Using a speech engine to highlight words: Difference between revisions

Using a speech engine to highlight words en FreeBASIC
(Added Wren)
(Using a speech engine to highlight words en FreeBASIC)
Line 33:
Else word .= lf, i++
FreeBASIC does not have a native command for them.
We are going to invoke vbscript directly
<lang freebasic>''This works on Windows. Does anyone know how it would be done in Linux?
Sub Speak(Texto As String)
Shell "mshta vbscript:Execute(""CreateObject(""""SAPI.SpVoice"""").Speak("""""+Texto+""""")(window.close)"")"
End Sub
Function Split(Texto As String, SplitL As String, Direcc As Byte = 0) As String
Dim As Integer LocA = Instr(Texto, SplitL)
Return Iif(Direcc <= 0, Left(Texto, LocA), Right(Texto, Len(Texto) - LocA))
End Function
Dim As String texto = "Actions speak louder than words"
Dim As String palabra()
Dim As Integer cont = -1
cont += 1
Redim Preserve palabra(cont)
palabra(cont) = Split(texto," ")
texto = Right(texto, Len(texto)-Len(palabra(cont)))
If Len(palabra(cont)) = 0 Then palabra(cont) = texto : Exit Do
For n As Integer = 0 To Ubound(palabra)
Print palabra(n)
Speak palabra(n)
Next n</lang>
