Cut a rectangle: Difference between revisions

m (→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: Limit to a 9 x 8 rectangle for reasonable run time)
Line 1,735:
8 x 5: 1675
Using a completely different home-brewed algoithm, slightly sub-optimal as noted in the code.
<lang Phix>integer show = 2, -- max number to show
-- (nb mirrors are not shown)
chance = 1000 -- 1=always, 2=50%, 3=33%, etc
sequence grid
integer gh, -- = length(grid),
gw -- = length(grid[1])
integer ty1, ty2, tx1, tx2 -- target {y,x}s
procedure mirror(integer y, x, ch)
-- plant/reset ch and the symmetric copy
grid[y,x] = ch
grid[gh-y+1,gw-x+1] = ch
end procedure
constant dyx = {{0,+1},{-1,0},{+1,0},{0,-1}},
chx = "-||-"
function search(integer y, x, d, level)
integer count = 0
if level=0 or grid[y,x]!='x' then
integer {dy,dx} = dyx[d],
{ny,nx} = {y+dy,x+dx},
{yy,xx} = {y+dy*2,x+dx*3}
if grid[ny,nx]=' ' then
integer c = chx[d]
if c='-' then
end if
integer meet = (yy=ty1 or yy=ty2) and (xx=tx1 or xx=tx2)
if meet then
count = 1
if show and rand(chance)=chance then
show -= 1
sequence g = grid -- (make copy/avoid reset)
-- fill in(/overwrite) the last cut, if any
if ty1!=ty2 then g[ty1+1,tx1] = '|'
elsif tx1!=tx2 then g[ty1][tx1+1..tx1+2] = "--"
end if
end if
if grid[yy,xx]='+' then -- (minor gain)
for d=RIGHT to LEFT do -- (kinda true!)
count += search(yy,xx,d,level+1)
end for
end if
end if
mirror(ny,nx,' ')
if c='-' then
mirror(ny,nx+dx,' ')
end if
end if
if level!=0 then
-- ((level=0)==leave outer edges 'x' for next iteration)
end if
end if
return count
end function
function odd(integer n) return remainder(n,2)=1 end function
function even(integer n) return remainder(n,2)=0 end function
procedure make_grid(integer w,h)
-- The outer edges are 'x'; the inner '+' become 'x' when visited.
-- Likewise edges are cuts but the inner ones get filled in later.
sequence tb = join(repeat("x",w+1),"--"),
hz = join('x'&repeat("+",w-1)&'x'," ")&"\n",
vt = "|"&repeat(' ',w*3-1)&"|\n"
grid = split(tb&"\n"&join(repeat(vt,h),hz)&tb,'\n')
-- set size (for mirroring) and target info:
gh = length(grid) gw = length(grid[1])
ty1 = h+even(h) ty2 = ty1+odd(h)*2
tx1 = floor(w/2)*3+1 tx2 = tx1+odd(w)*3
end procedure
function side(integer w, h)
-- search top to mid-point
integer count = 0, last = 0
for r=3 to h+1 by 2 do
last = search(r,1,RIGHT,0) -- left to right
count += 2*last
end for
if even(h) then
count -= last -- (un-double the centre line)
end if
return count
end function
--atom t0 = time()
-- nb sub-optimal: obviously "grid" was designed for easy display, rather than speed.
for y=1 to 9 do -- 24s
--for y=1 to 10 do -- (gave up on >10x8)
for x=1 to y do
-- for x=1 to min(y,8) do -- 4 mins 16s (with y to 10)
if even(x*y) then
integer count = side(x,y)
if x=y then
count *= 2
count += side(y,x)
end if
printf(1,"%d x %d: %d\n", {y, x, count})
end if
end for
end for
Includes two random grids
2 x 1: 1
2 x 2: 2
3 x 2: 3
4 x 1: 1
4 x 2: 4
4 x 3: 9
4 x 4: 22
5 x 2: 5
5 x 4: 39
6 x 1: 1
6 x 2: 6
6 x 3: 23
6 x 4: 90
6 x 5: 263
6 x 6: 1018
7 x 2: 7
7 x 4: 151
| |
x--x + + + + x
| | |
x x x--x--x + x
| | | | |
x x--x x--x + x
| | |
x + x--x x--x x
| | | | |
x + x--x--x x x
| | |
x + + + + x--x
| |
| |
x + x--x--x--x--x x
| | | |
x--x--x x--x--x x x
| | | | |
x x--x x--x x--x x
| | | | |
x x x--x--x x--x--x
| | | |
x x--x--x--x--x + x
| |
7 x 6: 2947
8 x 1: 1
8 x 2: 8
8 x 3: 53
8 x 4: 340
8 x 5: 1675
8 x 6: 11174
8 x 7: 55939
8 x 8: 369050
9 x 2: 9
9 x 4: 553
9 x 6: 31721
9 x 8: 1812667
10 x 1: 1
10 x 2: 10
10 x 3: 115
10 x 4: 1228
10 x 5: 10295
10 x 6: 118276
10 x 7: 1026005
10 x 8: 11736888
