Convex hull: Difference between revisions

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<pre>Convex Hull: [(-9,-3), (-3,-9), (19,-8), (17,5), (12,17), (5,19), (-3,15)]</pre>
{{works with|gfortran|11.3.0}}
<lang fortran>module convex_hulls
! Convex hulls by Andrew's monotone chain algorithm.
! For a description of the algorithm, see
! For brevity in the task, I shall use the built-in "complex" type
! to represent objects in the plane. One could have fun rewriting
! this implementation in terms of geometric algebra.
implicit none
public :: find_convex_hull
elemental function x (u)
complex, intent(in) :: u
real :: x
x = real (u)
end function x
elemental function y (u)
complex, intent(in) :: u
real :: y
y = aimag (u)
end function y
elemental function cross (u, v) result (p)
complex, intent(in) :: u, v
real :: p
! The cross product as a signed scalar.
p = (x (u) * y (v)) - (y (u) * x (v))
end function cross
subroutine sort_points (num_points, points)
integer, intent(in) :: num_points
complex, intent(inout) :: points(0:*)
! Sort first in ascending order by x-coordinates, then in
! ascending order by y-coordinates. Any decent sort algorithm will
! suffice; for the sake of interest, here is the Shell sort of
integer, parameter :: gaps(1:8) = (/ 701, 301, 132, 57, 23, 10, 4, 1 /)
integer :: i, j, k, gap, offset
complex :: temp
logical :: done
do k = 1, 8
gap = gaps(k)
do offset = 0, gap - 1
do i = offset, num_points - 1, gap
temp = points(i)
j = i
done = .false.
do while (.not. done)
if (j < gap) then
done = .true.
else if (x (points(j - gap)) < x (temp)) then
done = .true.
else if (x (points(j - gap)) == x (temp) .and. &
& (y (points(j - gap)) <= y (temp))) then
done = .true.
points(j) = points(j - gap)
j = j - gap
end if
end do
points(j) = temp
end do
end do
end do
end subroutine sort_points
subroutine construct_lower_hull (n, pt, hull_size, hull)
integer, intent(in) :: n ! Number of points.
complex, intent(in) :: pt(0:*)
integer, intent(inout) :: hull_size
complex, intent(inout) :: hull(0:*)
integer :: i, j
logical :: done
j = 1
hull(0:1) = pt(0:1)
do i = 2, n - 1
done = .false.
do while (.not. done)
if (j == 0) then
j = j + 1
hull(j) = pt(i)
done = .true.
else if (0.0 < cross (hull(j) - hull(j - 1), &
& pt(i) - hull(j - 1))) then
j = j + 1
hull(j) = pt(i)
done = .true.
j = j - 1
end if
end do
end do
hull_size = j + 1
end subroutine construct_lower_hull
subroutine construct_upper_hull (n, pt, hull_size, hull)
integer, intent(in) :: n ! Number of points.
complex, intent(in) :: pt(0:*)
integer, intent(inout) :: hull_size
complex, intent(inout) :: hull(0:*)
integer :: i, j
logical :: done
j = 1
hull(0:1) = pt(n - 1 : n - 2 : -1)
do i = n - 3, 0, -1
done = .false.
do while (.not. done)
if (j == 0) then
j = j + 1
hull(j) = pt(i)
done = .true.
else if (0.0 < cross (hull(j) - hull(j - 1), &
& pt(i) - hull(j - 1))) then
j = j + 1
hull(j) = pt(i)
done = .true.
j = j - 1
end if
end do
end do
hull_size = j + 1
end subroutine construct_upper_hull
subroutine contruct_hull (n, pt, hull_size, hull)
integer, intent(in) :: n ! Number of points.
complex, intent(in) :: pt(0:*)
integer, intent(inout) :: hull_size
complex, intent(inout) :: hull(0:*)
integer :: lower_hull_size, upper_hull_size
complex :: lower_hull(0 : n - 1), upper_hull(0 : n - 1)
integer :: ihull0
ihull0 = lbound (hull, 1)
! A side note: the calls to construct_lower_hull and
! construct_upper_hull could be done in parallel.
call construct_lower_hull (n, pt, lower_hull_size, lower_hull)
call construct_upper_hull (n, pt, upper_hull_size, upper_hull)
hull_size = lower_hull_size + upper_hull_size - 2
hull(:ihull0 + lower_hull_size - 2) = &
& lower_hull(:lower_hull_size - 2)
hull(ihull0 + lower_hull_size - 1 : ihull0 + hull_size - 1) = &
& upper_hull(0 : upper_hull_size - 2)
end subroutine contruct_hull
subroutine find_convex_hull (n, points, hull_size, hull)
integer, intent(in) :: n ! Number of points.
complex, intent(in) :: points(*) ! Input points.
integer, intent(inout) :: hull_size ! The size of the hull.
complex, intent(inout) :: hull(*) ! Points of the hull.
! Yes, you can call this with something like
! call find_convex_hull (n, points, n, points)
! and in the program below I shall demonstrate that.
complex :: pt(0 : n - 1)
integer :: ipoints0, ihull0
ipoints0 = lbound (points, 1)
ihull0 = lbound (hull, 1)
if (n == 0) then
hull_size = 0
else if (n == 1 .or. (n == 2 .and. points(1) == points(2))) then
hull_size = 1
hull(ihull0) = points(ipoints0)
else if (n == 2) then
hull_size = 2
hull(:ipoints0 + 1) = points(:ipoints0 + 1)
pt = points(:ipoints0 + n - 1)
call sort_points (n, pt)
call contruct_hull (n, pt, hull_size, hull)
end if
end subroutine find_convex_hull
end module convex_hulls
program convex_hull_task
use, non_intrinsic :: convex_hulls
implicit none
complex, parameter :: example_points(20) = &
& (/ (16, 3), (12, 17), (0, 6), (-4, -6), (16, 6), &
& (16, -7), (16, -3), (17, -4), (5, 19), (19, -8), &
& (3, 16), (12, 13), (3, -4), (17, 5), (-3, 15), &
& (-3, -9), (0, 11), (-9, -3), (-4, -2), (12, 10) /)
integer :: n, i
complex :: points(0:100)
character(len = 100) :: fmt
n = 20
points(1:n) = example_points
call find_convex_hull (n, points(1:n), n, points(1:n))
write (fmt, '("(", I20, ''("(", F3.0, 1X, F3.0, ") ")'', ")")') n
write (*, fmt) (points(i), i = 1, n)
end program convex_hull_task</lang>
If you compile with -Wextra you may get warnings about the use of == on floating-point numbers. I hate those warnings and turn them off if I am using -Wextra. Those warnings are for floating-point newbies.
<pre>$ gfortran -fcheck=all -std=f2018 convex_hull_task.f90 && ./a.out
(-9. -3.) (-3. -9.) (19. -8.) (17. 5.) (12. 17.) ( 5. 19.) (-3. 15.)</pre>
Line 1,040 ⟶ 1,279:
(-9 , -3 )
