A functional, flexible and concise Lisp inspired by Haskell and APL, among others.
KamilaLisp allows for actor programming, concurrent programming, imperative programming, [pure] functional programming, array programming, object-oriented programming, rudimentary logic programming, mathematical programming, backend development, numerical and scientific computation, scripting and system administration, symbolic computation (real and complex analysis), tacit (point-free) programming, and event-driven programming. In more detail:
- Arbitrary precision complex, integer and decimal arithmetic.
- A fully-featured, remote IDE capable of communicating with KamilaLisp instances over the network. Supports multiple workspaces, contains an implementation of a hybrid tiling/floating window manager and editors.
- Many mathematical functions (bernoulli, gamma, trigonometry, arcus functions, hyperbolic functions, inverse hyperbolic functions, FFT, IFFT)
- Bit operations
- Number theoretic, combinatoric and linear algebraic functions (permutations, Levi-Civita, etc...)
- Functional higher order functions (fold, scan, all, none, some, converge, takewhile, dropwhile)
- Functional parallelism (parallel map and filter)
- Mu-recursive functions (SML projections, mu-recursive substitution operator).
- Prototype-based object orientation.
- No memory side effects, all collections are persistent.
- Possibilities of writing code in pure functional paradigm.
- Suffix array and Burrows-Wheeler transform construction.
- APL-style array processing (grade-up, grade-down, find, range, where, encode, decode, replicate, etc...).
- APL-style symbols for common operations.
- Set operations.
- Read/write support for JSON, CSV, XML, Base64, XZ, gzip, lz4, bzip2, tar and zip.
- Date and time manipulations.
- Integrated development environment - supports remote IDE sessions, compressed KamilaLisp code format, project management, multi-workspace and multi-session workflows, broadcasting/synchronising project data among multiple remote sessions.
- Persistent hashmaps, reactive hashmap literals.
- PNG, BMP, JPG and JPEG image I/O.
- File I/O (read, write, append).
- Basic matrix operations (LU decomposition, transpose, trace, matrix multiplication easily implemented as $(foldl + 0)%[1] \outer-product * A \matrix:transpose A.
- Performance benchmarks to measure GC time, average, median and standard deviation between runs of various expressions.
- Module system.
- Streams
- Process management (using sh:process) - manipulating input/output streams, etc...
- HTTP server - supports resource handlers, path handlers, complex routing, cookies, ...
- SQL database connection, auxiliary database drivers, statements, queries, prepared statements.
- Symbolic matrix LU decomposition, symbolic determinants.
- Pattern matching.
- Memoization.
- Imperative programming support.
- Networking (net:fetch, net:wget).
- Sockets (net:client, net:server and their SSL counterparts).
- Parallel processing using the actor model (daemon threads, task threads, message passing paradigm).
- Regular expressions.
- KamilaLisp as a shell (implementations of sh:ls, sh:glob, sh:mv, sh:basename, etc... - all usable from the REPL and from code, as they return plain data structures, launching and manipulating external processes).
- String functions (Shannon entropy, unicode handling, byte buffers, levenshtein distance, string interpolation/formatting)
- On-The-Fly Lexical scanner generation.
- Function compositions, partial application, variadic functions, static scoping.
- Tail call optimisation.
- Limits, complex limits.
- Indefinite integrals.
- Differentiation
- Polynomial factoring.
- Laurent, Taylor, MacLaurin and Puiseux series expansion.
- Functional de Bruijn indices.
- Possibility to write standalone non-interactive scripts.
- Symbolic matrix operations.
- Machine word operations (flt64:..., cmplx64:...) - Bessel functions, Hurwitz Zeta, Riemann Zeta, Upper/Lower Incomplete Gamma, Gamma, LogGamma, Pochhammer symbol, erf, erfc, Inverse erf, Inverse erfc, Digamma, Trigamma, Polygamma, Airy Ai, Bessel I, J, K and Y functions, Lerch Phi, Spence's function, Lambert W and Polylogarithm.
- Prompt styling.
- Portable.
- Graph data structure (e.g. directed, acyclic, weighted, etc...).
- Graph colouring (Saturation degree, greedy, largest degree first, smallest degree last, chordal, refinement, Brown backtrack).
- Graph clustering (Givman-Newman, k-Spanning tree, label propagation).
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