Category talk:Jq-turtle
turtle.jq - turtle graphics with some ancillary SVG convenience functions.
To include these turtle graphics definitions, download the page contents (minus this preamble) into a file and include it using an appropriate `include` directive, e.g.
include "turtle" {search: "."};
For an illustration of how to use the functions defined here, see Koch_curve.
# The turtle's state: {svg, up, angle, x, y, minx, maxx, miny, maxy} # Angle: # => = 0 degrees # ^ = 90 degrees # <= = 180 degrees # v = 270 degrees def pi: 4 * (1|atan); def a2radians: 2 * pi * ./360; def cosDegrees: a2radians|cos; def sinDegrees: a2radians|sin; # $start : [$x, $y] def turtle($start): def mm: .minx = .x | .miny = .y | .maxx = .x | .maxy = .y; $start | if type == "array" then "M \($start|join(","))" else turtle([0,0]) end | {svg: ., up:true, angle:0, x: $start[0], y: $start[1] } | mm ; def turtleUp: .up=true; def turtleDown: .up=false; def minmax: .minx = ([.minx, .x]|min) | .miny = ([.miny, .y]|min) | .maxx = ([.maxx, .x]|max) | .maxy = ([.maxy, .y]|max) ; # Move to $xy = [$x,$y] without changing orientation def turtleMove($xy): $xy as [$x, $y] | .x = $x | .y = $y | .svg += "M \($x),\($y)" | minmax; # Move to $xy = [$x,$y] in SVG co-ordinates and change orientation to ($angle % 360) degrees, # but if $xy is not an array, then just adjust the orientation. def turtleMove($xy; $angle): if $xy|type == "array" then $xy as [$x, $y] | .svg += "M \($x),\($y)" | .x = $x | .y = $y | minmax else . end | .angle = ($angle % 360); def turtleForward($d): def rnd: 1000*.|round/1000; if .up then if .angle== 0 then .svg += " m \($d),0" | .x += $d elif .angle== 90 then .svg += " m 0,-\($d)" | .y -= $d elif .angle==180 then .svg += " m -\($d),0" | .x -= $d elif .angle==270 then .svg += " m 0,\($d)" | .y += $d else ($d * (.angle|cosDegrees)) as $dx | ($d * (.angle|sinDegrees) * -1) as $dy | .svg += " m\($dx|rnd),\($dy|rnd)\n" | .x += $dx | .y += $dy end else if .angle== 0 then .svg += " h \($d)" | .x += $d elif .angle== 90 then .svg += " v -\($d)" | .y -= $d elif .angle==180 then .svg += " h -\($d)" | .x -= $d elif .angle==270 then .svg += " v \($d)" | .y += $d else ($d * (.angle|cosDegrees)) as $dx | ($d * (.angle|sinDegrees) * -1) as $dy | .svg += " l\($dx|rnd),\($dy|rnd)\n" | .x += $dx | .y += $dy end end | minmax; def turtleRotate($angle): .angle = (360 + (.angle + $angle)) % 360; def turtleArcRight($r): if .angle== 0 then .svg += " a\($r),\($r) 0 0 1 \($r),\($r)" | .x += $r | .y += $r elif .angle== 90 then .svg += " a\($r),\($r) 0 0 1 \($r),-\($r)" | .x += $r | .y -= $r elif .angle==180 then .svg += " a\($r),\($r) 0 0 1 -\($r),-\($r)"| .x -= $r | .y -= $r elif .angle==270 then .svg += " a\($r),\($r) 0 0 1 -\($r),\($r)" | .x -= $r | .y += $r else "turtleArcRight at \(.angle) not yet supported" | error end | minmax | turtleRotate(-90); def turtleArcLeft($r): if .angle== 0 then .svg += " a\($r),\($r) 0 0 0 \($r),-\($r)" | .x += $r | .y -= $r elif .angle== 90 then .svg += " a\($r),\($r) 0 0 0 -\($r),-\($r)"| .x -= $r | .y -= $r elif .angle==180 then .svg += " a\($r),\($r) 0 0 0 -\($r),\($r)" | .x -= $r | .y += $r elif .angle==270 then .svg += " a\($r),\($r) 0 0 0 \($r),\($r)" | .x += $r | .y += $r else "turtleArcRight at \(.angle) not yet supported" | error end | minmax | turtleRotate(90); def svg($size): "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 \($size) \($size)\" xmlns=\"\">", ., "</svg>"; def path($fill; $stroke; $width): "<path fill=\"\($fill)\" stroke=\"\($stroke)\" stroke-width=\"\($width)\" d=\"\(.svg)\" />"; def draw($size): path("none"; "red"; 1) | svg($size);