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From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 06:44, 2 February 2025 by Rainglasz (talk | contribs) (added publication syntax)
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This programming language may be used to instruct a computer to perform a task.
Official website
Execution method: Compiled (machine code)
Garbage collected: No
Parameter passing methods: By reference
Type safety: Safe
Type checking: Dynamic
Typing: Untyped
See Also:

Listed below are all of the tasks on Rosetta Code which have been solved using TAV.

TAV is the terse and verbose language that borrows from Python, Stage2 and more.

Its most outstanding feature is the use of templates for function calls instead of the traditional function_name(parameter, parameter, ...) form. Matched parenthesis are consequently rarely necessary.

Summary of important points:

  • C precompiler, should work on any system with a reasonable C compiler
  • Block structuring by indentation, like in Python; line oriented
  • No keywords in the core language, only symbols (i.e. bigraphs)
  • Variables are of any kind (type) dynamically; no declarations necessary
  • Function definition and calls by word sequences with interspersed parameters, often no parenthesis needed
  • Maps (dictionaries) with all kinds of keys (except floating-point numbers)
  • Rows (arrays) if the keys are dense integers, dynamically expanding
  • Arbitrary precision integer numbers
  • Dynamic Unicode strings
  • Fields for extra data in rows and maps
  • Attributes for information about an item
  • Fault items for reliable error handling
  • Reference counting avoids unsolicited delays for garbage-collection
  • Basic support for object-oriented programming (no inheritance)
  • Discretionary type system specified, but not yet tested
  • Publication syntax with common English keywords instead of symbols

Many examples can be run via copy and paste in the Playground.

Because there are no keywords and rarely nested parenthesis (of any kind), syntax highlighting is not used.


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