Wordiff: Difference between revisions

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m (added related tasks.)
(Added Perl)
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And the winner is: Computer
And the winner is: Computer

Borrowed code from [[Levenshtein_distance]].
<lang perl>use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use List::Util 'min';

my %cache;
sub leven {
my ($s, $t) = @_;
return length($t) if $s eq '';
return length($s) if $t eq '';
$cache{$s}{$t} //=
do {
my ($s1, $t1) = (substr($s, 1), substr($t, 1));
(substr($s, 0, 1) eq substr($t, 0, 1))
? leven($s1, $t1)
: 1 + min(
leven($s1, $t1),
leven($s, $t1),
leven($s1, $t ),

print "What is your name?"; my $name = <STDIN>;
$name = 'Number 6';
say "What is your quest? Never mind that, I will call you '$name'";
say 'Hey! I am not a number, I am a free man!';

my @starters = grep { length() < 6 } my @words = grep { /.{2,}/ } split "\n", `cat ref/unixdict.txt`;

my $rounds = 0;
my $word = say $starters[ rand $#starters ];

while () {
say "Word in play: $word";
$used{$word} = 1;
@possibles = ();
for my $w (@words) {
next if abs(length($word) - length($w)) > 1;
push @possibles, $w if leven($word, $w) == 1 and ! defined $used{$w};
print "Your word? "; $guess = <STDIN>; chomp $guess;
last unless grep { $guess eq $_ } @possibles;
$word = $guess;

my $already = defined $used{$guess} ? " '$guess' was already played but" : '';

if (@possibles) { say "\nSorry $name,${already} one of <@possibles> would have continued the game." }
else { say "\nGood job $name,${already} there were no possible words to play." }
say "You made it through $rounds rounds.";</lang>
<pre>What is your name? Sir Lancelot of Camelot
What is your quest? Never mind that, I'm going to call you 'Number 6'
Hey! I am not a number, I am a free man!
Word in play: ago
Your word? age
Word in play: age
Your word? rage
Word in play: rage
Your word? range
Word in play: range
Your word? orange
Word in play: orange
Your word?

Good job Number 6, there were no possible words to play.
You made it through 4 rounds.</pre>
