Category:ALGOL 68-primes
This is an example of a library. You may see a list of other libraries used on Rosetta Code at Category:Solutions by Library.
ALGOL 68-Primes is a set of prime related routines and operators for use in ALGOL 68 programs.
To use this in a program, copy the source code from the Talk page to a text file called primes.incl.a68, putting it in the same directory as the importing program.
Then add PR read "primes.incl.a68" PR
to the source of the program.
If you are using ALGOL_68G or another compiler/interpreter that supports the read pragmatic comment, then the program can be run as usual.
For other compilers, the ALGOL 68 pre-processor in Compiler/Simple file inclusion pre processor can be used (see the instructions on that page).
Note: with ALGOL 68G version 3, the default has changed to --warnings (before it was --nowarnings) so the code here will probably generate warnings about unused operators and procedures.
The following are contained in this library:
- Returns a sieve of primes from 0 to the specified limit.
- Returns the approximate size of sieve required for the specified number of primes.
- PROC(LONG LONG INT)BOOL is probably prime
- Miller-Rabin primality test.
Also contains modes and operators for extracting a list of pries from a sieve of primes.
Pages in category "ALGOL 68-primes"
The following 78 pages are in this category, out of 78 total.
- Palindromic primes
- Palindromic primes in base 16
- Pell numbers
- Penta-power prime seeds
- Pierpont primes
- Piprimes
- Pollard's rho algorithm
- Prime numbers which contain 123
- Prime reciprocal sum
- Prime words
- Primes which contain only one odd digit
- Primes whose first and last number is 3
- Primes with digits in nondecreasing order
- Primes: n*2^m+1
- Safe and Sophie Germain primes
- Sequence of primorial primes
- Smallest multiple
- Smallest number k such that k+2^m is composite for all m less than k
- Sort primes from list to a list
- Special neighbor primes
- Sphenic numbers
- Strange unique prime triplets
- Substring primes
- Sum of primes in odd positions is prime
- Sum of square and cube digits of an integer are primes
- Sum of two adjacent numbers are primes
- Summarize primes
- Summation of primes
- Super-Poulet numbers