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Player 1 wins the game.
We use module "playing_cards" from task https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Playing_cards.
<lang Nim>import strformat
import playing_cards
None = -1
Player1 = 0
Player2 = 1
type Player = range[None..Player2]
const PlayerNames: array[Player1..Player2, string] = ["Player 1", "Player 2"]
proc `<`(a, b: Card): bool =
## Compare two cards by their rank, Ace being the greatest.
if a.rank == Ace: false
elif b.rank == Ace: true
else: a.rank < b.rank
proc displayRound(round: int; hands: openArray[Hand]; card1, card2: string; text: string) =
## Display text for a round.
stdout.write &"Round {round:<4} "
stdout.write &"Cards: {hands[Player1].len:>2}/{hands[Player2].len:<2} "
stdout.write &"{card1:>3} {card2:>3} "
echo text
proc outOfCards(player: Player) =
## Display a message when a player has run out of cards.
echo &"{PlayerNames[player]} has run out of cards."
proc doRound(hands: var openArray[Hand]; num: Positive) =
## Execute a round.
var stack1, stack2: seq[Card]
var winner: Player = None
while winner == None:
let card1 = hands[Player1].draw()
let card2 = hands[Player2].draw()
stack1.add card1
stack2.add card2
if card1.rank != card2.rank:
winner = if card1 < card2: Player2 else: Player1
displayRound(num, hands, $card1, $card2, &"{PlayerNames[winner]} takes the cards.")
# There is a war.
displayRound(num, hands, $card1, $card2, "This is a war.")
if hands[Player1].len == 0:
winner = Player2
elif hands[Player2].len == 0:
winner = Player1
# Add a hidden card on stacks.
stack1.add hands[Player1].draw()
stack2.add hands[Player2].draw()
displayRound(num, hands, " ?", " ?", "Cards are face down.")
# Check if each player has enough cards to continue the war.
if hands[Player1].len == 0:
winner = Player2
elif hands[Player2].len == 0:
winner = Player1
# Update hands.
var stack = stack1 & stack2
hands[winner] = stack & hands[winner]
var deck = initDeck()
var hands = deck.deal(2, 26)
var num = 0
while true:
inc num
if hands[Player1].len == 0:
echo "Player 2 wins this game."
if hands[Player2].len == 0:
echo "Player 1 wins this game."
Example of a short game.
<pre>Round 1 Cards: 25/25 10♣ 5♠ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 2 Cards: 26/24 3♦ 7♦ Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 3 Cards: 25/25 10♦ 10♥ This is a war.
Round 3 Cards: 24/24 ? ? Cards are face down.
Round 3 Cards: 23/23 A♦ 4♥ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 4 Cards: 28/22 4♠ J♦ Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 5 Cards: 27/23 9♠ Q♣ Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 6 Cards: 26/24 A♣ 2♦ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 7 Cards: 27/23 Q♦ 3♠ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 8 Cards: 28/22 5♥ 3♥ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 9 Cards: 29/21 2♥ 2♠ This is a war.
Round 9 Cards: 28/20 ? ? Cards are face down.
Round 9 Cards: 27/19 4♦ 10♠ Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 10 Cards: 26/24 K♠ 6♣ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 11 Cards: 27/23 8♥ 7♣ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 12 Cards: 28/22 4♣ 5♦ Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 13 Cards: 27/23 8♣ 8♦ This is a war.
Round 13 Cards: 26/22 ? ? Cards are face down.
Round 13 Cards: 25/21 9♦ 6♠ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 14 Cards: 30/20 K♥ 9♥ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 15 Cards: 31/19 J♠ 7♥ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 16 Cards: 32/18 J♣ K♦ Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 17 Cards: 31/19 2♣ 3♣ Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 18 Cards: 30/20 A♥ 6♥ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 19 Cards: 31/19 A♠ 6♦ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 20 Cards: 32/18 8♠ 5♣ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 21 Cards: 33/17 10♣ 7♦ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 22 Cards: 34/16 5♠ 3♦ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 23 Cards: 35/15 Q♥ 4♠ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 24 Cards: 36/14 10♦ J♦ Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 25 Cards: 35/15 Q♠ 9♠ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 26 Cards: 36/14 A♦ Q♣ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 27 Cards: 37/13 4♥ 4♦ This is a war.
Round 27 Cards: 36/12 ? ? Cards are face down.
Round 27 Cards: 35/11 2♦ 10♠ Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 28 Cards: 34/16 A♣ 2♠ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 29 Cards: 35/15 Q♦ 7♠ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 30 Cards: 36/14 3♠ 2♥ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 31 Cards: 37/13 5♥ 5♦ This is a war.
Round 31 Cards: 36/12 ? ? Cards are face down.
Round 31 Cards: 35/11 6♣ J♣ Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 32 Cards: 34/16 K♠ K♦ This is a war.
Round 32 Cards: 33/15 ? ? Cards are face down.
Round 32 Cards: 32/14 7♣ 2♣ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 33 Cards: 37/13 K♣ J♦ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 34 Cards: 38/12 6♠ 10♦ Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 35 Cards: 37/13 J♥ 10♥ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 36 Cards: 38/12 8♣ 2♦ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 37 Cards: 39/11 9♦ 9♣ This is a war.
Round 37 Cards: 38/10 ? ? Cards are face down.
Round 37 Cards: 37/9 9♥ 10♠ Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 38 Cards: 36/14 K♥ 4♦ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 39 Cards: 37/13 7♥ 6♣ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 40 Cards: 38/12 J♠ 5♥ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 41 Cards: 39/11 A♥ 4♣ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 42 Cards: 40/10 6♥ J♣ Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 43 Cards: 39/11 A♠ 3♥ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 44 Cards: 40/10 6♦ 5♦ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 45 Cards: 41/9 8♠ 10♦ Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 46 Cards: 40/10 5♣ 6♠ Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 47 Cards: 39/11 7♦ 8♦ Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 48 Cards: 38/12 10♣ 9♦ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 49 Cards: 39/11 3♦ 10♠ Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 50 Cards: 38/12 5♠ 4♥ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 51 Cards: 39/11 4♠ 9♥ Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 52 Cards: 38/12 Q♥ 9♣ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 53 Cards: 39/11 Q♠ 6♥ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 54 Cards: 40/10 9♠ J♣ Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 55 Cards: 39/11 Q♣ 8♠ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 56 Cards: 40/10 A♦ 10♦ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 57 Cards: 41/9 A♣ 5♣ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 58 Cards: 42/8 2♠ 6♠ Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 59 Cards: 41/9 Q♦ 7♦ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 60 Cards: 42/8 7♠ 8♦ Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 61 Cards: 41/9 3♠ 3♦ This is a war.
Round 61 Cards: 40/8 ? ? Cards are face down.
Round 61 Cards: 39/7 7♣ 9♥ Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 62 Cards: 38/12 8♥ 4♠ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 63 Cards: 39/11 K♦ 9♠ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 64 Cards: 40/10 2♣ J♣ Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 65 Cards: 39/11 3♣ 2♠ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 66 Cards: 40/10 K♠ 6♠ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 67 Cards: 41/9 J♦ 7♠ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 68 Cards: 42/8 K♣ 8♦ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 69 Cards: 43/7 10♥ 10♠ This is a war.
Round 69 Cards: 42/6 ? ? Cards are face down.
Round 69 Cards: 41/5 8♣ 2♥ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 70 Cards: 46/4 2♦ 9♥ Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 71 Cards: 45/5 K♥ 3♠ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 72 Cards: 46/4 4♦ 7♣ Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 73 Cards: 45/5 7♥ 2♣ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 74 Cards: 46/4 6♣ J♣ Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 75 Cards: 45/5 5♥ 2♦ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 76 Cards: 46/4 J♠ 9♥ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 77 Cards: 47/3 A♥ 7♣ Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 78 Cards: 48/2 4♣ 4♦ This is a war.
Round 78 Cards: 47/1 ? ? Cards are face down.
Round 78 Cards: 46/0 A♠ J♣ Player 1 takes the cards.
Player 1 wins this game.</pre>

Revision as of 22:47, 8 January 2021

War card game is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

War Card Game

Simulate the card game War. Use the Bicycle playing card manufacturer's rules. Show a game as played. User input is optional.


  • Bicycle card company War game site. [[1]]     (This site leaves a cookie.)
  • Wikipedia entry. [[2]]

Related tasks:


Translation of: Wren

<lang go>package main

import (



var suits = []string{"♣", "♦", "♥", "♠"} var faces = []string{"2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "T", "J", "Q", "K", "A"} var cards = make([]string, 52) var ranks = make([]int, 52)

func init() {

   for i := 0; i < 52; i++ {
       cards[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", faces[i%13], suits[i/13])
       ranks[i] = i % 13


func war() {

   deck := make([]int, 52)
   for i := 0; i < 52; i++ {
       deck[i] = i
   rand.Shuffle(52, func(i, j int) {
       deck[i], deck[j] = deck[j], deck[i]
   hand1 := make([]int, 26, 52)
   hand2 := make([]int, 26, 52)
   for i := 0; i < 26; i++ {
       hand1[25-i] = deck[2*i]
       hand2[25-i] = deck[2*i+1]
   for len(hand1) > 0 && len(hand2) > 0 {
       card1 := hand1[0]
       copy(hand1[0:], hand1[1:])
       hand1[len(hand1)-1] = 0
       hand1 = hand1[0 : len(hand1)-1]
       card2 := hand2[0]
       copy(hand2[0:], hand2[1:])
       hand2[len(hand2)-1] = 0
       hand2 = hand2[0 : len(hand2)-1]
       played1 := []int{card1}
       played2 := []int{card2}
       numPlayed := 2
       for {
           fmt.Printf("%s\t%s\t", cards[card1], cards[card2])
           if ranks[card1] > ranks[card2] {
               hand1 = append(hand1, played1...)
               hand1 = append(hand1, played2...)
               fmt.Printf("Player 1 takes the %d cards. Now has %d.\n", numPlayed, len(hand1))
           } else if ranks[card1] < ranks[card2] {
               hand2 = append(hand2, played2...)
               hand2 = append(hand2, played1...)
               fmt.Printf("Player 2 takes the %d cards. Now has %d.\n", numPlayed, len(hand2))
           } else {
               if len(hand1) < 2 {
                   fmt.Println("Player 1 has insufficient cards left.")
                   hand2 = append(hand2, played2...)
                   hand2 = append(hand2, played1...)
                   hand2 = append(hand2, hand1...)
                   hand1 = hand1[0:0]
               if len(hand2) < 2 {
                   fmt.Println("Player 2 has insufficient cards left.")
                   hand1 = append(hand1, played1...)
                   hand1 = append(hand1, played2...)
                   hand1 = append(hand1, hand2...)
                   hand2 = hand2[0:0]
               fdCard1 := hand1[0] // face down card
               card1 = hand1[1]    // face up card
               copy(hand1[0:], hand1[2:])
               hand1[len(hand1)-1] = 0
               hand1[len(hand1)-2] = 0
               hand1 = hand1[0 : len(hand1)-2]
               played1 = append(played1, fdCard1, card1)
               fdCard2 := hand2[0] // face down card
               card2 = hand2[1]    // face up card
               copy(hand2[0:], hand2[2:])
               hand2[len(hand2)-1] = 0
               hand2[len(hand2)-2] = 0
               hand2 = hand2[0 : len(hand2)-2]
               played2 = append(played2, fdCard2, card2)
               numPlayed += 4
               fmt.Println("? \t? \tFace down cards.")
   if len(hand1) == 52 {
       fmt.Println("Player 1 wins the game!")
   } else {
       fmt.Println("Player 2 wins the game!")


func main() {




Sample game (abridged):

9♠	Q♣	Player 2 takes the 2 cards. Now has 27.
7♠	6♠	Player 1 takes the 2 cards. Now has 26.
3♠	2♣	Player 1 takes the 2 cards. Now has 27.
A♠	2♦	Player 1 takes the 2 cards. Now has 28.
K♠	Q♥	Player 1 takes the 2 cards. Now has 29.
6♥	7♦	Player 2 takes the 2 cards. Now has 24.
2♥	T♣	Player 2 takes the 2 cards. Now has 25.
3♦	4♠	Player 2 takes the 2 cards. Now has 26.
Q♦	K♣	Player 2 takes the 2 cards. Now has 27.
7♥	5♠	Player 1 takes the 2 cards. Now has 26.
T♠	K♥	Player 2 takes the 2 cards. Now has 27.
A♦	9♣	Player 1 takes the 2 cards. Now has 26.
5♦	5♥	War!
? 	? 	Face down cards.
5♣	2♠	Player 1 takes the 6 cards. Now has 29.


6♣	3♣	Player 1 takes the 2 cards. Now has 50.
3♥	T♥	Player 2 takes the 2 cards. Now has 3.
K♥	8♠	Player 1 takes the 2 cards. Now has 50.
Q♣	T♥	Player 1 takes the 2 cards. Now has 51.
3♦	3♥	War!
Player 2 has insufficient cards left.
Player 1 wins the game!


<lang julia># https://bicyclecards.com/how-to-play/war/

using Random

const SUITS = ["♣", "♦", "♥", "♠"] const FACES = ["2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K", "A" ] const DECK = vec([f * s for s in SUITS, f in FACES]) const rdict = Dict(DECK[i] => div(i + 3, 4) for i in eachindex(DECK))

deal2(deck) = begin d = shuffle(deck); d[1:2:51], d[2:2:52] end

function turn!(d1, d2, pending)

   (isempty(d1) || isempty(d2)) && return false
   c1, c2 = popfirst!(d1), popfirst!(d2)
   r1, r2 = rdict[c1], rdict[c2]
   print(rpad(c1, 10), rpad(c2, 10))
   if r1 > r2
       println("Player 1 takes the cards.")
       push!(d1, c1, c2, pending...)
   elseif r1 < r2
       println("Player 2 takes the cards.")
       push!(d2, c2, c1, pending...)
   else # r1 == r2
       (isempty(d1) || isempty(d2)) && return false
       c3, c4 = popfirst!(d1), popfirst!(d2)
       println(rpad("?", 10), rpad("?", 10), "Cards are face down.")
       return turn!(d1, d2, push!(pending, c1, c2, c3, c4))
   return true


function warcardgame()

   deck1, deck2 = deal2(DECK)
   while turn!(deck1, deck2, []) end
   if isempty(deck2)
       if isempty(deck1)
           println("Game ends as a tie.")
           println("Player 1 wins the game.")
       println("Player 2 wins the game.")




5♦        3♥        Player 1 takes the cards.
8♥        K♥        Player 2 takes the cards.
5♠        K♦        Player 2 takes the cards.
3♦        6♥        Player 2 takes the cards.
9♣        J♠        Player 2 takes the cards.
8♦        2♦        Player 1 takes the cards.
J♣        5♥        Player 1 takes the cards.
3♠        4♥        Player 2 takes the cards.
9♥        A♣        Player 2 takes the cards.
9♠        9♦        Tie!
?         ?         Cards are face down.     
A♠        4♦        Player 1 takes the cards.
5♣        Q♠        Player 2 takes the cards.
6♦        8♠        Player 2 takes the cards.
4♣        10♦       Player 2 takes the cards.
4♠        2♥        Player 1 takes the cards.
Q♦        K♣        Player 2 takes the cards.
A♥        2♣        Player 1 takes the cards.
Q♣        2♠        Player 1 takes the cards.
10♥       6♣        Player 1 takes the cards.

... many other lines ...

10♥       Q♣        Player 2 takes the cards.
4♣        5♦        Player 2 takes the cards.
A♣        8♦        Player 1 takes the cards.
9♣        2♣        Player 1 takes the cards.
Q♥        Q♣        Tie!
?         ?         Cards are face down.
Q♠        5♦        Player 1 takes the cards.
8♥        4♣        Player 1 takes the cards.
Player 1 wins the game.


We use module "playing_cards" from task https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Playing_cards. <lang Nim>import strformat import playing_cards


 None = -1
 Player1 = 0
 Player2 = 1

type Player = range[None..Player2]

const PlayerNames: array[Player1..Player2, string] = ["Player 1", "Player 2"]

  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc `<`(a, b: Card): bool =

 ## Compare two cards by their rank, Ace being the greatest.
 if a.rank == Ace: false
 elif b.rank == Ace: true
 else: a.rank < b.rank
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc displayRound(round: int; hands: openArray[Hand]; card1, card2: string; text: string) =

 ## Display text for a round.
 stdout.write &"Round {round:<4}     "
 stdout.write &"Cards: {hands[Player1].len:>2}/{hands[Player2].len:<2}     "
 stdout.write &"{card1:>3}    {card2:>3}    "
 echo text
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc outOfCards(player: Player) =

 ## Display a message when a player has run out of cards.
 echo &"{PlayerNames[player]} has run out of cards."
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc doRound(hands: var openArray[Hand]; num: Positive) =

 ## Execute a round.
 var stack1, stack2: seq[Card]
 var winner: Player = None
 while winner == None:
   let card1 = hands[Player1].draw()
   let card2 = hands[Player2].draw()
   stack1.add card1
   stack2.add card2
   if card1.rank != card2.rank:
     winner = if card1 < card2: Player2 else: Player1
     displayRound(num, hands, $card1, $card2, &"{PlayerNames[winner]} takes the cards.")
     # There is a war.
     displayRound(num, hands, $card1, $card2, "This is a war.")
     if hands[Player1].len == 0:
       winner = Player2
     elif hands[Player2].len == 0:
       winner = Player1
       # Add a hidden card on stacks.
       stack1.add hands[Player1].draw()
       stack2.add hands[Player2].draw()
       displayRound(num, hands, "  ?", "  ?", "Cards are face down.")
       # Check if each player has enough cards to continue the war.
       if hands[Player1].len == 0:
         winner = Player2
       elif hands[Player2].len == 0:
         winner = Player1
 # Update hands.
 var stack = stack1 & stack2
 hands[winner] = stack & hands[winner]

  1. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

var deck = initDeck() deck.shuffle()

var hands = deck.deal(2, 26) var num = 0 while true:

 inc num
 if hands[Player1].len == 0:
   echo "Player 2 wins this game."
 if hands[Player2].len == 0:
   echo "Player 1 wins this game."

Example of a short game.

Round 1        Cards: 25/25     10♣     5♠    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 2        Cards: 26/24      3♦     7♦    Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 3        Cards: 25/25     10♦    10♥    This is a war.
Round 3        Cards: 24/24       ?      ?    Cards are face down.
Round 3        Cards: 23/23      A♦     4♥    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 4        Cards: 28/22      4♠     J♦    Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 5        Cards: 27/23      9♠     Q♣    Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 6        Cards: 26/24      A♣     2♦    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 7        Cards: 27/23      Q♦     3♠    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 8        Cards: 28/22      5♥     3♥    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 9        Cards: 29/21      2♥     2♠    This is a war.
Round 9        Cards: 28/20       ?      ?    Cards are face down.
Round 9        Cards: 27/19      4♦    10♠    Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 10       Cards: 26/24      K♠     6♣    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 11       Cards: 27/23      8♥     7♣    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 12       Cards: 28/22      4♣     5♦    Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 13       Cards: 27/23      8♣     8♦    This is a war.
Round 13       Cards: 26/22       ?      ?    Cards are face down.
Round 13       Cards: 25/21      9♦     6♠    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 14       Cards: 30/20      K♥     9♥    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 15       Cards: 31/19      J♠     7♥    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 16       Cards: 32/18      J♣     K♦    Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 17       Cards: 31/19      2♣     3♣    Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 18       Cards: 30/20      A♥     6♥    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 19       Cards: 31/19      A♠     6♦    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 20       Cards: 32/18      8♠     5♣    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 21       Cards: 33/17     10♣     7♦    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 22       Cards: 34/16      5♠     3♦    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 23       Cards: 35/15      Q♥     4♠    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 24       Cards: 36/14     10♦     J♦    Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 25       Cards: 35/15      Q♠     9♠    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 26       Cards: 36/14      A♦     Q♣    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 27       Cards: 37/13      4♥     4♦    This is a war.
Round 27       Cards: 36/12       ?      ?    Cards are face down.
Round 27       Cards: 35/11      2♦    10♠    Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 28       Cards: 34/16      A♣     2♠    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 29       Cards: 35/15      Q♦     7♠    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 30       Cards: 36/14      3♠     2♥    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 31       Cards: 37/13      5♥     5♦    This is a war.
Round 31       Cards: 36/12       ?      ?    Cards are face down.
Round 31       Cards: 35/11      6♣     J♣    Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 32       Cards: 34/16      K♠     K♦    This is a war.
Round 32       Cards: 33/15       ?      ?    Cards are face down.
Round 32       Cards: 32/14      7♣     2♣    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 33       Cards: 37/13      K♣     J♦    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 34       Cards: 38/12      6♠    10♦    Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 35       Cards: 37/13      J♥    10♥    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 36       Cards: 38/12      8♣     2♦    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 37       Cards: 39/11      9♦     9♣    This is a war.
Round 37       Cards: 38/10       ?      ?    Cards are face down.
Round 37       Cards: 37/9       9♥    10♠    Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 38       Cards: 36/14      K♥     4♦    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 39       Cards: 37/13      7♥     6♣    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 40       Cards: 38/12      J♠     5♥    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 41       Cards: 39/11      A♥     4♣    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 42       Cards: 40/10      6♥     J♣    Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 43       Cards: 39/11      A♠     3♥    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 44       Cards: 40/10      6♦     5♦    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 45       Cards: 41/9       8♠    10♦    Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 46       Cards: 40/10      5♣     6♠    Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 47       Cards: 39/11      7♦     8♦    Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 48       Cards: 38/12     10♣     9♦    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 49       Cards: 39/11      3♦    10♠    Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 50       Cards: 38/12      5♠     4♥    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 51       Cards: 39/11      4♠     9♥    Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 52       Cards: 38/12      Q♥     9♣    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 53       Cards: 39/11      Q♠     6♥    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 54       Cards: 40/10      9♠     J♣    Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 55       Cards: 39/11      Q♣     8♠    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 56       Cards: 40/10      A♦    10♦    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 57       Cards: 41/9       A♣     5♣    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 58       Cards: 42/8       2♠     6♠    Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 59       Cards: 41/9       Q♦     7♦    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 60       Cards: 42/8       7♠     8♦    Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 61       Cards: 41/9       3♠     3♦    This is a war.
Round 61       Cards: 40/8        ?      ?    Cards are face down.
Round 61       Cards: 39/7       7♣     9♥    Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 62       Cards: 38/12      8♥     4♠    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 63       Cards: 39/11      K♦     9♠    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 64       Cards: 40/10      2♣     J♣    Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 65       Cards: 39/11      3♣     2♠    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 66       Cards: 40/10      K♠     6♠    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 67       Cards: 41/9       J♦     7♠    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 68       Cards: 42/8       K♣     8♦    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 69       Cards: 43/7      10♥    10♠    This is a war.
Round 69       Cards: 42/6        ?      ?    Cards are face down.
Round 69       Cards: 41/5       8♣     2♥    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 70       Cards: 46/4       2♦     9♥    Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 71       Cards: 45/5       K♥     3♠    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 72       Cards: 46/4       4♦     7♣    Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 73       Cards: 45/5       7♥     2♣    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 74       Cards: 46/4       6♣     J♣    Player 2 takes the cards.
Round 75       Cards: 45/5       5♥     2♦    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 76       Cards: 46/4       J♠     9♥    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 77       Cards: 47/3       A♥     7♣    Player 1 takes the cards.
Round 78       Cards: 48/2       4♣     4♦    This is a war.
Round 78       Cards: 47/1        ?      ?    Cards are face down.
Round 78       Cards: 46/0       A♠     J♣    Player 1 takes the cards.
Player 1 wins this game.


There are two players, 'one' and 'two'. This shows each players hand as the game progresses. <lang perl>#!/usr/bin/perl

use strict; # https://rosettacode.org/wiki/War_Card_Game use warnings; use List::Util qw( shuffle );

my %rank; @rank{ 2 .. 9, qw(t j q k a) } = 1 .. 13; # for winner local $_ = join , shuffle

 map { my $f = $_; map $f.$_, qw( S H C D ) } 2 .. 9, qw( a t j q k );

substr $_, 52, 0, "\n"; # split deck into two parts my $war = ; my $cnt = 0; $cnt++ while print( /(.*)\n(.*)/ && "one: $1\ntwo: $2\n\n" ),

 s/^((.).)(.*)\n((?!\2)(.).)(.*)$/ my $win = $war; $war = ; # capture
   $rank{$2} > $rank{$5} ? "$3$1$4$win\n$6" : "$3\n$6$4$1$win" /e
 s/^(.{4})(.*)\n(.{4})(.*)$/ print "WAR!!!\n\n"; $war .= "$1$3";
   "$2\n$4" /e; # tie means war

print "player '", /^.{10}/ ? 'one' : 'two', "' wins in $cnt moves\n";</lang>

one: 8CqCaD5H6S2HjC9S7HjH8S4DqD5C6DkC4H9D3DqHtC7C8DtS6C4S
two: 5S8HaCaH2C6H3HaS7DjD3S2D5D9CkSkH9H4C2StDtHjSkD7SqS3C

one: qCaD5H6S2HjC9S7HjH8S4DqD5C6DkC4H9D3DqHtC7C8DtS6C4S8C5S
two: 8HaCaH2C6H3HaS7DjD3S2D5D9CkSkH9H4C2StDtHjSkD7SqS3C

one: aD5H6S2HjC9S7HjH8S4DqD5C6DkC4H9D3DqHtC7C8DtS6C4S8C5SqC8H
two: aCaH2C6H3HaS7DjD3S2D5D9CkSkH9H4C2StDtHjSkD7SqS3C


one: 6S2HjC9S7HjH8S4DqD5C6DkC4H9D3DqHtC7C8DtS6C4S8C5SqC8H
two: 2C6H3HaS7DjD3S2D5D9CkSkH9H4C2StDtHjSkD7SqS3C

one: 2HjC9S7HjH8S4DqD5C6DkC4H9D3DqHtC7C8DtS6C4S8C5SqC8H6S2CaD5HaCaH
two: 6H3HaS7DjD3S2D5D9CkSkH9H4C2StDtHjSkD7SqS3C

... (skipped middle part to save lines)

one: kC7HkHqCqH9SjS5StD4D3S2HaD7S8H4CkS4SaHjD8D6H4H3HjC7CtH5DtC2DjH2C9D6D6C2S6SkDqD9H9C5HtS3D
two: 8C7DaCqSaS5C8S3C

one: 7HkHqCqH9SjS5StD4D3S2HaD7S8H4CkS4SaHjD8D6H4H3HjC7CtH5DtC2DjH2C9D6D6C2S6SkDqD9H9C5HtS3DkC8C
two: 7DaCqSaS5C8S3C


one: qCqH9SjS5StD4D3S2HaD7S8H4CkS4SaHjD8D6H4H3HjC7CtH5DtC2DjH2C9D6D6C2S6SkDqD9H9C5HtS3DkC8C
two: qSaS5C8S3C


one: 9SjS5StD4D3S2HaD7S8H4CkS4SaHjD8D6H4H3HjC7CtH5DtC2DjH2C9D6D6C2S6SkDqD9H9C5HtS3DkC8C
two: 5C8S3C

one: jS5StD4D3S2HaD7S8H4CkS4SaHjD8D6H4H3HjC7CtH5DtC2DjH2C9D6D6C2S6SkDqD9H9C5HtS3DkC8C9S5C7HkH7DaCqCqHqSaS
two: 8S3C

one: 5StD4D3S2HaD7S8H4CkS4SaHjD8D6H4H3HjC7CtH5DtC2DjH2C9D6D6C2S6SkDqD9H9C5HtS3DkC8C9S5C7HkH7DaCqCqHqSaSjS8S
two: 3C

one: tD4D3S2HaD7S8H4CkS4SaHjD8D6H4H3HjC7CtH5DtC2DjH2C9D6D6C2S6SkDqD9H9C5HtS3DkC8C9S5C7HkH7DaCqCqHqSaSjS8S5S3C

player 'one' wins in 117 moves


Shuffles on pickup to significantly shorten the games <lang Phix>sequence deck = shuffle(tagset(52)),

        hands = {deck[1..26],deck[27..52]},
        pending = {}

function pop(integer hand)

   integer res
   {res, hands[hand]} = {hands[hand][1],hands[hand][2..$]}
   return res

end function

function show(integer c)

   integer r = remainder(c-1,13)+1,
           s = floor((c-1)/13)+1
   printf(1,"%s    ",{"23456789TJQKA"[r]&"SHDC"[s]})
   return r

end function

while true do

   if length(hands[1])=0 then
       if length(hands[2])=0 then
           printf(1,"Game ends as a tie.\n")
       end if
       printf(1,"Player 2 wins the game.\n")
   elsif length(hands[2])=0 then
       printf(1,"Player 1 wins the game.\n")
   end if
   integer c1 = pop(1),
           c2 = pop(2),
           r1 = show(c1),
           r2 = show(c2)
   if r1>r2 then
       printf(1,"Player 1 takes the cards.\n")
       hands[1] &= shuffle(c1&c2&pending)
       pending = {}
   elsif r1<r2 then
       printf(1,"Player 2 takes the cards.\n")
       hands[2] &= shuffle(c1&c2&pending)
       pending = {}
   else -- r1==r2
       if length(hands[1])!=0 and length(hands[2])!=0 then
           pending &= shuffle(c1&c2&pop(1)&pop(2))
           printf(1,"??    ??    Cards are face down.\n")
       end if
   end if

end while</lang>

9H    3C    Player 1 takes the cards.
AD    KD    Player 1 takes the cards.
3D    KS    Player 2 takes the cards.
2H    9S    Player 2 takes the cards.
KC    7H    Player 1 takes the cards.
5C    JS    Player 2 takes the cards.
3S    3D    Tie!
??    ??    Cards are face down.
8D    2H    Player 1 takes the cards.
2C    JS    Player 2 takes the cards.
JD    5C    Player 1 takes the cards.
6D    2C    Player 1 takes the cards.
QD    JS    Player 1 takes the cards.
Player 1 wins the game.


Translation of: Julia

<lang python>""" https://bicyclecards.com/how-to-play/war/ """

from numpy.random import shuffle

SUITS = ['♣', '♦', '♥', '♠'] FACES = ['2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A'] DECK = [f + s for f in FACES for s in SUITS] CARD_TO_RANK = dict((DECK[i], (i + 3) // 4) for i in range(len(DECK)))

class WarCardGame:

   """ card game War """
   def __init__(self):
       deck = DECK.copy()
       self.deck1, self.deck2 = deck[:26], deck[26:]
       self.pending = []
   def turn(self):
       """ one turn, may recurse on tie """
       if len(self.deck1) == 0 or len(self.deck2) == 0:
           return self.gameover()
       card1, card2 = self.deck1.pop(0), self.deck2.pop(0)
       rank1, rank2 = CARD_TO_RANK[card1], CARD_TO_RANK[card2]
       print("{:10}{:10}".format(card1, card2), end=)
       if rank1 > rank2:
           print('Player 1 takes the cards.')
           self.deck1.extend([card1, card2])
           self.pending = []
       elif rank1 < rank2:
           print('Player 2 takes the cards.')
           self.deck2.extend([card2, card1])
           self.pending = []
       else:  #  rank1 == rank2
           if len(self.deck1) == 0 or len(self.deck2) == 0:
               return self.gameover()
           card3, card4 = self.deck1.pop(0), self.deck2.pop(0)
           self.pending.extend([card1, card2, card3, card4])
           print("{:10}{:10}".format("?", "?"), 'Cards are face down.', sep=)
           return self.turn()
       return True
   def gameover(self):
       """ game over who won message """
       if len(self.deck2) == 0:
           if len(self.deck1) == 0:
               print('\nGame ends as a tie.')
               print('\nPlayer 1 wins the game.')
           print('\nPlayer 2 wins the game.')
       return False

if __name__ == '__main__':

   WG = WarCardGame()
   while WG.turn():


8♠        K♠        Player 2 takes the cards.
3♠        8♥        Player 2 takes the cards.
K♣        4♠        Player 1 takes the cards.
Q♦        J♣        Player 1 takes the cards.
5♦        6♦        Player 2 takes the cards.
A♥        Q♣        Player 1 takes the cards.
10♣       5♥        Player 1 takes the cards.
J♦        7♣        Player 1 takes the cards.
K♥        Q♠        Player 1 takes the cards.
2♦        2♣        Player 1 takes the cards.
10♠       9♥        Player 1 takes the cards.
9♠        3♦        Player 1 takes the cards.
A♠        A♦        Tie!
?         ?         Cards are face down.
3♥        8♦        Player 2 takes the cards.
5♣        2♠        Player 1 takes the cards.
J♠        4♦        Player 1 takes the cards.
2♥        7♦        Player 2 takes the cards.

... et cetera ...

A♣        4♣        Player 1 takes the cards.
7♣        3♣        Player 1 takes the cards.
9♠        A♦        Player 2 takes the cards.
6♦        Q♠        Player 2 takes the cards.
7♦        3♦        Player 1 takes the cards.
5♥        2♥        Player 1 takes the cards.
A♣        A♥        Player 2 takes the cards.
4♣        10♣       Player 2 takes the cards.
7♣        10♥       Player 2 takes the cards.
3♣        5♦        Player 2 takes the cards.
7♦        K♦        Player 2 takes the cards.
3♦        8♣        Player 2 takes the cards.
5♥        J♦        Player 2 takes the cards.
2♥        6♥        Player 2 takes the cards.

Player 2 wins the game.


Library: Wren-queue

I've assumed that if a player runs out of cards during a 'war', then the other player automatically wins the game. The Bicycle card company's rules don't appear to cover this eventuality

I've also assumed that if a player wins a round, his/her own cards (in the order played) are added back to the bottom of his/her hand before the other player's cards. <lang ecmascript>import "random" for Random import "/queue" for Deque

var rand = Random.new() var suits = ["♣", "♦", "♥", "♠"] var faces = ["2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "T", "J", "Q", "K", "A" ] var cards = List.filled(52, null) for (i in 0..51) cards[i] = "%(faces[i%13])%(suits[(i/13).floor])" var ranks = List.filled(52, 0) for (i in 0..51) ranks[i] = i % 13

var war = Fn.new {

   var deck = List.filled(52, 0)
   for (i in 0..51) deck[i] = i
   var hand1 = Deque.new()
   var hand2 = Deque.new()
   for (i in 0..25) {
   while (hand1.count > 0 && hand2.count > 0) {
       var card1 = hand1.popFront()
       var card2 = hand2.popFront()
       var played1 = [card1]
       var played2 = [card2]
       var numPlayed = 2
       while (true) {
           if (ranks[card1] > ranks[card2]) {
               System.print("Player 1 takes the %(numPlayed) cards. Now has %(hand1.count).")
           } else if (ranks[card1] < ranks[card2]) {
               System.print("Player 2 takes the %(numPlayed) cards. Now has %(hand2.count).")
           } else {
               if (hand1.count < 2) {
                   System.print("Player 1 has insufficient cards left.")
               if (hand2.count < 2) {
                   System.print("Player 2 has insufficient cards left.")
               played1.add(hand1.popFront()) // face down card
               card1 = hand1.popFront()      // face up card
               played2.add(hand2.popFront()) // face down card
               card2 = hand2.popFront()      // face up card
               numPlayed = numPlayed + 4
               System.print("? \t? \tFace down cards.")
   if (hand1.count == 52) {
       System.print("Player 1 wins the game!")
   } else {
       System.print("Player 2 wins the game!")




Sample game (abridged):

Q♥	9♠	Player 1 takes the 2 cards. Now has 27.
3♦	T♦	Player 2 takes the 2 cards. Now has 26.
8♣	A♥	Player 2 takes the 2 cards. Now has 27.
3♠	Q♠	Player 2 takes the 2 cards. Now has 28.
J♠	4♥	Player 1 takes the 2 cards. Now has 25.
3♣	7♣	Player 2 takes the 2 cards. Now has 28.
9♦	2♠	Player 1 takes the 2 cards. Now has 25.
7♥	K♦	Player 2 takes the 2 cards. Now has 28.
5♥	A♠	Player 2 takes the 2 cards. Now has 29.
2♦	K♠	Player 2 takes the 2 cards. Now has 30.
5♠	5♣	War!
? 	? 	Face down cards.
4♣	T♣	Player 2 takes the 6 cards. Now has 33.
A♦	9♥	Player 1 takes the 2 cards. Now has 20.
T♥	9♣	Player 1 takes the 2 cards. Now has 21.
K♣	Q♣	Player 1 takes the 2 cards. Now has 22.
4♦	A♣	Player 2 takes the 2 cards. Now has 31.
7♠	7♦	War!
? 	? 	Face down cards.
8♦	J♣	Player 2 takes the 6 cards. Now has 34.


T♠	7♦	Player 1 takes the 2 cards. Now has 10.
7♠	J♣	Player 2 takes the 2 cards. Now has 43.
4♣	4♥	War!
? 	? 	Face down cards.
2♠	2♣	War!
? 	? 	Face down cards.
3♦	9♠	Player 2 takes the 10 cards. Now has 48.
5♠	5♣	War!
? 	? 	Face down cards.
T♠	T♥	War!
Player 1 has insufficient cards left.
Player 2 wins the game!