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Euler's constant 0.5772...

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Euler's constant 0.5772...
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.


Compute the Euler constant 0.5772...

Discovered by Leonhard Euler around 1730, it is the most ubiquitous mathematical constant after pi and e, but appears more arcane than these.

Denoted gamma (γ), it measures the amount by which the partial sums of the harmonic series (the simplest diverging series) differ from the logarithmic function (its approximating integral): lim n → ∞ (1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + … + 1/n − log(n)).

The definition of γ converges too slowly to be numerically useful, but in 1735 Euler himself applied his recently discovered summation formula to compute ‘the notable number’ accurate to 15 places. For a single-precision implementation this is still the most economic algorithm.

In 1961, the young Donald Knuth used Euler's method to evaluate γ to 1271 places. Knuth found that the computation of the Bernoulli numbers required in the Euler-Maclaurin formula was the most time-consuming part of the procedure.

The next year Dura Sweeney computed 3566 places, using a formula based on the expansion of the exponential integral which didn't need Bernoulli numbers. It's a bit-hungry method though: 2d digits of working precision obtain d correct places only.

This was remedied in 1988 by David Bailey; meanwhile Richard Brent and Ed McMillan had published an even more efficient algorithm based on Bessel function identities and found 30100 places in 20 hours time.

Nowadays the old records have far been exceeded: over 6·1011 decimal places are already known. These massive computations suggest that γ is neither rational nor algebraic, but this is yet to be proven.


[1] Gourdon and Sebah, The Euler constant γ. (for all formulas)

[2] Euler's original journal article translated from the latin (p. 9)


Three solutions here: the Vacca series, then two useful approximations for generally-used Ada types Float and Long_Float.

with Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;      use Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;
with Ada.Numerics.Long_Elementary_Functions; use Ada.Numerics.Long_Elementary_Functions;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Eulers_Constant is

   function Euler_Vacca (Iterations : Integer) return Long_Float is
      Gamma : Long_Float   := 1.0;
      Term  : Long_Float;
      Power : Long_Integer;
      Sign  : Long_Float;
      Gamma := 0.5 - (1.0 / 3.0);
      for I in 2 .. Iterations loop
         Power := 2 ** Natural (I);
         Sign  := -1.0;
         Term  := 0.0;
         for Domin in Power .. (2 * Power - 1) loop
            Sign := - (Sign);
            Term := Term + Sign / Long_Float (Domin);
         end loop;
         Gamma := Gamma + (Long_Float (I) * Term);
      end loop;
      return Gamma;
   end Euler_Vacca;

   --  Ada Float type is IEEE 754 32-bit, giving 9 decimal digits of precision
   Euler_Castellanos_Float : constant Float :=
      (((80.0 ** 3) + 92.0) / 
        (61.0 ** 4))           ** (1.0 / 6.0);

   --  Ada Long_Float type is IEEE 754 32-bit, giving 14 decimal digits of precision
   Euler_Castellanos_Long_Float : constant Long_Float :=
      (990.0 ** 3 - 55.0 ** 3 - 79.0 ** 2 - 16.0) / 
                  70.0 ** 5; 

   Iters : Integer;
   Put_Line ("Its. Vacca");
   Iters := 2;
   while Iters <= 32 loop
      Put_Line (Iters'Image & " " & Euler_Vacca (Iters)'Image);
      Iters := Iters + 2;
   end loop;
   Put_Line ("Castellanos approximation for standard Float (9 digits): " & Euler_Castellanos_Float'Image);
   Put_Line ("Castellanos approximation for Long Float (14 digits): " & Euler_Castellanos_Long_Float'Image);
end Eulers_Constant;
Its. Vacca
 2  3.14285714285714E-01
 4  4.82164184398886E-01
 6  5.45853770405349E-01
 8  5.67441138957738E-01
 10  5.74285301882304E-01
 12  5.76361123043496E-01
 14  5.76971520706463E-01
 16  5.77147000098518E-01
 18  5.77196591397621E-01
 20  5.77210419691580E-01
 22  5.77214234389975E-01
 24  5.77215277471336E-01
 26  5.77215560593404E-01
 28  5.77215636961856E-01
 30  5.77215657450952E-01
 32  5.77215662922473E-01
Castellanos approximation for standard Float (9 digits):  5.77216E-01
Castellanos approximation for Long Float (14 digits):  5.77215664901529E-01


Translation of: XPL0 – which is a translation of the C sample
begin % calculate Euler's constant, translated from the XPL0 sample          %
      % which is translated from the C sample                                %

    long real       A, B, H, N2, R, U, V;
    long real array S ( 0 :: 1 );
    long real array B2( 0 :: 9 );
    long real       Epsilon;
    integer         K, K2, M, N;

    Epsilon := 1'-6;

    % set output format                                                      %
    i_w := 1; s_w := 0; r_w := 18; r_d := 15; r_format := "A";

    write( "From the definition, error 3e-10" );
    N := 400;  H := 1.0;
    for K1 := 2 until N do H := H + 1.0 / K1;
    comment Faster convergence: Negoi, 1997 ;
    A := Ln( N + 0.5 + 1.0/( 24.0 * N ) );
    write( "Hn    ", H );
    write( "gamma ", H - A ); write( "K = ", N ); write();

    write( "Sweeney, 1963, error 3e-10" );
    N := 21; S( 0 ) := 0;  S( 1 ) := N;
    R := N;  K:= 1;
    while begin K := K + 1;
                R := R * N / K;
                S( K rem 2 ) := S( K rem 2 ) + R / K;
                R > Epsilon
    do begin end;
    write( "gamma ", S( 1 ) - S( 0 ) - ln( N ) );write( "K = ", K ); write();

    write( "Bailey, 1988" );
    N  := 5; A := 1; H := 1;
    N2 := 2 ** N;
    R := 1;  K := 1;
    while begin K := K + 1;
                R := R * N2 / K;
                H := H + 1 / K;
                B := A; A := A + R * H;
                abs( B - A ) > Epsilon
    do begin end;
    A := A * N2 / Exp(N2);
    write( "gamma ", A - N * Ln( 2 ) ); write( "K = ", K ); write();

    write( "Brent-McMillan, 1980" );
    N  := 13;     A  := -Ln( N );
    B  := 1;      U  := A;  V := B;
    N2 := N * N;  K2 := 0;  K := 0;
    while begin K2 := K2 + 2 * K + 1;
                K  := K + 1;
                A  := A * N2 / K;
                B  := B * N2 / K2;
                A  := ( A + B ) / K;
                U  := U + A;
                V  := V + B;
                abs( A ) > Epsilon
    do begin end;
    write( "gamma ", U / V ); write( "K = ", K ); write();

    write( "How Euler did it in 1735" );
    comment Bernoulli numbers with even indices;

    B2( 0 ) :=     1;        B2( 1 ) :=  1 /  6; B2( 2 ) :=    -1 /  30;
    B2( 3 ) :=     1 / 42;   B2( 4 ) := -1 / 30; B2( 5 ) :=     5 /  66;
    B2( 6 ) :=  -691 / 2730; B2( 7 ) :=  7 /  6; B2( 8 ) := -3617 / 510;
    B2( 9 ) := 43867 / 98;
    M := 7;  N := 10;
    comment Nth harmonic number;
    H := 1;
    for K1 := 2 until N do H := H + 1 / K1;
    write( "Hn    ", H );
    H := H - Ln( N );
    write( "  -ln ", H );
    comment Expansion C:= -digamma(1);
    A  := -1 / ( 2 * N );
    N2 := N * N;
    R  := 1;
    for K1 := 1 until M do begin
        R := R * N2;
        A := A + B2( K1 ) / (2 * K1 * R )
    end for_K1;
    write( "err   ", A ); write( "gamma ", H + A ); write( "K = ", N + M );
    write( "C  =  0.57721566490153286..." ); write()
From the definition, error 3e-10
Hn     6.569929691176506
gamma  0.577215664576573
K = 400

Sweeney, 1963, error 3e-10
gamma  0.577215664563631
K = 68

Bailey, 1988
gamma  0.577215664901535
K = 89

Brent-McMillan, 1980
gamma  0.577215664901533
K = 40

How Euler did it in 1735
Hn     2.928968253968254
  -ln  0.626383160974208
err   -0.049167496072675
gamma  0.577215664901533
K = 17

C  =  0.57721566490153286...



Single precision

'Subject: Comparing five methods for
'         computing Euler's constant 0.5772...
'tested : FreeBasic 1.08.1
const eps = 1e-6
dim as double a, b, h, n2, r, u, v
dim as integer k, k2, m, n

? "From the definition, err. 3e-10"

n = 400

h = 1
for k = 2 to n
   h += 1 / k
next k
'faster convergence: Negoi, 1997
a = log(n +.5 + 1 / (24*n))

? "Hn   "; h
? "gamma"; h - a; !"\nk ="; n

? "Sweeney, 1963, err. idem"

n = 21

dim as double s(1) = {0, n}
r = n
k = 1
   k += 1
   r *= n / k
   s(k and 1) += r / k
loop until r < eps

? "gamma"; s(1) - s(0) - log(n); !"\nk ="; k

? "Bailey, 1988"

n = 5

a = 1
h = 1
n2 = 2^n
r = 1
k = 1
   k += 1
   r *= n2 / k
   h += 1 / k
   b = a: a += r * h
loop until abs(b - a) < eps
a *= n2 / exp(n2)

? "gamma"; a - n * log(2); !"\nk ="; k

? "Brent-McMillan, 1980"

n = 13

a = -log(n)
b = 1
u = a
v = b
n2 = n * n
k2 = 0
k = 0
   k2 += 2*k + 1
   k += 1
   a *= n2 / k
   b *= n2 / k2
   a = (a + b) / k
   u += a
   v += b
loop until abs(a) < eps

? "gamma"; u / v; !"\nk ="; k

? "How Euler did it in 1735"
'Bernoulli numbers with even indices
dim as double B2(9) = {1,1/6,-1/30,1/42,_
m = 7
if m > 9 then end

n = 10

'n-th harmonic number
h = 1
for k = 2 to n
   h += 1 / k
next k
? "Hn   "; h

h -= log(n)
? "  -ln"; h

'expansion C = -digamma(1)
a = -1 / (2*n)
n2 = n * n
r = 1
for k = 1 to m
   r *= n2
   a += B2(k) / (2*k * r)
next k

? "err  "; a; !"\ngamma"; h + a; !"\nk ="; n + m
? "C  =  0.57721566490153286..."
From the definition, err. 3e-10
Hn    6.569929691176506
gamma 0.5772156645765731
k = 400

Sweeney, 1963, err. idem
gamma 0.5772156645636311
k = 68

Bailey, 1988
gamma 0.5772156649015341
k = 89

Brent-McMillan, 1980
gamma 0.5772156649015329
k = 40

How Euler did it in 1735
Hn    2.928968253968254
  -ln 0.6263831609742079
err  -0.04916749607267539
gamma 0.5772156649015325
k = 17

C  =  0.57721566490153286...

Multi precision

From first principles

'Subject: Computation of Euler's constant 0.5772...
'         with the Brent-McMillan algorithm B1,
'         Math. Comp. 34 (1980), 305-312
'tested : FreeBasic 1.08.1 with gmp 6.2.0
#include "gmp.bi"

'multi-precision float pointers
Dim as mpf_ptr a, b
Dim shared as mpf_ptr k2, u, v
'unsigned long integers
Dim as ulong k, n, n2, r, s, t
'precision parameters
Dim shared as ulong e10, e2
Dim shared e as clong
Dim shared f as double
Dim as double tim = TIMER

a = allocate(len(__mpf_struct))
b = allocate(len(__mpf_struct))
u = allocate(len(__mpf_struct))
v = allocate(len(__mpf_struct))
k2 = allocate(len(__mpf_struct))

'log(x/y) with the Taylor series for atanh(x-y/x+y)
Sub ln (byval s as mpf_ptr, byval x as ulong, byval y as ulong)
Dim as mpf_ptr d = u, q = v
Dim k as ulong
   'Möbius transformation
   k = x: x -= y: y += k

   If x <> 1 Then
      Print "ln: illegal argument x - y <> 1"
   End If

   's = 1 / (x + y)
   mpf_set_ui (s, y)
   mpf_ui_div (s, 1, s)
   'k2 = s * s
   mpf_mul (k2, s, s)
   mpf_set (d, s)

   k = 1
      k += 2
      'd *= k2
      mpf_mul (d, d, k2)
      'q = d / k
      mpf_div_ui (q, d, k)
      's += q
      mpf_add (s, s, q)

      f = mpf_get_d_2exp (@e, q)
   Loop until abs(e) > e2

   's *= 2
   mpf_mul_2exp (s, s, 1)
End Sub


'n = 2^i * 3^j * 5^k

'log(n) = r * log(16/15) + s * log(25/24) + t * log(81/80)

'solve linear system for r, s, t
' 4 -3 -4| i
'-1 -1  4| j
'-1  2 -1| k

t = 1
select case t
case 1
   n = 60
   r = 41
   s = 30
   t = 18
'100 digits
case 2
   n = 4800
   r = 85
   s = 62
   t = 37
'8000 digits, 0.6 s
case 3
   n = 9375
   r = 91
   s = 68
   t = 40
'15625 digits, 2.5 s
case else
   n = 18750
   r = 98
   s = 73
   t = 43
'31250 digits, 12 s. @2.00GHz
end select

'decimal precision
e10 = n / .6
'binary precision
e2 = (1 + e10) / .30103

'initialize mpf's
mpf_set_default_prec (e2)
mpf_inits (a, b, u, v, k2, Cptr(mpf_ptr, 0))

'Compute log terms

ln b, 16, 15

'a = r * b
mpf_mul_ui (a, b, r)

ln b, 25, 24

'a += s * b
mpf_mul_ui (u, b, s)
mpf_add (a, a, u)

ln b, 81, 80

'a += t * b
mpf_mul_ui (u, b, t)
mpf_add (a, a, u)

''gmp_printf (!"log(%lu) %.*Ff\n", n, e10, a)

'B&M, algorithm B1

'a = -a, b = 1
mpf_neg (a, a)
mpf_set_ui (b, 1)
mpf_set (u, a)
mpf_set (v, b)

k = 0
n2 = n * n
'k2 = k * k
mpf_set_ui (k2, 0)
   'k2 += 2k + 1
   mpf_add_ui (k2, k2, (k shl 1) + 1)
   k += 1

   'b = b * n2 / k2
   mpf_div (b, b, k2)
   mpf_mul_ui (b, b, n2)
   'a = (a * n2 / k + b) / k
   mpf_div_ui (a, a, k)
   mpf_mul_ui (a, a, n2)
   mpf_add (a, a, b)
   mpf_div_ui (a, a, k)

   'u += a, v += b
   mpf_add (u, u, a)
   mpf_add (v, v, b)

   f = mpf_get_d_2exp (@e, a)
Loop until abs(e) > e2

mpf_div (u, u, v)
gmp_printf (!"gamma %.*Ff (maxerr. 1e-%lu)\n", e10, u, e10)

gmp_printf (!"k = %lu\n\n", k)

gmp_printf (!"time: %.7f s\n", TIMER - tim)
gamma 0.5772156649015328606065120900824024310421593359399235988057672348848677267776646709369470632917467495 (maxerr. 1e-100)
k = 255

The easy way

' ******************************************
'Subject: Euler's constant 0.5772...
'tested : FreeBasic 1.08.1 with mpfr 4.1.0
#include "gmp.bi"
#include "mpfr.bi"

dim as mpfr_ptr a = allocate(len(__mpfr_struct))
dim as ulong e2, e10
dim as double tim = TIMER

'decimal precision
e10 = 100

'binary precision
e2 = (1 + e10) / .30103
mpfr_init2 (a, e2)

mpfr_const_euler (a, MPFR_RNDN)
mpfr_printf (!"gamma %.*Rf\n\n", e10, a)

gmp_printf (!"time: %.7f s\n", TIMER - tim)


Subject to double rounding error, evaluates 33 partial terms in a series

33ro{JroJJJL[\/JL[\/nr\/{-1}\/.*FLJL[ro?^?*\/JL[{2}\/.*FL\/?^?*\/{1.+}m[J{lg}m[\/?/?*++\/1 3.0./\/?^.*}m[++-2 3 2lg.*./.*2lg2./.+


Single precision

Subject: Comparing five methods for
         computing Euler's constant 0.5772...
tested : tcc-0.9.27
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define eps 1e-6

int main(void) {
double a, b, h, n2, r, u, v;
int k, k2, m, n;

printf("From the definition, err. 3e-10\n");

n = 400;

h = 1;
for (k = 2; k <= n; k++) {
   h += 1.0 / k;
//faster convergence: Negoi, 1997
a = log(n +.5 + 1.0 / (24*n));

printf("Hn    %.16f\n", h);
printf("gamma %.16f\nk = %d\n\n", h - a, n);

printf("Sweeney, 1963, err. idem\n");

n = 21;

double s[] = {0, n};
r = n;
k = 1;
do {
   k += 1;
   r *= (double) n / k;
   s[k & 1] += r / k;
} while (r > eps);

printf("gamma %.16f\nk = %d\n\n", s[1] - s[0] - log(n), k);

printf("Bailey, 1988\n");

n = 5;

a = 1;
h = 1;
n2 = pow(2,n);
r = 1;
k = 1;
do {
   k += 1;
   r *= n2 / k;
   h += 1.0 / k;
   b = a; a += r * h;
} while (fabs(b - a) > eps);
a *= n2 / exp(n2);

printf("gamma %.16f\nk = %d\n\n", a - n * log(2), k);

printf("Brent-McMillan, 1980\n");

n = 13;

a = -log(n);
b = 1;
u = a;
v = b;
n2 = n * n;
k2 = 0;
k = 0;
do {
   k2 += 2*k + 1;
   k += 1;
   a *= n2 / k;
   b *= n2 / k2;
   a = (a + b) / k;
   u += a;
   v += b;
} while (fabs(a) > eps);

printf("gamma %.16f\nk = %d\n\n", u / v, k);

printf("How Euler did it in 1735\n");
//Bernoulli numbers with even indices
double B2[] = {1.0,1.0/6,-1.0/30,1.0/42,-1.0/30,\
m = 7;
if (m > 9) return(0);

n = 10;

//n-th harmonic number
h = 1;
for (k = 2; k <= n; k++) {
   h += 1.0 / k;
printf("Hn    %.16f\n", h);

h -= log(n);
printf("  -ln %.16f\n", h);

//expansion C = -digamma(1)
a = -1.0 / (2*n);
n2 = n * n;
r = 1;
for (k = 1; k <= m; k++) {
   r *= n2;
   a += B2[k] / (2*k * r);

printf("err  %.16f\ngamma %.16f\nk = %d", a, h + a, n + m);

printf("\n\nC  =  0.57721566490153286...\n");
From the definition, err. 3e-10
Hn    6.5699296911765055
gamma 0.5772156645765731
k = 400

Sweeney, 1963, err. idem
gamma 0.5772156645636311
k = 68

Bailey, 1988
gamma 0.5772156649015341
k = 89

Brent-McMillan, 1980
gamma 0.5772156649015329
k = 40

How Euler did it in 1735
Hn    2.9289682539682538
  -ln 0.6263831609742079
err  -0.0491674960726754
gamma 0.5772156649015325
k = 17

C  =  0.57721566490153286...

Multi precision

From first principles

Subject: Computation of Euler's constant 0.5772...
         with the Brent-McMillan algorithm B1,
         Math. Comp. 34 (1980), 305-312
tested : tcc-0.9.27 with gmp 6.2.0
#include <gmp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

//multi-precision float pointers
mpf_ptr u, v, k2;

//precision parameters
unsigned long e10, e2;
long e;
double f;

//log(x/y) with the Taylor series for atanh(x-y/x+y)
void ln (mpf_ptr s, unsigned long x, unsigned long y) {
mpf_ptr d = u, q = v;
unsigned long k;
   //Möbius transformation
   k = x; x -= y; y += k;

   if (x != 1) {
      printf ("ln: illegal argument x - y != 1");

   //s = 1 / (x + y)
   mpf_set_ui (s, y);
   mpf_ui_div (s, 1, s);
   //k2 = s * s
   mpf_mul (k2, s, s);
   mpf_set (d, s);

   k = 1;
   do {
      k += 2;
      //d *= k2
      mpf_mul (d, d, k2);
      //q = d / k
      mpf_div_ui (q, d, k);
      //s += q
      mpf_add (s, s, q);

      f = mpf_get_d_2exp (&e, q);
   } while (abs(e) < e2);

   //s *= 2
   mpf_mul_2exp (s, s, 1);

int main (void) {
mpf_ptr a = malloc(sizeof(__mpf_struct));
mpf_ptr b = malloc(sizeof(__mpf_struct));
u = malloc(sizeof(__mpf_struct));
v = malloc(sizeof(__mpf_struct));
k2 = malloc(sizeof(__mpf_struct));
//unsigned long integers
unsigned long k, n, n2, r, s, t;

clock_t tim = clock();

// n = 2^i * 3^j * 5^k

// log(n) = r * log(16/15) + s * log(25/24) + t * log(81/80)

// solve linear system for r, s, t
//  4 -3 -4| i
// -1 -1  4| j
// -1  2 -1| k

t = 1;
switch (t) {
case 1 :
   n = 60;
   r = 41;
   s = 30;
   t = 18;
//100 digits
case 2 :
   n = 4800;
   r = 85;
   s = 62;
   t = 37;
//8000 digits, 0.6 s
case 3 :
   n = 9375;
   r = 91;
   s = 68;
   t = 40;
//15625 digits, 2.5 s
default :
   n = 18750;
   r = 98;
   s = 73;
   t = 43;
//31250 digits, 12 s. @2.00GHz

//decimal precision
e10 = n / .6;
//binary precision
e2 = (1 + e10) / .30103;

//initialize mpf's
mpf_set_default_prec (e2);
mpf_inits (a, b, u, v, k2, (mpf_ptr)0);

//Compute log terms

ln (b, 16, 15);

//a = r * b
mpf_mul_ui (a, b, r);

ln (b, 25, 24);

//a += s * b
mpf_mul_ui (u, b, s);
mpf_add (a, a, u);

ln (b, 81, 80);

//a += t * b
mpf_mul_ui (u, b, t);
mpf_add (a, a, u);

//gmp_printf ("log(%lu) %.*Ff\n", n, e10, a);

//B&M, algorithm B1

//a = -a, b = 1
mpf_neg (a, a);
mpf_set_ui (b, 1);
mpf_set (u, a);
mpf_set (v, b);

k = 0;
n2 = n * n;
//k2 = k * k
mpf_set_ui (k2, 0);
do {
   //k2 += 2k + 1
   mpf_add_ui (k2, k2, (k << 1) + 1);
   k += 1;

   //b = b * n2 / k2
   mpf_div (b, b, k2);
   mpf_mul_ui (b, b, n2);
   //a = (a * n2 / k + b) / k
   mpf_div_ui (a, a, k);
   mpf_mul_ui (a, a, n2);
   mpf_add (a, a, b);
   mpf_div_ui (a, a, k);

   //u += a, v += b
   mpf_add (u, u, a);
   mpf_add (v, v, b);

   f = mpf_get_d_2exp (&e, a);
} while (abs(e) < e2);

mpf_div (u, u, v);
gmp_printf ("gamma %.*Ff (maxerr. 1e-%lu)\n", e10, u, e10);

gmp_printf ("k = %lu\n\n", k);

tim = clock() - tim;
printf("time: %.7f s\n",((double)tim)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
gamma 0.5772156649015328606065120900824024310421593359399235988057672348848677267776646709369470632917467495 (maxerr. 1e-100)
k = 255

The easy way

Subject: Euler's constant 0.5772...
tested : tcc-0.9.27 with mpfr 4.1.0
#include <gmp.h>
#include <mpfr.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

int main (void) {
mpfr_ptr a = malloc(sizeof(__mpfr_struct));
unsigned long e2, e10;
clock_t tim = clock();

//decimal precision
e10 = 100;

//binary precision
e2 = (1 + e10) / .30103;
mpfr_init2 (a, e2);

mpfr_const_euler (a, MPFR_RNDN);
mpfr_printf ("gamma %.*Rf\n\n", e10, a);

tim = clock() - tim;
gmp_printf ("time: %.7f s\n",((double)tim)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);


#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>

double ByVaccaSeries(int numTerms)
    // this method is simple but converges slowly
    // calculate gamma by:
    // 1 * (1/2 - 1/3) +
    // 2 * (1/4 - 1/5 + 1/6 - 1/7) +
    // 3 * (1/8 - 1/9 + 1/10 - 1/11 + 1/12 - 1/13 + 1/14 - 1/15) +
    // 4 * ( . . . ) +
    // . . .
    double gamma = 0;
    size_t next = 4;
    for(double numerator = 1; numerator < numTerms; ++numerator)
        double delta = 0;
        for(size_t denominator = next/2; denominator < next; denominator+=2)
            // calculate terms two at a time
            delta += 1.0/denominator - 1.0/(denominator + 1);

        gamma += numerator * delta;
        next *= 2;
    return gamma;

// based on the C entry
double ByEulersMethod()
    //Bernoulli numbers with even indices
    const std::array<double, 8> B2 {1.0, 1.0/6, -1.0/30, 1.0/42, -1.0/30,
        5.0/66, -691.0/2730, 7.0/6};
    const int n = 10;

    //n-th harmonic number
    const double h = [] // immediately invoked lambda
        double sum = 1;
        for (int k = 2; k <= n; k++) { sum += 1.0 / k; }
        return sum - log(n);

    //expansion C = -digamma(1)
    double a = -1.0 / (2*n);
    double r = 1;
    for (int k = 1; k < ssize(B2); k++)
        r *= n * n;
        a += B2[k] / (2*k * r);

    return h + a;

int main()
    std::cout << std::setprecision(16) << "Vacca series:  " << ByVaccaSeries(32);
    std::cout << std::setprecision(16) << "\nEulers method: " << ByEulersMethod();
Vacca series:  0.5772156610598274
Eulers method: 0.5772156649015325


(let [n 1e10]
  (loop [i 1
         out (- (Math/log n))]
    (if (<= i n)
      (recur (inc i) (+ out (/ 1.0 i)))
Gives:                      0.5772156649484047
Compared to the true value: 0.5772156649015328...


Works with: Delphi version 6.0

This programs demonstrates the basic method of calculating the Euler number. It illustrates how the number of iterations increases the accuracy.

function ComputeEuler(N: int64): double;
{Compute Eurler number with N-number of iterations}
var I: integer;
var A: double;
for I:=1 to N-1 do
  Result:=Result + 1 / I;
A:=Ln(N + 0.5 + 1/(24.0*N));

procedure ShowEulersNumber(Memo: TMemo);
{Show Euler numbers at various levels of precision}
var Euler,G,A,Error: double;
var N: integer;
const Correct =0.57721566490153286060651209008240243104215933593992;

	procedure ShowEulerError(N: int64);
	{Show Euler number and Error}
	Memo.Lines.Add('N =   '+FloatToStrF(N,ffNumber,18,0));

{Compute Euler number with iterations ranging 10 to 10^9}
for N:=1 to 9 do

N =   10

N =   100

N =   1,000

N =   10,000

N =   100,000

N =   1,000,000

N =   10,000,000

N =   100,000,000

N =   1,000,000,000

Elapsed Time: 4.716 Sec.


Works with: DuckDB version V1.1
Translation of: C
# Bailey, 1988
create or replace function bailey(n, eps) as (
  with recursive n2 as (select pow(2, n) as n2),
  cte as (
    select 1 as k, 1.0::DOUBLE as r, 1.0::DOUBLE as h, 0.0::DOUBLE as b, 1.0::DOUBLE as a
    union all
      k + 1 as k,
      r * (n2 / (k+1)) as r,
      h + (1.0 / (k+1)) as h,
      a as b,
      a + (r * (n2 / (k+1)) * (h + (1.0 / (k+1)))) as a
    from cte, n2
    where @(b - a) > eps
  a as (select last(a order by k) as a from cte)
  select (a * n2 / exp(n2) ) - (n * ln(2))
  from a, n2

select bailey(5, 1E-6) as gamma;
│       gamma        │
│       double       │
│ 0.5772156649015341 │


fastfunc gethn n .
   i = 1
   while i <= n
      hn += 1 / i
      i += 1
   return hn
e = 2.718281828459045235
n = 10e8
numfmt 9 0
print gethn n - log10 n / log10 e


void local fn Euler
  long   n = 10000000, k
  double a, h = 1.0
  for k = 2 to n
    h += 1 / k
  a = log( n + 0.5 + 1 / ( 24 * n ) )
  printf @"From the definition, err. 3e-10"
  printf @"Hn    %.15f", h
  printf @"gamma %.15f", h - a
  printf @"k = %ld\n", n
  printf @"C     %.15f", 0.5772156649015328
end fn

CFTimeInterval t
t = fn CACurrentMediaTime
fn Euler
printf @"\vCompute time: %.3f ms",(fn CACurrentMediaTime-t)*1000

From the definition, err. 3e-10
Hn    16.695311365857272
gamma 0.577215664898954
k = 10000000

C     0.577215664901533
Compute time: 67.300 ms


We can approximate euler's constant using the difference between the reciprocal and the gamma function of a small number:

   (% - !@<:) 2^_27

For higher accuracy we can use a variation on the C implementation which was attributed to Richard P. Brent and Edwin M. McMillan:

Euler=: {{
  A=.B=. ^.1r13 1x1
  r=. j=. 0
  whilst. (r=.%/B)~:!.0(r) do.
    B=. B+A=. (j,1)%~+/\.A*169%(1,j)*(j=.j+1)

With J configured for 16 digits of display precision (9!:11(16)) we can see that this gave us:



 * Using a simple formula derived from Hurwitz zeta function,
 * as described on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler%27s_constant,
 * gives a result accurate to 12 decimal places.
public class EulerConstant {

	public static void main(String[] args) {		

    private static double gamma(int N) {
		double gamma = 0.0;
		for ( int n = 1; n <= N; n++ ) {
			gamma += 1.0 / n;
		gamma -= Math.log(N) + 1.0 / ( 2 * N );
		return gamma;


Translated from C (Bailey, 1988)

Works with: jq

Works with gojq and jaq, the Go and Rust implementations of jq

# Bailey, 1988
def bailey($n; $eps):
  pow(2; $n) as $n2
  | {a :1, b: 0, h: 1, r: 1, k: 1}
  | until( (.b - .a)|fabs <= $eps;
      .k += 1
      | .r *= ($n2 / .k)
      | .h += (1.0 / .k)
      | .b = .a
      | .a += (.r * .h) )
  | (.a * $n2 / ($n2|exp) ) - ($n * (2|log)) ;
bailey(5; 1E-6)


Translation of: PARI/GP
display(MathConstants.γ)  # γ = 0.5772156649015...


Following the definition with an improvment from Negoi.

{def negoi
 {lambda {:n}
  {let { {:n :n}
         {:h {+ {S.map {lambda {:k} {/ 1 :k}} {S.serie 1 :n}}} }
         {:a {log {+ :n 0.5 {/ 1 {* 24 :n}}}}}   // Negoi, 1997
       } {div}-> Hn :h
         {div}gamma {- :h :a}
         {div}k :n
-> negoi

{negoi 400}
-> Hn 6.5699296911765055 
gamma 0.5772156645765731 with k = 400
     (0.57721566457657 target)

Following Sweeney

{def sweeney
 {def sweeney.set!
  {lambda {:s :r :k :i}
   {A.set! :i {+ {A.get :i :s} {/ :r :k}} :s}
 {def sweeney.loop
  {lambda {:n :s :r :k}
   {if {<= :r 1.e-10}
    then gamma = {- {A.get 1 :s} {A.get 0 :s} {log :n}} with k=:k
    else {sweeney.loop :n          
                       {sweeney.set! :s {* :r {/ :n :k}} :k {% :k 2}}      
                       {* :r {/ :n :k}}
                       {+ :k 1} }
 {lambda {:n}
  {sweeney.loop :n {A.new 0 :n} :n 2} }} 
-> sweeney

{sweeney 21}
-> gamma = 0.577215664563631 with k=76  
          (0.57721566456363 target)


A value using 100,000,000 iterations of the harmonic series computes in less than a second and is correct to eight decimal places.

function computeGamma (iterations, decimalPlaces)
    local Hn = 1
    for i = 2, iterations do
        Hn = Hn + (1/i)
    local gamma = tostring(Hn - math.log(iterations))
    return tonumber(gamma:sub(1, decimalPlaces + 2))

print(computeGamma(10^8, 8))

Mathematica /Wolfram Language

N[EulerGamma, 1000]




import std/math

const n = 1e6
var result = 1.0

for i in 2..int(n):
  result += 1/i

echo result - ln(n)



\l "euler_const.log"
\p 100
print("gamma ", Euler);


  n = 1_000_000;

  var result := 1.0;
  for var i := 2 to n do
    result += 1 / i;
  writeln(result - ln(n));



use strict; # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler%27s_constant
use warnings;
use List::Util qw( sum );

print sum( map 1 / $_, 1 .. 1e6) - log 1e6, "\n";


part 1 (max 12dp)

Translation of Perl, with the same accuracy limitation

-- demo\rosetta\Eulers_constant.exw
with javascript_semantics
constant C = sum(sq_div(1,tagset(1e6)))-log(1e6)
printf(1,"gamma %.12f  (max 12d.p. of accuracy)\n",C)
gamma 0.577216164901  (max 12d.p. of accuracy)

part 2 (first principles)

Translation of C, from first principles.

without js  -- no mpfr_get_d_2exp() in mpfr.js as yet
requires("1.0.2") -- mpfr_get_d_2exp(), mpfr_addmul_si()
include mpfr.e
mpfr u, v, k2;
integer e, e10, e2
atom f
//log(x/y) with the Taylor series for atanh(x-y/x+y)
procedure ln(mpfr s, integer x, y)
    mpfr d = u, q = v;
    mpfr_set_si(s, x+y)
    mpfr_si_div(s, 1, s)            // s = 1 / (x + y)
    mpfr_mul(k2, s, s)              // k2 = s * s
    mpfr_set(d, s)
    integer k = 1
    while true do
        k += 2;
        mpfr_mul(d, d, k2)          // d *= k2
        mpfr_div_si(q, d, k)        // q = d / k
        mpfr_add(s, s, q)           // s += q
        {f,e} = mpfr_get_d_2exp(q)
        if abs(e)>=e2 then exit end if
    end while 
    mpfr_mul_si(s, s, 2)            //s *= 2
end procedure
mpfr a, b
integer k, 
        n = 60,     -- (required precision in decimal dp *6/10)
        r = 41,
        s = 30,
        t = 18;

// n = 2^i * 3^j * 5^k
// log(n) = r * log(16/15) + s * log(25/24) + t * log(81/80)
// solve linear system for r, s, t
//  4 -3 -4| i
// -1 -1  4| j
// -1  2 -1| k
//decimal precision
e10 = floor(n/0.6)
//binary precision
e2 = floor((1 + e10) / 0.30103)
{a, b, u, v, k2} = mpfr_inits(5)
//Compute log terms
ln(b, 16, 15)  mpfr_mul_si(a, b, r)     // a = r * b
ln(b, 25, 24)  mpfr_addmul_si(a, b, s)  // a += s * b
ln(b, 81, 80)  mpfr_addmul_si(a, b, t)  // a += t * b

mpfr_neg(a, a)          // a = -a
mpfr_set_si(b, 1)       // b = 1
mpfr_set (u, a)
mpfr_set (v, b)
k = 0;
n2 = n * n;
mpfr_set_si(k2, 0)      // k2 = k * k (as below)
while true do
    mpfr_add_si(k2, k2, k*2+1)      // k2 += 2k + 1
    k += 1;
    mpfr_div(b, b, k2)
    mpfr_mul_si(b, b, n2)           // b = b * n2 / k2
    mpfr_div_si(a, a, k)
    mpfr_mul_si(a, a, n2)
    mpfr_add (a, a, b)
    mpfr_div_si(a, a, k)            // a = (a * n2 / k + b) / k
    mpfr_add(u, u, a)               // u += a
    mpfr_add(v, v, b)               // v += b
    {f,e} = mpfr_get_d_2exp (a)
    if abs(e)>=e2 then exit end if
end while
mpfr_div(u, u, v)
string su = mpfr_get_fixed(u,e10)
printf(1,"gamma %s (maxerr. 1e-%d)\n", {su, e10})
gamma 0.5772156649015328606065120900824024310421593359399235988057672348848677267776646709369470632917467494 (maxerr. 1e-100)

part 3 (the easy way)

without js  -- no mpfr_const_euler() in mpfr.js as yet
requires("1.0.1") -- mpfr_const_euler()
include mpfr.e
mpfr gamma = mpfr_init(0,-100)
printf(1,"gamma %s (mpfr_const_euler)\n",{mpfr_get_fixed(gamma,100)})

(matches part 2 except for the 100th decimal place)

gamma 0.5772156649015328606065120900824024310421593359399235988057672348848677267776646709369470632917467495 (mpfr_const_euler)


List comprehension

main =>
  Gamma = 0.57721566490153286060651209008240,
  foreach(N in 1..8)
     G = e(10**N),

e(N) = [1.0/I : I in 1..N].sum-log(N).
[n = 1,g = 0.626383160974208,diff = 0.049167496072675]
[n = 2,g = 0.582207331651529,diff = 0.004991666749996]
[n = 3,g = 0.577715581568206,diff = 0.000499916666674]
[n = 4,g = 0.577265664068165,diff = 0.000049999166632]
[n = 5,g = 0.577220664893106,diff = 0.000004999991574]
[n = 6,g = 0.577216164900715,diff = 0.000000499999182]
[n = 7,g = 0.577215714898951,diff = 0.000000049997419]
[n = 8,g = 0.577215669900188,diff = 0.000000004998655]


e2(N) = E-log(N) =>
  E = 1,
  foreach(I in 2..N)
    E := E + 1/I

Translation of: Rust
main =>
  Gamma = 0.577215664901532860606512090082402,
  member(N, 1..23),
  G = gamma(N),

gamma(N) = Gamma =>
  Gamma = 1/2 - 1/3,
  foreach(I in 2..N)
    Power = 2**I,
    Sign = -1,
    Term = 0,
    foreach(Denominator in Power..(2*Power-1))
      Sign := Sign * -1,
      Term := Term + Sign / Denominator
    Gamma := Gamma + I*Term
[n = 1,g = 0.166666666666667,diff = -0.410548998234866]
[n = 2,g = 0.314285714285714,diff = -0.262929950615819]
[n = 3,g = 0.416741591741592,diff = -0.160474073159941]
[n = 4,g = 0.482164184398886,diff = -0.095051480502647]
[n = 5,g = 0.522141654090275,diff = -0.055074010811257]
[n = 6,g = 0.545853770405349,diff = -0.031361894496184]
[n = 7,g = 0.559605750992416,diff = -0.017609913909116]
[n = 8,g = 0.567441138957738,diff = -0.009774525943794]
[n = 9,g = 0.571842107494027,diff = -0.005373557407506]
[n = 10,g = 0.574285301882304,diff = -0.002930363019229]
[n = 11,g = 0.57562856705805,diff = -0.001587097843483]
[n = 12,g = 0.576361123043496,diff = -0.000854541858037]
[n = 13,g = 0.576757887880701,diff = -0.000457777020832]
[n = 14,g = 0.576971520706463,diff = -0.00024414419507]
[n = 15,g = 0.577085964243776,diff = -0.000129700657756]
[n = 16,g = 0.577147000098518,diff = -0.000068664803014]
[n = 17,g = 0.577179425210813,diff = -0.00003623969072]
[n = 18,g = 0.577196591397621,diff = -0.000019073503912]
[n = 19,g = 0.577205651316587,diff = -0.000010013584946]
[n = 20,g = 0.57721041969158,diff = -0.000005245209953]
[n = 21,g = 0.577212923087556,diff = -0.000002741813977]
[n = 22,g = 0.577214234389975,diff = -0.000001430511558]
[n = 23,g = 0.577214919843452,diff = -0.000000745058081]


Translation of: C
 Subject: Comparing five methods for
 computing Euler's constant 0.5772...
 // https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Euler%27s_constant_0.5772...
double a, b, h, n2, r, u, v;
float floatA, floatB, floatN2;
int k, k2, m, n;
double eps = 1e-6;

void setup() {
  size(100, 100);  

void draw() {
  println("From the definition, err. 3e-10\n");

  n = 400;

  h = 1;

  for (int k = 2; k <= n; k++) {
    h += 1.0 / k;
  //faster convergence: Negoi, 1997
  a = log(n +.5 + 1.0 / (24*n));

  println("Hn    ", h);
  println("gamma ", h - a);
  println("k = ", n);

  println("Sweeney, 1963, err. idem");
  n = 21;

  double s[] = {0, n};
  r = n;
  k = 1;
  while (r > eps) {
    k ++;
    r *= (double) n / k;
    s[k & 1] = s[k & 1] + r / k;

  // println("gamma %.16f\nk = %d\n\n", s[1] - s[0] - log(n), k);

  println("Hn    ", h);
  println("gamma ", s[1] - s[0] - log(n));
  println("k = ", k);

  println("Bailey, 1988");
  n = 5;
  floatA = 1;
  h = 1;
  floatN2 = pow(2, n);
  r = 1;
  k = 1;
  while (abs(floatB - floatA) > eps) {
    k += 1;
    r *= floatN2 / k;
    h += 1.0 / k;
    floatB = floatA; 
    floatA += r * h;
  floatA *= floatN2 / exp(floatN2);

  println("gamma ", floatA - n * log(2));
  println("k = ", k);

  println("Brent-McMillan, 1980");

  n = 13;

  floatA = -log(n);
  floatB = 1;
  u = a;
  v = b;
  n2 = n * n;
  k2 = 0;
  k = 0;

  while (abs(floatA) > eps) {
    k2 += 2*k + 1;
    k += 1;
    floatA *= n2 / k;
    floatB *= n2 / k2;
    floatA = (floatA + floatB) / k;
    u += floatA;
    v += floatB;
  println("gamma  ", u / v);
  println("k      ", k);

  println("How Euler did it in 1735\n");
  //Bernoulli numbers with even indices

  double[] B2 = new double[11]; 

  B2[1] = 1.0;
  B2[2] = 1.0/6;
  B2[3] = -1.0/30;
  B2[4] = 1.0/42;
  B2[5] = -1.0/30;
  B2[6] = 5.0/66;
  B2[7] = -691.0/2730;
  B2[8] = 7.0/6;
  B2[9] = -3617.0/510;
  B2[10]= 43867.0/798;

  m = 7;
  n = 10;

  //n-th harmonic number
  h = 1;
  for (k = 2; k <= n; k++) {
    h += 1.0 / k;
  println("Hn    ", h);

  h -= log(n);
  println("  -ln ", h);

  //expansion C = -digamma(1)
  a = -1.0 / (2*n);
  n2 = n * n;
  r = 1;
  for (k = 1; k <= m; k++) {
    r *= n2;
    a += B2[k] / (2*k * r);

  println("err  ", a);
  println("gamma ", h + a );
  println("k = ", n + m);
  println("C  =  0.57721566490153286...\n");
From the definition, err. 3e-10

Hn     6.569929751800373
gamma  0.577215823577717
k =  400

Sweeney, 1963, err. idem
Hn     6.569929751800373
gamma  0.5772155784070492
k =  68

Bailey, 1988
gamma  0.5772176
k =  67

Brent-McMillan, 1980
gamma   0.5772157269353247
k       40

How Euler did it in 1735

Hn     2.9289682805538177
  -ln  0.6263831555843353
err   -0.044995839604388355
gamma  0.581387315979947
k =  17

C  =  0.57721566490153286...


# /**************************************************
# Subject: Computation of Euler's constant 0.5772...
#          with Euler's Zeta Series.
# tested : Python 3.11 
# -------------------------------------------------*/

from scipy import special as s

def eulers_constant(n):
    k = 2
    euler = 0
    while k <= n:
        euler += (s.zeta(k) - 1)/k
        k += 1
    return 1 - euler



#lang racket/base

(require math/number-theory


;; if you want to work it out the hard way...
(define (H n)
  (for/sum ((i n)) (/ (add1 i))))

(define (g #:n (n 10) #:k (k 7))
  (+ (- (H n)
        (log n)
        (/ (* n 2)))
     (for/sum ((2k (in-range 2 (* 2 (add1 k)) 2)))
       (/ (bernoulli-number 2k) (* (expt n 2k) 2k)))))



# 20211124 Raku programming solution 

sub gamma (\N where N > 1) { # Vacca series https://w.wiki/4ybp
                             # convert terms to FatRat for arbitrary precision
   return  (1/2 - 1/3) + [+] (2..N).race.map: -> \n {

      my ($power, $sign, $term) = 2**n, -1;

      for ($power..^2*$power) { $term += ($sign = -$sign) / $_ }


say gamma 23 ;


Libraries: How to use
Libraries: Source code


Using arbitrary precision. You may specify this as parameter, default is 100 decimal places.

arg n; if n = '' then n = 100; numeric digits n
parse version version; say version; glob. = ''; fact. = 0
say 'Euler-Mascheroni constant to' n 'decimal places'
say 'Method Brent-McMillan'
call time('r'); a = Brent(); e = format(time('e'),,3)
say 'Brent     ' a '('e 'seconds)'
call time('r'); a = TrueValue(); e = format(time('e'),,3)
say 'True value' a '('e 'seconds)'

procedure expose fact. glob. work.
numeric digits Digits()+2
/* Brent McMillan */
n = Ceil((Digits()*Ln(10)+Ln(Pi()))*0.25); m = Ceil(2.07*Digits())
n2 = n*n; ak = -Ln(n); bk = 1; s = ak; v = 1
do k = 1 to m
   bk = bk*n2/(k*k); ak = (ak*n2/k+bk)/k
   s = s+ak; v = v+bk
y = s/v
numeric digits Digits()-2
return y+0

return 0.5772156649015328606065120900824024310421593359399235988057672348848677267776646709369470632917467495+0

include Constants
include Functions
include Numbers

Running with the default, the program gives:

REXX-Regina_3.9.6(MT) 5.00 29 Apr 2024
Euler-Mascheroni constant to 100 decimal places
Method Brent-McMillan

Brent      0.5772156649015328606065120900824024310421593359399235988057672348848677267776646709369470632917467495 (0.023 seconds)
True value 0.5772156649015328606065120900824024310421593359399235988057672348848677267776646709369470632917467495 (0.000 seconds)


Translation of: FreeBASIC

From the definition, with Negoi's convergence improvement

≪ → n
  ≪ 1 
     2 n FOR k k INV + NEXT 
     n .5 + 24 n * INV + LN -
≫ ≫ ‘GAMMA1’ STO

Sweeney method

≪ 0 OVER R→C 1E-6 → n s eps
  ≪ n 1 
        1 + SWAP
        OVER / n * SWAP
        DUP2 /
        IF OVER 2 MOD THEN (0,1) * END 's' STO+
     UNTIL OVER eps < END
     s C→R SWAP - n LN -
≫ ≫ ‘GAMMA2’ STO
400 GAMMA1
 21 GAMMA2
2: .57721566456
1: .57717756228


n = 1e6
p (1..n).sum{ 1.0/_1 } - Math.log(n)
0.5772161649014507 #12 digits accurate


Translation of: Raku
// 20220322 Rust programming solution

fn gamma(N: u32) -> f64 { // Vacca series https://w.wiki/4ybp

    return 1f64 / 2f64 - 1f64 / 3f64
        + ((2..=N).map(|n| {
            let power: u32 = 2u32.pow(n);
            let mut sign: f64 = -1f64;
            let mut term: f64 = 0f64;

            for denominator in power..=(2 * power - 1) {
                sign *= -1f64;
                term += sign / f64::from(denominator);

            return f64::from(n) * term;

fn main() {
    println!("{}", gamma(23));


 * Using a simple formula derived from Hurwitz zeta function,
 * as described on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler%27s_constant,
 * gives a result accurate to 11 decimal places: 0.57721566490...

object EulerConstant extends App {


  private def gamma(N: Int): Double = {
    val sumOverN = (1 to N).map(1.0 / _).sum
    sumOverN - Math.log(N) - 1.0 / (2 * N)



Works with: Chez Scheme
; Procedure to compute factorial.
(define fact
  (lambda (n)
    (if (<= n 0)
      (* n (fact (1- n))))))

; Compute Euler's gamma constant as the difference of log(n) from a sum.
; See section 2.3 of <http://numbers.computation.free.fr/Constants/Gamma/gamma.html>.
(define gamma
  (lambda (n)
    (let ((sum 0))
      (do ((k 1 (1+ k)))
          ((> k (* 3.5911 n)) (- sum (log n)))
        (set! sum (+ sum (/ (* (expt -1 (1- k)) (expt n k)) (* k (fact k)))))))))

; Show Euler's gamma constant computed at log(100).
(printf "Euler's gamma constant: ~a~%" (gamma 100))
Euler's gamma constant: 0.5772156649015328



# 100 decimals of precision
local Num!PREC = 4*100
say Num.EulerGamma

Several formulas:

const n = (ARGV ? Num(ARGV[0]) : 50)       # number of iterations

define  = Num.e
define π = Num.pi
define γ = Num.EulerGamma

func display(r, t) {
    say "#{r}\terror: #{ '%.0g' % abs(r - t) }"

# Original definition of the Euler-Mascheroni constant, due to Euler (1731)
display(sum(1..n, {|n| 1/n }) - log(n), γ)

# Formula due to Euler (best convergence)
display(harmfrac(n) - log(n) - 1/(2*n) - sum(1..n, {|k|
    -bernoulli(2*k) / (2*k) / n**(2*k)
}), γ)

# Formula derived from the above formula of Euler,
# using approximations of Bernoulli numbers.
display(harmfrac(n) - log(n) - 1/(2*n) - sum(1..n, {|k|
    (-1)**k * 4 * sqrt(π*k) * (π * )**(-2*k) * k**(2*k) / (2*k) / n**(2*k)
}), γ)

# Euler-Mascheroni constant, involving zeta(n)
display(1 - sum(2..(n+1), {|n|
    (zeta(n) - 1) / n
}), γ)

# Limit_{n->Infinity} zeta((n+1)/n) - n} = gamma
display(zeta((n+1)/n) - n, γ)

# Series due to Euler (1731).
display(sum(2..(n+1), {|n|
    (-1)**n * zeta(n) / n
}),  γ)

# Formula due to Euler in terms of log(2) and the odd zeta values
display(3/4 - log(2)/2 + sum(1..n, {|n|
    (1 - 1/(2*n + 1)) * (zeta(2*n + 1) - 1)
}), γ)

# Formula due to Euler in terms of log(2) and the odd zeta values (VII)
display(log(2) - sum(1..n, {|n|
    zeta(2*n + 1) / (2*n + 1) / 2**(2*n)
}), γ)

# Formula due to Vacca (1910)
display(sum(1..n, {|n|
    (-1)**n * floor(log2(n)) / n
}), γ)
0.58718233290127899894172100505421724484389898107	error: 0.01
0.57721566490153286060651209008240243104215933594	error: 2e-58
0.577201775274185974649592917416402750312879661543	error: 1e-05
0.577215664901532868991217643213156967011395887777	error: 8e-18
0.57867004101560321761330253540741574969540128177	error: 0.001
0.567507841748305076772446986005418728718501189232	error: 0.01
0.577215664901532860606512090082272222693164663104	error: 1e-31
0.57721566490153286060651209008240496797924366087	error: 3e-33
0.611009392556929160631547597803236563977259982583	error: 0.03

V (Vlang)

Translation of: C
import math
const eps = 1e-6
fn main() {
    println("From the definition, err. 3e-10")
    mut n := 400
    mut h := 1.0
    for k in 2..n+1 {
        h += 1.0/f64(k)
    //faster convergence: Negoi, 1997
    mut a := math.log(f64(n) + 0.5 + 1.0/f64(24*n))
    println("Hn    ${h:0.16f}")
    println("gamma ${h-a:0.16f}\nk = $n\n")
    println("Sweeney, 1963, err. idem")
    n = 21
    mut s := [0.0, f64(n)]
    mut r := f64(n)
    mut k := 1
    for {
        r *= f64(n) / f64(k)
        s[k & 1] += r/f64(k)
        if r <= eps {
    println("gamma ${s[1] - s[0] - math.log(n):0.16f}\nk = $k\n")
    println("Bailey, 1988")
    n = 5
    a = 1.0
    h = 1.0
    mut n2 := math.pow(f64(2),f64(n))
    r = 1
    k = 1
    for {
        r *= n2 / f64(k)
        h += 1/f64(k)
        b := a
        a += r * h
        if math.abs(b-a) <= eps {
    a *= n2 / math.exp(n2)
    println("gamma ${a - n * math.log(2):.16f}\nk = $k\n")
    println("Brent-McMillan, 1980")
    n = 13
    a = -math.log(n)
    mut b := 1.0
    mut u := a
    mut v := b
    n2 = n * n
    mut k2 := 0
    k = 0
    for {
        k2 += 2*k + 1
        a *= n2 / f64(k)
        b *= n2 / f64(k2)
        a = (a + b)/f64(k)
        u += a
        v += b
        if math.abs(a) <= eps {
    println("gamma ${u/v:0.16f}\nk = $k\n")
    println("How Euler did it in 1735")
    // Bernoulli numbers with even indices
    b2 := [1.0, 1.0/6, -1.0/30, 1.0/42, -1.0/30, 5.0/66, -691.0/2730, 7.0/6, -3617.0/510, 43867.0/798]
    m := 7
    n = 10
    // n'th harmonic number
    h = 1.0
    for kz in 2..n+1 {
        h += 1.0/f64(kz)
    println("Hn    ${h:0.16f}")
    h -= math.log(n)
    println("  -ln ${h:0.16f}")
    // expansion C = -digamma(1)
    a = -1.0 / (2.0*f64(n))
    n2 = f64(n * n)
    r = 1
    for kq in 1..m+1 {
        r *= n2
        a += b2[kq] / (2.0*f64(kq)*r)
    println("err  ${a:0.16f}\ngamma ${h+a:0.16f}\nk = ${n+m}") 
    println("\nC = 0.57721566490153286...")
Same as C entry


Translation of: C

Single precision (Cli)

Library: Wren-fmt

Note that, whilst internally double arithmetic is carried out to the same precision as C (Wren is written in C), printing doubles is effectively limited to a maximum of 14 decimal places.

import "./fmt" for Fmt

var eps = 1e-6

System.print("From the definition, err. 3e-10")
var n = 400
var h = 1
for (k in 2..n) h = h + 1/k
//faster convergence: Negoi, 1997
var a = (n + 0.5 + 1/(24*n)).log

Fmt.print("Hn    $0.14f", h)
Fmt.print("gamma $0.14f\nk = $d\n", h - a, n)

System.print("Sweeney, 1963, err. idem")
n = 21
var s = [0, n]
var r = n
var k = 1
while (true) {
    k = k + 1
    r = r * n / k
    s[k & 1] = s[k & 1] + r/k
    if (r <= eps) break
Fmt.print("gamma $0.14f\nk = $d\n", s[1] - s[0] - n.log, k)

System.print("Bailey, 1988")
n = 5
a = 1
h = 1
var n2 = 2.pow(n)
r = 1
k = 1
while (true) {
    k = k + 1
    r = r * n2 / k
    h = h + 1/k
    var b = a
    a = a + r * h
    if ((b-a).abs <= eps) break
a = a * n2 / n2.exp
Fmt.print("gamma $0.14f\nk = $d\n", a - n * 2.log, k)

System.print("Brent-McMillan, 1980")
n = 13
a = -n.log
var b = 1
var u = a
var v = b
n2 = n * n
var k2 = 0
k = 0
while (true) {
    k2 = k2 + 2*k + 1
    k = k + 1
    a = a * n2 / k
    b = b * n2 / k2
    a = (a + b)/k
    u = u + a
    v = v + b
    if (a.abs <= eps) break
Fmt.print("gamma $0.14f\nk = $d\n", u / v, k)

System.print("How Euler did it in 1735")
// Bernoulli numbers with even indices
var b2 = [1, 1/6, -1/30, 1/42, -1/30, 5/66, -691/2730, 7/6, -3617/510, 43867/798]
var m = 7
n = 10
// n'th harmonic number
h = 1
for (k in 2..n) h = h + 1/k
Fmt.print("Hn    $0.14f", h)
h = h - n.log
Fmt.print("  -ln $0.14f", h)
// expansion C = -digamma(1)
a = -1 / (2*n)
n2 = n * n
r = 1
for (k in 1..m) {
    r = r * n2
    a = a + b2[k] / (2*k*r)
Fmt.print("err  $0.14f\ngamma $0.14f\nk = $d", a, h + a, n + m) 
System.print("\nC = 0.57721566490153286...")
From the definition, err. 3e-10
Hn    6.56992969117651
gamma 0.57721566457657
k = 400

Sweeney, 1963, err. idem
gamma 0.57721566456363
k = 68

Bailey, 1988
gamma 0.57721566490154
k = 89

Brent-McMillan, 1980
gamma 0.57721566490153
k = 40

How Euler did it in 1735
Hn    2.92896825396825
  -ln 0.62638316097421
err  -0.04916749607268
gamma 0.57721566490153
k = 17

C = 0.57721566490153286...

Multi precision (Embedded)

Library: Wren-gmp

The display is limited to 100 digits for all four examples as I couldn't see much point in showing them all.

import "./gmp" for Mpf

var euler = Fn.new { |n, r, s, t|
    // decimal precision
    var e10 = (n/0.6).floor

    // binary precision
    var e2 = ((1 + n/0.6)/0.30103).round
    Mpf.defaultPrec = e2

    var b = Mpf.new().log(Mpf.from(16).div(15))
    var a = b.mul(r)
    b = Mpf.new().log(Mpf.from(25).div(24))
    b = Mpf.new().log(Mpf.from(81).div(80))
    var u = b * t
    var v = Mpf.from(b)
    var k = 0
    var n2 = n * n
    var k2 = Mpf.zero
    while (true) {
        k2.add((k << 1) + 1)
        k = k + 1
        var e = Mpf.frexp(a)[1]
        if (e.abs >= e2) break
    System.print("gamma %(u.toString(10, 100)) (maxerr. 1e-%(e10))")
    System.print("k = %(k)")

var start = System.clock
euler.call(60, 41, 30, 18)
euler.call(4800, 85, 62, 37)
euler.call(9375, 91, 68, 40)
euler.call(18750, 98, 73, 43)
System.print("\nTook %(System.clock - start) seconds.")
gamma 0.5772156649015328606065120900824024310421593359399235988057672348848677267776646709369470632917467495 (maxerr. 1e-100)
k = 255
gamma 0.5772156649015328606065120900824024310421593359399235988057672348848677267776646709369470632917467495 (maxerr. 1e-8000)
k = 20462
gamma 0.5772156649015328606065120900824024310421593359399235988057672348848677267776646709369470632917467495 (maxerr. 1e-15625)
k = 39967
gamma 0.5772156649015328606065120900824024310421593359399235988057672348848677267776646709369470632917467495 (maxerr. 1e-31250)
k = 79936

Took 2.330538 seconds.

The easy way (Embedded)

import "./gmp" for Mpf

var prec = (101/0.30103).round
var gamma = Mpf.euler(prec)
System.print(gamma.toString(10, 100))


Translation of: C
\Subject: Comparing five methods for
\         computing Euler's constant 0.5772...

include xpllib; \for Print
define Epsilon = 1e-6;

real A, B, H, N2, R, U, V, S(2), B2;
int  K, K2, M, N;
[Print("From the definition, error 3e-10\n");
N:= 400;  H:= 1.;
for K:= 2 to N do
   H:= H + 1.0/float(K);
\Faster convergence: Negoi, 1997
A:= Ln(float(N) + 0.5 + 1.0/(24.*float(N)));
Print("Hn    %1.16f\n", H);
Print("gamma %1.16f\nK = %d\n\n", H-A, N);

Print("Sweeney, 1963, error 3e-10\n");
N:= 21;  S(0):= 0.;  S(1):= float(N);
R:= float(N);  K:= 1;
   K:= K+1;
   R:= R * float(N) / float(K);
   S(K&1):= S(K&1) + R/float(K);
until R <= Epsilon;
Print("gamma %1.16f\nK = %d\n\n", S(1)-S(0)-Ln(float(N)), K);

Print("Bailey, 1988\n");
N:= 5;  A:= 1.;  H:= 1.;
N2:= Pow(2., float(N));
R:= 1.;  K:= 1;
   K:= K+1;
   R:= R * N2 / float(K);
   H:= H + 1.0/float(K);
   B:= A;  A:= A + R*H;
until abs(B-A) <= Epsilon;
A:= A * N2 / Exp(N2);
Print("gamma %1.16f\nK = %d\n\n", A-float(N)*Ln(2.), K);

Print("Brent-McMillan, 1980\n");
N:= 13;  A:= -Ln(float(N));
B:= 1.;  U:= A;  V:= B;
N2:= float(N*N);  K2:= 0;  K:= 0;
   K2:= K2 + 2*K + 1;
   K:= K+1;
   A:= A * N2 / float(K);
   B:= B * N2 / float(K2);
   A:= (A + B) / float(K);
   U:= U + A;
   V:= V + B;
until abs(A) <= Epsilon;
Print("gamma %1.16f\nK = %d\n\n", U/V, K);

Print("How Euler did it in 1735\n");
\Bernoulli numbers with even indices
B2:= [1.0, 1.0/6., -1.0/30., 1.0/42., -1.0/30.,
      5.0/66., -691.0/2730., 7.0/6., -3617.0/510., 43867.0/798.];
M:= 7;  N:= 10;
\Nth harmonic number
H:= 1.;
for K:= 2 to N do
   H:= H + 1.0/float(K);
Print("Hn    %1.16f\n", H);
H:= H - Ln(float(N));
Print("  -ln %1.16f\n", H);
\Expansion C:= -digamma(1)
A:= -1.0 / (2.*float(N));
N2:= float(N*N);
R:= 1.;
for K:= 1 to M do [
   R:= R * N2;
   A:= A + B2(K)/(2.*float(K)*R);
Print("err  %1.16f\ngamma %1.16f\nK = %d", A, H+A, N+M);

Print("\n\nC  =  0.57721566490153286...\n");
From the definition, error 3e-10
Hn    6.5699296911765100
gamma 0.5772156645765730
K = 400

Sweeney, 1963, error 3e-10
gamma 0.5772156645636310
K = 68

Bailey, 1988
gamma 0.5772156649015350
K = 89

Brent-McMillan, 1980
gamma 0.5772156649015330
K = 40

How Euler did it in 1735
Hn    2.9289682539682500
  -ln 0.6263831609742080
err  -0.0491674960726750
gamma 0.5772156649015330
K = 17

C  =  0.57721566490153286...
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