Compiler/virtual machine interpreter: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
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count is: 8
count is: 8
count is: 9</pre>
count is: 9</pre>

=={{header|Common Lisp}}==
{{works with|roswell|}}
{{works with|SBCL|2.2.3}}

<lang lisp>#!/bin/sh
#|-*- mode:lisp -*-|#
exec ros -Q -- $0 "$@"
(progn ;;init forms
#+quicklisp(ql:quickload '() :silent t)

(defpackage :ros.script.vm.3858678051
(:use :cl))
(in-package :ros.script.vm.3858678051)

;;; The Rosetta Code Virtual Machine, in Common Lisp.
;;; Notes:
;;; * I have tried not to use foreign types or similar means of
;;; optimization.
;;; * Integers are stored in the VM's executable memory in
;;; big-endian order. Not because I prefer it, but because I do
;;; not want to get myself into a little-endian rut.

(require "cl-ppcre")
(require "trivia")

;;; Yes, I could compute how much memory is needed, or I could assume
;;; that the instructions are in address order. However, for *this*
;;; implementation I am going to use a large fixed-size memory and use
;;; the address fields of instructions to place the instructions.
(defconstant executable-memory-size 65536
"The size of memory for executable code, in 8-bit words.")

;;; Similarly, I am going to have fixed size data and stack memory.
(defconstant data-memory-size 2048
"The size of memory for stored data, in 32-bit words.")
(defconstant stack-memory-size 2048
"The size of memory for the stack, in 32-bit words.")

;;; And so I am going to have specialized types for the different
;;; kinds of memory the platform contains. Also for its "word" and
;;; register types.
(deftype word ()
'(unsigned-byte 32))
(deftype register ()
'(simple-array word (1)))
(deftype executable-memory ()
`(simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) ,(list executable-memory-size)))
(deftype data-memory ()
`(simple-array word ,(list data-memory-size)))
(deftype stack-memory ()
`(simple-array word ,(list stack-memory-size)))

(defconstant re-blank-line
(ppcre:create-scanner "^\\s*$"))

(defconstant re-parse-instr-1
(ppcre:create-scanner "^\\s*(\\d+)\\s*(.*\\S)"))

(defconstant re-parse-instr-2
(ppcre:create-scanner "(?i)^(\\S+)\\s*(.*)"))

(defconstant re-parse-instr-3
(ppcre:create-scanner "^[[(]?([0-9-]+)"))

(defconstant opcode-names

(defun blank-line-p (s)
(not (not (ppcre:scan re-blank-line s))))

(defun opcode-from-name (s)
(position-if (lambda (name)
(string= s name))

(defun create-executable-memory ()
(coerce (make-list executable-memory-size
:initial-element (opcode-from-name "halt"))

(defun create-data-memory ()
(coerce (make-list data-memory-size :initial-element 0)

(defun create-stack-memory ()
(coerce (make-list stack-memory-size :initial-element 0)

(defun create-register ()
(coerce (make-list 1 :initial-element 0) 'register))

(defstruct machine
(sp (create-register) :type register) ; Stack pointer.
(ip (create-register) :type register) ; Instruction pointer (same
; thing as program counter).
(code (create-executable-memory) :type executable-memory)
(data (create-data-memory) :type data-memory)
(stack (create-stack-memory) :type stack-memory)
(strings nil)
output *standard-output*)

(defun insert-instruction (memory instr)
(declare (type executable-memory memory))
(trivia:match instr
((list address opcode arg)
(let ((instr-size (if arg 5 1)))
(unless (<= (+ address instr-size) executable-memory-size)
(warn "the VM's executable memory size is exceeded")
(uiop:quit 1))
(setf (elt memory address) opcode)
(when arg
;; Big-endian order.
(setf (elt memory (+ address 1)) (ldb (byte 8 24) arg))
(setf (elt memory (+ address 2)) (ldb (byte 8 16) arg))
(setf (elt memory (+ address 3)) (ldb (byte 8 8) arg))
(setf (elt memory (+ address 4)) (ldb (byte 8 0) arg)))))))

(defun load-executable-memory (memory instr-lst)
(declare (type executable-memory memory))
(loop for instr in instr-lst
do (insert-instruction memory instr)))

(defun parse-instruction (s)
(if (blank-line-p s)
(let* ((strings (nth-value 1 (ppcre:scan-to-strings
re-parse-instr-1 s)))
(address (parse-integer (elt strings 0)))
(split (nth-value 1 (ppcre:scan-to-strings
re-parse-instr-2 (elt strings 1))))
(opcode-name (string-downcase (elt split 0)))
(opcode (opcode-from-name opcode-name))
(arguments (elt split 1))
(has-arg (trivia:match opcode-name
((or "fetch" "store" "push" "jmp" "jz") t)
(_ nil))))
(if has-arg
(let* ((argstr-lst
(nth-value 1 (ppcre:scan-to-strings
re-parse-instr-3 arguments)))
(argstr (elt argstr-lst 0)))
`(,address ,opcode ,(parse-integer argstr)))
`(,address ,opcode ())))))

(defun read-instructions (inpf)
(loop for line = (read-line inpf nil 'eoi)
until (eq line 'eoi)
for instr = (parse-instruction line)
when instr collect instr))

(defun read-datasize-and-strings-count (inpf)
(let ((line (read-line inpf)))
(multiple-value-bind (_whole-match strings)
;; This is a permissive implementation.
(declare (ignore _whole-match))
`(,(parse-integer (elt strings 0))
,(parse-integer (elt strings 1))))))

(defun parse-string-literal (s)
;; This is a permissive implementation, but only in that it skips
;; any leading space. It does not check carefully for outright
;; mistakes.
(let* ((s (ppcre:regex-replace "^\\s*" s ""))
(quote-mark (elt s 0))
(i 1)
(loop until (char= (elt s i) quote-mark)
collect (let ((c (elt s i)))
(if (char= c #\\)
(let ((c0 (trivia:match (elt s (1+ i))
(#\n #\newline)
(c1 c1))))
(setq i (+ i 2))
(setq i (1+ i))
(coerce lst 'string)))

(defun read-string-literals (inpf strings-count)
(loop for i from 1 to strings-count
collect (parse-string-literal (read-line inpf))))

(defun open-inpf (inpf-filename)
(if (string= inpf-filename "-")
(open inpf-filename :direction :input)))

(defun open-outf (outf-filename)
(if (string= outf-filename "-")
(open outf-filename :direction :output
:if-exists :overwrite
:if-does-not-exist :create)))

(defun word-signbit-p (x)
"True if and only if the sign bit is set."
(declare (type word x))
(/= 0 (logand x #x80000000)))

(defun word-add (x y)
"Addition with overflow freely allowed."
(declare (type word x))
(declare (type word y))
(coerce (logand (+ x y) #xFFFFFFFF) 'word))

(defun word-neg (x)
"The two's complement."
(declare (type word x))
(word-add (logxor x #xFFFFFFFF) 1))

(defun word-sub (x y)
"Subtraction with overflow freely allowed."
(declare (type word x))
(declare (type word y))
(word-add x (word-neg y)))

(defun word-mul (x y)
"Signed multiplication."
(declare (type word x))
(declare (type word y))
(let ((x<0 (word-signbit-p x))
(y<0 (word-signbit-p y)))
(let ((abs-x (if x<0 (word-neg x) x))
(abs-y (if y<0 (word-neg y) y)))
(let* ((abs-xy (the word
(logand (* abs-x abs-y) #xFFFFFFFF))))
(if x<0
(if y<0 abs-xy (word-neg abs-xy))
(if y<0 (word-neg abs-xy) abs-xy))))))

(defun word-div (x y)
"The quotient after signed integer division with truncation towards
(declare (type word x))
(declare (type word y))
(let ((x<0 (word-signbit-p x))
(y<0 (word-signbit-p y)))
(let ((abs-x (if x<0 (word-neg x) x))
(abs-y (if y<0 (word-neg y) y)))
(let* ((abs-x/y (the word
(logand (floor abs-x abs-y) #xFFFFFFFF))))
(if x<0
(if y<0 abs-x/y (word-neg abs-x/y))
(if y<0 (word-neg abs-x/y) abs-x/y))))))

(defun word-mod (x y)
"The remainder after signed integer division with truncation towards
(declare (type word x))
(declare (type word y))
(let ((x<0 (word-signbit-p x))
(y<0 (word-signbit-p y)))
(let ((abs-x (if x<0 (word-neg x) x))
(abs-y (if y<0 (word-neg y) y)))
(let* ((abs-x%y (the word
(logand (nth-value 1 (floor abs-x abs-y))
(if x<0 (word-neg abs-x%y) abs-x%y)))))

(defun b2i (b)
(declare (type boolean b))
(if b 1 0))

(defun word-lt (x y)
"Signed comparison: is x less than y?"
(declare (type word x))
(declare (type word y))
(let ((x<0 (word-signbit-p x))
(y<0 (word-signbit-p y)))
(b2i (if x<0
(if y<0 (< x y) t)
(if y<0 nil (< x y))))))

(defun word-le (x y)
"Signed comparison: is x less than or equal to y?"
(declare (type word x))
(declare (type word y))
(let ((x<0 (word-signbit-p x))
(y<0 (word-signbit-p y)))
(b2i (if x<0
(if y<0 (<= x y) t)
(if y<0 nil (<= x y))))))

(defun word-gt (x y)
"Signed comparison: is x greater than y?"
(declare (type word x))
(declare (type word y))
(let ((x<0 (word-signbit-p x))
(y<0 (word-signbit-p y)))
(b2i (if x<0
(if y<0 (> x y) nil)
(if y<0 t (> x y))))))

(defun word-ge (x y)
"Signed comparison: is x greater than or equal to y?"
(declare (type word x))
(declare (type word y))
(let ((x<0 (word-signbit-p x))
(y<0 (word-signbit-p y)))
(b2i (if x<0
(if y<0 (>= x y) nil)
(if y<0 t (>= x y))))))

(defun word-eq (x y)
"Is x equal to y?"
(declare (type word x))
(declare (type word y))
(b2i (= x y)))

(defun word-ne (x y)
"Is x not equal to y?"
(declare (type word x))
(declare (type word y))
(b2i (/= x y)))

(defun word-cmp (x)
"The logical complement."
(declare (type word x))
(b2i (= x 0)))

(defun word-and (x y)
"The logical conjunction."
(declare (type word x))
(declare (type word y))
(b2i (and (/= x 0) (/= y 0))))

(defun word-or (x y)
"The logical disjunction."
(declare (type word x))
(declare (type word y))
(b2i (or (/= x 0) (/= y 0))))

(defun unop (stack sp operation)
"Perform a unary operation on the stack."
(declare (type stack-memory stack))
(declare (type register sp))
(declare (type (function (word) word) operation))
(let ((i (elt sp 0)))
(unless (<= 1 i)
(warn "stack underflow")
(uiop:quit 1))
(let ((x (elt stack (1- i))))
(setf (elt stack (1- i)) (funcall operation x)))))

(defun binop (stack sp operation)
"Perform a binary operation on the stack."
(declare (type stack-memory stack))
(declare (type register sp))
(declare (type (function (word word) word) operation))
(let ((i (elt sp 0)))
(unless (<= 2 i)
(warn "stack underflow")
(uiop:quit 1))
(let ((x (elt stack (- i 2)))
(y (elt stack (1- i))))
(setf (elt stack (- i 2)) (funcall operation x y)))
(setf (elt sp 0) (1- i))))

(defun jri (code ip)
"Jump relative immediate."
(declare (type executable-memory code))
(declare (type register ip))
;; Big-endian order.
(let ((j (elt ip 0)))
(unless (<= (+ j 4) executable-memory-size)
(warn "address past end of executable memory")
(uiop:quit 1))
(let* ((offset (elt code (+ j 3)))
(offset (dpb (elt code (+ j 2)) (byte 8 8) offset))
(offset (dpb (elt code (+ j 1)) (byte 8 16) offset))
(offset (dpb (elt code j) (byte 8 24) offset)))
(setf (elt ip 0) (word-add j offset)))))

(defun jriz (stack sp code ip)
"Jump relative immediate, if zero."
(declare (type stack-memory stack))
(declare (type register sp))
(declare (type executable-memory code))
(declare (type register ip))
(let ((i (elt sp 0)))
(unless (<= 1 i)
(warn "stack underflow")
(uiop:quit 1))
(let ((x (elt stack (1- i))))
(setf (elt sp 0) (1- i))
(if (= x 0)
(jri code ip)
(setf (elt ip 0) (+ (elt ip 0) 4))))))

(defun get-immediate-value (code ip)
(declare (type executable-memory code))
(declare (type register ip))
;; Big-endian order.
(let ((j (elt ip 0)))
(unless (<= (+ j 4) executable-memory-size)
(warn "address past end of executable memory")
(uiop:quit 1))
(let* ((x (elt code (+ j 3)))
(x (dpb (elt code (+ j 2)) (byte 8 8) x))
(x (dpb (elt code (+ j 1)) (byte 8 16) x))
(x (dpb (elt code j) (byte 8 24) x)))
(setf (elt ip 0) (+ j 4))

(defun pushi (stack sp code ip)
"Push-immediate a value from executable memory onto the stack."
(declare (type stack-memory stack))
(declare (type register sp))
(declare (type executable-memory code))
(declare (type register ip))
(let ((i (elt sp 0)))
(unless (< i stack-memory-size)
(warn "stack overflow")
(uiop:quit 1))
(setf (elt stack i) (get-immediate-value code ip))
(setf (elt sp 0) (1+ i))))

(defun fetch (stack sp code ip data)
"Fetch data to the stack, using the storage location given in
executable memory."
(declare (type stack-memory stack))
(declare (type register sp))
(declare (type executable-memory code))
(declare (type register ip))
(declare (type data-memory data))
(let ((i (elt sp 0)))
(unless (< i stack-memory-size)
(warn "stack overflow")
(uiop:quit 1))
(let* ((k (get-immediate-value code ip))
(x (elt data k)))
(setf (elt stack i) x)
(setf (elt sp 0) (1+ i)))))

(defun pop-one (stack sp)
(let ((i (elt sp 0)))
(unless (<= 1 i)
(warn "stack underflow")
(uiop:quit 1))
(let* ((x (elt stack (1- i))))
(setf (elt sp 0) (1- i))

(defun store (stack sp code ip data)
"Store data from the stack, using the storage location given in
executable memory."
(declare (type stack-memory stack))
(declare (type register sp))
(declare (type executable-memory code))
(declare (type register ip))
(declare (type data-memory data))
(let ((i (elt sp 0)))
(unless (<= 1 i)
(warn "stack underflow")
(uiop:quit 1))
(let ((k (get-immediate-value code ip))
(x (pop-one stack sp)))
(setf (elt data k) x))))

(defun prti (stack sp outf)
"Print the top value of the stack, as a signed decimal value."
(declare (type stack-memory stack))
(declare (type register sp))
(let* ((n (pop-one stack sp))
(n<0 (word-signbit-p n)))
(if n<0
(format outf "-~D" (word-neg n))
(format outf "~D" n))))

(defun prtc (stack sp outf)
"Print the top value of the stack, as a character."
(declare (type stack-memory stack))
(declare (type register sp))
(let* ((c (pop-one stack sp)))
(format outf "~C" (code-char c))))

(defun prts (stack sp strings outf)
"Print the string specified by the top of the stack."
(declare (type stack-memory stack))
(declare (type register sp))
(let* ((k (pop-one stack sp))
(s (elt strings k)))
(format outf "~A" s)))

(defmacro defun-machine-binop (op)
(let ((machine-op (read-from-string
(concatenate 'string "machine-" (string op))))
(word-op (read-from-string
(concatenate 'string "word-" (string op)))))
`(defun ,machine-op (mach)
(declare (type machine mach))
(binop (machine-stack mach)
(machine-sp mach)

(defmacro defun-machine-unop (op)
(let ((machine-op (read-from-string
(concatenate 'string "machine-" (string op))))
(word-op (read-from-string
(concatenate 'string "word-" (string op)))))
`(defun ,machine-op (mach)
(declare (type machine mach))
(unop (machine-stack mach)
(machine-sp mach)

(defun-machine-binop "add")
(defun-machine-binop "sub")
(defun-machine-binop "mul")
(defun-machine-binop "div")
(defun-machine-binop "mod")
(defun-machine-binop "lt")
(defun-machine-binop "gt")
(defun-machine-binop "le")
(defun-machine-binop "ge")
(defun-machine-binop "eq")
(defun-machine-binop "ne")
(defun-machine-binop "and")
(defun-machine-binop "or")

(defun-machine-unop "neg")
(defun machine-not (mach)
(declare (type machine mach))
(unop (machine-stack mach)
(machine-sp mach)

(defun machine-prtc (mach)
(declare (type machine mach))
(prtc (machine-stack mach)
(machine-sp mach)
(machine-output mach)))

(defun machine-prti (mach)
(declare (type machine mach))
(prti (machine-stack mach)
(machine-sp mach)
(machine-output mach)))

(defun machine-prts (mach)
(declare (type machine mach))
(prts (machine-stack mach)
(machine-sp mach)
(machine-strings mach)
(machine-output mach)))

(defun machine-fetch (mach)
(declare (type machine mach))
(fetch (machine-stack mach)
(machine-sp mach)
(machine-code mach)
(machine-ip mach)
(machine-data mach)))

(defun machine-store (mach)
(declare (type machine mach))
(store (machine-stack mach)
(machine-sp mach)
(machine-code mach)
(machine-ip mach)
(machine-data mach)))

(defun machine-push (mach)
(declare (type machine mach))
(pushi (machine-stack mach)
(machine-sp mach)
(machine-code mach)
(machine-ip mach)))

(defun machine-jmp (mach)
(declare (type machine mach))
(jri (machine-code mach)
(machine-ip mach)))

(defun machine-jz (mach)
(declare (type machine mach))
(jriz (machine-stack mach)
(machine-sp mach)
(machine-code mach)
(machine-ip mach)))

(defun get-opcode (mach)
(declare (type machine mach))
(let ((code (machine-code mach))
(ip (machine-ip mach)))
(let ((j (elt ip 0)))
(unless (< j executable-memory-size)
(warn "address past end of executable memory")
(uiop:quit 1))
(let ((opcode (elt code j)))
(setf (elt ip 0) (1+ j))

(defun run-instruction (mach opcode)
(declare (type machine mach))
(declare (type fixnum opcode))
(let ((op-mod-4 (logand opcode #x3))
(op-div-4 (ash opcode -2)))
(trivia:match op-div-4
(0 (trivia:match op-mod-4
(1 (machine-add mach))
(2 (machine-sub mach))
(3 (machine-mul mach))))
(1 (trivia:match op-mod-4
(0 (machine-div mach))
(1 (machine-mod mach))
(2 (machine-lt mach))
(3 (machine-gt mach))))
(2 (trivia:match op-mod-4
(0 (machine-le mach))
(1 (machine-ge mach))
(2 (machine-eq mach))
(3 (machine-ne mach))))
(3 (trivia:match op-mod-4
(0 (machine-and mach))
(1 (machine-or mach))
(2 (machine-neg mach))
(3 (machine-not mach))))
(4 (trivia:match op-mod-4
(0 (machine-prtc mach))
(1 (machine-prti mach))
(2 (machine-prts mach))
(3 (machine-fetch mach))))
(5 (trivia:match op-mod-4
(0 (machine-store mach))
(1 (machine-push mach))
(2 (machine-jmp mach))
(3 (machine-jz mach)))))))

(defun run-vm (mach)
(declare (type machine mach))
(let ((opcode-for-halt (the fixnum (opcode-from-name "halt")))
(opcode-for-add (the fixnum (opcode-from-name "add")))
(opcode-for-jz (the fixnum (opcode-from-name "jz"))))
(loop for opcode = (the fixnum (get-opcode mach))
until (= opcode opcode-for-halt)
do (progn (when (or (< opcode opcode-for-add)
(< opcode-for-jz opcode))
(warn "unsupported opcode")
(uiop:quit 1))
(run-instruction mach opcode)))))

(defun usage-error ()
(princ "Usage: vm [INPUTFILE [OUTPUTFILE]]" *standard-output*)
(terpri *standard-output*)
(princ "If either INPUTFILE or OUTPUTFILE is \"-\", the respective"
(princ " standard I/O is used." *standard-output*)
(terpri *standard-output*)
(uiop:quit 1))

(defun get-filenames (argv)
(trivia:match argv
((list) '("-" "-"))
((list inpf-filename) `(,inpf-filename "-"))
((list inpf-filename outf-filename) `(,inpf-filename
(_ (usage-error))))

(defun main (&rest argv)
(let* ((filenames (get-filenames argv))
(inpf-filename (car filenames))
(inpf (open-inpf inpf-filename))
(outf-filename (cadr filenames))
(outf (open-outf outf-filename))

(sizes (read-datasize-and-strings-count inpf))
(datasize (car sizes))
(strings-count (cadr sizes))
(strings (read-string-literals inpf strings-count))
(instructions (read-instructions inpf))
;; We shall remain noncommittal about how strings are stored
;; on the hypothetical machine.
(strings (coerce strings 'simple-vector))

(mach (make-machine :strings strings
:output outf)))

(unless (<= datasize data-memory-size)
(warn "the VM's data memory size is exceeded")
(uiop:quit 1))

(load-executable-memory (machine-code mach) instructions)
(run-vm mach)

(unless (string= inpf-filename "-")
(close inpf))
(unless (string= outf-filename "-")
(close outf))

(uiop:quit 0)))

;;; vim: set ft=lisp lisp:</lang>


Revision as of 14:46, 12 April 2022

Compiler/virtual machine interpreter
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Virtual Machine Interpreter

A virtual machine implements a computer in software.

Write a virtual machine interpreter. This interpreter should be able to run virtual assembly language programs created via the task. This is a byte-coded, 32-bit word stack based virtual machine.

The program should read input from a file and/or stdin, and write output to a file and/or stdout.

Input format:

Given the following program:

count = 1;
while (count < 10) {
    print("count is: ", count, "\n");
    count = count + 1;

The output from the Code generator is a virtual assembly code program:

Output from gen, input to VM
Datasize: 1 Strings: 2
"count is: "
    0 push  1
    5 store [0]
   10 fetch [0]
   15 push  10
   20 lt
   21 jz     (43) 65
   26 push  0
   31 prts
   32 fetch [0]
   37 prti
   38 push  1
   43 prts
   44 fetch [0]
   49 push  1
   54 add
   55 store [0]
   60 jmp    (-51) 10
   65 halt

The first line of the input specifies the datasize required and the number of constant strings, in the order that they are reference via the code.

The data can be stored in a separate array, or the data can be stored at the beginning of the stack. Data is addressed starting at 0. If there are 3 variables, the 3rd one if referenced at address 2.

If there are one or more constant strings, they come next. The code refers to these strings by their index. The index starts at 0. So if there are 3 strings, and the code wants to reference the 3rd string, 2 will be used.

Next comes the actual virtual assembly code. The first number is the code address of that instruction. After that is the instruction mnemonic, followed by optional operands, depending on the instruction.



   the stack pointer - points to the next top of stack.  The stack is a 32-bit integer


   the program counter - points to the current instruction to be performed.  The code is an
   array of bytes.


   string pool


Each instruction is one byte. The following instructions also have a 32-bit integer operand:

fetch [index]

where index is an index into the data array.

store [index]

where index is an index into the data array.

push n

where value is a 32-bit integer that will be pushed onto the stack.

jmp (n) addr

where (n) is a 32-bit integer specifying the distance between the current location and the desired location. addr is an unsigned value of the actual code address.

jz (n) addr

where (n) is a 32-bit integer specifying the distance between the current location and the desired location. addr is an unsigned value of the actual code address.

The following instructions do not have an operand. They perform their operation directly against the stack:

For the following instructions, the operation is performed against the top two entries in the stack:


For the following instructions, the operation is performed against the top entry in the stack:


Print the word at stack top as a character.


Print the word at stack top as an integer.


Stack top points to an index into the string pool. Print that entry.


Unconditional stop.

A simple example virtual machine

<lang python>def run_vm(data_size)

   int stack[data_size + 1000]
   set stack[0..data_size - 1] to 0
   int pc = 0
   while True:
       op = code[pc]
       pc += 1
       if op == FETCH:
           pc += word_size
       elif op == STORE:
           stack[bytes_to_int(code[pc:pc+word_size])[0]] = stack.pop();
           pc += word_size
       elif op == PUSH:
           pc += word_size
       elif op == ADD:   stack[-2] += stack[-1]; stack.pop()
       elif op == SUB:   stack[-2] -= stack[-1]; stack.pop()
       elif op == MUL:   stack[-2] *= stack[-1]; stack.pop()
       elif op == DIV:   stack[-2] /= stack[-1]; stack.pop()
       elif op == MOD:   stack[-2] %= stack[-1]; stack.pop()
       elif op == LT:    stack[-2] = stack[-2] <  stack[-1]; stack.pop()
       elif op == GT:    stack[-2] = stack[-2] >  stack[-1]; stack.pop()
       elif op == LE:    stack[-2] = stack[-2] <= stack[-1]; stack.pop()
       elif op == GE:    stack[-2] = stack[-2] >= stack[-1]; stack.pop()
       elif op == EQ:    stack[-2] = stack[-2] == stack[-1]; stack.pop()
       elif op == NE:    stack[-2] = stack[-2] != stack[-1]; stack.pop()
       elif op == AND:   stack[-2] = stack[-2] and stack[-1]; stack.pop()
       elif op == OR:    stack[-2] = stack[-2] or  stack[-1]; stack.pop()
       elif op == NEG:   stack[-1] = -stack[-1]
       elif op == NOT:   stack[-1] = not stack[-1]
       elif op == JMP:   pc += bytes_to_int(code[pc:pc+word_size])[0]
       elif op == JZ:    if stack.pop() then pc += word_size else pc += bytes_to_int(code[pc:pc+word_size])[0]
       elif op == PRTC:  print stack[-1] as a character; stack.pop()
       elif op == PRTS:  print the constant string referred to by stack[-1]; stack.pop()
       elif op == PRTI:  print stack[-1] as an integer; stack.pop()
       elif op == HALT:  break</lang>
Additional examples

Your solution should pass all the test cases above and the additional tests found Here.


The C and Python versions can be considered reference implementations.

Related Tasks


<lang>integer n, pc, sp; file f; text s; index code, Data; list l, stack, strings;


f.list(l, 0);

n = atoi(l[-1]); while (n) {

   strings.append(erase(s, -1, 0));
   n -= 1;


while (f.list(l, 0) ^ -1) {

   code.put(atoi(lf_x_text(l)), l);


pc = sp = 0; while (1) {

   l = code[pc];
   s = l[0];
   if (s == "jz") {
       if (lb_pick(stack)) {
           isk_greater(code, pc, pc);
       } else {
           pc = atoi(l[-1]);
   } elif (s == "jmp") {
       pc = atoi(l[-1]);
   } else {
       if (s == "push") {
           lb_push(stack, atoi(l[1]));
       } elif (s == "fetch") {
           lb_push(stack, Data[atoi(erase(l[1], -1, 0))]);
       } elif (s == "neg") {
           stack[-1] = -stack[-1];
       } elif (s == "not") {
           stack[-1] = !stack[-1];
       } elif (s == "halt") {
       } else {
           n = lb_pick(stack);
           if (s == "store") {
               Data[atoi(erase(l[1], -1, 0))] = n;
           } elif (s == "add") {
               stack[-1] = stack[-1] + n;
           } elif (s == "sub") {
               stack[-1] = stack[-1] - n;
           } elif (s == "mul") {
               stack[-1] = stack[-1] * n;
           } elif (s == "div") {
               stack[-1] = stack[-1] / n;
           } elif (s == "mod") {
               stack[-1] = stack[-1] % n;
           } elif (s == "lt") {
               stack[-1] = stack[-1] < n;
           } elif (s == "gt") {
               stack[-1] = stack[-1] > n;
           } elif (s == "le") {
               stack[-1] = stack[-1] <= n;
           } elif (s == "ge") {
               stack[-1] = stack[-1] >= n;
           } elif (s == "eq") {
               stack[-1] = stack[-1] == n;
           } elif (s == "ne") {
               stack[-1] = stack[-1] != n;
           } elif (s == "and") {
               stack[-1] = stack[-1] && n;
           } elif (s == "or") {
               stack[-1] = stack[-1] || n;
           } elif (s == "prtc") {
           } elif (s == "prti") {
           } elif (s == "prts") {
           } else {
       isk_greater(code, pc, pc);



<lang algolw>begin % virtual machine interpreter %

   % string literals %
   string(256) array stringValue  ( 0 :: 256 );
   integer     array stringLength ( 0 :: 256 );
   integer     MAX_STRINGS;
   % op codes %
   integer     oFetch, oStore, oPush
         ,     oAdd,   oSub,   oMul, oDiv, oMod, oLt, oGt,   oLe,   oGe,   oEq,   oNe
         ,     oAnd,   oOr,    oNeg, oNot, oJmp, oJz, oPrtc, oPrts, oPrti, oHalt
   string(6)   array opName       ( 1 :: 24 );
   integer     OP_MAX;
   % code %
   string(1)   array byteCode     ( 0 :: 4096 );
   integer     nextLocation, MAX_LOCATION;
   % data %
   integer     array data         ( 0 :: 4096 );
   integer     dataSize, MAX_DATA, MAX_STACK;
   % tracing %
   logical     trace;
   % reports an error and stops %
   procedure rtError( string(80) value message ); begin
       integer errorPos;
       write( s_w := 0, "**** Runtime error: " );
       errorPos := 0;
       while errorPos < 80 and message( errorPos // 1 ) not = "." do begin
           writeon( s_w := 0, message( errorPos // 1 ) );
           errorPos := errorPos + 1
       end while_not_at_end_of_message ;
       writeon( s_w := 0, "." );
       assert( false )
   end genError ;
   oFetch :=  1; opName( oFetch ) := "fetch"; oStore :=  2; opName( oStore ) := "store"; oPush :=  3; opName( oPush ) := "push";
   oAdd   :=  4; opName( oAdd   ) := "add";   oSub   :=  5; opName( oSub   ) := "sub";   oMul  :=  6; opName( oMul  ) := "mul";
   oDiv   :=  7; opName( oDiv   ) := "div";   oMod   :=  8; opName( oMod   ) := "mod";   oLt   :=  9; opName( oLt   ) := "lt";
   oGt    := 10; opName( oGt    ) := "gt";    oLe    := 11; opName( oLe    ) := "le";    oGe   := 12; opName( oGe   ) := "ge";
   oEq    := 13; opName( oEq    ) := "eq";    oNe    := 14; opName( oNe    ) := "ne";    oAnd  := 15; opName( oAnd  ) := "and";
   oOr    := 16; opName( oOr    ) := "or";    oNeg   := 17; opName( oNeg   ) := "neg";   oNot  := 18; opName( oNot  ) := "not";
   oJmp   := 19; opName( oJmp   ) := "jmp";   oJz    := 20; opName( oJz    ) := "jz";    oPrtc := 21; opName( oPrtc ) := "prtc";
   oPrts  := 22; opName( oPrts  ) := "prts";  oPrti  := 23; opName( oPrti  ) := "prti";  oHalt := 24; opName( oHalt ) := "halt";
   OP_MAX := oHalt;
   trace        := false;
   MAX_STACK    := 256;
   MAX_LOCATION := 4096;
   for pc := 0 until MAX_LOCATION do byteCode( pc ) := code( 0 );
   MAX_DATA := 4096;
   for dPos := 0 until MAX_DATA do data( dPos ) := 0;
   MAX_STRINGS := 256;
   for sPos := 0 until MAX_STRINGS do begin
       stringValue(  sPos ) := " ";
       stringLength( sPos ) := 0
   end for_sPos ;
   % load thge output from syntaxc analyser %
   begin % readCode %
       % skips spaces on the source line %
       procedure skipSpaces ; begin
           while line( lPos // 1 ) = " " do lPos := lPos + 1
       end skipSpaces ;
       % parses a string from line and stores it in the string literals table %
       procedure readString ( integer value stringNumber ) ; begin
           string(256) str;
           integer     sLen;
           str  := " ";
           sLen := 0;
           lPos := lPos + 1; % skip the opening double-quote %
           while lPos <= 255 and line( lPos // 1 ) not = """" do begin
               str( sLen // 1 ) := line( lPos // 1 );
               sLen := sLen + 1;
               lPos := lPos + 1
           end while_more_string ;
           if lPos > 255 then rtError( "Unterminated String." );
           % store the string %
           stringValue(  stringNumber ) := str;
           stringLength( stringNumber ) := sLen
       end readString ;
       % gets an integer from the line - checks for valid digits %
       integer procedure readInteger ; begin
           integer n;
           n := 0;
           while line( lPos // 1 ) >= "0" and line( lPos // 1 ) <= "9" do begin
               n    := ( n * 10 ) + ( decode( line( lPos // 1 ) ) - decode( "0" ) );
               lPos := lPos + 1
           end while_not_end_of_integer ;
       end readInteger ;
       % reads the next line from standard input %
       procedure readALine ; begin
           lPos := 0;
           readcard( line );
           if trace then write( s_w := 0, ">> ", line( 0 // 32 ) )
       end readALine ;
       % loads an instruction from the current source line %
       procedure loadCodeFromLine ; begin
           integer pc, opCode, operand, oPos;
           string(256) op;
           logical haveOperand;
           % get the code location %
           pc := readInteger;
           if pc > MAX_LOCATION then rtError( "Code too large." );
           % get the opCode %
           oPos := 0;
           op := " ";
           while lPos <= 255 and line( lPos // 1 ) not = " " do begin
               op( oPos // 1 ) := line( lPos // 1 );
               oPos := oPos + 1;
               lPos := lPos + 1
           end while_more_opName ;
           % lookup the op code %
           opCode := 0;
           oPos   := 1;
           while oPos <= OP_MAX and opCode = 0 do begin
               if opName( oPos ) = op then opCode := oPos
                                      else oPos   := oPos + 1
           end while_op_not_found ;
           if opCode = 0 then rtError( "Unknown op code." );
           % get the operand if there is one %
           operand     := 0;
           haveOperand := false;
           if      opCode = oFetch or opCode = oStore then begin
               % fetch or store - operand is enclosed in square brackets %
               if line( lPos // 1 ) not = "[" then rtError( """["" expected after fetch/store." );
               lPos        := lPos + 1;
               operand     := readInteger;
               if operand > dataSize then rtError( "fetch/store address out of range." );
               haveOperand := true
           else if opCode = oPush then begin
               % push integer literal instruction %
               operand     := readInteger;
               haveOperand := true
           else if opCode = oJmp or opCode = oJz then begin
               % jump - the operand is the relative address enclosed in parenthesis %
               % followed by the absolute address - we use the absolute address so  %
               % the opewrand will be >= 0 %
               if line( lPos // 1 ) not = "(" then rtError( """("" expected after jmp/jz." );
               lPos        := lPos + 1;
               if line( lPos // 1 ) = "-" then % negative relative address % lPos := lPos + 1;
               operand     := readInteger;
               if line( lPos // 1 ) not = ")" then rtError( """)"" expected after jmp/jz." );
               lPos        := lPos + 1;
               operand     := readInteger;
               haveOperand := true
           end if_various_opcodes ;
           % store the code %
           byteCode( pc ) := code( opCode );
           if haveOperand then begin
               % have an operand for the op code %
               if ( pc + 4 ) > MAX_LOCATION then rtError( "Code too large." );
               for oPos := 1 until 4 do begin
                   pc := pc + 1;
                   byteCode( pc ) := code( operand rem 256 );
                   operand := operand div 256;
               end for_oPos
           end if_have_operand ;
       end loadCodeFromLine ;
       string(256) line;
       string(16)  name;
       integer     lPos, tPos, stringCount;
       % allow us to detect EOF %
       ENDFILE := EXCEPTION( false, 1, 0, false, "EOF" );
       % first line should be "Datasize: d Strings: s" where d = number variables %
       % and s = number of strings                                                %
       if line = "trace" then begin
           % extension - run in trace mode %
           trace := true;
       end if_line_eq_trace ;
       if XCPNOTED(ENDFILE) then rtError( "Empty program file." );
       if line( 0 // 10 ) not = "Datasize: " then rtError( "Header line missing." );
       lPos := 10;
       dataSize := readInteger;
       if dataSize > MAX_DATA then rtError( "Datasize too large." );
       if line( lPos // 9 ) not = "Strings: " then rtError( """Strings: "" missing on header line." );
       lPos := lPos + 9;
       stringCount := readInteger;
       if stringCount > MAX_STRINGS then rtError( "Too many strings." );
       % read the string table %
       for stringNumber := 0 until stringCount - 1 do begin
           string(256) str;
           integer     sLen, sPos;
           if XCPNOTED(ENDFILE) then rtError( "End-of-file in string table." );
           if line( lPos // 1 ) not = """" then rtError( "String literal expected." );
           str  := " ";
           sLen := 0;
           lPos := lPos + 1; % skip the opening double-quote %
           while lPos <= 255 and line( lPos // 1 ) not = """" do begin
               str( sLen // 1 ) := line( lPos // 1 );
               sLen := sLen + 1;
               lPos := lPos + 1
           end while_more_string ;
           if lPos > 255 then rtError( "Unterminated String." );
           % store the string %
           stringValue(  stringNumber ) := str;
           stringLength( stringNumber ) := sLen
       end for_sPos ;
       % read the code %
       while not XCPNOTED(ENDFILE) do begin
           if line not = " " then loadCodeFromLine;
       end while_not_eof
   % run the program %
       integer pc, opCode, operand, sp;
       integer array st ( 0 :: MAX_STACK );
       logical halted;
       % prints a string from the string pool, escape sequences are interpreted %
       procedure writeOnString( integer value stringNumber ) ;
           integer     cPos, sLen;
           string(256) text;
           if stringNumber < 0 or stringNumber > MAX_STRINGS then rtError( "Invalid string number." );
           cPos := 0;
           sLen := stringLength( stringNumber );
           text := stringValue(  stringNumber );
           while cPos < stringLength( stringNumber ) do begin
               string(1) ch;
               ch := text( cPos // 1 );
               if ch not = "\" then writeon( s_w := 0, ch )
               else begin
                   % escaped character %
                   cPos := cPos + 1;
                   if cPos > sLen then rtError( "String terminates with ""\""." );
                   ch := text( cPos // 1 );
                   if ch = "n" then % newline % write()
                               else writeon( s_w := 0, ch )
               cPos := cPos + 1
           end while_not_end_of_string
       end writeOnString ;
       pc     := 0;
       sp     := -1;
       halted := false;
       while not halted do begin;
           % get the next op code and operand %
           opCode  := decode( byteCode( pc ) );
           pc      := pc + 1;
           operand := 0;
           if opCode = oFetch or opCode = oStore or opCode = oPush or opCode = oJmp or opCode = oJz then begin
               % this opCode has an operand %
               pc := pc + 4;
               for bPos := 1 until 4 do begin
                   operand := ( operand * 256 ) + decode( byteCode( pc - bPos ) );
               end for_bPos
           end if_opCode_with_an_operand ;
           if trace then begin
               write( i_w:= 1, s_w := 0, pc, " op(", opCode, "): ", opName( opCode ), " ", operand );
           end if_trace ;
           % interpret the instruction %
           if      opCode = oFetch then begin sp := sp + 1; st( sp ) := data( operand ) end
           else if opCode = oStore then begin data( operand ) := st( sp ); sp := sp - 1 end
           else if opCode = oPush  then begin sp := sp + 1; st( sp ) := operand         end
           else if opCode = oHalt  then halted := true
           else if opCode = oJmp   then pc     := operand
           else if oPCode = oJz    then begin
               if st( sp ) = 0 then pc := operand;
               sp := sp - 1
           else if opCode = oPrtc  then begin writeon( i_w := 1, s_w := 0, code( st( sp ) ) ); sp := sp - 1 end
           else if opCode = oPrti  then begin writeon( i_w := 1, s_w := 0,       st( sp )   ); sp := sp - 1 end
           else if opCode = oPrts  then begin writeonString(                     st( sp )   ); sp := sp - 1 end
           else if opCode = oNeg   then st( sp ) := - st( sp )
           else if opCode = oNot   then st( sp ) := ( if st( sp ) = 0 then 1 else 0 )
           else begin
               operand := st( sp );
               sp      := sp - 1;
               if      opCode = oAdd   then st( sp ) :=    st( sp )    +  operand
               else if opCode = oSub   then st( sp ) :=    st( sp )    -  operand
               else if opCode = oMul   then st( sp ) :=    st( sp )    *  operand
               else if opCode = oDiv   then st( sp ) :=    st( sp )  div  operand
               else if opCode = oMod   then st( sp ) :=    st( sp )  rem  operand
               else if opCode = oLt    then st( sp ) := if st( sp )    <  operand then 1 else 0
               else if opCode = oGt    then st( sp ) := if st( sp )    >  operand then 1 else 0
               else if opCode = oLe    then st( sp ) := if st( sp )    <= operand then 1 else 0
               else if opCode = oGe    then st( sp ) := if st( sp )    >= operand then 1 else 0
               else if opCode = oEq    then st( sp ) := if st( sp )     = operand then 1 else 0
               else if opCode = oNe    then st( sp ) := if st( sp ) not = operand then 1 else 0
               else if opCode = oAnd   then st( sp ) := if st( sp ) not = 0 and operand not = 0 then 1 else 0
               else if opCode = oOr    then st( sp ) := if st( sp ) not = 0 or  operand not = 0 then 1 else 0
               else                         rtError( "Unknown opCode." )
           end if_various_opCodes
       end while_not_halted



Works with: ATS version Postiats 0.4.1

Compile with ‘patscc -O3 -DATS_MEMALLOC_LIBC -o vm vm-postiats.dats -latslib’

With the C optimizer turned on, like this, the program should run pretty fast, despite being relatively safe against going out of bounds, etc. Try it on the ASCII Mandelbrot example.

(Without the C optimizer, ATS code can run much, much more slowly. It is worth comparing the Mandelbrot example with and without the optimizer.)

<lang ats>(*

    If INPUTFILE or OUTPUTFILE is "-" or missing, then standard input
    or standard output is used, respectively.
 The Rosetta Code virtual machine task in ATS2 (also known as
 Some implementation notes:
   * Values are stored as uint32, and it is checked that uint32
     really is 32 bits, two’s-complement. Addition and subtraction
     are allowed to roll around, and so can be done without casting
     to int32. (The C standard specifies that unsigned integer values
     will roll around, rather than signal an overflow.)
   * Where it matters, the uint32 are stored in little-endian
     order. I have *not* optimized the code for x86/AMD64 (which are
     little-endian and also can address unaligned data).
   * Here I am often writing out code instead of using some library
     function. Partly this is to improve code safety (proof at
     compile-time that buffers are not overrun, proof of loop
     termination, etc.). Partly this is because I do not feel like
     using the C library (or ATS interfaces to it) all that much.
   * I am using linear types and so forth, because I think it
     interesting to do so. It is unnecessary to use a garbage
     collector, because there (hopefully) are no memory leaks. (Not
     that we couldn’t simply let memory leak, for this little program
     with no REPL.)
  • )
  1. define ATS_EXTERN_PREFIX "rosettacode_vm_"
  2. define ATS_DYNLOADFLAG 0 (* No initialization is needed. *)
  1. include "share/atspre_define.hats"
  2. include "share/atspre_staload.hats"

staload UN = "prelude/SATS/unsafe.sats"

  1. define NIL list_vt_nil ()
  2. define :: list_vt_cons

(* The stack has a fixed size but is very large. (Alternatively, one could make the stack double in size whenever it overflows. Design options such as using a linked list for the stack come with a performance penalty.) *)

  1. define VMSTACK_SIZE 65536

macdef vmstack_size = (i2sz VMSTACK_SIZE)

(* In this program, exceptions are not meant to be caught, unless

  the catcher terminates the program. Linear types and
  general exception-catching do not go together well. *)

exception bad_vm of string exception vm_runtime_error of string

(********************************************************************) (* *) (* Some string functions that are safe against buffer overruns. *) (* *)

fn skip_whitespace {n, i : int | 0 <= i; i <= n}

               (s    : string n,
                n    : size_t n,
                i    : size_t i) :
   [j : int | i <= j; j <= n]
   size_t j =
   loop {k : int | i <= k; k <= n} .<n - k>.
        (k : size_t k) :
       [j : int | i <= j; j <= n]
       size_t j =
     if k = n then
     else if isspace (s[k]) then
       loop (succ k)
   loop (i)

fn skip_non_whitespace {n, i : int | 0 <= i; i <= n}

                   (s    : string n,
                    n    : size_t n,
                    i    : size_t i) :
   [j : int | i <= j; j <= n]
   size_t j =
   loop {k : int | i <= k; k <= n} .<n - k>.
        (k : size_t k) :
       [j : int | i <= j; j <= n]
       size_t j =
     if k = n then
     else if isspace (s[k]) then
       loop (succ k)
   loop (i)

fn substr_equal {n, i, j : int | 0 <= i; i <= j; j <= n}

            {m       : int | 0 <= m}
            (s       : string n,
             i       : size_t i,
             j       : size_t j,
             t       : string m) : bool =
 (* Is s[i .. j-1] equal to t? *)
   val m = string_length t
   if m <> j - i then
       loop {k : int | 0 <= k; k <= m} .<m - k>.
            (k : size_t k) : bool =
         if k = m then
         else if s[i + k] <> t[k] then
           loop (succ k)
       loop (i2sz 0)

(********************************************************************) (* *) (* vmint = 32-bit two’s-complement numbers. *) (* *)

stadef vmint_kind = uint32_kind typedef vmint = uint32

extern castfn i2vm  : int -<> vmint extern castfn u2vm  : uint -<> vmint extern castfn byte2vm : byte -<> vmint

extern castfn vm2i  : vmint -<> int extern castfn vm2sz  : vmint -<> size_t extern castfn vm2byte : vmint -<> byte



* The ATS prelude might not have C implementations of all the
* operations we would like to have, so here are some.

typedef uint32_t vmint_t;

ATSinline() vmint_t rosettacode_vm_g0uint_add_vmint (vmint_t x, vmint_t y) {

 return (x + y);


ATSinline() vmint_t rosettacode_vm_g0uint_sub_vmint (vmint_t x, vmint_t y) {

 return (x - y);


ATSinline() int rosettacode_vm_g0uint_eq_vmint (vmint_t x, vmint_t y) {

 return (x == y);


ATSinline() int rosettacode_vm_g0uint_neq_vmint (vmint_t x, vmint_t y) {

 return (x != y);


ATSinline() vmint_t rosettacode_vm_g0uint_equality_vmint (vmint_t x, vmint_t y) {

 return (vmint_t) (x == y);


ATSinline() vmint_t rosettacode_vm_g0uint_inequality_vmint (vmint_t x, vmint_t y) {

 return (vmint_t) (x != y);


ATSinline() vmint_t rosettacode_vm_g0uint_signed_lt_vmint (vmint_t x, vmint_t y) {

 return (vmint_t) ((int32_t) x < (int32_t) y);


ATSinline() vmint_t rosettacode_vm_g0uint_signed_gt_vmint (vmint_t x, vmint_t y) {

 return (vmint_t) ((int32_t) x > (int32_t) y);


ATSinline() vmint_t rosettacode_vm_g0uint_signed_lte_vmint (vmint_t x, vmint_t y) {

 return (vmint_t) ((int32_t) x <= (int32_t) y);


ATSinline() vmint_t rosettacode_vm_g0uint_signed_gte_vmint (vmint_t x, vmint_t y) {

 return (vmint_t) ((int32_t) x >= (int32_t) y);


ATSinline() vmint_t rosettacode_vm_g0uint_signed_mul_vmint (vmint_t x, vmint_t y) {

 return (vmint_t) ((int32_t) x * (int32_t) y);


ATSinline() vmint_t rosettacode_vm_g0uint_signed_div_vmint (vmint_t x, vmint_t y) {

 return (vmint_t) ((int32_t) x / (int32_t) y);


ATSinline() vmint_t rosettacode_vm_g0uint_signed_mod_vmint (vmint_t x, vmint_t y) {

 return (vmint_t) ((int32_t) x % (int32_t) y);


ATSinline() vmint_t rosettacode_vm_g0uint_logical_not_vmint (vmint_t x) {

 return (vmint_t) (!x);


ATSinline() vmint_t rosettacode_vm_g0uint_logical_and_vmint (vmint_t x, vmint_t y) {

 return (vmint_t) ((!!x) * (!!y));


ATSinline() vmint_t rosettacode_vm_g0uint_logical_or_vmint (vmint_t x, vmint_t y) {

 return (vmint_t) (1 - ((!x) * (!y)));



extern fn g0uint_add_vmint (x : vmint, y : vmint) :<> vmint = "mac#%" extern fn g0uint_sub_vmint (x : vmint, y : vmint) :<> vmint = "mac#%" extern fn g0uint_eq_vmint (x : vmint, y : vmint) :<> bool = "mac#%" extern fn g0uint_neq_vmint (x : vmint, y : vmint) :<> bool = "mac#%"

implement g0uint_add<vmint_kind> (x, y) = g0uint_add_vmint (x, y) implement g0uint_sub<vmint_kind> (x, y) = g0uint_sub_vmint (x, y) implement g0uint_eq<vmint_kind> (x, y) = g0uint_eq_vmint (x, y) implement g0uint_neq<vmint_kind> (x, y) = g0uint_neq_vmint (x, y)

extern fn g0uint_signed_mul_vmint (x : vmint, y : vmint) :<> vmint = "mac#%" extern fn g0uint_signed_div_vmint (x : vmint, y : vmint) :<> vmint = "mac#%" extern fn g0uint_signed_mod_vmint (x : vmint, y : vmint) :<> vmint = "mac#%" extern fn g0uint_equality_vmint (x : vmint, y : vmint) :<> vmint = "mac#%" extern fn g0uint_inequality_vmint (x : vmint, y : vmint) :<> vmint = "mac#%" extern fn g0uint_signed_lt_vmint (x : vmint, y : vmint) :<> vmint = "mac#%" extern fn g0uint_signed_gt_vmint (x : vmint, y : vmint) :<> vmint = "mac#%" extern fn g0uint_signed_lte_vmint (x : vmint, y : vmint) :<> vmint = "mac#%" extern fn g0uint_signed_gte_vmint (x : vmint, y : vmint) :<> vmint = "mac#%" extern fn g0uint_logical_not_vmint (x : vmint) :<> vmint = "mac#%" extern fn g0uint_logical_and_vmint (x : vmint, y : vmint) :<> vmint = "mac#%" extern fn g0uint_logical_or_vmint (x : vmint, y : vmint) :<> vmint = "mac#%"

overload signed_mul with g0uint_signed_mul_vmint overload signed_div with g0uint_signed_div_vmint overload signed_mod with g0uint_signed_mod_vmint overload equality with g0uint_equality_vmint overload inequality with g0uint_inequality_vmint overload signed_lt with g0uint_signed_lt_vmint overload signed_gt with g0uint_signed_gt_vmint overload signed_lte with g0uint_signed_lte_vmint overload signed_gte with g0uint_signed_gte_vmint overload logical_not with g0uint_logical_not_vmint overload logical_and with g0uint_logical_and_vmint overload logical_or with g0uint_logical_or_vmint

fn {} twos_complement (x : vmint) :<>

   vmint =
 (~x) + i2vm 1

fn ensure_that_vmint_is_suitable () : void =

   val _ = assertloc (u2vm (0xFFFFFFFFU) + u2vm 1U = u2vm 0U)
   val _ = assertloc (u2vm 0U - u2vm 1U = u2vm (0xFFFFFFFFU))
   val _ = assertloc (i2vm (~1234) = twos_complement (i2vm 1234))

fn parse_digits {n, i, j : int | 0 <= i; i <= j; j <= n}

            (s       : string n,
             i       : size_t i,
             j       : size_t j) :
   vmint =
   val bad_integer = "Bad integer."
   loop {k : int | i <= k; k <= j} .<j - k>.
        (k : size_t k,
         x : vmint) : vmint =
     if k = j then
     else if ~isdigit (s[k]) then
       $raise bad_vm (bad_integer)
       (* The result is allowed to overflow freely. *)
       loop (succ k, (i2vm 10 * x) + i2vm (char2i s[k] - char2i '0'))
   if j = i then
     $raise bad_vm (bad_integer)
     loop (i, i2vm 0)

fn parse_integer {n, i, j : int | 0 <= i; i <= j; j <= n}

             (s       : string n,
              i       : size_t i,
              j       : size_t j) :
   vmint =
   val bad_integer = "Bad integer."
   if j = i then
     $raise bad_vm (bad_integer)
   else if j = succ i && ~isdigit (s[i]) then
     $raise bad_vm (bad_integer)
   else if s[i] <> '-' then
     parse_digits (s, i, j)
   else if succ i = j then
     $raise bad_vm (bad_integer)
     twos_complement (parse_digits (s, succ i, j))

(********************************************************************) (* *) (* A linear array type for elements of vmint, byte, etc. *) (* *)

vtypedef vmarray_vt (t : t@ype+, n : int, p : addr) =

   pf = @[t][n] @ p,
   pfgc = mfree_gc_v p |
   n = size_t n,
   p = ptr p

vtypedef vmarray_vt (t : t@ype+, n : int) =

 [p : addr] vmarray_vt (t, n, p)

fn {t : t@ype} vmarray_vt_alloc {n  : int}

                (n    : size_t n,
                 fill : t) :
   [p : addr | null < p]
   vmarray_vt (t, n, p) =
   val @(pf, pfgc | p) = array_ptr_alloc<t> (n)
   val _ = array_initize_elt (!p, n, fill)
     pf = pf,
     pfgc = pfgc |
     n = n,
     p = p

fn {t : t@ype} vmarray_vt_free {n  : int}

               {p   : addr}
               (arr : vmarray_vt (t, n, p)) :
   void =
   val @{
         pf = pf,
         pfgc = pfgc |
         n = n,
         p = p
       } = arr
   array_ptr_free (pf, pfgc | p)

fn {t : t@ype} vmarray_vt_fill {n  : int}

               {p    : addr}
               (arr  : !vmarray_vt (t, n, p),
                fill : t) :
   void =
 array_initize_elt (!(arr.p), (arr.n), fill)

fn {t  : t@ype}

  {tk : tkind}

vmarray_vt_get_at_g1int {n, i : int | 0 <= i; i < n}

                       (arr  : !vmarray_vt (t, n),
                        i    : g1int (tk, i)) :
   t =
 array_get_at (!(arr.p), i)

fn {t  : t@ype}

  {tk : tkind}

vmarray_vt_get_at_g1uint {n, i : int | 0 <= i; i < n}

                        (arr  : !vmarray_vt (t, n),
                         i    : g1uint (tk, i)) :
   t =
 array_get_at (!(arr.p), i)

overload [] with vmarray_vt_get_at_g1int overload [] with vmarray_vt_get_at_g1uint

fn {t  : t@ype}

  {tk : tkind}

vmarray_vt_set_at_g1int {n, i : int | 0 <= i; i < n}

                       (arr  : !vmarray_vt (t, n),
                        i    : g1int (tk, i),
                        x    : t) :
   void =
 array_set_at (!(arr.p), i, x)

fn {t  : t@ype}

  {tk : tkind}

vmarray_vt_set_at_g1uint {n, i : int | 0 <= i; i < n}

                        (arr  : !vmarray_vt (t, n),
                         i    : g1uint (tk, i),
                         x    : t) :
   void =
 array_set_at (!(arr.p), i, x)

overload [] with vmarray_vt_set_at_g1int overload [] with vmarray_vt_set_at_g1uint

fn {t : t@ype} vmarray_vt_length {n  : int}

                 (arr : !vmarray_vt (t, n)) :<>
   size_t n =

(********************************************************************) (* *) (* Storage for the strings section. *) (* *)

vtypedef vmstring_vt (n : int, p : addr) =

   (* A vmstring_vt is NUL-terminated, and thus there is [n + 1]
      instead of [n] in the following declaration. *)
   pf = @[char][n + 1] @ p,
   pfgc = mfree_gc_v p |
   length = size_t n,
   p = ptr p

vtypedef vmstring_vt (n : int) = [p : addr] vmstring_vt (n, p) vtypedef vmstring_vt = [n : int | 0 <= n] vmstring_vt (n)

vtypedef vmstrings_section_vt (n : int, p : addr) =

   pf = @[vmstring_vt][n] @ p,
   pfgc = mfree_gc_v p |
   n = size_t n,
   p = ptr p

vtypedef vmstrings_section_vt (n : int) =

 [p : addr] vmstrings_section_vt (n, p)

fn {t : t@ype} vmstrings_section_vt_length {n  : int}

                           (arr : !vmstrings_section_vt (n)) :<>
   size_t n =

fn vmstring_vt_free {n : int}

                {p : addr}
                (s : vmstring_vt (n, p)) :
   void =
 array_ptr_free (, s.pfgc | s.p)

fn vmstrings_section_vt_free {n  : int}

                         {p       : addr}
                         (strings : vmstrings_section_vt (n, p)) :
   void =
   free_the_strings {n  : int | 0 <= n}
                    {p  : addr} .<n>.
                    (pf : !(@[vmstring_vt][n] @ p) >>
                             @[vmstring_vt?][n] @ p |
                     n  : size_t n,
                     p  : ptr p) : void =
     if n = 0 then
         prval _ = pf :=
           array_v_unnil_nil {vmstring_vt, vmstring_vt?} pf
         prval @(pf_element, pf_rest) = array_v_uncons pf
         val _ = vmstring_vt_free (!p)
         val p_next = ptr_succ<vmstring_vt> (p)
         val _ = free_the_strings (pf_rest | pred n, p_next)
         prval _ = pf := array_v_cons (pf_element, pf_rest)
   val @{
         pf = pf,
         pfgc = pfgc |
         n = n,
         p = p
       } = strings
   prval _ = lemma_g1uint_param n
   val _ = free_the_strings (pf | n, p)
   val _ = array_ptr_free (pf, pfgc | p)

fn quoted_string_length {n : int | 0 <= n}

                    (s : string n,
                     n : size_t n) :
   [m : int | 0 <= m; m <= n - 2]
   size_t m =
   val bad_quoted_string = "Bad quoted string."
   loop {i : int | 1 <= i; i <= n - 1}
        {j : int | 0 <= j; j <= i - 1} .<n - i>.
        (i : size_t i,
         j : size_t j) :
       [k : int | 0 <= k; k <= n - 2]
       size_t k =
     if i = pred n then
     else if s[i] <> '\\' then
       loop (succ i, succ j)
     else if succ i = pred n then
       $raise bad_vm (bad_quoted_string)
     else if s[succ i] = 'n' || s[succ i] = '\\' then
       loop (succ (succ i), succ j)
       $raise bad_vm (bad_quoted_string)
   if n < i2sz 2 then
     $raise bad_vm (bad_quoted_string)
   else if s[0] <> '"' then
     $raise bad_vm (bad_quoted_string)
   else if s[pred n] <> '"' then
     $raise bad_vm (bad_quoted_string)
     loop (i2sz 1, i2sz 0)

fn dequote_string {m, n : int | 0 <= m; m <= n - 2}

              (s : string n,
               n : size_t n,
               t : !vmstring_vt m) :
   void =
   loop {i : int | 1 <= i; i <= n - 1}
        {j : int | 0 <= j; j <= i - 1} .<n - i>.
        (t : !vmstring_vt m,
         i : size_t i,
         j : size_t j) : void =
       macdef t_str = !(t.p)
       if i = pred n then
       else if (t.length) < j then
         assertloc (false)
       else if s[i] <> '\\' then
           t_str[j] := s[i];
           loop (t, succ i, succ j)
       else if succ i = pred n then
         assertloc (false)
       else if s[succ i] = 'n' then
           t_str[j] := '\n';
           loop (t, succ (succ i), succ j)
           t_str[j] := s[succ i];
           loop (t, succ (succ i), succ j)
   loop (t, i2sz 1, i2sz 0)

fn read_vmstrings {strings_size : int}

              {strings_addr : addr}
              (pf_strings   :
                   !(@[vmstring_vt?][strings_size] @ strings_addr) >>
                       @[vmstring_vt][strings_size] @ strings_addr |
               f            : FILEref,
               strings_size : size_t strings_size,
               strings      : ptr strings_addr) :
   void =
   prval _ = lemma_g1uint_param strings_size
   loop {k   : int | 0 <= k; k <= strings_size} .<strings_size - k>.
        (lst : list_vt (vmstring_vt, k),
         k   : size_t k) :
       list_vt (vmstring_vt, strings_size) =
     if k = strings_size then
       list_vt_reverse (lst)
         val bad_quoted_string = "Bad quoted string."
         val line = fileref_get_line_string (f)
         val s = $UN.strptr2string (line)
         val n = string_length s
             val str_length = quoted_string_length (s, n)
         val (pf, pfgc | p) =
           array_ptr_alloc<char> (succ str_length)
         val _ = array_initize_elt (!p, succ str_length, '\0')
         val vmstring =
             pf = pf,
             pfgc = pfgc |
             length = str_length,
             p = p
         dequote_string (s, n, vmstring);
         free line;
         loop (vmstring :: lst, succ k)
   val lst = loop (NIL, i2sz 0)
     (!strings, sz2i strings_size, lst)

fn vmstrings_section_vt_read {strings_size : int}

                         (f            : FILEref,
                          strings_size : size_t strings_size) :
   [p : addr]
   vmstrings_section_vt (strings_size, p) =
   val @(pf, pfgc | p) = array_ptr_alloc<vmstring_vt> strings_size
   val _ = read_vmstrings (pf | f, strings_size, p)
     pf = pf,
     pfgc = pfgc |
     n = strings_size,
     p = p

fn vmstring_fprint {n, i  : int | i < n}

               (f       : FILEref,
                strings : !vmstrings_section_vt n,
                i       : size_t i) :
   void =
    * The following code does some ‘unsafe’ tricks. For instance, it
    * is assumed each stored string is NUL-terminated.
   print_it (str : !vmstring_vt) : void =
     fileref_puts (f, $UN.cast{string} (str.p))
   prval _ = lemma_g1uint_param i
   val p_element = array_getref_at (!(strings.p), i)
   val @(pf_element | p_element) =
       {[n : int; p : addr] @(vmstring_vt @ p | ptr p)}
   val _ = print_it (!p_element)
   prval _ = $UN.castview0{void} pf_element

(********************************************************************) (* *) (* vm_vt: the dataviewtype for a virtual machine. *) (* *)

datavtype instruction_vt = | instruction_vt_1 of (byte) | instruction_vt_5 of (byte, byte, byte, byte, byte)

  1. define OPCODE_COUNT 24
  1. define OP_HALT 0x0000 // 00000
  2. define OP_ADD 0x0001 // 00001
  3. define OP_SUB 0x0002 // 00010
  4. define OP_MUL 0x0003 // 00011
  5. define OP_DIV 0x0004 // 00100
  6. define OP_MOD 0x0005 // 00101
  7. define OP_LT 0x0006 // 00110
  8. define OP_GT 0x0007 // 00111
  9. define OP_LE 0x0008 // 01000
  10. define OP_GE 0x0009 // 01001
  11. define OP_EQ 0x000A // 01010
  12. define OP_NE 0x000B // 01011
  13. define OP_AND 0x000C // 01100
  14. define OP_OR 0x000D // 01101
  15. define OP_NEG 0x000E // 01110
  16. define OP_NOT 0x000F // 01111
  17. define OP_PRTC 0x0010 // 10000
  18. define OP_PRTI 0x0011 // 10001
  19. define OP_PRTS 0x0012 // 10010
  20. define OP_FETCH 0x0013 // 10011
  21. define OP_STORE 0x0014 // 10100
  22. define OP_PUSH 0x0015 // 10101
  23. define OP_JMP 0x0016 // 10110
  24. define OP_JZ 0x0017 // 10111
  1. define REGISTER_PC 0
  2. define REGISTER_SP 1

vtypedef vm_vt (strings_size : int,

               strings_addr : addr,
               code_size    : int,
               code_addr    : addr,
               data_size    : int,
               data_addr    : addr,
               stack_size   : int,
               stack_addr   : addr) =
   strings = vmstrings_section_vt (strings_size, strings_addr),
   code = vmarray_vt (byte, code_size, code_addr),
   data = vmarray_vt (vmint, data_size, data_addr),
   stack = vmarray_vt (vmint, stack_size, stack_addr),
   registers = vmarray_vt (vmint, MAX_REGISTER + 1)

vtypedef vm_vt (strings_size : int,

               code_size    : int,
               data_size    : int,
               stack_size   : int) =
 [strings_addr : addr]
 [code_addr    : addr]
 [data_addr    : addr]
 [stack_addr   : addr]
 vm_vt (strings_size, strings_addr,
        code_size, code_addr,
        data_size, data_addr,
        stack_size, stack_addr)

vtypedef vm_vt =

 [strings_size : int]
 [code_size    : int]
 [data_size    : int]
 [stack_size   : int]
 vm_vt (strings_size, code_size, data_size, stack_size)

fn vm_vt_free (vm : vm_vt) :

   void =
   val @{
         strings = strings,
         code = code,
         data = data,
         stack = stack,
         registers = registers
       } = vm
   vmstrings_section_vt_free strings;
   vmarray_vt_free<byte> code;
   vmarray_vt_free<vmint> data;
   vmarray_vt_free<vmint> stack;
   vmarray_vt_free<vmint> registers

fn opcode_name_to_byte {n, i, j : int | 0 <= i; i <= j; j <= n}

                   (arr : &(@[String0][OPCODE_COUNT]),
                    str : string n,
                    i   : size_t i,
                    j   : size_t j) :
   byte =
   loop {k   : int | 0 <= k; k <= OPCODE_COUNT} .<OPCODE_COUNT - k>.
        (arr : &(@[String0][OPCODE_COUNT]),
         k   : int k) : byte =
     if k = OPCODE_COUNT then
       $raise bad_vm ("Unrecognized opcode name.")
     else if substr_equal (str, i, j, arr[k]) then
       i2byte k
       loop (arr, succ k)
   loop (arr, 0)

fn {} vmint_byte0 (i : vmint) :<>

   byte =
 vm2byte (i land (u2vm 0xFFU))

fn {} vmint_byte1 (i : vmint) :<>

   byte =
 vm2byte ((i >> 8) land (u2vm 0xFFU))

fn {} vmint_byte2 (i : vmint) :<>

   byte =
 vm2byte ((i >> 16) land (u2vm 0xFFU))

fn {} vmint_byte3 (i : vmint) :<>

   byte =
 vm2byte (i >> 24)

fn parse_instruction {n  : int | 0 <= n}

                 (arr  : &(@[String0][OPCODE_COUNT]),
                  line : string n) :
   instruction_vt =
   val bad_instruction = "Bad VM instruction."
   val n = string_length (line)
   val i = skip_whitespace (line, n, i2sz 0)
   (* Skip the address field*)
   val i = skip_non_whitespace (line, n, i)
   val i = skip_whitespace (line, n, i)
   val j = skip_non_whitespace (line, n, i)
   val opcode = opcode_name_to_byte (arr, line, i, j)
   val start_of_argument = j
   finish_push () :
       instruction_vt =
       val i1 = skip_whitespace (line, n, start_of_argument)
       val j1 = skip_non_whitespace (line, n, i1)
       val arg = parse_integer (line, i1, j1)
       (* Little-endian storage. *)
       instruction_vt_5 (opcode, vmint_byte0 arg, vmint_byte1 arg,
                         vmint_byte2 arg, vmint_byte3 arg)
   finish_fetch_or_store () :
       instruction_vt =
       val i1 = skip_whitespace (line, n, start_of_argument)
       val j1 = skip_non_whitespace (line, n, i1)
       if j1 - i1 < i2sz 3 then
         $raise bad_vm (bad_instruction)
       else if line[i1] <> '\[' || line[pred j1] <> ']' then
         $raise bad_vm (bad_instruction)
           val arg = parse_integer (line, succ i1, pred j1)
           (* Little-endian storage. *)
           instruction_vt_5 (opcode, vmint_byte0 arg, vmint_byte1 arg,
                             vmint_byte2 arg, vmint_byte3 arg)
   finish_jmp_or_jz () :
       instruction_vt =
       val i1 = skip_whitespace (line, n, start_of_argument)
       val j1 = skip_non_whitespace (line, n, i1)
       if j1 - i1 < i2sz 3 then
         $raise bad_vm (bad_instruction)
       else if line[i1] <> '\(' || line[pred j1] <> ')' then
         $raise bad_vm (bad_instruction)
           val arg = parse_integer (line, succ i1, pred j1)
           (* Little-endian storage. *)
           instruction_vt_5 (opcode, vmint_byte0 arg, vmint_byte1 arg,
                             vmint_byte2 arg, vmint_byte3 arg)
   case+ byte2int0 opcode of
   | OP_PUSH => finish_push ()
   | OP_FETCH => finish_fetch_or_store ()
   | OP_STORE => finish_fetch_or_store ()
   | OP_JMP => finish_jmp_or_jz ()
   | OP_JZ => finish_jmp_or_jz ()
   | _ => instruction_vt_1 (opcode)

fn read_instructions (f  : FILEref,

                  arr : &(@[String0][OPCODE_COUNT])) :
   (List_vt (instruction_vt), Size_t) =
 (* Read the instructions from the input, producing a list of
    instruction_vt objects, and also calculating the total
    number of bytes in the instructions. *)
   loop (arr          : &(@[String0][OPCODE_COUNT]),
         lst          : List_vt (instruction_vt),
         bytes_needed : Size_t) :
       @(List_vt (instruction_vt), Size_t) =
     if fileref_is_eof f then
       @(list_vt_reverse lst, bytes_needed)
         val line = fileref_get_line_string (f)
         if fileref_is_eof f then
             free line;
             @(list_vt_reverse lst, bytes_needed)
             val instruction =
               parse_instruction (arr, $UN.strptr2string line)
             val _ = free line
             prval _ = lemma_list_vt_param lst
             case+ instruction of
             | instruction_vt_1 _ =>
               loop (arr, instruction :: lst, bytes_needed + i2sz 1)
             | instruction_vt_5 _ =>
               loop (arr, instruction :: lst, bytes_needed + i2sz 5)
   loop (arr, NIL, i2sz 0)

fn list_of_instructions_to_code {bytes_needed : int}

                            (lst          : List_vt (instruction_vt),
                             bytes_needed : size_t bytes_needed) :
   [bytes_needed : int]
   vmarray_vt (byte, bytes_needed) =
 (* This routine consumes and destroys lst. *)
   loop {n    : int | 0 <= n} .<n>.
        (code : &vmarray_vt (byte, bytes_needed),
         lst  : list_vt (instruction_vt, n),
         i    : Size_t) : void =
     case+ lst of
     | ~ NIL => ()
     | ~ head :: tail =>
         case head of
         | ~ instruction_vt_1 (byte1) =>
             val _ = assertloc (i < bytes_needed)
             code[i] := byte1;
             loop (code, tail, i + i2sz 1)
         | ~ instruction_vt_5 (byte1, byte2, byte3, byte4, byte5) =>
             val _ = assertloc (i + i2sz 4 < bytes_needed)
             code[i] := byte1;
             code[i + i2sz 1] := byte2;
             code[i + i2sz 2] := byte3;
             code[i + i2sz 3] := byte4;
             code[i + i2sz 4] := byte5;
             loop (code, tail, i + i2sz 5)
   var code = vmarray_vt_alloc<byte> (bytes_needed, i2byte OP_HALT)
   prval _ = lemma_list_vt_param lst
   prval _ = lemma_g1uint_param bytes_needed
   val _ = loop (code, lst, i2sz 0)

fn read_and_parse_code (f  : FILEref,

                    arr : &(@[String0][OPCODE_COUNT])) :
   [bytes_needed : int]
   vmarray_vt (byte, bytes_needed) =
   val @(instructions, bytes_needed) = read_instructions (f, arr)
   list_of_instructions_to_code (instructions, bytes_needed)

fn parse_header_line {n  : int | 0 <= n}

                 (line : string n) :
   @(vmint, vmint) =
   val bad_vm_header_line = "Bad VM header line."
   val n = string_length (line)
   val i = skip_whitespace (line, n, i2sz 0)
   val j = skip_non_whitespace (line, n, i)
   val _ = if ~substr_equal (line, i, j, "Datasize:") then
             $raise bad_vm (bad_vm_header_line)
   val i = skip_whitespace (line, n, j)
   val j = skip_non_whitespace (line, n, i)
   val data_size = parse_integer (line, i, j)
   val i = skip_whitespace (line, n, j)
   val j = skip_non_whitespace (line, n, i)
   val _ = if ~substr_equal (line, i, j, "Strings:") then
             $raise bad_vm (bad_vm_header_line)
   val i = skip_whitespace (line, n, j)
   val j = skip_non_whitespace (line, n, i)
   val strings_size = parse_integer (line, i, j)
   @(data_size, strings_size)

fn read_vm (f  : FILEref,

        opcode_names_arr : &(@[String0][OPCODE_COUNT])) :
   vm_vt =
   val line = fileref_get_line_string (f)
   val @(data_size, strings_size) =
     parse_header_line ($UN.strptr2string line)
   val _ = free line
   val [data_size : int] data_size =
     g1ofg0 (vm2sz data_size)
   val [strings_size : int] strings_size =
     g1ofg0 (vm2sz strings_size)
   prval _ = lemma_g1uint_param data_size
   prval _ = lemma_g1uint_param strings_size
   prval _ = prop_verify {0 <= data_size} ()
   prval _ = prop_verify {0 <= strings_size} ()
   val strings = vmstrings_section_vt_read (f, strings_size)
   val code = read_and_parse_code (f, opcode_names_arr)
   val data = vmarray_vt_alloc<vmint> (data_size, i2vm 0)
   val stack = vmarray_vt_alloc<vmint> (vmstack_size, i2vm 0)
   val registers = vmarray_vt_alloc<vmint> (i2sz (MAX_REGISTER + 1),
                                            i2vm 0)
     strings = strings,
     code = code,
     data = data,
     stack = stack,
     registers = registers

fn {} pop (vm : &vm_vt) :

   vmint =
   macdef registers = vm.registers
   macdef stack = vm.stack
   val sp_before = registers[REGISTER_SP]
   if sp_before = i2vm 0 then
     $raise vm_runtime_error ("Stack underflow.")
       val sp_after = sp_before - i2vm 1
       val _ = registers[REGISTER_SP] := sp_after
       val i = g1ofg0 (vm2sz sp_after)
       (* What follows is a runtime assertion that the upper stack
          boundary is not gone past, even though it certainly will
          not. This is necessary (assuming one does not use something
          such as $UN.prop_assert) because the stack pointer is a
          vmint, whose bounds cannot be proven at compile time.
          If you comment out the assertloc, the program will not pass
          Compilers for many other languages will just insert such
          checks willy-nilly, leading programmers to turn off such
          instrumentation in the very code they provide to users.
          One might be tempted to use Size_t instead for the stack
          pointer, but what if the instruction set were later
          augmented with ways to read from or write into the stack
          pointer? *)
         val _ = assertloc (i < vmarray_vt_length stack)

fn {} push (vm : &vm_vt,

     x  : vmint) :
   void =
   macdef registers = vm.registers
   macdef stack = vm.stack
   val sp_before = registers[REGISTER_SP]
   val i = g1ofg0 (vm2sz sp_before)
   if vmarray_vt_length stack <= i then
     $raise vm_runtime_error ("Stack overflow.")
       val sp_after = sp_before + i2vm 1
       registers[REGISTER_SP] := sp_after;
       stack[i] := x

fn {} fetch_data (vm  : &vm_vt,

           index : vmint) :
   vmint =
   macdef data =
   val i = g1ofg0 (vm2sz index)
   if vmarray_vt_length data <= i then
     $raise vm_runtime_error ("Fetch from outside the data section.")

fn {} store_data (vm  : &vm_vt,

           index : vmint,
           x     : vmint) :
   void =
   macdef data =
   val i = g1ofg0 (vm2sz index)
   if vmarray_vt_length data <= i then
     $raise vm_runtime_error ("Store to outside the data section.")
     data[i] := x

fn {} get_argument (vm : &vm_vt) :

   vmint =
   macdef code = vm.code
   macdef registers = vm.registers
   val pc = registers[REGISTER_PC]
   val i = g1ofg0 (vm2sz pc)
   if vmarray_vt_length code <= i + i2sz 4 then
     $raise (vm_runtime_error
               ("The program counter is out of bounds."))
       (* The data is stored little-endian. *)
       val byte0 = byte2vm code[i]
       val byte1 = byte2vm code[i + i2sz 1]
       val byte2 = byte2vm code[i + i2sz 2]
       val byte3 = byte2vm code[i + i2sz 3]
       (byte0) lor (byte1 << 8) lor (byte2 << 16) lor (byte3 << 24)

fn {} skip_argument (vm : &vm_vt) :

   void =
   macdef registers = vm.registers
   val pc = registers[REGISTER_PC]
   registers[REGISTER_PC] := pc + i2vm 4

extern fun {} unary_operation$inner : vmint -<> vmint fn {} unary_operation (vm : &vm_vt) :

   void =
   macdef registers = vm.registers
   macdef stack = vm.stack
   val sp = registers[REGISTER_SP]
   val i = g1ofg0 (vm2sz (sp))
   prval _ = lemma_g1uint_param i
   if i = i2sz 0 then
     $raise vm_runtime_error ("Stack underflow.")
       val _ = assertloc (i < vmarray_vt_length stack)
       (* The actual unary operation is inserted here during
          template expansion. *)
       val result = unary_operation$inner<> (stack[i - 1])
       stack[i - 1] := result

extern fun {} binary_operation$inner : (vmint, vmint) -<> vmint fn {} binary_operation (vm : &vm_vt) :

   void =
   macdef registers = vm.registers
   macdef stack = vm.stack
   val sp_before = registers[REGISTER_SP]
   val i = g1ofg0 (vm2sz (sp_before))
   prval _ = lemma_g1uint_param i
   if i <= i2sz 1 then
     $raise vm_runtime_error ("Stack underflow.")
       val _ = registers[REGISTER_SP] := sp_before - i2vm 1
       val _ = assertloc (i < vmarray_vt_length stack)
       (* The actual binary operation is inserted here during
          template expansion. *)
       val result =
         binary_operation$inner<> (stack[i - 2], stack[i - 1])
       stack[i - 2] := result

fn {} uop_neg (vm : &vm_vt) :

   void =
   implement {}
   unary_operation$inner (x) =
     twos_complement x
   unary_operation (vm)

fn {} uop_not (vm : &vm_vt) :

   void =
   implement {}
   unary_operation$inner (x) =
     logical_not x
   unary_operation (vm)

fn {} binop_add (vm : &vm_vt) :

   void =
   implement {}
   binary_operation$inner (x, y) =
     x + y
   binary_operation (vm)

fn {} binop_sub (vm : &vm_vt) :

   void =
   implement {}
   binary_operation$inner (x, y) =
     x - y
   binary_operation (vm)

fn {} binop_mul (vm : &vm_vt) :

   void =
   implement {}
   binary_operation$inner (x, y) =
     x \signed_mul y
   binary_operation (vm)

fn {} binop_div (vm : &vm_vt) :

   void =
   implement {}
   binary_operation$inner (x, y) =
     x \signed_div y
   binary_operation (vm)

fn {} binop_mod (vm : &vm_vt) :

   void =
   implement {}
   binary_operation$inner (x, y) =
     x \signed_mod y
   binary_operation (vm)

fn {} binop_eq (vm : &vm_vt) :

   void =
   implement {}
   binary_operation$inner (x, y) =
     x \equality y
   binary_operation (vm)

fn {} binop_ne (vm : &vm_vt) :

   void =
   implement {}
   binary_operation$inner (x, y) =
     x \inequality y
   binary_operation (vm)

fn {} binop_lt (vm : &vm_vt) :

   void =
   implement {}
   binary_operation$inner (x, y) =
     x \signed_lt y
   binary_operation (vm)

fn {} binop_gt (vm : &vm_vt) :

   void =
   implement {}
   binary_operation$inner (x, y) =
     x \signed_gt y
   binary_operation (vm)

fn {} binop_le (vm : &vm_vt) :

   void =
   implement {}
   binary_operation$inner (x, y) =
     x \signed_lte y
   binary_operation (vm)

fn {} binop_ge (vm : &vm_vt) :

   void =
   implement {}
   binary_operation$inner (x, y) =
     x \signed_gte y
   binary_operation (vm)

fn {} binop_and (vm : &vm_vt) :

   void =
   implement {}
   binary_operation$inner (x, y) =
     x \logical_and y
   binary_operation (vm)

fn {} binop_or (vm : &vm_vt) :

   void =
   implement {}
   binary_operation$inner (x, y) =
     x \logical_or y
   binary_operation (vm)

fn {} do_push (vm : &vm_vt) :

   void =
   val arg = get_argument (vm)
   push (vm, arg);
   skip_argument (vm)

fn {} do_fetch (vm : &vm_vt) :

   void =
   val i = get_argument (vm)
   val x = fetch_data (vm, i)
   push (vm, x);
   skip_argument (vm)

fn {} do_store (vm : &vm_vt) :

   void =
   val i = get_argument (vm)
   val x = pop (vm)
   store_data (vm, i, x);
   skip_argument (vm)

fn {} do_jmp (vm : &vm_vt) :

   void =
   macdef registers = vm.registers
   val arg = get_argument (vm)
   val pc = registers[REGISTER_PC]
   registers[REGISTER_PC] := pc + arg

fn {} do_jz (vm : &vm_vt) :

   void =
   val x = pop (vm)
   if x = i2vm 0 then
     do_jmp (vm)
     skip_argument (vm)

fn {} do_prtc (f_output : FILEref,

        vm       : &vm_vt) :
   void =
   val x = pop (vm)
   fileref_putc (f_output, vm2i x)

fn {} do_prti (f_output : FILEref,

        vm       : &vm_vt) :
   void =
   val x = pop (vm)
   fprint! (f_output, vm2i x)

fn {} do_prts (f_output : FILEref,

        vm       : &vm_vt) :
   void =
   val i = g1ofg0 (vm2sz (pop (vm)))
   if vmstrings_section_vt_length (vm.strings) <= i then
     $raise vm_runtime_error ("String index out of bounds.")
     vmstring_fprint (f_output, vm.strings, i)

fn vm_step (f_output  : FILEref,

        vm           : &vm_vt,
        machine_halt : &bool,
        bad_opcode   : &bool) :
   void =
   macdef code = vm.code
   macdef registers = vm.registers
   val pc = registers[REGISTER_PC]
   val i = g1ofg0 (vm2sz (pc))
   prval _ = lemma_g1uint_param i
   if vmarray_vt_length (code) <= i then
     $raise (vm_runtime_error
               ("The program counter is out of bounds."))
       val _ = registers[REGISTER_PC] := pc + i2vm 1
       val opcode = code[i]
       val u_opcode = byte2uint0 opcode
       (* Dispatch by bifurcation on the bit pattern of the
          opcode. This method is logarithmic in the number
          of opcode values. *)
       machine_halt := false;
       bad_opcode := false;
       if (u_opcode land (~0x1FU)) = 0U then
           if (u_opcode land 0x10U) = 0U then
               if (u_opcode land 0x08U) = 0U then
                   if (u_opcode land 0x04U) = 0U then
                       if (u_opcode land 0x02U) = 0U then
                           if (u_opcode land 0x01U) = 0U then
                             (* OP_HALT *)
                             machine_halt := true
                             binop_add (vm)
                           if (u_opcode land 0x01U) = 0U then
                             binop_sub (vm)
                             binop_mul (vm)
                       if (u_opcode land 0x02U) = 0U then
                           if (u_opcode land 0x01U) = 0U then
                             binop_div (vm)
                             binop_mod (vm)
                           if (u_opcode land 0x01U) = 0U then
                             binop_lt (vm)
                             binop_gt (vm)
                   if (u_opcode land 0x04U) = 0U then
                       if (u_opcode land 0x02U) = 0U then
                           if (u_opcode land 0x01U) = 0U then
                             binop_le (vm)
                             binop_ge (vm)
                           if (u_opcode land 0x01U) = 0U then
                             binop_eq (vm)
                             binop_ne (vm)
                       if (u_opcode land 0x02U) = 0U then
                           if (u_opcode land 0x01U) = 0U then
                             binop_and (vm)
                             binop_or (vm)
                           if (u_opcode land 0x01U) = 0U then
                             uop_neg (vm)
                             uop_not (vm)
               if (u_opcode land 0x08U) = 0U then
                   if (u_opcode land 0x04U) = 0U then
                       if (u_opcode land 0x02U) = 0U then
                           if (u_opcode land 0x01U) = 0U then
                             do_prtc (f_output, vm)
                             do_prti (f_output, vm)
                           if (u_opcode land 0x01U) = 0U then
                             do_prts (f_output, vm)
                             do_fetch (vm)
                       if (u_opcode land 0x02U) = 0U then
                           if (u_opcode land 0x01U) = 0U then
                             do_store (vm)
                             do_push (vm)
                           if (u_opcode land 0x01U) = 0U then
                             do_jmp (vm)
                             do_jz (vm)
                 bad_opcode := true
         bad_opcode := true

fn vm_continue (f_output : FILEref,

            vm       : &vm_vt) :
   void =
   loop (vm           : &vm_vt,
         machine_halt : &bool,
         bad_opcode   : &bool) : void =
     if ~machine_halt && ~bad_opcode then
         vm_step (f_output, vm, machine_halt, bad_opcode);
         loop (vm, machine_halt, bad_opcode)
   var machine_halt : bool = false
   var bad_opcode : bool = false
   loop (vm, machine_halt, bad_opcode);
   if bad_opcode then
     $raise vm_runtime_error ("Unrecognized opcode at runtime.")

fn vm_initialize (vm : &vm_vt) :

   void =
   macdef data =
   macdef registers = vm.registers
   vmarray_vt_fill (data, i2vm 0);
   registers[REGISTER_PC] := i2vm 0;
   registers[REGISTER_SP] := i2vm 0

fn vm_run (f_output : FILEref,

       vm       : &vm_vt) :
   void =
   vm_initialize (vm);
   vm_continue (f_output, vm)


implement main0 (argc, argv) =

   val inpfname =
     if 2 <= argc then
       $UN.cast{string} argv[1]
   val outfname =
     if 3 <= argc then
       $UN.cast{string} argv[2]
   val inpf =
     if (inpfname : string) = "-" then
       fileref_open_exn (inpfname, file_mode_r)
   val outf =
     if (outfname : string) = "-" then
       fileref_open_exn (outfname, file_mode_w)
   (* The following order must match that established by
      OP_HALT, OP_ADD, OP_SUB, etc. *)
   var opcode_order =
     @[String0][OPCODE_COUNT] ("halt",  // 00000   bit pattern
                               "add",   // 00001
                               "sub",   // 00010
                               "mul",   // 00011
                               "div",   // 00100
                               "mod",   // 00101
                               "lt",    // 00110
                               "gt",    // 00111
                               "le",    // 01000
                               "ge",    // 01001
                               "eq",    // 01010
                               "ne",    // 01011
                               "and",   // 01100
                               "or",    // 01101
                               "neg",   // 01110
                               "not",   // 01111
                               "prtc",  // 10000
                               "prti",  // 10001
                               "prts",  // 10010
                               "fetch", // 10011
                               "store", // 10100
                               "push",  // 10101
                               "jmp",   // 10110
                               "jz")    // 10111
   val _ = ensure_that_vmint_is_suitable ()
   var vm = read_vm (inpf, opcode_order)
   val _ = vm_run (outf, vm)
   val _ = vm_vt_free vm



$ patscc -O3 -DATS_MEMALLOC_LIBC -o vm vm-postiats.dats -latslib && ./lex < compiler-tests/count.t | ./parse | ./gen | ./vm

count is: 1
count is: 2
count is: 3
count is: 4
count is: 5
count is: 6
count is: 7
count is: 8
count is: 9


Tested with gawk 4.1.1 and mawk 1.3.4. <lang AWK> function error(msg) {

 printf("%s\n", msg)


function bytes_to_int(bstr, i, sum) {

 sum = 0
 for (i=word_size-1; i>=0; i--) {
   sum *= 256
   sum += code[bstr+i]
 return sum


function emit_byte(x) {

 code[next_free_code_index++] = x


function emit_word(x, i) {

 for (i=0; i<word_size; i++) {
   x = int(x/256)


function run_vm(data_size) {

 sp = data_size + 1
 pc = 0
 while (1) {
   op = code[pc++]
   if (op == FETCH) {
     stack[sp++] = stack[bytes_to_int(pc)]
     pc += word_size
   } else if (op == STORE) {
     stack[bytes_to_int(pc)] = stack[--sp]
     pc += word_size
   } else if (op == PUSH) {
     stack[sp++] = bytes_to_int(pc)
     pc += word_size
   } else if (op == ADD ) { stack[sp-2] += stack[sp-1]; sp--
   } else if (op == SUB ) { stack[sp-2] -= stack[sp-1]; sp--
   } else if (op == MUL ) { stack[sp-2] *= stack[sp-1]; sp--
   } else if (op == DIV ) { stack[sp-2]  = int(stack[sp-2] / stack[sp-1]); sp--
   } else if (op == MOD ) { stack[sp-2] %= stack[sp-1]; sp--
   } else if (op == LT  ) { stack[sp-2] = stack[sp-2] <  stack[sp-1]; sp--
   } else if (op == GT  ) { stack[sp-2] = stack[sp-2] >  stack[sp-1]; sp--
   } else if (op == LE  ) { stack[sp-2] = stack[sp-2] <= stack[sp-1]; sp--
   } else if (op == GE  ) { stack[sp-2] = stack[sp-2] >= stack[sp-1]; sp--
   } else if (op == EQ  ) { stack[sp-2] = stack[sp-2] == stack[sp-1]; sp--
   } else if (op == NE  ) { stack[sp-2] = stack[sp-2] != stack[sp-1]; sp--
   } else if (op == AND ) { stack[sp-2] = stack[sp-2] && stack[sp-1]; sp--
   } else if (op == OR  ) { stack[sp-2] = stack[sp-2] || stack[sp-1]; sp--
   } else if (op == NEG ) { stack[sp-1] = - stack[sp-1]
   } else if (op == NOT ) { stack[sp-1] = ! stack[sp-1]
   } else if (op == JMP ) { pc += bytes_to_int(pc)
   } else if (op == JZ  ) { if (stack[--sp]) { pc += word_size } else { pc += bytes_to_int(pc) }
   } else if (op == PRTC) { printf("%c", stack[--sp])
   } else if (op == PRTS) { printf("%s", string_pool[stack[--sp]])
   } else if (op == PRTI) { printf("%d", stack[--sp])
   } else if (op == HALT) { break
 } # while


function str_trans(srce, dest, i) {

 dest = ""
 for (i=1; i <= length(srce); ) {
   if (substr(srce, i, 1) == "\\" && i < length(srce)) {
     if (substr(srce, i+1, 1) == "n") {
       dest = dest "\n"
       i += 2
     } else if (substr(srce, i+1, 1) == "\\") {
       dest = dest "\\"
       i += 2
   } else {
     dest = dest substr(srce, i, 1)
     i += 1
 return dest


function load_code( n, i) {

 getline line
 if (line ==  "")
   error("empty line")
 n=split(line, line_list)
 data_size = line_list[2]
 n_strings = line_list[4]
 for (i=0; i<n_strings; i++) {
   getline line
   gsub(/\n/, "", line)
   gsub(/"/ , "", line)
   string_pool[i] = str_trans(line)
 while (getline) {
   offset = int($1)
   instr  = $2
   opcode = code_map[instr]
   if (opcode == "")
     error("Unknown instruction " instr " at " offset)
   if (opcode == JMP || opcode == JZ) {
     p = int($4)
     emit_word(p - (offset + 1))
   } else if (opcode == PUSH) {
     value = int($3)
   } else if (opcode == FETCH || opcode == STORE) {
     gsub(/\[/, "", $3)
     gsub(/\]/, "", $3)
     value = int($3)
 return data_size



 code_map["fetch"] = FETCH =  1
 code_map["store"] = STORE =  2
 code_map["push" ] = PUSH  =  3
 code_map["add"  ] = ADD   =  4
 code_map["sub"  ] = SUB   =  5
 code_map["mul"  ] = MUL   =  6
 code_map["div"  ] = DIV   =  7
 code_map["mod"  ] = MOD   =  8
 code_map["lt"   ] = LT    =  9
 code_map["gt"   ] = GT    = 10
 code_map["le"   ] = LE    = 11
 code_map["ge"   ] = GE    = 12
 code_map["eq"   ] = EQ    = 13
 code_map["ne"   ] = NE    = 14
 code_map["and"  ] = AND   = 15
 code_map["or"   ] = OR    = 16
 code_map["neg"  ] = NEG   = 17
 code_map["not"  ] = NOT   = 18
 code_map["jmp"  ] = JMP   = 19
 code_map["jz"   ] = JZ    = 20
 code_map["prtc" ] = PRTC  = 21
 code_map["prts" ] = PRTS  = 22
 code_map["prti" ] = PRTI  = 23
 code_map["halt" ] = HALT  = 24
 next_free_node_index = 1
 next_free_code_index = 0
 word_size   = 4
 input_file = "-"
 if (ARGC > 1)
   input_file = ARGV[1]
 data_size = load_code()

} </lang>

Output  —  count:

count is: 1
count is: 2
count is: 3
count is: 4
count is: 5
count is: 6
count is: 7
count is: 8
count is: 9


Tested with gcc 4.81 and later, compiles warning free with -Wall -Wextra <lang C>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <stdarg.h>
  3. include <string.h>
  4. include <stdint.h>
  5. include <ctype.h>
  1. define NELEMS(arr) (sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]))
  1. define da_dim(name, type) type *name = NULL; \
                           int _qy_ ## name ## _p = 0;  \
                           int _qy_ ## name ## _max = 0
  1. define da_redim(name) do {if (_qy_ ## name ## _p >= _qy_ ## name ## _max) \
                               name = realloc(name, (_qy_ ## name ## _max += 32) * sizeof(name[0]));} while (0)
  1. define da_rewind(name) _qy_ ## name ## _p = 0
  1. define da_append(name, x) do {da_redim(name); name[_qy_ ## name ## _p++] = x;} while (0)

typedef unsigned char uchar; typedef uchar code;

typedef enum { FETCH, STORE, PUSH, ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, MOD, LT, GT, LE, GE, EQ, NE, AND,


} Code_t;

typedef struct Code_map {

   char    *text;
   Code_t   op;

} Code_map;

Code_map code_map[] = {

   {"fetch",  FETCH},
   {"store",  STORE},
   {"push",   PUSH },
   {"add",    ADD  },
   {"sub",    SUB  },
   {"mul",    MUL  },
   {"div",    DIV  },
   {"mod",    MOD  },
   {"lt",     LT   },
   {"gt",     GT   },
   {"le",     LE   },
   {"ge",     GE   },
   {"eq",     EQ   },
   {"ne",     NE   },
   {"and",    AND  },
   {"or",     OR   },
   {"neg",    NEG  },
   {"not",    NOT  },
   {"jmp",    JMP  },
   {"jz",     JZ   },
   {"prtc",   PRTC },
   {"prts",   PRTS },
   {"prti",   PRTI },
   {"halt",   HALT },


FILE *source_fp; da_dim(object, code);

void error(const char *fmt, ... ) {

   va_list ap;
   char buf[1000];
   va_start(ap, fmt);
   vsprintf(buf, fmt, ap);
   printf("error: %s\n", buf);


/*** Virtual Machine interpreter ***/ void run_vm(const code obj[], int32_t data[], int g_size, char **string_pool) {

   int32_t *sp = &data[g_size + 1];
   const code *pc = obj;
   switch (*pc++) {
       case FETCH: *sp++ = data[*(int32_t *)pc];  pc += sizeof(int32_t); goto again;
       case STORE: data[*(int32_t *)pc] = *--sp;  pc += sizeof(int32_t); goto again;
       case PUSH:  *sp++ = *(int32_t *)pc;        pc += sizeof(int32_t); goto again;
       case ADD:   sp[-2] += sp[-1]; --sp;                             goto again;
       case SUB:   sp[-2] -= sp[-1]; --sp;                             goto again;
       case MUL:   sp[-2] *= sp[-1]; --sp;                             goto again;
       case DIV:   sp[-2] /= sp[-1]; --sp;                             goto again;
       case MOD:   sp[-2] %= sp[-1]; --sp;                             goto again;
       case LT:    sp[-2] = sp[-2] <  sp[-1]; --sp;                    goto again;
       case GT:    sp[-2] = sp[-2] >  sp[-1]; --sp;                    goto again;
       case LE:    sp[-2] = sp[-2] <= sp[-1]; --sp;                    goto again;
       case GE:    sp[-2] = sp[-2] >= sp[-1]; --sp;                    goto again;
       case EQ:    sp[-2] = sp[-2] == sp[-1]; --sp;                    goto again;
       case NE:    sp[-2] = sp[-2] != sp[-1]; --sp;                    goto again;
       case AND:   sp[-2] = sp[-2] && sp[-1]; --sp;                    goto again;
       case OR:    sp[-2] = sp[-2] || sp[-1]; --sp;                    goto again;
       case NEG:   sp[-1] = -sp[-1];                                   goto again;
       case NOT:   sp[-1] = !sp[-1];                                   goto again;
       case JMP:   pc += *(int32_t *)pc;                               goto again;
       case JZ:    pc += (*--sp == 0) ? *(int32_t *)pc : (int32_t)sizeof(int32_t); goto again;
       case PRTC:  printf("%c", sp[-1]); --sp;                         goto again;
       case PRTS:  printf("%s", string_pool[sp[-1]]); --sp;            goto again;
       case PRTI:  printf("%d", sp[-1]); --sp;                         goto again;
       case HALT:                                                      break;
       default:    error("Unknown opcode %d\n", *(pc - 1));


char *read_line(int *len) {

   static char *text = NULL;
   static int textmax = 0;
   for (*len = 0; ; (*len)++) {
       int ch = fgetc(source_fp);
       if (ch == EOF || ch == '\n') {
           if (*len == 0)
               return NULL;
       if (*len + 1 >= textmax) {
           textmax = (textmax == 0 ? 128 : textmax * 2);
           text = realloc(text, textmax);
       text[*len] = ch;
   text[*len] = '\0';
   return text;


char *rtrim(char *text, int *len) { // remove trailing spaces

   for (; *len > 0 && isspace(text[*len - 1]); --(*len))
   text[*len] = '\0';
   return text;


char *translate(char *st) {

   char *p, *q;
   if (st[0] == '"')                       // skip leading " if there
   p = q = st;
   while ((*p++ = *q++) != '\0') {
       if (q[-1] == '\\') {
           if (q[0] == 'n') {
               p[-1] = '\n';
           } else if (q[0] == '\\') {
       if (q[0] == '"' && q[1] == '\0')    // skip trialing " if there
   return st;


/* convert an opcode string into its byte value */ int findit(const char text[], int offset) {

   for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(code_map) / sizeof(code_map[0]); i++) {
       if (strcmp(code_map[i].text, text) == 0)
           return code_map[i].op;
   error("Unknown instruction %s at %d\n", text, offset);
   return -1;


void emit_byte(int c) {

   da_append(object, (uchar)c);


void emit_int(int32_t n) {

   union {
       int32_t n;
       unsigned char c[sizeof(int32_t)];
   } x;
   x.n = n;
   for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(x.n); ++i) {


/* Datasize: 5 Strings: 3 " is prime\n" "Total primes found: " "\n"

154 jmp    (-73) 82
164 jz     (32) 197
175 push  0
159 fetch [4]
149 store [3]

/* Load code into global array object, return the string pool and data size */ char **load_code(int *ds) {

   int line_len, n_strings;
   char **string_pool;
   char *text = read_line(&line_len);
   text = rtrim(text, &line_len);
   strtok(text, " ");                      // skip "Datasize:"
   *ds = atoi(strtok(NULL, " "));          // get actual data_size
   strtok(NULL, " ");                      // skip "Strings:"
   n_strings = atoi(strtok(NULL, " "));    // get number of strings
   string_pool = malloc(n_strings * sizeof(char *));
   for (int i = 0; i < n_strings; ++i) {
       text = read_line(&line_len);
       text = rtrim(text, &line_len);
       text = translate(text);
       string_pool[i] = strdup(text);
   for (;;) {
       int len;
       text = read_line(&line_len);
       if (text == NULL)
       text = rtrim(text, &line_len);
       int offset = atoi(strtok(text, " "));   // get the offset
       char *instr = strtok(NULL, " ");    // get the instruction
       int opcode = findit(instr, offset);
       char *operand = strtok(NULL, " ");
       switch (opcode) {
           case JMP: case JZ:
               operand++;                  // skip the '('
               len = strlen(operand);
               operand[len - 1] = '\0';    // remove the ')'
           case PUSH:
           case FETCH: case STORE:
               operand++;                  // skip the '['
               len = strlen(operand);
               operand[len - 1] = '\0';    // remove the ']'
   return string_pool;


void init_io(FILE **fp, FILE *std, const char mode[], const char fn[]) {

   if (fn[0] == '\0')
       *fp = std;
   else if ((*fp = fopen(fn, mode)) == NULL)
       error(0, 0, "Can't open %s\n", fn);


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

   init_io(&source_fp, stdin,  "r",  argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "");
   int data_size;
   char **string_pool = load_code(&data_size);
   int data[1000 + data_size];
   run_vm(object, data, data_size, string_pool);



Code by Steve Williams (with changes to work around code highlighting issues). Tested with GnuCOBOL 2.2.

<lang cobol> >>SOURCE FORMAT IS FREE identification division.

  • > this code is dedicated to the public domain
  • > (GnuCOBOL) 2.3-dev.0

program-id. vminterpreter. environment division. configuration section. repository. function all intrinsic. input-output section. file-control.

   select input-file assign using input-name
       status is input-status
       organization is line sequential.

data division.

file section. fd input-file. 01 input-record pic x(64).

working-storage section. 01 program-name pic x(32). 01 input-name pic x(32). 01 input-status pic xx.

01 error-record pic x(64) value spaces global.

01 v-max pic 99. 01 parameters.

   03  offset pic 999.
   03  opcode pic x(8).
   03  parm0 pic x(16).
   03  parm1 pic x(16).
   03  parm2 pic x(16).

01 opcodes.

   03  opFETCH pic x value x'00'.
   03  opSTORE pic x value x'01'.
   03  opPUSH  pic x value x'02'.
   03  opADD   pic x value x'03'.
   03  opSUB   pic x value x'04'.
   03  opMUL   pic x value x'05'.
   03  opDIV   pic x value x'06'.
   03  opMOD   pic x value x'07'.
   03  opLT    pic x value x'08'.
   03  opGT    pic x value x'09'.
   03  opLE    pic x value x'0A'.
   03  opGE    pic x value x'0B'.
   03  opEQ    pic x value x'0C'.
   03  opNE    pic x value x'0D'.
   03  opAND   pic x value x'0E'.
   03  opOR    pic x value x'0F'.
   03  opNEG   pic x value x'10'.
   03  opNOT   pic x value x'11'.
   03  opJMP   pic x value x'13'.
   03  opJZ    pic x value x'14'.
   03  opPRTC  pic x value x'15'.
   03  opPRTS  pic x value x'16'.
   03  opPRTI  pic x value x'17'.
   03  opHALT  pic x value x'18'.

01 filler.

   03  s pic 99.
   03  s-max pic 99 value 0.
   03  s-lim pic 99 value 16.
   03  filler occurs 16.
       05  string-length pic 99.
       05  string-entry pic x(48).

01 filler.

   03  v pic 99.
   03  v-lim pic 99 value 16.
   03  variables occurs 16 usage binary-int.

01 generated-code global.

   03  c  pic 999 value 1.
   03  pc pic 999.
   03  c-lim pic 999 value 512.
   03  kode pic x(512).

01 filler.

   03  stack1 pic 999 value 2.
   03  stack2 pic 999 value 1.
   03  stack-lim pic 999 value 998.
   03  stack occurs 998 usage binary-int.

01 display-definitions global.

   03  ascii-character.
       05  numeric-value usage binary-char.
   03  display-integer pic -(9)9.
   03  word-x.
       05  word usage binary-int.
   03  word-length pic 9.
   03  string1 pic 99.
   03  length1 pic 99.
   03  count1 pic 99.
   03  display-pending pic x.

procedure division. start-vminterpreter.

   display 1 upon command-line *> get arg(1)
   accept program-name from argument-value
   move length(word) to word-length
   perform load-code
   perform run-code
   stop run


   move 1 to pc 
   perform until pc >= c
       evaluate kode(pc:1) 
       when opFETCH
           perform push-stack
           move kode(pc + 1:word-length) to word-x
           add 1 to word *> convert offset to subscript
           move variables(word) to stack(stack1)
           add word-length to pc
       when opPUSH
           perform push-stack
           move kode(pc + 1:word-length) to word-x
           move word to stack(stack1)
           add word-length to pc
       when opNEG
           compute stack(stack1) = -stack(stack1)
       when opNOT
           if stack(stack1) = 0
               move 1 to stack(stack1)
               move 0 to stack(stack1)
       when opJMP
           move kode(pc + 1:word-length) to word-x
           move word to pc
       when opHALT
           if display-pending = 'Y'
               display space
           exit perform
       when opJZ
           if stack(stack1) = 0
               move kode(pc + 1:word-length) to word-x
               move word to pc
               add word-length to pc
           perform pop-stack
       when opSTORE
           move kode(pc + 1:word-length) to word-x
           add 1 to word *> convert offset to subscript
           move stack(stack1) to variables(word)
           add word-length to pc
           perform pop-stack
       when opADD
           add stack(stack1) to stack(stack2)
           perform pop-stack
       when opSUB
           subtract stack(stack1) from stack(stack2)
           perform pop-stack
       when opMUL
           multiply stack(stack1) by stack(stack2)
               *>rounded mode nearest-toward-zero *> doesn't match python 
           perform pop-stack
       when opDIV
           divide stack(stack1) into stack(stack2)
               *>rounded mode nearest-toward-zero *> doesn't match python 
           perform pop-stack
       when opMOD
           move mod(stack(stack2),stack(stack1)) to stack(stack2)
           perform pop-stack
       when opLT
           if stack(stack2) <  stack(stack1)
               move 1 to stack(stack2)
               move 0 to stack(stack2)
           perform pop-stack
       when opGT
           if stack(stack2) >  stack(stack1)
               move 1 to stack(stack2)
               move 0 to stack(stack2)
           perform pop-stack
       when opLE
           if stack(stack2) <= stack(stack1)
               move 1 to stack(stack2)
               move 0 to stack(stack2)
           perform pop-stack
       when opGE
           if stack(stack2) >= stack(stack1)
               move 1 to stack(stack2)
               move 0 to stack(stack2)
           perform pop-stack
       when opEQ
           if stack(stack2) = stack(stack1)
               move 1 to stack(stack2)
               move 0 to stack(stack2)
           perform pop-stack
       when opNE
           if stack(stack2) <> stack(stack1)
               move 1 to stack(stack2)
               move 0 to stack(stack2)
           perform pop-stack
       when opAND
           call "CBL_AND" using stack(stack1) stack(stack2) by value word-length
           perform pop-stack
       when opOR
           call "CBL_OR" using stack(stack1) stack(stack2) by value word-length
           perform pop-stack
       when opPRTC
           move stack(stack1) to numeric-value
           if numeric-value = 10
               display space
               move 'N' to display-pending
               display ascii-character with no advancing
               move 'Y' to display-pending
           perform pop-stack
       when opPRTS
           add 1 to word *> convert offset to subscript
           move 1 to string1
           move string-length(word) to length1
           perform until string1 > string-length(word)
               move 0 to count1
               inspect string-entry(word)(string1:length1)
                   tallying count1 for characters before initial '\'   *> ' workaround code highlighter problem
               evaluate true
               when string-entry(word)(string1 + count1 + 1:1) = 'n' *> \n
                   display string-entry(word)(string1:count1)
                   move 'N' to display-pending
                   compute string1 = string1 + 2 + count1
                   compute length1 = length1 - 2 - count1
               when string-entry(word)(string1 + count1 + 1:1) = '\' *> ' \\
                   display string-entry(word)(string1:count1 + 1) with no advancing
                   move 'Y' to display-pending
                   compute string1 = string1 + 2 + count1
                   compute length1 = length1 - 2 - count1
               when other
                   display string-entry(word)(string1:count1) with no advancing
                   move 'Y' to display-pending
                   add count1 to string1
                   subtract count1 from length1
           perform pop-stack
       when opPRTI
           move stack(stack1) to display-integer
           display trim(display-integer) with no advancing
           move 'Y' to display-pending
           perform pop-stack
       add 1 to pc


   if stack1 >= stack-lim
       string 'in vminterpreter at ' pc ' stack overflow at ' stack-lim into error-record
       perform report-error
   add 1 to stack1 stack2
   >>d display ' push at ' pc space stack1 space stack2


   if stack1 < 2
       string 'in vminterpreter at ' pc ' stack underflow' into error-record
       perform report-error
   >>d display ' pop at ' pc space stack1 space stack2
   subtract 1 from stack1 stack2


   perform read-input
   if input-status <> '00'
       string 'in vminterpreter no input data' into error-record
       perform report-error
   unstring input-record delimited by all spaces into parm1 v-max parm2 s-max
   if v-max > v-lim
       string 'in vminterpreter datasize exceeds ' v-lim into error-record
       perform report-error
   if s-max > s-lim
       string 'in vminterpreter number of strings exceeds ' s-lim into error-record
       perform report-error
   perform read-input
   perform varying s from 1 by 1 until s > s-max
   or input-status <> '00'
       compute string-length(s) string-length(word) = length(trim(input-record)) - 2
       move input-record(2:string-length(word)) to string-entry(s)
       perform read-input
   if s <= s-max
       string 'in vminterpreter not all strings found' into error-record
       perform report-error
   perform until input-status <> '00'
       initialize parameters
       unstring input-record delimited by all spaces into
           parm0 offset opcode parm1 parm2
       evaluate opcode
       when 'fetch'
           call 'emitbyte' using opFETCH
           call 'emitword' using parm1
       when 'store'
           call 'emitbyte' using opSTORE
           call 'emitword' using parm1
       when 'push'
           call 'emitbyte' using opPUSH
           call 'emitword' using parm1
       when 'add' call 'emitbyte' using opADD
       when 'sub' call 'emitbyte' using opSUB
       when 'mul' call 'emitbyte' using opMUL
       when 'div' call 'emitbyte' using opDIV
       when 'mod' call 'emitbyte' using opMOD
       when 'lt'  call 'emitbyte' using opLT
       when 'gt'  call 'emitbyte' using opGT
       when 'le'  call 'emitbyte' using opLE
       when 'ge'  call 'emitbyte' using opGE
       when 'eq'  call 'emitbyte' using opEQ
       when 'ne'  call 'emitbyte' using opNE
       when 'and' call 'emitbyte' using opAND
       when 'or'  call 'emitbyte' using opOR
       when 'not' call 'emitbyte' using opNOT
       when 'neg' call 'emitbyte' using opNEG
       when 'jmp'
            call 'emitbyte' using opJMP
            call 'emitword' using parm2
       when 'jz'
            call 'emitbyte' using opJZ
            call 'emitword' using parm2
       when 'prtc' call 'emitbyte' using opPRTC
       when 'prts' call 'emitbyte' using opPRTS
       when 'prti' call 'emitbyte' using opPRTI
       when 'halt' call 'emitbyte' using opHALT
       when other
           string 'in vminterpreter unknown opcode ' trim(opcode) ' at ' offset into error-record
           perform report-error
       perform read-input


   if program-name = spaces
       move '00' to input-status
       accept input-record on exception move '10' to input-status end-accept
       exit paragraph
   if input-name = spaces
       string program-name delimited by space '.gen' into input-name
       open input input-file
       if input-status <> '00'
           string 'in vminterpreter ' trim(input-name) ' file open status ' input-status
               into error-record
           perform report-error
   read input-file into input-record
   evaluate input-status
   when '00'
   when '10'
       close input-file
   when other
       string 'in vminterpreter unexpected input-status: ' input-status into error-record
       perform report-error


   display error-record upon syserr
   stop run with error status -1

identification division. program-id. emitbyte. data division. linkage section. 01 opcode pic x. procedure division using opcode. start-emitbyte.

   if c >= c-lim
       string 'in vminterpreter emitbyte c exceeds ' c-lim into error-record
       call 'reporterror'
   move opcode to kode(c:1)
   add 1 to c

end program emitbyte.

identification division. program-id. emitword. data division. working-storage section. 01 word-temp pic x(8). linkage section. 01 word-value any length. procedure division using word-value. start-emitword.

   if c + word-length >= c-lim
       string 'in vminterpreter emitword c exceeds ' c-lim into error-record
       call 'reporterror'
   move word-value to word-temp
   inspect word-temp converting '[' to ' '
   inspect word-temp converting ']' to ' '
   move numval(trim(word-temp)) to word
   move word-x to kode(c:word-length)
   add word-length to c

end program emitword.

end program vminterpreter.</lang>

Output  —  Count:
prompt$ ./lexer <testcases/Count | ./parser | ./generator | ./vminterpreter 
count is: 1
count is: 2
count is: 3
count is: 4
count is: 5
count is: 6
count is: 7
count is: 8
count is: 9

Common Lisp

Works with: roswell version
Works with: SBCL version 2.2.3
Library: cl-ppcre
Library: trivia

<lang lisp>#!/bin/sh

  1. |-*- mode:lisp -*-|#
  2. |

exec ros -Q -- $0 "$@" |# (progn ;;init forms

 #+quicklisp(ql:quickload '() :silent t)

(defpackage :ros.script.vm.3858678051

 (:use :cl))

(in-package :ros.script.vm.3858678051)

The Rosetta Code Virtual Machine, in Common Lisp.
* I have tried not to use foreign types or similar means of
* Integers are stored in the VM's executable memory in
big-endian order. Not because I prefer it, but because I do
not want to get myself into a little-endian rut.

(require "cl-ppcre") (require "trivia")

Yes, I could compute how much memory is needed, or I could assume
that the instructions are in address order. However, for *this*
implementation I am going to use a large fixed-size memory and use
the address fields of instructions to place the instructions.

(defconstant executable-memory-size 65536

 "The size of memory for executable code, in 8-bit words.")
Similarly, I am going to have fixed size data and stack memory.

(defconstant data-memory-size 2048

 "The size of memory for stored data, in 32-bit words.")

(defconstant stack-memory-size 2048

 "The size of memory for the stack, in 32-bit words.")
And so I am going to have specialized types for the different
kinds of memory the platform contains. Also for its "word" and
register types.

(deftype word ()

 '(unsigned-byte 32))

(deftype register ()

 '(simple-array word (1)))

(deftype executable-memory ()

 `(simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) ,(list executable-memory-size)))

(deftype data-memory ()

 `(simple-array word ,(list data-memory-size)))

(deftype stack-memory ()

 `(simple-array word ,(list stack-memory-size)))

(defconstant re-blank-line

 (ppcre:create-scanner "^\\s*$"))

(defconstant re-parse-instr-1

 (ppcre:create-scanner "^\\s*(\\d+)\\s*(.*\\S)"))

(defconstant re-parse-instr-2

 (ppcre:create-scanner "(?i)^(\\S+)\\s*(.*)"))

(defconstant re-parse-instr-3

 (ppcre:create-scanner "^[[(]?([0-9-]+)"))

(defconstant opcode-names


(defun blank-line-p (s)

 (not (not (ppcre:scan re-blank-line s))))

(defun opcode-from-name (s)

 (position-if (lambda (name)
                (string= s name))

(defun create-executable-memory ()

 (coerce (make-list executable-memory-size
                    :initial-element (opcode-from-name "halt"))

(defun create-data-memory ()

 (coerce (make-list data-memory-size :initial-element 0)

(defun create-stack-memory ()

 (coerce (make-list stack-memory-size :initial-element 0)

(defun create-register ()

 (coerce (make-list 1 :initial-element 0) 'register))

(defstruct machine

 (sp (create-register) :type register) ; Stack pointer.
 (ip (create-register) :type register) ; Instruction pointer (same
 ; thing as program counter).
 (code (create-executable-memory) :type executable-memory)
 (data (create-data-memory) :type data-memory)
 (stack (create-stack-memory) :type stack-memory)
 (strings nil)
 output *standard-output*)

(defun insert-instruction (memory instr)

 (declare (type executable-memory memory))
 (trivia:match instr
   ((list address opcode arg)
    (let ((instr-size (if arg 5 1)))
      (unless (<= (+ address instr-size) executable-memory-size)
        (warn "the VM's executable memory size is exceeded")
        (uiop:quit 1))
      (setf (elt memory address) opcode)
      (when arg
        ;; Big-endian order.
        (setf (elt memory (+ address 1)) (ldb (byte 8 24) arg))
        (setf (elt memory (+ address 2)) (ldb (byte 8 16) arg))
        (setf (elt memory (+ address 3)) (ldb (byte 8 8) arg))
        (setf (elt memory (+ address 4)) (ldb (byte 8 0) arg)))))))

(defun load-executable-memory (memory instr-lst)

 (declare (type executable-memory memory))
 (loop for instr in instr-lst
       do (insert-instruction memory instr)))

(defun parse-instruction (s)

 (if (blank-line-p s)
     (let* ((strings (nth-value 1 (ppcre:scan-to-strings
                                   re-parse-instr-1 s)))
            (address (parse-integer (elt strings 0)))
            (split (nth-value 1 (ppcre:scan-to-strings
                                 re-parse-instr-2 (elt strings 1))))
            (opcode-name (string-downcase (elt split 0)))
            (opcode (opcode-from-name opcode-name))
            (arguments (elt split 1))
            (has-arg (trivia:match opcode-name
                       ((or "fetch" "store" "push" "jmp" "jz") t)
                       (_ nil))))
       (if has-arg
           (let* ((argstr-lst
                    (nth-value 1 (ppcre:scan-to-strings
                                  re-parse-instr-3 arguments)))
                  (argstr (elt argstr-lst 0)))
             `(,address ,opcode ,(parse-integer argstr)))
           `(,address ,opcode ())))))

(defun read-instructions (inpf)

 (loop for line = (read-line inpf nil 'eoi)
       until (eq line 'eoi)
       for instr = (parse-instruction line)
       when instr collect instr))

(defun read-datasize-and-strings-count (inpf)

 (let ((line (read-line inpf)))
   (multiple-value-bind (_whole-match strings)
       ;; This is a permissive implementation.
     (declare (ignore _whole-match))
     `(,(parse-integer (elt strings 0))
       ,(parse-integer (elt strings 1))))))

(defun parse-string-literal (s)

 ;; This is a permissive implementation, but only in that it skips
 ;; any leading space. It does not check carefully for outright
 ;; mistakes.
 (let* ((s (ppcre:regex-replace "^\\s*" s ""))
        (quote-mark (elt s 0))
        (i 1)
          (loop until (char= (elt s i) quote-mark)
                collect (let ((c (elt s i)))
                          (if (char= c #\\)
                              (let ((c0 (trivia:match (elt s (1+ i))
                                          (#\n #\newline)
                                          (c1 c1))))
                                (setq i (+ i 2))
                                (setq i (1+ i))
   (coerce lst 'string)))

(defun read-string-literals (inpf strings-count)

 (loop for i from 1 to strings-count
       collect (parse-string-literal (read-line inpf))))

(defun open-inpf (inpf-filename)

 (if (string= inpf-filename "-")
     (open inpf-filename :direction :input)))

(defun open-outf (outf-filename)

 (if (string= outf-filename "-")
     (open outf-filename :direction :output
                         :if-exists :overwrite
                         :if-does-not-exist :create)))

(defun word-signbit-p (x)

 "True if and only if the sign bit is set."
 (declare (type word x))
 (/= 0 (logand x #x80000000)))

(defun word-add (x y)

 "Addition with overflow freely allowed."
 (declare (type word x))
 (declare (type word y))
 (coerce (logand (+ x y) #xFFFFFFFF) 'word))

(defun word-neg (x)

 "The two's complement."
 (declare (type word x))
 (word-add (logxor x #xFFFFFFFF) 1))

(defun word-sub (x y)

 "Subtraction with overflow freely allowed."
 (declare (type word x))
 (declare (type word y))
 (word-add x (word-neg y)))

(defun word-mul (x y)

 "Signed multiplication."
 (declare (type word x))
 (declare (type word y))
 (let ((x<0 (word-signbit-p x))
       (y<0 (word-signbit-p y)))
   (let ((abs-x (if x<0 (word-neg x) x))
         (abs-y (if y<0 (word-neg y) y)))
     (let* ((abs-xy (the word
                         (logand (* abs-x abs-y) #xFFFFFFFF))))
       (if x<0
           (if y<0 abs-xy (word-neg abs-xy))
           (if y<0 (word-neg abs-xy) abs-xy))))))

(defun word-div (x y)

 "The quotient after signed integer division with truncation towards


 (declare (type word x))
 (declare (type word y))
 (let ((x<0 (word-signbit-p x))
       (y<0 (word-signbit-p y)))
   (let ((abs-x (if x<0 (word-neg x) x))
         (abs-y (if y<0 (word-neg y) y)))
     (let* ((abs-x/y (the word
                          (logand (floor abs-x abs-y) #xFFFFFFFF))))
       (if x<0
           (if y<0 abs-x/y (word-neg abs-x/y))
           (if y<0 (word-neg abs-x/y) abs-x/y))))))

(defun word-mod (x y)

 "The remainder after signed integer division with truncation towards


 (declare (type word x))
 (declare (type word y))
 (let ((x<0 (word-signbit-p x))
       (y<0 (word-signbit-p y)))
   (let ((abs-x (if x<0 (word-neg x) x))
         (abs-y (if y<0 (word-neg y) y)))
     (let* ((abs-x%y (the word
                          (logand (nth-value 1 (floor abs-x abs-y))
       (if x<0 (word-neg abs-x%y) abs-x%y)))))

(defun b2i (b)

 (declare (type boolean b))
 (if b 1 0))

(defun word-lt (x y)

 "Signed comparison: is x less than y?"
 (declare (type word x))
 (declare (type word y))
 (let ((x<0 (word-signbit-p x))
       (y<0 (word-signbit-p y)))
   (b2i (if x<0
            (if y<0 (< x y) t)
            (if y<0 nil (< x y))))))

(defun word-le (x y)

 "Signed comparison: is x less than or equal to y?"
 (declare (type word x))
 (declare (type word y))
 (let ((x<0 (word-signbit-p x))
       (y<0 (word-signbit-p y)))
   (b2i (if x<0
            (if y<0 (<= x y) t)
            (if y<0 nil (<= x y))))))

(defun word-gt (x y)

 "Signed comparison: is x greater than y?"
 (declare (type word x))
 (declare (type word y))
 (let ((x<0 (word-signbit-p x))
       (y<0 (word-signbit-p y)))
   (b2i (if x<0
            (if y<0 (> x y) nil)
            (if y<0 t (> x y))))))

(defun word-ge (x y)

 "Signed comparison: is x greater than or equal to y?"
 (declare (type word x))
 (declare (type word y))
 (let ((x<0 (word-signbit-p x))
       (y<0 (word-signbit-p y)))
   (b2i (if x<0
            (if y<0 (>= x y) nil)
            (if y<0 t (>= x y))))))

(defun word-eq (x y)

 "Is x equal to y?"
 (declare (type word x))
 (declare (type word y))
 (b2i (= x y)))

(defun word-ne (x y)

 "Is x not equal to y?"
 (declare (type word x))
 (declare (type word y))
 (b2i (/= x y)))

(defun word-cmp (x)

 "The logical complement."
 (declare (type word x))
 (b2i (= x 0)))

(defun word-and (x y)

 "The logical conjunction."
 (declare (type word x))
 (declare (type word y))
 (b2i (and (/= x 0) (/= y 0))))

(defun word-or (x y)

 "The logical disjunction."
 (declare (type word x))
 (declare (type word y))
 (b2i (or (/= x 0) (/= y 0))))

(defun unop (stack sp operation)

 "Perform a unary operation on the stack."
 (declare (type stack-memory stack))
 (declare (type register sp))
 (declare (type (function (word) word) operation))
 (let ((i (elt sp 0)))
   (unless (<= 1 i)
     (warn "stack underflow")
     (uiop:quit 1))
   (let ((x (elt stack (1- i))))
     (setf (elt stack (1- i)) (funcall operation x)))))

(defun binop (stack sp operation)

 "Perform a binary operation on the stack."
 (declare (type stack-memory stack))
 (declare (type register sp))
 (declare (type (function (word word) word) operation))
 (let ((i (elt sp 0)))
   (unless (<= 2 i)
     (warn "stack underflow")
     (uiop:quit 1))
   (let ((x (elt stack (- i 2)))
         (y (elt stack (1- i))))
     (setf (elt stack (- i 2)) (funcall operation x y)))
   (setf (elt sp 0) (1- i))))

(defun jri (code ip)

 "Jump relative immediate."
 (declare (type executable-memory code))
 (declare (type register ip))
 ;; Big-endian order.
 (let ((j (elt ip 0)))
   (unless (<= (+ j 4) executable-memory-size)
     (warn "address past end of executable memory")
     (uiop:quit 1))
   (let* ((offset (elt code (+ j 3)))
          (offset (dpb (elt code (+ j 2)) (byte 8 8) offset))
          (offset (dpb (elt code (+ j 1)) (byte 8 16) offset))
          (offset (dpb (elt code j) (byte 8 24) offset)))
     (setf (elt ip 0) (word-add j offset)))))

(defun jriz (stack sp code ip)

 "Jump relative immediate, if zero."
 (declare (type stack-memory stack))
 (declare (type register sp))
 (declare (type executable-memory code))
 (declare (type register ip))
 (let ((i (elt sp 0)))
   (unless (<= 1 i)
     (warn "stack underflow")
     (uiop:quit 1))
   (let ((x (elt stack (1- i))))
     (setf (elt sp 0) (1- i))
     (if (= x 0)
         (jri code ip)
         (setf (elt ip 0) (+ (elt ip 0) 4))))))

(defun get-immediate-value (code ip)

 (declare (type executable-memory code))
 (declare (type register ip))
 ;; Big-endian order.
 (let ((j (elt ip 0)))
   (unless (<= (+ j 4) executable-memory-size)
     (warn "address past end of executable memory")
     (uiop:quit 1))
   (let* ((x (elt code (+ j 3)))
          (x (dpb (elt code (+ j 2)) (byte 8 8) x))
          (x (dpb (elt code (+ j 1)) (byte 8 16) x))
          (x (dpb (elt code j) (byte 8 24) x)))
     (setf (elt ip 0) (+ j 4))

(defun pushi (stack sp code ip)

 "Push-immediate a value from executable memory onto the stack."
 (declare (type stack-memory stack))
 (declare (type register sp))
 (declare (type executable-memory code))
 (declare (type register ip))
 (let ((i (elt sp 0)))
   (unless (< i stack-memory-size)
     (warn "stack overflow")
     (uiop:quit 1))
   (setf (elt stack i) (get-immediate-value code ip))
   (setf (elt sp 0) (1+ i))))

(defun fetch (stack sp code ip data)

 "Fetch data to the stack, using the storage location given in

executable memory."

 (declare (type stack-memory stack))
 (declare (type register sp))
 (declare (type executable-memory code))
 (declare (type register ip))
 (declare (type data-memory data))
 (let ((i (elt sp 0)))
   (unless (< i stack-memory-size)
     (warn "stack overflow")
     (uiop:quit 1))
   (let* ((k (get-immediate-value code ip))
          (x (elt data k)))
     (setf (elt stack i) x)
     (setf (elt sp 0) (1+ i)))))

(defun pop-one (stack sp)

 (let ((i (elt sp 0)))
   (unless (<= 1 i)
     (warn "stack underflow")
     (uiop:quit 1))
   (let* ((x (elt stack (1- i))))
     (setf (elt sp 0) (1- i))

(defun store (stack sp code ip data)

 "Store data from the stack, using the storage location given in

executable memory."

 (declare (type stack-memory stack))
 (declare (type register sp))
 (declare (type executable-memory code))
 (declare (type register ip))
 (declare (type data-memory data))
 (let ((i (elt sp 0)))
   (unless (<= 1 i)
     (warn "stack underflow")
     (uiop:quit 1))
   (let ((k (get-immediate-value code ip))
         (x (pop-one stack sp)))
     (setf (elt data k) x))))

(defun prti (stack sp outf)

 "Print the top value of the stack, as a signed decimal value."
 (declare (type stack-memory stack))
 (declare (type register sp))
 (let* ((n (pop-one stack sp))
        (n<0 (word-signbit-p n)))
   (if n<0
       (format outf "-~D" (word-neg n))
       (format outf "~D" n))))

(defun prtc (stack sp outf)

 "Print the top value of the stack, as a character."
 (declare (type stack-memory stack))
 (declare (type register sp))
 (let* ((c (pop-one stack sp)))
   (format outf "~C" (code-char c))))

(defun prts (stack sp strings outf)

 "Print the string specified by the top of the stack."
 (declare (type stack-memory stack))
 (declare (type register sp))
 (let* ((k (pop-one stack sp))
        (s (elt strings k)))
   (format outf "~A" s)))

(defmacro defun-machine-binop (op)

 (let ((machine-op (read-from-string
                    (concatenate 'string "machine-" (string op))))
       (word-op (read-from-string
                 (concatenate 'string "word-" (string op)))))
   `(defun ,machine-op (mach)
      (declare (type machine mach))
      (binop (machine-stack mach)
             (machine-sp mach)

(defmacro defun-machine-unop (op)

 (let ((machine-op (read-from-string
                    (concatenate 'string "machine-" (string op))))
       (word-op (read-from-string
                 (concatenate 'string "word-" (string op)))))
   `(defun ,machine-op (mach)
      (declare (type machine mach))
      (unop (machine-stack mach)
            (machine-sp mach)

(defun-machine-binop "add") (defun-machine-binop "sub") (defun-machine-binop "mul") (defun-machine-binop "div") (defun-machine-binop "mod") (defun-machine-binop "lt") (defun-machine-binop "gt") (defun-machine-binop "le") (defun-machine-binop "ge") (defun-machine-binop "eq") (defun-machine-binop "ne") (defun-machine-binop "and") (defun-machine-binop "or")

(defun-machine-unop "neg") (defun machine-not (mach)

 (declare (type machine mach))
 (unop (machine-stack mach)
       (machine-sp mach)

(defun machine-prtc (mach)

 (declare (type machine mach))
 (prtc (machine-stack mach)
       (machine-sp mach)
       (machine-output mach)))

(defun machine-prti (mach)

 (declare (type machine mach))
 (prti (machine-stack mach)
       (machine-sp mach)
       (machine-output mach)))

(defun machine-prts (mach)

 (declare (type machine mach))
 (prts (machine-stack mach)
       (machine-sp mach)
       (machine-strings mach)
       (machine-output mach)))

(defun machine-fetch (mach)

 (declare (type machine mach))
 (fetch (machine-stack mach)
        (machine-sp mach)
        (machine-code mach)
        (machine-ip mach)
        (machine-data mach)))

(defun machine-store (mach)

 (declare (type machine mach))
 (store (machine-stack mach)
        (machine-sp mach)
        (machine-code mach)
        (machine-ip mach)
        (machine-data mach)))

(defun machine-push (mach)

 (declare (type machine mach))
 (pushi (machine-stack mach)
        (machine-sp mach)
        (machine-code mach)
        (machine-ip mach)))

(defun machine-jmp (mach)

 (declare (type machine mach))
 (jri (machine-code mach)
      (machine-ip mach)))

(defun machine-jz (mach)

 (declare (type machine mach))
 (jriz (machine-stack mach)
       (machine-sp mach)
       (machine-code mach)
       (machine-ip mach)))

(defun get-opcode (mach)

 (declare (type machine mach))
 (let ((code (machine-code mach))
       (ip (machine-ip mach)))
   (let ((j (elt ip 0)))
     (unless (< j executable-memory-size)
       (warn "address past end of executable memory")
       (uiop:quit 1))
     (let ((opcode (elt code j)))
       (setf (elt ip 0) (1+ j))

(defun run-instruction (mach opcode)

 (declare (type machine mach))
 (declare (type fixnum opcode))
 (let ((op-mod-4 (logand opcode #x3))
       (op-div-4 (ash opcode -2)))
   (trivia:match op-div-4
     (0 (trivia:match op-mod-4
          (1 (machine-add mach))
          (2 (machine-sub mach))
          (3 (machine-mul mach))))
     (1 (trivia:match op-mod-4
          (0 (machine-div mach))
          (1 (machine-mod mach))
          (2 (machine-lt mach))
          (3 (machine-gt mach))))
     (2 (trivia:match op-mod-4
          (0 (machine-le mach))
          (1 (machine-ge mach))
          (2 (machine-eq mach))
          (3 (machine-ne mach))))
     (3 (trivia:match op-mod-4
          (0 (machine-and mach))
          (1 (machine-or mach))
          (2 (machine-neg mach))
          (3 (machine-not mach))))
     (4 (trivia:match op-mod-4
          (0 (machine-prtc mach))
          (1 (machine-prti mach))
          (2 (machine-prts mach))
          (3 (machine-fetch mach))))
     (5 (trivia:match op-mod-4
          (0 (machine-store mach))
          (1 (machine-push mach))
          (2 (machine-jmp mach))
          (3 (machine-jz mach)))))))

(defun run-vm (mach)

 (declare (type machine mach))
 (let ((opcode-for-halt (the fixnum (opcode-from-name "halt")))
       (opcode-for-add (the fixnum (opcode-from-name "add")))
       (opcode-for-jz (the fixnum (opcode-from-name "jz"))))
   (loop for opcode = (the fixnum (get-opcode mach))
         until (= opcode opcode-for-halt)
         do (progn (when (or (< opcode opcode-for-add)
                             (< opcode-for-jz opcode))
                     (warn "unsupported opcode")
                     (uiop:quit 1))
                   (run-instruction mach opcode)))))

(defun usage-error ()

 (princ "Usage: vm [INPUTFILE [OUTPUTFILE]]" *standard-output*)
 (terpri *standard-output*)
 (princ "If either INPUTFILE or OUTPUTFILE is \"-\", the respective"
 (princ " standard I/O is used." *standard-output*)
 (terpri *standard-output*)
 (uiop:quit 1))

(defun get-filenames (argv)

 (trivia:match argv
   ((list) '("-" "-"))
   ((list inpf-filename) `(,inpf-filename "-"))
   ((list inpf-filename outf-filename) `(,inpf-filename
   (_ (usage-error))))

(defun main (&rest argv)

 (let* ((filenames (get-filenames argv))
        (inpf-filename (car filenames))
        (inpf (open-inpf inpf-filename))
        (outf-filename (cadr filenames))
        (outf (open-outf outf-filename))
        (sizes (read-datasize-and-strings-count inpf))
        (datasize (car sizes))
        (strings-count (cadr sizes))
        (strings (read-string-literals inpf strings-count))
        (instructions (read-instructions inpf))
        ;; We shall remain noncommittal about how strings are stored
        ;; on the hypothetical machine.
        (strings (coerce strings 'simple-vector))
        (mach (make-machine :strings strings
                            :output outf)))
   (unless (<= datasize data-memory-size)
     (warn "the VM's data memory size is exceeded")
     (uiop:quit 1))
   (load-executable-memory (machine-code mach) instructions)
   (run-vm mach)
   (unless (string= inpf-filename "-")
     (close inpf))
   (unless (string= outf-filename "-")
     (close outf))
   (uiop:quit 0)))
set ft=lisp lisp


Tested with Gforth 0.7.3 <lang Forth>CREATE BUF 0 , \ single-character look-ahead buffer

>INT ( -- n) >SPACE 0
  WHILE  GETC [CHAR] 0 -  SWAP 10 * +  REPEAT ;


C@A ( -- c) A @ C@ ;
C@A+ ( -- c) C@A 1 CHARS A +! ;
C!A+ ( c --) A @ C! 1 CHARS A +! ;
WORD ( -- c-addr) >SPACE PAD 1+ A !
  >SPACE  PAD A @ OVER - 1- PAD C! ;
>STRING ( -- c-addr) >SPACE GETC DROP PAD 1+ A !
\INTERN ( c-addr -- c-addr) HERE >R A ! C@A+ DUP C,
    DUP [CHAR] \ = IF DROP -1 R@ +!  C@A+ 
      [CHAR] n = IF 10 ELSE [CHAR] \ THEN
    THEN C,  1-
. 0 .R ;


i32! ( n addr --)
  OVER           $FF AND OVER C! 1+
i32@ ( addr -- n) >R \ This is kinda slow... hmm
  R@     C@
  R@ 1 + C@  8 LSHIFT OR
  R@ 2 + C@ 16 LSHIFT OR
  R> 3 + C@ 24 LSHIFT OR
  DUP $7FFFFFFF AND SWAP $80000000 AND - ;  \ sign extend
i32, ( n --) HERE 4 ALLOT i32! ;
i32@+ ( -- n) A @ i32@ A @ 4 + A ! ;


@fetch i32@+ 4 * DATA @ + i32@ ;
@store i32@+ 4 * DATA @ + i32! ;
@jmp i32@+ BYTECODE @ + A ! ;
@jz IF 4 A +! ELSE @jmp THEN ;

CREATE OPS ' @fetch , ' @store , ' i32@+ , ' @jmp , ' @jz , ' EMIT , ' . , ' @prts , ' NEGATE , ' 0= , ' + , ' - , ' * , ' @div , ' MOD , ' < , ' > , ' <= , ' >= , ' = , ' <> , ' AND , ' OR , ' BYE , CREATE #OPS 0 ,

OP: CREATE #OPS @ , 1 #OPS +! DOES> @ ;

OP: fetch OP: store OP: push OP: jmp OP: jz OP: prtc OP: prti OP: prts OP: neg OP: not OP: add OP: sub OP: mul OP: div OP: mod OP: lt OP: gt OP: le OP: ge OP: eq OP: ne OP: and OP: or OP: halt

  0= IF ." Unrecognized opcode" ABORT THEN EXECUTE ;
>i32 >INT i32, ;
>[i32] GETC DROP >i32 GETC DROP ;
>OFFSET WORD DROP ( drop relative offset) >i32 ;

CREATE >PARAM ' >[i32] DUP , , ' >i32 , ' >OFFSET DUP , ,

  R> halt = UNTIL  R> BYTECODE ! ;



Works with: gfortran version 11.2.1

Fortran 2008/2018 code with some limited use of the C preprocessor. If you are on a platform with case-sensitive filenames, and call the source file vm.F90, then gfortran will know to use the C preprocessor. <lang fortran>module compiler_type_kinds

 use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: int32
 use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: int64
 implicit none
 ! Synonyms.
 integer, parameter, public :: size_kind = int64
 integer, parameter, public :: length_kind = size_kind
 integer, parameter, public :: nk = size_kind
 ! Synonyms for character capable of storing a Unicode code point.
 integer, parameter, public :: unicode_char_kind = selected_char_kind ('ISO_10646')
 integer, parameter, public :: ck = unicode_char_kind
 ! Synonyms for integers capable of storing a Unicode code point.
 integer, parameter, public :: unicode_ichar_kind = int32
 integer, parameter, public :: ick = unicode_ichar_kind
 ! Synonyms for integers in the virtual machine or the interpreter’s
 ! runtime. (The Rosetta Code task says integers in the virtual
 ! machine are 32-bit, but there is nothing in the task that prevents
 ! us using 64-bit integers in the compiler and interpreter.)
 integer, parameter, public :: runtime_int_kind = int64
 integer, parameter, public :: rik = runtime_int_kind

end module compiler_type_kinds

module helpers

 use, non_intrinsic :: compiler_type_kinds, only: nk, rik, ck
 implicit none
 public :: new_storage_size
 public :: next_power_of_two
 public :: isspace
 public :: quoted_string
 public :: int32_to_vm_bytes
 public :: uint32_to_vm_bytes
 public :: int32_from_vm_bytes
 public :: uint32_from_vm_bytes
 public :: bool2int
 character(1, kind = ck), parameter, public :: horizontal_tab_char = char (9, kind = ck)
 character(1, kind = ck), parameter, public :: linefeed_char = char (10, kind = ck)
 character(1, kind = ck), parameter, public :: vertical_tab_char = char (11, kind = ck)
 character(1, kind = ck), parameter, public :: formfeed_char = char (12, kind = ck)
 character(1, kind = ck), parameter, public :: carriage_return_char = char (13, kind = ck)
 character(1, kind = ck), parameter, public :: space_char = ck_' '
 ! The following is correct for Unix and its relatives.
 character(1, kind = ck), parameter, public :: newline_char = linefeed_char
 character(1, kind = ck), parameter, public :: backslash_char = char (92, kind = ck)


 elemental function new_storage_size (length_needed) result (size)
   integer(kind = nk), intent(in) :: length_needed
   integer(kind = nk) :: size
   ! Increase storage by orders of magnitude.
   if (2_nk**32 < length_needed) then
      size = huge (1_nk)
      size = next_power_of_two (length_needed)
   end if
 end function new_storage_size
 elemental function next_power_of_two (x) result (y)
   integer(kind = nk), intent(in) :: x
   integer(kind = nk) :: y
   ! It is assumed that no more than 64 bits are used.
   ! The branch-free algorithm is that of
   ! Fill in bits until one less than the desired power of two is
   ! reached, and then add one.
   y = x - 1
   y = ior (y, ishft (y, -1))
   y = ior (y, ishft (y, -2))
   y = ior (y, ishft (y, -4))
   y = ior (y, ishft (y, -8))
   y = ior (y, ishft (y, -16))
   y = ior (y, ishft (y, -32))
   y = y + 1
 end function next_power_of_two
 elemental function isspace (ch) result (bool)
   character(1, kind = ck), intent(in) :: ch
   logical :: bool
   bool = (ch == horizontal_tab_char) .or.  &
        & (ch == linefeed_char) .or.        &
        & (ch == vertical_tab_char) .or.    &
        & (ch == formfeed_char) .or.        &
        & (ch == carriage_return_char) .or. &
        & (ch == space_char)
 end function isspace
 function quoted_string (str) result (qstr)
   character(*, kind = ck), intent(in) :: str
   character(:, kind = ck), allocatable :: qstr
   integer(kind = nk) :: n, i, j
   ! Compute n = the size of qstr.
   n = 2_nk
   do i = 1_nk, len (str, kind = nk)
      select case (str(i:i))
      case (newline_char, backslash_char)
         n = n + 2
      case default
         n = n + 1
      end select
   end do
   allocate (character(n, kind = ck) :: qstr)
   ! Quote the string.
   qstr(1:1) = ck_'"'
   j = 2_nk
   do i = 1_nk, len (str, kind = nk)
      select case (str(i:i))
      case (newline_char)
         qstr(j:j) = backslash_char
         qstr((j + 1):(j + 1)) = ck_'n'
         j = j + 2
      case (backslash_char)
         qstr(j:j) = backslash_char
         qstr((j + 1):(j + 1)) = backslash_char
         j = j + 2
      case default
         qstr(j:j) = str(i:i)
         j = j + 1
      end select
   end do
   if (j /= n) error stop      ! Check code correctness.
   qstr(n:n) = ck_'"'
 end function quoted_string
 subroutine int32_to_vm_bytes (n, bytes, i)
   integer(kind = rik), intent(in) :: n
   character(1), intent(inout) :: bytes(0:*)
   integer(kind = rik), intent(in) :: i
   ! The virtual machine is presumed to be little-endian. Because I
   ! slightly prefer little-endian.
   bytes(i) = achar (ibits (n, 0, 8))
   bytes(i + 1) = achar (ibits (n, 8, 8))
   bytes(i + 2) = achar (ibits (n, 16, 8))
   bytes(i + 3) = achar (ibits (n, 24, 8))
 end subroutine int32_to_vm_bytes
 subroutine uint32_to_vm_bytes (n, bytes, i)
   integer(kind = rik), intent(in) :: n
   character(1), intent(inout) :: bytes(0:*)
   integer(kind = rik), intent(in) :: i
   call int32_to_vm_bytes (n, bytes, i)
 end subroutine uint32_to_vm_bytes
 subroutine int32_from_vm_bytes (n, bytes, i)
   integer(kind = rik), intent(out) :: n
   character(1), intent(in) :: bytes(0:*)
   integer(kind = rik), intent(in) :: i
   ! The virtual machine is presumed to be little-endian. Because I
   ! slightly prefer little-endian.
   call uint32_from_vm_bytes (n, bytes, i)
   if (ibits (n, 31, 1) == 1) then
      ! Extend the sign bit.
      n = ior (n, not ((2_rik ** 32) - 1))
   end if
 end subroutine int32_from_vm_bytes
 subroutine uint32_from_vm_bytes (n, bytes, i)
   integer(kind = rik), intent(out) :: n
   character(1), intent(in) :: bytes(0:*)
   integer(kind = rik), intent(in) :: i
   ! The virtual machine is presumed to be little-endian. Because I
   ! slightly prefer little-endian.
   integer(kind = rik) :: n0, n1, n2, n3
   n0 = iachar (bytes(i), kind = rik)
   n1 = ishft (iachar (bytes(i + 1), kind = rik), 8)
   n2 = ishft (iachar (bytes(i + 2), kind = rik), 16)
   n3 = ishft (iachar (bytes(i + 3), kind = rik), 24)
   n = ior (n0, ior (n1, ior (n2, n3)))
 end subroutine uint32_from_vm_bytes
 elemental function bool2int (bool) result (int)
   logical, intent(in) :: bool
   integer(kind = rik) :: int
   if (bool) then
      int = 1_rik
      int = 0_rik
   end if
 end function bool2int

end module helpers

module string_buffers

 use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: error_unit
 use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: int64
 use, non_intrinsic :: compiler_type_kinds, only: nk, ck, ick
 use, non_intrinsic :: helpers
 implicit none
 public :: strbuf_t
 public :: skip_whitespace
 public :: skip_non_whitespace
 public :: skip_whitespace_backwards
 public :: at_end_of_line
 type :: strbuf_t
    integer(kind = nk), private :: len = 0
    ! ‘chars’ is made public for efficient access to the individual
    ! characters.
    character(1, kind = ck), allocatable, public :: chars(:)
    procedure, pass, private :: ensure_storage => strbuf_t_ensure_storage
    procedure, pass :: to_unicode_full_string => strbuf_t_to_unicode_full_string
    procedure, pass :: to_unicode_substring => strbuf_t_to_unicode_substring
    procedure, pass :: length => strbuf_t_length
    procedure, pass :: set => strbuf_t_set
    procedure, pass :: append => strbuf_t_append
    generic :: to_unicode => to_unicode_full_string
    generic :: to_unicode => to_unicode_substring
    generic :: assignment(=) => set
 end type strbuf_t


 function strbuf_t_to_unicode_full_string (strbuf) result (s)
   class(strbuf_t), intent(in) :: strbuf
   character(:, kind = ck), allocatable :: s
   ! This does not actually ensure that the string is valid Unicode;
   ! any 31-bit ‘character’ is supported.
   integer(kind = nk) :: i
   allocate (character(len = strbuf%len, kind = ck) :: s)
   do i = 1, strbuf%len
      s(i:i) = strbuf%chars(i)
   end do
 end function strbuf_t_to_unicode_full_string
 function strbuf_t_to_unicode_substring (strbuf, i, j) result (s)
   ! ‘Extreme’ values of i and j are allowed, as shortcuts for ‘from
   ! the beginning’, ‘up to the end’, or ‘empty substring’.
   class(strbuf_t), intent(in) :: strbuf
   integer(kind = nk), intent(in) :: i, j
   character(:, kind = ck), allocatable :: s
   ! This does not actually ensure that the string is valid Unicode;
   ! any 31-bit ‘character’ is supported.
   integer(kind = nk) :: i1, j1
   integer(kind = nk) :: n
   integer(kind = nk) :: k
   i1 = max (1_nk, i)
   j1 = min (strbuf%len, j)
   n = max (0_nk, (j1 - i1) + 1_nk)
   allocate (character(n, kind = ck) :: s)
   do k = 1, n
      s(k:k) = strbuf%chars(i1 + (k - 1_nk))
   end do
 end function strbuf_t_to_unicode_substring
 elemental function strbuf_t_length (strbuf) result (n)
   class(strbuf_t), intent(in) :: strbuf
   integer(kind = nk) :: n
   n = strbuf%len
 end function strbuf_t_length
 subroutine strbuf_t_ensure_storage (strbuf, length_needed)
   class(strbuf_t), intent(inout) :: strbuf
   integer(kind = nk), intent(in) :: length_needed
   integer(kind = nk) :: len_needed
   integer(kind = nk) :: new_size
   type(strbuf_t) :: new_strbuf
   len_needed = max (length_needed, 1_nk)
   if (.not. allocated (strbuf%chars)) then
      ! Initialize a new strbuf%chars array.
      new_size = new_storage_size (len_needed)
      allocate (strbuf%chars(1:new_size))
   else if (ubound (strbuf%chars, 1) < len_needed) then
      ! Allocate a new strbuf%chars array, larger than the current
      ! one, but containing the same characters.
      new_size = new_storage_size (len_needed)
      allocate (new_strbuf%chars(1:new_size))
      new_strbuf%chars(1:strbuf%len) = strbuf%chars(1:strbuf%len)
      call move_alloc (new_strbuf%chars, strbuf%chars)
   end if
 end subroutine strbuf_t_ensure_storage
 subroutine strbuf_t_set (dst, src)
   class(strbuf_t), intent(inout) :: dst
   class(*), intent(in) :: src
   integer(kind = nk) :: n
   integer(kind = nk) :: i
   select type (src)
   type is (character(*, kind = ck))
      n = len (src, kind = nk)
      call dst%ensure_storage(n)
      do i = 1, n
         dst%chars(i) = src(i:i)
      end do
      dst%len = n
   type is (character(*))
      n = len (src, kind = nk)
      call dst%ensure_storage(n)
      do i = 1, n
         dst%chars(i) = src(i:i)
      end do
      dst%len = n
   class is (strbuf_t)
      n = src%len
      call dst%ensure_storage(n)
      dst%chars(1:n) = src%chars(1:n)
      dst%len = n
   class default
      error stop
   end select
 end subroutine strbuf_t_set
 subroutine strbuf_t_append (dst, src)
   class(strbuf_t), intent(inout) :: dst
   class(*), intent(in) :: src
   integer(kind = nk) :: n_dst, n_src, n
   integer(kind = nk) :: i
   select type (src)
   type is (character(*, kind = ck))
      n_dst = dst%len
      n_src = len (src, kind = nk)
      n = n_dst + n_src
      call dst%ensure_storage(n)
      do i = 1, n_src
         dst%chars(n_dst + i) = src(i:i)
      end do
      dst%len = n
   type is (character(*))
      n_dst = dst%len
      n_src = len (src, kind = nk)
      n = n_dst + n_src
      call dst%ensure_storage(n)
      do i = 1, n_src
         dst%chars(n_dst + i) = src(i:i)
      end do
      dst%len = n
   class is (strbuf_t)
      n_dst = dst%len
      n_src = src%len
      n = n_dst + n_src
      call dst%ensure_storage(n)
      dst%chars((n_dst + 1):n) = src%chars(1:n_src)
      dst%len = n
   class default
      error stop
   end select
 end subroutine strbuf_t_append
 function skip_whitespace (strbuf, i) result (j)
   class(strbuf_t), intent(in) :: strbuf
   integer(kind = nk), intent(in) :: i
   integer(kind = nk) :: j
   logical :: done
   j = i
   done = .false.
   do while (.not. done)
      if (at_end_of_line (strbuf, j)) then
         done = .true.
      else if (.not. isspace (strbuf%chars(j))) then
         done = .true.
         j = j + 1
      end if
   end do
 end function skip_whitespace
 function skip_non_whitespace (strbuf, i) result (j)
   class(strbuf_t), intent(in) :: strbuf
   integer(kind = nk), intent(in) :: i
   integer(kind = nk) :: j
   logical :: done
   j = i
   done = .false.
   do while (.not. done)
      if (at_end_of_line (strbuf, j)) then
         done = .true.
      else if (isspace (strbuf%chars(j))) then
         done = .true.
         j = j + 1
      end if
   end do
 end function skip_non_whitespace
 function skip_whitespace_backwards (strbuf, i) result (j)
   class(strbuf_t), intent(in) :: strbuf
   integer(kind = nk), intent(in) :: i
   integer(kind = nk) :: j
   logical :: done
   j = i
   done = .false.
   do while (.not. done)
      if (j == -1) then
         done = .true.
      else if (.not. isspace (strbuf%chars(j))) then
         done = .true.
         j = j - 1
      end if
   end do
 end function skip_whitespace_backwards
 function at_end_of_line (strbuf, i) result (bool)
   class(strbuf_t), intent(in) :: strbuf
   integer(kind = nk), intent(in) :: i
   logical :: bool
   bool = (strbuf%length() < i)
 end function at_end_of_line

end module string_buffers

module reading_one_line_from_a_stream

 use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: input_unit
 use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: error_unit
 use, non_intrinsic :: compiler_type_kinds, only: nk, ck, ick
 use, non_intrinsic :: string_buffers
 implicit none
 ! get_line_from_stream: read an entire input line from a stream into
 ! a strbuf_t.
 public :: get_line_from_stream
 character(1, kind = ck), parameter :: linefeed_char = char (10, kind = ck)
 ! The following is correct for Unix and its relatives.
 character(1, kind = ck), parameter :: newline_char = linefeed_char


 subroutine get_line_from_stream (unit_no, eof, no_newline, strbuf)
   integer, intent(in) :: unit_no
   logical, intent(out) :: eof ! End of file?
   logical, intent(out) :: no_newline ! There is a line but it has no
                                      ! newline? (Thus eof also must
                                      ! be .true.)
   class(strbuf_t), intent(inout) :: strbuf
   character(1, kind = ck) :: ch
   strbuf = 
   call get_ch (unit_no, eof, ch)
   do while (.not. eof .and. ch /= newline_char)
      call strbuf%append (ch)
      call get_ch (unit_no, eof, ch)
   end do
   no_newline = eof .and. (strbuf%length() /= 0)
 end subroutine get_line_from_stream
 subroutine get_ch (unit_no, eof, ch)
   ! Read a single code point from the stream.
   ! Currently this procedure simply inputs ‘ASCII’ bytes rather than
   ! Unicode code points.
   integer, intent(in) :: unit_no
   logical, intent(out) :: eof
   character(1, kind = ck), intent(out) :: ch
   integer :: stat
   character(1) :: c = '*'
   eof = .false.
   if (unit_no == input_unit) then
      call get_input_unit_char (c, stat)
      read (unit = unit_no, iostat = stat) c
   end if
   if (stat < 0) then
      ch = ck_'*'
      eof = .true.
   else if (0 < stat) then
      write (error_unit, '("Input error with status code ", I0)') stat
      stop 1
      ch = char (ichar (c, kind = ick), kind = ck)
   end if
 end subroutine get_ch

!!! !!! If you tell gfortran you want -std=f2008 or -std=f2018, you likely !!! will need to add also -fall-intrinsics or -U__GFORTRAN__ !!! !!! The first way, you get the FGETC intrinsic. The latter way, you !!! get the C interface code that uses getchar(3). !!!

  1. ifdef __GFORTRAN__
 subroutine get_input_unit_char (c, stat)
   ! The following works if you are using gfortran.
   ! (FGETC is considered a feature for backwards compatibility with
   ! g77. However, I know of no way to reconfigure input_unit as a
   ! Fortran 2003 stream, for use with ordinary ‘read’.)
   character, intent(inout) :: c
   integer, intent(out) :: stat
   call fgetc (input_unit, c, stat)
 end subroutine get_input_unit_char
  1. else
 subroutine get_input_unit_char (c, stat)
   ! An alternative implementation of get_input_unit_char. This
   ! actually reads input from the C standard input, which might not
   ! be the same as input_unit.
   use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_int
   character, intent(inout) :: c
   integer, intent(out) :: stat
      ! Use getchar(3) to read characters from standard input. This
      ! assumes there is actually such a function available, and that
      ! getchar(3) does not exist solely as a macro. (One could write
      ! one’s own getchar() if necessary, of course.)
      function getchar () result (c) bind (c, name = 'getchar')
        use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_int
        integer(kind = c_int) :: c
      end function getchar
   end interface
   integer(kind = c_int) :: i_char
   i_char = getchar ()
   ! The C standard requires that EOF have a negative value. If the
   ! value returned by getchar(3) is not EOF, then it will be
   ! representable as an unsigned char. Therefore, to check for end
   ! of file, one need only test whether i_char is negative.
   if (i_char < 0) then
      stat = -1
      stat = 0
      c = char (i_char)
   end if
 end subroutine get_input_unit_char
  1. endif

end module reading_one_line_from_a_stream

module vm_reader

 use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: error_unit
 use, non_intrinsic :: compiler_type_kinds
 use, non_intrinsic :: helpers
 use, non_intrinsic :: string_buffers
 use, non_intrinsic :: reading_one_line_from_a_stream
 implicit none
 public :: vm_code_t
 public :: vm_t
 public :: read_vm
 ! Arbitrarily chosen opcodes.
 ! I think there should be a no-operation ‘nop’ opcode, to reserve
 ! space for later hand-patching. :)
 integer, parameter, public :: opcode_nop = 0
 integer, parameter, public :: opcode_halt = 1
 integer, parameter, public :: opcode_add = 2
 integer, parameter, public :: opcode_sub = 3
 integer, parameter, public :: opcode_mul = 4
 integer, parameter, public :: opcode_div = 5
 integer, parameter, public :: opcode_mod = 6
 integer, parameter, public :: opcode_lt = 7
 integer, parameter, public :: opcode_gt = 8
 integer, parameter, public :: opcode_le = 9
 integer, parameter, public :: opcode_ge = 10
 integer, parameter, public :: opcode_eq = 11
 integer, parameter, public :: opcode_ne = 12
 integer, parameter, public :: opcode_and = 13
 integer, parameter, public :: opcode_or = 14
 integer, parameter, public :: opcode_neg = 15
 integer, parameter, public :: opcode_not = 16
 integer, parameter, public :: opcode_prtc = 17
 integer, parameter, public :: opcode_prti = 18
 integer, parameter, public :: opcode_prts = 19
 integer, parameter, public :: opcode_fetch = 20
 integer, parameter, public :: opcode_store = 21
 integer, parameter, public :: opcode_push = 22
 integer, parameter, public :: opcode_jmp = 23
 integer, parameter, public :: opcode_jz = 24
 character(8, kind = ck), parameter, public :: opcode_names(0:24) = &
      & (/ "nop     ",   &
      &    "halt    ",   &
      &    "add     ",   &
      &    "sub     ",   &
      &    "mul     ",   &
      &    "div     ",   &
      &    "mod     ",   &
      &    "lt      ",   &
      &    "gt      ",   &
      &    "le      ",   &
      &    "ge      ",   &
      &    "eq      ",   &
      &    "ne      ",   &
      &    "and     ",   &
      &    "or      ",   &
      &    "neg     ",   &
      &    "not     ",   &
      &    "prtc    ",   &
      &    "prti    ",   &
      &    "prts    ",   &
      &    "fetch   ",   &
      &    "store   ",   &
      &    "push    ",   &
      &    "jmp     ",   &
      &    "jz      " /)
 type :: vm_code_t
    integer(kind = rik), private :: len = 0_rik
    character(1), allocatable :: bytes(:)
    procedure, pass, private :: ensure_storage => vm_code_t_ensure_storage
    procedure, pass :: length => vm_code_t_length
 end type vm_code_t
 type :: vm_t
    integer(kind = rik), allocatable :: string_boundaries(:)
    character(:, kind = ck), allocatable :: strings
    character(1), allocatable :: data(:)
    character(1), allocatable :: stack(:)
    type(vm_code_t) :: code
    integer(kind = rik) :: sp = 0_rik
    integer(kind = rik) :: pc = 0_rik
 end type vm_t


 subroutine vm_code_t_ensure_storage (code, length_needed)
   class(vm_code_t), intent(inout) :: code
   integer(kind = nk), intent(in) :: length_needed
   integer(kind = nk) :: len_needed
   integer(kind = nk) :: new_size
   type(vm_code_t) :: new_code
   len_needed = max (length_needed, 1_nk)
   if (.not. allocated (code%bytes)) then
      ! Initialize a new code%bytes array.
      new_size = new_storage_size (len_needed)
      allocate (code%bytes(0:(new_size - 1)))
   else if (ubound (code%bytes, 1) < len_needed - 1) then
      ! Allocate a new code%bytes array, larger than the current one,
      ! but containing the same bytes.
      new_size = new_storage_size (len_needed)
      allocate (new_code%bytes(0:(new_size - 1)))
      new_code%bytes(0:(code%len - 1)) = code%bytes(0:(code%len - 1))
      call move_alloc (new_code%bytes, code%bytes)
   end if
 end subroutine vm_code_t_ensure_storage
 elemental function vm_code_t_length (code) result (len)
   class(vm_code_t), intent(in) :: code
   integer(kind = rik) :: len
   len = code%len
 end function vm_code_t_length
 subroutine read_vm (inp, strbuf, vm)
   integer, intent(in) :: inp
   type(strbuf_t), intent(inout) :: strbuf
   type(vm_t), intent(out) :: vm
   integer(kind = rik) :: data_size
   integer(kind = rik) :: number_of_strings
   ! Read the header.
   call read_datasize_and_number_of_strings (inp, strbuf, data_size, number_of_strings)
   ! Allocate storage for data_size 32-bit numbers. Initialize them
   ! to zero, for no better reason than that C initializes global
   ! variables to zero.
   allocate (vm%data(0_rik:(4_rik * (data_size - 1))), source = achar (0))
   ! Allocate storage for indices/bounds of the strings to be loaded
   ! into the string storage space.
   allocate (vm%string_boundaries(0_rik:number_of_strings))
   ! Fill the strings storage and the string boundaries array.
   call read_strings (inp, strbuf, number_of_strings, vm)
   ! Read the program instructions.
   call read_code (inp, strbuf, vm)
   ! Allocate a stack. Let us say that the stack size must be a
   ! multiple of 4, and is fixed at 65536 = 4**8 bytes. Pushing a
   ! 32-bit integer increases the stack pointer by 4, popping
   ! decreases it by 4.
   allocate (vm%stack(0_rik:(4_rik ** 8)))
 end subroutine read_vm
 subroutine read_datasize_and_number_of_strings (inp, strbuf, data_size, number_of_strings)
   integer, intent(in) :: inp
   type(strbuf_t), intent(inout) :: strbuf
   integer(kind = rik), intent(out) :: data_size
   integer(kind = rik), intent(out) :: number_of_strings
   logical :: eof
   logical :: no_newline
   integer(kind = nk) :: i, j
   character(:, kind = ck), allocatable :: data_size_str
   character(:, kind = ck), allocatable :: number_of_strings_str
   integer :: stat
   call get_line_from_stream (inp, eof, no_newline, strbuf)
   if (eof) call bad_vm_assembly
   i = skip_whitespace (strbuf, 1_nk)
   i = skip_datasize_keyword (strbuf, i)
   i = skip_whitespace (strbuf, i)
   i = skip_specific_character (strbuf, i, ck_':')
   i = skip_whitespace (strbuf, i)
   j = skip_non_whitespace (strbuf, i)
   if (j == i) call bad_vm_assembly
   allocate (data_size_str, source = strbuf%to_unicode (i, j - 1))
   i = skip_whitespace(strbuf, j)
   i = skip_strings_keyword (strbuf, i)
   i = skip_whitespace (strbuf, i)
   i = skip_specific_character (strbuf, i, ck_':')
   i = skip_whitespace (strbuf, i)
   j = skip_non_whitespace (strbuf, i)
   if (j == i) call bad_vm_assembly
   allocate (number_of_strings_str, source = strbuf%to_unicode (i, j - 1))
   read (data_size_str, *, iostat = stat) data_size
   if (stat /= 0) call bad_vm_assembly
   read (number_of_strings_str, *, iostat = stat) number_of_strings
   if (stat /= 0) call bad_vm_assembly
 end subroutine read_datasize_and_number_of_strings
 subroutine read_strings (inp, strbuf, number_of_strings, vm)
   integer, intent(in) :: inp
   type(strbuf_t), intent(inout) :: strbuf
   integer(kind = rik), intent(in) :: number_of_strings
   type(vm_t), intent(inout) :: vm
   type(strbuf_t) :: strings_temporary
   integer(kind = rik) :: i
   vm%string_boundaries(0) = 0_rik
   do i = 0_rik, number_of_strings - 1
      call read_one_string (inp, strbuf, strings_temporary)
      vm%string_boundaries(i + 1) = strings_temporary%length()
   end do
   allocate (vm%strings, source = strings_temporary%to_unicode())
 end subroutine read_strings
 subroutine read_one_string (inp, strbuf, strings_temporary)
   integer, intent(in) :: inp
   type(strbuf_t), intent(inout) :: strbuf
   type(strbuf_t), intent(inout) :: strings_temporary
   logical :: eof
   logical :: no_newline
   integer(kind = nk) :: i
   logical :: done
   call get_line_from_stream (inp, eof, no_newline, strbuf)
   if (eof) call bad_vm_assembly
   i = skip_whitespace (strbuf, 1_nk)
   i = skip_specific_character (strbuf, i, ck_'"')
   done = .false.
   do while (.not. done)
      if (i == strbuf%length() + 1) call bad_vm_assembly
      if (strbuf%chars(i) == ck_'"') then
         done = .true.
      else if (strbuf%chars(i) == backslash_char) then
         if (i == strbuf%length()) call bad_vm_assembly
         select case (strbuf%chars(i + 1))
         case (ck_'n')
            call strings_temporary%append(newline_char)
         case (backslash_char)
            call strings_temporary%append(backslash_char)
         case default
            call bad_vm_assembly
         end select
         i = i + 2
         call strings_temporary%append(strbuf%chars(i))
         i = i + 1
      end if
   end do
 end subroutine read_one_string
 subroutine read_code (inp, strbuf, vm)
   integer, intent(in) :: inp
   type(strbuf_t), intent(inout) :: strbuf
   type(vm_t), intent(inout) :: vm
   logical :: eof
   logical :: no_newline
   call get_line_from_stream (inp, eof, no_newline, strbuf)
   do while (.not. eof)
      call parse_instruction (strbuf, vm%code)
      call get_line_from_stream (inp, eof, no_newline, strbuf)
   end do
 end subroutine read_code
 subroutine parse_instruction (strbuf, code)
   type(strbuf_t), intent(in) :: strbuf
   type(vm_code_t), intent(inout) :: code
   integer(kind = nk) :: i, j
   integer :: stat
   integer :: opcode
   integer(kind = rik) :: i_vm
   integer(kind = rik) :: arg
   character(8, kind = ck) :: opcode_name_str
   character(:, kind = ck), allocatable :: i_vm_str
   character(:, kind = ck), allocatable :: arg_str
   i = skip_whitespace (strbuf, 1_nk)
   j = skip_non_whitespace (strbuf, i)
   if (j == i) call bad_vm_assembly
   allocate (i_vm_str, source = strbuf%to_unicode(i, j - 1))
   read (i_vm_str, *, iostat = stat) i_vm
   if (stat /= 0) call bad_vm_assembly
   i = skip_whitespace (strbuf, j)
   j = skip_non_whitespace (strbuf, i)
   opcode_name_str = ck_'        '
   opcode_name_str(1:(j - i)) = strbuf%to_unicode(i, j - 1)
   opcode = findloc (opcode_names, opcode_name_str, 1) - 1
   if (opcode == -1) call bad_vm_assembly
   select case (opcode)
   case (opcode_push)
      call code%ensure_storage(i_vm + 5)
      code%bytes(i_vm) = achar (opcode)
      i = skip_whitespace (strbuf, j)
      j = skip_non_whitespace (strbuf, i)
      if (j == i) call bad_vm_assembly
      allocate (arg_str, source = strbuf%to_unicode(i, j - 1))
      read (arg_str, *, iostat = stat) arg
      if (stat /= 0) call bad_vm_assembly
      call int32_to_vm_bytes (arg, code%bytes, i_vm + 1)
      code%len = max (code%len, i_vm + 5)
   case (opcode_fetch, opcode_store)
      call code%ensure_storage(i_vm + 5)
      code%bytes(i_vm) = achar (opcode)
      i = skip_whitespace (strbuf, j)
      i = skip_specific_character (strbuf, i, ck_'[')
      i = skip_whitespace (strbuf, i)
      j = skip_non_whitespace (strbuf, i)
      if (j == i) call bad_vm_assembly
      if (strbuf%chars(j - 1) == ck_']') j = j - 1
      allocate (arg_str, source = strbuf%to_unicode(i, j - 1))
      read (arg_str, *, iostat = stat) arg
      if (stat /= 0) call bad_vm_assembly
      call uint32_to_vm_bytes (arg, code%bytes, i_vm + 1)
      code%len = max (code%len, i_vm + 5)
   case (opcode_jmp, opcode_jz)
      call code%ensure_storage(i_vm + 5)
      code%bytes(i_vm) = achar (opcode)
      call code%ensure_storage(i_vm + 5)
      code%bytes(i_vm) = achar (opcode)
      i = skip_whitespace (strbuf, j)
      i = skip_specific_character (strbuf, i, ck_'(')
      i = skip_whitespace (strbuf, i)
      j = skip_non_whitespace (strbuf, i)
      if (j == i) call bad_vm_assembly
      if (strbuf%chars(j - 1) == ck_')') j = j - 1
      allocate (arg_str, source = strbuf%to_unicode(i, j - 1))
      read (arg_str, *, iostat = stat) arg
      if (stat /= 0) call bad_vm_assembly
      call int32_to_vm_bytes (arg, code%bytes, i_vm + 1)
      code%len = max (code%len, i_vm + 5)
   case default
      call code%ensure_storage(i_vm + 1)
      code%bytes(i_vm) = achar (opcode)
      code%len = max (code%len, i_vm + 1)
   end select
 end subroutine parse_instruction
 function skip_datasize_keyword (strbuf, i) result (j)
   type(strbuf_t), intent(in) :: strbuf
   integer(kind = nk), intent(in) :: i
   integer(kind = nk) :: j
   j = skip_specific_character (strbuf, i, ck_'D')
   j = skip_specific_character (strbuf, j, ck_'a')
   j = skip_specific_character (strbuf, j, ck_'t')
   j = skip_specific_character (strbuf, j, ck_'a')
   j = skip_specific_character (strbuf, j, ck_'s')
   j = skip_specific_character (strbuf, j, ck_'i')
   j = skip_specific_character (strbuf, j, ck_'z')
   j = skip_specific_character (strbuf, j, ck_'e')
 end function skip_datasize_keyword
 function skip_strings_keyword (strbuf, i) result (j)
   type(strbuf_t), intent(in) :: strbuf
   integer(kind = nk), intent(in) :: i
   integer(kind = nk) :: j
   j = skip_specific_character (strbuf, i, ck_'S')
   j = skip_specific_character (strbuf, j, ck_'t')
   j = skip_specific_character (strbuf, j, ck_'r')
   j = skip_specific_character (strbuf, j, ck_'i')
   j = skip_specific_character (strbuf, j, ck_'n')
   j = skip_specific_character (strbuf, j, ck_'g')
   j = skip_specific_character (strbuf, j, ck_'s')
 end function skip_strings_keyword
 function skip_specific_character (strbuf, i, ch) result (j)
   type(strbuf_t), intent(in) :: strbuf
   integer(kind = nk), intent(in) :: i
   character(1, kind = ck), intent(in) :: ch
   integer(kind = nk) :: j
   if (strbuf%length() < i) call bad_vm_assembly
   if (strbuf%chars(i) /= ch) call bad_vm_assembly
   j = i + 1
 end function skip_specific_character
 subroutine bad_vm_assembly
   write (error_unit, '("The input is not a correct virtual machine program.")')
   stop 1
 end subroutine bad_vm_assembly

end module vm_reader

module vm_runner

 use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: error_unit
 use, non_intrinsic :: compiler_type_kinds
 use, non_intrinsic :: helpers
 use, non_intrinsic :: vm_reader
 implicit none
 public :: run_vm


 subroutine run_vm (outp, vm)
   integer, intent(in) :: outp
   type(vm_t), intent(inout) :: vm
   logical :: done
   integer :: opcode
   vm%sp = 0
   vm%pc = 0
   done = .false.
   do while (.not. done)
      if (vm%pc < 0 .or. vm%code%length() <= vm%pc) call pc_error
      opcode = iachar (vm%code%bytes(vm%pc))
      vm%pc = vm%pc + 1
      select case (opcode)
      case (opcode_nop)
      case (opcode_halt)
         done = .true.
      case (opcode_add)
         call alu_add (vm)
      case (opcode_sub)
         call alu_sub (vm)
      case (opcode_mul)
         call alu_mul (vm)
      case (opcode_div)
         call alu_div (vm)
      case (opcode_mod)
         call alu_mod (vm)
      case (opcode_lt)
         call alu_lt (vm)
      case (opcode_gt)
         call alu_gt (vm)
      case (opcode_le)
         call alu_le (vm)
      case (opcode_ge)
         call alu_ge (vm)
      case (opcode_eq)
         call alu_eq (vm)
      case (opcode_ne)
         call alu_ne (vm)
      case (opcode_and)
         call alu_and (vm)
      case (opcode_or)
         call alu_or (vm)
      case (opcode_neg)
         call alu_neg (vm)
      case (opcode_not)
         call alu_not (vm)
      case (opcode_prtc)
         call prtc (outp, vm)
      case (opcode_prti)
         call prti (outp, vm)
      case (opcode_prts)
         call prts (outp, vm)
      case (opcode_fetch)
         call fetch_int32 (vm)
      case (opcode_store)
         call store_int32 (vm)
      case (opcode_push)
         call push_int32 (vm)
      case (opcode_jmp)
         call jmp (vm)
      case (opcode_jz)
         call jz (vm)
      case default
         write (error_unit, '("VM opcode unrecognized: ", I0)') opcode
         stop 1
      end select
   end do
 end subroutine run_vm
 subroutine push_int32 (vm)
   type(vm_t), intent(inout) :: vm
   ! Push the 32-bit integer data at pc to the stack, then increment
   ! pc by 4.
   if (ubound (vm%stack, 1) < vm%sp) then
      write (error_unit, '("VM stack overflow")')
      stop 1
   end if
   if (vm%code%length() <= vm%pc + 4) call pc_error
   vm%stack(vm%sp:(vm%sp + 3)) = vm%code%bytes(vm%pc:(vm%pc + 3))
   vm%sp = vm%sp + 4
   vm%pc = vm%pc + 4
 end subroutine push_int32
 subroutine fetch_int32 (vm)
   type(vm_t), intent(inout) :: vm
   integer(kind = rik) :: i
   integer(kind = rik) :: x
   if (vm%code%length() <= vm%pc + 4) call pc_error
   call uint32_from_vm_bytes (i, vm%code%bytes, vm%pc)
   vm%pc = vm%pc + 4
   if (ubound (vm%data, 1) < i * 4) then
      write (error_unit, '("VM data access error")')
      stop 1
   end if
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (x, vm%data, i * 4)
   if (ubound (vm%stack, 1) < vm%sp) then
      write (error_unit, '("VM stack overflow")')
      stop 1
   end if
   call int32_to_vm_bytes (x, vm%stack, vm%sp)
   vm%sp = vm%sp + 4
 end subroutine fetch_int32
 subroutine store_int32 (vm)
   type(vm_t), intent(inout) :: vm
   integer(kind = rik) :: i
   integer(kind = rik) :: x
   if (vm%code%length() <= vm%pc + 4) call pc_error
   call uint32_from_vm_bytes (i, vm%code%bytes, vm%pc)
   vm%pc = vm%pc + 4
   call ensure_there_is_enough_stack_data (vm, 4_rik)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (x, vm%stack, vm%sp - 4)
   vm%sp = vm%sp - 4
   if (ubound (vm%data, 1) < i * 4) then
      write (error_unit, '("VM data access error")')
      stop 1
   end if
   call int32_to_vm_bytes (x, vm%data, i * 4)
 end subroutine store_int32
 subroutine jmp (vm)
   type(vm_t), intent(inout) :: vm
   ! Add the 32-bit data at pc to pc itself.
   integer(kind = rik) :: x
   if (vm%code%length() <= vm%pc + 4) call pc_error
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (x, vm%code%bytes, vm%pc)
   vm%pc = vm%pc + x
 end subroutine jmp
 subroutine jz (vm)
   type(vm_t), intent(inout) :: vm
   ! Conditionally add the 32-bit data at pc to pc itself.
   integer(kind = rik) :: x
   call ensure_there_is_enough_stack_data (vm, 4_rik)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (x, vm%stack, vm%sp - 4)
   vm%sp = vm%sp - 4
   if (x == 0) then
      if (vm%code%length() <= vm%pc + 4) call pc_error
      call int32_from_vm_bytes (x, vm%code%bytes, vm%pc)
      vm%pc = vm%pc + x
      vm%pc = vm%pc + 4
   end if
 end subroutine jz
 subroutine alu_neg (vm)
   type(vm_t), intent(inout) :: vm
   integer(kind = rik) :: x
   call ensure_there_is_enough_stack_data (vm, 4_rik)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (x, vm%stack, vm%sp - 4)
   x = -x
   call int32_to_vm_bytes (x, vm%stack, vm%sp - 4)
 end subroutine alu_neg
 subroutine alu_not (vm)
   type(vm_t), intent(inout) :: vm
   integer(kind = rik) :: x
   call ensure_there_is_enough_stack_data (vm, 4_rik)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (x, vm%stack, vm%sp - 4)
   x = bool2int (x == 0_rik)
   call int32_to_vm_bytes (x, vm%stack, vm%sp - 4)
 end subroutine alu_not
 subroutine alu_add (vm)
   type(vm_t), intent(inout) :: vm
   integer(kind = rik) :: x, y, z
   call ensure_there_is_enough_stack_data (vm, 8_rik)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (x, vm%stack, vm%sp - 8)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (y, vm%stack, vm%sp - 4)
   z = x + y
   call int32_to_vm_bytes (z, vm%stack, vm%sp - 8)
   vm%sp = vm%sp - 4
 end subroutine alu_add
 subroutine alu_sub (vm)
   type(vm_t), intent(inout) :: vm
   integer(kind = rik) :: x, y, z
   call ensure_there_is_enough_stack_data (vm, 8_rik)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (x, vm%stack, vm%sp - 8)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (y, vm%stack, vm%sp - 4)
   z = x - y
   call int32_to_vm_bytes (z, vm%stack, vm%sp - 8)
   vm%sp = vm%sp - 4
 end subroutine alu_sub
 subroutine alu_mul (vm)
   type(vm_t), intent(inout) :: vm
   integer(kind = rik) :: x, y, z
   call ensure_there_is_enough_stack_data (vm, 8_rik)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (x, vm%stack, vm%sp - 8)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (y, vm%stack, vm%sp - 4)
   z = x * y
   call int32_to_vm_bytes (z, vm%stack, vm%sp - 8)
   vm%sp = vm%sp - 4
 end subroutine alu_mul
 subroutine alu_div (vm)
   type(vm_t), intent(inout) :: vm
   integer(kind = rik) :: x, y, z
   call ensure_there_is_enough_stack_data (vm, 8_rik)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (x, vm%stack, vm%sp - 8)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (y, vm%stack, vm%sp - 4)
   z = x / y                   ! This works like ‘/’ in C.
   call int32_to_vm_bytes (z, vm%stack, vm%sp - 8)
   vm%sp = vm%sp - 4
 end subroutine alu_div
 subroutine alu_mod (vm)
   type(vm_t), intent(inout) :: vm
   integer(kind = rik) :: x, y, z
   call ensure_there_is_enough_stack_data (vm, 8_rik)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (x, vm%stack, vm%sp - 8)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (y, vm%stack, vm%sp - 4)
   z = mod (x, y)              ! This works like ‘%’ in C.
   call int32_to_vm_bytes (z, vm%stack, vm%sp - 8)
   vm%sp = vm%sp - 4
 end subroutine alu_mod
 subroutine alu_lt (vm)
   type(vm_t), intent(inout) :: vm
   integer(kind = rik) :: x, y, z
   call ensure_there_is_enough_stack_data (vm, 8_rik)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (x, vm%stack, vm%sp - 8)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (y, vm%stack, vm%sp - 4)
   z = bool2int (x < y)
   call int32_to_vm_bytes (z, vm%stack, vm%sp - 8)
   vm%sp = vm%sp - 4
 end subroutine alu_lt
 subroutine alu_gt (vm)
   type(vm_t), intent(inout) :: vm
   integer(kind = rik) :: x, y, z
   call ensure_there_is_enough_stack_data (vm, 8_rik)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (x, vm%stack, vm%sp - 8)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (y, vm%stack, vm%sp - 4)
   z = bool2int (x > y)
   call int32_to_vm_bytes (z, vm%stack, vm%sp - 8)
   vm%sp = vm%sp - 4
 end subroutine alu_gt
 subroutine alu_le (vm)
   type(vm_t), intent(inout) :: vm
   integer(kind = rik) :: x, y, z
   call ensure_there_is_enough_stack_data (vm, 8_rik)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (x, vm%stack, vm%sp - 8)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (y, vm%stack, vm%sp - 4)
   z = bool2int (x <= y)
   call int32_to_vm_bytes (z, vm%stack, vm%sp - 8)
   vm%sp = vm%sp - 4
 end subroutine alu_le
 subroutine alu_ge (vm)
   type(vm_t), intent(inout) :: vm
   integer(kind = rik) :: x, y, z
   call ensure_there_is_enough_stack_data (vm, 8_rik)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (x, vm%stack, vm%sp - 8)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (y, vm%stack, vm%sp - 4)
   z = bool2int (x >= y)
   call int32_to_vm_bytes (z, vm%stack, vm%sp - 8)
   vm%sp = vm%sp - 4
 end subroutine alu_ge
 subroutine alu_eq (vm)
   type(vm_t), intent(inout) :: vm
   integer(kind = rik) :: x, y, z
   call ensure_there_is_enough_stack_data (vm, 8_rik)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (x, vm%stack, vm%sp - 8)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (y, vm%stack, vm%sp - 4)
   z = bool2int (x == y)
   call int32_to_vm_bytes (z, vm%stack, vm%sp - 8)
   vm%sp = vm%sp - 4
 end subroutine alu_eq
 subroutine alu_ne (vm)
   type(vm_t), intent(inout) :: vm
   integer(kind = rik) :: x, y, z
   call ensure_there_is_enough_stack_data (vm, 8_rik)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (x, vm%stack, vm%sp - 8)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (y, vm%stack, vm%sp - 4)
   z = bool2int (x /= y)
   call int32_to_vm_bytes (z, vm%stack, vm%sp - 8)
   vm%sp = vm%sp - 4
 end subroutine alu_ne
 subroutine alu_and (vm)
   type(vm_t), intent(inout) :: vm
   integer(kind = rik) :: x, y, z
   call ensure_there_is_enough_stack_data (vm, 8_rik)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (x, vm%stack, vm%sp - 8)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (y, vm%stack, vm%sp - 4)
   z = bool2int (x /= 0 .and. y /= 0)
   call int32_to_vm_bytes (z, vm%stack, vm%sp - 8)
   vm%sp = vm%sp - 4
 end subroutine alu_and
 subroutine alu_or (vm)
   type(vm_t), intent(inout) :: vm
   integer(kind = rik) :: x, y, z
   call ensure_there_is_enough_stack_data (vm, 8_rik)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (x, vm%stack, vm%sp - 8)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (y, vm%stack, vm%sp - 4)
   z = bool2int (x /= 0 .or. y /= 0)
   call int32_to_vm_bytes (z, vm%stack, vm%sp - 8)
   vm%sp = vm%sp - 4
 end subroutine alu_or
 subroutine ensure_there_is_enough_stack_data (vm, n)
   type(vm_t), intent(in) :: vm
   integer(kind = rik), intent(in) :: n
   if (vm%sp < n) then
      write (error_unit, '("VM stack underflow")')
      stop 1
   end if
 end subroutine ensure_there_is_enough_stack_data
 subroutine prtc (outp, vm)
   integer, intent(in) :: outp
   type(vm_t), intent(inout) :: vm
   integer(kind = rik) :: x
   call ensure_there_is_enough_stack_data (vm, 4_rik)
   call uint32_from_vm_bytes (x, vm%stack, vm%sp - 4)
   write (outp, '(A1)', advance = 'no') char (x, kind = ck)
   vm%sp = vm%sp - 4
 end subroutine prtc
 subroutine prti (outp, vm)
   integer, intent(in) :: outp
   type(vm_t), intent(inout) :: vm
   integer(kind = rik) :: x
   call ensure_there_is_enough_stack_data (vm, 4_rik)
   call int32_from_vm_bytes (x, vm%stack, vm%sp - 4)
   write (outp, '(I0)', advance = 'no') x
   vm%sp = vm%sp - 4
 end subroutine prti
 subroutine prts (outp, vm)
   integer, intent(in) :: outp
   type(vm_t), intent(inout) :: vm
   integer(kind = rik) :: x
   integer(kind = rik) :: i, j
   call ensure_there_is_enough_stack_data (vm, 4_rik)
   call uint32_from_vm_bytes (x, vm%stack, vm%sp - 4)
   if (ubound (vm%string_boundaries, 1) - 1 < x) then
      write (error_unit, '("VM string boundary error")')
      stop 1
   end if
   i = vm%string_boundaries(x)
   j = vm%string_boundaries(x + 1)
   write (outp, '(A)', advance = 'no') vm%strings((i + 1):j)
   vm%sp = vm%sp - 4
 end subroutine prts
 subroutine pc_error
   write (error_unit, '("VM program counter error")')
   stop 1
 end subroutine pc_error

end module vm_runner

program vm

 use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: input_unit
 use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: output_unit
 use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: error_unit
 use, non_intrinsic :: compiler_type_kinds
 use, non_intrinsic :: string_buffers
 use, non_intrinsic :: vm_reader
 use, non_intrinsic :: vm_runner
 implicit none
 integer, parameter :: inp_unit_no = 100
 integer, parameter :: outp_unit_no = 101
 integer :: arg_count
 character(200) :: arg
 integer :: inp
 integer :: outp
 arg_count = command_argument_count ()
 if (3 <= arg_count) then
    call print_usage
    if (arg_count == 0) then
       inp = input_unit
       outp = output_unit
    else if (arg_count == 1) then
       call get_command_argument (1, arg)
       inp = open_for_input (trim (arg))
       outp = output_unit
    else if (arg_count == 2) then
       call get_command_argument (1, arg)
       inp = open_for_input (trim (arg))
       call get_command_argument (2, arg)
       outp = open_for_output (trim (arg))
    end if
      type(strbuf_t) :: strbuf
      type(vm_t) :: vm
      call read_vm (inp, strbuf, vm)
      call run_vm (outp, vm)
    end block
 end if


 function open_for_input (filename) result (unit_no)
   character(*), intent(in) :: filename
   integer :: unit_no
   integer :: stat
   open (unit = inp_unit_no, file = filename, status = 'old', &
        & action = 'read', access = 'stream', form = 'unformatted',  &
        & iostat = stat)
   if (stat /= 0) then
      write (error_unit, '("Error: failed to open ", 1A, " for input")') filename
      stop 1
   end if
   unit_no = inp_unit_no
 end function open_for_input
 function open_for_output (filename) result (unit_no)
   character(*), intent(in) :: filename
   integer :: unit_no
   integer :: stat
   open (unit = outp_unit_no, file = filename, action = 'write', iostat = stat)
   if (stat /= 0) then
      write (error_unit, '("Error: failed to open ", 1A, " for output")') filename
      stop 1
   end if
   unit_no = outp_unit_no
 end function open_for_output
 subroutine print_usage
   character(200) :: progname
   call get_command_argument (0, progname)
   write (output_unit, '("Usage: ", 1A, " [INPUT_FILE [OUTPUT_FILE]]")') &
        &      trim (progname)
 end subroutine print_usage

end program vm</lang>


$ gfortran -O3 -Wall -Wextra -fcheck=all -std=f2018 -U__GFORTRAN__ -g -o vm vm.F90 && ./lex count.t | ./parse | ./gen | ./vm

count is: 1
count is: 2
count is: 3
count is: 4
count is: 5
count is: 6
count is: 7
count is: 8
count is: 9


Translation of: Python

<lang go>package main

import (



type code = byte

const (

   fetch code = iota


var codeMap = map[string]code{

   "fetch": fetch,
   "store": store,
   "push":  push,
   "add":   add,
   "sub":   sub,
   "mul":   mul,
   "div":   div,
   "mod":   mod,
   "lt":    lt,
   "gt":    gt,
   "le":    le,
   "ge":    ge,
   "eq":    eq,
   "ne":    ne,
   "and":   and,
   "or":    or,
   "neg":   neg,
   "not":   not,
   "jmp":   jmp,
   "jz":    jz,
   "prtc":  prtc,
   "prts":  prts,
   "prti":  prti,
   "halt":  halt,


var (

   err        error
   scanner    *bufio.Scanner
   object     []code
   stringPool []string


func reportError(msg string) {

   log.Fatalf("error : %s\n", msg)


func check(err error) {

   if err != nil {


func btoi(b bool) int32 {

   if b {
       return 1
   return 0


func itob(i int32) bool {

   if i != 0 {
       return true
   return false


func emitByte(c code) {

   object = append(object, c)


func emitWord(n int) {

   bs := make([]byte, 4)
   binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(bs, uint32(n))
   for _, b := range bs {


/*** Virtual Machine interpreter ***/ func runVM(dataSize int) {

   stack := make([]int32, dataSize+1)
   pc := int32(0)
   for {
       op := object[pc]
       switch op {
       case fetch:
           x := int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(object[pc : pc+4]))
           stack = append(stack, stack[x])
           pc += 4
       case store:
           x := int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(object[pc : pc+4]))
           ln := len(stack)
           stack[x] = stack[ln-1]
           stack = stack[:ln-1]
           pc += 4
       case push:
           x := int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(object[pc : pc+4]))
           stack = append(stack, x)
           pc += 4
       case add:
           ln := len(stack)
           stack[ln-2] += stack[ln-1]
           stack = stack[:ln-1]
       case sub:
           ln := len(stack)
           stack[ln-2] -= stack[ln-1]
           stack = stack[:ln-1]
       case mul:
           ln := len(stack)
           stack[ln-2] *= stack[ln-1]
           stack = stack[:ln-1]
       case div:
           ln := len(stack)
           stack[ln-2] = int32(float64(stack[ln-2]) / float64(stack[ln-1]))
           stack = stack[:ln-1]
       case mod:
           ln := len(stack)
           stack[ln-2] = int32(math.Mod(float64(stack[ln-2]), float64(stack[ln-1])))
           stack = stack[:ln-1]
       case lt:
           ln := len(stack)
           stack[ln-2] = btoi(stack[ln-2] < stack[ln-1])
           stack = stack[:ln-1]
       case gt:
           ln := len(stack)
           stack[ln-2] = btoi(stack[ln-2] > stack[ln-1])
           stack = stack[:ln-1]
       case le:
           ln := len(stack)
           stack[ln-2] = btoi(stack[ln-2] <= stack[ln-1])
           stack = stack[:ln-1]
       case ge:
           ln := len(stack)
           stack[ln-2] = btoi(stack[ln-2] >= stack[ln-1])
           stack = stack[:ln-1]
       case eq:
           ln := len(stack)
           stack[ln-2] = btoi(stack[ln-2] == stack[ln-1])
           stack = stack[:ln-1]
       case ne:
           ln := len(stack)
           stack[ln-2] = btoi(stack[ln-2] != stack[ln-1])
           stack = stack[:ln-1]
       case and:
           ln := len(stack)
           stack[ln-2] = btoi(itob(stack[ln-2]) && itob(stack[ln-1]))
           stack = stack[:ln-1]
       case or:
           ln := len(stack)
           stack[ln-2] = btoi(itob(stack[ln-2]) || itob(stack[ln-1]))
           stack = stack[:ln-1]
       case neg:
           ln := len(stack)
           stack[ln-1] = -stack[ln-1]
       case not:
           ln := len(stack)
           stack[ln-1] = btoi(!itob(stack[ln-1]))
       case jmp:
           x := int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(object[pc : pc+4]))
           pc += x
       case jz:
           ln := len(stack)
           v := stack[ln-1]
           stack = stack[:ln-1]
           if v != 0 {
               pc += 4
           } else {
               x := int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(object[pc : pc+4]))
               pc += x
       case prtc:
           ln := len(stack)
           fmt.Printf("%c", stack[ln-1])
           stack = stack[:ln-1]
       case prts:
           ln := len(stack)
           fmt.Printf("%s", stringPool[stack[ln-1]])
           stack = stack[:ln-1]
       case prti:
           ln := len(stack)
           fmt.Printf("%d", stack[ln-1])
           stack = stack[:ln-1]
       case halt:
           reportError(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown opcode %d\n", op))


func translate(s string) string {

   var d strings.Builder
   for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
       if s[i] == '\\' && (i+1) < len(s) {
           if s[i+1] == 'n' {
           } else if s[i+1] == '\\' {
       } else {
   return d.String()


func loadCode() int {

   var dataSize int
   firstLine := true
   for scanner.Scan() {
       line := strings.TrimRight(scanner.Text(), " \t")
       if len(line) == 0 {
           if firstLine {
               reportError("empty line")
           } else {
       lineList := strings.Fields(line)
       if firstLine {
           dataSize, err = strconv.Atoi(lineList[1])
           nStrings, err := strconv.Atoi(lineList[3])
           for i := 0; i < nStrings; i++ {
               s := strings.Trim(scanner.Text(), "\"\n")
               stringPool = append(stringPool, translate(s))
           firstLine = false
       offset, err := strconv.Atoi(lineList[0])
       instr := lineList[1]
       opCode, ok := codeMap[instr]
       if !ok {
           reportError(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown instruction %s at %d", instr, opCode))
       switch opCode {
       case jmp, jz:
           p, err := strconv.Atoi(lineList[3])
           emitWord(p - offset - 1)
       case push:
           value, err := strconv.Atoi(lineList[2])
       case fetch, store:
           value, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.Trim(lineList[2], "[]"))
   return dataSize


func main() {

   codeGen, err := os.Open("codegen.txt")
   defer codeGen.Close()
   scanner = bufio.NewScanner(codeGen)



Using the 'while count' example:

count is: 1
count is: 2
count is: 3
count is: 4
count is: 5
count is: 6
count is: 7
count is: 8
count is: 9


Translation of: ObjectIcon

<lang icon># -*- Icon -*-

  1. The Rosetta Code virtual machine in Icon. Migrated from the
  2. ObjectIcon.
  3. See

record VirtualMachine(code, global_data, strings, stack, pc)

global opcode_names global opcode_values global op_halt global op_add global op_sub global op_mul global op_div global op_mod global op_lt global op_gt global op_le global op_ge global op_eq global op_ne global op_and global op_or global op_neg global op_not global op_prtc global op_prti global op_prts global op_fetch global op_store global op_push global op_jmp global op_jz

global whitespace_chars

procedure main(args)

 local f_inp, f_out
 local vm
 whitespace_chars := ' \t\n\r\f\v'
 if 3 <= *args then {
   write("Usage: ", &progname, " [INPUT_FILE [OUTPUT_FILE]]")
 if 1 <= *args then {
   f_inp := open(args[1], "r") | {
     write(&errout, "Failed to open ", args[1], " for reading.")
 } else {
   f_inp := &input
 if 2 <= *args then {
   f_out := open(args[2], "w") | {
     write(&errout, "Failed to open ", args[2], " for writing.")
 } else {
   f_out := &output
 vm := VirtualMachine()
 read_assembly_code(f_inp, vm)
 run_vm(f_out, vm)


procedure initialize_opcodes()

 local i
 opcode_names :=
     ["halt", "add", "sub", "mul", "div",
      "mod", "lt", "gt", "le", "ge",
      "eq", "ne", "and", "or", "neg",
      "not", "prtc", "prti", "prts", "fetch",
      "store", "push", "jmp", "jz"]
 opcode_values := table()
 every i := 1 to *opcode_names do
     opcode_values[opcode_names[i]] := char(i)
 op_halt := opcode_values["halt"]
 op_add := opcode_values["add"]
 op_sub := opcode_values["sub"]
 op_mul := opcode_values["mul"]
 op_div := opcode_values["div"]
 op_mod := opcode_values["mod"]
 op_lt := opcode_values["lt"]
 op_gt := opcode_values["gt"]
 op_le := opcode_values["le"]
 op_ge := opcode_values["ge"]
 op_eq := opcode_values["eq"]
 op_ne := opcode_values["ne"]
 op_and := opcode_values["and"]
 op_or := opcode_values["or"]
 op_neg := opcode_values["neg"]
 op_not := opcode_values["not"]
 op_prtc := opcode_values["prtc"]
 op_prti := opcode_values["prti"]
 op_prts := opcode_values["prts"]
 op_fetch := opcode_values["fetch"]
 op_store := opcode_values["store"]
 op_push := opcode_values["push"]
 op_jmp := opcode_values["jmp"]
 op_jz := opcode_values["jz"]


procedure int2bytes (n)

 local bytes
 # The VM is little-endian.
 bytes := "****"
 bytes[1] := char (iand(n, 16rFF))
 bytes[2] := char(iand(ishift(n, -8), 16rFF))
 bytes[3] := char(iand(ishift(n, -16), 16rFF))
 bytes[4] := char(iand(ishift(n, -24), 16rFF))
 return bytes


procedure bytes2int(bytes, i)

 local n0, n1, n2, n3, n
 # The VM is little-endian.
 n0 := ord(bytes[i])
 n1 := ishift(ord(bytes[i + 1]), 8)
 n2 := ishift(ord(bytes[i + 2]), 16)
 n3 := ishift(ord(bytes[i + 3]), 24)
 n := ior (n0, ior (n1, ior (n2, n3)))
 # Do not forget to extend the sign bit.
 return (if n3 <= 16r7F then n else ior(n, icom(16rFFFFFFFF)))


procedure read_assembly_code(f, vm)

 local data_size, number_of_strings
 local line, ch
 local i
 local address
 local opcode
 # Read the header line.
 line := read(f) | bad_vm()
 line ? {
   tab(match("Datasize")) | bad_vm()
   tab(any(':')) | bad_vm()
   data_size :=
       integer(tab(many(&digits))) | bad_vm()
   tab(match("Strings")) | bad_vm()
   tab(any(':')) | bad_vm()
   number_of_strings :=
       integer(tab(many(&digits))) | bad_vm()
 # Read the strings.
 vm.strings := list(number_of_strings)
 every i := 1 to number_of_strings do {
   vm.strings[i] := ""
   line := read(f) | bad_vm()
   line ? {
     tab(any('"')) | bad_vm()
     while ch := tab(any(~'"')) do {
       if ch == '\\' then {
         ch := tab(any('n\\')) | bad_vm()
         vm.strings[i] ||:=
             (if (ch == "n") then "\n" else "\\")
       } else {
         vm.strings[i] ||:= ch
 # Read the code.
 vm.code := ""
 while line := read(f) do {
   line ? {
     address := integer(tab(many(&digits))) | bad_vm()
     opcode := tab(many(~whitespace_chars)) | bad_vm()
     vm.code ||:= opcode_values[opcode]
     case opcode of {
       "push": {
         vm.code ||:=
             int2bytes(integer(tab(many(&digits)))) |
             int2bytes(integer(tab(any('-')) ||
                               tab(many(&digits)))) |
       "fetch" | "store": {
         tab(any('[')) | bad_vm()
         vm.code ||:=
             int2bytes(integer(tab(many(&digits)))) |
         tab(any(']')) | bad_vm()
       "jmp" | "jz": {
         tab(any('(')) | bad_vm()
         vm.code ||:=
             int2bytes(integer(tab(many(&digits)))) |
             int2bytes(integer(tab(any('-')) ||
                               tab(many(&digits)))) |
         tab(any(')')) | bad_vm()
         tab(many(&digits)) | bad_vm()
       default: {
         # Do nothing
 # Create a global data area.
 vm.global_data := list(data_size, &null)


procedure run_vm(f_out, vm)

 continue_vm(f_out, vm)


procedure continue_vm(f_out, vm)

 while vm.code[vm.pc] ~== op_halt do
     step_vm(f_out, vm)


procedure step_vm(f_out, vm)

 local opcode
 opcode := vm.code[vm.pc]
 vm.pc +:= 1
 case opcode of {
   op_add:   binop(vm, "+")
   op_sub:   binop(vm, "-")
   op_mul:   binop(vm, "*")
   op_div:   binop(vm, "/")
   op_mod:   binop(vm, "%")
   op_lt:    comparison(vm, "<")
   op_gt:    comparison(vm, ">")
   op_le:    comparison(vm, "<=")
   op_ge:    comparison(vm, ">=")
   op_eq:    comparison(vm, "=")
   op_ne:    comparison(vm, "~=")
   op_and:   logical_and(vm)
   op_or:    logical_or(vm)
   op_neg:   negate(vm)
   op_not:   logical_not(vm)
   op_prtc:  printc(f_out, vm)
   op_prti:  printi(f_out, vm)
   op_prts:  prints(f_out, vm)
   op_fetch: fetch_global(vm)
   op_store: store_global(vm)
   op_push:  push_argument(vm)
   op_jmp:   jump(vm)
   op_jz:    jump_if_zero(vm)
   default:  bad_opcode()


procedure negate(vm)

 vm.stack[1] := -vm.stack[1]


procedure binop(vm, func)

 vm.stack[2] := func(vm.stack[2], vm.stack[1])


procedure comparison(vm, func)

 vm.stack[2] := (if func(vm.stack[2], vm.stack[1]) then 1 else 0)


procedure logical_and(vm)

 vm.stack[2] :=
     (if vm.stack[2] ~= 0 & vm.stack[1] ~= 0 then 1 else 0)


procedure logical_or(vm)

 vm.stack[2] :=
     (if vm.stack[2] ~= 0 | vm.stack[1] ~= 0 then 1 else 0)


procedure logical_not(vm)

 vm.stack[1] := (if vm.stack[1] ~= 0 then 0 else 1)


procedure printc(f_out, vm)

 writes(f_out, char(pop(vm.stack)))


procedure printi(f_out, vm)

 writes(f_out, pop(vm.stack))


procedure prints(f_out, vm)

 writes(f_out, vm.strings[pop(vm.stack) + 1])


procedure fetch_global(vm)

 push(vm.stack, vm.global_data[get_argument(vm) + 1])
 vm.pc +:= 4


procedure store_global(vm)

 vm.global_data[get_argument(vm) + 1] := pop(vm.stack)
 vm.pc +:= 4


procedure push_argument(vm)

 push(vm.stack, get_argument(vm))
 vm.pc +:= 4


procedure jump(vm)

 vm.pc +:= get_argument(vm)


procedure jump_if_zero(vm)

 if pop(vm.stack) = 0 then
     vm.pc +:= get_argument(vm)
     vm.pc +:= 4


procedure get_argument(vm)

 return bytes2int(vm.code, vm.pc)


procedure initialize_vm(vm)

 # The program counter starts at 1, for convenient indexing into
 # the code[] array. Icon indexing starts at 1 (for a *very* good
 # reason, but that’s a topic for another day).
 vm.pc := 1
 vm.stack := []


procedure bad_vm()

 write(&errout, "Bad VM.")


procedure bad_opcode()

 write(&errout, "Bad opcode.")



$ icont -u vm-icn.icn && ./vm-icn compiler-tests/count.vm

count is: 1
count is: 2
count is: 3
count is: 4
count is: 5
count is: 6
count is: 7
count is: 8
count is: 9


Implementation: <lang J>(opcodes)=: opcodes=: ;:{{)n

fetch store push add sub mul div mod lt gt le ge
eq ne and or neg not jmp jz prtc prts prti halt


unpack=: {{

 lines=. <;._2 y
 'ds0 ds s0 s'=.;:0{::lines
 vars=: (".ds)#0
 strings=: rplc&('\\';'\';'\n';LF)L:0 '"'-.L:0~(1+i.".s){lines
 object=: ;xlate L:1 (;:'()[]') -.~L:1 ;:L:0 '-_' rplc~L:0 (1+".s)}.lines
 outbuf=: stack=: i.0


xlate=: {{

 if.2<#y do.
   (opcodes i. 1{y),(4#256)#:".2{::y
   opcodes i. 1{y


NB. ensure we maintain 32 bit signed int representation signadj=: _2147483648+4294967296|2147483648+] getint=: signadj@(256 #. ])

PUSH=: Template:Stack=:stack,signadj y POP=: {{ (stack=: _1 }. stack) ] _1 { stack }} POP2=: {{ (stack=: _2 }. stack) ] _2 {. stack }} emit=:{{

 outbuf=: outbuf,y
 if.LF e. outbuf do.
   ndx=. outbuf i:LF
   echo ndx{.outbuf
   outbuf=: }.ndx}.outbuf


run_vm=: {{

 unpack y
 stack=: i.pc=:0
 lim=. <:#object
   pc=: pc+1 [ op=: (pc { object){opcodes
   i=. getint (lim<.pc+i.4) { object
   k=. 0
     case.fetch do. k=.4 [PUSH i{vars do. k=.4 [vars=: (POP) i} vars
     case.push do.  k=.4 [PUSH i
     case.add do. PUSH +/POP2
     case.sub do. PUSH -/POP2
     case.mul do. PUSH */POP2
     case.div do. PUSH<.%/POP2
     case.mod do. PUSH |~/POP2  do. PUSH </POP2
     case.le  do. PUSH <:/POP2
     case.eq  do. PUSH =/POP2  do. PUSH ~:/POP2  do. PUSH >:/POP2  do. PUSH >/POP2
     case.and do. PUSH */0~:POP2
     case.or  do. PUSH +./0~:POP2
     case.neg do. PUSH -POP
     case.not do. PUSH 0=POP do. k=. i
     case.jz  do. k=. (0=POP){4,i
     case.prtc do. emit u:POP
     case.prts do. emit (POP){::strings
     case.prti do. emit rplc&'_-'":POP
     case.halt do. if.#outbuf do.echo outbuf end.EMPTY return.
   pc=: pc+k


Task example: <lang J>count=:{{)n count = 1; while (count < 10) {

   print("count is: ", count, "\n");
   count = count + 1;

} }}

  run_vm gen syntax lex count

count is: 1 count is: 2 count is: 3 count is: 4 count is: 5 count is: 6 count is: 7 count is: 8 count is: 9 </lang>


<lang julia>mutable struct VM32

   VM32() = new(Vector{UInt8}(), Vector{Int32}(), Vector{Int32}(),
                Vector{String}(), Vector{Int32}(), Vector{Int32}(), 1)


halt, add, sub, mul, Div, mod, not, neg, and, or, lt, gt, le, ge, ne, eq, prts,

   prti, prtc, store, Fetch, push, jmp, jz = UInt8.(collect(1:24))

function assemble(io)

   vm = VM32()
   header = readline(io)
   datasize, nstrings = match(r"\w+:\s*(\d+)\s+\w+:\s*(\d+)", header).captures = zeros(Int32, parse(Int, datasize) + 4)
   for i in 1:parse(Int, nstrings)
       line = replace(strip(readline(io), ['"', '\n']), r"\\." => x -> x[end] == 'n' ? "\n" : string(x[end]))
       push!(vm.strings, line)
   while !eof(io)
       line = readline(io)
       offset, op, arg1, arg2 = match(r"(\d+)\s+(\w+)\s*(\S+)?\s*(\S+)?", line).captures
       op = op in ["fetch", "div"] ? uppercasefirst(op) : op
       push!(vm.code, eval(Symbol(op)))
       if arg1 != nothing
           v = parse(Int32, strip(arg1, ['[', ']', '(', ')']))
           foreach(x -> push!(vm.code, x), reinterpret(UInt8, [v]))
       if arg2 != nothing
           push!(vm.lastargs, (x = tryparse(Int32, arg2)) == nothing ? 0 : x)
       push!(vm.offsets, parse(Int32, offset))


function runvm(vm)

   value() = (x = vm.ip; vm.ip += 4; reinterpret(Int32, vm.code[x:x+3])[1])
   tobool(x) = (x != 0)
   ops = Dict(
       halt  => () -> exit(),
       add   => () -> begin vm.stack[end-1] += vm.stack[end]; pop!(vm.stack); vm.stack[end] end,
       sub   => () -> begin vm.stack[end-1] -= vm.stack[end]; pop!(vm.stack); vm.stack[end] end,
       mul   => () -> begin vm.stack[end-1] *= vm.stack[end]; pop!(vm.stack); vm.stack[end] end,
       Div   => () -> begin vm.stack[end-1] /= vm.stack[end]; pop!(vm.stack); vm.stack[end] end,
       mod   => () -> begin vm.stack[end-1] %= vm.stack[1]; pop!(vm.stack); vm.stack[end] end,
       not   => () -> vm.stack[end] = vm.stack[end] ? 0 : 1,
       neg   => () -> vm.stack[end] = -vm.stack[end],
       and   => () -> begin vm.stack[end-1] = tobool(vm.stack[end-1]) && tobool(vm.stack[end]) ? 1 : 0; pop!(vm.stack); vm.stack[end] end,
       or    => () -> begin vm.stack[end-1] = tobool(vm.stack[end-1]) || tobool(vm.stack[end]) ? 1 : 0; pop!(vm.stack); vm.stack[end] end,
       lt    => () -> begin x = (vm.stack[end-1] < vm.stack[end] ? 1 : 0); pop!(vm.stack); vm.stack[end] = x end,
       gt    => () -> begin x = (vm.stack[end-1] > vm.stack[end] ? 1 : 0); pop!(vm.stack); vm.stack[end] = x end,
       le    => () -> begin x = (vm.stack[end-1] <= vm.stack[end] ? 1 : 0); pop!(vm.stack); vm.stack[end] = x end,
       ge    => () -> begin x = (vm.stack[end-1] >= vm.stack[end] ? 1 : 0); pop!(vm.stack); vm.stack[end] = x end,
       ne    => () -> begin x = (vm.stack[end-1] != vm.stack[end] ? 1 : 0); pop!(vm.stack); vm.stack[end] = x end,
       eq    => () -> begin x = (vm.stack[end-1] == vm.stack[end] ? 1 : 0); pop!(vm.stack); vm.stack[end] = x end,
       prts  => () -> print(vm.strings[pop!(vm.stack) + 1]),
       prti  => () -> print(pop!(vm.stack)),
       prtc  => () -> print(Char(pop!(vm.stack))),
       store => () ->[value() + 1] = pop!(vm.stack),
       Fetch => () -> push!(vm.stack,[value() + 1]),
       push  => () -> push!(vm.stack, value()),
       jmp   => () -> vm.ip += value(),
       jz    => () -> if pop!(vm.stack) == 0 vm.ip += value() else vm.ip += 4 end)
   vm.ip = 1
   while true
       op = vm.code[vm.ip]
       vm.ip += 1


const testasm = """ Datasize: 1 Strings: 2 "count is: " "\\n"

   0 push  1
   5 store [0]
  10 fetch [0]
  15 push  10
  20 lt
  21 jz     (43) 65
  26 push  0
  31 prts
  32 fetch [0]
  37 prti
  38 push  1
  43 prts
  44 fetch [0]
  49 push  1
  54 add
  55 store [0]
  60 jmp    (-51) 10
  65 halt   """

const iob = IOBuffer(testasm) const vm = assemble(iob) runvm(vm)



count is: 1
count is: 2
count is: 3
count is: 4
count is: 5
count is: 6
count is: 7
count is: 8
count is: 9

M2000 Interpreter

Using Select Case

<lang M2000 Interpreter> Module Virtual_Machine_Interpreter (a$){ \\ function to extract string, replacing escape codes. Function GetString$(a$) { s=instr(a$, chr$(34)) m=rinstr(a$,chr$(34))-s if m>1 then \\ process escape codes =format$(mid$(a$, s+1, m-1)) else ="" end if } \\ module to print a string to console using codes, 13, 10, 9 Module printsrv (a$) { for i=1 to len(a$) select case chrcode(Mid$(a$,i,1)) case 13 cursor 0 case 10 cursor 0 : Print case 9 cursor ((pos+tab) div tab)*tab else case { m=pos :if pos>=width then Print : m=pos Print Mid$(a$,i,1); if m<=width then cursor m+1 } end select next i } const nl$=chr$(13)+chr$(10) \\ we can set starting value to any number n where 0<=n<=232 enum op { halt_=232, add_, sub_, mul_, div_, mod_, not_, neg_, and_, or_, lt_, gt_, le_, ge_, ne_, eq_, prts_, prti_, prtc_, store_, fetch_, push_, jmp_, jz_


Rem : Form 120, 60 ' change console width X height to run Ascii Mandlebrot examlpe Report "Virtual Assembly Code:"+{ }+a$ Print "Prepare Byte Code"

\\ get datasize a$=rightpart$(a$, "Datasize:") m=0 data_size=val(a$, "int", m) a$=mid$(a$, m) \\ make stack if data_size>0 then Buffer Clear stack_ as long*data_size \\ dim or redim buffer append 1000 long as is. Buffer stack_ as long*(1000+data_size) \\ get strings a$=rightpart$(a$, "Strings:") m=0 strings=val(a$, "int", m) a$=rightpart$(a$, nl$)

if strings>0 then Dim strings$(strings) for i=0 to strings-1 strings$(i)=GetString$(leftpart$(a$, nl$)) a$=rightpart$(a$, nl$) Next i End if buffer clear code_ as byte*1000 do m=0 offset=val(a$,"int", m) if m<0 then exit a$=mid$(a$,m) line$=trim$(leftpart$(a$,nl$)) if line$="" then line$=trim$(a$) else a$=trim$(rightpart$(a$, nl$)) op$=if$(instr(line$," ")>0->leftpart$(line$," "), line$) if not valid(eval(op$+"_")) then exit opc=eval(op$+"_") Return code_, offset:=opc if opc>=store_ then line$=rightpart$(line$," ") select case opc case store_, fetch_ Return code_, offset+1:=val(rightpart$(leftpart$(line$,"]"),"[")) as long : offset+=4 case push_ Return code_, offset+1:=uint(val(line$)) as long : offset+=4 case jz_, jmp_ Return code_, offset+1:=val(rightpart$(line$,")")) as long : offset+=4 end select end if Always Print "Press any key" : Push key$ : Drop \\ Prepare VM let pc=0, sp=len(stack_) div 4 do { func=eval(code_, pc) pc++ select case func case halt_ exit case push_ sp--:return stack_, sp:=eval(code_, pc as long):pc+=4 case jz_ sp++: if eval(stack_, sp-1)=0 then pc=eval(code_, pc as long) else pc+=4 case jmp_ pc=eval(code_, pc as long) case fetch_ sp--:Return stack_, sp:=eval(stack_, eval(code_, pc as long)):pc+=4 case store_ Return stack_, eval(code_, pc as long):=eval(stack_, sp):sp++:pc+=4 case add_ Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1))+sint(eval(stack_, sp))):sp++ case sub_ Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1))-sint(eval(stack_, sp))):sp++ case mul_ Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1))*sint(eval(stack_, sp))):sp++ case div_ Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1)) div sint(eval(stack_, sp))):sp++ case mod_ Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1)) mod sint(eval(stack_, sp))) :sp++ case not_ Return stack_, sp:=if(eval(stack_, sp)=0->uint(-1),0) case neg_ \\ we can use neg(sint(value))+1 or uint(-sint(value)) Return stack_, sp:=uint(-sint(eval(stack_, sp))) case and_ Return stack_, sp+1:=binary.and(eval(stack_, sp+1),eval(stack_, sp)):sp++ case or_ Return stack_, sp+1:=binary.or(eval(stack_, sp+1),eval(stack_, sp)):sp++ case lt_ Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(if(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1))<sint(eval(stack_, sp))->-1, 0)):sp++ case gt_ Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(if(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1))>sint(eval(stack_, sp))->-1, 0)):sp++ case le_ Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(if(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1))<=sint(eval(stack_, sp))->-1, 0)):sp++ case ge_ Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(if(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1))>=sint(eval(stack_, sp))->-1, 0)):sp++ case ne_ Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(if(eval(stack_, sp+1)<>eval(stack_, sp)->-1, 0)):sp++ case eq_ Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(if(eval(stack_, sp+1)=eval(stack_, sp)->-1, 0)):sp++ case prts_ printsrv strings$(eval(stack_,sp)):sp++ case prti_ printsrv str$(sint(eval(stack_,sp)),0):sp++ case prtc_ printsrv chrcode$(eval(stack_,sp)):sp++ else case Error "Unkown op "+str$(func) end select } always Print "done" } Virtual_Machine_Interpreter { Datasize: 1 Strings: 2 "count is: " "\n"

   0 push  1
   5 store [0]
  10 fetch [0]
  15 push  10
  20 lt
  21 jz     (43) 65
  26 push  0
  31 prts
  32 fetch [0]
  37 prti
  38 push  1
  43 prts
  44 fetch [0]
  49 push  1
  54 add
  55 store [0]
  60 jmp    (-51) 10
  65 halt

} </lang>

Using Lambda functions

A call local to function pass the current scope to function, so it's like a call to subroutine, but faster.

<lang M2000 Interpreter> Module Virtual_Machine_Interpreter (a$){ \\ function to extract string, replacing escape codes. Function GetString$(a$) { s=instr(a$, chr$(34)) m=rinstr(a$,chr$(34))-s if m>1 then \\ process escape codes =format$(mid$(a$, s+1, m-1)) else ="" end if } \\ module to print a string to console using codes, 13, 10, 9 Module printsrv (a$) { for i=1 to len(a$) select case chrcode(Mid$(a$,i,1)) case 13 cursor 0 case 10 cursor 0 : Print case 9 cursor ((pos+tab) div tab)*tab else case { m=pos :if pos>=width then Print : m=pos Print Mid$(a$,i,1); if m<=width then cursor m+1 } end select next i } const nl$=chr$(13)+chr$(10) \\ we can set starting value to any number n where 0<=n<=232 enum op { halt_=232, add_, sub_, mul_, div_, mod_, not_, neg_, and_, or_, lt_, gt_, le_, ge_, ne_, eq_, prts_, prti_, prtc_, store_, fetch_, push_, jmp_, jz_


Inventory func=halt_:=lambda->{exit_now=true} Append func, push_:=lambda->{sp--:return stack_, sp:=eval(code_, pc as long):pc+=4} Append func, jz_:=lambda->{ sp++: if eval(stack_, sp-1)=0 then pc=eval(code_, pc as long) else pc+=4 } Append func, jmp_:=lambda->{pc=eval(code_, pc as long)} Append func, fetch_:=lambda->{sp--:Return stack_, sp:=eval(stack_, eval(code_, pc as long)):pc+=4} Append func, store_:=lambda->{Return stack_, eval(code_, pc as long):=eval(stack_, sp):sp++:pc+=4} Append func, add_:=lambda->{Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1))+sint(eval(stack_, sp))):sp++} Append func, sub_:=lambda->{Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1))-sint(eval(stack_, sp))):sp++} Append func, mul_:=lambda->{Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1))*sint(eval(stack_, sp))):sp++} Append func, div_:=lambda->{Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1)) div sint(eval(stack_, sp))):sp++} Append func, mod_:=lambda->{Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1)) mod sint(eval(stack_, sp))) :sp++} Append func, not_:=lambda->{Return stack_, sp:=if(eval(stack_, sp)=0->uint(-1),0)} Append func, neg_:=lambda->{Return stack_, sp:=uint(-sint(eval(stack_, sp)))} Append func, and_:=lambda->{Return stack_, sp+1:=binary.and(eval(stack_, sp+1),eval(stack_, sp)):sp++ } Append func, or_:=lambda->{Return stack_, sp+1:=binary.or(eval(stack_, sp+1),eval(stack_, sp)):sp++ } Append func, lt_:=lambda->{Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(if(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1))<sint(eval(stack_, sp))->-1, 0)):sp++} Append func, gt_:=lambda->{Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(if(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1))>sint(eval(stack_, sp))->-1, 0)):sp++} Append func, le_:=lambda->{Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(if(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1))<=sint(eval(stack_, sp))->-1, 0)):sp++} Append func, ge_:=lambda->{Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(if(sint(eval(stack_, sp+1))>=sint(eval(stack_, sp))->-1, 0)):sp++} Append func, ne_:=lambda->{Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(if(eval(stack_, sp+1)<>eval(stack_, sp)->-1, 0)):sp++} Append func, eq_:=lambda->{Return stack_, sp+1:=uint(if(eval(stack_, sp+1)=eval(stack_, sp)->-1, 0)):sp++} Append func, prts_:=lambda->{printsrv strings$(eval(stack_,sp)):sp++} Append func, prti_:=lambda->{printsrv str$(sint(eval(stack_,sp)),0):sp++} Append func, prtc_:=lambda->{printsrv chrcode$(eval(stack_,sp)):sp++} Rem : Form 120, 60 ' change console width X height to run Ascii Mandlebrot examlpe Report "Virtual Assembly Code:"+{ }+a$ Print "Prepare Byte Code"

\\ get datasize a$=rightpart$(a$, "Datasize:") m=0 data_size=val(a$, "int", m) a$=mid$(a$, m) \\ make stack if data_size>0 then Buffer Clear stack_ as long*data_size \\ dim or redim buffer append 1000 long as is. Buffer stack_ as long*(1000+data_size) \\ get strings a$=rightpart$(a$, "Strings:") m=0 strings=val(a$, "int", m) a$=rightpart$(a$, nl$)

if strings>0 then Dim strings$(strings) for i=0 to strings-1 strings$(i)=GetString$(leftpart$(a$, nl$)) a$=rightpart$(a$, nl$) Next i End if buffer clear code_ as byte*1000 do m=0 offset=val(a$,"int", m) if m<0 then exit a$=mid$(a$,m) line$=trim$(leftpart$(a$,nl$)) if line$="" then line$=trim$(a$) else a$=trim$(rightpart$(a$, nl$)) op$=if$(instr(line$," ")>0->leftpart$(line$," "), line$) if not valid(eval(op$+"_")) then exit opc=eval(op$+"_") Return code_, offset:=opc if opc>=store_ then line$=rightpart$(line$," ") select case opc case store_, fetch_ Return code_, offset+1:=val(rightpart$(leftpart$(line$,"]"),"[")) as long : offset+=4 case push_ Return code_, offset+1:=uint(val(line$)) as long : offset+=4 case jz_, jmp_ Return code_, offset+1:=val(rightpart$(line$,")")) as long : offset+=4 end select end if Always Print "Press any key" : Push key$ : Drop \\ Prepare VM let pc=0, sp=len(stack_) div 4 do b=func(eval(code_, pc)) pc++ call local b() until exit_now Print "done" } Virtual_Machine_Interpreter { Datasize: 1 Strings: 2 "count is: " "\n"

   0 push  1
   5 store [0]
  10 fetch [0]
  15 push  10
  20 lt
  21 jz     (43) 65
  26 push  0
  31 prts
  32 fetch [0]
  37 prti
  38 push  1
  43 prts
  44 fetch [0]
  49 push  1
  54 add
  55 store [0]
  60 jmp    (-51) 10
  65 halt

} </lang>


<lang Nim>import os, parseutils, strutils, strscans, strformat


 Value = int32
 BytesValue = array[4, byte]
 Address = int32
 OpCode = enum
          opFetch = "fetch"
          opStore = "store"
          opPush = "push"
          opJmp = "jmp"
          opJz = "jz"
          opAdd = "add"
          opSub = "sub"
          opMul = "mul"
          opDiv = "div"
          opMod = "mod"
          opLt = "lt"
          opgt = "gt"
          opLe = "le"
          opGe = "ge"
          opEq = "eq"
          opNe = "ne"
          opAnd = "and"
          opOr = "or"
          opNeg = "neg"
          opNot = "not"
          opPrtc = "prtc"
          opPrti = "prti"
          opPrts = "prts"
          opHalt = "halt"
          opInvalid = "invalid"
 # Virtual machine description.
 VM = object
   stack: seq[Value]     # Evaluation stack.
   memory: seq[byte]     # Memory to store program.
   data: seq[Value]      # Data storage.
   strings: seq[string]  # String storage.
   pc: Address           # Program counter.
 # Exceptions.
 LoadingError = object of CatchableError
 RuntimeError = object of CatchableError

  1. Running program.

proc checkStackLength(vm: VM; minLength: int) {.inline.} =

 ## Check that evaluation stack contains at least "minLength" elements.
 if vm.stack.len < minLength:
   raise newException(RuntimeError, &"not enough operands on the stack (pc = {vm.pc}).")
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc getOperand(vm: var VM): Value =

 ## Get a 32 bits operand.
 type Union {.union.} = object
   value: Value
   bytes: BytesValue
 if vm.pc + 4 >= vm.memory.len:
   raise newException(RuntimeError, &"out of memory (pc = {vm.pc}).")
 var aux: Union
 let address = vm.pc + 1
 for idx in 0..3:
   aux.bytes[idx] = vm.memory[address + idx]
 result = aux.value
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc run(vm: var VM) =

 ## Run a program loaded in VM memory.
 vm.pc = 0
 while true:
   if vm.pc notin 0..vm.memory.high:
     raise newException(RuntimeError, &"out of memory (pc = {vm.pc}).")
   let opcode = OpCode(vm.memory[vm.pc])
   case opcode
   of opFetch, opStore:
     let index = vm.getOperand()
     if index notin
       raise newException(RuntimeError, &"wrong memory index (pc = {vm.pc}).")
     if opcode == opFetch:
       vm.checkStackLength(1)[index] = vm.stack.pop()
     inc vm.pc, 4
   of opPush:
     let value = vm.getOperand()
     inc vm.pc, 4
   of opJmp:
     let offset = vm.getOperand()
     inc vm.pc, offset
   of opJz:
     let offset = vm.getOperand()
     let value = vm.stack.pop()
     inc vm.pc, if value == 0: offset else: 4
   of opAdd..opOr:
     # Two operands instructions.
     let op2 = vm.stack.pop()
     let op1 = vm.stack.pop()
     case range[opAdd..opOr](opcode)
     of opAdd:
       vm.stack.add(op1 + op2)
     of opSub:
       vm.stack.add(op1 - op2)
     of opMul:
       vm.stack.add(op1 * op2)
     of opDiv:
       vm.stack.add(op1 div op2)
     of opMod:
       vm.stack.add(op1 mod op2)
     of opLt:
       vm.stack.add(Value(op1 < op2))
     of opgt:
       vm.stack.add(Value(op1 > op2))
     of opLe:
       vm.stack.add(Value(op1 <= op2))
     of opGe:
       vm.stack.add(Value(op1 >= op2))
     of opEq:
       vm.stack.add(Value(op1 == op2))
     of opNe:
       vm.stack.add(Value(op1 != op2))
     of opAnd:
       vm.stack.add(op1 and op2)
     of opOr:
       vm.stack.add(op1 or op2)
   of opNeg..opPrts:
     # One operand instructions.
     let op = vm.stack.pop()
     case range[opNeg..opPrts](opcode)
     of opNeg:
     of opNot:
       vm.stack.add(not op)
     of opPrtc:
     of opPrti:
     of opPrts:
       if op notin 0..vm.strings.high:
         raise newException(RuntimeError, &"wrong string index (pc = {vm.pc}).")
   of opHalt:
   of opInvalid:
     discard   # Not possible.
   inc vm.pc

  1. Loading assembly file.

proc parseHeader(line: string): tuple[dataSize, stringCount: int] =

 ## Parse the header.
 if not line.scanf("Datasize: $s$i $sStrings: $i", result.dataSize, result.stringCount):
   raise newException(LoadingError, "Wrong header in code.")
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

import re

proc parseString(line: string; linenum: int): string =

 ## Parse a string.
 if not line.startsWith('"'):
   raise newException(LoadingError, "Line $1: incorrect string.".format(linenum))
 # Can't use "unescape" as it is confused by "\\n" and "\n".
 result = line.replacef(re"([^\\])(\\n)", "$1\n").replace(r"\\", r"\").replace("\"", "")
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc parseValue(line: string; linenum: int; pos: var int; msg: string): int32 =

 ## Parse an int32 value.
 var value: int
 pos += line.skipWhitespace(pos)
 let parsed = line.parseInt(value, pos)
 if parsed == 0:
   raise newException(LoadingError, "Line $1: ".format(linenum) & msg)
 pos += parsed
 result = int32(value)
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc parseOpcode(line: string; linenum: int; pos: var int): OpCode =

 ## Parse an opcode.
 var opstring: string
 pos += line.skipWhitespace(pos)
 let parsed = line.parseIdent(opstring, pos)
 if parsed == 0:
   raise newException(LoadingError, "Line $1: opcode expected".format(linenum))
 pos += parsed
 result = parseEnum[OpCode](opstring, opInvalid)
 if result == opInvalid:
   raise newException(LoadingError, "Line $1: invalid opcode encountered".format(linenum))
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc parseMemoryIndex(line: string; linenum: int; pos: var int): int32 =

 ## Parse a memory index (int32 value between brackets).
 var memIndex: int
 pos += line.skipWhitespace(pos)
 let str = line.captureBetween('[', ']', pos)
 if str.parseInt(memIndex) == 0 or memIndex < 0:
   raise newException(LoadingError, "Line $1: invalid memory index".format(lineNum))
 pos += str.len + 2
 result = int32(memIndex)
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc parseOffset(line: string; linenum: int; pos: var int): int32 =

 ## Parse an offset (int32 value between parentheses).
 var offset: int
 pos += line.skipWhitespace(pos)
 let str = line.captureBetween('(', ')', pos)
 if str.parseInt(offset) == 0:
   raise newException(LoadingError, "Line $1: invalid offset".format(linenum))
 pos += str.len + 2
 result = int32(offset)
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc load(vm: var VM; code: string) =

 ## Load an assembly code into VM memory.
 # Analyze header.
 let lines = code.splitlines()
 let (dataSize, stringCount) = parseHeader(lines[0])
 # Load strings.
 for idx in 1..stringCount:
   vm.strings[idx - 1] = lines[idx].parseString(idx + 1)
 # Load code.
 var pc: Address = 0
 for idx in (stringCount + 1)..lines.high:
   var pos = 0
   let line = lines[idx]
   if line.len == 0: continue
   # Process address.
   let address = line.parseValue(idx + 1, pos, "address expected")
   if address != pc:
     raise newException(LoadingError, "Line $1: wrong address".format(idx + 1))
   # Process opcode.
   let opcode = line.parseOpcode(idx + 1, pos)
   # Process operand.
   case opcode
   of opFetch, opStore:
     # Find memory index.
     let memIndex = line.parseMemoryIndex(idx + 1, pos)
     inc pc, 5
   of opJmp, opJz:
     # Find offset.
     let offset = line.parseOffset(idx + 1, pos)
     # Find and check branch address.
     let branchAddress = line.parseValue(idx + 1, pos, "branch address expected")
     if branchAddress != pc + offset + 1:
       raise newException(LoadingError, "Line $1: wrong branch address".format(idx + 1))
     inc pc, 5
   of opPush:
     # Find value.
     let value = line.parseValue(idx + 1, pos, "value expected")
     inc pc, 5
     inc pc
  1. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

let code = if paramCount() == 0: stdin.readAll() else: paramStr(1).readFile() var vm: VM


All tests passed.


<lang objecticon># -*- ObjectIcon -*-

  1. The Rosetta Code virtual machine in Object Icon.
  2. See

import io

procedure main(args)

 local f_inp, f_out
 local vm
 if 3 <= *args then {
   write("Usage: ", &progname, " [INPUT_FILE [OUTPUT_FILE]]")
 if 1 <= *args then {
   f_inp := FileStream(args[1], FileOpt.RDONLY) | stop (&why)
 } else {
   f_inp := FileStream.stdin
 f_inp := BufferStream(f_inp)
 if 2 <= *args then {
   f_out := FileStream(args[2], ior (FileOpt.WRONLY,
                                     FileOpt.CREAT)) | stop (&why)
 } else {
   f_out := FileStream.stdout
 vm := VirtualMachine()


procedure int2bytes (n)

 local bytes
 # The VM is little-endian.
 bytes := "****"
 bytes[1] := char (iand(n, 16rFF))
 bytes[2] := char(iand(ishift(n, -8), 16rFF))
 bytes[3] := char(iand(ishift(n, -16), 16rFF))
 bytes[4] := char(iand(ishift(n, -24), 16rFF))
 return bytes


procedure bytes2int(bytes, i)

 local n0, n1, n2, n3, n
 # The VM is little-endian.
 n0 := ord(bytes[i])
 n1 := ishift(ord(bytes[i + 1]), 8)
 n2 := ishift(ord(bytes[i + 2]), 16)
 n3 := ishift(ord(bytes[i + 3]), 24)
 n := ior (n0, ior (n1, ior (n2, n3)))
 # Do not forget to extend the sign bit.
 return (if n3 <= 16r7F then n else ior(n, icom(16rFFFFFFFF)))


class OpcodeCollection()

 public static const opcode_names
 public static const opcode_values
 public static const op_halt
 public static const op_add
 public static const op_sub
 public static const op_mul
 public static const op_div
 public static const op_mod
 public static const op_lt
 public static const op_gt
 public static const op_le
 public static const op_ge
 public static const op_eq
 public static const op_ne
 public static const op_and
 public static const op_or
 public static const op_neg
 public static const op_not
 public static const op_prtc
 public static const op_prti
 public static const op_prts
 public static const op_fetch
 public static const op_store
 public static const op_push
 public static const op_jmp
 public static const op_jz
 private static init()
   local i
   opcode_names :=
       ["halt", "add", "sub", "mul", "div",
        "mod", "lt", "gt", "le", "ge",
        "eq", "ne", "and", "or", "neg",
        "not", "prtc", "prti", "prts", "fetch",
        "store", "push", "jmp", "jz"]
   opcode_values := table()
   every i := 1 to *opcode_names do
     opcode_values[opcode_names[i]] := char(i)
   op_halt := opcode_values["halt"]
   op_add := opcode_values["add"]
   op_sub := opcode_values["sub"]
   op_mul := opcode_values["mul"]
   op_div := opcode_values["div"]
   op_mod := opcode_values["mod"]
   op_lt := opcode_values["lt"]
   op_gt := opcode_values["gt"]
   op_le := opcode_values["le"]
   op_ge := opcode_values["ge"]
   op_eq := opcode_values["eq"]
   op_ne := opcode_values["ne"]
   op_and := opcode_values["and"]
   op_or := opcode_values["or"]
   op_neg := opcode_values["neg"]
   op_not := opcode_values["not"]
   op_prtc := opcode_values["prtc"]
   op_prti := opcode_values["prti"]
   op_prts := opcode_values["prts"]
   op_fetch := opcode_values["fetch"]
   op_store := opcode_values["store"]
   op_push := opcode_values["push"]
   op_jmp := opcode_values["jmp"]
   op_jz := opcode_values["jz"]


class VirtualMachine(OpcodeCollection)

 public code
 public global_data
 public strings
 public stack
 public pc
 private static const whitespace_chars
 private static init()
   whitespace_chars := ' \t\n\r\f\v'
 public read_assembly_code(f)
   local data_size, number_of_strings
   local line, ch
   local i
   local address
   local opcode
   # Read the header line.
   line := | bad_vm()
   line ? {
     tab(match("Datasize")) | bad_vm()
     tab(any(':')) | bad_vm()
     data_size :=
       integer(tab(many(&digits))) | bad_vm()
     tab(match("Strings")) | bad_vm()
     tab(any(':')) | bad_vm()
     number_of_strings :=
       integer(tab(many(&digits))) | bad_vm()
   # Read the strings.
   strings := list(number_of_strings)
   every i := 1 to number_of_strings do {
     strings[i] := ""
     line := | bad_vm()
     line ? {
       tab(any('"')) | bad_vm()
       while ch := tab(any(~'"')) do {
         if ch == '\\' then {
           ch := tab(any('n\\')) | bad_vm()
           strings[i] ||:=
             (if (ch == "n") then "\n" else "\\")
         } else {
           strings[i] ||:= ch
   # Read the code.
   code := ""
   while line := do {
     line ? {
       address := integer(tab(many(&digits))) | bad_vm()
       opcode := tab(many(~whitespace_chars)) | bad_vm()
       code ||:= opcode_values[opcode]
       case opcode of {
         "push": {
           code ||:=
               int2bytes(integer(tab(many(&digits)))) |
               int2bytes(integer(tab(any('-')) ||
                                 tab(many(&digits)))) |
         "fetch" | "store": {
           tab(any('[')) | bad_vm()
           code ||:=
             int2bytes(integer(tab(many(&digits)))) |
           tab(any(']')) | bad_vm()
         "jmp" | "jz": {
           tab(any('(')) | bad_vm()
           code ||:=
             int2bytes(integer(tab(many(&digits)))) |
             int2bytes(integer(tab(any('-')) ||
                               tab(many(&digits)))) |
           tab(any(')')) | bad_vm()
           tab(many(&digits)) | bad_vm()
         default: {
           # Do nothing
   # Create a global data area.
   global_data := list(data_size, &null)
 public run(f_out)
 public continue(f_out)
   while code[pc] ~== op_halt do
 public step(f_out)
   local opcode
   opcode := code[pc]
   pc +:= 1
   case opcode of {
     op_add:   binop("+")
     op_sub:   binop("-")
     op_mul:   binop("*")
     op_div:   binop("/")
     op_mod:   binop("%")
     op_lt:    comparison("<")
     op_gt:    comparison(">")
     op_le:    comparison("<=")
     op_ge:    comparison(">=")
     op_eq:    comparison("=")
     op_ne:    comparison("~=")
     op_and:   logical_and()
     op_or:    logical_or()
     op_neg:   negate()
     op_not:   logical_not()
     op_prtc:  printc(f_out)
     op_prti:  printi(f_out)
     op_prts:  prints(f_out)
     op_fetch: fetch_global()
     op_store: store_global()
     op_push:  push_argument()
     op_jmp:   jump()
     op_jz:    jump_if_zero()
     default:  bad_opcode()
 private negate()
   stack[1] := -stack[1]
 private binop(func)
   stack[2] := func(stack[2], stack[1])
 private comparison(func)
   stack[2] := (if func(stack[2], stack[1]) then 1 else 0)
 private logical_and()
   stack[2] := (if stack[2] ~= 0 & stack[1] ~= 0 then 1 else 0)
 private logical_or()
   stack[2] := (if stack[2] ~= 0 | stack[1] ~= 0 then 1 else 0)
 private logical_not()
   stack[1] := (if stack[1] ~= 0 then 0 else 1)
 private printc(f_out)
   /f_out := FileStream.stdout
 private printi(f_out)
   /f_out := FileStream.stdout
 private prints(f_out)
   /f_out := FileStream.stdout
   f_out.writes(strings[pop(stack) + 1])
 private fetch_global()
   push(stack, global_data[get_argument() + 1])
   pc +:= 4
 private store_global()
   global_data[get_argument() + 1] := pop(stack)
   pc +:= 4
 private push_argument()
   push(stack, get_argument())
   pc +:= 4
 private jump()
   pc +:= get_argument()
 private jump_if_zero()
   if pop(stack) = 0 then
     pc +:= get_argument()
     pc +:= 4
 private get_argument()
   return bytes2int(code, pc)
 public initialize()
   # The program counter starts at 1, for convenient indexing into
   # the code[] array. Icon indexing starts at 1 (for a *very* good
   # reason, but that’s a topic for another day).
   pc := 1
   stack := []
 private bad_vm()
   write(FileStream.stderr, "Bad VM.")
 private bad_opcode()
   write(FileStream.stderr, "Bad opcode.")



$ oit vm-oi.icn && ./vm-oi compiler-tests/count.vm

count is: 1
count is: 2
count is: 3
count is: 4
count is: 5
count is: 6
count is: 7
count is: 8
count is: 9


Tested with perl v5.26.1 <lang Perl>#!/usr/bin/perl


use strict; # - run rosetta code use warnings; use integer;

my ($binary, $pc, @stack, @data) = (, 0);

<> =~ /Strings: (\d+)/ or die "bad header"; my @strings = map <> =~ tr/\n""//dr =~ s/\\(.)/$1 eq 'n' ? "\n" : $1/ger, 1..$1;

sub value { unpack 'l', substr $binary, ($pc += 4) - 4, 4 }

my @ops = (

 [ halt  => sub { exit } ],
 [ add   => sub { $stack[-2] += pop @stack } ],
 [ sub   => sub { $stack[-2] -= pop @stack } ],
 [ mul   => sub { $stack[-2] *= pop @stack } ],
 [ div   => sub { $stack[-2] /= pop @stack } ],
 [ mod   => sub { $stack[-2] %= pop @stack } ],
 [ not   => sub { $stack[-1] = $stack[-1] ? 0 : 1 } ],
 [ neg   => sub { $stack[-1] = - $stack[-1] } ],
 [ and   => sub { $stack[-2] &&= $stack[-1]; pop @stack } ],
 [ or    => sub { $stack[-2] ||= $stack[-1]; pop @stack } ],
 [ lt    => sub { $stack[-1] = $stack[-2] <  pop @stack ? 1 : 0 } ],
 [ gt    => sub { $stack[-1] = $stack[-2] >  pop @stack ? 1 : 0 } ],
 [ le    => sub { $stack[-1] = $stack[-2] <= pop @stack ? 1 : 0 } ],
 [ ge    => sub { $stack[-1] = $stack[-2] >= pop @stack ? 1 : 0 } ],
 [ ne    => sub { $stack[-1] = $stack[-2] != pop @stack ? 1 : 0 } ],
 [ eq    => sub { $stack[-1] = $stack[-2] == pop @stack ? 1 : 0 } ],
 [ prts  => sub { print $strings[pop @stack] } ],
 [ prti  => sub { print pop @stack } ],
 [ prtc  => sub { print chr pop @stack } ],
 [ store => sub { $data[value()] = pop @stack } ],
 [ fetch => sub { push @stack, $data[value()] // 0 } ],
 [ push  => sub { push @stack, value() } ],
 [ jmp   => sub { $pc += value() - 4 } ],
 [ jz    => sub { $pc += pop @stack ? 4 : value() - 4 } ],

my %op2n = map { $ops[$_][0], $_ } 0..$#ops; # map name to op number


 /^ *\d+ +(\w+)/ or die "bad line $_";                 # format error
 $binary .= chr( $op2n{$1} // die "$1 not defined" ) . # op code
   (/\((-?\d+)\)|(\d+)]?$/ and pack 'l', $+);          # 4 byte value

$ops[vec($binary, $pc++, 8)][1]->() while 1; # run it</lang> Passes all tests.


Reusing cgen.e from the Code Generator task

-- demo\rosetta\Compiler\vm.exw
-- ============================
--  Since we have generated executable machine code, the virtual machine, such as it is, is just 
--  the higher level implementations of printc/i/s, see setbuiltins() in cgen.e
--  Otherwise the only difference between this and cgen.exw is call(code_mem) instead of decode().
--  A quick test (calculating fib(44) 10^6 times) suggests ~500 times faster than interp.exw - 
--  which is to be expected given that a single add instruction (1 clock) here is implemented as 
--  at least three (and quite possibly five!) resursive calls to interp() in the other.

format PE32
--format ELF32
--  Note: cgen generates 32-bit machine code, which cannot be executed directly from a 64-bit interpreter.
--        You can however, via the magic of either the above format directives, use a 64-bit version of
--        Phix to compile this (just add a -c command line option) to a 32-bit executable, which can.
--        It would not be particularly difficult to emit 32 or 64 bit code, but some source code files 
--        would, fairly obviously, then be very nearly twice as long, and a fair bit harder to read.

without js -- (machine code!)
include cgen.e

procedure main(sequence cl)
    toks = lex()
    object t = parse()
    if machine_bits()=32 then
        -- ^ as per note above
    end if
end procedure

count is: 1
count is: 2
count is: 3
count is: 4
count is: 5
count is: 6
count is: 7
count is: 8
count is: 9


Tested with Python 2.7 and 3.x <lang Python>from __future__ import print_function import sys, struct


code_map = {

   "fetch": FETCH,
   "store": STORE,
   "push":  PUSH,
   "add":   ADD,
   "sub":   SUB,
   "mul":   MUL,
   "div":   DIV,
   "mod":   MOD,
   "lt":    LT,
   "gt":    GT,
   "le":    LE,
   "ge":    GE,
   "eq":    EQ,
   "ne":    NE,
   "and":   AND,
   "or":    OR,
   "not":   NOT,
   "neg":   NEG,
   "jmp":   JMP,
   "jz":    JZ,
   "prtc":  PRTC,
   "prts":  PRTS,
   "prti":  PRTI,
   "halt":  HALT


input_file = None code = bytearray() string_pool = [] word_size = 4

        • show error and exit

def error(msg):

   print("%s" % (msg))

def int_to_bytes(val):

   return struct.pack("<i", val)

def bytes_to_int(bstr):

   return struct.unpack("<i", bstr)

def emit_byte(x):


def emit_word(x):

   s = int_to_bytes(x)
   for x in s:

def run_vm(data_size):

   stack = [0 for i in range(data_size + 1)]
   pc = 0
   while True:
       op = code[pc]
       pc += 1
       if op == FETCH:
           pc += word_size
       elif op == STORE:
           stack[bytes_to_int(code[pc:pc+word_size])[0]] = stack.pop();
           pc += word_size
       elif op == PUSH:
           pc += word_size
       elif op == ADD:   stack[-2] += stack[-1]; stack.pop()
       elif op == SUB:   stack[-2] -= stack[-1]; stack.pop()
       elif op == MUL:   stack[-2] *= stack[-1]; stack.pop()
       # use C like division semantics
       elif op == DIV:   stack[-2] = int(float(stack[-2]) / stack[-1]); stack.pop()
       elif op == MOD:   stack[-2] = int(float(stack[-2]) % stack[-1]); stack.pop()
       elif op == LT:    stack[-2] = stack[-2] <  stack[-1]; stack.pop()
       elif op == GT:    stack[-2] = stack[-2] >  stack[-1]; stack.pop()
       elif op == LE:    stack[-2] = stack[-2] <= stack[-1]; stack.pop()
       elif op == GE:    stack[-2] = stack[-2] >= stack[-1]; stack.pop()
       elif op == EQ:    stack[-2] = stack[-2] == stack[-1]; stack.pop()
       elif op == NE:    stack[-2] = stack[-2] != stack[-1]; stack.pop()
       elif op == AND:   stack[-2] = stack[-2] and stack[-1]; stack.pop()
       elif op == OR:    stack[-2] = stack[-2] or  stack[-1]; stack.pop()
       elif op == NEG:   stack[-1] = -stack[-1]
       elif op == NOT:   stack[-1] = not stack[-1]
       elif op == JMP:   pc += bytes_to_int(code[pc:pc+word_size])[0]
       elif op == JZ:
           if stack.pop():
               pc += word_size
               pc += bytes_to_int(code[pc:pc+word_size])[0]
       elif op == PRTC:  print("%c" % (stack[-1]), end=); stack.pop()
       elif op == PRTS:  print("%s" % (string_pool[stack[-1]]), end=); stack.pop()
       elif op == PRTI:  print("%d" % (stack[-1]), end=); stack.pop()
       elif op == HALT:  break

def str_trans(srce):

   dest = ""
   i = 0
   while i < len(srce):
       if srce[i] == '\\' and i + 1 < len(srce):
           if srce[i + 1] == 'n':
               dest += '\n'
               i += 2
           elif srce[i + 1] == '\\':
               dest += '\\'
               i += 2
           dest += srce[i]
           i += 1
   return dest

def load_code():

   global string_pool
   line = input_file.readline()
   if len(line) == 0:
       error("empty line")
   line_list = line.split()
   data_size = int(line_list[1])
   n_strings = int(line_list[3])
   for i in range(n_strings):
   while True:
       line = input_file.readline()
       if len(line) == 0:
       line_list = line.split()
       offset = int(line_list[0])
       instr  = line_list[1]
       opcode = code_map.get(instr)
       if opcode == None:
           error("Unknown instruction %s at %d" % (instr, offset))
       if opcode in [JMP, JZ]:
           p = int(line_list[3])
           emit_word(p - (offset + 1))
       elif opcode == PUSH:
           value = int(line_list[2])
       elif opcode in [FETCH, STORE]:
           value = int(line_list[2].strip('[]'))
   return data_size
        • main driver

input_file = sys.stdin if len(sys.argv) > 1:

       input_file = open(sys.argv[1], "r", 4096)
   except IOError as e:
       error(0, 0, "Can't open %s" % sys.argv[1])

data_size = load_code() run_vm(data_size)</lang>


(formerly Perl 6) Non-standard size of instructions (not byte-coded, 'Datasize' is 3 not 1) required adjusting the jump offsets.

NOTE: I don't think you are allowed to change the jump offsets. They come from another program from another company from another planet from another galaxy.

WIP: discovered 'P5pack' module, this may allow for completing the task properly, using correct offsets

Translation of: Perl

<lang perl6>my @CODE = q:to/END/.lines; Datasize: 3 Strings: 2 "count is: " "\n"

   0 push  1
   5 store [0]
  10 fetch [0]
  15 push  10
  20 lt
  21 jz     (68) 65    # jump value adjusted
  26 push  0
  31 prts
  32 fetch [0]
  37 prti
  38 push  1
  43 prts
  44 fetch [0]
  49 push  1
  54 add
  55 store [0]
  60 jmp    (-87) 10   # jump value adjusted
  65 halt


my (@stack, @strings, @data, $memory); my $pc = 0;

(@CODE.shift) ~~ /'Datasize:' \s+ (\d+) \s+ 'Strings:' \s+ (\d+)/ or die "bad header"; my $w = $0; # 'wordsize' of op-codes and 'width' of data values @strings.push: (my $s = @CODE.shift) eq '"\n"' ?? "\n" !! $s.subst(/'"'/, , :g) for 1..$1;

sub value { substr($memory, ($pc += $w) - $w, $w).trim }

my %ops = (

 'no-op' => sub { },
 'add'   => sub { @stack[*-2]  +=   @stack.pop },
 'sub'   => sub { @stack[*-2]  -=   @stack.pop },
 'mul'   => sub { @stack[*-2]  *=   @stack.pop },
 'div'   => sub { @stack[*-2]  /=   @stack.pop },
 'mod'   => sub { @stack[*-2]  %=   @stack.pop },
 'neg'   => sub { @stack[*-1]   = - @stack[*-1] },
 'and'   => sub { @stack[*-2] &&=   @stack[*-1]; @stack.pop },
 'or'    => sub { @stack[*-2] ||=   @stack[*-1]; @stack.pop },
 'not'   => sub { @stack[*-1]   =   @stack[*-1]               ?? 0 !! 1 },
 'lt'    => sub { @stack[*-1]   =   @stack[*-2] <  @stack.pop ?? 1 !! 0 },
 'gt'    => sub { @stack[*-1]   =   @stack[*-2] >  @stack.pop ?? 1 !! 0 },
 'le'    => sub { @stack[*-1]   =   @stack[*-2] <= @stack.pop ?? 1 !! 0 },
 'ge'    => sub { @stack[*-1]   =   @stack[*-2] >= @stack.pop ?? 1 !! 0 },
 'ne'    => sub { @stack[*-1]   =   @stack[*-2] != @stack.pop ?? 1 !! 0 },
 'eq'    => sub { @stack[*-1]   =   @stack[*-2] == @stack.pop ?? 1 !! 0 },
 'store' => sub { @data[&value] =   @stack.pop },
 'fetch' => sub { @stack.push:      @data[&value] // 0 },
 'push'  => sub { @stack.push:      value() },
 'jmp'   => sub { $pc += value() - $w },
 'jz'    => sub { $pc += @stack.pop ?? $w !! value() - $w },
 'prts'  => sub { print @strings[@stack.pop] },
 'prti'  => sub { print @stack.pop },
 'prtc'  => sub { print chr @stack.pop },
 'halt'  => sub { exit }


my %op2n = %ops.keys.sort Z=> 0..*; my %n2op = %op2n.invert; %n2op{} = 'no-op';

for @CODE -> $_ {

   next unless /\w/;
   /^ \s* \d+ \s+ (\w+)/ or die "bad line $_";
   $memory ~= %op2n{$0}.fmt("%{$w}d");
   /'(' ('-'?\d+) ')' | (\d+) ']'? $/;
   $memory ~= $0 ?? $0.fmt("%{$w}d") !! ' ' x $w;


loop {

   my $opcode = substr($memory, $pc, $w).trim;
   $pc += $w;
   %ops{%n2op{ $opcode }}();


count is: 1
count is: 2
count is: 3
count is: 4
count is: 5
count is: 6
count is: 7
count is: 8
count is: 9


The complete implementation for the compiler tasks can be found in a GitHub repository at which includes full unit testing for the samples given in Compiler/Sample programs.

The following code implements a virtual machine for the output of the code generator.

<lang scala> package xyz.hyperreal.rosettacodeCompiler

import{BufferedReader, FileReader, Reader, StringReader}

import scala.collection.mutable import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

object VirtualMachine {

 private object Opcodes {
   val FETCH: Byte = 0
   val STORE: Byte = 1
   val PUSH: Byte  = 2
   val JMP: Byte   = 3
   val JZ: Byte    = 4
   val ADD: Byte   = 5
   val SUB: Byte   = 6
   val MUL: Byte   = 7
   val DIV: Byte   = 8
   val MOD: Byte   = 9
   val LT: Byte    = 10
   val GT: Byte    = 11
   val LE: Byte    = 12
   val GE: Byte    = 13
   val EQ: Byte    = 14
   val NE: Byte    = 15
   val AND: Byte   = 16
   val OR: Byte    = 17
   val NEG: Byte   = 18
   val NOT: Byte   = 19
   val PRTC: Byte  = 20
   val PRTI: Byte  = 21
   val PRTS: Byte  = 22
   val HALT: Byte  = 23
 import Opcodes._
 private val HEADER_REGEX = "Datasize: ([0-9]+) Strings: ([0-9]+)" r
 private val STRING_REGEX = "\"([^\"]*)\"" r
 private val PUSH_REGEX   = " *[0-9]+ push +([0-9]+|'(?:[^'\\n]|\\\\n|\\\\\\\\)')" r
 private val PRTS_REGEX   = " *[0-9]+ prts" r
 private val PRTI_REGEX   = " *[0-9]+ prti" r
 private val PRTC_REGEX   = " *[0-9]+ prtc" r
 private val HALT_REGEX   = " *[0-9]+ halt" r
 private val STORE_REGEX  = " *[0-9]+ store +\\[([0-9]+)\\]" r
 private val FETCH_REGEX  = " *[0-9]+ fetch +\\[([0-9]+)\\]" r
 private val LT_REGEX     = " *[0-9]+ lt" r
 private val GT_REGEX     = " *[0-9]+ gt" r
 private val LE_REGEX     = " *[0-9]+ le" r
 private val GE_REGEX     = " *[0-9]+ ge" r
 private val NE_REGEX     = " *[0-9]+ ne" r
 private val EQ_REGEX     = " *[0-9]+ eq" r
 private val JZ_REGEX     = " *[0-9]+ jz +\\((-?[0-9]+)\\) [0-9]+" r
 private val ADD_REGEX    = " *[0-9]+ add" r
 private val SUB_REGEX    = " *[0-9]+ sub" r
 private val MUL_REGEX    = " *[0-9]+ mul" r
 private val DIV_REGEX    = " *[0-9]+ div" r
 private val MOD_REGEX    = " *[0-9]+ mod" r
 private val AND_REGEX    = " *[0-9]+ and" r
 private val OR_REGEX     = " *[0-9]+ or" r
 private val NOT_REGEX    = " *[0-9]+ not" r
 private val NEG_REGEX    = " *[0-9]+ neg" r
 private val JMP_REGEX    = " *[0-9]+ jmp +\\((-?[0-9]+)\\) [0-9]+" r
 def fromStdin = fromReader(
 def fromFile(file: String) = fromReader(new FileReader(file))
 def fromString(src: String) = fromReader(new StringReader(src))
 def fromReader(r: Reader) = {
   val in = new BufferedReader(r)
   val vm =
     in.readLine match {
       case HEADER_REGEX(datasize, stringsize) =>
         val strings =
           for (_ <- 1 to stringsize.toInt)
               in.readLine match {
                 case STRING_REGEX(s) => unescape(s)
                 case null            => sys.error("expected string constant but encountered end of input")
                 case s               => sys.error(s"expected string constant: $s")
         var line: String = null
         val code         = new ArrayBuffer[Byte]
         def addShort(a: Int) = {
           code += (a >> 8).toByte
           code += a.toByte
         def addInstIntOperand(opcode: Byte, operand: Int) = {
           code += opcode
           addShort(operand >> 16)
         def addInst(opcode: Byte, operand: String) = addInstIntOperand(opcode, operand.toInt)
         while ({ line = in.readLine; line ne null }) line match {
           case PUSH_REGEX(n) if n startsWith "'" =>
             addInstIntOperand(PUSH, unescape(n.substring(1, n.length - 1)).head)
           case PUSH_REGEX(n)    => addInst(PUSH, n)
           case PRTS_REGEX()     => code += PRTS
           case PRTI_REGEX()     => code += PRTI
           case PRTC_REGEX()     => code += PRTC
           case HALT_REGEX()     => code += HALT
           case STORE_REGEX(idx) => addInst(STORE, idx)
           case FETCH_REGEX(idx) => addInst(FETCH, idx)
           case LT_REGEX()       => code += LT
           case GT_REGEX()       => code += GT
           case LE_REGEX()       => code += LE
           case GE_REGEX()       => code += GE
           case NE_REGEX()       => code += NE
           case EQ_REGEX()       => code += EQ
           case JZ_REGEX(disp)   => addInst(JZ, disp)
           case ADD_REGEX()      => code += ADD
           case SUB_REGEX()      => code += SUB
           case MUL_REGEX()      => code += MUL
           case DIV_REGEX()      => code += DIV
           case MOD_REGEX()      => code += MOD
           case AND_REGEX()      => code += AND
           case OR_REGEX()       => code += OR
           case NOT_REGEX()      => code += NOT
           case NEG_REGEX()      => code += NEG
           case JMP_REGEX(disp)  => addInst(JMP, disp)
         new VirtualMachine(code, datasize.toInt, strings)
       case _ => sys.error("expected header")


class VirtualMachine(code: IndexedSeq[Byte], datasize: Int, strings: IndexedSeq[String]) {

 import VirtualMachine.Opcodes._
 var pc      = 0
 val stack   = new mutable.ArrayStack[Int]
 val data    = new Array[Int](datasize)
 var running = false
 def getByte = {
   val byte = code(pc) & 0xFF
   pc += 1
 def getShort = getByte << 8 | getByte
 def getInt = getShort << 16 | getShort
 def pushBoolean(b: Boolean) = stack push (if (b) 1 else 0)
 def popBoolean = if (stack.pop != 0) true else false
 def operator(f: (Int, Int) => Int) = {
   val y = stack.pop
   stack.push(f(stack.pop, y))
 def relation(r: (Int, Int) => Boolean) = {
   val y = stack.pop
   pushBoolean(r(stack.pop, y))
 def connective(c: (Boolean, Boolean) => Boolean) = pushBoolean(c(popBoolean, popBoolean))
 def execute: Unit =
   getByte match {
     case FETCH => stack push data(getInt)
     case STORE => data(getInt) = stack.pop
     case PUSH  => stack push getInt
     case JMP   => pc = pc + getInt
     case JZ    => if (stack.pop == 0) pc = pc + getInt else pc += 4
     case ADD   => operator(_ + _)
     case SUB   => operator(_ - _)
     case MUL   => operator(_ * _)
     case DIV   => operator(_ / _)
     case MOD   => operator(_ % _)
     case LT    => relation(_ < _)
     case GT    => relation(_ > _)
     case LE    => relation(_ <= _)
     case GE    => relation(_ >= _)
     case EQ    => relation(_ == _)
     case NE    => relation(_ != _)
     case AND   => connective(_ && _)
     case OR    => connective(_ || _)
     case NEG   => stack push -stack.pop
     case NOT   => pushBoolean(!popBoolean)
     case PRTC  => print(stack.pop.toChar)
     case PRTI  => print(stack.pop)
     case PRTS  => print(strings(stack.pop))
     case HALT  => running = false
 def run = {
   pc = 0
   running = true
   for (i <- data.indices) data(i) = 0
   while (running) execute

} </lang>

The above code depends on the function unescape() to perform string escape sequence translation. That function is defined in the following separate source file.

<lang scala> package xyz.hyperreal


package object rosettacodeCompiler {

 val escapes = "\\\\b|\\\\f|\\\\t|\\\\r|\\\\n|\\\\\\\\|\\\\\"" r
 def unescape(s: String) =
   escapes.replaceAllIn(s, _.matched match {
     case "\\b"  => "\b"
     case "\\f"  => "\f"
     case "\\t"  => "\t"
     case "\\r"  => "\r"
     case "\\n"  => "\n"
     case "\\\\" => "\\"
     case "\\\"" => "\""
 def capture(thunk: => Unit) = {
   val buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream

} </lang>


The interpreter uses recursion, representing the stack as a list; the stack pointer is the reference to the top of the list. This is a more natural solution in Scheme than a fixed stack array, and removes the danger of stack overflow. Operations on or returning booleans have been adapted to use integers, 0 for false and anything else for true.

All of the "Compiler/Sample programs" are correctly interpreted.

<lang scheme> (import (scheme base)

       (scheme char)
       (scheme file)
       (scheme process-context)
       (scheme write)
       (only (srfi 13) string-contains string-delete string-filter 
             string-replace string-tokenize))

(define *word-size* 4)

Mappings from operation symbols to internal procedures.
We define operations appropriate to virtual machine
e.g. division must return an int, not a rational
boolean values are treated as numbers
0 is false, other is true

(define *unary-ops*

 (list (cons 'neg (lambda (a) (- a)))
       (cons 'not (lambda (a) (if (zero? a) 1 0)))))

(define *binary-ops*

 (let ((number-comp (lambda (op) (lambda (a b) (if (op a b) 1 0)))))
   (list (cons 'add +)
         (cons 'sub -)
         (cons 'mul *)
         (cons 'div (lambda (a b) (truncate (/ a b)))) ; int division
         (cons 'mod modulo)
         (cons 'lt (number-comp <))
         (cons 'gt (number-comp >))
         (cons 'le (number-comp <=))
         (cons 'ge (number-comp >=))
         (cons 'eq (lambda (a b) (if (= a b) 1 0)))
         (cons 'ne (lambda (a b) (if (= a b) 0 1)))
         (cons 'and (lambda (a b) ; make "and" work on numbers
                      (if (and (not (zero? a)) (not (zero? b))) 1 0)))
         (cons 'or (lambda (a b) ; make "or" work on numbers
                     (if (or (not (zero? a)) (not (zero? b))) 1 0))))))
read information from file, returning vectors for data and strings
and a list of the code instructions

(define (read-code filename)

 (define (setup-definitions str)
   (values ; return vectors for (data strings) of required size
     (make-vector (string->number (list-ref str 1)) #f)
     (make-vector (string->number (list-ref str 3)) #f)))
 (define (read-strings strings) ; read constant strings into data structure
   (define (replace-newlines chars) ; replace newlines, obeying \\n
     (cond ((< (length chars) 2) ; finished list
           ((and (>= (length chars) 3) ; preserve \\n
                 (char=? #\\ (car chars))
                 (char=? #\\ (cadr chars))
                 (char=? #\n (cadr (cdr chars))))
            (cons (car chars)
                  (cons (cadr chars)
                        (cons (cadr (cdr chars))
                              (replace-newlines (cdr (cdr (cdr chars))))))))
           ((and (char=? #\\ (car chars)) ; replace \n with newline
                 (char=? #\n (cadr chars)))
            (cons #\newline (replace-newlines (cdr (cdr chars)))))
           (else ; keep char and look further
             (cons (car chars) (replace-newlines (cdr chars))))))
   (define (tidy-string str) ; remove quotes, map newlines to actual newlines
           (string-delete #\" str))))) ; " (needed to satisfy rosettacode's scheme syntax highlighter)
   (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
     ((= i (vector-length strings)) )
     (vector-set! strings i (tidy-string (read-line)))))
 (define (read-code)
   (define (cleanup-code opn) ; tidy instructions, parsing numbers
     (let ((addr (string->number (car opn)))
           (instr (string->symbol (cadr opn))))
       (cond ((= 2 (length opn))
              (list addr instr))
             ((= 3 (length opn))
              (list addr 
                      (string-filter char-numeric? (list-ref opn 2)))))
             (else ; assume length 4, jump instructions
               (list addr instr (string->number (list-ref opn 3)))))))
   (let loop ((result '()))
     (let ((line (read-line)))
       (if (eof-object? line)
         (reverse (map cleanup-code result))
         (loop (cons (string-tokenize line) result))))))
   (lambda ()
     (let-values (((data strings)
                   (setup-definitions (string-tokenize (read-line)))))
                 (read-strings strings)
                 (values data 
run the virtual machine

(define (run-program data strings code)

 (define (get-instruction n) 
   (if (assq n code)
     (cdr (assq n code))
     (error "Could not find instruction")))
 (let loop ((stack '())
            (pc 0))
   (let ((op (get-instruction pc)))
     (case (car op)
        (loop (cons (vector-ref data (cadr op)) stack)
              (+ pc 1 *word-size*)))
        (vector-set! data (cadr op) (car stack))
        (loop (cdr stack)
              (+ pc 1 *word-size*)))
        (loop (cons (cadr op) stack)
              (+ pc 1 *word-size*)))
       ((add sub mul div mod lt gt le eq ne and or)
        (let ((instr (assq (car op) *binary-ops*)))
          (if instr
            (loop (cons ((cdr instr) (cadr stack) ; replace top two with result
                                     (car stack))
                        (cdr (cdr stack)))
                  (+ pc 1))
            (error "Unknown binary operation"))))
       ((neg not)
        (let ((instr (assq (car op) *unary-ops*)))
          (if instr
            (loop (cons ((cdr instr) (car stack)) ; replace top with result
                        (cdr stack))
                  (+ pc 1))
            (error "Unknown unary operation"))))
        (loop stack
              (cadr op)))
        (loop (cdr stack)
              (if (zero? (car stack))
                (cadr op)
                (+ pc 1 *word-size*))))
        (display (integer->char (car stack)))
        (loop (cdr stack)
              (+ pc 1)))
        (display (car stack))
        (loop (cdr stack)
              (+ pc 1)))
        (display (vector-ref strings (car stack)))
        (loop (cdr stack)
              (+ pc 1)))
create and run virtual machine from filename passed on command line

(if (= 2 (length (command-line)))

 (let-values (((data strings code) (read-code (cadr (command-line)))))
             (run-program data strings code))
 (display "Error: pass a .asm filename\n"))



Translation of: Go
Library: Wren-dynamic
Library: Wren-crypto
Library: Wren-fmt
Library: Wren-ioutil

<lang ecmascript>import "/dynamic" for Enum import "/crypto" for Bytes import "/fmt" for Conv import "/ioutil" for FileUtil

var codes = [



var Code = Enum.create("Code", codes)

var codeMap = {

   "fetch": Code.fetch,
   "push":  Code.push,
   "add":   Code.add,
   "sub":   Code.sub,
   "mul":   Code.mul,
   "div":   Code.div,
   "mod":   Code.mod,
   "le":    Code.le,
   "eq":    Code.eq,
   "and":   Code.and,
   "or":    Code.or,
   "neg":   Code.neg,
   "not":   Code.not,
   "jz":    Code.jz,
   "prtc":  Code.prtc,
   "prts":  Code.prts,
   "prti":  Code.prti,
   "halt":  Code.halt


var object = [] var stringPool = []

var reportError = { |msg| Fiber.abort("error : %(msg)") }

var emitByte = { |c| object.add(c) }

var emitWord = { |n|

   var bs = Bytes.fromIntLE(n)
   for (b in bs)


// Converts the 4 bytes starting at object[pc] to an unsigned 32 bit integer // and thence to a signed 32 bit integer var toInt32LE = { |pc|

   var x = Bytes.toIntLE(object[pc...pc+4])
   if (x >= 2.pow(31)) x = x - 2.pow(32)
   return x


/* Virtual Machine interpreter */

var runVM = { |dataSize|

   var stack = List.filled(dataSize + 1, 0)
   var pc = 0
   while (true) {
       var op = object[pc]
       pc = pc + 1
       if (op == Code.fetch) {
           var x =
           pc = pc + 4
       } else if (op == {
           var x =
           var ln = stack.count
           stack[x] = stack[ln-1]
           stack = stack[0...ln-1]
           pc = pc + 4
       } else if (op == Code.push) {
           var x =
           pc = pc + 4
       } else if (op == Code.add) {
           var ln = stack.count
           stack[ln-2] = stack[ln-2] + stack[ln-1]
           stack = stack[0...ln-1]
       } else if (op == Code.sub) {
           var ln = stack.count
           stack[ln-2] = stack[ln-2] - stack[ln-1]
           stack = stack[0...ln-1]
       } else if (op == Code.mul) {
           var ln = stack.count
           stack[ln-2] = stack[ln-2] * stack[ln-1]
           stack = stack[0...ln-1]
       } else if (op == Code.div) {
           var ln = stack.count
           stack[ln-2] = (stack[ln-2] / stack[ln-1]).truncate
           stack = stack[0...ln-1]
       } else if (op == Code.mod) {
           var ln = stack.count
           stack[ln-2] = stack[ln-2] % stack[ln-1]
           stack = stack[0...ln-1]
       } else if (op == {
           var ln = stack.count
           stack[ln-2] = Conv.btoi(stack[ln-2] < stack[ln-1])
           stack = stack[0...ln-1]
       } else if (op == {
           var ln = stack.count
           stack[ln-2] = Conv.btoi(stack[ln-2] > stack[ln-1])
           stack = stack[0...ln-1]
       } else if (op == Code.le) {
           var ln = stack.count
           stack[ln-2] = Conv.btoi(stack[ln-2] <= stack[ln-1])
           stack = stack[0...ln-1]
       } else if (op == {
           var ln = stack.count
           stack[ln-2] = Conv.btoi(stack[ln-2] >= stack[ln-1])
           stack = stack[0...ln-1]
       } else if (op == Code.eq) {
           var ln = stack.count
           stack[ln-2] = Conv.btoi(stack[ln-2] == stack[ln-1])
           stack = stack[0...ln-1]
       } else if (op == {
           var ln = stack.count
           stack[ln-2] = Conv.btoi(stack[ln-2] != stack[ln-1])
           stack = stack[0...ln-1]
       } else if (op == Code.and) {
           var ln = stack.count
           stack[ln-2] = Conv.btoi(Conv.itob(stack[ln-2]) && Conv.itob(stack[ln-1]))
           stack = stack[0...ln-1]
       } else if (op == Code.or) {
           var ln = stack.count
           stack[ln-2] = Conv.btoi(Conv.itob(stack[ln-2]) || Conv.itob(stack[ln-1]))
           stack = stack[0...ln-1]
       } else if (op == Code.neg) {
           var ln = stack.count
           stack[ln-1] = -stack[ln-1]
       } else if (op == Code.not) {
           var ln = stack.count
           stack[ln-1] = Conv.btoi(!Conv.itob(stack[ln-1]))
       } else if (op == {
           var x =       
           pc = pc + x
       } else if (op == Code.jz) {
           var ln = stack.count
           var v = stack[ln-1]
           stack = stack[0...ln-1]
           if (v != 0) {
               pc = pc + 4
           } else {
               var x =
               pc = pc + x
       } else if (op == Code.prtc) {
           var ln = stack.count
           stack = stack[0...ln-1]
       } else if (op == Code.prts) {
           var ln = stack.count
           stack = stack[0...ln-1]
       } else if (op == Code.prti) {
           var ln = stack.count
           stack = stack[0...ln-1]
       } else if (op == Code.halt) {
       } else {
 "Unknown opcode %(op)")


var translate = { |s|

   var d = ""
   var i = 0
   while (i < s.count) {
       if (s[i] == "\\" && (i+1) < s.count) {
           if (s[i+1] == "n") {
               d = d + "\n"
               i = i + 1
           } else if (s[i+1] == "\\") {
               d = d + "\\"
               i = i + 1
       } else {
           d = d + s[i]
       i = i + 1
   return d


var lines = [] var lineCount = 0 var lineNum = 0

var loadCode = {

   var dataSize
   var firstLine = true
   while (lineNum < lineCount) {
       var line = lines[lineNum].trimEnd(" \t")
       lineNum = lineNum + 1
       if (line.count == 0) {
           if (firstLine) {
     "empty line")
           } else {
       var lineList = line.split(" ").where { |s| s != "" }.toList
       if (firstLine) {
           dataSize = Num.fromString(lineList[1])
           var nStrings = Num.fromString(lineList[3])
           for (i in 0...nStrings) {
               var s = lines[lineNum].trim("\"\n")
               lineNum = lineNum + 1
           firstLine = false
       var offset = Num.fromString(lineList[0])
       var instr = lineList[1]
       var opCode = codeMap[instr]
       if (!opCode) {
 "Unknown instruction %(instr) at %(opCode)")
       if (opCode == || opCode == Code.jz) {
           var p = Num.fromString(lineList[3])
  - offset - 1)
       } else if (opCode == Code.push) {
           var value = Num.fromString(lineList[2])
       } else if (opCode == Code.fetch || opCode == {
           var value = Num.fromString(lineList[2].trim("[]"))
   return dataSize


lines = FileUtil.readLines("codegen.txt") lineCount = lines.count</lang>

count is: 1
count is: 2
count is: 3
count is: 4
count is: 5
count is: 6
count is: 7
count is: 8
count is: 9


<lang zig> const std = @import("std");

pub const VirtualMachineError = error{OutOfMemory};

pub const VirtualMachine = struct {

   allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
   stack: [stack_size]i32,
   program: std.ArrayList(u8),
   sp: usize, // stack pointer
   pc: usize, // program counter
   string_pool: std.ArrayList([]const u8), // all the strings in the program
   globals: std.ArrayList(i32), // all the variables in the program, they are global
   output: std.ArrayList(u8), // Instead of outputting to stdout, we do it here for better testing.
   const Self = @This();
   const stack_size = 32; // Can be arbitrarily increased/decreased as long as we have enough.
   const word_size = @sizeOf(i32);
   pub fn init(
       allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
       program: std.ArrayList(u8),
       string_pool: std.ArrayList([]const u8),
       globals: std.ArrayList(i32),
   ) Self {
       return VirtualMachine{
           .allocator = allocator,
           .stack = [_]i32{std.math.maxInt(i32)} ** stack_size,
           .program = program,
           .sp = 0,
           .pc = 0,
           .string_pool = string_pool,
           .globals = globals,
           .output = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator),
   pub fn interp(self: *Self) VirtualMachineError!void {
       while (true) : (self.pc += 1) {
           switch (@intToEnum(Op, self.program.items[self.pc])) {
               .push => self.push(self.unpackInt()),
               .store => self.globals.items[@intCast(usize, self.unpackInt())] = self.pop(),
               .fetch => self.push(self.globals.items[@intCast(usize, self.unpackInt())]),
               .jmp => self.pc = @intCast(usize, self.unpackInt() - 1),
               .jz => {
                   if (self.pop() == 0) {
                       // -1 because `while` increases it with every iteration.
                       // This doesn't allow to jump to location 0 because we use `usize` for `pc`,
                       // just arbitrary implementation limitation.
                       self.pc = @intCast(usize, self.unpackInt() - 1);
                   } else {
                       self.pc += word_size;
               .prts => try self.out("{s}", .{self.string_pool.items[@intCast(usize, self.pop())]}),
               .prti => try self.out("{d}", .{self.pop()}),
               .prtc => try self.out("{c}", .{@intCast(u8, self.pop())}),
               .lt => self.binOp(lt),
               .le => self.binOp(le),
               .gt => self.binOp(gt),
               .ge => self.binOp(ge),
               .eq => self.binOp(eq),
               .ne => self.binOp(ne),
               .add => self.binOp(add),
               .mul => self.binOp(mul),
               .sub => self.binOp(sub),
               .div => self.binOp(div),
               .mod => self.binOp(mod),
               .@"and" => self.binOp(@"and"),
               .@"or" => self.binOp(@"or"),
               .not => self.push(@boolToInt(self.pop() == 0)),
               .neg => self.push(-self.pop()),
               .halt => break,
   fn push(self: *Self, n: i32) void {
       self.sp += 1;
       self.stack[self.sp] = n;
   fn pop(self: *Self) i32 {
       std.debug.assert(self.sp != 0);
       self.sp -= 1;
       return self.stack[self.sp + 1];
   fn unpackInt(self: *Self) i32 {
       const arg_ptr = @ptrCast(*[4]u8, self.program.items[self.pc + 1 .. self.pc + 1 + word_size]);
       self.pc += word_size;
       var arg_array = arg_ptr.*;
       const arg = @ptrCast(*i32, @alignCast(@alignOf(i32), &arg_array));
       return arg.*;
   pub fn out(self: *Self, comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) VirtualMachineError!void {
       try self.output.writer().print(format, args);
   fn binOp(self: *Self, func: fn (a: i32, b: i32) i32) void {
       const a = self.pop();
       const b = self.pop();
       // Note that arguments are in reversed order because this is how we interact with
       // push/pop operations of the stack.
       const result = func(b, a);
   fn lt(a: i32, b: i32) i32 {
       return @boolToInt(a < b);
   fn le(a: i32, b: i32) i32 {
       return @boolToInt(a <= b);
   fn gt(a: i32, b: i32) i32 {
       return @boolToInt(a > b);
   fn ge(a: i32, b: i32) i32 {
       return @boolToInt(a >= b);
   fn eq(a: i32, b: i32) i32 {
       return @boolToInt(a == b);
   fn ne(a: i32, b: i32) i32 {
       return @boolToInt(a != b);
   fn add(a: i32, b: i32) i32 {
       return a + b;
   fn sub(a: i32, b: i32) i32 {
       return a - b;
   fn mul(a: i32, b: i32) i32 {
       return a * b;
   fn div(a: i32, b: i32) i32 {
       return @divTrunc(a, b);
   fn mod(a: i32, b: i32) i32 {
       return @mod(a, b);
   fn @"or"(a: i32, b: i32) i32 {
       return @boolToInt((a != 0) or (b != 0));
   fn @"and"(a: i32, b: i32) i32 {
       return @boolToInt((a != 0) and (b != 0));


pub fn main() !void {

   var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
   defer arena.deinit();
   const allocator = arena.allocator();
   var arg_it = std.process.args();
   _ = try orelse unreachable; // program name
   const file_name =;
   // We accept both files and standard input.
   var file_handle = blk: {
       if (file_name) |file_name_delimited| {
           const fname: []const u8 = try file_name_delimited;
           break :blk try std.fs.cwd().openFile(fname, .{});
       } else {
           break :blk;
   defer file_handle.close();
   const input_content = try file_handle.readToEndAlloc(allocator, std.math.maxInt(usize));
   var string_pool = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(allocator);
   var globals = std.ArrayList(i32).init(allocator);
   const bytecode = try loadBytecode(allocator, input_content, &string_pool, &globals);
   var vm = VirtualMachine.init(allocator, bytecode, string_pool, globals);
   try vm.interp();
   const result: []const u8 = vm.output.items;
   _ = try;


pub const Op = enum(u8) {

   const from_string = std.ComptimeStringMap(Op, .{
       .{ "fetch", .fetch },
       .{ "store", .store },
       .{ "push", .push },
       .{ "add", .add },
       .{ "sub", .sub },
       .{ "mul", .mul },
       .{ "div", .div },
       .{ "mod", .mod },
       .{ "lt", .lt },
       .{ "gt", .gt },
       .{ "le", .le },
       .{ "ge", .ge },
       .{ "eq", .eq },
       .{ "ne", .ne },
       .{ "and", .@"and" },
       .{ "or", .@"or" },
       .{ "neg", .neg },
       .{ "not", .not },
       .{ "jmp", .jmp },
       .{ "jz", .jz },
       .{ "prtc", .prtc },
       .{ "prts", .prts },
       .{ "prti", .prti },
       .{ "halt", .halt },
   pub fn fromString(str: []const u8) Op {
       return from_string.get(str).?;


// 100 lines of code to load serialized bytecode, eh fn loadBytecode(

   allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
   str: []const u8,
   string_pool: *std.ArrayList([]const u8),
   globals: *std.ArrayList(i32),

) !std.ArrayList(u8) {

   var result = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);
   var line_it = std.mem.split(u8, str, "\n");
   while ( |line| {
       if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, line, "halt")) |_| {
           var tok_it = std.mem.tokenize(u8, line, " ");
           const size = try std.fmt.parseInt(usize,, 10);
           try result.resize(size + 1);
   line_it.index = 0;
   const first_line =;
   const strings_index = std.mem.indexOf(u8, first_line, " Strings: ").?;
   const globals_size = try std.fmt.parseInt(usize, first_line["Datasize: ".len..strings_index], 10);
   const string_pool_size = try std.fmt.parseInt(usize, first_line[strings_index + " Strings: ".len ..], 10);
   try globals.resize(globals_size);
   try string_pool.ensureTotalCapacity(string_pool_size);
   var string_cnt: usize = 0;
   while (string_cnt < string_pool_size) : (string_cnt += 1) {
       const line =;
       var program_string = try std.ArrayList(u8).initCapacity(allocator, line.len);
       var escaped = false;
       // Skip double quotes
       for (line[1 .. line.len - 1]) |ch| {
           if (escaped) {
               escaped = false;
               switch (ch) {
                   '\\' => try program_string.append('\\'),
                   'n' => try program_string.append('\n'),
                   else => {
                       std.debug.print("unknown escape sequence: {c}\n", .{ch});
           } else {
               switch (ch) {
                   '\\' => escaped = true,
                   else => try program_string.append(ch),
       try string_pool.append(program_string.items);
   while ( |line| {
       if (line.len == 0) break;
       var tok_it = std.mem.tokenize(u8, line, " ");
       const address = try std.fmt.parseInt(usize,, 10);
       const op = Op.fromString(;
       result.items[address] = @enumToInt(op);
       switch (op) {
           .fetch, .store => {
               const index_bracketed =;
               const index = try std.fmt.parseInt(i32, index_bracketed[1 .. index_bracketed.len - 1], 10);
               insertInt(&result, address + 1, index);
           .push => {
               insertInt(&result, address + 1, try std.fmt.parseInt(i32,, 10));
           .jmp, .jz => {
               _ =;
               insertInt(&result, address + 1, try std.fmt.parseInt(i32,, 10));
           else => {},
   return result;


fn insertInt(array: *std.ArrayList(u8), address: usize, n: i32) void {

   const word_size = @sizeOf(i32);
   var i: usize = 0;
   var n_var = n;
   var n_bytes = @ptrCast(*[4]u8, &n_var);
   while (i < word_size) : (i += 1) {
       array.items[@intCast(usize, address + i)] = n_bytes[@intCast(usize, i)];

} </lang>


Translation of: Python

File rvm.zkl: <lang zkl>// This is a little endian machine const WORD_SIZE=4; const{ var _n=-1; var[proxy]N=fcn{ _n+=1 } } // enumerator const FETCH=N, STORE=N, PUSH=N, ADD=N, SUB=N, MUL=N, DIV=N, MOD=N,


var [const]

  bops=Dictionary(ADD,'+, SUB,'-, MUL,'*, DIV,'/, MOD,'%, 

LT,'<, GT,'>, LE,'<=, GE,'>=, NE,'!=, EQ,'==, NE,'!=),

  strings=List();  // filled in by the loader
  // do a binary op

fcn bop(stack,op){ a,b:=stack.pop(),stack.pop(); stack.append(bops[op](b,a)) }

fcn run_vm(code,stackSz){

  stack,pc := List.createLong(stackSz,0), 0;
     op:=code[pc]; pc+=1;



} case(STORE){ stack[code.toLittleEndian(pc,WORD_SIZE)]=stack.pop(); pc+=WORD_SIZE; }


stack.append(code.toLittleEndian(pc,WORD_SIZE,False)); // signed pc+=WORD_SIZE; } case(ADD,SUB,MUL,DIV,MOD,LT,GT,LE,GE,EQ,NE) { bop(stack,op) } case(AND){ stack[-2] = stack[-2] and stack[-1]; stack.pop() } case(OR) { stack[-2] = stack[-2] or stack[-1]; stack.pop() } case(NEG){ stack[-1] = -stack[-1] } case(NOT){ stack[-1] = not stack[-1] } case(JMP){ pc+=code.toLittleEndian(pc,WORD_SIZE,False); } // signed case(JZ) { if(stack.pop()) pc+=WORD_SIZE; else pc+=code.toLittleEndian(pc,WORD_SIZE,False); } case(PRTC){ } // not implemented case(PRTS){ print(strings[stack.pop()]) } case(PRTI){ print(stack.pop()) } case(HALT){ break } else{ throw(Exception.AssertionError( "Bad op code (%d) @%d".fmt(op,pc-1))) }



code:=File(vm.nthArg(0)).read(); // binary code file

   // the string table is prepended to the code: 
   //    66,1 byte len,text, no trailing '\0' needed

while(code[0]==66){ // read the string table


} run_vm(code,1000);</lang> The binary code file code.bin:

$ zkl hexDump code.bin 
   0: 42 0a 63 6f 75 6e 74 20 | 69 73 3a 20 42 01 0a 02   B.count is: B...
  16: 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 0a   ................
  32: 00 00 00 08 13 2b 00 00 | 00 02 00 00 00 00 15 00   .....+..........
  48: 00 00 00 00 16 02 01 00 | 00 00 15 00 00 00 00 00   ................
  64: 02 01 00 00 00 03 01 00 | 00 00 00 12 cd ff ff ff   ................
  80: 17
$ zkl rvm code.bin 
count is: 1
count is: 2
count is: 3
count is: 4
count is: 5
count is: 6
count is: 7
count is: 8
count is: 9