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From Rosetta Code
This programming language may be used to instruct a computer to perform a task.
Official website
Execution method: Interpreted
Garbage collected: Yes
Parameter passing methods: By value
Type safety: Unsafe
Type strength: Weak
Lang tag(s): rpl
See Also:

Listed below are all of the tasks on Rosetta Code which have been solved using RPL.

RPL (an acronym for Reverse Polish Lisp) is the onboard calculator language for the HP-28, HP 48 and HP-49/50 lines of graphing calculators. It is a stack language (not a Lisp-like language, as its name implies), tightly integrated with the calculator system, with many instructions similar to Forth.

It can natively handle unsigned integers (named binary integers), floating-point numbers (named real numbers), complex numbers, vectors and matrices (named arrays), lists, character strings, and algebraic expressions. The HP-49/50 models can also handle long integers (up to 500 digits) and benefit from several dedicated built-in functions to work with, including testing and generation of prime numbers.

There are actually two languages with the name RPL: User RPL and System RPL. System RPL is used in implementing the operating system, and User RPL is the language users use to write programs on the calculator. System RPL is highly hardware-dependent, whilst User RPL is upwardly compatible.

The language RPL/2 is a recreation of this language for POSIX machines.


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