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From Rosetta Code
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This programming language may be used to instruct a computer to perform a task.
Official website
Execution method: Interpreted
Parameter passing methods: By value, reference
Type safety: Safe
Type expression: Explicit
Type checking: Static
Lang tag(s): learning, web canvas
See Also:

Listed below are all of the tasks on Rosetta Code which have been solved using EasyLang.

Browser IDE

Easylang is a (beginners) programming language with built-in commands for graphics output. The statically typed language has a reduced syntax and semantics. Variables do not have to be declared, the data type is encoded in the variable name - as was usual in the earlier home computer BASIC. The data types are strings and numbers (floating point), arrays of strings and numbers, and arrays of arrays. Arrays are 1-based and can grow. Programs compiled into an AST tree run in the browser or in the browser IDE.

A browser IDE with different tutorials, one for beginners, makes programming and learning to program as easy as possible.

The finished programs can be easily integrated into a website.


Tasks not implemented in EasyLang

Pages in category "EasyLang"

The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 901 total.

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