ABC incremental counts
Write a routine (function, subroutine, procedure, whatever it may be called in your language,) that when given a set of three letters, (a, b, c) for instance, will identify words that contain each of those letters, in differing amounts, and where each count differs from another by exactly 1. Ignore any characters that are not in the given search group.
For example: using the letters (a, b, c) the "word" 'abbccc' would be valid (1(a), 2(b) & 3(c)), as would 'acodablaccab' (2(b), 3(c) & 4(a)).
Do not hard code the letters to search for. Do not create three different single purpose search routines. Instead, create a generic routine that uses a given set of letters as its search criteria. Include some mechanism to limit the minimum count for the least common letter.
You may assume that the words are all lower case, or may choose to regularize the case of the words. In either case assume upper and lower case are the same. (The test files contain all and only lower case.)
- Task
Write a general purpose routine to identify incremental letter count words following the above description.
Using the unixdict.txt from, find and display the words that are identified as incremental count words, or <none> if no words are found that match.
- Search for words containing (a b c) with a minimum count of 1
- Search for words containing (t h e) with a minimum count of 1
- Search for words containing (c i o) with a minimum count of 2
Show the output here, on this page.
- Stretch
Use the same routine to search the words_alpha.txt file from using the same letter groups, but with a minimum 1 higher.
- Search for words containing (a b c) with a minimum count of 2
- Search for words containing (t h e) with a minimum count of 2
- Search for words containing (c i o) with a minimum count of 3
- Related
Although not used here, this can do case sensitive or case insensitive searches. It can also handle searches where the counts differ by amounts other than 1 - e.g.: 0 which reproduces the results of the ABC correlation tsk.
Note, the source of sort.incl.a68 is on a separate page on Rosetta Code, see the above link.
BEGIN # Rosetta Code "ABC incremental counts" task #
PR read "sort.incl.a68" PR # include file utilities #
[ 1 : 0 ]STRING empty list;
# return the words from dictionary that contain required characters with the #
# character counts matching the expected counts ( though not necessarily in #
# the same order as required characters ), the words will be treated as case #
# sensitive or not, depending on case sensitive #
PROC iwords = ( STRING dictionary, required characters
, []INT expected counts
, BOOL case sensitive
IF FILE input file;
STRING file name = dictionary;
open( input file, file name, stand in channel ) /= 0
THEN # failed to open the file #
print( ( "Unable to open """ + file name + """", newline ) );
empty list
ELSE # file opened OK #
BOOL at eof := FALSE;
on logical file end( input file # set the EOF handler for the file #
# notes that EOF reached and returns TRUE #
# so processing can continue #
, ( REF FILE f )BOOL: at eof := TRUE
# returns the counts of each character in c that is in s #
OP COUNT = ( STRING s, c )[]INT:
[ LWB c : UPB c ]INT result;
FOR i FROM LWB c TO UPB c DO result[ i ] := 0 OD;
INT c pos := 0;
IF char in string( s[ i ], c pos, c ) THEN result[ c pos ] +:= 1 FI
# returns TRUE if the corresponding elements of a equal those of b #
# FALSE otherwise #
OP = = ( []INT a, b )BOOL:
IF LWB a /= LWB b OR UPB a /= UPB b
THEN FALSE # different bounds #
BOOL same := TRUE;
FOR i FROM LWB a TO UPB a WHILE same := a[ i ] = b[ i ] DO SKIP OD;
FI # = # ;
STRING characters = IF case sensitive
THEN required characters
ELSE TOLOWER required characters
FLEX[ 1 : 100 ]STRING words; # will be enlarged as required #
[ LWB expected counts : UPB expected counts ]INT expected
:= expected counts; # a sorted copy of the expected counts #
expected QUICKSORT ELEMENTS( LWB expected, UPB expected );
[ LWB expected counts : UPB expected counts ]INT actual;
INT w count := 0;
get( input file, ( word, newline ) );
NOT at eof
DO # have another word #
IF case sensitive THEN word := TOLOWER word FI;
IF actual := word COUNT characters; # get and sort the counts #
actual QUICKSORT ELEMENTS( LWB actual, UPB actual );
expected = actual
THEN # word has the expected pattern of characters #
w count +:= 1;
IF w count > UPB words THEN # need more words #
[ 1 : UPB words ]STRING current words := words;
words := HEAP[ 1 : UPB words * 2 ]STRING;
words[ 1 : UPB current words ] := current words
words[ w count ] := word
words[ 1 : w count ]
FI # iwords # ;
# returns c converted to lowercase if it is uppercase, c otherwise #
IF c >= "A" AND c <= "Z" THEN REPR( ( ABS c - ABS "A" ) + ABS "a" ) ELSE c FI;
# returns s converted to lowercase #
STRING result := s;
FOR r pos FROM LWB result TO UPB result DO result[ r pos ] := TOLOWER result[ r pos ] OD;
# return the words from dictionary that contain required characters with the #
# character counts (when sorted) differing by delta and with the minimum #
# count being min count; the words will be treated as case sensitive or not, #
# depending on case sensitive #
PROC dwords = ( STRING dictionary, required characters
, INT min count, delta
, BOOL case sensitive
IF INT len characters = 1 + ( UPB required characters - LWB required characters );
len characters < 1
THEN # no characters specified ? #
print( ( "At least one character to find required", newline ) );
empty list
# construct the expected counts based on min count and delta #
[ 1 : len characters ]INT expected counts;
expected counts[ 1 ] := min count;
FOR i FROM 2 TO len characters DO
expected counts[ i ] := expected counts[ i - 1 ] + delta
# get the words from the dictionary file #
iwords( dictionary, required characters, expected counts, case sensitive )
FI # dwords # ;
# returns s left-padded with blanks to w characters #
IF INT len = ( UPB s - LWB s ) + 1;
len >= w
ELSE ( ( w - len ) * " " ) + s
FI # PAD # ;
# show the words found by dwords #
PROC show words = ( STRING dictionary, required characters
, INT min count, delta
, BOOL case sensitive
print( ( "Searching ", dictionary, " for """, required characters, """ words" ) );
print( ( ", minimum count: ", whole( min count, 0 ) ) );
IF delta /= 1 THEN print( ( ", delta: ", whole( delta, 0 ) ) ) FI;
print( ( newline ) );
[]STRING words
= dwords( dictionary, required characters, min count, delta, case sensitive );
INT n words = ( UPB words - LWB words ) + 1;
IF n words = 0 THEN
print( ( 32 PAD "<none>", newline, newline ) )
FOR w FROM LWB words TO UPB words DO
THEN print( ( 32 PAD words[ w ] ) )
ELSE print( ( " ", words[ w ], newline ) )
IF ODD n words THEN print( ( newline ) ) FI;
print( ( newline ) )
END # show words # ;
# task test cases #
show words( "unixdict.txt", "abc", 1, 1, FALSE );
show words( "unixdict.txt", "the", 1, 1, FALSE );
show words( "unixdict.txt", "cio", 2, 1, FALSE );
show words( "words_alpha.txt", "abc", 2, 1, FALSE );
show words( "words_alpha.txt", "the", 2, 1, FALSE );
show words( "words_alpha.txt", "cio", 3, 1, FALSE );
show words( "words_alpha.txt", "abc", 2, 0, FALSE )
- Output:
Searching unixdict.txt for "abc" words, minimum count: 1 baccarat canvasback sabbatical Searching unixdict.txt for "the" words, minimum count: 1 aesthete afterthought authenticate bethlehem cheesecloth diethylstilbestrol eratosthenes heathenish letterhead liechtenstein mephistopheles nineteenth orthophosphate seventieth sweetheart teethe teethed thereafter theretofore thirtieth triphenylphosphine twentieth westchester wholehearted Searching unixdict.txt for "cio" words, minimum count: 2 socioeconomic Searching words_alpha.txt for "abc" words, minimum count: 2 <none> Searching words_alpha.txt for "the" words, minimum count: 2 demethylchlortetracycline dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane hyperthermesthesia tetrachloroethylene thermohyperesthesia trinitrophenylmethylnitramine Searching words_alpha.txt for "cio" words, minimum count: 3 scleroticochorioiditis Searching words_alpha.txt for "abc" words, minimum count: 2, delta: 0 abboccato bambocciade beccabunga blackback bombacaceous brachiocubital buccolabial cabbalistic subbrachycephaly subcarbonaceous
This task uses countChars from F# Implementation of ABC correlation
// ABC incremental counts. Nigel Galloway: August 29th., 2024
let abc:string -> Map<char,int>=countChars ['a';'b';'c']
let the:string -> Map<char,int>=countChars ['t';'h';'e']
let cio:string -> Map<char,int>=countChars ['c';'i';'o']
let predicate n g=let g=(Map.values>>Array.ofSeq>>Array.sort)g in g[0]>=n && g|>Array.pairwise|>Array.forall(fun(n,g)->g=n+1)
printfn "Results from unixdict.txt:"
System.IO.File.ReadLines "unixdict.txt"|>Seq.filter(abc>>predicate 1)|>Seq.iter(printfn "%s")
System.IO.File.ReadLines "unixdict.txt"|>Seq.filter(the>>predicate 1)|>Seq.iter(printfn "%s")
System.IO.File.ReadLines "unixdict.txt"|>Seq.filter(cio>>predicate 2)|>Seq.iter(printfn "%s")
printfn "\nResults from words_alpha.txt:"
System.IO.File.ReadLines "words_alpha.txt"|>Seq.filter(abc>>predicate 2)|>Seq.iter(printfn "%s")
System.IO.File.ReadLines "words_alpha.txt"|>Seq.filter(the>>predicate 2)|>Seq.iter(printfn "%s")
System.IO.File.ReadLines "words_alpha.txt"|>Seq.filter(cio>>predicate 3)|>Seq.iter(printfn "%s")
- Output:
Results from unixdict.txt: baccarat canvasback sabbatical aesthete afterthought authenticate bethlehem cheesecloth diethylstilbestrol eratosthenes heathenish letterhead liechtenstein mephistopheles nineteenth orthophosphate seventieth sweetheart teethe teethed thereafter theretofore thirtieth triphenylphosphine twentieth westchester wholehearted socioeconomic Results from words_alpha.txt demethylchlortetracycline dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane hyperthermesthesia tetrachloroethylene thermohyperesthesia trinitrophenylmethylnitramine scleroticochorioiditis
Sub SortInt(array() As Integer)
Dim As Integer i, j, min
Dim As Integer lb = Lbound(array), ub = Ubound(array)
For i = lb To ub - 1
min = i
For j = i + 1 To ub
If array(j) < array(min) Then min = j
Next j
Swap array(min), array(i)
Next i
End Sub
Function Incremental(text As String, letters() As String, casesensitive As Boolean = True, minfirstcount As Integer = 1) As Boolean
Dim As Integer i, j
Dim As Integer ub = Ubound(letters)
If Not casesensitive Then
text = Lcase(text)
For i = 0 To ub
letters(i) = Lcase(letters(i))
End If
Dim counts(ub) As Integer
For i = 0 To ub
counts(i) = 0
For j = 1 To Len(text)
If Mid(text, j, 1) = letters(i) Then counts(i) += 1
If counts(0) >= minfirstcount Then
For i = 1 To Ubound(counts)
If counts(i) - counts(i - 1) <> 1 Then Return False
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
Sub ReadFile(filename As String, words() As String)
Dim f As Integer = Freefile
Open filename For Input As #f
Dim linea As String
While Not Eof(f)
Line Input #f, linea
Redim Preserve words(Ubound(words) + 1)
words(Ubound(words)) = linea
Close #f
End Sub
Dim uwords() As String
Dim awords() As String
ReadFile("unixdict.txt", uwords())
ReadFile("words_alpha.txt", awords())
Dim tests(5, 2) As String
tests(0, 0) = "unixdict.txt": tests(0, 1) = "a,b,c": tests(0, 2) = "1"
tests(1, 0) = "unixdict.txt": tests(1, 1) = "t,h,e": tests(1, 2) = "1"
tests(2, 0) = "unixdict.txt": tests(2, 1) = "c,i,o": tests(2, 2) = "2"
tests(3, 0) = "words_alpha.txt": tests(3, 1) = "a,b,c": tests(3, 2) = "2"
tests(4, 0) = "words_alpha.txt": tests(4, 1) = "t,h,e": tests(4, 2) = "2"
tests(5, 0) = "words_alpha.txt": tests(5, 1) = "c,i,o": tests(5, 2) = "3"
Dim As Integer i, j
For i = 0 To 5
Dim wordlist() As String
If tests(i, 0) = "unixdict.txt" Then
Redim wordlist(Ubound(uwords))
For j = 0 To Ubound(uwords)
wordlist(j) = uwords(j)
Redim wordlist(Ubound(awords))
For j = 0 To Ubound(awords)
wordlist(j) = awords(j)
End If
Dim chars(2) As String
chars(0) = Mid(tests(i, 1), 1, 1)
chars(1) = Mid(tests(i, 1), 3, 1)
chars(2) = Mid(tests(i, 1), 5, 1)
Dim minreq As Integer = Val(tests(i, 2))
Print "Filtering "; tests(i, 0); " for letters <"; tests(i, 1); "> and minimum count"; minreq; ":"
Dim results() As String
For j = 0 To Ubound(wordlist)
If Incremental(wordlist(j), chars(), True, minreq) Then
Redim Preserve results(Ubound(results) + 1)
results(Ubound(results)) = wordlist(j)
End If
If Ubound(results) = -1 Then
Print "<none>"
For j = 0 To Ubound(results)
Print results(j)
End If
- Output:
Same as Julia entry.
Adapted from Wren
Works with jq, the C implementation of jq
Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq
With a small adjustment as a concession to jaq's lack of support for the `--argjson` command-line option, the program also works with jaq, the Rust implementation of jq.
def count(stream): reduce stream as $x (0; .+1);
# Count the number of occurrences of $char in .
def occurrences($char):
($char[0:1]|explode[0]) as $codepoint
| count( explode[] | select(. == $codepoint));
# Input: an array of "words"
# Output: an array of words satisfying the conditions
def abcIncrementalCounts($letters; $minCount):
reduce (.[] | ascii_downcase) as $word ([];
($word | occurrences($letters[0])) as $c1
| if $c1 < $minCount then .
else ($word|occurrences($letters[1])) as $c2
| if $c2 < $minCount then .
else ($word|occurrences($letters[2])) as $c3
| if $c3 < $minCount then .
else ([$c1, $c2, $c3] | sort) as $l
| if $l[1] != ($l[0] + 1) or $l[2] != ($l[1] + 1) then .
else . + [$word]
def letters:
[["a", "b", "c"], ["t", "h", "e"], ["c", "i", "o"]];
# Requires: $mincount
# Reads from STDIN
def incremental_counts:
| range(0; letters|length) as $j
| letters[$j] as $letters
| "Letters: \($letters) -- Minimum count \($mincount[$j])",
( (abcIncrementalCounts($letters; $mincount[$j]) ) as $res
| if ($res|length) > 0
then $res[] | sub("\r$";"")
else "<none>"
end ),
- Output:
echo Using unixdict.txt: jq -nRr -f abc-incremental-counts.jq --argjson mincount '[1, 1, 2]' unixdict.txt echo echo Using words_alpha.txt: jq -nRrf abc-incremental-counts.jq --argjson mincount '[2, 2, 3]' words_alpha.txt
Essentially as for #Wren
function incremental(text, letters; casesensitive = true, minfirstcount = 1)
if !casesensitive
text = lowercase(text)
letters = map(lowercase, letters)
counts = map(c -> count(==(c), text), letters) |> sort!
return !isempty(counts) && counts[begin] >= minfirstcount && all(==(1), diff(counts))
const uwords = split(read("unixdict.txt", String), r"\s+")
const awords = split(read("words_alpha.txt", String), r"\s+")
const tests = [
(uwords, ['a', 'b', 'c'], 1), (uwords, ['t', 'h', 'e'], 1), (uwords, ['c', 'i', 'o'], 2),
(awords, ['a', 'b', 'c'], 2), (awords, ['t', 'h', 'e'], 2), (awords, ['c', 'i', 'o'], 3),
for (wordlist, chars, minreq) in tests
fname = wordlist == uwords ? "unixdict.txt" : "words_alpha.txt"
println("Filtering $fname for letters <$(String(chars))> and minimum count $minreq:")
results = filter(s -> incremental(s, chars, minfirstcount = minreq), wordlist)
println(isempty(results) ? "<none>" : join(results, "\n"), "\n")
- Output:
Filtering unixdict.txt for letters <abc> and minimum count 1: baccarat canvasback sabbatical Filtering unixdict.txt for letters <the> and minimum count 1: aesthete afterthought authenticate bethlehem cheesecloth diethylstilbestrol eratosthenes heathenish letterhead liechtenstein mephistopheles nineteenth orthophosphate seventieth sweetheart teethe teethed thereafter theretofore thirtieth triphenylphosphine twentieth westchester wholehearted Filtering unixdict.txt for letters <cio> and minimum count 2: socioeconomic Filtering words_alpha.txt for letters <abc> and minimum count 2: <none> Filtering words_alpha.txt for letters <the> and minimum count 2: demethylchlortetracycline dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane hyperthermesthesia tetrachloroethylene thermohyperesthesia trinitrophenylmethylnitramine Filtering words_alpha.txt for letters <cio> and minimum count 3: scleroticochorioiditis
This task uses countChars from Words with more than 3 ez
// ABC incremental counts. Nigel Galloway: August 29th., 2024
function predicate(g:Sequence of (integer,integer);m:integer):boolean;
result:=false; if g.First[0]<m then exit;
foreach n:(integer,integer) in g do if n[1]<>n[0]+1 then exit; result:=true;
abc:string->Sequence of (integer,integer):=n->countChars('abc',n).Values.Sorted.Pairwise;
the:string->Sequence of (integer,integer):=n->countChars('the',n).Values.Sorted.Pairwise;
cio:string->Sequence of (integer,integer):=n->countChars('cio',n).Values.Sorted.Pairwise;
println('Results from unixdict.txt:');
foreach s:string in System.IO.File.ReadLines('unixdict.txt') do
if predicate(abc(s),1) or predicate(the(s),1) or predicate(cio(s),2) then println(s);
println; println('Results from words_alpha.txt:');
foreach s:string in System.IO.File.ReadLines('words_alpha.txt') do
if predicate(abc(s),2) or predicate(the(s),2) or predicate(cio(s),3) then println(s);
- Output:
Results from unixdict.txt: aesthete afterthought authenticate baccarat bethlehem canvasback cheesecloth diethylstilbestrol eratosthenes heathenish letterhead liechtenstein mephistopheles nineteenth orthophosphate sabbatical seventieth socioeconomic sweetheart teethe teethed thereafter theretofore thirtieth triphenylphosphine twentieth westchester wholehearted Results from words_alpha.txt: demethylchlortetracycline dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane hyperthermesthesia scleroticochorioiditis tetrachloroethylene thermohyperesthesia trinitrophenylmethylnitramine
with javascript_semantics
function incrementing_counts(string word, sequence letn)
{string letters, integer minc} = letn
sequence c = unique(apply(apply(true,filter,{{word},{"="},letters}),length))
return c[1]>=minc and length(c)=length(letters) and c[$]-c[1]=length(letters)-1
end function
for i,d in {"unixdict.txt","words_alpha.txt"} do
sequence words = unix_dict(6,d)
-- (aside: may as well, ^nowt < 6 letters would ever pass muster)
for j,t in {"abc","the","cio"} do
integer n = 1+(i>1)+(j>2)
sequence r = filter(words,incrementing_counts,{t,n})
printf(1,"Filtering %s for %s >= %d: %s\n",
end for
if platform()=JS then exit end if
end for
- Output:
words_alpha.txt only on desktop/Phix (since only unixdict.txt has as yet been repackaged for use in a browser).
Filtering unixdict.txt for abc >= 1: baccarat,canvasback,sabbatical Filtering unixdict.txt for the >= 1: aesthete,...,wholehearted, (24 found) Filtering unixdict.txt for cio >= 2: socioeconomic Filtering words_alpha.txt for abc >= 2: Filtering words_alpha.txt for the >= 2: demethylchlortetracycline,...,trinitrophenylmethylnitramine, (6 found) Filtering words_alpha.txt for cio >= 3: scleroticochorioiditis
import os
from collections import Counter
from functools import partial
from itertools import pairwise # requires Python >= 3.10
from typing import Iterable
def incrementing_counts(word: str, letters: Iterable[str], minimum: int) -> bool:
counter = Counter({c: 0 for c in letters})
counter.update(c for c in word if c in letters)
counts = counter.most_common()
return (
all(a[1] - b[1] == 1 for a, b in pairwise(counts)) and counts[-1][1] >= minimum
def display_incrementing_words(
filename: str,
words: Iterable[str],
letters: Iterable[str],
minimum: int,
) -> None:
f"Incrementing counts of {letters} "
f"in {filename} "
f"with a minimum count of {minimum}:"
_func = partial(incrementing_counts, letters=letters, minimum=minimum)
print(os.linesep.join(filter(_func, words)) or "<none>", "\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
with open("unixdict.txt") as fd:
unix_dict = [line.strip() for line in fd]
with open("words_alpha.txt") as fd:
words_alpha = [line.strip() for line in fd]
test_cases = [
("unixdict.txt", unix_dict, ["a", "b", "c"], 1),
("unixdict.txt", unix_dict, ["t", "h", "e"], 1),
("unixdict.txt", unix_dict, ["c", "i", "o"], 2),
("words_alpha.txt", words_alpha, ["a", "b", "c"], 2),
("words_alpha.txt", words_alpha, ["t", "h", "e"], 2),
("words_alpha.txt", words_alpha, ["c", "i", "o"], 3),
for case in test_cases:
- Output:
Incrementing counts of ['a', 'b', 'c'] in unixdict.txt with a minimum count of 1: baccarat canvasback sabbatical Incrementing counts of ['t', 'h', 'e'] in unixdict.txt with a minimum count of 1: aesthete afterthought authenticate bethlehem cheesecloth diethylstilbestrol eratosthenes heathenish letterhead liechtenstein mephistopheles nineteenth orthophosphate seventieth sweetheart teethe teethed thereafter theretofore thirtieth triphenylphosphine twentieth westchester wholehearted Incrementing counts of ['c', 'i', 'o'] in unixdict.txt with a minimum count of 2: socioeconomic Incrementing counts of ['a', 'b', 'c'] in words_alpha.txt with a minimum count of 2: <none> Incrementing counts of ['t', 'h', 'e'] in words_alpha.txt with a minimum count of 2: demethylchlortetracycline dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane hyperthermesthesia tetrachloroethylene thermohyperesthesia trinitrophenylmethylnitramine Incrementing counts of ['c', 'i', 'o'] in words_alpha.txt with a minimum count of 3: scleroticochorioiditis
say "\nUsing ", my $dict = 'unixdict.txt';
my @tests = <a b c>, 1, <t h e>, 1, <c i o>, 2;
filter $dict.IO.words;
say "\n\nUsing ", $dict = 'words_alpha.txt';
filter $dict.IO.words;
sub filter (@words) {
for @tests -> ($a, $b, $c), $min {
say "\nLetters: ($a $b $c) -- Minimum count $min\n",
@words.race.grep(&incremental).sort.join("\n") || '<none>';
sub incremental ($word) {
my @v = $word.comb.Bag{$a,$b,$c}.values.sort;
(@v[0] >= $min) && (@v[0]+1 == @v[1]) && (@v[0]+2 == @v[2])
- Output:
Using unixdict.txt Letters: (a b c) -- Minimum count 1 baccarat canvasback sabbatical Letters: (t h e) -- Minimum count 1 aesthete afterthought authenticate bethlehem cheesecloth diethylstilbestrol eratosthenes heathenish letterhead liechtenstein mephistopheles nineteenth orthophosphate seventieth sweetheart teethe teethed thereafter theretofore thirtieth triphenylphosphine twentieth westchester wholehearted Letters: (c i o) -- Minimum count 2 socioeconomic Using words_alpha.txt Letters: (a b c) -- Minimum count 2 <none> Letters: (t h e) -- Minimum count 2 demethylchlortetracycline dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane hyperthermesthesia tetrachloroethylene thermohyperesthesia trinitrophenylmethylnitramine Letters: (c i o) -- Minimum count 3 scleroticochorioiditis
The only way in RPL to use unixdict.txt
as input is to convert it into a list of 25,104 strings, stored in the global variable Dict
. This implementation is case-sensitive.
« → w « 0. 26 NDUPN →LIST 1 w SIZE FOR j w j DUP SUB NUM 96 - IF DUP 1 ≥ OVER 26 ≤ AND THEN DUP2 GET 1 + PUT ELSE DROP END NEXT » » 'LCNT' STO @ ( "word" → { letter_count .. } ) « « j » 'j' ROT DUP 5 PICK SIZE + 1 - 1 SEQ SWAP LCNT → c mask « Dict DUP 1 « mask SWAP LCNT IFT SORT c == » DOLIST SWAP IFT » » 'αINCC' STO @ ( "abc" val → { "word" .. )
"abc" 1 αINCC "the" 1 αINCC "cio" 2 αINCC
- Output:
3: { "baccarat" "canvasback" "sabbatical" } 2: { "aesthete" "afterthought" "authenticate" "bethlehem" "cheesecloth" "diethylstilbestrol" "eratosthenes" "heathenish" "letterhead" "liechtenstein" "mephistopheles" "nineteenth" "orthophosphate" "seventieth" "sweetheart" "teethe" "teethed" "thereafter" "theretofore" "thirtieth" "triphenylphosphine" "twentieth" "westchester" "wholehearted" } 1: { "socioeconomic" }
import "./ioutil" for FileUtil
import "./str" for Str
var abcIncrementalCounts = { |fileName, letters, minCount|
var res = []
var words = FileUtil.readLines(fileName) // local copy
for (word in words) {
word = Str.lower(word)
var c1 = Str.occurs(word, letters[0])
if (c1 < minCount) continue
var c2 = Str.occurs(word, letters[1])
if (c2 < minCount) continue
var c3 = Str.occurs(word, letters[2])
if (c3 < minCount) continue
var l = [c1, c2, c3].sort()
if (l[1] != l[0] + 1 || l[2] != l[1] + 1) continue
return res
var fileNames = ["unixdict.txt", "words_alpha.txt"]
var letters = [["a", "b", "c"], ["t", "h", "e"], ["c", "i", "o"]]
var minCounts = [[1, 1, 2], [2, 2, 3]]
for (i in 0...fileNames.count) {
System.print("Using %(fileNames[i]):\n")
for (j in 0...letters.count) {
System.print("Letters: %(letters[j]) -- Minimum count %(minCounts[i][j])")
var res =[i], letters[j], minCounts[i][j])
if (res.count > 0) {
} else {
- Output:
Using unixdict.txt: Letters: [a, b, c] -- Minimum count 1 baccarat canvasback sabbatical Letters: [t, h, e] -- Minimum count 1 aesthete afterthought authenticate bethlehem cheesecloth diethylstilbestrol eratosthenes heathenish letterhead liechtenstein mephistopheles nineteenth orthophosphate seventieth sweetheart teethe teethed thereafter theretofore thirtieth triphenylphosphine twentieth westchester wholehearted Letters: [c, i, o] -- Minimum count 2 socioeconomic Using words_alpha.txt: Letters: [a, b, c] -- Minimum count 2 <none> Letters: [t, h, e] -- Minimum count 2 demethylchlortetracycline dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane hyperthermesthesia tetrachloroethylene thermohyperesthesia trinitrophenylmethylnitramine Letters: [c, i, o] -- Minimum count 3 scleroticochorioiditis
string 0; \use zero-terminated strings
proc IncCounts(File, Let, Min);
char File, Let, Min;
char Cnt(3), Word(100);
int Set, I, J, Ch, Len, None;
def LF=$0A, CR=$0D, EOF=$1A;
[Text(0, "Letters: '"); Text(0, Let);
Text(0, "' Minimum count: "); IntOut(0, Min); CrLf(0);
FSet(FOpen(File, 0), ^I); \set dictionary file to device 3
None:= true;
repeat I:= 0;
loop [repeat Ch:= ChIn(3) until Ch # CR; \remove possible CR
if Ch=LF or Ch=EOF then quit;
Word(I):= Ch;
I:= I+1;
Word(I):= 0; \terminate string
Len:= I;
[for J:= 0 to 2 do Cnt(J):= 0;
for I:= 0 to Len-1 do
[for J:= 0 to 2 do
if Word(I) = Let(J) then Cnt(J):= Cnt(J)+1;
Set:= 0;
for J:= 0 to 2 do
Set:= Set or 1<<Cnt(J);
if Set>>Min = $7 then
[Text(0, Word); CrLf(0); None:= false];
until Ch = EOF;
if None then Text(0, "<none>^m^j");
int Files, Letters, MinCounts, I, J;
[Files:= ["unixdict.txt", "words_alpha.txt"];
Letters:= ["abc", "the", "cio"];
MinCounts:= [[1, 1, 2], [2, 2, 3]];
for I:= 0 to 1 do
[Text(0, "Using: "); Text(0, Files(I)); CrLf(0); CrLf(0);
for J:= 0 to 2 do
IncCounts(Files(I), Letters(J), MinCounts(I, J));
- Output:
Using: unixdict.txt Letters: 'abc' Minimum count: 1 baccarat canvasback sabbatical Letters: 'the' Minimum count: 1 aesthete afterthought authenticate bethlehem cheesecloth diethylstilbestrol eratosthenes heathenish letterhead liechtenstein mephistopheles nineteenth orthophosphate seventieth sweetheart teethe teethed thereafter theretofore thirtieth triphenylphosphine twentieth westchester wholehearted Letters: 'cio' Minimum count: 2 socioeconomic Using: words_alpha.txt Letters: 'abc' Minimum count: 2 <none> Letters: 'the' Minimum count: 2 demethylchlortetracycline dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane hyperthermesthesia tetrachloroethylene thermohyperesthesia trinitrophenylmethylnitramine Letters: 'cio' Minimum count: 3 scleroticochorioiditis