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Aliquot sequence classifications

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 13:03, 2 May 2024 by Grondilu (talk | contribs) (add link to numberphile video)
Aliquot sequence classifications
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

An aliquot sequence of a positive integer K is defined recursively as the first member being K and subsequent members being the sum of the Proper divisors of the previous term.

  • If the terms eventually reach 0 then the series for K is said to terminate.

There are several classifications for non termination:
  • If the second term is K then all future terms are also K and so the sequence repeats from the first term with period 1 and K is called perfect.
  • If the third term would be repeating K then the sequence repeats with period 2 and K is called amicable.
  • If the Nth term would be repeating K for the first time, with N > 3 then the sequence repeats with period N - 1 and K is called sociable.

Perfect, amicable and sociable numbers eventually repeat the original number K; there are other repetitions...
  • Some K have a sequence that eventually forms a periodic repetition of period 1 but of a number other than K, for example 95 which forms the sequence 95, 25, 6, 6, 6, ... such K are called aspiring.
  • K that have a sequence that eventually forms a periodic repetition of period >= 2 but of a number other than K, for example 562 which forms the sequence 562, 284, 220, 284, 220, ... such K are called cyclic.

And finally:
  • Some K form aliquot sequences that are not known to be either terminating or periodic; these K are to be called non-terminating.
    For the purposes of this task, K is to be classed as non-terminating if it has not been otherwise classed after generating 16 terms or if any term of the sequence is greater than 2**47 = 140,737,488,355,328.

  1. Create routine(s) to generate the aliquot sequence of a positive integer enough to classify it according to the classifications given above.
  2. Use it to display the classification and sequences of the numbers one to ten inclusive.
  3. Use it to show the classification and sequences of the following integers, in order:
11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488, and optionally 15355717786080.

Show all output on this page.

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Translation of: Python
F pdsum(n)
   R sum((1 .. (n + 1) I/ 2).filter(x -> @n % x == 0 & @n != x))

F aliquot(n, maxlen = 16, maxterm = 2 ^ 30)
   I n == 0
      R (‘terminating’, [0])
   V s = [n]
   V slen = 1
   V new = n
   L slen <= maxlen & new < maxterm
      new = pdsum(s.last)
      I new C s
         I s[0] == new
            I slen == 1
               R (‘perfect’, s)
            E I slen == 2
               R (‘amicable’, s)
               R (‘sociable of length #.’.format(slen), s)
         E I s.last == new
            R (‘aspiring’, s)
            R (‘cyclic back to #.’.format(new), s)
      E I new == 0
         R (‘terminating’, s [+] [0])
      R (‘non-terminating’, s)

L(n) 1..10
   V (cls, seq) = aliquot(n)
   print(‘#.: #.’.format(cls, seq))
L(n) [11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488]
   V (cls, seq) = aliquot(n)
   print(‘#.: #.’.format(cls, seq))
terminating: [1, 0]
terminating: [2, 1, 0]
terminating: [3, 1, 0]
terminating: [4, 3, 1, 0]
terminating: [5, 1, 0]
perfect: [6]
terminating: [7, 1, 0]
terminating: [8, 7, 1, 0]
terminating: [9, 4, 3, 1, 0]
terminating: [10, 8, 7, 1, 0]

terminating: [11, 1, 0]
terminating: [12, 16, 15, 9, 4, 3, 1, 0]
perfect: [28]
perfect: [496]
amicable: [220, 284]
amicable: [1184, 1210]
sociable of length 5: [12496, 14288, 15472, 14536, 14264]
sociable of length 4: [1264460, 1547860, 1727636, 1305184]
aspiring: [790, 650, 652, 496]
aspiring: [909, 417, 143, 25, 6]
cyclic back to 284: [562, 284, 220]
cyclic back to 1184: [1064, 1336, 1184, 1210]
non-terminating: [1488, 2480, 3472, 4464, 8432, 9424, 10416, 21328, 22320, 55056, 95728, 96720, 236592, 459792, 881392, 882384, 1474608]

AArch64 Assembly

Works with: as version Raspberry Pi 3B version Buster 64 bits
or android 64 bits with application Termux
/* ARM assembly AARCH64 Raspberry PI 3B or android 64 bits */
/* program aliquotSeq64.s   */

/* Constantes file                         */
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly*/
.include "../includeConstantesARM64.inc"

.equ MAXINUM,      10
.equ MAXI,         16
.equ NBDIVISORS,   1000

/* Initialized data                        */
szMessStartPgm:          .asciz "Program 64 bits start \n"
szMessEndPgm:            .asciz "Program normal end.\n"
szMessErrorArea:         .asciz "\033[31mError : area divisors too small.\033[0m \n"
szMessError:             .asciz "\033[31m\nError  !!!\033[0m \n"
szMessErrGen:            .asciz "\033[31mError end program.\033[0m \n"
szMessOverflow:          .asciz "\033[31mOverflow function isPrime.\033[0m \n"

szCarriageReturn:        .asciz "\n"
szLibPerf:               .asciz "Perfect       \n"
szLibAmic:               .asciz "Amicable      \n"
szLibSoc:                .asciz "Sociable      \n"
szLibAspi:               .asciz "Aspiring      \n"
szLibCycl:               .asciz "Cyclic        \n"
szLibTerm:               .asciz "Terminating   \n"
szLibNoTerm:             .asciz "No terminating\n"

/* datas message display */
szMessResult:            .asciz " @ "
szMessResHead:            .asciz "Number @ :"

.align 4
tbNumber:                 .quad 11,12,28,496,220,1184,12496,1264460,790,909,562,1064,1488
                          .equ NBNUMBER,  (. - tbNumber ) / 8

/* UnInitialized data                      */
.align 4
sZoneConv:               .skip 24
tbZoneDecom:             .skip 8 * NBDIVISORS       // facteur 4 octets
tbNumberSucc:            .skip 8 * MAXI
/*  code section                           */
.global main 
main:                               // program start
    ldr x0,qAdrszMessStartPgm       // display start message
    bl affichageMess

    mov x4,#1
    mov x0,x4                       //  number
    bl aliquotClassif               // aliquot classification
    cmp x0,#-1                      // error ?
    beq 99f
    add x4,x4,#1
    cmp x4,#MAXINUM
    ble 1b
    ldr x5,qAdrtbNumber             // number array
    mov x4,#0
    ldr x0,[x5,x4,lsl #3]           // load a number
    bl aliquotClassif               // aliquot classification
    cmp x0,#-1                      // error ?
    beq 99f
    add x4,x4,#1                    // next number
    cmp x4,#NBNUMBER                // maxi ?
    blt 2b                          // no -> loop
    ldr x0,qAdrszMessEndPgm         // display end message
    bl affichageMess
    b 100f
99:                                 // display error message 
    ldr x0,qAdrszMessError
    bl affichageMess
100:                                // standard end of the program
    mov x0, #0                      // return code
    mov x8, #EXIT                   // request to exit program
    svc 0                           // perform system call
qAdrszMessStartPgm:        .quad szMessStartPgm
qAdrszMessEndPgm:          .quad szMessEndPgm
qAdrszMessError:           .quad szMessError
qAdrszCarriageReturn:      .quad szCarriageReturn
qAdrtbZoneDecom:           .quad tbZoneDecom
qAdrszMessResult:          .quad szMessResult
qAdrsZoneConv:             .quad sZoneConv
qAdrtbNumber:              .quad tbNumber
/*     function aliquot classification                            */ 
/* x0 contains number */
    stp x4,lr,[sp,-16]!        // save  registres
    stp x5,x6,[sp,-16]!        // save  registres
    stp x7,x8,[sp,-16]!        // save  registres
    mov x5,x0                    // save number
    ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
    bl conversion10              // convert ascii string
    strb wzr,[x1,x0]
    ldr x0,qAdrszMessResHead
    ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
    bl strInsertAtCharInc        // put in head message
    bl affichageMess             // and display
    mov x0,x5                    // restaur number
    ldr x7,qAdrtbNumberSucc      // number successif array
    mov x4,#0                    // counter number successif
    mov x6,x0                    // previous number
    ldr x1,qAdrtbZoneDecom
    bl decompFact                // create area of divisors
    cmp x0,#0                    // error ?
    blt 99f
    sub x3,x1,x6                 // sum 
    mov x0,x3
    ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
    bl conversion10              // convert ascii string
    strb wzr,[x1,x0]
    ldr x0,qAdrszMessResult
    ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
    bl strInsertAtCharInc        // and put in message
    bl affichageMess
    cmp x3,#0                    // sum = zero
    bne 11f
    ldr x0,qAdrszLibTerm         // terminating
    bl affichageMess
    b 100f
    cmp x5,x3                    // compare number and sum
    bne 4f
    cmp x4,#0                    // first loop ?
    bne 2f
    ldr x0,qAdrszLibPerf         // perfect
    bl affichageMess
    b 100f
    cmp x4,#1                    // second loop ?
    bne 3f
    ldr x0,qAdrszLibAmic         // amicable
    bl affichageMess
    b 100f
3:                               // other loop
    ldr x0,qAdrszLibSoc          // sociable
    bl affichageMess
    b 100f
    cmp x6,x3                 // compare sum and (sum - 1)
    bne 5f
    ldr x0,qAdrszLibAspi      // aspirant
    bl affichageMess
    b 100f
    cmp x3,#1                 // if one ,no search in array
    beq 7f
    mov x2,#0                 // search indice
6:                            // search number in array
    ldr x9,[x7,x2,lsl #3]
    cmp x9,x3                 // equal ?
    beq 8f                    // yes -> cycling
    add x2,x2,#1              // increment indice
    cmp x2,x4                 // end ?
    blt 6b                    // no -> loop
    cmp x4,#MAXI
    blt 10f
    ldr x0,qAdrszLibNoTerm    // no terminating
    bl affichageMess
    b 100f
8:                            // cycling
    ldr x0,qAdrszLibCycl
    bl affichageMess
    b 100f 
    str x3,[x7,x4,lsl #3]     // store new sum in array
    add x4,x4,#1              // increment counter
    mov x0,x3                 // new number = new sum
    b 1b                      // and loop
99:                           // display error
    ldr x0,qAdrszMessError
    bl affichageMess
    mov x0,-1
    ldp x7,x8,[sp],16          // restaur des  2 registres
    ldp x5,x6,[sp],16          // restaur des  2 registres
    ldp x4,lr,[sp],16          // restaur des  2 registres
qAdrszMessResHead: .quad szMessResHead
qAdrszLibPerf:     .quad szLibPerf
qAdrszLibAmic:     .quad szLibAmic
qAdrszLibSoc:      .quad szLibSoc
qAdrszLibCycl:     .quad szLibCycl
qAdrszLibAspi:     .quad szLibAspi
qAdrszLibNoTerm:   .quad szLibNoTerm
qAdrszLibTerm:     .quad szLibTerm
qAdrtbNumberSucc:  .quad tbNumberSucc
/*     decomposition en facteur                                               */ 
/* x0 contient le nombre à decomposer */
/* x1 contains factor area address */
    stp x3,lr,[sp,-16]!          // save  registres
    stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!          // save  registres
    stp x6,x7,[sp,-16]!          // save  registres
    stp x8,x9,[sp,-16]!          // save  registres
    stp x10,x11,[sp,-16]!        // save  registres
    mov x5,x1
    mov x1,x0
    cmp x0,1
    beq 100f
    mov x8,x0                    // save number
    bl isPrime                   // prime ?
    cmp x0,#1
    beq 98f                      // yes is prime
    mov x1,#1
    str x1,[x5]                  // first factor
    mov x12,#1                   // divisors sum
    mov x4,#1                    // indice divisors table
    mov x1,#2                    // first divisor
    mov x6,#0                    // previous divisor
    mov x7,#0                    // number of same divisors
    mov x0,x8                    // dividende
    udiv x2,x0,x1                //  x1 divisor x2 quotient x3 remainder
    msub x3,x2,x1,x0
    cmp x3,#0
    bne 5f                       // if remainder <> zero  -> no divisor
    mov x8,x2                    // else quotient -> new dividende
    cmp x1,x6                    // same divisor ?
    beq 4f                       // yes
    mov x7,x4                    // number factors in table
    mov x9,#0                    // indice
    ldr x10,[x5,x9,lsl #3 ]      // load one factor
    mul x10,x1,x10               // multiply 
    str x10,[x5,x7,lsl #3]       // and store in the table
    adds x12,x12,x10
    bcs 99f
    add x7,x7,#1                 // and increment counter
    add x9,x9,#1
    cmp x9,x4  
    blt 21b
    mov x4,x7
    mov x6,x1                    // new divisor
    b 7f
4:                               // same divisor
    sub x9,x4,#1
    mov x7,x4
    ldr x10,[x5,x9,lsl #3 ]
    cmp x10,x1
    sub x13,x9,1
    csel x9,x13,x9,ne
    bne 41b
    sub x9,x4,x9
    ldr  x10,[x5,x9,lsl #3 ]
    mul x10,x1,x10
    str x10,[x5,x7,lsl #3]       // and store in the table
    adds x12,x12,x10
    bcs 99f
    add x7,x7,#1                 // and increment counter
    add x9,x9,#1
    cmp x9,x4  
    blt 42b
    mov x4,x7
    b 7f                         // and loop
    /* not divisor -> increment next divisor */
    cmp x1,#2                    // if divisor = 2 -> add 1 
    add x13,x1,#1                // add 1
    add x14,x1,#2                // else add 2
    csel x1,x13,x14,eq
    b 2b
    /* divisor -> test if new dividende is prime */
    mov x3,x1                    // save divisor
    cmp x8,#1                    // dividende = 1 ? -> end
    beq 10f
    mov x0,x8                    // new dividende is prime ?
    mov x1,#0
    bl isPrime                   // the new dividende is prime ?
    cmp x0,#1
    bne 10f                      // the new dividende is not prime
    cmp x8,x6                    // else dividende is same divisor ?
    beq 9f                       // yes
    mov x7,x4                    // number factors in table
    mov x9,#0                    // indice
    ldr x10,[x5,x9,lsl #3 ]      // load one factor
    mul x10,x8,x10               // multiply 
    str x10,[x5,x7,lsl #3]       // and store in the table
    adds x12,x12,x10
    bcs 99f
    add x7,x7,#1                 // and increment counter
    add x9,x9,#1
    cmp x9,x4  
    blt 71b
    mov x4,x7
    mov x7,#0
    b 11f
    sub x9,x4,#1
    mov x7,x4
    ldr x10,[x5,x9,lsl #3 ]
    cmp x10,x8
    sub x13,x9,#1
    csel x9,x13,x9,ne
    bne 91b
    sub x9,x4,x9
    ldr  x10,[x5,x9,lsl #3 ]
    mul x10,x8,x10
    str x10,[x5,x7,lsl #3]       // and store in the table
    adds x12,x12,x10
    bcs 99f                      // overflow
    add x7,x7,#1                 // and increment counter
    add x9,x9,#1
    cmp x9,x4  
    blt 92b
    mov x4,x7
    b 11f
    mov x1,x3                    // current divisor = new divisor
    cmp x1,x8                    // current divisor  > new dividende ?
    ble 2b                       // no -> loop
    /* end decomposition */ 
    mov x0,x4                    // return number of table items
    mov x1,x12                   // return sum 
    mov x3,#0
    str x3,[x5,x4,lsl #3]        // store zéro in last table item
    b 100f
    add x1,x8,1
    mov x0,#0                   // return code
    b 100f
    ldr x0,qAdrszMessError
    bl   affichageMess
    mov x0,#-1                  // error code
    b 100f

    ldp x10,x11,[sp],16          // restaur des  2 registres
    ldp x8,x9,[sp],16          // restaur des  2 registres
    ldp x6,x7,[sp],16          // restaur des  2 registres
    ldp x4,x5,[sp],16          // restaur des  2 registres
    ldp x3,lr,[sp],16          // restaur des  2 registres
    ret                        // retour adresse lr x30
qAdrszMessErrGen:          .quad szMessErrGen
/*   Verification si un nombre est premier         */
/* x0 contient le nombre à verifier */
/* x0 retourne 1 si premier  0 sinon */
    stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!        // save  registres
    stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!        // save  registres
    mov x2,x0
    sub x1,x0,#1
    cmp x2,0
    beq 99f                    // retourne zéro
    cmp x2,2                   // pour 1 et 2 retourne 1
    ble 2f
    mov x0,#2
    bl moduloPux64
    bcs 100f                   // erreur overflow
    cmp x0,#1
    bne 99f                    // Pas premier
    cmp x2,3
    beq 2f
    mov x0,#3
    bl moduloPux64
    blt 100f                   // erreur overflow
    cmp x0,#1
    bne 99f

    cmp x2,5
    beq 2f
    mov x0,#5
    bl moduloPux64
    bcs 100f                   // erreur overflow
    cmp x0,#1
    bne 99f                    // Pas premier

    cmp x2,7
    beq 2f
    mov x0,#7
    bl moduloPux64
    bcs 100f                   // erreur overflow
    cmp x0,#1
    bne 99f                    // Pas premier

    cmp x2,11
    beq 2f
    mov x0,#11
    bl moduloPux64
    bcs 100f                   // erreur overflow
    cmp x0,#1
    bne 99f                    // Pas premier

    cmp x2,13
    beq 2f
    mov x0,#13
    bl moduloPux64
    bcs 100f                   // erreur overflow
    cmp x0,#1
    bne 99f                    // Pas premier
    cmn x0,0                   // carry à zero pas d'erreur
    mov x0,1                   // premier
    b 100f
    cmn x0,0                   // carry à zero pas d'erreur
    mov x0,#0                  // Pas premier
    ldp x2,x3,[sp],16          // restaur des  2 registres
    ldp x1,lr,[sp],16          // restaur des  2 registres
    ret                        // retour adresse lr x30

/*   Calcul modulo de b puissance e modulo m  */
/*    Exemple 4 puissance 13 modulo 497 = 445         */
/* x0  nombre  */
/* x1 exposant */
/* x2 modulo   */
    stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!        // save  registres
    stp x3,x4,[sp,-16]!        // save  registres
    stp x5,x6,[sp,-16]!        // save  registres
    stp x7,x8,[sp,-16]!        // save  registres
    stp x9,x10,[sp,-16]!        // save  registres
    cbz x0,100f
    cbz x1,100f
    mov x8,x0
    mov x7,x1
    mov x6,1                   // resultat
    udiv x4,x8,x2
    msub x9,x4,x2,x8           // contient le reste
    tst x7,1
    beq 2f
    mul x4,x9,x6
    umulh x5,x9,x6
    mov x6,x4
    mov x0,x6
    mov x1,x5
    bl divisionReg128U
    cbnz x1,99f                // overflow
    mov x6,x3
    mul x8,x9,x9
    umulh x5,x9,x9
    mov x0,x8
    mov x1,x5
    bl divisionReg128U
    cbnz x1,99f                // overflow
    mov x9,x3
    lsr x7,x7,1
    cbnz x7,1b
    mov x0,x6                  // result
    cmn x0,0                   // carry à zero pas d'erreur
    b 100f
    ldr x0,qAdrszMessOverflow
    bl  affichageMess
    cmp x0,0                   // carry à un car erreur
    mov x0,-1                  // code erreur

    ldp x9,x10,[sp],16          // restaur des  2 registres
    ldp x7,x8,[sp],16          // restaur des  2 registres
    ldp x5,x6,[sp],16          // restaur des  2 registres
    ldp x3,x4,[sp],16          // restaur des  2 registres
    ldp x1,lr,[sp],16          // restaur des  2 registres
    ret                        // retour adresse lr x30
qAdrszMessOverflow:         .quad  szMessOverflow
/*   division d un nombre de 128 bits par un nombre de 64 bits */
/* x0 contient partie basse dividende */
/* x1 contient partie haute dividente */
/* x2 contient le diviseur */
/* x0 retourne partie basse quotient */
/* x1 retourne partie haute quotient */
/* x3 retourne le reste */
    stp x6,lr,[sp,-16]!        // save  registres
    stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!        // save  registres
    mov x5,#0                  // raz du reste R
    mov x3,#128                // compteur de boucle
    mov x4,#0                  // dernier bit
    lsl x5,x5,#1               // on decale le reste de 1
    tst x1,1<<63               // test du bit le plus à gauche
    lsl x1,x1,#1               // on decale la partie haute du quotient de 1
    beq 2f
    orr  x5,x5,#1              // et on le pousse dans le reste R
    tst x0,1<<63
    lsl x0,x0,#1               // puis on decale la partie basse 
    beq 3f
    orr x1,x1,#1               // et on pousse le bit de gauche dans la partie haute
    orr x0,x0,x4               // position du dernier bit du quotient
    mov x4,#0                  // raz du bit
    cmp x5,x2
    blt 4f
    sub x5,x5,x2                // on enleve le diviseur du reste
    mov x4,#1                   // dernier bit à 1
                               // et boucle
    subs x3,x3,#1
    bgt 1b    
    lsl x1,x1,#1               // on decale le quotient de 1
    tst x0,1<<63
    lsl x0,x0,#1              // puis on decale la partie basse 
    beq 5f
    orr x1,x1,#1
    orr x0,x0,x4                  // position du dernier bit du quotient
    mov x3,x5
    ldp x4,x5,[sp],16          // restaur des  2 registres
    ldp x6,lr,[sp],16          // restaur des  2 registres
    ret                        // retour adresse lr x30

/*        File Include fonctions                        */
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly */
.include "../includeARM64.inc"
Program 64 bits start
Number 1 : 0 Terminating
Number 2 : 1  0 Terminating
Number 3 : 1  0 Terminating
Number 4 : 3  1  0 Terminating
Number 5 : 1  0 Terminating
Number 6 : 6 Perfect
Number 7 : 1  0 Terminating
Number 8 : 7  1  0 Terminating
Number 9 : 4  3  1  0 Terminating
Number 10 : 8  7  1  0 Terminating
Number 11 : 1  0 Terminating
Number 12 : 16  15  9  4  3  1  0 Terminating
Number 28 : 28 Perfect
Number 496 : 496 Perfect
Number 220 : 284  220 Amicable
Number 1184 : 1210  1184 Amicable
Number 12496 : 14288  15472  14536  14264  12496 Sociable
Number 1264460 : 1547860  1727636  1305184  1264460 Sociable
Number 790 : 650  652  496  496 Aspiring
Number 909 : 417  143  25  6  6 Aspiring
Number 562 : 284  220  284 Cyclic
Number 1064 : 1336  1184  1210  1184 Cyclic
Number 1488 : 2480  3472  4464  8432  9424  10416  21328  22320  55056  95728  96720  236592  459792  881392  882384  1474608  2461648 No terminating
Program normal end.


Assumes LONG INT is at least 64 bits, as in Algol 68G.

    # aliquot sequence classification                                         #
    # maximum sequence length we consider                                     #
    INT max sequence length = 16;
    # possible classifications                                                #
    STRING         perfect classification    = "perfect        ";
    STRING        amicable classification    = "amicable       ";
    STRING        sociable classification    = "sociable       ";
    STRING        aspiring classification    = "aspiring       ";
    STRING          cyclic classification    = "cyclic         ";
    STRING     terminating classification    = "terminating    ";
    STRING non terminating classification    = "non terminating";
    # structure to hold an aliquot sequence and its classification            #
    MODE ALIQUOT = STRUCT( STRING                              classification
                         , [ 1 : max sequence length ]LONG INT sequence
                         , INT                                 length
    # maximum value for sequence elements - if any element is more than this, #
    # we assume it is non-teriminating                                        #
    LONG INT max element = 140 737 488 355 328;
    # returns the sum of the proper divisors of n                             #
            LONG INT abs n = ABS n;
            IF abs n < 2 THEN
                0 # -1, 0 and 1 have no proper divisors                       #
                # have a number with possible divisors                        #
               LONG INT result := 1; # 1 is always a divisor                  #
               # a FOR loop counter can only be an INT, hence the WHILE loop  #
               LONG INT d      := ENTIER long sqrt( abs n );
               WHILE d > 1 DO
                   IF abs n MOD d = 0 THEN
                       # found another divisor                                #
                       result +:= d;
                       IF d * d /= abs n THEN
                           # add the other divisor                            #
                           result +:= abs n OVER d
                   d -:= 1
       END # DIVISORSUM # ;
    # generates the aliquot sequence of the number k and its classification   #
    # at most max elements of the sequence are considered                     #
           ALIQUOT result;
           classification OF result := "non-terminating";
           INT lb = LWB sequence OF result;
           INT ub = UPB sequence OF result;
           ( sequence OF result )[ lb ] := k; # the first element is always k #
           length     OF result         := 1;
           FOR i FROM lb + 1 TO ub DO
               ( sequence OF result )[ i ] := 0
           BOOL classified := FALSE;
           LONG INT prev k := k;
           FOR i FROM lb + 1 TO ub WHILE NOT classified DO
               length OF result +:= 1;
               LONG INT next k := ( sequence OF result )[ i ] := DIVISORSUM prev k;
               classified := TRUE;
               IF   next k = 0 THEN # the sequence terminates                 #
                    classification OF result := terminating classification
               ELIF next k > max element THEN # the sequence gets too large   #
                    classification OF result := non terminating classification
               ELIF next k = k THEN # the sequence that returns to k          #
                   classification OF result
                       := IF   i = lb + 1 THEN  perfect classification
                          ELIF i = lb + 2 THEN amicable classification
                          ELSE                 sociable classification
               ELIF next k = prev k THEN # the sequence repeats with non-k    #
                   classification OF result := aspiring classification
               ELSE # check for repeating sequence with a period more than 1  #
                   classified := FALSE;
                   FOR prev pos FROM lb TO i - 2 WHILE NOT classified DO
                       IF classified := ( sequence OF result )[ prev pos ] = next k THEN
                           # found a repeatition                              #
                           classification OF result := cyclic classification
               prev k := next k
       END # CLASSIFY # ;
    # test cases as per the task                                              #
    []LONG INT test cases =
        (   1,    2,   3,   4,   5,    6,     7,       8,   9,  10
        ,  11,   12,  28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909
        , 562, 1064, 1488
        ,  15355717786080
    FOR i FROM LWB test cases TO UPB test cases DO
        LONG INT k   := test cases[ i ];
        ALIQUOT  seq  = CLASSIFY k;
        print( ( whole( k, -14 ), ": ", classification OF seq, ":" ) );
        FOR e FROM LWB sequence OF seq + 1 TO length OF seq DO
            print( ( " ", whole( ( sequence OF seq )[ e ], 0 ) ) )
        print( ( newline ) )
             1: terminating    : 0
             2: terminating    : 1 0
             3: terminating    : 1 0
             4: terminating    : 3 1 0
             5: terminating    : 1 0
             6: perfect        : 6
             7: terminating    : 1 0
             8: terminating    : 7 1 0
             9: terminating    : 4 3 1 0
            10: terminating    : 8 7 1 0
            11: terminating    : 1 0
            12: terminating    : 16 15 9 4 3 1 0
            28: perfect        : 28
           496: perfect        : 496
           220: amicable       : 284 220
          1184: amicable       : 1210 1184
         12496: sociable       : 14288 15472 14536 14264 12496
       1264460: sociable       : 1547860 1727636 1305184 1264460
           790: aspiring       : 650 652 496 496
           909: aspiring       : 417 143 25 6 6
           562: cyclic         : 284 220 284
          1064: cyclic         : 1336 1184 1210 1184
          1488: non-terminating: 2480 3472 4464 8432 9424 10416 21328 22320 55056 95728 96720 236592 459792 881392 882384
15355717786080: non terminating: 44534663601120 144940087464480


on aliquotSum(n)
    if (n < 2) then return 0
    set sum to 1
    set sqrt to n ^ 0.5
    set limit to sqrt div 1
    if (limit = sqrt) then
        set sum to sum + limit
        set limit to limit - 1
    end if
    repeat with i from 2 to limit
        if (n mod i is 0) then set sum to sum + i + n div i
    end repeat
    return sum
end aliquotSum

on aliquotSequence(k, maxLength, maxN)
    -- Generate the sequence within the specified limitations.
    set sequence to {k}
    set n to k
    repeat (maxLength - 1) times
        set n to aliquotSum(n)
        set repetition to (sequence contains n)
        if (repetition) then exit repeat
        set end of sequence to n
        if ((n = 0) or (n > maxN)) then exit repeat
    end repeat
    -- Analyse it.
    set sequenceLength to (count sequence)
    if (sequenceLength is 1) then
        set classification to "perfect"
    else if (n is 0) then
        set classification to "terminating"
    else if (n = k) then
        if (sequenceLength is 2) then
            set classification to "amicable"
            set classification to "sociable"
        end if
    else if (repetition) then
        if (sequence ends with n) then
            set classification to "aspiring"
            set classification to "cyclic"
        end if
        set classification to "non-terminating"
    end if
    return {sequence:sequence, classification:classification}
end aliquotSequence

-- Task code:
local output, maxLength, maxN, spacing, astid, k
set output to {""}
set {maxLength, maxN} to {16, 2 ^ 47}
set spacing to "                    "
set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ", "
repeat with k in {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ¬
    11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488, 1.535571778608E+13}
    set thisResult to aliquotSequence(k's contents, maxLength, maxN)
    set end of output to text -18 thru -1 of (spacing & k) & ":  " & ¬
        text 1 thru 17 of (thisResult's classification & spacing) & thisResult's sequence
end repeat
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to linefeed
set output to output as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
return output
                 1:  terminating      1, 0
                 2:  terminating      2, 1, 0
                 3:  terminating      3, 1, 0
                 4:  terminating      4, 3, 1, 0
                 5:  terminating      5, 1, 0
                 6:  perfect          6
                 7:  terminating      7, 1, 0
                 8:  terminating      8, 7, 1, 0
                 9:  terminating      9, 4, 3, 1, 0
                10:  terminating      10, 8, 7, 1, 0
                11:  terminating      11, 1, 0
                12:  terminating      12, 16, 15, 9, 4, 3, 1, 0
                28:  perfect          28
               496:  perfect          496
               220:  amicable         220, 284
              1184:  amicable         1184, 1210
             12496:  sociable         12496, 14288, 15472, 14536, 14264
           1264460:  sociable         1264460, 1547860, 1727636, 1305184
               790:  aspiring         790, 650, 652, 496
               909:  aspiring         909, 417, 143, 25, 6
               562:  cyclic           562, 284, 220
              1064:  cyclic           1064, 1336, 1184, 1210
              1488:  non-terminating  1488, 2480, 3472, 4464, 8432, 9424, 10416, 21328, 22320, 55056, 95728, 96720, 236592, 459792, 881392, 882384
1.535571778608E+13:  non-terminating  1.535571778608E+13, 4.453466360112E+13, 1.449400874645E+14"

ARM Assembly

Works with: as version Raspberry Pi
or android 32 bits with application Termux
/* ARM assembly Raspberry PI  */
/* program aliquotSeq.s   */

 /* REMARK 1 : this program use routines in a include file 
   see task Include a file language arm assembly 
   for the routine affichageMess conversion10 
   see at end of this program the instruction include */
/* for constantes see task include a file in arm assembly */
/* Constantes                       */
.include "../constantes.inc"

.equ MAXINUM,      10
.equ MAXI,         16
.equ NBDIVISORS,   1000

/* Initialized data                        */
szMessStartPgm:          .asciz "Program start \n"
szMessEndPgm:            .asciz "Program normal end.\n"
szMessErrorArea:         .asciz "\033[31mError : area divisors too small.\033[0m \n"
szMessError:             .asciz "\033[31mError  !!!\033[0m \n"
szMessErrGen:            .asciz "Error end program.\033[0m \n"

szCarriageReturn:        .asciz "\n"
szLibPerf:               .asciz "Perfect       \n"
szLibAmic:               .asciz "Amicable      \n"
szLibSoc:                .asciz "Sociable      \n"
szLibAspi:               .asciz "Aspiring      \n"
szLibCycl:               .asciz "Cyclic        \n"
szLibTerm:               .asciz "Terminating   \n"
szLibNoTerm:             .asciz "No terminating\n"

/* datas message display */
szMessResult:            .asciz " @ "
szMessResHead:            .asciz "Number @ :"

.align 4
tbNumber:                 .int 11,12,28,496,220,1184,12496,1264460,790,909,562,1064,1488
                          .equ NBNUMBER,  (. - tbNumber ) / 4

/* UnInitialized data                      */
.align 4
sZoneConv:               .skip 24
tbZoneDecom:             .skip 4 * NBDIVISORS       // facteur 4 octets
tbNumberSucc:            .skip 4 * MAXI
/*  code section                           */
.global main 
main:                               @ program start
    ldr r0,iAdrszMessStartPgm       @ display start message
    bl affichageMess

    mov r4,#1
    mov r0,r4                       @  number
    bl aliquotClassif               @ aliquot classification
    cmp r0,#-1                      @ error ?
    beq 99f
    add r4,r4,#1
    cmp r4,#MAXINUM
    ble 1b
    ldr r5,iAdrtbNumber             @ number array
    mov r4,#0
    ldr r0,[r5,r4,lsl #2]           @ load a number
    bl aliquotClassif               @ aliquot classification
    cmp r0,#-1                      @ error ?
    beq 99f
    add r4,r4,#1                    @ next number
    cmp r4,#NBNUMBER                @ maxi ?
    blt 2b                          @ no -> loop
    ldr r0,iAdrszMessEndPgm         @ display end message
    bl affichageMess
    b 100f
99:                                 @ display error message 
    ldr r0,iAdrszMessError
    bl affichageMess
100:                                @ standard end of the program
    mov r0, #0                      @ return code
    mov r7, #EXIT                   @ request to exit program
    svc 0                           @ perform system call
iAdrszMessStartPgm:        .int szMessStartPgm
iAdrszMessEndPgm:          .int szMessEndPgm
iAdrszMessError:           .int szMessError
iAdrszCarriageReturn:      .int szCarriageReturn
iAdrtbZoneDecom:           .int tbZoneDecom
iAdrszMessResult:          .int szMessResult
iAdrsZoneConv:             .int sZoneConv
iAdrtbNumber:              .int tbNumber
/*     function aliquot classification                            */ 
/* r0 contains number */
    push {r3-r8,lr}              @ save  registers
    mov r5,r0                    @ save number
    ldr r1,iAdrsZoneConv
    bl conversion10              @ convert ascii string
    mov r2,#0
    strb r2,[r1,r0]
    ldr r0,iAdrszMessResHead
    ldr r1,iAdrsZoneConv
    bl strInsertAtCharInc        @ put in head message
    bl affichageMess             @ and display
    mov r0,r5                    @ restaur number
    ldr r7,iAdrtbNumberSucc      @ number successif array
    mov r4,#0                    @ counter number successif
    mov r6,r0                    @ previous number
    ldr r1,iAdrtbZoneDecom
    bl decompFact                @ create area of divisors
    cmp r0,#0                    @ error ?
    blt 99f
    sub r3,r1,r6                 @ sum 
    mov r0,r3
    ldr r1,iAdrsZoneConv
    bl conversion10              @ convert ascii string
    mov r2,#0
    strb r2,[r1,r0]
    ldr r0,iAdrszMessResult
    ldr r1,iAdrsZoneConv
    bl strInsertAtCharInc        @ and put in message
    bl affichageMess
    cmp r3,#0                    @ sum = zero
    bne 11f
    ldr r0,iAdrszLibTerm         @ terminating
    bl affichageMess
    b 100f
    cmp r5,r3                    @ compare number and sum
    bne 4f
    cmp r4,#0                    @ first loop ?
    bne 2f
    ldr r0,iAdrszLibPerf         @ perfect
    bl affichageMess
    b 100f
    cmp r4,#1                    @ second loop ?
    bne 3f
    ldr r0,iAdrszLibAmic         @ amicable
    bl affichageMess
    b 100f
3:                               @ other loop
    ldr r0,iAdrszLibSoc          @ sociable
    bl affichageMess
    b 100f
    cmp r6,r3                 @ compare sum and (sum - 1)
    bne 5f
    ldr r0,iAdrszLibAspi      @ aspirant
    bl affichageMess
    b 100f
    cmp r3,#1                 @ if one ,no search in array
    beq 7f
    mov r2,#0                 @ search indice
6:                            @ search number in array
    ldr r8,[r7,r2,lsl #2]
    cmp r8,r3                 @ equal ?
    beq 8f                    @ yes -> cycling
    add r2,r2,#1              @ increment indice
    cmp r2,r4                 @ end ?
    blt 6b                    @ no -> loop
    cmp r4,#MAXI
    blt 10f
    ldr r0,iAdrszLibNoTerm    @ no terminating
    bl affichageMess
    b 100f
8:                            @ cycling
    ldr r0,iAdrszLibCycl
    bl affichageMess
    b 100f 
    str r3,[r7,r4,lsl #2]     @ store new sum in array
    add r4,r4,#1              @ increment counter
    mov r0,r3                 @ new number = new sum
    b 1b                      @ and loop
99:                           @ display error
    ldr r0,iAdrszMessError
    bl affichageMess
    pop {r3-r8,lr}            @ restaur registers
    bx lr
iAdrszMessResHead: .int szMessResHead
iAdrszLibPerf:     .int szLibPerf
iAdrszLibAmic:     .int szLibAmic
iAdrszLibSoc:      .int szLibSoc
iAdrszLibCycl:     .int szLibCycl
iAdrszLibAspi:     .int szLibAspi
iAdrszLibNoTerm:   .int szLibNoTerm
iAdrszLibTerm:     .int szLibTerm
iAdrtbNumberSucc:  .int tbNumberSucc
/*     factor decomposition                                               */ 
/* r0 contains number */
/* r1 contains address of divisors area */
/* r0 return divisors items in array    */
/* r1 return the sum of divisors  */
    push {r3-r12,lr}              @ save  registers
    cmp r0,#1
    moveq r1,#1
    beq 100f
    mov r5,r1
    mov r8,r0                    @ save number
    bl isPrime                   @ prime ?
    cmp r0,#1
    beq 98f                      @ yes is prime
    mov r1,#1
    str r1,[r5]                  @ first factor
    mov r12,#1                   @ divisors sum
    mov r10,#1                   @ indice divisors table
    mov r9,#2                    @ first divisor
    mov r6,#0                    @ previous divisor
    mov r7,#0                    @ number of same divisors
    /*  division loop  */
    mov r0,r8                    @ dividende
    mov r1,r9                    @ divisor
    bl division                  @ r2 quotient r3 remainder
    cmp r3,#0
    beq 3f                       @ if remainder  zero  ->  divisor
        /* not divisor -> increment next divisor */
    cmp r9,#2                    @ if divisor = 2 -> add 1 
    addeq r9,#1
    addne r9,#2                  @ else add 2
    b 2b
       /* divisor   compute the new factors of number */
    mov r8,r2                    @ else quotient -> new dividende
    cmp r9,r6                    @ same divisor ?
    beq 4f                       @ yes
    mov r0,r5                    @ table address
    mov r1,r10                   @ number factors in table
    mov r2,r9                    @ divisor
    mov r3,r12                   @ somme 
    mov r4,#0
    bl computeFactors
    cmp r0,#-1
    beq 100f
    mov r10,r1
    mov r12,r0
    mov r6,r9                    @ new divisor
    b 7f
4:                               @ same divisor
    sub r7,r10,#1
5:                              @ search in table the first use of divisor
    ldr r3,[r5,r7,lsl #2 ]
    cmp r3,r9
    subne r7,#1
    bne 5b
                                 @ and compute new factors after factors 
    sub r4,r10,r7                @ start indice
    mov r0,r5
    mov r1,r10
    mov r2,r9                    @ divisor
    mov r3,r12
    bl computeFactors
    cmp r0,#-1
    beq 100f
    mov r12,r0
    mov r10,r1

    /* divisor -> test if new dividende is prime */
    cmp r8,#1                    @ dividende = 1 ? -> end
    beq 10f
    mov r0,r8                    @ new dividende is prime ?
    mov r1,#0
    bl isPrime                   @ the new dividende is prime ?
    cmp r0,#1
    bne 10f                      @ the new dividende is not prime

    cmp r8,r6                    @ else dividende is same divisor ?
    beq 8f                       @ yes
    mov r0,r5
    mov r1,r10
    mov r2,r8
    mov r3,r12
    mov r4,#0
    bl computeFactors
    cmp r0,#-1
    beq 100f
    mov r12,r0
    mov r10,r1
    mov r7,#0
    b 11f
    sub r7,r10,#1
    ldr r3,[r5,r7,lsl #2 ]
    cmp r3,r8
    subne r7,#1
    bne 9b
    mov r0,r5
    mov r1,r10
    sub r4,r10,r7
    mov r2,r8
    mov r3,r12
    bl computeFactors
    cmp r0,#-1
    beq 100f
    mov r12,r0
    mov r10,r1
    b 11f
    cmp r9,r8                    @ current divisor  > new dividende ?
    ble 2b                       @ no -> loop
    /* end decomposition */ 
    mov r0,r10                  @ return number of table items
    mov r1,r12                  @ return sum 
    mov r3,#0
    str r3,[r5,r10,lsl #2]      @ store zéro in last table item
    b 100f

98:                             @ prime number
    add r1,r8,#1
    mov r0,#0                   @ return code
    b 100f
    ldr r0,iAdrszMessError
    bl   affichageMess
    mov r0,#-1                  @ error code
    b 100f
    pop {r3-r12,pc}             @ restaur registers
/*    compute all factors                                         */ 

/*   r0 table factors address */
/*   r1 number factors in table */
/*   r2 new divisor */
/*   r3 sum  */
/*   r4 start indice */
/*   r0 return sum */
/*   r1 return number factors in table */
    push {r2-r6,lr}              @ save registers 
    mov r6,r1                    @ number factors in table
    ldr r5,[r0,r4,lsl #2 ]       @ load one factor
    mul r5,r2,r5                 @ multiply 
    str r5,[r0,r1,lsl #2]        @ and store in the table

    adds r3,r5
    movcs r0,#-1                 @ overflow
    bcs 100f
    add r1,r1,#1                 @ and increment counter
    add r4,r4,#1
    cmp r4,r6
    blt 1b
    mov r0,r3                    @ factors sum
100:                             @ fin standard de la fonction 
    pop {r2-r6,pc}               @ restaur des registres
/*   check if a number is prime              */
/* r0 contains the number            */
/* r0 return 1 if prime  0 else */
    push {r1-r6,lr}    @ save registers 
    cmp r0,#0
    beq 90f
    cmp r0,#17
    bhi 1f
    cmp r0,#3
    bls 80f            @ for 1,2,3 return prime
    cmp r0,#5
    beq 80f            @ for 5 return prime
    cmp r0,#7
    beq 80f            @ for 7 return prime
    cmp r0,#11
    beq 80f            @ for 11 return prime
    cmp r0,#13
    beq 80f            @ for 13 return prime
    cmp r0,#17
    beq 80f            @ for 17 return prime
    tst r0,#1          @ even ?
    beq 90f            @ yes -> not prime
    mov r2,r0          @ save number
    sub r1,r0,#1       @ exposant n - 1
    mov r0,#3          @ base
    bl moduloPuR32     @ compute base power n - 1 modulo n
    cmp r0,#1
    bne 90f            @ if <> 1  -> not prime
    mov r0,#5
    bl moduloPuR32
    cmp r0,#1
    bne 90f
    mov r0,#7
    bl moduloPuR32
    cmp r0,#1
    bne 90f
    mov r0,#11
    bl moduloPuR32
    cmp r0,#1
    bne 90f
    mov r0,#13
    bl moduloPuR32
    cmp r0,#1
    bne 90f
    mov r0,#17
    bl moduloPuR32
    cmp r0,#1
    bne 90f
    mov r0,#1        @ is prime
    b 100f
    mov r0,#0        @ no prime
100:                 @ fin standard de la fonction 
    pop {r1-r6,pc}   @ restaur des registres
/*   Calcul modulo de b puissance e modulo m  */
/*    Exemple 4 puissance 13 modulo 497 = 445         */
/*                                             */
/* r0  nombre  */
/* r1 exposant */
/* r2 modulo   */
/* r0 return result  */
    push {r1-r7,lr}    @ save registers  
    cmp r0,#0          @ verif <> zero 
    beq 100f
    cmp r2,#0          @ verif <> zero 
    beq 100f           @ TODO: v鲩fier les cas d erreur
    mov r4,r2          @ save modulo
    mov r5,r1          @ save exposant 
    mov r6,r0          @ save base
    mov r3,#1          @ start result

    mov r1,#0          @ division de r0,r1 par r2
    bl division32R
    mov r6,r2          @ base <- remainder
    tst r5,#1          @  exposant even or odd
    beq 3f
    umull r0,r1,r6,r3
    mov r2,r4
    bl division32R
    mov r3,r2          @ result <- remainder
    umull r0,r1,r6,r6
    mov r2,r4
    bl division32R
    mov r6,r2          @ base <- remainder

    lsr r5,#1          @ left shift 1 bit
    cmp r5,#0          @ end ?
    bne 2b
    mov r0,r3
100:                   @ fin standard de la fonction
    pop {r1-r7,pc}     @ restaur des registres   

/*   division number 64 bits in 2 registers by number 32 bits */
/* r0 contains lower part dividende   */
/* r1 contains upper part dividende   */
/* r2 contains divisor   */
/* r0 return lower part quotient    */
/* r1 return upper part quotient    */
/* r2 return remainder               */
    push {r3-r9,lr}    @ save registers
    mov r6,#0          @ init upper upper part remainder  !!
    mov r7,r1          @ init upper part remainder with upper part dividende
    mov r8,r0          @ init lower part remainder with lower part dividende
    mov r9,#0          @ upper part quotient 
    mov r4,#0          @ lower part quotient
    mov r5,#32         @ bits number
1:                     @ begin loop
    lsl r6,#1          @ shift upper upper part remainder
    lsls r7,#1         @ shift upper  part remainder
    orrcs r6,#1        
    lsls r8,#1         @ shift lower  part remainder
    orrcs r7,#1
    lsls r4,#1         @ shift lower part quotient
    lsl r9,#1          @ shift upper part quotient
    orrcs r9,#1
                       @ divisor sustract  upper  part remainder
    subs r7,r2
    sbcs  r6,#0        @ and substract carry
    bmi 2f             @ n駡tive ?
                       @ positive or equal
    orr r4,#1          @ 1 -> right bit quotient
    b 3f
2:                     @ negative 
    orr r4,#0          @ 0 -> right bit quotient
    adds r7,r2         @ and restaur remainder
    adc  r6,#0 
    subs r5,#1         @ decrement bit size 
    bgt 1b             @ end ?
    mov r0,r4          @ lower part quotient
    mov r1,r9          @ upper part quotient
    mov r2,r7          @ remainder
100:                   @ function end
    pop {r3-r9,pc}     @ restaur registers

/*      ROUTINES INCLUDE                 */
.include "../affichage.inc"
Program start
Number 1 : 0 Terminating
Number 2 : 1  0 Terminating
Number 3 : 1  0 Terminating
Number 4 : 3  1  0 Terminating
Number 5 : 1  0 Terminating
Number 6 : 6 Perfect
Number 7 : 1  0 Terminating
Number 8 : 7  1  0 Terminating
Number 9 : 4  3  1  0 Terminating
Number 10 : 8  7  1  0 Terminating
Number 11 : 1  0 Terminating
Number 12 : 16  15  9  4  3  1  0 Terminating
Number 28 : 28 Perfect
Number 496 : 496 Perfect
Number 220 : 284  220 Amicable
Number 1184 : 1210  1184 Amicable
Number 12496 : 14288  15472  14536  14264  12496 Sociable
Number 1264460 : 1547860  1727636  1305184  1264460 Sociable
Number 790 : 650  652  496  496 Aspiring
Number 909 : 417  143  25  6  6 Aspiring
Number 562 : 284  220  284 Cyclic
Number 1064 : 1336  1184  1210  1184 Cyclic
Number 1488 : 2480  3472  4464  8432  9424  10416  21328  22320  55056  95728  96720  236592  459792  881392  882384  1474608  2461648 No terminating
Program normal end.


#!/bin/gawk -f
function sumprop(num,   i,sum,root) {
if (num == 1) return 0
for ( i=2; i < root; i++) {
    if (num % i == 0 )
    sum = sum + i + num/i
if (num % root == 0) 
    sum = sum + root
return sum
function class(k,    oldk,newk,seq){
# first term
oldk = k
seq = " "
# second term
newk = sumprop(oldk)
oldk = newk
seq = seq " " newk
if (newk == 0) return "terminating " seq
if (newk == k) return "perfect " seq
#  third term
newk = sumprop(oldk)
oldk = newk
seq = seq " " newk
if (newk == 0) return "terminating " seq
if (newk == k) return "amicable " seq
for (t=4; t<17; t++) {
newk = sumprop(oldk)
seq = seq " " newk
if (newk == 0) return "terminating " seq
if (newk == k) return "sociable (period " t-1 ") "seq
if (newk == oldk) return "aspiring " seq
if (index(seq," " newk " ") > 0) return "cyclic (at " newk ") " seq
if (newk > 140737488355328) return "non-terminating (term > 140737488355328) " seq
oldk = newk
return "non-terminating (after 16 terms)  " seq
print "Number classification sequence"
for (j=1; j < 11; j++)
    print j,class(j)}
    print 11,class(11)
    print 12,class(12)
    print 28,class(28)
    print 496,class(496)
    print 220,class(220)
    print 1184,class(1184)
    print 12496,class(12496)
    print 1264460,class(1264460)
    print 790,class(790)
    print 909,class(909)
    print 562,class(562)
    print 1064,class(1064)
    print 1488,class(1488)
    print 15355717786080,class(15355717786080)
Number classification sequence
1 terminating   0
2 terminating   1 0
3 terminating   1 0
4 terminating   3 1 0
5 terminating   1 0
6 perfect   6
7 terminating   1 0
8 terminating   7 1 0
9 terminating   4 3 1 0
10 terminating   8 7 1 0
11 terminating   1 0
12 terminating   16 15 9 4 3 1 0
28 perfect   28
496 perfect   496
220 amicable   284 220
1184 amicable   1210 1184
12496 sociable (period 5)   14288 15472 14536 14264 12496
1264460 sociable (period 4)   1547860 1727636 1305184 1264460
790 aspiring   650 652 496 496
909 aspiring   417 143 25 6 6
562 cyclic (at 284)   284 220 284
1064 cyclic (at 1184)   1336 1184 1210 1184
1488 non-terminating (after 16 terms)    2480 3472 4464 8432 9424 10416 21328 22320 55056 95728 96720 236592 459792 881392 882384
1.53557e+13 non-terminating (term > 140737488355328)   4.45347e+13 1.4494e+14 4.71714e+14



Translation of: FreeBASIC
# Rosetta Code problem: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Aliquot_sequence_classifications
# by Jjuanhdez, 06/2022

global limite
limite = 20000000

dim nums = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488}

for n = 0 to nums[?]-1
    print "Number "; nums[n]; " : ";
    call PrintAliquotClassifier(nums[n])
next n
print "Program normal end."

function PDtotal (n)
    total = 0
    for y = 2 to n
        if (n mod y) = 0 then total += (n / y)
    next y
    return total
end function

subroutine PrintAliquotClassifier (K)
    longit = 52: n = K: clase = 0: priorn = 0: inc = 0
    dim Aseq(longit)

    for element = 2 to longit
        Aseq[element] = PDtotal(n)
        n = int(Aseq[element])
        print n; " ";
        begin case
            case n = 0
                print " Terminating": clase = 1: exit for
            case n = K and element = 2
                print " Perfect"    : clase = 2: exit for
            case n = K and element = 3
                print " Amicable": clase = 3: exit for
            case n = K and element > 3
                print " Sociable": clase = 4: exit for
            case n <> K and Aseq[element - 1] = Aseq[element]
                print " Aspiring": clase = 5: exit for
            case n <> K and Aseq[element - 2] = n
                print " Cyclic": clase = 6: exit for
        end case

        if n > priorn then priorn = n: inc += 1 else inc = 0: priorn = 0
        if inc = 11 or n > limite then exit for
    next element
    if clase = 0 then print " non-terminating"
end subroutine


Both implementations can process integers or a file containing all the integers from the command line.

Brute Force

The following implementation is a brute force method which takes a very, very long time for 15355717786080. To be fair to C, that's also true for many of the other implementations on this page which also implement the brute force method. See the next implementation for the best solution.


unsigned long long bruteForceProperDivisorSum(unsigned long long n){
	unsigned long long i,sum = 0;
		if(n%i==0 && n!=i)
			sum += i;
	return sum;

void printSeries(unsigned long long* arr,int size,char* type){
	int i;
	printf("\nInteger : %llu, Type : %s, Series : ",arr[0],type);
		printf("%llu, ",arr[i]);

void aliquotClassifier(unsigned long long n){
	unsigned long long arr[16];
	int i,j;
	arr[0] = n;
		arr[i] = bruteForceProperDivisorSum(arr[i-1]);
		if(arr[i]==0||arr[i]==n||(arr[i]==arr[i-1] && arr[i]!=n)){
			printSeries(arr,i+1,(arr[i]==0)?"Terminating":(arr[i]==n && i==1)?"Perfect":(arr[i]==n && i==2)?"Amicable":(arr[i]==arr[i-1] && arr[i]!=n)?"Aspiring":"Sociable");

void processFile(char* fileName){
	FILE* fp = fopen(fileName,"r");
	char str[21];

int main(int argC,char* argV[])
		printf("Usage : %s <positive integer>",argV[0]);
	return 0;

Input file, you can include 15355717786080 or similar numbers in this list but be prepared to wait for a very, very long time.:


Invocation and output for both individual number and input file:

C:\rosettaCode>bruteAliquot.exe 10

Integer : 10, Type : Terminating, Series : 10, 8, 7, 1, 0
C:\rosettaCode>bruteAliquot.exe aliquotData.txt

Integer : 1, Type : Terminating, Series : 1, 0
Integer : 2, Type : Terminating, Series : 2, 1, 0
Integer : 3, Type : Terminating, Series : 3, 1, 0
Integer : 4, Type : Terminating, Series : 4, 3, 1, 0
Integer : 5, Type : Terminating, Series : 5, 1, 0
Integer : 6, Type : Perfect, Series : 6, 6
Integer : 7, Type : Terminating, Series : 7, 1, 0
Integer : 8, Type : Terminating, Series : 8, 7, 1, 0
Integer : 9, Type : Terminating, Series : 9, 4, 3, 1, 0
Integer : 10, Type : Terminating, Series : 10, 8, 7, 1, 0
Integer : 11, Type : Terminating, Series : 11, 1, 0
Integer : 12, Type : Terminating, Series : 12, 16, 15, 9, 4, 3, 1, 0
Integer : 28, Type : Perfect, Series : 28, 28
Integer : 496, Type : Perfect, Series : 496, 496
Integer : 220, Type : Amicable, Series : 220, 284, 220
Integer : 1184, Type : Amicable, Series : 1184, 1210, 1184
Integer : 12496, Type : Sociable, Series : 12496, 14288, 15472, 14536, 14264, 12496
Integer : 1264460, Type : Sociable, Series : 1264460, 1547860, 1727636, 1305184, 1264460
Integer : 790, Type : Aspiring, Series : 790, 650, 652, 496, 496
Integer : 909, Type : Aspiring, Series : 909, 417, 143, 25, 6, 6
Integer : 562, Type : Cyclic, Series : 562, 284, 220, 284
Integer : 1064, Type : Cyclic, Series : 1064, 1336, 1184, 1210, 1184
Integer : 1488, Type : Non-Terminating, Series : 1488, 2480, 3472, 4464, 8432, 9424, 10416, 21328, 22320, 55056, 95728, 96720, 236592, 459792, 881392, 882384, 68719476751

Number Theoretic

The following implementation, based on Number Theory, is the best solution for such a problem. All cases are handled, including 15355717786080, with all the numbers being processed and the output written to console practically instantaneously. The above brute force implementation is the original one and it remains to serve as a comparison of the phenomenal difference the right approach can make to a problem.


unsigned long long raiseTo(unsigned long long base, unsigned long long power){
    unsigned long long result = 1,i;
    for (i=0; i<power;i++) {
    return result;

unsigned long long properDivisorSum(unsigned long long n){
	unsigned long long prod = 1; 
	unsigned long long temp = n,i,count = 0;

	while(n%2 == 0){
		n /= 2;
		prod *= (raiseTo(2,count + 1) - 1);

		count = 0;
		while(n%i == 0){
			n /= i;
			prod *= (i+1);
		else if(count > 1)
			prod *= ((raiseTo(i,count + 1) - 1)/(i-1));
		prod *= (n+1);

	return prod - temp;

void printSeries(unsigned long long* arr,int size,char* type){
	int i;
	printf("\nInteger : %llu, Type : %s, Series : ",arr[0],type);
		printf("%llu, ",arr[i]);

void aliquotClassifier(unsigned long long n){
	unsigned long long arr[16];
	int i,j;
	arr[0] = n;
		arr[i] = properDivisorSum(arr[i-1]);
		if(arr[i]==0||arr[i]==n||(arr[i]==arr[i-1] && arr[i]!=n)){
			printSeries(arr,i+1,(arr[i]==0)?"Terminating":(arr[i]==n && i==1)?"Perfect":(arr[i]==n && i==2)?"Amicable":(arr[i]==arr[i-1] && arr[i]!=n)?"Aspiring":"Sociable");

void processFile(char* fileName){
	FILE* fp = fopen(fileName,"r");
	char str[21];

int main(int argC,char* argV[])
		printf("Usage : %s <positive integer>",argV[0]);
	return 0;

Input file, to emphasize the effectiveness of this approach, the last number in the file is 153557177860800, 10 times the special case mentioned in the task.


Invocation and output for both individual number and input file:

C:\rosettaCode>bruteAliquot.exe 10

Integer : 10, Type : Terminating, Series : 10, 8, 7, 1, 0
C:\rosettaCode>aliquotProper.exe aliquotData.txt

Integer : 1, Type : Terminating, Series : 1, 0
Integer : 2, Type : Terminating, Series : 2, 1, 0
Integer : 3, Type : Terminating, Series : 3, 1, 0
Integer : 4, Type : Terminating, Series : 4, 3, 1, 0
Integer : 5, Type : Terminating, Series : 5, 1, 0
Integer : 6, Type : Perfect, Series : 6, 6
Integer : 7, Type : Terminating, Series : 7, 1, 0
Integer : 8, Type : Terminating, Series : 8, 7, 1, 0
Integer : 9, Type : Terminating, Series : 9, 4, 3, 1, 0
Integer : 10, Type : Terminating, Series : 10, 8, 7, 1, 0
Integer : 11, Type : Terminating, Series : 11, 1, 0
Integer : 12, Type : Terminating, Series : 12, 16, 15, 9, 4, 3, 1, 0
Integer : 28, Type : Perfect, Series : 28, 28
Integer : 496, Type : Perfect, Series : 496, 496
Integer : 220, Type : Amicable, Series : 220, 284, 220
Integer : 1184, Type : Amicable, Series : 1184, 1210, 1184
Integer : 12496, Type : Sociable, Series : 12496, 14288, 15472, 14536, 14264, 12496
Integer : 1264460, Type : Sociable, Series : 1264460, 1547860, 1727636, 1305184, 1264460
Integer : 790, Type : Aspiring, Series : 790, 650, 652, 496, 496
Integer : 909, Type : Aspiring, Series : 909, 417, 143, 25, 6, 6
Integer : 562, Type : Cyclic, Series : 562, 284, 220, 284
Integer : 1064, Type : Cyclic, Series : 1064, 1336, 1184, 1210, 1184
Integer : 1488, Type : Non-Terminating, Series : 1488, 2480, 3472, 4464, 8432, 9424, 10416, 21328, 22320, 55056, 95728, 96720, 236592, 459792, 881392, 882384, 68719476751
Integer : 15355717786080, Type : Non-Terminating, Series : 15355717786080, 44534663601120, 144940087464480, 471714103310688, 1130798979186912, 2688948041357088, 6050151708497568, 13613157922
102611548462968, 1977286128289819992, 3415126495450394808, 68719476751
Integer : 153557177860800, Type : Non-Terminating, Series : 153557177860800, 470221741508000, 685337334283120, 908681172226160, 1276860840159280, 1867115442105104, 1751034184622896, 16436297
336056, 1405725265675144, 1230017019320456, 68719476751


Translation of: Java
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

public class AliquotSequenceClassifications
    private static long ProperDivsSum(long n)
        return Enumerable.Range(1, (int)(n / 2)).Where(i => n % i == 0).Sum(i => (long)i);

    public static bool Aliquot(long n, int maxLen, long maxTerm)
        List<long> s = new List<long>(maxLen) {n};
        long newN = n;

        while (s.Count <= maxLen && newN < maxTerm)
            newN = ProperDivsSum(s.Last());

            if (s.Contains(newN))
                if (s[0] == newN)
                    switch (s.Count)
                        case 1:
                            return Report("Perfect", s);
                        case 2:
                            return Report("Amicable", s);
                            return Report("Sociable of length " + s.Count, s);
                else if (s.Last() == newN)
                    return Report("Aspiring", s);
                    return Report("Cyclic back to " + newN, s);
                if (newN == 0)
                    return Report("Terminating", s);

        return Report("Non-terminating", s);

    static bool Report(string msg, List<long> result)
        Console.WriteLine(msg + ": " + string.Join(", ", result));
        return false;

    public static void Main(string[] args)
        long[] arr = {
            11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460,
            790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488

        Enumerable.Range(1, 10).ToList().ForEach(n => Aliquot(n, 16, 1L << 47));
        foreach (var n in arr)
            Aliquot(n, 16, 1L << 47);
Terminating: 1, 0
Terminating: 2, 1, 0
Terminating: 3, 1, 0
Terminating: 4, 3, 1, 0
Terminating: 5, 1, 0
Perfect: 6
Terminating: 7, 1, 0
Terminating: 8, 7, 1, 0
Terminating: 9, 4, 3, 1, 0
Terminating: 10, 8, 7, 1, 0

Terminating: 11, 1, 0
Terminating: 12, 16, 15, 9, 4, 3, 1, 0
Perfect: 28
Perfect: 496
Amicable: 220, 284
Amicable: 1184, 1210
Sociable of length 5: 12496, 14288, 15472, 14536, 14264
Sociable of length 4: 1264460, 1547860, 1727636, 1305184
Aspiring: 790, 650, 652, 496
Aspiring: 909, 417, 143, 25, 6
Cyclic back to 284: 562, 284, 220
Cyclic back to 1184: 1064, 1336, 1184, 1210
Non-terminating: 1488, 2480, 3472, 4464, 8432, 9424, 10416, 21328, 22320, 55056, 95728, 96720, 236592, 459792, 881392, 882384, 1474608


This one follows the trail blazed by the "Number Theoretic" C example above.

#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using integer = uint64_t;

// See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divisor_function
integer divisor_sum(integer n) {
    integer total = 1, power = 2;
    // Deal with powers of 2 first
    for (; n % 2 == 0; power *= 2, n /= 2)
        total += power;
    // Odd prime factors up to the square root
    for (integer p = 3; p * p <= n; p += 2) {
        integer sum = 1;
        for (power = p; n % p == 0; power *= p, n /= p)
            sum += power;
        total *= sum;
    // If n > 1 then it's prime
    if (n > 1)
        total *= n + 1;
    return total;

// See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aliquot_sequence
void classify_aliquot_sequence(integer n) {
    constexpr int limit = 16;
    integer terms[limit];
    terms[0] = n;
    std::string classification("non-terminating");
    int length = 1;
    for (int i = 1; i < limit; ++i) {
        terms[i] = divisor_sum(terms[i - 1]) - terms[i - 1];
        if (terms[i] == n) {
            classification =
                (i == 1 ? "perfect" : (i == 2 ? "amicable" : "sociable"));
        int j = 1;
        for (; j < i; ++j) {
            if (terms[i] == terms[i - j])
        if (j < i) {
            classification = (j == 1 ? "aspiring" : "cyclic");
        if (terms[i] == 0) {
            classification = "terminating";
    std::cout << n << ": " << classification << ", sequence: " << terms[0];
    for (int i = 1; i < length && terms[i] != terms[i - 1]; ++i)
        std::cout << ' ' << terms[i];
    std::cout << '\n';

int main() {
    for (integer i = 1; i <= 10; ++i)
    for (integer i : {11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562,
                      1064, 1488})
    return 0;
1: terminating, sequence: 1 0
2: terminating, sequence: 2 1 0
3: terminating, sequence: 3 1 0
4: terminating, sequence: 4 3 1 0
5: terminating, sequence: 5 1 0
6: perfect, sequence: 6
7: terminating, sequence: 7 1 0
8: terminating, sequence: 8 7 1 0
9: terminating, sequence: 9 4 3 1 0
10: terminating, sequence: 10 8 7 1 0
11: terminating, sequence: 11 1 0
12: terminating, sequence: 12 16 15 9 4 3 1 0
28: perfect, sequence: 28
496: perfect, sequence: 496
220: amicable, sequence: 220 284 220
1184: amicable, sequence: 1184 1210 1184
12496: sociable, sequence: 12496 14288 15472 14536 14264 12496
1264460: sociable, sequence: 1264460 1547860 1727636 1305184 1264460
790: aspiring, sequence: 790 650 652 496
909: aspiring, sequence: 909 417 143 25 6
562: cyclic, sequence: 562 284 220 284
1064: cyclic, sequence: 1064 1336 1184 1210 1184
1488: non-terminating, sequence: 1488 2480 3472 4464 8432 9424 10416 21328 22320 55056 95728 96720 236592 459792 881392 882384
15355717786080: non-terminating, sequence: 15355717786080 44534663601120 144940087464480 471714103310688 1130798979186912 2688948041357088 6050151708497568 13613157922639968 35513546724070632 74727605255142168 162658586225561832 353930992506879768 642678347124409032 1125102611548462968 1977286128289819992 3415126495450394808
153557177860800: non-terminating, sequence: 153557177860800 470221741508000 685337334283120 908681172226160 1276860840159280 1867115442105104 1751034184622896 1643629718341256 1441432897905784 1647351883321016 1557892692704584 1363939602434936 1194001297910344 1597170567336056 1405725265675144 1230017019320456


Translation of: C++
% This program uses the 'bigint' cluster from PCLU's 'misc.lib'

% Remove leading and trailing whitespace (bigint$unparse adds a lot)
strip = proc (s: string) returns (string)
    ac = array[char]
    sc = sequence[char]
    cs: ac := string$s2ac(s)
    while ~ac$empty(cs) cand ac$bottom(cs)=' ' do ac$reml(cs) end
    while ~ac$empty(cs) cand ac$top(cs)=' ' do ac$remh(cs) end
    % There's a bug in ac2s that makes it not return all elements
    % This is a workaround
end strip 

divisor_sum = proc (n: bigint) returns (bigint)
    own zero: bigint := bigint$i2bi(0)
    own one: bigint := bigint$i2bi(1)
    own two: bigint := bigint$i2bi(2)
    own three: bigint := bigint$i2bi(3)
    total: bigint := one
    power: bigint := two
    while n//two=zero do 
        total := total + power
        power := power * two
        n := n / two
    p: bigint := three
    while p*p <= n do   
        sum: bigint := one
        power := p
        while n//p = zero do
            sum := sum + power
            power := power * p
            n := n/p
        total := total * sum
        p := p + two
    if n>one then total := total * (n+one) end
end divisor_sum

classify_aliquot_sequence = proc (n: bigint)
    LIMIT = 16
    abi = array[bigint] 
    own zero: bigint := bigint$i2bi(0)
    po: stream := stream$primary_output()
    terms: array[bigint] := abi$predict(0,LIMIT)
    abi$addh(terms, n)
    classification: string := "non-terminating"
    for i: int in int$from_to(1, limit-1) do
        abi$addh(terms, divisor_sum(abi$top(terms)) - abi$top(terms))
        if abi$top(terms) = n then
            if i=1 then classification := "perfect"
            elseif i=2 then classification := "amicable"
            else classification := "sociable"
        j: int := 1
        while j<i cand terms[i] ~= terms[i-j] do j := j+1 end
        if j<i then
            if j=1 then classification := "aspiring"
            else classification := "cyclic"
        if abi$top(terms) = zero then
            classification := "terminating"
    stream$puts(po, strip(bigint$unparse(n)) || ": " || classification || ", sequence: "
                 || strip(bigint$unparse(terms[0])))
    for i: int in int$from_to(1, abi$high(terms)) do
        if terms[i] = terms[i-1] then break end
        stream$puts(po, " " || strip(bigint$unparse(terms[i])))
    stream$putl(po, "")
end classify_aliquot_sequence

start_up = proc ()
    for i: int in int$from_to(1, 10) do 
    for i: int in array[int]$elements(array[int]$
        [11,12,28,496,220,1184,12496,1264460,790,909,562,1064,1488]) do
end start_up
1: terminating, sequence: 1 0
2: terminating, sequence: 2 1 0
3: terminating, sequence: 3 1 0
4: terminating, sequence: 4 3 1 0
5: terminating, sequence: 5 1 0
6: perfect, sequence: 6
7: terminating, sequence: 7 1 0
8: terminating, sequence: 8 7 1 0
9: terminating, sequence: 9 4 3 1 0
10: terminating, sequence: 10 8 7 1 0
11: terminating, sequence: 11 1 0
12: terminating, sequence: 12 16 15 9 4 3 1 0
28: perfect, sequence: 28
496: perfect, sequence: 496
220: amicable, sequence: 220 284 220
1184: amicable, sequence: 1184 1210 1184
12496: sociable, sequence: 12496 14288 15472 14536 14264 12496
1264460: sociable, sequence: 1264460 1547860 1727636 1305184 1264460
790: aspiring, sequence: 790 650 652 496
909: aspiring, sequence: 909 417 143 25 6
562: cyclic, sequence: 562 284 220 284
1064: cyclic, sequence: 1064 1336 1184 1210 1184
1488: non-terminating, sequence: 1488 2480 3472 4464 8432 9424 10416 21328 22320 55056 95728 96720 236592 459792 881392 882384
15355717786080: non-terminating, sequence: 15355717786080 44534663601120 144940087464480 471714103310688 1130798979186912 2688948041357088 6050151708497568 13613157922639968 35513546724070632 74727605255142168 162658586225561832 353930992506879768 642678347124409032 1125102611548462968 1977286128289819992 3415126495450394808
153557177860800: non-terminating, sequence: 153557177860800 470221741508000 685337334283120 908681172226160 1276860840159280 1867115442105104 1751034184622896 1643629718341256 1441432897905784 1647351883321016 1557892692704584 1363939602434936 1194001297910344 1597170567336056 1405725265675144 1230017019320456

Common Lisp

Uses the Lisp function proper-divisors-recursive from Task:Proper Divisors.

(defparameter *nlimit* 16)
(defparameter *klimit* (expt 2 47))
(defparameter *asht* (make-hash-table))
(load "proper-divisors")

(defun ht-insert (v n)
  (setf (gethash v *asht*) n))

(defun ht-find (v n)
   (let ((nprev (gethash v *asht*)))
    (if nprev (- n nprev) nil)))

(defun ht-list ()
  (defun sort-keys (&optional (res '()))
    (maphash #'(lambda (k v) (push (cons k v) res)) *asht*)
    (sort (copy-list res) #'< :key (lambda (p) (cdr p))))
  (let ((sorted (sort-keys)))
    (dotimes (i (length sorted)) (format t "~A " (car (nth i sorted))))))

(defun aliquot-generator (K1)
  "integer->function::fn to generate aliquot sequence"
  (let ((Kn K1))        
    #'(lambda () (setf Kn (reduce #'+ (proper-divisors-recursive Kn) :initial-value 0)))))

(defun aliquot (K1)
  "integer->symbol|nil::classify aliquot sequence"
  (defun aliquot-sym (Kn n)
    (let* ((period (ht-find Kn n))
           (sym (if period
                    (cond ; period event
                     ((= Kn K1)
                      (case period (1 'PERF) (2 'AMIC) (otherwise 'SOCI)))
                     ((= period 1) 'ASPI)
                     (t 'CYCL))
                    (cond ; else check for limit event
                     ((= Kn 0) 'TERM)
                     ((> Kn *klimit*) 'TLIM)
                     ((= n *nlimit*) 'NLIM)
                     (t nil)))))
      ;; if period event store the period, if no event insert the value      
      (if sym (when period (setf (symbol-plist sym) (list period)))                
          (ht-insert Kn n))
  (defun aliquot-str (sym &optional (period 0))
    (case sym (TERM "terminating") (PERF "perfect") (AMIC "amicable") (ASPI "aspiring")
      (SOCI (format nil "sociable (period ~A)" (car (symbol-plist sym))))
      (CYCL (format nil "cyclic (period ~A)" (car (symbol-plist sym))))
      (NLIM (format nil "non-terminating (no classification before added term limit of ~A)" *nlimit*))
      (TLIM (format nil "non-terminating (term threshold of ~A exceeded)" *klimit*))
      (otherwise "unknown")))
  (clrhash *asht*)
  (let ((fgen (aliquot-generator K1)))
    (setf (symbol-function 'aliseq) #'(lambda () (funcall fgen))))
  (ht-insert K1 0)
  (do* ((n 1 (1+ n))
        (Kn (aliseq) (aliseq))
        (alisym (aliquot-sym Kn n) (aliquot-sym Kn n)))
       (alisym (format t "~A:" (aliquot-str alisym)) (ht-list) (format t "~A~%" Kn) alisym)))

(defun main ()
  (princ "The last item in each sequence triggers classification.") (terpri)
  (dotimes (k 10)
    (aliquot (+ k 1)))
  (dolist (k '(11 12 28 496 220 1184 12496 1264460 790 909 562 1064 1488 15355717786080))
    (aliquot k)))
CL-USER(45): (main)
The last item in each sequence triggers classification.
terminating:1 0
terminating:2 1 0
terminating:3 1 0
terminating:4 3 1 0
terminating:5 1 0
perfect:6 6
terminating:7 1 0
terminating:8 7 1 0
terminating:9 4 3 1 0
terminating:10 8 7 1 0
terminating:11 1 0
terminating:12 16 15 9 4 3 1 0
perfect:28 28
perfect:496 496
amicable:220 284 220
amicable:1184 1210 1184
sociable (period 5):12496 14288 15472 14536 14264 12496
sociable (period 4):1264460 1547860 1727636 1305184 1264460
aspiring:790 650 652 496 496
aspiring:909 417 143 25 6 6
cyclic (period 2):562 284 220 284
cyclic (period 2):1064 1336 1184 1210 1184
non-terminating (no classification before added term limit of 16):1488 2480 3472 4464 8432 9424 10416 21328 22320 55056 95728 96720 236592 459792 881392 882384 1474608
non-terminating (term threshold of 140737488355328 exceeded):15355717786080 44534663601120 144940087464480


Translation of: Python
import std.stdio, std.range, std.algorithm, std.typecons, std.conv;

auto properDivisors(in ulong n) pure nothrow @safe /*@nogc*/ {
    return iota(1UL, (n + 1) / 2 + 1).filter!(x => n % x == 0 && n != x);

enum pDivsSum = (in ulong n) pure nothrow @safe /*@nogc*/ =>

auto aliquot(in ulong n,
             in size_t maxLen=16,
             in ulong maxTerm=2UL^^47) pure nothrow @safe {
    if (n == 0)
        return tuple("Terminating", [0UL]);
    ulong[] s = [n];
    size_t sLen = 1;
    ulong newN = n;

    while (sLen <= maxLen && newN < maxTerm) {
        newN = s.back.pDivsSum;
        if (s.canFind(newN)) {
            if (s[0] == newN) {
                if (sLen == 1) {
                    return tuple("Perfect", s);
                } else if (sLen == 2) {
                    return tuple("Amicable", s);
                } else
                    return tuple(text("Sociable of length ", sLen), s);
            } else if (s.back == newN) {
                return tuple("Aspiring", s);
            } else
                return tuple(text("Cyclic back to ", newN), s);
        } else if (newN == 0) {
            return tuple("Terminating", s ~ 0);
        } else {
            s ~= newN;

    return tuple("Non-terminating", s);

void main() {
    foreach (immutable n; 1 .. 11)
        writefln("%s: %s", n.aliquot[]);
    foreach (immutable n; [11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184,  12496, 1264460,
                           790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488])
        writefln("%s: %s", n.aliquot[]);
Terminating: [1, 0]
Terminating: [2, 1, 0]
Terminating: [3, 1, 0]
Terminating: [4, 3, 1, 0]
Terminating: [5, 1, 0]
Perfect: [6]
Terminating: [7, 1, 0]
Terminating: [8, 7, 1, 0]
Terminating: [9, 4, 3, 1, 0]
Terminating: [10, 8, 7, 1, 0]

Terminating: [11, 1, 0]
Terminating: [12, 16, 15, 9, 4, 3, 1, 0]
Perfect: [28]
Perfect: [496]
Amicable: [220, 284]
Amicable: [1184, 1210]
Sociable of length 5: [12496, 14288, 15472, 14536, 14264]
Sociable of length 4: [1264460, 1547860, 1727636, 1305184]
Aspiring: [790, 650, 652, 496]
Aspiring: [909, 417, 143, 25, 6]
Cyclic back to 284: [562, 284, 220]
Cyclic back to 1184: [1064, 1336, 1184, 1210]
Non-terminating: [1488, 2480, 3472, 4464, 8432, 9424, 10416, 21328, 22320, 55056, 95728, 96720, 236592, 459792, 881392, 882384, 1474608]


Translation of: AWK
fastfunc sumprop num .
   if num = 1
      return 0
   sum = 1
   root = sqrt num
   i = 2
   while i < root
      if num mod i = 0
         sum += i + num / i
      i += 1
   if num mod root = 0
      sum += root
   return sum
func$ tostr ar[] .
   for v in ar[]
      s$ &= " " & v
   return s$
func$ class k .
   oldk = k
   newk = sumprop oldk
   oldk = newk
   seq[] &= newk
   if newk = 0
      return "terminating " & tostr seq[]
   if newk = k
      return "perfect " & tostr seq[]
   newk = sumprop oldk
   oldk = newk
   seq[] &= newk
   if newk = 0
      return "terminating " & tostr seq[]
   if newk = k
      return "amicable " & tostr seq[]
   for t = 4 to 16
      newk = sumprop oldk
      seq[] &= newk
      if newk = 0
         return "terminating " & tostr seq[]
      if newk = k
         return "sociable (period " & t - 1 & ") " & tostr seq[]
      if newk = oldk
         return "aspiring " & tostr seq[]
      for i to len seq[] - 1
         if newk = seq[i]
            return "cyclic (at " & newk & ") " & tostr seq[]
      if newk > 140737488355328
         return "non-terminating (term > 140737488355328) " & tostr seq[]
      oldk = newk
   return "non-terminating (after 16 terms)  " & tostr seq[]
print "Number classification sequence"
for j = 1 to 12
   print j & " " & class j
for j in [ 28 496 220 1184 12496 1264460 790 909 562 1064 1488 15355717786080 ]
   print j & " " & class j


;; implementation of Floyd algorithm to find cycles in a graph
;; see Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cycle_detection
;; returns (cycle-length cycle-starter steps)
;; steps = 0 if no cycle found
;; it's all about a tortoise  🐢 running at speed f(x) after a hare 🐰 at speed f(f (x))
;; when they meet, a cycle is found

(define (floyd f x0 steps maxvalue)
	(define lam 1) ; cycle length
	(define tortoise (f x0))
	(define hare (f (f x0)))
	;; cyclic  ? yes if steps > 0
	(while (and (!= tortoise hare) (> steps 0))
		(set!-values (tortoise hare) (values (f tortoise) (f (f hare))))
		#:break (and (> hare maxvalue) (set! steps 0))
		(set! steps (1- steps)))
	;; first repetition = cycle starter
	(set! tortoise x0)
	(while (and (!= tortoise hare) (> steps 0))
		(set!-values (tortoise hare) (values (f tortoise) (f hare))))
	;; length of shortest cycle
	(set! hare (f tortoise))
	(while (and (!= tortoise hare) (> steps 0))
		(set! hare (f hare))
		(set! lam (1+ lam)))
	(values lam tortoise steps))
;; find cycle and classify
(define (taxonomy n (steps 16) (maxvalue 140737488355328))
	  (define-values (cycle starter steps) (floyd sum-divisors n steps maxvalue))
	 (write  n
	    (( = steps 0) 'non-terminating)
	    (( = starter 0) 'terminating)
	    ((and (= starter n) (= cycle 1)) 'perfect)
	    ((and (= starter n) (= cycle 2)) 'amicable)
            ((= starter n)  'sociable )
	    ((= cycle 1)  'aspiring )
	    (else 'cyclic)))
	(aliquote n starter)
;; print sequence
(define (aliquote x0  (starter -1) (end -1 )(n 8))
  (for ((i n))
    (write x0)
    (set! x0 (sum-divisors x0))
    #:break (and (= x0 end) (write x0))
    (when (= x0 starter) (set! end starter)))
    (writeln ...))
(lib 'math)
(lib 'bigint)

(for-each taxonomy (range 1 13))

1 terminating 1 0 0 ...    
2 terminating 2 1 0 0 ...    
3 terminating 3 1 0 0 ...    
4 terminating 4 3 1 0 0 ...    
5 terminating 5 1 0 0 ...    
6 perfect 6 6 6 ...    
7 terminating 7 1 0 0 ...    
8 terminating 8 7 1 0 0 ...    
9 terminating 9 4 3 1 0 0 ...    
10 terminating 10 8 7 1 0 0 ...    
11 terminating 11 1 0 0 ...    
12 terminating 12 16 15 9 4 3 1 0 0 ...    

(for-each taxonomy '( 28 496 220 1184 12496 1264460 790 909 562 1064 1488 15355717786080))

28 perfect 28 28 28 ...    
496 perfect 496 496 496 ...    
220 amicable 220 284 220 284 220 ...    
1184 amicable 1184 1210 1184 1210 1184 ...    
12496 sociable 12496 14288 15472 14536 14264 12496 14288 15472 ...    
1264460 sociable 1264460 1547860 1727636 1305184 1264460 1547860 1727636 1305184 1264460 ...    
790 aspiring 790 650 652 496 496 ...    
909 aspiring 909 417 143 25 6 6 ...    
562 cyclic 562 284 220 284 ...    
1064 cyclic 1064 1336 1184 1210 1184 ...    
1488 non-terminating 1488 2480 3472 4464 8432 9424 10416 21328 ...    
15355717786080 non-terminating 15355717786080 44534663601120 144940087464480 471714103310688 1130798979186912 2688948041357088 6050151708497568 13613157922639968 ... 

(taxonomy 1000) ;; 1000 non-terminating after 16 steps
1000 non-terminating 1000 1340 1516 1144 1376 1396 1054 674 ... 
(taxonomy 1000 32) ;; but terminating if we increase the number of steps
1000 terminating   
1000 1340 1516 1144 1376 1396 1054 674 340 416 466 236 184 176 196 203 37 1 0 0 ...


Translation of: Ruby
defmodule Proper do
  def divisors(1), do: []
  def divisors(n), do: [1 | divisors(2,n,:math.sqrt(n))] |> Enum.sort
  defp divisors(k,_n,q) when k>q, do: []
  defp divisors(k,n,q) when rem(n,k)>0, do: divisors(k+1,n,q)
  defp divisors(k,n,q) when k * k == n, do: [k | divisors(k+1,n,q)]
  defp divisors(k,n,q)                , do: [k,div(n,k) | divisors(k+1,n,q)]

defmodule Aliquot do
  def sequence(n, maxlen\\16, maxterm\\140737488355328)
  def sequence(0, _maxlen, _maxterm), do: "terminating"
  def sequence(n, maxlen, maxterm) do
    {msg, s} = sequence(n, maxlen, maxterm, [n])
    {msg, Enum.reverse(s)}
  defp sequence(n, maxlen, maxterm, s) when length(s) < maxlen and n < maxterm do
    m = Proper.divisors(n) |> Enum.sum
    cond do
      m in s ->
        case {m, List.last(s), hd(s)} do
          {x,x,_} ->
            case length(s) do
              1 -> {"perfect", s}
              2 -> {"amicable", s}
              _ -> {"sociable of length #{length(s)}", s}
          {x,_,x} -> {"aspiring", [m | s]}
          _       -> {"cyclic back to #{m}", [m | s]}
      m == 0 -> {"terminating", [0 | s]}
      true -> sequence(m, maxlen, maxterm, [m | s])
  defp sequence(_, _, _, s), do: {"non-terminating", s}

Enum.each(1..10, fn n ->
  {msg, s} = Aliquot.sequence(n)
  :io.fwrite("~7w:~21s: ~p~n", [n, msg, s])
IO.puts ""
[11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488, 15355717786080]
|> Enum.each(fn n ->
     {msg, s} = Aliquot.sequence(n)
     if n<10000000, do: :io.fwrite("~7w:~21s: ~p~n", [n, msg, s]),
                  else: :io.fwrite("~w: ~s: ~p~n", [n, msg, s])
      1:          terminating: [1,0]
      2:          terminating: [2,1,0]
      3:          terminating: [3,1,0]
      4:          terminating: [4,3,1,0]
      5:          terminating: [5,1,0]
      6:              perfect: [6]
      7:          terminating: [7,1,0]
      8:          terminating: [8,7,1,0]
      9:          terminating: [9,4,3,1,0]
     10:          terminating: [10,8,7,1,0]

     11:          terminating: [11,1,0]
     12:          terminating: [12,16,15,9,4,3,1,0]
     28:              perfect: [28]
    496:              perfect: [496]
    220:             amicable: [220,284]
   1184:             amicable: [1184,1210]
  12496: sociable of length 5: [12496,14288,15472,14536,14264]
1264460: sociable of length 4: [1264460,1547860,1727636,1305184]
    790:             aspiring: [790,650,652,496,496]
    909:             aspiring: [909,417,143,25,6,6]
    562:   cyclic back to 284: [562,284,220,284]
   1064:  cyclic back to 1184: [1064,1336,1184,1210,1184]
   1488:      non-terminating: [1488,2480,3472,4464,8432,9424,10416,21328,
15355717786080: non-terminating: [15355717786080,44534663601120,


For convenience, the term that caused termination is always included in the output sequence.

USING: combinators combinators.short-circuit formatting kernel
literals locals math math.functions math.primes.factors
math.ranges namespaces pair-rocket sequences sets ;
FROM: namespaces => set ;
IN: rosetta-code.aliquot

SYMBOL: terms
CONSTANT: 2^47 $[ 2 47 ^ ]
CONSTANT: test-cases {
    11 12 28 496 220 1184 12496 1264460 790
    909 562 1064 1488 15355717786080

: next-term ( n -- m ) dup divisors sum swap - ;

: continue-aliquot? ( hs term -- hs term ? )
        [ terms get 15 < ]
        [ swap in? not   ]
        [ nip zero? not  ]
        [ nip 2^47 <     ]
    } 2&& ;
: next-aliquot ( hs term -- hs next-term term )
    [ swap [ adjoin    ] keep ]
    [ dup  [ next-term ] dip  ] bi terms inc ;
: aliquot ( k -- seq )
    0 terms set HS{ } clone swap
    [ continue-aliquot? ] [ next-aliquot ] produce
    [ drop ] 2dip swap suffix ;
: non-terminating? ( seq -- ? )
    { [ length 15 > ] [ [ 2^47 > ] any? ] } 1|| ;
:: classify ( seq -- classification-str )
        [ seq non-terminating? ] => [ "non-terminating" ]
        [ seq last zero?       ] => [ "terminating"     ]
        [ seq length 2 =       ] => [ "perfect"         ]
        [ seq length 3 =       ] => [ "amicable"        ]
        [ seq first seq last = ] => [ "sociable"        ]
        [ seq 2 tail* first2 = ] => [ "aspiring"        ]
        [ "cyclic" ]
    } cond ;
: .classify ( k -- )
    dup aliquot [ classify ] keep "%14u: %15s: %[%d, %]\n"
    printf ;
: main ( -- )
    10 [1,b] test-cases append [ .classify ] each ;

MAIN: main
             1:     terminating: { 1, 0 }
             2:     terminating: { 2, 1, 0 }
             3:     terminating: { 3, 1, 0 }
             4:     terminating: { 4, 3, 1, 0 }
             5:     terminating: { 5, 1, 0 }
             6:         perfect: { 6, 6 }
             7:     terminating: { 7, 1, 0 }
             8:     terminating: { 8, 7, 1, 0 }
             9:     terminating: { 9, 4, 3, 1, 0 }
            10:     terminating: { 10, 8, 7, 1, 0 }
            11:     terminating: { 11, 1, 0 }
            12:     terminating: { 12, 16, 15, 9, 4, 3, 1, 0 }
            28:         perfect: { 28, 28 }
           496:         perfect: { 496, 496 }
           220:        amicable: { 220, 284, 220 }
          1184:        amicable: { 1184, 1210, 1184 }
         12496:        sociable: { 12496, 14288, 15472, 14536, 14264, 12496 }
       1264460:        sociable: { 1264460, 1547860, 1727636, 1305184, 1264460 }
           790:        aspiring: { 790, 650, 652, 496, 496 }
           909:        aspiring: { 909, 417, 143, 25, 6, 6 }
           562:          cyclic: { 562, 284, 220, 284 }
          1064:          cyclic: { 1064, 1336, 1184, 1210, 1184 }
          1488: non-terminating: { 1488, 2480, 3472, 4464, 8432, 9424, 10416, 21328, 22320, 55056, 95728, 96720, 236592, 459792, 881392, 882384 }
15355717786080: non-terminating: { 15355717786080, 44534663601120, 144940087464480 }


This is straightforward for Fortran compilers that allow 64-bit integers, as with INTEGER*8 - though one must have faith in the correct functioning of the computer for such large numbers....


       After 1, terminates! 1
       After 2, terminates! 2,1
       After 2, terminates! 3,1
       After 3, terminates! 4,3,1
       After 2, terminates! 5,1
                   Perfect! 6
       After 2, terminates! 7,1
       After 3, terminates! 8,7,1
       After 4, terminates! 9,4,3,1
       After 4, terminates! 10,8,7,1
       After 2, terminates! 11,1
       After 7, terminates! 12,16,15,9,4,3,1
                   Perfect! 28
                   Perfect! 496
                  Amicable: 220,284
                  Amicable: 1184,1210
                Sociable 5: 12496,14288,15472,14536,14264
                Sociable 4: 1264460,1547860,1727636,1305184
                  Aspiring: 790,650,652,496
                  Aspiring: 909,417,143,25,6
      Cyclic end 2, to 284: 562,284,220
     Cyclic end 2, to 1184: 1064,1336,1184,1210
 After 16, non-terminating? 1488,2480,3472,4464,8432,9424,10416,21328,22320,55056,95728,96720,
        After 2, overflows! 15355717786080,44534663601120

Allowing more rope leads 1488 to overflow after the 83'rd value. Extending TOOBIG to 2**48 produces overflow from step 88, and the monster test value manages one more step, to 144940087464480 and confirmed via the Mathematica example. Because the task involves only a few numbers to test, there is not so much advantage to be gained by pre-calculating a set of sums of proper divisors, but it does mean that no special tests are needed for N = 1 in function SUMF.

A more flexible syntax (such as Algol's) would enable the double scan of the TRAIL array to be avoided, as in if TRAIL[I:=MinLoc(Abs(TRAIL(1:L) - SF))] = SF then... That is, find the first index of array TRAIL such that ABS(TRAIL(1:L) - SF) is minimal, save that index in I, then access that element of TRAIL and test if it is equal to SF. The INDEX function could be use to find the first match, except that it is defined only for character variables. Alternatively, use an explicit DO-loop to search for equality, thus not employing fancy syntax, and not having to wonder if the ANY function will stop on the first match rather than wastefully continue the testing for all array elements. The modern style in manual writing is to employ vaguely general talk about arrays and omit specific details.

      MODULE FACTORSTUFF	!This protocol evades the need for multiple parameters, or COMMON, or one shapeless main line...
Concocted by R.N.McLean, MMXV.
c       PARAMETER (I4LIMIT = 2147483647)
       INTEGER*8 TOOBIG		!Some bounds.
       PARAMETER (TOOBIG = 2**47)	!Computer arithmetic is not with real numbers.
       INTEGER LOTS			!Nor is computer storage infinite.
       PARAMETER (LOTS = 10000)	!So there can't be all that many of these.
       INTEGER*8 KNOWNSUM(LOTS)	!If multiple references are expected, it is worthwhile calculating these.
       CONTAINS			!Assistants.
        INTEGER*8 FUNCTION SUMF(N)	!Sum of the proper divisors of N.
         INTEGER*8 N			!The number in question.
         INTEGER*8 F,F2		!Candidate factor, and its square.
         INTEGER*8 S,INC,BOOST		!Assistants.
          IF (N.LE.LOTS) THEN		!If we're within reach,
            SUMF = KNOWNSUM(N)			!The result is to hand.
           ELSE			!Otherwise, some on-the-spot effort ensues.
Could use SUMF in place of S, but some compilers have been confused by such usage.
            S = 1			!1 is always a factor of N, but N is deemed not proper.
            F = 1			!Prepare a crude search for factors.
            INC = 1			!One by plodding one.
            IF (MOD(N,2) .EQ. 1) INC = 2!Ah, but an odd number cannot have an even number as a divisor.
    1       F = F + INC			!So half the time we can doubleplod.
            F2 = F*F				!Up to F2 < N rather than F < SQRT(N) and worries over inexact arithmetic.
            IF (F2 .LT. N) THEN			!F2 = N handled below.
              IF (MOD(N,F) .EQ. 0) THEN		!Does F divide N?
                BOOST = F + N/F			!Yes. The divisor and its counterpart.
                IF (S .GT. TOOBIG - BOOST) GO TO 666	!Would their augmentation cause an overflow?
                S = S + BOOST			!No, so count in the two divisors just discovered.
              END IF				!So much for a divisor discovered.
              GO TO 1				!Try for another.
            END IF			!So much for N = p*q style factors.
            IF (F2 .EQ. N) THEN	!Special case: N may be a perfect square, not necessarily of a prime number.
              IF (S .GT. TOOBIG - F) GO TO 666	!It is. And it too might cause overflow.
              S = S + F			!But if not, count F once only.
            END IF			!All done.
            SUMF = S			!This is the result.
          END IF			!Whichever way obtained,
         RETURN			!Done.
Cannot calculate the sum, because it exceeds the INTEGER*8 limit.
  666     SUMF = -666		!An expression of dismay that the caller will notice.
        END FUNCTION SUMF	!Alternatively, find the prime factors, and combine them... 
         SUBROUTINE PREPARESUMF	!Initialise the KNOWNSUM array.
Convert the Sieve of Eratoshenes to have each slot contain the sum of the proper divisors of its slot number.
Changes to instead count the number of factors, or prime factors, etc. would be simple enough.
         INTEGER*8 F		!A factor for numbers such as 2F, 3F, 4F, 5F, ...
          KNOWNSUM(1) = 0		!Proper divisors of N do not include N.
          KNOWNSUM(2:LOTS) = 1		!So, although 1 divides all N without remainder, 1 is excluded for itself.
          DO F = 2,LOTS/2		!Step through all the possible divisors of numbers not exceeding LOTS.
            FORALL(I = F + F:LOTS:F) KNOWNSUM(I) = KNOWNSUM(I) + F	!And augment each corresponding slot.
          END DO			!Different divisors can hit the same slot. For instance, 6 by 2 and also by 3.
        END SUBROUTINE PREPARESUMF	!Could alternatively generate all products of prime numbers. 
         SUBROUTINE CLASSIFY(N)	!Traipse along the SumF trail.
         INTEGER*8 N		!The starter.
         INTEGER ROPE		!The size of my memory is not so great..
         PARAMETER(ROPE = 16)	!Indeed, this is strictly limited.
         INTEGER*8 TRAIL(ROPE)	!But the numbers can be large.
         INTEGER*8 SF		!The working sum of proper divisors.
         INTEGER I,L		!Indices, merely.
         CHARACTER*28 THIS	!A perfect scratchpad for remarks.
          L = 1		!Every journey starts with its first step.
          TRAIL(1) = N		!Which is this.
          SF = N		!Syncopation.
   10     SF = SUMF(SF)		!Step onwards.
          IF (SF .LT. 0) THEN		!Trouble?
            WRITE (THIS,11) L,"overflows!"	!Yes. Too big a number.
   11       FORMAT ("After ",I0,", ",A)		!Describe the situation.
            CALL REPORT(ADJUSTR(THIS))		!And give the report.
          ELSE IF (SF .EQ. 0) THEN		!Otherwise, a finish?
            WRITE (THIS,11) L,"terminates!"	!Yay!
            CALL REPORT(ADJUSTR(THIS))		!This sequence is finished.
          ELSE IF (ANY(TRAIL(1:L) .EQ. SF)) THEN	!Otherwise, is there an echo somewhere?
            IF (L .EQ. 1) THEN				!Yes!
              CALL REPORT("Perfect!")			!Are we at the start?
            ELSE IF (L .EQ. 2) THEN			!Or perhaps not far along.
              CALL REPORT("Amicable:")			!These are held special.
            ELSE					!Otherwise, we've wandered further along.
              I = MINLOC(ABS(TRAIL(1:L) - SF),DIM=1)	!Damnit, re-scan the array to finger the first matching element.
              IF (I .EQ. 1) THEN		!If all the way back to the start,
                WRITE (THIS,12) L		!Then there are this many elements in the sociable ring.
   12           FORMAT ("Sociable ",I0,":")	!Computers are good at counting.
                CALL REPORT(ADJUSTR(THIS))	!So, perform an added service.
              ELSE IF (I .EQ. L) THEN		!Perhaps we've hit a perfect number!
                CALL REPORT("Aspiring:")	!A cycle of length one.
              ELSE				!But otherwise,
                WRITE (THIS,13) L - I + 1,SF	!A longer cycle. Amicable, or sociable.
   13           FORMAT ("Cyclic end ",I0,", to ",I0,":")	!Name the flashback value too.
                CALL REPORT(ADJUSTR(THIS))	!Thus.
              END IF				!So much for cycles.
            END IF			!So much for finding an echo.
          ELSE				!Otherwise, nothing special has happened.
            IF (L .GE. ROPE) THEN		!So, how long is a piece of string?
              WRITE (THIS,11) L,"non-terminating?"	!Not long enough!
              CALL REPORT(ADJUSTR(THIS))		!So we give up.
             ELSE				!But if there is more scope,
              L = L + 1			!Advance one more step.
              TRAIL(L) = SF			!Save the latest result.
              GO TO 10				!And try for the next.
            END IF			!So much for continuing.
          END IF		!So much for the classification.
         RETURN		!Finished.
         CONTAINS		!Not quite.
          SUBROUTINE REPORT(WHAT)	!There is this service routine.
           CHARACTER*(*) WHAT		!Whatever the length of the text, the FORMAT's A28 shows 28 characters, right-aligned.
            WRITE (6,1) WHAT,TRAIL(1:L)!Mysteriously, a fresh line after every twelve elements.
    1       FORMAT (A28,1X,12(I0:","))	!And obviously, the : signifies "do not print what follows unless there is another number to go.
          END SUBROUTINE REPORT	!That was easy.
       END MODULE FACTORSTUFF	!Enough assistants. 
       PROGRAM CLASSIFYTHEM	!Report on the nature of the sequence N, Sumf(N), Sumf(Sumf(N)), etc.
       USE FACTORSTUFF		!This should help.
       INTEGER*8 I,N		!Steppers.
       INTEGER*8 THIS(14)	!A testing collection.
       DATA THIS/11,12,28,496,220,1184,12496,1264460,790,909,     !Old-style continuation character in column six.
     1  562,1064,1488,15355717786080/	!Monster value far exceeds the INTEGER*4 limit 
         CALL PREPARESUMF		!Prepare for 1:LOTS, even though this test run will use only a few.
         DO I = 1,10			!As specified, the first ten integers.
          CALL CLASSIFY(I)
        END DO
         DO I = 1,SIZE(THIS)		!Now for the specified list.
        END DO
       END			!Done.


Translation of: C
function raiseTo( bas as ulongint, power as ulongint ) as ulongint
    dim as ulongint result = 1, i
    for i = 1 to power
    next i
    return result
end function
function properDivisorSum( n as ulongint ) as ulongint
	dim as ulongint prod = 1, temp = n, i = 3, count = 0
	while n mod 2 = 0
		count += 1
		n /= 2
	if count<>0 then prod *= (raiseTo(2,count + 1) - 1)
	while i*i <= n
		count = 0
		while n mod i = 0
			count += 1
			n /= i
		if count = 1 then
			prod *= (i+1)
		elseif count > 1 then
			prod *= ((raiseTo(i,count + 1) - 1)/(i-1))
	    end if
    i += 2
	if n>2 then	prod *= (n+1)
	return prod - temp
end function
sub printSeries( arr() as ulongint ptr, size as integer, ty as string)
	dim as integer i
	dim as string outstr = "Integer: "+str(arr(0))+", Type: "+ty+", Series: "
	for i=0 to size-2
		outstr = outstr + str(arr(i))+", "
    next i
	outstr = outstr + str(arr(i))
	print outstr
end sub
sub aliquotClassifier(n as ulongint)
	dim as ulongint arr(0 to 15)
	dim as integer i, j
	dim as string ty = "Sociable"
    arr(0) = n
    for i = 1 to 15
		arr(i) = properDivisorSum(arr(i-1))
		if arr(i)=0 orelse arr(i)=n orelse (arr(i) = arr(i-1) and arr(i)<>n) then
		    if arr(i) = 0 then
		        ty = "Terminating"
		    elseif arr(i) = n and i = 1 then
		        ty = "Perfect"
		    elseif arr(i) = n and i = 2 then
		        ty = "Amicable"
		    elseif arr(i) = arr(i-1) and arr(i)<>n then
		        ty = "Aspiring"
		    end if   
		end if
		for j = 1 to i-1
			if arr(j) = arr(i) then
			end if
		next j
	next i
end sub

dim as ulongint nums(0 to 22) = {_
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184,_
    12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488}

for n as ubyte = 0 to 22
next n


Translation of: Kotlin
package main

import (

const threshold = uint64(1) << 47

func indexOf(s []uint64, search uint64) int {
    for i, e := range s {
        if e == search {
            return i
    return -1

func contains(s []uint64, search uint64) bool {
    return indexOf(s, search) > -1

func maxOf(i1, i2 int) int {
    if i1 > i2 {
        return i1
    return i2

func sumProperDivisors(n uint64) uint64 {
    if n < 2 {
        return 0
    sqrt := uint64(math.Sqrt(float64(n)))
    sum := uint64(1)
    for i := uint64(2); i <= sqrt; i++ {
        if n % i != 0 {
        sum += i + n / i
    if sqrt * sqrt == n {
        sum -= sqrt
    return sum

func classifySequence(k uint64) ([]uint64, string) {
    if k == 0 {
        panic("Argument must be positive.")
    last := k
    var seq []uint64
    seq = append(seq, k)
    for {
        last = sumProperDivisors(last)
        seq = append(seq, last)
        n := len(seq)
        aliquot := ""
        switch {
        case last == 0:
            aliquot = "Terminating"
        case n == 2 && last == k:
            aliquot = "Perfect"
        case n == 3 && last == k:
            aliquot = "Amicable"
        case n >= 4 && last == k:
            aliquot = fmt.Sprintf("Sociable[%d]", n - 1)
        case last == seq[n - 2]:
            aliquot = "Aspiring"
        case contains(seq[1 : maxOf(1, n - 2)], last):
            aliquot = fmt.Sprintf("Cyclic[%d]", n - 1 - indexOf(seq[:], last))
        case n == 16 || last > threshold:
            aliquot = "Non-Terminating"
        if aliquot != "" {
            return seq, aliquot

func joinWithCommas(seq []uint64) string {
    res := fmt.Sprint(seq)
    res = strings.Replace(res, " ", ", ", -1)
    return res

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Aliquot classifications - periods for Sociable/Cyclic in square brackets:\n")
    for k := uint64(1); k <= 10; k++ {
        seq, aliquot := classifySequence(k)
        fmt.Printf("%2d: %-15s %s\n", k, aliquot, joinWithCommas(seq))

    s := []uint64{
        11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488,
    for _, k := range s {
        seq, aliquot := classifySequence(k)
        fmt.Printf("%7d: %-15s %s\n",  k, aliquot, joinWithCommas(seq))

    k := uint64(15355717786080)
    seq, aliquot := classifySequence(k)
    fmt.Printf("%d: %-15s %s\n", k, aliquot, joinWithCommas(seq))
Aliquot classifications - periods for Sociable/Cyclic in square brackets:

 1: Terminating     [1, 0]
 2: Terminating     [2, 1, 0]
 3: Terminating     [3, 1, 0]
 4: Terminating     [4, 3, 1, 0]
 5: Terminating     [5, 1, 0]
 6: Perfect         [6, 6]
 7: Terminating     [7, 1, 0]
 8: Terminating     [8, 7, 1, 0]
 9: Terminating     [9, 4, 3, 1, 0]
10: Terminating     [10, 8, 7, 1, 0]

     11: Terminating     [11, 1, 0]
     12: Terminating     [12, 16, 15, 9, 4, 3, 1, 0]
     28: Perfect         [28, 28]
    496: Perfect         [496, 496]
    220: Amicable        [220, 284, 220]
   1184: Amicable        [1184, 1210, 1184]
  12496: Sociable[5]     [12496, 14288, 15472, 14536, 14264, 12496]
1264460: Sociable[4]     [1264460, 1547860, 1727636, 1305184, 1264460]
    790: Aspiring        [790, 650, 652, 496, 496]
    909: Aspiring        [909, 417, 143, 25, 6, 6]
    562: Cyclic[2]       [562, 284, 220, 284]
   1064: Cyclic[2]       [1064, 1336, 1184, 1210, 1184]
   1488: Non-Terminating [1488, 2480, 3472, 4464, 8432, 9424, 10416, 21328, 22320, 55056, 95728, 96720, 236592, 459792, 881392, 882384]

15355717786080: Non-Terminating [15355717786080, 44534663601120, 144940087464480]


divisors :: (Integral a) => a -> [a]
divisors n = filter ((0 ==) . (n `mod`)) [1 .. (n `div` 2)]

data Class
  = Terminating
  | Perfect
  | Amicable
  | Sociable
  | Aspiring
  | Cyclic
  | Nonterminating
  deriving (Show)

aliquot :: (Integral a) => a -> [a]
aliquot 0 = [0]
aliquot n = n : (aliquot $ sum $ divisors n)

classify :: (Num a, Eq a) => [a] -> Class
classify []             = Nonterminating
classify [0]            = Terminating
classify [_]            = Nonterminating
classify [a,b]
  | a == b              = Perfect
  | b == 0              = Terminating
  | otherwise           = Nonterminating
classify x@(a:b:c:_)
  | a == b              = Perfect
  | a == c              = Amicable
  | a `elem` (drop 1 x) = Sociable
  | otherwise           =
    case classify (drop 1 x) of
      Perfect  -> Aspiring
      Amicable -> Cyclic
      Sociable -> Cyclic
      d        -> d

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let cls n = let ali = take 16 $ aliquot n in (classify ali, ali)
  mapM_ (print . cls) $ [1..10] ++
    [11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488]



proper_divisors=: [: */@>@}:@,@{ [: (^ i.@>:)&.>/ 2 p: x:
aliquot=: +/@proper_divisors ::0:
rc_aliquot_sequence=: aliquot^:(i.16)&>
rc_classify=: 3 :0
      if. 16 ~:# y                 do. ' invalid        '
  elseif. 6 > {: y                 do. ' terminate      '
  elseif. (+./y>2^47) +. 16 = #~.y do. ' non-terminating'
  elseif. 1=#~. y                  do. ' perfect        '
  elseif. 8= st=. {.#/.~ y         do. ' amicable       '
  elseif. 1 < st                   do. ' sociable       '
  elseif. =/_2{. y                 do. ' aspiring       '
  elseif. 1                        do. ' cyclic         '
rc_display_aliquot_sequence=: (rc_classify,' ',":)@:rc_aliquot_sequence

Task example:

   rc_display_aliquot_sequence&> >: i.10
 terminate       1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
 terminate       2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
 terminate       3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
 terminate       4 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
 terminate       5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
 perfect         6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 
 terminate       7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
 terminate       8 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
 terminate       9 4 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
 terminate       10 8 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

   rc_display_aliquot_sequence&>11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488, 15355717786080x
 terminate       11 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 terminate       12 16 15 9 4 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 perfect         28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28
 perfect         496 496 496 496 496 496 496 496 496 496 496 496 496 496 496 496
 amicable        220 284 220 284 220 284 220 284 220 284 220 284 220 284 220 284
 amicable        1184 1210 1184 1210 1184 1210 1184 1210 1184 1210 1184 1210 1184 1210 1184 1210
 sociable        12496 14288 15472 14536 14264 12496 14288 15472 14536 14264 12496 14288 15472 14536 14264 12496
 sociable        1264460 1547860 1727636 1305184 1264460 1547860 1727636 1305184 1264460 1547860 1727636 1305184 1264460 1547860 1727636 1305184
 aspiring        790 650 652 496 496 496 496 496 496 496 496 496 496 496 496 496
 aspiring        909 417 143 25 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
 cyclic          562 284 220 284 220 284 220 284 220 284 220 284 220 284 220 284
 cyclic          1064 1336 1184 1210 1184 1210 1184 1210 1184 1210 1184 1210 1184 1210 1184 1210
 non-terminating 1488 2480 3472 4464 8432 9424 10416 21328 22320 55056 95728 96720 236592 459792 881392 882384
 non-terminating 15355717786080 44534663601120 144940087464480 471714103310688 1130798979186912 2688948041357088 6050151708497568 13613157922639968 35513546724070632 74727605255142168 162658586225561832 353930992506879768 642678347124409032 1125102611548462968 1977286128289819992 3415126495450394808


Translation of Python via D

Works with: Java version 8
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.LongStream;

public class AliquotSequenceClassifications {

    private static Long properDivsSum(long n) {
        return LongStream.rangeClosed(1, (n + 1) / 2).filter(i -> n % i == 0 && n != i).sum();

    static boolean aliquot(long n, int maxLen, long maxTerm) {
        List<Long> s = new ArrayList<>(maxLen);
        long newN = n;

        while (s.size() <= maxLen && newN < maxTerm) {

            newN = properDivsSum(s.get(s.size() - 1));

            if (s.contains(newN)) {

                if (s.get(0) == newN) {

                    switch (s.size()) {
                        case 1:
                            return report("Perfect", s);
                        case 2:
                            return report("Amicable", s);
                            return report("Sociable of length " + s.size(), s);

                } else if (s.get(s.size() - 1) == newN) {
                    return report("Aspiring", s);

                } else
                    return report("Cyclic back to " + newN, s);

            } else {
                if (newN == 0)
                    return report("Terminating", s);

        return report("Non-terminating", s);

    static boolean report(String msg, List<Long> result) {
        System.out.println(msg + ": " + result);
        return false;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        long[] arr = {
                11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460,
                790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488};

        LongStream.rangeClosed(1, 10).forEach(n -> aliquot(n, 16, 1L << 47));
        Arrays.stream(arr).forEach(n -> aliquot(n, 16, 1L << 47));
Terminating: [1, 0]
Terminating: [2, 1, 0]
Terminating: [3, 1, 0]
Terminating: [4, 3, 1, 0]
Terminating: [5, 1, 0]
Perfect: [6]
Terminating: [7, 1, 0]
Terminating: [8, 7, 1, 0]
Terminating: [9, 4, 3, 1, 0]
Terminating: [10, 8, 7, 1, 0]

Terminating: [11, 1, 0]
Terminating: [12, 16, 15, 9, 4, 3, 1, 0]
Perfect: [28]
Perfect: [496]
Amicable: [220, 284]
Amicable: [1184, 1210]
Sociable of length 5: [12496, 14288, 15472, 14536, 14264]
Sociable of length 4: [1264460, 1547860, 1727636, 1305184]
Aspiring: [790, 650, 652, 496]
Aspiring: [909, 417, 143, 25, 6]
Cyclic back to 284: [562, 284, 220]
Cyclic back to 1184: [1064, 1336, 1184, 1210]
Non-terminating: [1488, 2480, 3472, 4464, 8432, 9424, 10416, 21328, 22320, 
55056, 95728, 96720, 236592, 459792, 881392, 882384, 1474608]


Works with: jq version 1.4
# "until" is available in more recent versions of jq
# than jq 1.4
def until(cond; next):
  def _until:
    if cond then . else (next|_until) end;

# unordered
def proper_divisors:
  . as $n
  | if $n > 1 then 1,
      ( range(2; 1 + (sqrt|floor)) as $i
        | if ($n % $i) == 0 then $i,
            (($n / $i) | if . == $i then empty else . end)
          else empty
    else empty

# sum of proper divisors, or 0
def pdsum:
  [proper_divisors] | add // 0;

# input is n
# maxlen defaults to 16;
# maxterm defaults to 2^47
def aliquot(maxlen; maxterm):
  (maxlen // 15) as $maxlen
  | (maxterm // 40737488355328) as $maxterm
  | if . == 0 then "terminating at 0" 
    # [s, slen, new] = [[n], 1, n]
    [ [.], 1, .]
    | until( type == "string" or .[1] > $maxlen or .[2] > $maxterm;
             .[0] as $s | .[1] as $slen
             | ($s | .[length-1] | pdsum) as $new
             | if ($s|index($new)) then
                 if $s[0] == $new then
                     if $slen == 1 then "perfect \($s)"
                     elif $slen == 2 then "amicable: \($s)"
                     else "sociable of length \($slen): \($s)"
                 elif ($s | .[length-1]) == $new then "aspiring: \($s)"
                 else "cyclic back to \($new): \($s)"
               elif $new == 0 then "terminating: \($s + [0])"
               else [ ($s + [$new]), ($slen + 1), $new ]
               end )
    | if type == "string" then . else "non-terminating: \(.[0])" end
def task:
  def pp: "\(.): \(aliquot(null;null))";
     (range(1; 11) | pp),
     ((11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460,
      790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488, 15355717786080) | pp);
$ jq -n -r -f aliquot.jq
1: terminating: [1,0]
2: terminating: [2,1,0]
3: terminating: [3,1,0]
4: terminating: [4,3,1,0]
5: terminating: [5,1,0]
6: perfect [6]
7: terminating: [7,1,0]
8: terminating: [8,7,1,0]
9: terminating: [9,4,3,1,0]
10: terminating: [10,8,7,1,0]

11: terminating: [11,1,0]
12: terminating: [12,16,15,9,4,3,1,0]
28: perfect [28]
496: perfect [496]
220: amicable: [220,284]
1184: amicable: [1184,1210]
12496: sociable of length 5: [12496,14288,15472,14536,14264]
1264460: sociable of length 4: [1264460,1547860,1727636,1305184]
790: aspiring: [790,650,652,496]
909: aspiring: [909,417,143,25,6]
562: cyclic back to 284: [562,284,220]
1064: cyclic back to 1184: [1064,1336,1184,1210]
1488: non-terminating: [1488,2480,3472,4464,8432,9424,10416,21328,22320,55056,95728,96720,236592,459792,881392,882384]
15355717786080: non-terminating: [15355717786080,44534663601120]


Core Function

function aliquotclassifier{T<:Integer}(n::T)
    a = T[n]
    b = divisorsum(a[end])
    len = 1
    while len < 17 && !(b in a) && 0 < b && b < 2^47+1
        push!(a, b)
        b = divisorsum(a[end])
        len += 1
    if b in a
        1 < len || return ("Perfect", a)
        if b == a[1]
            2 < len || return ("Amicable", a)
            return ("Sociable", a)
        elseif b == a[end]
            return ("Aspiring", a)
            return ("Cyclic", push!(a, b))
    push!(a, b)
    b != 0 || return ("Terminating", a)
    return ("Non-terminating", a)

Supporting Functions

function pcontrib{T<:Integer}(p::T, a::T)
    n = one(T)
    pcon = one(T)
    for i in 1:a
        n *= p
        pcon += n
    return pcon

function divisorsum{T<:Integer}(n::T)
    dsum = one(T)
    for (p, a) in factor(n)
        dsum *= pcontrib(p, a)
    dsum -= n


using Printf

println("Classification Tests:")
tests = [1:12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488]
for i in tests
    (class, a) = aliquotclassifier(i)
    println(@sprintf("%8d => ", i), @sprintf("%16s, ", class), a)
Classification Tests:
       1 =>      Terminating, [1,0]
       2 =>      Terminating, [2,1,0]
       3 =>      Terminating, [3,1,0]
       4 =>      Terminating, [4,3,1,0]
       5 =>      Terminating, [5,1,0]
       6 =>          Perfect, [6]
       7 =>      Terminating, [7,1,0]
       8 =>      Terminating, [8,7,1,0]
       9 =>      Terminating, [9,4,3,1,0]
      10 =>      Terminating, [10,8,7,1,0]
      11 =>      Terminating, [11,1,0]
      12 =>      Terminating, [12,16,15,9,4,3,1,0]
      28 =>          Perfect, [28]
     496 =>          Perfect, [496]
     220 =>         Amicable, [220,284]
    1184 =>         Amicable, [1184,1210]
   12496 =>         Sociable, [12496,14288,15472,14536,14264]
 1264460 =>         Sociable, [1264460,1547860,1727636,1305184]
     790 =>         Aspiring, [790,650,652,496]
     909 =>         Aspiring, [909,417,143,25,6]
     562 =>           Cyclic, [562,284,220,284]
    1064 =>           Cyclic, [1064,1336,1184,1210,1184]
    1488 =>  Non-terminating, [1488,2480,3472,4464,8432,9424,10416,21328,22320,55056,95728,96720,236592,459792,881392,882384,1474608,2461648]


// version 1.1.3

data class Classification(val sequence: List<Long>, val aliquot: String)

const val THRESHOLD = 1L shl 47

fun sumProperDivisors(n: Long): Long {
    if (n < 2L) return 0L
    val sqrt = Math.sqrt(n.toDouble()).toLong()
    var sum = 1L + (2L..sqrt)
        .filter { n % it == 0L }
        .map { it + n / it }
    if (sqrt * sqrt == n) sum -= sqrt
    return sum

fun classifySequence(k: Long): Classification {
    require(k > 0)
    var last = k
    val seq = mutableListOf(k)
    while (true) {
        last = sumProperDivisors(last)
        val n = seq.size
        val aliquot = when {
            last == 0L                  -> "Terminating"
            n == 2 && last == k         -> "Perfect"
            n == 3 && last == k         -> "Amicable"
            n >= 4 && last == k         -> "Sociable[${n - 1}]"
            last == seq[n - 2]          -> "Aspiring"
            last in seq.slice(1..n - 3) -> "Cyclic[${n - 1 - seq.indexOf(last)}]"
            n == 16 || last > THRESHOLD -> "Non-Terminating"
            else                        -> ""
        if (aliquot != "") return Classification(seq, aliquot)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    println("Aliqot classifications - periods for Sociable/Cyclic in square brackets:\n")
    for (k in 1L..10) {
        val (seq, aliquot) = classifySequence(k)
        println("${"%2d".format(k)}: ${aliquot.padEnd(15)} $seq")

    val la = longArrayOf(
        11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488

    for (k in la) {
        val (seq, aliquot) = classifySequence(k)
        println("${"%7d".format(k)}: ${aliquot.padEnd(15)} $seq")


    val k = 15355717786080L
    val (seq, aliquot) = classifySequence(k)
    println("$k: ${aliquot.padEnd(15)} $seq")
Aliqot classifications - periods for Sociable/Cyclic in square brackets:

 1: Terminating     [1, 0]
 2: Terminating     [2, 1, 0]
 3: Terminating     [3, 1, 0]
 4: Terminating     [4, 3, 1, 0]
 5: Terminating     [5, 1, 0]
 6: Perfect         [6, 6]
 7: Terminating     [7, 1, 0]
 8: Terminating     [8, 7, 1, 0]
 9: Terminating     [9, 4, 3, 1, 0]
10: Terminating     [10, 8, 7, 1, 0]

     11: Terminating     [11, 1, 0]
     12: Terminating     [12, 16, 15, 9, 4, 3, 1, 0]
     28: Perfect         [28, 28]
    496: Perfect         [496, 496]
    220: Amicable        [220, 284, 220]
   1184: Amicable        [1184, 1210, 1184]
  12496: Sociable[5]     [12496, 14288, 15472, 14536, 14264, 12496]
1264460: Sociable[4]     [1264460, 1547860, 1727636, 1305184, 1264460]
    790: Aspiring        [790, 650, 652, 496, 496]
    909: Aspiring        [909, 417, 143, 25, 6, 6]
    562: Cyclic[2]       [562, 284, 220, 284]
   1064: Cyclic[2]       [1064, 1336, 1184, 1210, 1184]
   1488: Non-Terminating [1488, 2480, 3472, 4464, 8432, 9424, 10416, 21328, 22320, 55056, 95728, 96720, 236592, 459792, 881392, 882384]

15355717786080: Non-Terminating [15355717786080, 44534663601120, 144940087464480]

Liberty BASIC

Based on my analysis of integers up to 10,000 I have revised the criteria for non-termination as follows: 52 elements, or 11 consecutive increases of elements, or an element greater than 30 million. This is not a perfect algorithm, but seems to me to be a reasonable compromise between accuracy and speed. I'll stay away from the really large numbers - at least for now.

Of integers below 10,000--

4004 is the longest non-terminating integer by the revised criteria. The elements range from a minimum of 2,440 to a maximum of 302,666. I suspect that if the sequence were run out far enough, it would terminate in some fashion.

4344 has the longest terminating sequence.

6672 has the longest aspiring sequence.

6420 has the longest cyclic sequence.

8128 is the largest perfect integer.

There are no sociable sequences.

print "ROSETTA CODE - Aliquot sequence classifications"
input "Enter an integer: "; K
K=abs(int(K)): if K=0 then goto [Quit]
call PrintAS K
goto [Start]

print "Program complete."

sub PrintAS K
    dim Aseq(Length)
    n=K: class=0
    for element=2 to Length
        print Aseq(element); " ";
        select case
            case Aseq(element)=0
                print " terminating": class=1: exit for
            case Aseq(element)=K and element=2
                print " perfect": class=2: exit for
            case Aseq(element)=K and element=3
                print " amicable": class=3: exit for
            case Aseq(element)=K and element>3
                print " sociable": class=4: exit for
            case Aseq(element)<>K and Aseq(element-1)=Aseq(element)
                print " aspiring": class=5: exit for
            case Aseq(element)<>K and Aseq(element-2)= Aseq(element)
                print " cyclic": class=6: exit for
        end select
        if n>priorn then priorn=n: inc=inc+1 else inc=0: priorn=0
        if inc=11 or n>30000000 then exit for
    next element
    if class=0 then print " non-terminating"
end sub

function PDtotal(n)
    for y=2 to n
        if (n mod y)=0 then PDtotal=PDtotal+(n/y)
end function
ROSETTA CODE - Aliquot sequence classifications
Enter an integer: 1
0  terminating
Enter an integer: 2
1 0  terminating
Enter an integer: 3
1 0  terminating
Enter an integer: 4
3 1 0  terminating
Enter an integer: 5
1 0  terminating
Enter an integer: 6
6  perfect
Enter an integer: 7
1 0  terminating
Enter an integer: 8
7 1 0  terminating
Enter an integer: 9
4 3 1 0  terminating
Enter an integer: 10
8 7 1 0  terminating
Enter an integer: 11
1 0  terminating
Enter an integer: 12
16 15 9 4 3 1 0  terminating
Enter an integer: 28
28  perfect
Enter an integer: 496
496  perfect
Enter an integer: 220
284 220  amicable
Enter an integer: 1184
1210 1184  amicable
Enter an integer: 12496
14288 15472 14536 14264 12496  sociable
Enter an integer: 1264460
1547860 1727636 1305184 1264460  sociable
Enter an integer: 790
650 652 496 496  aspiring
Enter an integer: 909
417 143 25 6 6  aspiring
Enter an integer: 562
284 220 284  cyclic
Enter an integer: 1064
1336 1184 1210 1184  cyclic
Enter an integer: 1488
2480 3472 4464 8432 9424 10416 21328 22320 55056 95728 96720  non-terminating
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Enter an integer: 4004
5404 5460 13356 25956 49756 49812 83244 138964 144326 127978 67322 36250 34040 48040 60140 71572 58208 64264 60836 47692 35776 42456 69144 110376 244824 373356 594884 446170 356954 219706 118874 88720 117740 174916 174972 291844 302666 2564
38 217322 185014 92510 95626 49274 25894 17198 8602 6950 6070 4874 2440 3140  non-terminating
Enter an integer: 4344
6576 10536 15864 23856 47568 75440 112048 111152 104236 105428 79078 45842 22924 20924 15700 18586 9296 11536 14256 30756 47868 63852 94404 125900 147520 204524 153400 237200 333634 238334 121306 62438 31222 16514 9406 4706 2938 1850 1684 1
270 1034 694 350 394 200 265 59 1 0  terminating
Enter an integer: 6672
10688 10648 11312 13984 16256 16384 16383 6145 1235 445 95 25 6 6  aspiring
Enter an integer: 6420
11724 15660 34740 71184 112832 121864 106646 53326 45458 37486 18746 16198 14042 11878 5942 2974 1490 1210 1184 1210  cyclic
Enter an integer: 8128
8128  perfect
Enter an integer:
Program complete.

Mathematica / Wolfram Language

seq[n_] := 
  NestList[If[# == 0, 0, 
     DivisorSum[#, # &, Function[div, div != #]]] &, n, 16];
class[seq_] := 
  Which[Length[seq] < 2, "Non-terminating", MemberQ[seq, 0], 
   "Terminating", seq[[1]] == seq[[2]], "Perfect", 
   Length[seq] > 2 && seq[[1]] == seq[[3]], "Amicable", 
   Length[seq] > 3 && MemberQ[seq[[4 ;;]], seq[[1]]], "Sociable", 
   MatchQ[class[Rest[seq]], "Perfect" | "Aspiring"], "Aspiring", 
   MatchQ[class[Rest[seq]], "Amicable" | "Sociable" | "Cyclic"], 
   "Cyclic", True, "Non-terminating"];
notate[seq_] := 
  Which[seq == {}, {}, 
    seq[[1]]], {Prepend[TakeWhile[Rest[seq], # != seq[[1]] &], 
     seq[[1]]]}, True, Prepend[notate[Rest[seq]], seq[[1]]]];
Print[{#, class[seq[#]], notate[seq[#]] /. {0} -> 0}] & /@ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 
   8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 
   562, 1064, 1488, 15355717786080};
{1, Terminating, {1, 0}}
{2, Terminating, {2, 1, 0}}
{3, Terminating, {3, 1, 0}}
{4, Terminating, {4, 3, 1, 0}}
{5, Terminating, {5, 1, 0}}
{6, Perfect, {{6}}}
{7, Terminating, {7, 1, 0}}
{8, Terminating, {8, 7, 1, 0}}
{9, Terminating, {9, 4, 3, 1, 0}}
{10, Terminating, {10, 8, 7, 1, 0}}
{11, Terminating, {11, 1, 0}}
{12, Terminating, {12, 16, 15, 9, 4, 3, 1, 0}}
{28, Perfect, {{28}}}
{496, Perfect, {{496}}}
{220, Amicable, {{220, 284}}}
{1184, Amicable, {{1184, 1210}}}
{12496, Sociable, {{12496, 14288, 15472, 14536, 14264}}}
{1264460, Sociable, {{1264460, 1547860, 1727636, 1305184}}}
{790, Aspiring, {790, 650, 652, {496}}}
{909, Aspiring, {909, 417, 143, 25, {6}}}
{562, Cyclic, {562, {284, 220}}}
{1064, Cyclic, {1064, 1336, {1184, 1210}}}
{1488, Non-terminating, {1488, 2480, 3472, 4464, 8432, 9424, 10416, 21328, 22320, 55056, 95728, 96720, 236592, 459792, 881392, 882384, 1474608}}
{15355717786080, Non-terminating, {15355717786080, 44534663601120, 144940087464480, 471714103310688, 1130798979186912, 2688948041357088, 6050151708497568, 13613157922639968, 35513546724070632, 74727605255142168, 162658586225561832, 353930992506879768, 642678347124409032, 1125102611548462968, 1977286128289819992, 3415126495450394808, 7156435369823219592}}


import std/[math, strformat, times]
from std/strutils import addSep


  # Classification categories.
  Category {.pure.} = enum
    Terminating = "terminating"
    Perfect = "perfect"
    Amicable = "amicable"
    Sociable = "sociable"
    Aspiring = "aspiring"
    Cyclic = "cyclic"
    NonTerminating = "non-terminating"

  # Aliquot sequence.
  AliquotSeq = seq[int64]

const Limit = 2^47    # Limit beyond which the category is considered to be "NonTerminating".


proc sumProperDivisors(n: int64): int64 =
  ## Compute the sum of proper divisors.*

  if n == 1: return 0
  result = 1
  for d in 2..sqrt(n.float).int:
    if n mod d == 0:
      inc result, d
      if n div d != d:
        result += n div d


iterator aliquotSeq(n: int64): int64 =
  ## Yield the elements of the aliquot sequence of "n".
  ## Stopped if the current value is null or equal to "n".

  var k = n
  while true:
    k = sumProperDivisors(k)
    yield k


proc `$`(a: AliquotSeq): string =
  ## Return the representation of an allquot sequence.

  for n in a:
    result.addSep(", ", 0)


proc classification(n: int64): tuple[cat: Category, values: AliquotSeq] =
  ## Return the category of the aliquot sequence of a number "n" and the sequence itself.

  var count = 0         # Number of elements currently generated.
  var prev = n          # Previous element in the sequence.
  result.cat = Unknown
  for k in aliquotSeq(n):
    inc count
    if k == 0:
      result.cat = Terminating
    elif k == n:
      result.cat = case count
                   of 1: Perfect
                   of 2: Amicable
                   else: Sociable
    elif k > Limit or count > 16:
      result.cat = NonTerminating
    elif k == prev:
      result.cat = Aspiring
    elif k in result.values:
      result.cat = Cyclic
    prev = k
    if result.cat != Unknown:


let t0 = getTime()

for n in 1..10:
  let (cat, aseq) = classification(n)
  echo fmt"{n:14}:  {cat:<20} {aseq}"

echo ""
for n in [int64 11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460,
                790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488, 15355717786080]:
  let (cat, aseq) = classification(n)
  echo fmt"{n:14}:  {cat:<20} {aseq}"

echo ""
echo fmt"Processed in {(getTime() - t0).inMilliseconds} ms."
             1:  terminating          0
             2:  terminating          1, 0
             3:  terminating          1, 0
             4:  terminating          3, 1, 0
             5:  terminating          1, 0
             6:  perfect              6
             7:  terminating          1, 0
             8:  terminating          7, 1, 0
             9:  terminating          4, 3, 1, 0
            10:  terminating          8, 7, 1, 0

            11:  terminating          1, 0
            12:  terminating          16, 15, 9, 4, 3, 1, 0
            28:  perfect              28
           496:  perfect              496
           220:  amicable             284, 220
          1184:  amicable             1210, 1184
         12496:  sociable             14288, 15472, 14536, 14264, 12496
       1264460:  sociable             1547860, 1727636, 1305184, 1264460
           790:  aspiring             650, 652, 496, 496
           909:  aspiring             417, 143, 25, 6, 6
           562:  cyclic               284, 220, 284
          1064:  cyclic               1336, 1184, 1210, 1184
          1488:  non-terminating      2480, 3472, 4464, 8432, 9424, 10416, 21328, 22320, 55056, 95728, 96720, 236592, 459792, 881392, 882384, 1474608, 2461648
15355717786080:  non-terminating      44534663601120, 144940087464480

Processed in 105 ms.


import: mapping
import: quicksort
import: math

Object method: sum ( coll -- m )
   #+ self reduce dup ifNull: [ drop 0 ] ;

Integer method: properDivs
| i l |
   Array new dup 1 over add ->l
   2 self nsqrt tuck for: i [ self i mod ifFalse: [ i l add  self i / l add ] ]
   sq self == ifTrue: [ l pop drop ]
   dup sort
: aliquot( n -- [] )	\ Returns aliquot sequence of n
| end l |
   2 47 pow ->end
   Array new dup n over add ->l
   while ( l size 16 <  l last 0 <> and  l last end <= and ) [ l last properDivs sum  l add ]
: aliquotClass( n -- [] s )   \ Returns aliquot sequence and classification 
| l i j |
   n aliquot dup ->l
   l last 0   == ifTrue: [ "terminate" return ]
   l second n == ifTrue: [ "perfect" return ]
   3 l at   n == ifTrue: [ "amicable" return ]
   l indexOfFrom(n, 2) ifNotNull: [ "sociable" return ]
   l size loop: i [ 
      l indexOfFrom(l at(i), i 1+ ) -> j
      j i 1+ == ifTrue: [ "aspiring" return ]
      j ifNotNull: [ "cyclic" return ]
>#[ dup . aliquotClass . ":" . . printcr ] 10 each
1 terminate : [1, 0]
2 terminate : [2, 1, 0]
3 terminate : [3, 1, 0]
4 terminate : [4, 3, 1, 0]
5 terminate : [5, 1, 0]
6 perfect : [6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6]
7 terminate : [7, 1, 0]
8 terminate : [8, 7, 1, 0]
9 terminate : [9, 4, 3, 1, 0]
10 terminate : [10, 8, 7, 1, 0]
>#[ dup . aliquotClass . ":" . . printcr ] [ 11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488, 15355717786080 ] apply
11 terminate : [11, 1, 0]
12 terminate : [12, 16, 15, 9, 4, 3, 1, 0]
28 perfect : [28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28]
496 perfect : [496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496]
220 amicable : [220, 284, 220, 284, 220, 284, 220, 284, 220, 284, 220, 284, 220, 284, 220, 284]
1184 amicable : [1184, 1210, 1184, 1210, 1184, 1210, 1184, 1210, 1184, 1210, 1184, 1210, 1184, 1210, 1184, 1210]
12496 sociable : [12496, 14288, 15472, 14536, 14264, 12496, 14288, 15472, 14536, 14264, 12496, 14288, 15472, 14536, 14264, 12496]
1264460 sociable : [1264460, 1547860, 1727636, 1305184, 1264460, 1547860, 1727636, 1305184, 1264460, 1547860, 1727636, 1305184, 1264460, 1547860, 1727636, 1305184]
790 aspiring : [790, 650, 652, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496, 496]
909 aspiring : [909, 417, 143, 25, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6]
562 cyclic : [562, 284, 220, 284, 220, 284, 220, 284, 220, 284, 220, 284, 220, 284, 220, 284]
1064 cyclic : [1064, 1336, 1184, 1210, 1184, 1210, 1184, 1210, 1184, 1210, 1184, 1210, 1184, 1210, 1184, 1210]
1488 non-terminating : [1488, 2480, 3472, 4464, 8432, 9424, 10416, 21328, 22320, 55056, 95728, 96720, 236592, 459792, 881392, 882384]
15355717786080 non-terminating : [15355717786080, 44534663601120, 144940087464480]


Define function aliquot(). Works with recent versions of PARI/GP >= 2.8:

aliquot(x) =
  my (L = List(x), M = Map(Mat([x,1])), k, m = "non-term.", n = x);

  for (i = 2, 16, n = vecsum(divisors(n)) - n;
    if (n > 2^47, break,
        n == 0, m = "terminates"; break,
        mapisdefined(M, n, &k),
        m = if (k == 1,
              if (i == 2, "perfect",
                  i == 3, "amicable",
                  i > 3, concat("sociable-",i-1)),
                k < i-1, concat("cyclic-",i-k),
              "aspiring"); break,
        mapput(M, n, i); listput(L, n));
  printf("%16d: %10s, %s\n", x, m, Vec(L));


gp > apply(aliquot, concat([1..10],[11,12,28,496,220,1184,12496,1264460,790,909,562,1064,1488,15355717786080]));

               1: terminates, [1]
               2: terminates, [2, 1]
               3: terminates, [3, 1]
               4: terminates, [4, 3, 1]
               5: terminates, [5, 1]
               6:    perfect, [6]
               7: terminates, [7, 1]
               8: terminates, [8, 7, 1]
               9: terminates, [9, 4, 3, 1]
              10: terminates, [10, 8, 7, 1]
              11: terminates, [11, 1]
              12: terminates, [12, 16, 15, 9, 4, 3, 1]
              28:    perfect, [28]
             496:    perfect, [496]
             220:   amicable, [220, 284]
            1184:   amicable, [1184, 1210]
           12496: sociable-5, [12496, 14288, 15472, 14536, 14264]
         1264460: sociable-4, [1264460, 1547860, 1727636, 1305184]
             790:   aspiring, [790, 650, 652, 496]
             909:   aspiring, [909, 417, 143, 25, 6]
             562:   cyclic-2, [562, 284, 220]
            1064:   cyclic-2, [1064, 1336, 1184, 1210]
            1488:  non-term., [1488, 2480, 3472, 4464, 8432, 9424, 10416, 21328, 22320, 55056, 95728, 96720, 236592, 459792, 881392, 882384]
  15355717786080:  non-term., [15355717786080, 44534663601120]


Library: ntheory
use ntheory qw/divisor_sum/;

sub aliquot {
  my($n, $maxterms, $maxn) = @_;
  $maxterms = 16 unless defined $maxterms;
  $maxn = 2**47 unless defined $maxn;

  my %terms = ($n => 1);
  my @allterms = ($n);
  for my $term (2 .. $maxterms) {
    $n = divisor_sum($n)-$n;
    # push onto allterms here if we want the cyclic term to display
    last if $n > $maxn;
    return ("terminates",@allterms, 0) if $n == 0;
    if (defined $terms{$n}) {
      return ("perfect",@allterms)  if $term == 2 && $terms{$n} == 1;
      return ("amicible",@allterms) if $term == 3 && $terms{$n} == 1;
      return ("sociable-".($term-1),@allterms) if $term >  3 && $terms{$n} == 1;
      return ("aspiring",@allterms) if $terms{$n} == $term-1;
      return ("cyclic-".($term-$terms{$n}),@allterms)   if $terms{$n} < $term-1;
    $terms{$n} = $term;
    push @allterms, $n;

for my $n (1..10) {
  my($class, @seq) = aliquot($n);
  printf "%14d %10s [@seq]\n", $n, $class;
print "\n";
for my $n (qw/11 12 28 496 220 1184 12496 1264460 790 909 562 1064 1488 15355717786080/) {
  my($class, @seq) = aliquot($n);
  printf "%14d %10s [@seq]\n", $n, $class;
             1 terminates [1 0]
             2 terminates [2 1 0]
             3 terminates [3 1 0]
             4 terminates [4 3 1 0]
             5 terminates [5 1 0]
             6    perfect [6]
             7 terminates [7 1 0]
             8 terminates [8 7 1 0]
             9 terminates [9 4 3 1 0]
            10 terminates [10 8 7 1 0]

            11 terminates [11 1 0]
            12 terminates [12 16 15 9 4 3 1 0]
            28    perfect [28]
           496    perfect [496]
           220   amicible [220 284]
          1184   amicible [1184 1210]
         12496 sociable-5 [12496 14288 15472 14536 14264]
       1264460 sociable-4 [1264460 1547860 1727636 1305184]
           790   aspiring [790 650 652 496]
           909   aspiring [909 417 143 25 6]
           562   cyclic-2 [562 284 220]
          1064   cyclic-2 [1064 1336 1184 1210]
          1488   non-term [1488 2480 3472 4464 8432 9424 10416 21328 22320 55056 95728 96720 236592 459792 881392 882384]
15355717786080   non-term [15355717786080 44534663601120]


Translated from the Python example

function aliquot(atom n)
sequence s = {n}
integer k
    if n=0 then                             return {"terminating",{0}} end if
    while length(s)<16 
      and n<140737488355328 do
        n = sum(factors(n,-1))
        k = find(n,s)
        if k then
            if k=1 then
                if length(s)=1 then         return {"perfect",s}
                elsif length(s)=2 then      return {"amicable",s}
                end if                      return {"sociable",s}
            elsif k=length(s) then          return {"aspiring",s}
            end if                          return {"cyclic",append(s,n)}
        elsif n=0 then                      return {"terminating",s}
        end if
        s = append(s,n)
    end while
                                            return {"non-terminating",s}
end function
constant n = tagset(12)&{28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488, 15355717786080}
for i=1 to length(n) do
    {string classification, sequence dseq} = aliquot(n[i])
    dseq = join(apply(true,sprintf,{{"%d"},dseq}),",")
    printf(1,"%14d => %15s, {%s}\n",{n[i],classification,dseq})
end for
             1 =>     terminating, {1}
             2 =>     terminating, {2,1}
             3 =>     terminating, {3,1}
             4 =>     terminating, {4,3,1}
             5 =>     terminating, {5,1}
             6 =>         perfect, {6}
             7 =>     terminating, {7,1}
             8 =>     terminating, {8,7,1}
             9 =>     terminating, {9,4,3,1}
            10 =>     terminating, {10,8,7,1}
            11 =>     terminating, {11,1}
            12 =>     terminating, {12,16,15,9,4,3,1}
            28 =>         perfect, {28}
           496 =>         perfect, {496}
           220 =>        amicable, {220,284}
          1184 =>        amicable, {1184,1210}
         12496 =>        sociable, {12496,14288,15472,14536,14264}
       1264460 =>        sociable, {1264460,1547860,1727636,1305184}
           790 =>        aspiring, {790,650,652,496}
           909 =>        aspiring, {909,417,143,25,6}
           562 =>          cyclic, {562,284,220,284}
          1064 =>          cyclic, {1064,1336,1184,1210,1184}
          1488 => non-terminating, {1488,2480,3472,4464,8432,9424,10416,21328,22320,55056,95728,96720,236592,459792,881392,882384}
15355717786080 => non-terminating, {15355717786080,44534663601120,144940087464480}


Translation of: C++
divisor_sum(N) = R =>
    Total = 1,
    Power = 2,
    % Deal with powers of 2 first
    while (N mod 2 == 0)
        Total := Total + Power,
        Power := Power*2,
        N := N div 2
    % Odd prime factors up to the square root
    P = 3,
    while (P*P =< N)
        Sum = 1,
        Power1 = P,
        while (N mod P == 0)
            Sum := Sum + Power1,
            Power1 := Power1*P,
            N := N div P
        Total := Total * Sum,
        P := P+2
    % If n > 1 then it's prime
    if N > 1 then
        Total := Total*(N + 1)
    R = Total.

% See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aliquot_sequence
aliquot_sequence(N,Limit,Seq,Class) =>
aliquot_sequence(_,0,_,Seq,Class) => Seq = [], Class = 'non-terminating'.
aliquot_sequence(_,_,[0|_],Seq,Class) => Seq = [0], Class = terminating.
aliquot_sequence(N,_,[N,N|_],Seq,Class) => Seq = [], Class = perfect.
aliquot_sequence(N,_,[N,_,N|_],Seq,Class) => Seq = [N], Class = amicable.
aliquot_sequence(N,_,[N|S],Seq,Class), membchk(N,S) =>
    Seq = [N], Class = sociable.
aliquot_sequence(_,_,[Term,Term|_],Seq,Class) => Seq = [], Class = aspiring.
aliquot_sequence(_,_,[Term|S],Seq,Class), membchk(Term,S) =>
    Seq = [Term], Class = cyclic.
aliquot_sequence(N,Limit,[Term|S],Seq,Class) =>
    Seq = [Term|Rest],
    Sum = divisor_sum(Term),
    Term1 is Sum - Term,

main =>
    foreach (N in [11,12,28,496,220,1184,12496,1264460,790,909,562,1064,1488,15355717786080,153557177860800])
        printf("%w: %w, sequence: %w ", N, Class, Seq[1]),
        foreach (I in 2..len(Seq), break(Seq[I] == Seq[I-1]))
            printf("%w ", Seq[I])
11: terminating, sequence: 11 1 0
12: terminating, sequence: 12 16 15 9 4 3 1 0
28: perfect, sequence: 28
496: perfect, sequence: 496
220: amicable, sequence: 220 284 220
1184: amicable, sequence: 1184 1210 1184
12496: sociable, sequence: 12496 14288 15472 14536 14264 12496
1264460: sociable, sequence: 1264460 1547860 1727636 1305184 1264460
790: aspiring, sequence: 790 650 652 496
909: aspiring, sequence: 909 417 143 25 6
562: cyclic, sequence: 562 284 220 284
1064: cyclic, sequence: 1064 1336 1184 1210 1184
1488: non-terminating, sequence: 1488 2480 3472 4464 8432 9424 10416 21328 22320 55056 95728 96720 236592 459792 881392 882384
15355717786080: non-terminating, sequence: 15355717786080 44534663601120 144940087464480 471714103310688 1130798979186912 2688948041357088 6050151708497568 13613157922639968 35513546724070632 74727605255142168 162658586225561832 353930992506879768 642678347124409032 1125102611548462968 1977286128289819992 3415126495450394808
153557177860800: non-terminating, sequence: 153557177860800 470221741508000 685337334283120 908681172226160 1276860840159280 1867115442105104 1751034184622896 1643629718341256 1441432897905784 1647351883321016 1557892692704584 1363939602434936 1194001297910344 1597170567336056 1405725265675144 1230017019320456


Works with: PowerShell version 2.0

To make the PowerShell 4.0 code below work with PowerShell 2.0:
Replace any instances of ".Where{...}" with " | Where {...}"
Replace any instances of ".ForEach{...}" with " | ForEach {...}"

Works with: PowerShell version 3.0

To make the PowerShell 4.0 code below work with PowerShell 3.0:
Replace any instances of ".Where{...}" with ".Where({...})"
Replace any instances of ".ForEach{...}" with ".ForEach({...})"

Works with: PowerShell version 4.0


function Get-NextAliquot ( [int]$X )
    If ( $X -gt 1 )
        $NextAliquot = 0
        (1..($X/2)).Where{ $x % $_ -eq 0 }.ForEach{ $NextAliquot += $_ }.Where{ $_ }
        return $NextAliquot
function Get-AliquotSequence ( [int]$K, [int]$N )
    $X = $K
    (1..($N-1)).ForEach{ $X = Get-NextAliquot $X; $X }
function Classify-AlliquotSequence ( [int[]]$Sequence )
    $K = $Sequence[0]
    $LastN = $Sequence.Count
    If ( $Sequence[-1] -eq 0 ) { return "terminating" }
    If ( $Sequence[-1] -eq 1 ) { return "terminating" }
    If ( $Sequence[1] -eq $K ) { return "perfect"     }
    If ( $Sequence[2] -eq $K ) { return "amicable"    }
    If ( $Sequence[3..($Sequence.Count-1)] -contains $K ) { return "sociable" }
    If ( $Sequence[-1] -eq $Sequence[-2] ) { return "aspiring" }
    If ( $Sequence.Count -gt ( $Sequence | Select -Unique ).Count ) { return "cyclic" }
    return "non-terminating and non-repeating through N = $($Sequence.Count)"
(1..10).ForEach{ [string]$_ + " is " + ( Classify-AlliquotSequence -Sequence ( Get-AliquotSequence -K $_ -N 16 ) ) }
( 11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488 ).ForEach{ [string]$_ + " is " + ( Classify-AlliquotSequence -Sequence ( Get-AliquotSequence -K $_ -N 16 ) ) }


function Get-NextAliquot ( [int]$X )
    If ( $X -gt 1 )
        $NextAliquot = 1
        If ( $X -gt 2 )
            $XSquareRoot = [math]::Sqrt( $X )
            (2..$XSquareRoot).Where{ $X % $_ -eq 0 }.ForEach{ $NextAliquot += $_ + $x / $_ }
            If ( $XSquareRoot % 1 -eq 0 ) { $NextAliquot -= $XSquareRoot }
        return $NextAliquot
function Get-AliquotSequence ( [int]$K, [int]$N )
    $X = $K
    $i = 1
    While ( $X -and $i -lt $N )
        $Next = Get-NextAliquot $X
        If ( $Next )
            If ( $X -eq $Next )
                ($i..$N).ForEach{ $X }
                $i = $N
                $X = $Next
            $i = $N
function Classify-AlliquotSequence ( [int[]]$Sequence )
    $K = $Sequence[0]
    $LastN = $Sequence.Count
    If ( $Sequence[-1] -eq 0 ) { return "terminating" }
    If ( $Sequence[-1] -eq 1 ) { return "terminating" }
    If ( $Sequence[1] -eq $K ) { return "perfect"     }
    If ( $Sequence[2] -eq $K ) { return "amicable"    }
    If ( $Sequence[3..($Sequence.Count-1)] -contains $K ) { return "sociable" }
    If ( $Sequence[-1] -eq $Sequence[-2] ) { return "aspiring" }
    If ( $Sequence.Count -gt ( $Sequence | Select -Unique ).Count ) { return "cyclic" }
    return "non-terminating and non-repeating through N = $($Sequence.Count)"
(1..10).ForEach{ [string]$_ + " is " + ( Classify-AlliquotSequence -Sequence ( Get-AliquotSequence -K $_ -N 16 ) ) }
( 11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488 ).ForEach{ [string]$_ + " is " + ( Classify-AlliquotSequence -Sequence ( Get-AliquotSequence -K $_ -N 16 ) ) }
1 is terminating
2 is terminating
3 is terminating
4 is terminating
5 is terminating
6 is perfect
7 is terminating
8 is terminating
9 is terminating
10 is terminating
11 is terminating
12 is terminating
28 is perfect
496 is perfect
220 is amicable
1184 is amicable
12496 is sociable
1264460 is sociable
790 is aspiring
909 is aspiring
562 is cyclic
1064 is cyclic
1488 is non-terminating and non-repeating through N = 16

Version 3.0

function Get-Aliquot

        function Get-NextAliquot ([int]$X)
            if ($X -gt 1)
                $nextAliquot = 1

                if ($X -gt 2)
                    $xSquareRoot = [Math]::Sqrt($X)
                    2..$xSquareRoot | Where-Object {$X % $_ -eq 0} | ForEach-Object {$nextAliquot += $_ + $x / $_}
                    if ($xSquareRoot % 1 -eq 0) {$nextAliquot -= $xSquareRoot}

        function Get-AliquotSequence ([int]$K, [int]$N)
            $X = $K
            $i = 1

            while ($X -and $i -lt $N)
                $next = Get-NextAliquot $X

                if ($next)
                    if ($X -eq $next)
                        $i..$N  | ForEach-Object {$X}
                        $i = $N
                        $X = $next
                    $i = $N
        function Classify-AlliquotSequence ([int[]]$Sequence)
            $k = $Sequence[0]

            if ($Sequence[-1] -eq 0)                                     {return "terminating"}
            if ($Sequence[-1] -eq 1)                                     {return "terminating"}
            if ($Sequence[1]  -eq $k)                                    {return "perfect"    }
            if ($Sequence[2]  -eq $k)                                    {return "amicable"   }
            if ($Sequence[3..($Sequence.Count-1)] -contains $k)          {return "sociable"   }
            if ($Sequence[-1] -eq $Sequence[-2] )                        {return "aspiring"   }
            if ($Sequence.Count -gt ($Sequence | Select -Unique).Count ) {return "cyclic"     }

            return "non-terminating and non-repeating through N = $($Sequence.Count)"
        $_ | ForEach-Object {
                Number         = $_
                Classification = (Classify-AlliquotSequence -Sequence (Get-AliquotSequence -K $_ -N 16))
$oneToTen = 1..10 | Get-Aliquot
$selected = 11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488 | Get-Aliquot

$numbers = $oneToTen, $selected
 Number Classification                                  
 ------ --------------                                  
      1 terminating                                     
      2 terminating                                     
      3 terminating                                     
      4 terminating                                     
      5 terminating                                     
      6 perfect                                         
      7 terminating                                     
      8 terminating                                     
      9 terminating                                     
     10 terminating                                     
     11 terminating                                     
     12 terminating                                     
     28 perfect                                         
    496 perfect                                         
    220 amicable                                        
   1184 amicable                                        
  12496 sociable                                        
1264460 sociable                                        
    790 aspiring                                        
    909 aspiring                                        
    562 cyclic                                          
   1064 cyclic                                          
   1488 non-terminating and non-repeating through N = 16


Translation of: C++
Works with: SWI Prolog
% See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divisor_function
divisor_sum(N, Total):-
    divisor_sum_prime(N, 2, 2, Total1, 1, N1),
    divisor_sum(N1, 3, Total, Total1).

divisor_sum(1, _, Total, Total):-
divisor_sum(N, Prime, Total, Running_total):-
    Prime * Prime =< N,
    divisor_sum_prime(N, Prime, Prime, P, 1, M),
    Next_prime is Prime + 2,
    Running_total1 is P * Running_total,
    divisor_sum(M, Next_prime, Total, Running_total1).
divisor_sum(N, _, Total, Running_total):-
    Total is (N + 1) * Running_total.

divisor_sum_prime(N, Prime, Power, Total, Running_total, M):-
    0 is N mod Prime,
    Running_total1 is Running_total + Power,
    Power1 is Power * Prime,
    N1 is N // Prime,
    divisor_sum_prime(N1, Prime, Power1, Total, Running_total1, M).
divisor_sum_prime(N, _, _, Total, Total, N).

% See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aliquot_sequence
aliquot_sequence(N, Limit, Sequence, Class):-
    aliquot_sequence(N, Limit, [N], Sequence, Class).

aliquot_sequence(_, 0, _, [], 'non-terminating'):-!.
aliquot_sequence(_, _, [0|_], [0], terminating):-!.
aliquot_sequence(N, _, [N, N|_], [], perfect):-!.
aliquot_sequence(N, _, [N, _, N|_], [N], amicable):-!.
aliquot_sequence(N, _, [N|S], [N], sociable):-
    memberchk(N, S),
aliquot_sequence(_, _, [Term, Term|_], [], aspiring):-!.
aliquot_sequence(_, _, [Term|S], [Term], cyclic):-
    memberchk(Term, S),
aliquot_sequence(N, Limit, [Term|S], [Term|Rest], Class):-
    divisor_sum(Term, Sum),
    Term1 is Sum - Term,
    L1 is Limit - 1,
    aliquot_sequence(N, L1, [Term1, Term|S], Rest, Class).

write_aliquot_sequence(N, Sequence, Class):-
    writef('%w: %w, sequence:', [N, Class]),

    writef(' %w', [Term]),

    between(1, 10, N),
    aliquot_sequence(N, 16, Sequence, Class),
    write_aliquot_sequence(N, Sequence, Class),
    member(N, [11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488]),
    aliquot_sequence(N, 16, Sequence, Class),
    write_aliquot_sequence(N, Sequence, Class),
1: terminating, sequence: 1 0
2: terminating, sequence: 2 1 0
3: terminating, sequence: 3 1 0
4: terminating, sequence: 4 3 1 0
5: terminating, sequence: 5 1 0
6: perfect, sequence: 6
7: terminating, sequence: 7 1 0
8: terminating, sequence: 8 7 1 0
9: terminating, sequence: 9 4 3 1 0
10: terminating, sequence: 10 8 7 1 0
11: terminating, sequence: 11 1 0
12: terminating, sequence: 12 16 15 9 4 3 1 0
28: perfect, sequence: 28
496: perfect, sequence: 496
220: amicable, sequence: 220 284 220
1184: amicable, sequence: 1184 1210 1184
12496: sociable, sequence: 12496 14288 15472 14536 14264 12496
1264460: sociable, sequence: 1264460 1547860 1727636 1305184 1264460
790: aspiring, sequence: 790 650 652 496
909: aspiring, sequence: 909 417 143 25 6
562: cyclic, sequence: 562 284 220 284
1064: cyclic, sequence: 1064 1336 1184 1210 1184
1488: non-terminating, sequence: 1488 2480 3472 4464 8432 9424 10416 21328 22320 55056 95728 96720 236592 459792 881392 882384


Importing Proper divisors from prime factors:

from proper_divisors import proper_divs
from functools import lru_cache

def pdsum(n): 
    return sum(proper_divs(n))
def aliquot(n, maxlen=16, maxterm=2**47):
    if n == 0:
        return 'terminating', [0]
    s, slen, new = [n], 1, n
    while slen <= maxlen and new < maxterm:
        new = pdsum(s[-1])
        if new in s:
            if s[0] == new:
                if slen == 1:
                    return 'perfect', s
                elif slen == 2:
                    return 'amicable', s
                    return 'sociable of length %i' % slen, s
            elif s[-1] == new:
                return 'aspiring', s
                return 'cyclic back to %i' % new, s
        elif new == 0:
            return 'terminating', s + [0]
            slen += 1
        return 'non-terminating', s
if __name__ == '__main__':
    for n in range(1, 11): 
        print('%s: %r' % aliquot(n))
    for n in [11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184,  12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488, 15355717786080]: 
        print('%s: %r' % aliquot(n))
terminating: [1, 0]
terminating: [2, 1, 0]
terminating: [3, 1, 0]
terminating: [4, 3, 1, 0]
terminating: [5, 1, 0]
perfect: [6]
terminating: [7, 1, 0]
terminating: [8, 7, 1, 0]
terminating: [9, 4, 3, 1, 0]
terminating: [10, 8, 7, 1, 0]

terminating: [11, 1, 0]
terminating: [12, 16, 15, 9, 4, 3, 1, 0]
perfect: [28]
perfect: [496]
amicable: [220, 284]
amicable: [1184, 1210]
sociable of length 5: [12496, 14288, 15472, 14536, 14264]
sociable of length 4: [1264460, 1547860, 1727636, 1305184]
aspiring: [790, 650, 652, 496]
aspiring: [909, 417, 143, 25, 6]
cyclic back to 284: [562, 284, 220]
cyclic back to 1184: [1064, 1336, 1184, 1210]
non-terminating: [1488, 2480, 3472, 4464, 8432, 9424, 10416, 21328, 22320, 55056, 95728, 96720, 236592, 459792, 881392, 882384, 1474608]
non-terminating: [15355717786080, 44534663601120, 144940087464480]


Works with: QBasic version 1.1
Translation of: Liberty BASIC
DECLARE SUB PrintAliquotClassifier (K!)
CONST limite = 10000000

DIM nums(22)
DATA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 28, 496
DATA 220, 1184, 12496, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488

FOR n = 1 TO UBOUND(nums)
    READ nums(n)
    PRINT "Number"; nums(n); " :";
    PrintAliquotClassifier (nums(n))

PRINT "Program normal end."

FUNCTION PDtotal (n)
    total = 0
    FOR y = 2 TO n
        IF (n MOD y) = 0 THEN total = total + (n / y)
    NEXT y
    PDtotal = total

SUB PrintAliquotClassifier (K)
    longit = 52: n = K: clase = 0: priorn = 0: inc = 0
    DIM Aseq(longit)
    FOR element = 2 TO longit
        Aseq(element) = PDtotal(n)
        PRINT Aseq(element); " ";
        COLOR 3
        SELECT CASE Aseq(element)
        CASE 0
            PRINT " Terminating": clase = 1: EXIT FOR
        CASE K AND element = 2
            PRINT " Perfect": clase = 2: EXIT FOR
        CASE K AND element = 3
            PRINT " Amicable": clase = 3: EXIT FOR
        CASE K AND element > 3
            PRINT " Sociable": clase = 4: EXIT FOR
        CASE Aseq(element) <> K AND Aseq(element - 1) = Aseq(element)
            PRINT " Aspiring": clase = 5: EXIT FOR
        CASE Aseq(element) <> K AND Aseq(element - 2) = Aseq(element)
            PRINT " Cyclic": clase = 6: EXIT FOR
        END SELECT
        COLOR 7
        n = Aseq(element)
        IF n > priorn THEN priorn = n: inc = inc + 1 ELSE inc = 0: priorn = 0
        IF inc = 11 OR n > limite THEN EXIT FOR
    NEXT element
    IF clase = 0 THEN COLOR 12: PRINT " non-terminating"
    COLOR 7
Number 1 : 0  Terminating
Number 2 : 1  0  Terminating
Number 3 : 1  0  Terminating
Number 4 : 3  1  0  Terminating
Number 5 : 1  0  Terminating
Number 6 : 6  Perfect
Number 7 : 1  0  Terminating
Number 8 : 7  1  0  Terminating
Number 9 : 4  3  1  0  Terminating
Number 10 : 8  7  1  0  Terminating
Number 11 : 1  0  Terminating
Number 12 : 16  15  9  4  3  1  0  Terminating
Number 28 : 28  Perfect
Number 496 : 496  Perfect
Number 220 : 284  220  Amicable
Number 1184 : 1210  1184  Amicable
Number 12496 : 14288  15472  14536  14264  12496  Sociable
Number 790 : 650  652  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  496  non-terminating
Number 909 : 417  143  25  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  non-terminating
Number 562 : 284  220  284  220  284  220  284  220  284  220  284  220  284  220  284  220  284  220  284  220  284  220  284  220  284  220  284  220  284  220  284  220  284  220  284  220  284  220  284  220  284  220  284  220  284  220  284  220  284  220  284  non-terminating
Number 1064 : 1336  1184  1210  1184  1210  1184  1210  1184  1210  1184  1210  1184  1210  1184  1210  1184  1210  1184  1210  1184  1210  1184  1210  1184  1210  1184  1210  1184  1210  1184  1210  1184  1210  1184  1210  1184  1210  1184  1210  1184  1210  1184  1210  1184  1210  1184  1210  1184  1210  1184  1210  non-terminating
Number 1488 : 2480  3472  4464  8432  9424  10416  21328  22320  55056  95728  96720  non-terminating
Program normal end.


fold-divisors is used from Proper_divisors#Racket, but for the truly big numbers, we use divisors from math/number-theory.

#lang racket
(require "proper-divisors.rkt" math/number-theory)

(define SCOPE 20000)

(define P
  (let ((P-v (vector)))
    (λ (n)
        [(> n SCOPE)
         (apply + (drop-right (divisors n) 1))]
         (set! P-v (fold-divisors P-v n 0 +))
         (vector-ref P-v n)]))))

;; initialise P-v
(void (P SCOPE))

(define (aliquot-sequence-class K)
  ;; note that seq is reversed as a list, since we're consing
  (define (inr-asc seq)
    (match seq
      [(list 0 _ ...)
       (values "terminating" seq)]
      [(list (== K) (== K) _ ...)
       (values "perfect" seq)]
      [(list n n _ ...)
       (values (format "aspiring to ~a" n) seq)]
      [(list (== K) ami (== K) _ ...)
       (values (format "amicable with ~a" ami) seq)]
      [(list (== K) cycle ... (== K))
       (values (format "sociable length ~a" (add1 (length cycle))) seq)]
      [(list n cycle ... n _ ...)
       (values (format "cyclic on ~a length ~a" n (add1 (length cycle))) seq)]
      [(list X _ ...)
       #:when (> X 140737488355328)
       (values "non-terminating big number" seq)]
      [(list seq ...)
       #:when (> (length seq) 16)
       (values "non-terminating long sequence" seq)]
      [(list seq1 seq ...) (inr-asc (list* (P seq1) seq1 seq))]))
(inr-asc (list K)))

(define (report-aliquot-sequence-class n)
  (define-values (c s) (aliquot-sequence-class n))
  (printf "~a:\t~a\t~a~%" n c (reverse s)))

(for ((i (in-range 1 10)))
  (report-aliquot-sequence-class i))

(for ((i (in-list '(11 12 28 496 220 1184 12496 1264460 790 909 562 1064 1488 15355717786080))))
  (report-aliquot-sequence-class i))
1:	terminating	(1 0)
2:	terminating	(2 1 0)
3:	terminating	(3 1 0)
4:	terminating	(4 3 1 0)
5:	terminating	(5 1 0)
6:	perfect	(6 6)
7:	terminating	(7 1 0)
8:	terminating	(8 7 1 0)
9:	terminating	(9 4 3 1 0)

11:	terminating	(11 1 0)
12:	terminating	(12 16 15 9 4 3 1 0)
28:	perfect	(28 28)
496:	perfect	(496 496)
220:	amicable with 284	(220 284 220)
1184:	amicable with 1210	(1184 1210 1184)
12496:	sociable length 5	(12496 14288 15472 14536 14264 12496)
1264460:	sociable length 4	(1264460 1547860 1727636 1305184 1264460)
790:	aspiring to 496	(790 650 652 496 496)
909:	aspiring to 6	(909 417 143 25 6 6)
562:	cyclic on 284 length 2	(562 284 220 284)
1064:	cyclic on 1184 length 2	(1064 1336 1184 1210 1184)
1488:	non-terminating long sequence	(1488 2480 3472 4464 8432 9424 10416 21328 22320 55056 95728 96720 236592 459792 881392 882384 1474608)
15355717786080:	non-terminating big number	(15355717786080 44534663601120 144940087464480)


(formerly Perl 6)

Works with: rakudo version 2018.10
sub propdivsum (\x) {
    my @l = x > 1;
    (2 .. x.sqrt.floor).map: -> \d {
        unless x % d { my \y = x div d; y == d ?? @l.push: d !! @l.append: d,y }
    sum @l;

multi quality (0,1)  { 'perfect ' }
multi quality (0,2)  { 'amicable' }
multi quality (0,$n) { "sociable-$n" }
multi quality ($,1)  { 'aspiring' }
multi quality ($,$n) { "cyclic-$n" }

sub aliquotidian ($x) {
    my %seen;
    my @seq = $x, &propdivsum ... *;
    for 0..16 -> $to {
        my $this = @seq[$to] or return "$x\tterminating\t[@seq[^$to]]";
        last if $this > 140737488355328;
        if %seen{$this}:exists {
            my $from = %seen{$this};
            return "$x\t&quality($from, $to-$from)\t[@seq[^$to]]";
        %seen{$this} = $to;
    "$x non-terminating\t[{@seq}]";

aliquotidian($_).say for flat
    11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460,
    790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488,
1	terminating	[1]
2	terminating	[2 1]
3	terminating	[3 1]
4	terminating	[4 3 1]
5	terminating	[5 1]
6	perfect 	[6]
7	terminating	[7 1]
8	terminating	[8 7 1]
9	terminating	[9 4 3 1]
10	terminating	[10 8 7 1]
11	terminating	[11 1]
12	terminating	[12 16 15 9 4 3 1]
28	perfect 	[28]
496	perfect 	[496]
220	amicable	[220 284]
1184	amicable	[1184 1210]
12496	sociable-5	[12496 14288 15472 14536 14264]
1264460	sociable-4	[1264460 1547860 1727636 1305184]
790	aspiring	[790 650 652 496]
909	aspiring	[909 417 143 25 6]
562	cyclic-2	[562 284 220]
1064	cyclic-2	[1064 1336 1184 1210]
1488 non-terminating	[1488 2480 3472 4464 8432 9424 10416 21328 22320 55056 95728 96720 236592 459792 881392 882384 1474608 ...]
15355717786080 non-terminating	[15355717786080 44534663601120 144940087464480 ...]


Programming notes:

This REXX version uses memoization.

Two versions of   classifications   of   non-terminating   are used:

  •   (lowercase)   non-terminating           ───   due to more than sixteen cyclic numbers
  •   (uppercase)   NON-TERMINATING     ───   due to a cyclic number that is larger than   247

Both of the above limitations are imposed by this Rosetta Code task's restriction requirements:   For the purposes of this task, ···.

/*REXX program classifies various positive integers For types of aliquot sequences.*/
Parse Arg low high LL                       /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/
high=word(high low 10,1)
low=word(low 1,1)                           /*obtain the  LOW  and  HIGH  (range). */
If LL='' Then
  LL=11 12 28 496 220 1184 12496 1264460 790 909 562 1064 1488 15355717786080
Numeric Digits 20                           /*be able To compute the number:  BIG  */
NTlimit=16+1                                /*limit for a non-terminating sequence */
Numeric Digits max(9,length(big))           /*be able To handle big numbers For // */
digs=digits()                               /*used For align numbers For the output*/
dsum.1=0                                    /* dsum. are the proper divisor sums.  */
Say 'Numbers from ' low ' ---> ' high ' (inclusive):'
Do n=low To high                            /* process specified range             */
  Call classify n                           /* call subroutine To classify number. */
Say 'First numbers for each classification:'
class.=0                                    /* [?]  ensure one number of each class*/
Do q=1 Until class.sociable\==0             /*the only one that has To be counted. */
  Call classify  -q                         /*minus (-) sign indicates don't tell. */
  _=translate(what)                         /*obtain the class and uppercase it.   */
  class._=class._+1                         /*bump counter For this class sequence.*/
  If class._==1 Then                        /*first number of this class           */
    Call out q,what,dd
Say                                         /* [?]  process Until all classes found*/
Say 'Classifications for specific numbers:'
Do i=1 To words(LL)                         /* process a list of "special numbers" */
  Call classify word(LL,i)                  /*call subroutine To classify number.  */
Exit                                        /*stick a fork in it,we're all done.   */
  Parse arg number,class,dd
  Do di=1 By 1 While length(dd)>50
    do dj=50 To 10 By -1
      If substr(dd,dj,1)=' ' Then Leave
  Say right(number,digs)':' center(class,digs) dd.1||conti(1)
  Do di=2 By 1 While dd.di>''
    Say copies(' ',33)dd.di||conti(di)
Parse arg this
If dd.next>'' Then Return '...'
Else Return ''
  Parse Arg a 1 aa
  a=abs(a)                                  /*obtain number that's to be classified*/
  If dsum.a\==. Then
    s=dsum.a                                /*Was this number been  summed  before?*/
    s=dsum(a)                               /*No,Then classify number the hard way */
  dsum.a=s                                  /*define sum of the  proper divisors.  */
  dd=s                                      /*define the start of integer sequence.*/
  what='terminating'                        /*assume this kind of classification.  */
  c.=0                                      /*clear all cyclic sequences (to zero).*/
  c.s=1                                     /*set the first cyclic sequence.       */
  If dd==a Then
    what='perfect'                          /*check For a  "perfect"  number.      */
  Else Do t=1 By 1 While s>0                /*loop Until sum isn't  0   or   > big.*/
    m=s                                     /*obtain the last number in sequence.  */
    If dsum.m==. Then                       /*Not defined?                         */
      s=dsum(m)                             /* compute sum pro of per divisors     */
      s=dsum.m                              /*use the previously found integer.    */
    If m==s Then
      If m>=0 Then Do
     If word(dd,2)=a Then Do
     dd=dd s                                /*append a sum To the integer sequence.*/
     If s==a Then
       If t>3 Then Do
     If c.s Then
       If m>0 Then Do
     c.s=1                                  /*assign another possible cyclic number*/
                                            /* [?]  Rosetta Code task's limit: >16 */
     If t>NTlimit Then Do
     If s>big Then Do
   If aa>0 Then                             /*  display only if  AA  is positive   */
     Call out a,what,dd
dsum: Procedure Expose dsum.                /* compute the sum of proper divisors  */
  Parse Arg x
  If x<2 Then
    Return 0
  s=1                                       /* use EVEN or ODD integers.           */
  Do j=2+odd by 1+odd While j*j<x           /* divide by all the integers )        */
                                            /* up to but excluding sqrt(x)         */
    If x//j==0 Then                         /* j is a divisor, so is x%j           */
      s=s+j+x%j                             /*add the two divisors To the sum.     */
  If j*j==x Then                            /* if x is a square                    */
    s=s+j                                   /* add sqrt(X)                         */
  dsum.x=s                                  /* memoize proper divisor sum of X     */
  Return s                                  /* return the proper divisor sum       */
output   when using the default input:
Numbers from  1  --->  10  (inclusive):
              1:   terminating   0
              2:   terminating   1 0
              3:   terminating   1 0
              4:   terminating   3 1 0
              5:   terminating   1 0
              6:     perfect     6
              7:   terminating   1 0
              8:   terminating   7 1 0
              9:   terminating   4 3 1 0
             10:   terminating   8 7 1 0

First numbers for each classification:
              1:   terminating   0
              6:     perfect     6
             25:    aspiring     6
            138: non-terminating 150 222 234 312 528 960 2088 3762 5598 6570 10746 ...
                                 13254 13830 19434 20886 21606 25098 26742 26754
            220:    amicable     284 220
            562:     cyclic      284 220 284
          12496:    sociable     14288 15472 14536 14264 12496

Classifications for specific numbers:
             11:   terminating   1 0
             12:   terminating   16 15 9 4 3 1 0
             28:     perfect     28
            496:     perfect     496
            220:    amicable     284 220
           1184:    amicable     1210 1184
          12496:    sociable     14288 15472 14536 14264 12496
        1264460:     cyclic      1547860 1727636 1305184 1264460 1547860
            790:    aspiring     650 652 496
            909:    aspiring     417 143 25 6
            562:     cyclic      284 220 284
           1064:     cyclic      1336 1184 1210 1184
           1488: non-terminating 2480 3472 4464 8432 9424 10416 21328 22320 55056 ...
                                 95728 96720 236592 459792 881392 882384 1474608 ...
                                 2461648 3172912 3173904
 15355717786080: NON-TERMINATING 44534663601120 144940087464480


# Project : Aliquot sequence classnifications

see "Rosetta Code - aliquot sequence classnifications" + nl
while true
        see "enter an integer: "
        give k
        if k=0
see "program complete."
func printas(k)
       aseq = list(length)
       priorn = 0
       inc = 0
       for element=2 to length
            see aseq[element] + " " + nl
            if aseq[element]=0
               see " terminating" + nl
            if aseq[element]=k and element=2
               see " perfect" + nl
            if aseq[element]=k and element=3
               see " amicable" + nl
            if aseq[element]=k and element>3
               see " sociable" + nl
            if aseq[element]!=k and aseq[element-1]=aseq[element]
               see " aspiring" + nl
            if aseq[element]!=k and element>2 and aseq[element-2]= aseq[element] 
               see " cyclic" + nl
            if n>priorn 
            but n<=priorn
            if inc=11 or n>30000000
       if classn=0
          see " non-terminating" + nl
func pdtotal(n)
       pdtotal = 0
       for y=2 to n
           if (n % y)=0
       return pdtotal


ROSETTA CODE - Aliquot sequence classifications
Enter an integer: 1
0  terminating
Enter an integer: 2
1 0  terminating
Enter an integer: 3
1 0  terminating
Enter an integer: 4
3 1 0  terminating
Enter an integer: 5
1 0  terminating
Enter an integer: 6
6  perfect
Enter an integer: 7
1 0  terminating
Enter an integer: 8
7 1 0  terminating
Enter an integer: 9
4 3 1 0  terminating
Enter an integer: 10
8 7 1 0  terminating
Enter an integer: 11
1 0  terminating
Enter an integer: 12
16 15 9 4 3 1 0  terminating
Enter an integer: 28
28  perfect
Enter an integer: 496
496  perfect
Enter an integer: 220
284 220  amicable
Enter an integer: 1184
1210 1184  amicable
Enter an integer: 12496
14288 15472 14536 14264 12496  sociable
Enter an integer: 1264460
1547860 1727636 1305184 1264460  sociable
Enter an integer: 790
650 652 496 496  aspiring
Enter an integer: 909
417 143 25 6 6  aspiring
Enter an integer: 562
284 220 284  cyclic
Enter an integer: 1064
1336 1184 1210 1184  cyclic
Enter an integer: 1488
2480 3472 4464 8432 9424 10416 21328 22320 55056 95728 96720  non-terminating
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Enter an integer: 4004
5404 5460 13356 25956 49756 49812 83244 138964 144326 127978 67322 36250 34040 48040 60140 71572 58208 64264 60836 47692 35776 42456 69144 110376 244824 373356 594884 446170 356954 219706 118874 88720 117740 174916 174972 291844 302666 2564
38 217322 185014 92510 95626 49274 25894 17198 8602 6950 6070 4874 2440 3140  non-terminating
Enter an integer: 4344
6576 10536 15864 23856 47568 75440 112048 111152 104236 105428 79078 45842 22924 20924 15700 18586 9296 11536 14256 30756 47868 63852 94404 125900 147520 204524 153400 237200 333634 238334 121306 62438 31222 16514 9406 4706 2938 1850 1684 1
270 1034 694 350 394 200 265 59 1 0  terminating
Enter an integer: 6672
10688 10648 11312 13984 16256 16384 16383 6145 1235 445 95 25 6 6  aspiring
Enter an integer: 6420
11724 15660 34740 71184 112832 121864 106646 53326 45458 37486 18746 16198 14042 11878 5942 2974 1490 1210 1184 1210  cyclic
Enter an integer: 8128
8128  perfect
Enter an integer:
Program complete.


Works with: HP version 49
≫ ≫ ‘∑PFAC’ STO

≪ 16 2 47 ^ → smax vmax 
  ≪ { } OVER +
     END NIP
≪ ALIQT DUP HEAD → seq k
  ≪ CASE
      seq 0 POS THEN "terminating" END
      seq 2 GET k == THEN "perfect" END
      seq 3 GET k == THEN "amicable" END
      seq 4 OVER SIZE SUB k POS THEN "sociable" END
      seq ΔLIST 0 POS THEN "aspiring" END
      seq SORT ΔLIST 0 POS THEN "cyclic" END
≪ n ALIQLASS ≫ 'n' 1 10 1 SEQ
{11 12 28 496 220 1184 12496 1264460 790 909 562 1064 1488 15355717786080} 1 ≪ ALIQLASS ≫ DOLIST

2: { "terminating" "terminating" "terminating" "terminating" "terminating" "terminating" "perfect" "terminating" "terminating" "terminating" }
1: { "terminating" "terminating" "perfect" "perfect" "amicable" "amicable" "sociable" "sociable" "aspiring" "aspiring" "cyclic" "cyclic" "non-terminating" "non-terminating" }


With proper_divisors#Ruby in place:

Translation of: Python
def aliquot(n, maxlen=16, maxterm=2**47)
  return "terminating", [0] if n == 0
  s = []
  while (s << n).size <= maxlen and n < maxterm
    n = n.proper_divisors.inject(0, :+)
    if s.include?(n)
      case n
      when s[0]
        case s.size
        when 1   then   return "perfect", s
        when 2   then   return "amicable", s
        else            return "sociable of length #{s.size}", s
      when s[-1] then   return "aspiring", s
      else              return "cyclic back to #{n}", s
    elsif n == 0 then   return "terminating", s << 0
  return "non-terminating", s

for n in 1..10
  puts "%20s: %p" % aliquot(n)
for n in [11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184,  12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488, 15355717786080]
  puts "%20s: %p" % aliquot(n)
         terminating: [1, 0]
         terminating: [2, 1, 0]
         terminating: [3, 1, 0]
         terminating: [4, 3, 1, 0]
         terminating: [5, 1, 0]
             perfect: [6]
         terminating: [7, 1, 0]
         terminating: [8, 7, 1, 0]
         terminating: [9, 4, 3, 1, 0]
         terminating: [10, 8, 7, 1, 0]

         terminating: [11, 1, 0]
         terminating: [12, 16, 15, 9, 4, 3, 1, 0]
             perfect: [28]
             perfect: [496]
            amicable: [220, 284]
            amicable: [1184, 1210]
sociable of length 5: [12496, 14288, 15472, 14536, 14264]
sociable of length 4: [1264460, 1547860, 1727636, 1305184]
            aspiring: [790, 650, 652, 496]
            aspiring: [909, 417, 143, 25, 6]
  cyclic back to 284: [562, 284, 220]
 cyclic back to 1184: [1064, 1336, 1184, 1210]
     non-terminating: [1488, 2480, 3472, 4464, 8432, 9424, 10416, 21328, 22320, 55056, 95728, 96720, 236592, 459792, 881392, 882384, 1474608]
     non-terminating: [15355717786080, 44534663601120, 144940087464480]


enum AliquotType { Terminating, Perfect, Amicable, Sociable, Aspiring, Cyclic, NonTerminating }

fn classify_aliquot(num: i64) -> (AliquotType, Vec<i64>) {
    let limit = 1i64 << 47; //140737488355328
    let mut terms = Some(num).into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
    for i in 0..16 {
        let n = terms[i];
        let divsum = (1..(n + 1) / 2 + 1).filter(|&x| n % x == 0 && n != x).fold(0, |sum, x| sum + x);
        let classification = if divsum == 0 {
        else if divsum > limit {
        else if let Some(prev_idx) = terms.iter().position(|&x| x == divsum) {
            let cycle_len = terms.len() - prev_idx;
            Some(if prev_idx == 0 {
                match cycle_len {
                    1 => AliquotType::Perfect,
                    2 => AliquotType::Amicable,
                    _ => AliquotType::Sociable
            else {
                if cycle_len == 1 {AliquotType::Aspiring} else {AliquotType::Cyclic}
        else {
        if let Some(result) = classification {
            return (result, terms);
    (AliquotType::NonTerminating, terms)

fn main() {
    let nums = [1i64, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488/*, 15355717786080*/];
    for num in &nums {
        println!("{} {:?}", num, classify_aliquot(*num));
1 (Terminating, [1, 0])
2 (Terminating, [2, 1, 0])
3 (Terminating, [3, 1, 0])
4 (Terminating, [4, 3, 1, 0])
5 (Terminating, [5, 1, 0])
6 (Perfect, [6, 6])
7 (Terminating, [7, 1, 0])
8 (Terminating, [8, 7, 1, 0])
9 (Terminating, [9, 4, 3, 1, 0])
10 (Terminating, [10, 8, 7, 1, 0])
11 (Terminating, [11, 1, 0])
12 (Terminating, [12, 16, 15, 9, 4, 3, 1, 0])
28 (Perfect, [28, 28])
496 (Perfect, [496, 496])
220 (Amicable, [220, 284, 220])
1184 (Amicable, [1184, 1210, 1184])
12496 (Sociable, [12496, 14288, 15472, 14536, 14264, 12496])
1264460 (Sociable, [1264460, 1547860, 1727636, 1305184, 1264460])
790 (Aspiring, [790, 650, 652, 496, 496])
909 (Aspiring, [909, 417, 143, 25, 6, 6])
562 (Cyclic, [562, 284, 220, 284])
1064 (Cyclic, [1064, 1336, 1184, 1210, 1184])
1488 (NonTerminating, [1488, 2480, 3472, 4464, 8432, 9424, 10416, 21328, 22320, 55056, 95728, 96720, 236592, 459792, 881392, 882384, 1474608])


Put proper_divisors#Scala the full /Proper divisors for big (long) numbers/ section to the beginning:

def createAliquotSeq(n: Long, step: Int, list: List[Long]): (String, List[Long]) = {
    val sum = properDivisors(n).sum
    if (sum == 0) ("terminate", list ::: List(sum))
    else if (step >= 16 || sum > 140737488355328L) ("non-term", list)
    else {
        list.indexOf(sum) match {
            case -1 => createAliquotSeq(sum, step + 1, list ::: List(sum))
            case 0 => if (step == 0) ("perfect", list ::: List(sum))
                else if (step == 1) ("amicable", list ::: List(sum))
                else ("sociable-" + (step + 1), list ::: List(sum))
            case index => if (step == index) ("aspiring", list ::: List(sum))
                else ("cyclic-" + (step - index + 1), list ::: List(sum))
val numbers = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184,
    12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488, 15355717786080L)
val result = numbers.map(i => createAliquotSeq(i, 0, List(i)))

result foreach { v => println(f"${v._2.head}%14d ${v._1}%10s [${v._2 mkString " "}]" ) }
             1  terminate [1 0]
             2  terminate [2 1 0]
             3  terminate [3 1 0]
             4  terminate [4 3 1 0]
             5  terminate [5 1 0]
             6    perfect [6 6]
             7  terminate [7 1 0]
             8  terminate [8 7 1 0]
             9  terminate [9 4 3 1 0]
            10  terminate [10 8 7 1 0]
            11  terminate [11 1 0]
            12  terminate [12 16 15 9 4 3 1 0]
            28    perfect [28 28]
           496    perfect [496 496]
           220   amicable [220 284 220]
          1184   amicable [1184 1210 1184]
         12496 sociable-5 [12496 14288 15472 14536 14264 12496]
       1264460 sociable-4 [1264460 1547860 1727636 1305184 1264460]
           790   aspiring [790 650 652 496 496]
           909   aspiring [909 417 143 25 6 6]
           562   cyclic-2 [562 284 220 284]
          1064   cyclic-2 [1064 1336 1184 1210 1184]
          1488   non-term [1488 2480 3472 4464 8432 9424 10416 21328 22320 55056 95728 96720 236592 459792 881392 882384 1474608]
15355717786080   non-term [15355717786080 44534663601120]


extension BinaryInteger {
  public func factors(sorted: Bool = true) -> [Self] {
    let maxN = Self(Double(self).squareRoot())
    var res = Set<Self>()

    for factor in stride(from: 1, through: maxN, by: 1) where self % factor == 0 {
      res.insert(self / factor)

    return sorted ? res.sorted() : Array(res)

struct SeqClass: CustomStringConvertible {
  var seq: [Int]
  var desc: String

  var description: String {
    return "\(desc):    \(seq)"

func classifySequence(k: Int, threshold: Int = 1 << 47) -> SeqClass {
  var last = k
  var seq = [k]

  while true {
    last = last.factors().dropLast().reduce(0, +)

    let n = seq.count

    if last == 0 {
      return SeqClass(seq: seq, desc: "Terminating")
    } else if n == 2 && last == k {
      return SeqClass(seq: seq, desc: "Perfect")
    } else if n == 3 && last == k {
      return SeqClass(seq: seq, desc: "Amicable")
    } else if n >= 4 && last == k {
      return SeqClass(seq: seq, desc: "Sociable[\(n - 1)]")
    } else if last == seq[n - 2] {
      return SeqClass(seq: seq, desc: "Aspiring")
    } else if seq.dropFirst().dropLast(2).contains(last) {
      return SeqClass(seq: seq, desc: "Cyclic[\(n - 1 - seq.firstIndex(of: last)!)]")
    } else if n == 16 || last > threshold {
      return SeqClass(seq: seq, desc: "Non-terminating")


for i in 1...10 {
  print("\(i): \(classifySequence(k: i))")


for i in [11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488] {
  print("\(i): \(classifySequence(k: i))")


print("\(15355717786080): \(classifySequence(k: 15355717786080))")
1: Terminating:    [1, 0]
2: Terminating:    [2, 1, 0]
3: Terminating:    [3, 1, 0]
4: Terminating:    [4, 3, 1, 0]
5: Terminating:    [5, 1, 0]
6: Perfect:    [6, 6]
7: Terminating:    [7, 1, 0]
8: Terminating:    [8, 7, 1, 0]
9: Terminating:    [9, 4, 3, 1, 0]
10: Terminating:    [10, 8, 7, 1, 0]

11: Terminating:    [11, 1, 0]
12: Terminating:    [12, 16, 15, 9, 4, 3, 1, 0]
28: Perfect:    [28, 28]
496: Perfect:    [496, 496]
220: Amicable:    [220, 284, 220]
1184: Amicable:    [1184, 1210, 1184]
12496: Sociable[5]:    [12496, 14288, 15472, 14536, 14264, 12496]
1264460: Sociable[4]:    [1264460, 1547860, 1727636, 1305184, 1264460]
790: Aspiring:    [790, 650, 652, 496, 496]
909: Aspiring:    [909, 417, 143, 25, 6, 6]
562: Cyclic[2]:    [562, 284, 220, 284]
1064: Cyclic[2]:    [1064, 1336, 1184, 1210, 1184]
1488: Non-terminating:    [1488, 2480, 3472, 4464, 8432, 9424, 10416, 21328, 22320, 55056, 95728, 96720, 236592, 459792, 881392, 882384]

15355717786080: Non-terminating:    [15355717786080, 44534663601120, 144940087464480]


This solution creates an iterator from a coroutine to generate aliquot sequences. al_classify uses a "RESULT" exception to achieve some unusual control flow.

proc ProperDivisors {n} {
    if {$n == 1} {return 0}
    set divs 1
    set sum 1
    for {set i 2} {$i*$i <= $n} {incr i} {
        if {! ($n % $i)} {
            lappend divs $i
            incr sum $i
            if {$i*$i<$n} {
                lappend divs [set d [expr {$n / $i}]]
                incr sum $d
    list $sum $divs

proc al_iter {n} {
    yield [info coroutine]
    while {$n} {
        yield $n
        lassign [ProperDivisors $n] n
    yield 0
    return -code break

proc al_classify {n} {
    coroutine iter al_iter $n
    set items {}
    try {
        set type "non-terminating"
        while {[llength $items] < 16} {
            set i [iter]
            if {$i == 0} {
                set type "terminating"
            set ix [lsearch -exact $items $i]
            set items [linsert $items 0 $i]
            switch $ix {
                -1 { continue }
                0 { throw RESULT "perfect" }
                1 { throw RESULT "amicable" }
                default { throw RESULT "sociable" }
    } trap {RESULT} {type} {
        rename iter {}
        set map {
            perfect aspiring
            amicable cyclic
            sociable cyclic
        if {$ix != [llength $items]-2} {
            set type [dict get $map $type]
    list $type [lreverse $items]

for {set i 1} {$i <= 10} {incr i} {
    puts [format "%8d -> %-16s : %s" $i {*}[al_classify $i]]

foreach i {11 12 28 496 220 1184 12496 1264460 790 909 562 1064 1488 } {
    puts [format "%8d -> %-16s : %s" $i {*}[al_classify $i]]

;# stretch goal .. let's time it:
set i 15355717786080
puts [time {
    puts [format "%8d -> %-16s : %s" $i {*}[al_classify $i]]
       1 -> terminating      : 1 0
       2 -> terminating      : 2 1 0
       3 -> terminating      : 3 1 0
       4 -> terminating      : 4 3 1 0
       5 -> terminating      : 5 1 0
       6 -> perfect          : 6 6
       7 -> terminating      : 7 1 0
       8 -> terminating      : 8 7 1 0
       9 -> terminating      : 9 4 3 1 0
      10 -> terminating      : 10 8 7 1 0
      11 -> terminating      : 11 1 0
      12 -> terminating      : 12 16 15 9 4 3 1 0
      28 -> perfect          : 28 28
     496 -> perfect          : 496 496
     220 -> amicable         : 220 284 220
    1184 -> amicable         : 1184 1210 1184
   12496 -> sociable         : 12496 14288 15472 14536 14264 12496
 1264460 -> sociable         : 1264460 1547860 1727636 1305184 1264460
     790 -> aspiring         : 790 650 652 496 496
     909 -> aspiring         : 909 417 143 25 6 6
     562 -> cyclic           : 562 284 220 284
    1064 -> cyclic           : 1064 1336 1184 1210 1184
    1488 -> non-terminating  : 1488 2480 3472 4464 8432 9424 10416 21328 22320 55056 95728 96720 236592 459792 881392 882384

15355717786080 -> non-terminating  : 15355717786080 44534663601120 144940087464480 471714103310688 1130798979186912 2688948041357088 6050151708497568 13613157922639968 35513546724070632 74727605255142168 162658586225561832 353930992506879768 642678347124409032 1125102611548462968 1977286128289819992 3415126495450394808
556214046 microseconds per iteration

The large number finished (notice native bignums), but it took over 500 seconds ...


Option Explicit

Private Type Aliquot
   Sequence() As Double
   Classification As String
End Type

Sub Main()
Dim result As Aliquot, i As Long, j As Double, temp As String
'display the classification and sequences of the numbers one to ten inclusive
   For j = 1 To 10
      result = Aliq(j)
      temp = vbNullString
      For i = 0 To UBound(result.Sequence)
         temp = temp & result.Sequence(i) & ", "
      Next i
      Debug.Print "Aliquot seq of " & j & " : " & result.Classification & "   " & Left(temp, Len(temp) - 2)
   Next j
'show the classification and sequences of the following integers, in order:
Dim a
   '15 355 717 786 080 : impossible in VBA ==> out of memory
   a = Array(11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488)
   For j = LBound(a) To UBound(a)
      result = Aliq(CDbl(a(j)))
      temp = vbNullString
      For i = 0 To UBound(result.Sequence)
         temp = temp & result.Sequence(i) & ", "
      Next i
      Debug.Print "Aliquot seq of " & a(j) & " : " & result.Classification & "   " & Left(temp, Len(temp) - 2)
End Sub

Private Function Aliq(Nb As Double) As Aliquot
Dim s() As Double, i As Long, temp, j As Long, cpt As Long
   temp = Array("non-terminating", "Terminate", "Perfect", "Amicable", "Sociable", "Aspiring", "Cyclic")
   ReDim s(0)
   s(0) = Nb
   For i = 1 To 15
      cpt = cpt + 1
      ReDim Preserve s(cpt)
      s(i) = SumPDiv(s(i - 1))
      If s(i) > 140737488355328# Then Exit For
      If s(i) = 0 Then j = 1
      If s(1) = s(0) Then j = 2
      If s(i) = s(0) And i > 1 And i <> 2 Then j = 4
      If s(i) = s(i - 1) And i > 1 Then j = 5
      If i >= 2 Then
         If s(2) = s(0) Then j = 3
         If s(i) = s(i - 2) And i <> 2 Then j = 6
      End If
      If j > 0 Then Exit For
   Aliq.Classification = temp(j)
   Aliq.Sequence = s
End Function

Private Function SumPDiv(n As Double) As Double
'returns the sum of the Proper divisors of n
Dim j As Long, t As Long
    If n > 1 Then
        For j = 1 To n \ 2
            If n Mod j = 0 Then t = t + j
    End If
    SumPDiv = t
End Function
Aliquot seq of 1 : Terminate   1, 0
Aliquot seq of 2 : Terminate   2, 1, 0
Aliquot seq of 3 : Terminate   3, 1, 0
Aliquot seq of 4 : Terminate   4, 3, 1, 0
Aliquot seq of 5 : Terminate   5, 1, 0
Aliquot seq of 6 : Perfect   6, 6
Aliquot seq of 7 : Terminate   7, 1, 0
Aliquot seq of 8 : Terminate   8, 7, 1, 0
Aliquot seq of 9 : Terminate   9, 4, 3, 1, 0
Aliquot seq of 10 : Terminate   10, 8, 7, 1, 0
Aliquot seq of 11 : Terminate   11, 1, 0
Aliquot seq of 12 : Terminate   12, 16, 15, 9, 4, 3, 1, 0
Aliquot seq of 28 : Perfect   28, 28
Aliquot seq of 496 : Perfect   496, 496
Aliquot seq of 220 : Amicable   220, 284, 220
Aliquot seq of 1184 : Amicable   1184, 1210, 1184
Aliquot seq of 12496 : Sociable   12496, 14288, 15472, 14536, 14264, 12496
Aliquot seq of 1264460 : Sociable   1264460, 1547860, 1727636, 1305184, 1264460
Aliquot seq of 790 : Aspiring   790, 650, 652, 496, 496
Aliquot seq of 909 : Aspiring   909, 417, 143, 25, 6, 6
Aliquot seq of 562 : Cyclic   562, 284, 220, 284
Aliquot seq of 1064 : Cyclic   1064, 1336, 1184, 1210, 1184
Aliquot seq of 1488 : non-terminating   1488, 2480, 3472, 4464, 8432, 9424, 10416, 21328, 22320, 55056, 95728, 96720, 236592, 459792, 881392, 882384

V (Vlang)

Translation of: Go
import math
const threshold = u64(1) << 47
fn index_of(s []u64, search u64) int {
    for i, e in s {
        if e == search {
            return i
    return -1
fn contains(s []u64, search u64) bool {
    return index_of(s, search) > -1
fn max_of(i1 int, i2 int) int {
    if i1 > i2 {
        return i1
    return i2
fn sum_proper_divisors(n u64) u64 {
    if n < 2 {
        return 0
    sqrt := u64(math.sqrt(f64(n)))
    mut sum := u64(1)
    for i := u64(2); i <= sqrt; i++ {
        if n % i != 0 {
        sum += i + n / i
    if sqrt * sqrt == n {
        sum -= sqrt
    return sum
fn classify_sequence(k u64) ([]u64, string) {
    if k == 0 {
        panic("Argument must be positive.")
    mut last := k
    mut seq := []u64{}
    seq << k
    for {
        last = sum_proper_divisors(last)
        seq << last
        n := seq.len
        mut aliquot := ""
        match true {
            last == 0 {
                aliquot = "Terminating"
            n == 2 && last == k {
                aliquot = "Perfect"
            n == 3 && last == k {
                aliquot = "Amicable"
            n >= 4 && last == k {
                aliquot = "Sociable[${n-1}]"
            last == seq[n - 2] {
                aliquot = "Aspiring"
            contains(seq[1 .. max_of(1, n - 2)], last) {
                aliquot = "Cyclic[${n - 1 - index_of(seq, last)}]"
            n == 16 || last > threshold {
                aliquot = "Non-Terminating"
            else {}
        if aliquot != "" {
            return seq, aliquot
    return seq, ''
fn main() {
    println("Aliquot classifications - periods for Sociable/Cyclic in square brackets:\n")
    for k := u64(1); k <= 10; k++ {
        seq, aliquot := classify_sequence(k)
        println("${k:2}: ${aliquot:-15} $seq")
    s := [
        u64(11), 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488,
    for k in s {
        seq, aliquot := classify_sequence(k)
        println("${k:7}: ${aliquot:-15} $seq")
    k := u64(15355717786080)
    seq, aliquot := classify_sequence(k)
    println("$k: ${aliquot:-15} $seq")
Aliquot classifications - periods for Sociable/Cyclic in square brackets:

 1: Terminating     [1, 0]
 2: Terminating     [2, 1, 0]
 3: Terminating     [3, 1, 0]
 4: Terminating     [4, 3, 1, 0]
 5: Terminating     [5, 1, 0]
 6: Perfect         [6, 6]
 7: Terminating     [7, 1, 0]
 8: Terminating     [8, 7, 1, 0]
 9: Terminating     [9, 4, 3, 1, 0]
10: Terminating     [10, 8, 7, 1, 0]

     11: Terminating     [11, 1, 0]
     12: Terminating     [12, 16, 15, 9, 4, 3, 1, 0]
     28: Perfect         [28, 28]
    496: Perfect         [496, 496]
    220: Amicable        [220, 284, 220]
   1184: Amicable        [1184, 1210, 1184]
  12496: Sociable[5]     [12496, 14288, 15472, 14536, 14264, 12496]
1264460: Sociable[4]     [1264460, 1547860, 1727636, 1305184, 1264460]
    790: Aspiring        [790, 650, 652, 496, 496]
    909: Aspiring        [909, 417, 143, 25, 6, 6]
    562: Cyclic[2]       [562, 284, 220, 284]
   1064: Cyclic[2]       [1064, 1336, 1184, 1210, 1184]
   1488: Non-Terminating [1488, 2480, 3472, 4464, 8432, 9424, 10416, 21328, 22320, 55056, 95728, 96720, 236592, 459792, 881392, 882384]

15355717786080: Non-Terminating [15355717786080, 44534663601120, 144940087464480]


Translation of: Kotlin
Library: Wren-fmt
Library: Wren-math
Library: Wren-seq
import "./fmt" for Conv, Fmt
import "./math" for Int, Nums
import "./seq" for Lst
class Classification {
    construct new(seq, aliquot) {
        _seq = seq
        _aliquot = aliquot
    seq { _seq}
    aliquot { _aliquot }

var THRESHOLD = 2.pow(47)
var classifySequence = Fn.new { |k|
    if (k <= 0) Fiber.abort("K must be positive")
    var last = k
    var seq = [k]
    while (true) {
        last = Nums.sum(Int.properDivisors(last))
        var n = seq.count
        var aliquot =
            (last == 0) ? "Terminating" :
            (n == 2 && last == k) ? "Perfect" :
            (n == 3 && last == k) ? "Amicable" :
            (n >= 4 && last == k) ? "Sociable[%(n-1)]" :
            (last == seq[n-2]) ? "Aspiring" :
            (n > 3 && seq[1..n-3].contains(last)) ? "Cyclic[%(n-1-Lst.indexOf(seq, last))]" :
            (n == 16 || last > THRESHOLD) ? "Non-terminating" : ""
        if (aliquot != "") return Classification.new(seq, aliquot)
System.print("Aliquot classifications - periods for Sociable/Cyclic in square brackets:\n")
for (k in 1..10) {
    var c = classifySequence.call(k)
    Fmt.print("$2d: $-15s $n", k, c.aliquot, c.seq)
var a = [11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488]
for (k in a) {
    var c = classifySequence.call(k)
    Fmt.print("$7d: $-15s $n", k, c.aliquot, c.seq)
var k = 15355717786080
var c = classifySequence.call(k)
var seq = c.seq.map { |i| Conv.dec(i) }.toList // ensure 15 digit integer is printed in full
Fmt.print("$d: $-15s $n", k, c.aliquot, seq)
Aliquot classifications - periods for Sociable/Cyclic in square brackets:

 1: Terminating     [1, 0]
 2: Terminating     [2, 1, 0]
 3: Terminating     [3, 1, 0]
 4: Terminating     [4, 3, 1, 0]
 5: Terminating     [5, 1, 0]
 6: Perfect         [6, 6]
 7: Terminating     [7, 1, 0]
 8: Terminating     [8, 7, 1, 0]
 9: Terminating     [9, 4, 3, 1, 0]
10: Terminating     [10, 8, 7, 1, 0]

     11: Terminating     [11, 1, 0]
     12: Terminating     [12, 16, 15, 9, 4, 3, 1, 0]
     28: Perfect         [28, 28]
    496: Perfect         [496, 496]
    220: Amicable        [220, 284, 220]
   1184: Amicable        [1184, 1210, 1184]
  12496: Sociable[5]     [12496, 14288, 15472, 14536, 14264, 12496]
1264460: Sociable[4]     [1264460, 1547860, 1727636, 1305184, 1264460]
    790: Aspiring        [790, 650, 652, 496, 496]
    909: Aspiring        [909, 417, 143, 25, 6, 6]
    562: Cyclic[2]       [562, 284, 220, 284]
   1064: Cyclic[2]       [1064, 1336, 1184, 1210, 1184]
   1488: Non-terminating [1488, 2480, 3472, 4464, 8432, 9424, 10416, 21328, 22320, 55056, 95728, 96720, 236592, 459792, 881392, 882384]

15355717786080: Non-terminating [15355717786080, 44534663601120, 144940087464480]


Translation of: FreeBASIC
// Rosetta Code problem: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Aliquot_sequence_classifications
// by Galileo, 05/2022

sub sumFactors(n)
    local i, s
    for i = 1 to n / 2
        if not mod(n, i) s = s + i
    return s
end sub

sub printSeries(arr(), size, ty$)
    local i
    print "Integer: ", arr(0), ", Type: ", ty$, ", Series: ";
    for i=0 to size-2
        print arr(i), " ";
    next i
end sub
sub alliquot(n)
    local arr(16), i, j, ty$
    ty$ = "Sociable"
    arr(0) = n
    for i = 1 to 15
        arr(i) = sumFactors(arr(i-1))
        if arr(i)=0 or arr(i)=n or (arr(i) = arr(i-1) and arr(i)<>n) then
            if arr(i) = 0 then
                ty$ = "Terminating"
            elsif arr(i) = n and i = 1 then
                ty$ = "Perfect"
            elsif arr(i) = n and i = 2 then
                ty$ = "Amicable"
            elsif arr(i) = arr(i-1) and arr(i)<>n then
                ty$ = "Aspiring"
            end if   
        end if
        for j = 1 to i-1
            if arr(j) = arr(i) then
            end if
        next j
    next i
end sub

data 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184
data 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488, 0

    read n
    if not n break
Integer: 1, Type: Terminating, Series: 1
Integer: 2, Type: Terminating, Series: 2 1
Integer: 3, Type: Terminating, Series: 3 1
Integer: 4, Type: Terminating, Series: 4 3 1
Integer: 5, Type: Terminating, Series: 5 1
Integer: 6, Type: Perfect, Series: 6
Integer: 7, Type: Terminating, Series: 7 1
Integer: 8, Type: Terminating, Series: 8 7 1
Integer: 9, Type: Terminating, Series: 9 4 3 1
Integer: 10, Type: Terminating, Series: 10 8 7 1
Integer: 11, Type: Terminating, Series: 11 1
Integer: 12, Type: Terminating, Series: 12 16 15 9 4 3 1
Integer: 28, Type: Perfect, Series: 28
Integer: 496, Type: Perfect, Series: 496
Integer: 220, Type: Amicable, Series: 220 284
Integer: 1184, Type: Amicable, Series: 1184 1210
Integer: 12496, Type: Sociable, Series: 12496 14288 15472 14536 14264
Integer: 1264460, Type: Sociable, Series: 1264460 1547860 1727636 1305184
Integer: 790, Type: Aspiring, Series: 790 650 652 496
Integer: 909, Type: Aspiring, Series: 909 417 143 25 6
Integer: 562, Type: Cyclic, Series: 562 284 220
Integer: 1064, Type: Cyclic, Series: 1064 1336 1184 1210
Integer: 1488, Type: Non-Terminating, Series: 1488 2480 3472 4464 8432 9424 10416 21328 22320 55056 95728 96720 236592 459792 881392 882384
---Program done, press RETURN---


fcn properDivs(n){ [1.. (n + 1)/2 + 1].filter('wrap(x){ n%x==0 and n!=x }) }
fcn aliquot(k){  //-->Walker
   Walker(fcn(rk){ k:=rk.value; if(k)rk.set(properDivs(k).sum()); k }.fp(Ref(k)))

Or, refactoring to remove saving the intermediate divisors (and adding white space):

fcn aliquot(k){  //-->Walker
      rk.set((1).reduce((k + 1)/2, fcn(s,n,k){
	 s + (k%n==0 and k!=n and n) // s + False == s + 0
fcn classify(k){
   const MAX=(2).pow(47);  // 140737488355328
   ak,aks:=aliquot(k), ak.walk(16);
   if(a2==k) return("perfect");
   if(a3==k) return("amicable");
      foreach n in (aks.len()-1){ if(aks[n]==aks[n+1]) return(True) }
      foreach n in (aks.len()-1){ if(aks[n+1,*].holds(aks[n])) return(aks[n]) }
   (if(aks.filter1('==(0))!=False) "terminating"
    else if(n:=aks[1,*].filter1n('==(k))) "sociable of length " + (n+1)
    else if(aks.filter1('>(MAX)))  "non-terminating"
    else if(aspiring())            "aspiring"
    else if((c:=cyclic())!=False)  "cyclic on " + c
    else                           "non-terminating" )
   + " " + aks.filter();
[1..10].pump(fcn(k){ "%6d is %s".fmt(k,classify(k)).println() });
   .pump(fcn(k){ "%6d is %s".fmt(k,classify(k)).println() });
     1 is terminating L(1)
     2 is terminating L(2,1)
     3 is terminating L(3,1)
     4 is terminating L(4,3,1)
     5 is terminating L(5,1)
     6 is perfect
     7 is terminating L(7,1)
     8 is terminating L(8,7,1)
     9 is terminating L(9,4,3,1)
    10 is terminating L(10,8,7,1)
    11 is terminating L(11,1)
    12 is terminating L(12,16,15,9,4,3,1)
    28 is perfect
   496 is perfect
   220 is amicable
  1184 is amicable
 12496 is sociable of length 5 L(12496,14288,15472,14536,14264,12496,14288,15472,14536,14264,12496,14288,15472,14536,14264,12496)
1264460 is sociable of length 4 L(1264460,1547860,1727636,1305184,1264460,1547860,1727636,1305184,1264460,1547860,1727636,1305184,1264460,1547860,1727636,1305184)
   790 is aspiring L(790,650,652,496,496,496,496,496,496,496,496,496,496,496,496,496)
   909 is aspiring L(909,417,143,25,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6)
   562 is cyclic on 284 L(562,284,220,284,220,284,220,284,220,284,220,284,220,284,220,284)
  1064 is cyclic on 1184 L(1064,1336,1184,1210,1184,1210,1184,1210,1184,1210,1184,1210,1184,1210,1184,1210)
  1488 is non-terminating L(1488,2480,3472,4464,8432,9424,10416,21328,22320,55056,95728,96720,236592,459792,881392,882384)

The loop to calculate 15355717786080 takes forever (literally)

ZX Spectrum Basic

Translation of: AWK

This program is correct. However, a bug in the ROM of the ZX Spectrum makes the number 909 of an erroneous result. However, the same program running on Sam BASIC (a superset of Sinclair BASIC that ran on the computer Sam Coupé) provides the correct results.

10 PRINT "Number classification sequence"
20 INPUT "Enter a number (0 to end): ";k: IF k>0 THEN GO SUB 2000: PRINT k;" ";s$: GO TO 20
40 STOP 
1000 REM sumprop
1010 IF oldk=1 THEN LET newk=0: RETURN 
1020 LET sum=1
1030 LET root=SQR oldk
1040 FOR i=2 TO root-0.1
1050 IF oldk/i=INT (oldk/i) THEN LET sum=sum+i+oldk/i
1060 NEXT i
1070 IF oldk/root=INT (oldk/root) THEN LET sum=sum+root
1080 LET newk=sum
1090 RETURN 
2000 REM class
2010 LET oldk=k: LET s$=" "
2020 GO SUB 1000
2030 LET oldk=newk
2040 LET s$=s$+" "+STR$ newk
2050 IF newk=0 THEN LET s$="terminating"+s$: RETURN 
2060 IF newk=k THEN LET s$="perfect"+s$: RETURN 
2070 GO SUB 1000
2080 LET oldk=newk
2090 LET s$=s$+" "+STR$ newk
2100 IF newk=0 THEN LET s$="terminating"+s$: RETURN 
2110 IF newk=k THEN LET s$="amicable"+s$: RETURN 
2120 FOR t=4 TO 16
2130 GO SUB 1000
2140 LET s$=s$+" "+STR$ newk
2150 IF newk=0 THEN LET s$="terminating"+s$: RETURN 
2160 IF newk=k THEN LET s$="sociable (period "+STR$ (t-1)+")"+s$: RETURN 
2170 IF newk=oldk THEN LET s$="aspiring"+s$: RETURN 
2180 LET b$=" "+STR$ newk+" ": LET ls=LEN s$: LET lb=LEN b$: LET ls=ls-lb
2190 FOR i=1 TO ls
2200 IF s$(i TO i+lb-1)=b$ THEN LET s$="cyclic (at "+STR$ newk+") "+s$: LET i=ls
2210 NEXT i
2220 IF LEN s$<>(ls+lb) THEN RETURN 
2300 IF newk>140737488355328 THEN LET s$="non-terminating (term > 140737488355328)"+s$: RETURN 
2310 LET oldk=newk
2320 NEXT t
2330 LET s$="non-terminating (after 16 terms)"+s$
Number classification sequence
1 terminating   0
2 terminating   1 0
3 terminating   1 0
4 terminating   3 1 0
5 terminating   1 0
6 perfect   6
7 terminating   1 0
8 terminating   7 1 0
9 terminating   4 3 1 0
10 terminating   8 7 1 0
11 terminating   1 0
12 terminating   16 15 9 4 3 1 0
28 perfect   28
496 perfect   496
220 amicable   284 220
1184 amicable   1210 1184
12496 sociable (period 5)   14288 15472 14536 14264 12496
1264460 sociable (period 4)   1547860 1727636 1305184 1264460
790 aspiring   650 652 496 496
909 aspiring   417 143 25 6 6
562 cyclic (at 284)   284 220 284
1064 cyclic (at 1184)   1336 1184 1210 1184
1488 non-terminating (after 16 terms)    2480 3472 4464 8432 9424 10416 21328 22320 55056 95728 96720 236592 459792 881392 882384
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