
This programming language may be used to instruct a computer to perform a task.
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Execution method: | Interpreted |
See Also: |
Yabasic is an implementation of BASIC.
Other implementations of BASIC.
Yabasic is the acronym of Yet another BASIC, implemented for Windows and Linux.
- Language is interpreted.
- Line numbers are not required, but optional.
- Support for direct display graphics.
- Variables have not to be defined before use.
- Support old and modern (structured, modular, but not object oriented) programming style.
Pages in category "Yabasic"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 567 total.
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- Hamming numbers
- Harmonic series
- Harshad or Niven series
- Hash from two arrays
- Haversine formula
- Hello world/Graphical
- Hello world/Line printer
- Hello world/Newline omission
- Hello world/Standard error
- Hello world/Text
- Here document
- Hierholzer's algorithm
- Hilbert curve
- Hofstadter Q sequence
- Hofstadter-Conway $10,000 sequence
- Honaker primes
- Horizontal sundial calculations
- Horner's rule for polynomial evaluation
- I before E except after C
- Iccanobif primes
- Identity matrix
- Idiomatically determine all the lowercase and uppercase letters
- Idoneal numbers
- Inconsummate numbers in base 10
- Increasing gaps between consecutive Niven numbers
- Increment a numerical string
- Infinity
- Input loop
- Integer comparison
- Integer roots
- Integer sequence
- Interactive help
- Introspection
- Isqrt (integer square root) of X
- L-system
- Largest five adjacent number
- Largest prime factor
- Largest proper divisor of n
- Last letter-first letter
- Leap year
- Least common multiple
- Leonardo numbers
- Letter frequency
- Literals/Integer
- Logical operations
- Long stairs
- Long year
- Longest common substring
- Longest string challenge
- Look-and-say sequence
- Loop over multiple arrays simultaneously
- Loops/Break
- Loops/Continue
- Loops/Do-while
- Loops/Downward for
- Loops/For
- Loops/For with a specified step
- Loops/Foreach
- Loops/Increment loop index within loop body
- Loops/Infinite
- Loops/N plus one half
- Loops/While
- Loops/With multiple ranges
- Loops/Wrong ranges
- Lucas-Lehmer test
- Luhn test of credit card numbers
- Magic 8-ball
- Magic constant
- Magic squares of odd order
- Mandelbrot set
- Map range
- Matrix digital rain
- Matrix multiplication
- Matrix transposition
- Maximum difference between adjacent elements of list
- Maximum triangle path sum
- McNuggets problem
- Meissel–Mertens constant
- Menu
- Mersenne primes
- Mertens function
- Middle three digits
- Minimum multiple of m where digital sum equals m
- Minimum number of cells after, before, above and below NxN squares
- Minimum numbers of three lists
- Modular inverse
- Monty Hall problem
- Morse code
- Motzkin numbers
- Multiple distinct objects
- Multiple regression
- Multiplication tables
- Multiplicatively perfect numbers
- Multisplit
- Munching squares
- Musical scale
- Mutual recursion
- Möbius function
- N'th
- N-queens problem
- Neighbour primes
- Nested templated data
- Next special primes
- Nim game
- Non-decimal radices/Output
- Nth root
- Number reversal game
- Numbers in base-16 representation that cannot be written with decimal digits
- Numbers which are the cube roots of the product of their proper divisors
- Numbers whose count of divisors is prime
- Numerical integration
- Padovan n-step number sequences
- Palindrome dates
- Palindromic primes in base 16
- Pancake numbers
- Pangram checker
- Pascal's triangle
- Peano curve
- Perfect numbers
- Periodic table
- Permutations
- Permutations by swapping
- Pernicious numbers
- Phrase reversals
- Pi
- Pick random element
- Pig the dice game
- Piprimes
- Playing cards
- Polyspiral
- Population count
- Posit numbers/encoding
- Price fraction
- Primality by trial division
- Primality by Wilson's theorem
- Prime numbers which contain 123
- Prime triplets
- Primes with digits in nondecreasing order
- Probabilistic choice
- Product of divisors
- Program name
- Program termination
- Proper divisors
- Pseudo-random numbers/Middle-square method
- Pythagoras tree
- Pythagorean quadruples
- Ramanujan primes
- Ramer-Douglas-Peucker line simplification
- Ramsey's theorem
- Range consolidation
- Range expansion
- Ranking methods
- Rate counter
- Read a configuration file
- Read a specific line from a file
- Read entire file
- Real constants and functions
- Reduced row echelon form
- Remove duplicate elements
- Remove vowels from a string
- Rename a file
- Rep-string
- Repeat
- Repeat a string
- Resistor mesh
- Reverse a string
- Reverse words in a string
- Riordan numbers
- Rock-paper-scissors
- Roman numerals/Decode
- Roman numerals/Encode
- Roots of unity
- Rot-13
- Round-robin tournament schedule
- RPG attributes generator