hundreds) || ' hundred ';
h = '';
if three_digits > 100 & (tens + units > 0) then
v = 'and ' || v;
if i = 1 & value ^= '' & three_digits <= 9 then
v = 'and ' || v;
value = value ||h || v || y(i);
put skip edit (trim(N), ' = ', value) (a);
The largest natively supported integer type is only 16 bits wide, so this program only works up to 65535.
RSLT = 0;
DO WHILE '0' <= C AND C <= '9';
RSLT = RSLT * 10 + C - '0';
PTR = PTR + 1;
IF N >= 20 THEN DO;
N = N MOD 10;
IF N > 0 THEN CALL PRINT(.'-$');
IF N >= 100 THEN DO;
CALL LESS$100(N/100);
N = N MOD 100;
IF N > 0 THEN CALL PRINT(.' $');
END LESS$1000;
IF N >= 1000 THEN DO;
CALL LESS$1000(N/1000);
N = N MOD 1000;
IF N > 0 THEN CALL PRINT(.' $');
CALL LESS$1000(N);
- Output:
Note that the PB compiler has some limitations related to how the QUAD
data type is handled behind the scenes (extremely large values lose precision; see the sample output below the code).
IF 0 = number THEN
FUNCTION = "zero"
DIM small(1 TO 19) AS STRING, tens(7) AS STRING, big(5) AS STRING
DIM tmpInt AS LONG, dcnt AS LONG
ARRAY ASSIGN small() = "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", _
"seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", _
"twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", _
"sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"
ARRAY ASSIGN tens() = "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", _
"seventy", "eighty", "ninety"
ARRAY ASSIGN big() = "thousand", "million", "billion", "trillion", _
"quadrillion", "quintillion"
num = ABS(number)
tmpLng1 = num MOD 100
CASE 1 TO 19
outP = small(tmpLng1) + " " + outP
CASE 20 TO 99
outP = tens((tmpLng1 \ 10) - 2) + " " + outP
outP = tens((tmpLng1 \ 10) - 2) + "-" + small(tmpLng1 MOD 10) + " " + outP
tmpLng1 = (num MOD 1000) \ 100
IF tmpLng1 THEN
outP = small(tmpLng1) + " hundred " + outP
num = num \ 1000
tmpLng1 = num MOD 1000
IF tmpLng1 THEN outP = big(unit) + " " + outP
unit = unit + 1
IF number < 0 THEN outP = "negative " + outP
#IF %DEF(%PB_CC32)
INPUT "Gimme a number! ", n
n = VAL(INPUTBOX$("Gimme a number!", "Now!"))
? int2Text(n)
Sample output:
Gimme a number! 1111111111111111111 one quintillion one hundred eleven quadrillion one hundred eleven trillion one h undred eleven billion one hundred eleven million one hundred eleven thousand one hundred ten
function Get-NumberName
Spells out a number in English.
Spells out a number in English in the range of 0 to 999,999,999.
The code for this function was copied (almost word for word) from the C#
example on this page to show how similar Powershell is to C#.
One or more integers in the range of 0 to 999,999,999.
Get-NumberName -Number 666
Get-NumberName 1, 234, 31337, 987654321
1, 234, 31337, 987654321 | Get-NumberName
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
[string[]]$incrementsOfOne = "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four",
"five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine",
"ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen",
"fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"
[string[]]$incrementsOfTen = "", "", "twenty", "thirty", "fourty",
"fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"
[string]$millionName = "million"
[string]$thousandName = "thousand"
[string]$hundredName = "hundred"
[string]$andName = "and"
function GetName([int]$i)
[string]$output = ""
if ($i -ge 1000000)
$remainder = $null
$output += (ParseTriplet ([Math]::DivRem($i,1000000,[ref]$remainder))) + " " + $millionName
$i = $remainder
if ($i -eq 0) { return $output }
if ($i -ge 1000)
if ($output.Length -gt 0)
$output += ", "
$remainder = $null
$output += (ParseTriplet ([Math]::DivRem($i,1000,[ref]$remainder))) + " " + $thousandName
$i = $remainder
if ($i -eq 0) { return $output }
if ($output.Length -gt 0)
$output += ", "
$output += (ParseTriplet $i)
return $output
function ParseTriplet([int]$i)
[string]$output = ""
if ($i -ge 100)
$remainder = $null
$output += $incrementsOfOne[([Math]::DivRem($i,100,[ref]$remainder))] + " " + $hundredName
$i = $remainder
if ($i -eq 0) { return $output }
if ($output.Length -gt 0)
$output += " " + $andName + " "
if ($i -ge 20)
$remainder = $null
$output += $incrementsOfTen[([Math]::DivRem($i,10,[ref]$remainder))]
$i = $remainder
if ($i -eq 0) { return $output }
if ($output.Length -gt 0)
$output += " "
$output += $incrementsOfOne[$i]
return $output
foreach ($n in $Number)
Number = $n
Name = GetName $n
1, 234, 31337, 987654321 | Get-NumberName
- Output:
Number Name ------ ---- 1 one 234 two hundred and thirty four 31337 thirty one thousand, three hundred and thirty seven 987654321 nine hundred and eighty seven million, six hundred and fifty four thousand, three hundred and twenty one
:- module(spell, [spell/2]).
% spell numbers up to the nonillions.
ones(1, "one"). ones(2, "two"). ones(3, "three"). ones(4, "four"). ones( 5, "five").
ones(6, "six"). ones(7, "seven"). ones(8, "eight"). ones(9, "nine"). ones(10, "ten").
ones(11, "eleven"). ones(12, "twelve"). ones(13, "thirteen").
ones(14, "fourteen"). ones(15, "fifteen"). ones(16, "sixteen").
ones(17, "seventeen"). ones(18, "eighteen"). ones(19, "nineteen").
tens(2, "twenty"). tens(3, "thirty"). tens(4, "forty"). tens(5, "fifty").
tens(6, "sixty"). tens(7, "seventy"). tens(8, "eighty"). tens(9, "ninety").
group( 1, "thousand"). group( 2, "million"). group(3, "bilion").
group( 4, "trillion"). group( 5, "quadrillion"). group(6, "quintillion").
group( 7, "sextilion"). group( 8, "septillion"). group(9, "octillion").
group(10, "nonillion"). group(11, "decillion").
spellgroup(N, G) :- G is floor(log10(N) / 3).
spell(N, S) :-
N < 0, !,
NegN is -N, spell(NegN, S0),
string_concat("negative ", S0, S).
spell(0, "zero") :- !.
spell(N, S) :- between(1, 19, N), ones(N, S), !.
spell(N, S) :-
N < 100, !,
divmod(N, 10, Tens, Ones),
tens(Tens, StrTens), ones_part(Ones, StrOnes),
string_concat(StrTens, StrOnes, S).
spell(N, S) :-
N < 1000, !,
divmod(N, 100, Hundreds, Tens),
ones(Hundreds, H), string_concat(H, " hundred", StrHundreds),
tens_part(Tens, StrTens),
string_concat(StrHundreds, StrTens, S).
spell(N, S) :-
spellgroup(N, G), group(G, StrG),
M is 10**(3*G), divmod(N, M, Group, Rest),
spell(Group, S1),
spell_remaining(Rest, S2),
format(string(S), "~w ~w~w", [S1, StrG, S2]).
ones_part(0, "") :- !.
ones_part(N, S) :-
ones(N, StrN),
string_concat("-", StrN, S).
tens_part(0, "") :- !.
tens_part(N, S) :-
spell(N, Tens),
string_concat(" and ", Tens, S).
spell_remaining(0, "") :- !.
spell_remaining(N, S) :-
spell(N, Rest),
string_concat(", ", Rest, S).
- Output:
?- use_module(library(spell)). true. ?- spell(0, Txt). Txt = "zero". ?- spell(73, Txt). Txt = "seventy-three". ?- spell(-144001, Txt). Txt = "negative one hundred and forty-four thousand, one". ?- BigPrime is 2**89 - 1, spell(BigPrime, Txt). BigPrime = 618970019642690137449562111, Txt = "six hundred and eighteen septillion, nine hundred and seventy sextilion, nineteen quintillion, six hundred and forty-two quadrillion, six hundred and ninety trillion, one hundred and thirty-seven bilion, four hundred and forty-nine million, five hundred and sixty-two thousand, one hundred and eleven".
The range of integers handled has been set at an obscene 45 digits.
Data.s "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten"
Data.s "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"
Data.s "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"
;big, non-Chuquet system
Data.s "thousand", "million", "billion", "trillion", "quadrillion", "quintillion", "sextillion"
Data.s "septillion", "octillion", "nonillion", "decillion", "undecillion", "duodecillion"
Data.s "tredecillion"
Procedure.s numberWords(number.s)
;handles integers from -1E45 to +1E45
Static isInitialized = #False
Static Dim small.s(19)
Static Dim tens.s(9)
Static Dim big.s(14)
If Not isInitialized
Restore numberNames
For i = 1 To 19
Read.s small(i)
For i = 2 To 9
Read.s tens(i)
For i = 1 To 14
Read.s big(i)
isInitialized = #True
For i = 1 To Len(number)
If Not FindString("- 0123456789", Mid(number,i,1), 1)
number = Left(number, i - 1) ;trim number to the last valid character
Break ;exit loop
Protected IsNegative = #False
number = Trim(number)
If Left(number,1) = "-"
IsNegative = #True
number = Trim(Mid(number, 2))
If CountString(number, "0") = Len(number)
ProcedureReturn "zero"
If Len(number) > 45
ProcedureReturn "Number is too big!"
Protected num.s = number, output.s, unit, unitOutput.s, working
working = Val(Right(num, 2))
unitOutput = ""
Select working
Case 1 To 19
unitOutput = small(working)
Case 20 To 99
If working % 10
unitOutput = tens(working / 10) + "-" + small(working % 10)
unitOutput = tens(working / 10)
working = Val(Right(num, 3)) / 100
If working
If unitOutput <> ""
unitOutput = small(working) + " hundred " + unitOutput
unitOutput = small(working) + " hundred"
If unitOutput <> "" And unit > 0
unitOutput + " " + big(unit)
If output <> ""
unitOutput + ", "
output = unitOutput + output
If Len(num) > 3
num = Left(num, Len(num) - 3)
unit + 1
Break ;exit loop
If IsNegative
output = "negative " + output
ProcedureReturn output
Define n$
If OpenConsole()
Print("Give me an integer (or q to quit)! ")
n$ = Input()
Until n$ <> ""
If Left(Trim(n$),1) = "q"
Break ;exit loop
- Output:
Give me an integer (or q to quit)! 3 three Give me an integer (or q to quit)! -1327 negative one thousand, three hundred twenty-seven Give me an integer (or q to quit)! 0 zero Give me an integer (or q to quit)! 100000000002000000000000000300000000000000004 one hundred tredecillion, two decillion, three hundred quadrillion, four
Note: This example is also used as a module in the Names to numbers#Python task and should be kept in-sync.
TENS = [None, None, "twenty", "thirty", "forty",
"fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"]
SMALL = ["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five",
"six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven",
"twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen",
"sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"]
HUGE = [None, None] + [h + "illion"
for h in ("m", "b", "tr", "quadr", "quint", "sext",
"sept", "oct", "non", "dec")]
def nonzero(c, n, connect=''):
return "" if n == 0 else connect + c + spell_integer(n)
def last_and(num):
if ',' in num:
pre, last = num.rsplit(',', 1)
if ' and ' not in last:
last = ' and' + last
num = ''.join([pre, ',', last])
return num
def big(e, n):
if e == 0:
return spell_integer(n)
elif e == 1:
return spell_integer(n) + " thousand"
return spell_integer(n) + " " + HUGE[e]
def base1000_rev(n):
# generates the value of the digits of n in base 1000
# (i.e. 3-digit chunks), in reverse.
while n != 0:
n, r = divmod(n, 1000)
yield r
def spell_integer(n):
if n < 0:
return "minus " + spell_integer(-n)
elif n < 20:
return SMALL[n]
elif n < 100:
a, b = divmod(n, 10)
return TENS[a] + nonzero("-", b)
elif n < 1000:
a, b = divmod(n, 100)
return SMALL[a] + " hundred" + nonzero(" ", b, ' and')
num = ", ".join([big(e, x) for e, x in
enumerate(base1000_rev(n)) if x][::-1])
return last_and(num)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# examples
for n in (0, -3, 5, -7, 11, -13, 17, -19, 23, -29):
print('%+4i -> %s' % (n, spell_integer(n)))
n = 201021002001
while n:
print('%-12i -> %s' % (n, spell_integer(n)))
n //= -10
print('%-12i -> %s' % (n, spell_integer(n)))
- Output:
+0 -> zero -3 -> minus three +5 -> five -7 -> minus seven +11 -> eleven -13 -> minus thirteen +17 -> seventeen -19 -> minus nineteen +23 -> twenty-three -29 -> minus twenty-nine 201021002001 -> two hundred and one billion, twenty-one million, two thousand, and one -20102100201 -> minus twenty billion, one hundred and two million, one hundred thousand, two hundred and one 2010210020 -> two billion, ten million, two hundred and ten thousand, and twenty -201021002 -> minus two hundred and one million, twenty-one thousand, and two 20102100 -> twenty million, one hundred and two thousand, and one hundred -2010210 -> minus two million, ten thousand, two hundred and ten 201021 -> two hundred and one thousand, and twenty-one -20103 -> minus twenty thousand, one hundred and three 2010 -> two thousand, and ten -201 -> minus two hundred and one 20 -> twenty -2 -> minus two 0 -> zero
An alternative solution that can name very large numbers.
def int_to_english(n):
if n < 0: return "minus " + int_to_english(-n)
if n < 10:
return ["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five",
"six", "seven", "eight", "nine"][n]
if n < 20:
return ["ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen",
"sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"][n-10]
if n < 100:
tens = ["twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty",
"seventy", "eighty", "ninety"][(n // 10 - 2)%10]
if n % 10 != 0:
return tens + "-" + int_to_english(n % 10)
return tens
if n < 1000:
if n % 100 == 0:
return int_to_english(n // 100) + " hundred"
return int_to_english(n // 100) + " hundred and " +\
int_to_english(n % 100)
powers = [("thousand", 3), ("million", 6),
("billion", 9), ("trillion", 12), ("quadrillion", 15),
("quintillion", 18), ("sextillion", 21), ("septillion", 24),
("octillion", 27), ("nonillion", 30), ("decillion", 33),
("undecillion", 36), ("duodecillion", 39), ("tredecillion", 42),
("quattuordecillion", 45), ("quindecillion", 48),
("sexdecillion", 51), ("eptendecillion", 54),
("octadecillion", 57), ("novemdecillion", 61),
("vigintillion", 64)]
ns = str(n)
idx = len(powers) - 1
while True:
d = powers[idx][1]
if len(ns) > d:
first = int_to_english(int(ns[:-d]))
second = int_to_english(int(ns[-d:]))
if second == "zero":
return first + " " + powers[idx][0]
return first + " " + powers[idx][0] + " " + second
idx = idx - 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(int_to_english(3 ** 7))
print(int_to_english(2 ** 100))
print(int_to_english(10 ** (2*64)))
- Output:
forty-two two thousand one hundred and eighty-seven one nonillion two hundred and sixty-seven octillion six hundred and fifty septillion six hundred sextillion two hundred and twenty-eight quintillion two hundred and twenty-nine quadrillion four hundred and one trillion four hundred and ninety-six billion seven hundred and three million two hundred and five thousand three hundred and seventy-six one vigintillion vigintillion
[ [ table
$ "zero" $ "one" $ "two"
$ "three" $ "four" $ "five"
$ "six" $ "seven" $ "eight"
$ "nine" $ "ten" $ "eleven"
$ "twelve" $ "thirteen"
$ "fourteen" $ "fifteen"
$ "sixteen" $ "seventeen"
$ "eighteen" $ "nineteen" ] do ] is units ( n --> $ )
[ [ table
$ "nonety" $ "tenty" $ "twenty"
$ "thirty" $ "fourty" $ "fifty"
$ "sixty" $ "seventy" $ "eighty"
$ "ninety" ] do ] is tens ( n --> $ )
[ $ "" swap
dup 99 > if
[ 100 /mod swap units
$ " hundred" join
swap dip join
dup 0 = iff drop ]done[ ]
over size 0 > if
[ dip [ $ " and " join ] ]
dup 19 > if
[ 10 /mod swap tens
swap dip join
dup 0 = iff drop ]done[ ]
over size 0 > if
[ over -1 peek space != if
[ dip [ space join ] ] ]
units join ] is triplet ( n --> $ )
[ $ "" swap
dup 999999999999999 > if
[ 1000000000000000 /mod swap triplet
$ " quadrillion" join
swap dip join
dup 0 = iff drop ]done[ ]
dup 999999999999 > if
[ over size 0 > if
[ dip [ $ ", " join ] ]
1000000000000 /mod swap triplet
$ " trillion" join
swap dip join
dup 0 = iff drop ]done[ ]
dup 999999999 > if
[ over size 0 > if
[ dip [ $ ", " join ] ]
1000000000 /mod swap triplet
$ " billion" join
swap dip join
dup 0 = iff drop ]done[ ]
dup 999999 > if
[ over size 0 > if
[ dip [ $ ", " join ] ]
1000000 /mod swap triplet
$ " million" join
swap dip join
dup 0 = iff drop ]done[ ]
dup 999 > if
[ over size 0 > if
[ dip [ $ ", " join ] ]
1000 /mod swap triplet
$ " thousand" join
swap dip join
dup 0 = iff drop ]done[ ]
over size 0 > if
[ dip [ $ ", " join ] ]
triplet join
dup reverse witheach
[ char , = if
[ i split
behead drop
$ " and" swap
join join
conclude ] ] ] is name$ ( n --> $ )
10 times
[ 10 18 random
1+ ** random
dup echo
say " is:"
name$ nest$
60 wrap$ cr cr ]
- Output:
2741791 is: two million, seven hundred, fourty one thousand, seven hundred and ninety one 4 is: four 63798714 is: sixty three million, seven hundred, ninety eight thousand, seven hundred and fourteen 777100851236 is: seven hundred, seventy seven billion, one hundred million, eight hundred, fifty one thousand, two hundred and thirty six 3689199513 is: three billion, six hundred, eighty nine million, one hundred, ninety nine thousand, five hundred and thirteen 703514386370 is: seven hundred, three billion, five hundred, fourteen million, three hundred, eighty six thousand, three hundred and seventy 21545842 is: twenty one million, five hundred, fourty five thousand, eight hundred and fourty two 3867 is: three thousand, eight hundred and sixty seven 4902020 is: four million, nine hundred, two thousand and twenty 47022976290599343 is: fourty seven quadrillion, twenty two trillion, nine hundred, seventy six billion, two hundred, ninety million, five hundred, ninety nine thousand, three hundred and fourty three
Can do zero and negatives.
# Number Names
ones <- c("", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine",
"ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen")
tens <- c("ten", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety")
mags <- c("", "thousand", "million", "billion", "trillion", "quadrillion", "quintillion")
return_hund <- function(input_number){
if (input_number == 0) return("")
num_text <- as.character()
input_hund <- trunc(input_number / 100)
input_ten <- trunc((input_number - input_hund * 100) / 10)
input_one <- input_number %% 10
if (input_number > 99) num_text <- paste0(ones[trunc(input_number / 100) + 1], "-hundred")
if (input_ten < 2){
if (input_ten == 0 & input_one == 0) return(num_text)
if (input_hund > 0) return(paste0(num_text, " ", ones[input_ten * 10 + input_one + 1]))
return(paste0(ones[input_ten * 10 + input_one + 1]))
ifelse(input_hund > 0,
num_text <- paste0(num_text, " ", tens[input_ten]),
num_text <- paste0(tens[input_ten])
if (input_one != 0) num_text <- paste0(num_text, "-", ones[input_one + 1])
make_number <- function(number){
if (number == 0) return("zero")
a <- abs(number)
num_text <- as.character()
g <- trunc(log(a, 10)) + 1
for (i in c(seq(g, 1))){
b <- floor(a / 1000 ^ (i - 1))
x <- return_hund(b)
if (x != "") num_text <- paste0(num_text, return_hund(b), " ", mags[i], " ")
a <- a - b * 1000 ^ (i - 1)
return(ifelse(sign(number) > 0, num_text, paste("negative", num_text)))
my_num <- data.frame(nums = c(
0, 1, -11, 13, 99, 100, -101, 113, -120, 450, -999, 1000, 1001, 1017, 3000, 3001,
9999, 10000, 10001, 10100, 10101, 19000, 20001, 25467, 99999, 100000, 1056012,
-200000, 200001, -200012, 2012567, -5685436, 5000201, -11627389, 100067652, 456000342)
my_num$text <- as.character(lapply(my_num$nums, make_number))
print(my_num, right=F)
- Output:
nums text 1 0 zero 2 1 one 3 -11 negative eleven 4 13 thirteen 5 99 ninety-nine 6 100 one-hundred 7 -101 negative one-hundred one 8 113 one-hundred thirteen 9 -120 negative one-hundred twenty 10 450 four-hundred fifty 11 -999 negative nine-hundred ninety-nine 12 1000 one thousand 13 1001 one thousand one 14 1017 one thousand seventeen 15 3000 three thousand 16 3001 three thousand one 17 9999 nine thousand nine-hundred ninety-nine 18 10000 ten thousand 19 10001 ten thousand one 20 10100 ten thousand one-hundred 21 10101 ten thousand one-hundred one 22 19000 nineteen thousand 23 20001 twenty thousand one 24 25467 twenty-five thousand four-hundred sixty-seven 25 99999 ninety-nine thousand nine-hundred ninety-nine 26 100000 one-hundred thousand 27 1056012 one million fifty-six thousand twelve 28 -200000 negative two-hundred thousand 29 200001 two-hundred thousand one 30 -200012 negative two-hundred thousand twelve 31 2012567 two million twelve thousand five-hundred sixty-seven 32 -5685436 negative five million six-hundred eighty-five thousand four-hundred thirty-six 33 5000201 five million two-hundred one 34 -11627389 negative eleven million six-hundred twenty-seven thousand three-hundred eighty-nine 35 100067652 one-hundred million sixty-seven thousand six-hundred fifty-two 36 456000342 four-hundred fifty-six million three-hundred forty-two
#lang racket
(define smalls
(map symbol->string
'(zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve
thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen)))
(define tens
(map symbol->string
'(zero ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety)))
(define larges
(map symbol->string
'(thousand million billion trillion quadrillion quintillion sextillion
septillion octillion nonillion decillion undecillion duodecillion
tredecillion quattuordecillion quindecillion sexdecillion
septendecillion octodecillion novemdecillion vigintillion)))
(define (integer->english n)
(define (step div suffix separator [subformat integer->english])
(define-values [q r] (quotient/remainder n div))
(define S (if suffix (~a (subformat q) " " suffix) (subformat q)))
(if (zero? r) S (~a S separator (integer->english r))))
(cond [(< n 0) (~a "negative " (integer->english (- n)))]
[(< n 20) (list-ref smalls n)]
[(< n 100) (step 10 #f "-" (curry list-ref tens))]
[(< n 1000) (step 100 "hundred" " and ")]
[else (let loop ([N 1000000] [D 1000] [unit larges])
(cond [(null? unit)
(error 'integer->english "number too big: ~e" n)]
[(< n N) (step D (car unit) ", ")]
[else (loop (* 1000 N) (* 1000 D) (cdr unit))]))]))
(for ([n 10])
(define e (expt 10 n))
(define r (+ (* e (random e)) (random e)))
(printf "~s: ~a\n" r (integer->english r)))
- Output:
0: zero 46: forty-six 969: nine hundred and sixty-nine 959365: nine hundred and fifty-nine thousand, three hundred and sixty-five 49561453: forty-nine million, five hundred and sixty-one thousand, four hundred and fifty-three 3372839576: three billion, three hundred and seventy-two million, eight hundred and thirty-nine thousand, five hundred and seventy-six 589723344094: five hundred and eighty-nine billion, seven hundred and twenty-three million, three hundred and forty-four thousand, ninety-four 76114840325710: seventy-six trillion, one hundred and fourteen billion, eight hundred and forty million, three hundred and twenty-five thousand, seven hundred and ten 7555965500511815: seven quadrillion, five hundred and fifty-five trillion, nine hundred and sixty-five billion, five hundred million, five hundred and eleven thousand, eight hundred and fifteen 225539847375452743: two hundred and twenty-five quadrillion, five hundred and thirty-nine trillion, eight hundred and forty-seven billion, three hundred and seventy-five million, four hundred and fifty-two thousand, seven hundred and forty-three
See also numspell by Neil van Dyke.
(formerly Perl 6)
Apart from the $m++ this can be viewed as a purely functional program; we use nested gather/take constructs to avoid accumulators.
constant @I = <zero one two three four five six seven eight nine
ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen>;
constant @X = <0 X twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety>;
constant @C = @I X~ ' hundred';
constant @M = (<0 thousand>,
((<m b tr quadr quint sext sept oct non>,
(map { ('', <un duo tre quattuor quin sex septen octo novem>).flat X~ $_ },
<dec vigint trigint quadragint quinquagint sexagint septuagint octogint nonagint>),
'cent').flat X~ 'illion')).flat;
sub int-name ($num) {
if $num.substr(0,1) eq '-' { return "negative {int-name($num.substr(1))}" }
if $num eq '0' { return @I[0] }
my $m = 0;
return join ', ', reverse gather for $num.flip.comb(/\d ** 1..3/) {
my ($i,$x,$c) = .comb».Int;
if $i or $x or $c {
take join ' ', gather {
if $c { take @C[$c] }
if $x and $x == 1 { take @I[$i+10] }
else {
if $x { take @X[$x] }
if $i { take @I[$i] }
take @M[$m] // die "WOW! ZILLIONS!\n" if $m;
while '' ne (my $n = prompt("Number: ")) {
say int-name($n);
Number: 0 zero Number: 17 seventeen Number: -1,234,567,890 negative one billion, two hundred thirty four million, five hundred sixty seven thousand, eight hundred ninety Number: 42 000 forty two thousand Number: 1001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001 one novemseptuagintillion, one octoseptuagintillion, one septenseptuagintillion, one sexseptuagintillion, one quinseptuagintillion, one quattuorseptuagintillion, one treseptuagintillion, one duoseptuagintillion, one unseptuagintillion, one septuagintillion, one novemsexagintillion, one octosexagintillion, one septensexagintillion, one sexsexagintillion, one quinsexagintillion, one quattuorsexagintillion, one tresexagintillion, one duosexagintillion, one unsexagintillion, one sexagintillion, one novemquinquagintillion, one octoquinquagintillion, one septenquinquagintillion, one sexquinquagintillion, one quinquinquagintillion, one quattuorquinquagintillion, one trequinquagintillion, one duoquinquagintillion, one unquinquagintillion, one quinquagintillion, one novemquadragintillion, one octoquadragintillion, one septenquadragintillion, one sexquadragintillion, one quinquadragintillion, one quattuorquadragintillion, one trequadragintillion, one duoquadragintillion, one unquadragintillion, one quadragintillion, one novemtrigintillion, one octotrigintillion, one septentrigintillion, one sextrigintillion, one quintrigintillion, one quattuortrigintillion, one tretrigintillion, one duotrigintillion, one untrigintillion, one trigintillion, one novemvigintillion, one octovigintillion, one septenvigintillion, one sexvigintillion, one quinvigintillion, one quattuorvigintillion, one trevigintillion, one duovigintillion, one unvigintillion, one vigintillion, one novemdecillion, one octodecillion, one septendecillion, one sexdecillion, one quindecillion, one quattuordecillion, one tredecillion, one duodecillion, one undecillion, one decillion, one nonillion, one octillion, one septillion, one sextillion, one quintillion, one quadrillion, one trillion, one billion, one million, one thousand, one Number: 198723483017417 one hundred ninety eight trillion, seven hundred twenty three billion, four hundred eighty three million, seventeen thousand, four hundred seventeen
Alternately, we could use the Lingua::EN::Numbers module from the Raku ecosystem. It will return similar output for similar inputs as above, but also handles fractions with configurable reduction and denominator, exponential notation, and ordinal notation.
use Lingua::EN::Numbers; # Version 2.4.0 or higher
put join "\n", .&cardinal, .&cardinal(:improper) with -7/4;
printf "%-7s : %19s : %s\n", $_, cardinal($_), cardinal($_, :denominator(16)) for 1/16, 2/16 ... 1;
put join "\n", .&cardinal, .&cardinal-year, .&ordinal, .&ordinal-digit with 1999;
.&cardinal.put for 6.022e23, 42000, π;
negative one and three quarters negative seven quarters 0.0625 : one sixteenth : one sixteenth 0.125 : one eighth : two sixteenths 0.1875 : three sixteenths : three sixteenths 0.25 : one quarter : four sixteenths 0.3125 : five sixteenths : five sixteenths 0.375 : three eighths : six sixteenths 0.4375 : seven sixteenths : seven sixteenths 0.5 : one half : eight sixteenths 0.5625 : nine sixteenths : nine sixteenths 0.625 : five eighths : ten sixteenths 0.6875 : eleven sixteenths : eleven sixteenths 0.75 : three quarters : twelve sixteenths 0.8125 : thirteen sixteenths : thirteen sixteenths 0.875 : seven eighths : fourteen sixteenths 0.9375 : fifteen sixteenths : fifteen sixteenths 1 : one : one one thousand, nine hundred ninety-nine nineteen ninety-nine one thousand, nine hundred ninety-ninth 1999th six point zero two two times ten to the twenty-third forty-two thousand three point one four one five nine two six five three five eight nine seven nine
The REXX program used for this entry is limited (for the American-style) numbers to 103002 -1,
and roughly double that for the British-style numbers.
For the REXX program and its associated help document, see ───► Number names/REXX.
this simple script has support for zero,negative integers, and floating-point as well as positive integers this simple script available here
OneList=["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four",
"five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine",
"ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen",
"fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"]
tenList=["" , "" , "twenty", "thirty", "fourty",
"fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"]
pointStr=" Point "
while true
see "enter number to convert:"
give theNumber
if len(pointSplited) >=1 theNumber=pointSplited[1] ok
if len(pointSplited) >=2 useFr=true fraction=pointSplited[2] ok
see getName(number(theNumber))
if useFr=true see pointStr + getName(number(fraction)) ok
see nl
func getName num
if num=0
rtn += OneList[floor(num+1)]
return rtn
if num<0
return "minus " + getName(fabs(num))
if num>= 1000000
rtn += getName(num / 1000000) +" "+ millionStr
if num>=1000
if len(rtn)>0 rtn += ", " ok
rtn += getName(num / 1000)+ " " + thousandStr
if num >=100
if len(rtn)>0 rtn += ", " ok
rtn += OneList[floor((num / 100)+1)] + " " + hundredStr
if num=0
return rtn +
if len(rtn)>0 rtn += " " + andStr + " " ok
rtn += tenList[floor((num / 10)+1)]
if num=0
return rtn
if len(rtn)>0 rtn += " " ok
rtn += OneList[num+1]
return rtn
func splitString str,chr
for i in str if strcmp(i,chr)=0 i=nl ok next
return str2list(str)
- Output:
for input of:
1 2 500 576 1000 1045 1124 2521 5223 10877 233112 12333123 1000000 -124 -421 -656 -323 -1123 -9976 1.5 3.32 0.12 0.100 -3.54 -65.1
the output is:
enter number to convert:1 one enter number to convert:2 two enter number to convert:500 five Hundred enter number to convert:576 five Hundred And seventy six enter number to convert:1000 one Thousand enter number to convert:1045 one Thousand And fourty five enter number to convert:1124 one Thousand, one Hundred And twenty four enter number to convert:2521 two Thousand, five Hundred And twenty one enter number to convert:5223 five Thousand, two Hundred And twenty three enter number to convert:10877 ten Thousand, eight Hundred And seventy seven enter number to convert:233112 two Hundred And thirty three Thousand, one Hundred And twelve enter number to convert:12333123 twelve Million, three Hundred And thirty three Thousand, one Hundred And twenty three enter number to convert:1000000 one Million enter number to convert:-124 minus one Hundred And twenty four enter number to convert:-421 minus four Hundred And twenty one enter number to convert:-656 minus six Hundred And fifty six enter number to convert:-323 minus three Hundred And twenty three enter number to convert:-1123 minus one Thousand, one Hundred And twenty three enter number to convert:-9976 minus nine Thousand, nine Hundred And seventy six enter number to convert:1.5 one Point five enter number to convert:3.32 three Point thirty two enter number to convert:0.12 zero Point twelve enter number to convert:0.100 zero Point one Hundred enter number to convert:-3.54 minus three Point fifty four enter number to convert:-65.1 minus sixty five Point one enter number to convert:
SMALL = %w(zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen
eighteen nineteen)
TENS = %w(wrong wrong twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy
eighty ninety)
BIG = [nil, "thousand"] +
%w( m b tr quadr quint sext sept oct non dec).map{ |p| "#{p}illion" }
def wordify number
when number < 0
"negative #{wordify -number}"
when number < 20
when number < 100
div, mod = number.divmod(10)
TENS[div] + (mod==0 ? "" : "-#{wordify mod}")
when number < 1000
div, mod = number.divmod(100)
"#{SMALL[div]} hundred" + (mod==0 ? "" : " and #{wordify mod}")
# separate into 3-digit chunks
chunks = []
div = number
while div != 0
div, mod = div.divmod(1000)
chunks << mod # will store smallest to largest
raise ArgumentError, "Integer value too large." if chunks.size > BIG.size{ |c| wordify c }.
zip(BIG). # zip pairs up corresponding elements from the two arrays
find_all { |c| c[0] != 'zero' }.
map{ |c| c.join ' '}. # join ["forty", "thousand"]
join(', '). # join chunks
data = [-1123, 0, 1, 20, 123, 200, 220, 1245, 2000, 2200, 2220, 467889,
23_000_467, 23_234_467, 2_235_654_234, 12_123_234_543_543_456,
data.each do |n|
print "#{n}: "
puts "'#{wordify n}'"
rescue => e
puts "Error: #{e}"
- Output:
-1123: 'negative one thousand, one hundred and twenty-three' 0: 'zero' 1: 'one' 20: 'twenty' 123: 'one hundred and twenty-three' 200: 'two hundred' 220: 'two hundred and twenty' 1245: 'one thousand, two hundred and forty-five' 2000: 'two thousand' 2200: 'two thousand, two hundred' 2220: 'two thousand, two hundred and twenty' 467889: 'four hundred and sixty-seven thousand, eight hundred and eighty-nine' 23000467: 'twenty-three million, four hundred and sixty-seven' 23234467: 'twenty-three million, two hundred and thirty-four thousand, four hundred and sixty-seven' 2235654234: 'two billion, two hundred and thirty-five million, six hundred and fifty-four thousand, two hundred and thirty-four' 12123234543543456: 'twelve quadrillion, one hundred and twenty-three trillion, two hundred and thirty-four billion, five hundred and forty-three million, five hundred and forty-three thousand, four hundred and fifty-six' 987654321098765432109876543210987654: 'nine hundred and eighty-seven decillion, six hundred and fifty-four nonillion, three hundred and twenty-one octillion, ninety-eight septillion, seven hundred and sixty-five sextillion, four hundred and thirty-two quintillion, one hundred and nine quadrillion, eight hundred and seventy-six trillion, five hundred and forty-three billion, two hundred and ten million, nine hundred and eighty-seven thousand, six hundred and fifty-four' 123890812938219038290489327894327894723897432: Error: Integer value too large.
use std::io::{self, Write, stdout};
const SMALL: &[&str] = &[
"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten",
"eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen",
const TENS: &[&str] = &[
"PANIC", "PANIC", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety",
const MAGNITUDE: &[&str] = &[
"PANIC", "thousand", "million", "billion", "trillion", "quadrillion", "quintillion",
fn wordify<W: Write>(w: &mut W, mut number: i64) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
if number == 0 {
return write!(w, "zero");
if number < 0 {
write!(w, "negative ")?;
number = -number;
while number != 0 {
if number < 20 {
write!(w, "{}", SMALL[number as usize])?;
} else if number < 100 {
write!(w, "{}", TENS[number as usize / 10])?;
number %= 10;
if number != 0 {
write!(w, "-")?;
} else if number < 1_000 {
write!(w, "{} hundred", SMALL[number as usize / 100])?;
number %= 100;
if number != 0 {
write!(w, " and ")?;
} else {
let mut top = number;
let mut magnitude = 0i64;
let mut magnitude_pow = 1i64;
while top >= 1_000 {
top /= 1_000;
magnitude += 1;
magnitude_pow *= 1_000;
wordify(w, top)?;
number %= magnitude_pow;
if number == 0 {
write!(w, " {}", MAGNITUDE[magnitude as usize])?;
} else if number > 100 {
write!(w, " {}, ", MAGNITUDE[magnitude as usize])?;
} else {
write!(w, " {} and ", MAGNITUDE[magnitude as usize])?;
fn main() {
let stdout = stdout();
let mut stdout = stdout.lock();
for &n in &[12, 1048576, 9_000_000_000_000_000_000, -2, 0, 5_000_000_000_000_000_001, -555_555_555_555] {
wordify(&mut stdout, n).unwrap();
write!(&mut stdout, "\n").unwrap();
- Output:
twelve one million, forty-eight thousand, five hundred and seventy-six nine quintillion negative two zero five quintillion and one negative five hundred and fifty-five trillion, five hundred and fifty-five billion, five hundred and fifty-five million, five hundred and fifty-five thousand, five hundred and fifty-five
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.parallel.ParSeq
/** Spells an English numeral longhand. The numbers are expressed using words.
* The implementation goes up to 10<sup>69</sup>-1 and also supports negative and zero inputs.
* @example longhand( 1234 ) // results in: "one thousand two hundred thirty-four".
trait LongHand {
/** Spells a number longhand
* Done by recursively process the triplets of decimal numbers.
* @param numeral the numeric value to be converted
* @param showAnd flag the output extra and in output, default off
* @param zeroString the word for 0, default to "zero"
* @param showHyphen hyphenate all compound numbers e.g. twenty-four, default is on
* @return the numeric value expressed in words
def longhand(numeral: BigInt,
showAnd: Boolean = false,
zeroString: String = "zero",
showHyphen: Boolean = true): String = {
val condAndString = if (showAnd) "and " else ""
val condHyphenString = if (showHyphen) "-" else " "
// 234 Becomes "two hundred [and] thirty-four"
def composeScale(nnn: String, isLSDgroup: Boolean, strE3: String): String = {
nnn match { // Rare exceptions confirms the rule
case "000" => ""
case "100" => onesAndTeens(1) + hundredString + strE3 // Solves the faulty hundred AND thousand problem
case _ => {
val eval = ( zip ParSeq('units, 'tens, 'hundreds)).reverse {
case (d, 'units) if eval.seq.contains(1, 'tens) => onesAndTeens(d + 10)
case (d, 'units) if (isLSDgroup && nnn == "0") => zeroString
case (d, 'units) => onesAndTeens(d)
case (d, 'hundreds) if d > 0 => onesAndTeens(d) + hundredString + condAndString
case (d, 'tens) if d > 1 && eval.seq.contains(0, 'units) => tens(d)
case (d, 'tens) if d > 1 => tens(d) + condHyphenString //'
case _ => ""
}.mkString + strE3
} // def composeScale(…
def compose(n: BigInt): String = {
// "1234" becomes List((1,"thousand"), (234, ""))
val decGroups = n.toString.reverse.grouped(3).map(_.reverse).toSeq.par // Group into powers of thousands
if (decGroups.size <= shortScale.size) // Detect overflow
{ // Send per group section to composeScale
def iter(elems: Seq[(String, String)], acc: String): String = {
elems match {
case (group, powers) :: tail => {
iter(tail, acc + composeScale(group, tail == Nil, powers))
case _ => acc
} // Group of decimals are accompanied with the short scale name.
iter(, "").mkString.trim
} else "###.overflow.###"
} // def compose(…
// Here starts def longhand(…
if (numeral < 0) "minus " + compose(-numeral) else compose(numeral)
} // End def longhand(…
private val onesAndTeens = {
def dozen = "one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve".split(' ').map(_ + " ").par
def teens = "thir four fif six seven eigh nine".split(' ').map(_ + "teen ").par
ParSeq("") ++ dozen ++ teens
private val tens = ParSeq("", "") ++
("twen thir for fif six seven eigh nine".split(' ')).map(_ + "ty")
private final val hundredString = "hundred "
private val shortScale = {
def p1 = "m b tr quadr quint sext sept oct non dec".split(' ').map(_ + "illion ").par
def p2 = "un duo tre quattuor quin sex septen octo novem ".split(' ').map(_ + "decillion ").par
def p3 = "vigint cent".split(' ').map(_ + "illion ").par
ParSeq("", "thousand ") ++ p1 ++ p2 ++ p3
} // trait LongHand
object SpellNumber extends LongHand with App {
// Main entry A little test...
{ // Anonymous ordered list as test set
def testVal1 = BigInt("1" * 69)
def testVal9 = BigInt(10).pow(69) - 1
@tailrec // Series generator of 9, 98, 987, 9876 …
def inner(counter: Int, elem: BigInt, testList: ParSeq[BigInt]): ParSeq[BigInt] = {
if (counter < 20)
inner(counter + 1, elem * 10 + (9 - (counter % 10)), testList ++ ParSeq(elem))
else testList.par
inner(0, 0L, // Test values
ParSeq(-Long.MaxValue, -1000000000, 12, 13, 19, 20, 21, 112<